i. . -.. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION noics f 15h,. Sluciaand sudIth T P~T ~ A~At1T"A Mr. nd Be Wllam Morley C. A. Dui'ly cgtlY. iaess:lu .,"Lgdss ait. ILBRI E NLSSAGW 1jiAI and M. and M Mca OumFter of The Public Sclsanta od6on onm Un«ia addlionai lac potr. Cd - e Peerborogh seOfOrusant vattuca Thursay nght for the Bauler ha»t- Of Tk se: The Young Adult grolgl met for~ The Bioombury cammuniy club seuls relativesanmd friandeu at Enat- day. ____________________thoIr March meeting t tho home held their monthty meeting lut the chbull. Bonsc of Normas Smith the eventag of S.S. Nu. 9 adtsoot on Monday O- Mr. and MMs Logia Robertsn To tap talufti aIft.nOv wells, te l7th. Thero e eca 30 mnembars oatag sith a fairiy goad attend- and son of Beverley vlatud seit mo ho sonS tseo miles Is Penn- flOUER - Juse and Paul Bouo, present. The prealdent, Rass aMr- saie. A progaacof contetasd SMr.and Itro. Duncan Moffat and syaira. tnee Timitrsi miah to anoonce otle waaoiite chair. A sptendtd prgresie eusitees held. Misa Paul. t the Milton Prirato Mos- pr gramllsttosamt the business pr- Lydia Snow and Atex Near seeu___________________________ pital, Sunday, Matcht 2it, 1948. od. htch andiRRas Arsmtroung gaI the - An lrisiistng suoumows edhby consolation prize in Ue coteat. DED Freddic asi. Te dîsotional sec- Doîcco Fergolon and Mannell Net- vic riict ro s aed on euctio ls seru winters is euchre. A - WOODLEY lu Milon, on Sundoy, mas tatoon by Muriel Davis. Relis dsinty luncht mou served and a aoc- Matcdio, 1948,reddison.d o. Burns ettertained sith a readlng. lal imae iroogIsI thevmeetIng to sà Agnes Balntyte, in his 73rd Thte peiai feature of te pragraco Aetospe n heewes I cet,~u. your. whleh ereryose thorougisiyenoi- At pnigtte eesi 'aet"' /.4 i, COLEC-In Mlon on Thora- ed as an Interestta raeogete GuepithonoraI Hoapital focr day, Match 181, 194, Margaret ity Mr. and tra. Ernsat Seadisead mnedicai Irealment, Mr. George T (~hs ~Ap Meihielohn. tetuved sife Of of Loseville on thoîr recent trip Wison retucaed to is home nt ' uej< fOl Chartes Coihech and mothor ut throsgh Eastern Canada and te Enatehul esîttt Saturday, mort Arhur George. Newe England States. impeoredi n heattitH, WSITE-SuddosIy at Shocoe, Fni- Some of te farmeca haro tapgaed day Macht 19h. Norman R. The gosi speakeras eoce kindIy amd tarled mapie augar maing White husaad o elaite taleDca Uanhed Sp Cirtte McAsthuc mnd la tata district. M Thnpo hie o t s aethe attentive audience ahoseed m Mcran Ir. Richard Wite, ufthe__________________a__________ Milton. SsrrIrod Sp ste sistore hi prcaionpahat p Itra. A. J. Sioane. of Hamilton, pause. su and four irotiteco, Lestard, Fred 1ae4adctoîsmr:njydn Blake of Toronto. folomed *iy a deligitifulutInch. Lloyd Raiipberry thathed Use Sot aoigcoee nd hostas for spening thir home D N Eg emr o lute group. dARKEn-nd itraliter. hfarles . Pearl Shtields of Hamilton, THUBSDAY. MARCH 25th i CLARKEonInd iothg m c Mru Hi David Carke, sho paused amas 1 riled mitt Mms. M. Cartwright March 27. 1947. and otiter triendsInth1e village last TOWN HALL MILTON Synsathpi bL,.Co We canant, Lord, Tity prpoe meek P uptoftitis commuaityt i a u N W 10 1etedd oMrs. Wm. Mitchell un, esssass Sodiy misscd ity Motter. Oad and IMît. James Wtheraoît os tise g Simbra dolhutther iother, Mr. Charles Ln n o s Admnission 50e dis PRCE-It loitg momory ut our dWelierssu.lt ol Crtlie. dor motter, Mary Anne Service McadM.E.MAtO er .e> Price, trio p955004 ay dImr on.Sunday with Mr. -Pl __ Marrit 131h, 1945, aiso ur door get _ father. Thomoas John Price, mto sisd Mrs. M. Shecseood t Zimmer- passd otroy us Fehruacy 201, mn mo e leare titras in Gnd'n hnrping oMr. and Mms. Georga Sherseood Washed Eravel, Concrete jack Says G rab It ! Sa og oi sfl 'n o Rockwood see Sunduy viitura Andi our dear parents wo ioved Sandrrohr rs i.Sal n.. n emasaplt rmigoe s0 dearip Thc mats trierada of Mr WIbr sQ-t&t ur rîci sebsieome dalc 0i50C Mare otly goto holoo'e. Ford Whoito ,i In Hamilton Hosp- CEMENT ANDI CINDER ihoricw lemdlcouie Ose day whm ites otjournoy is over cem vr lIo o ao.l We sital met on taiieareniy !tal miii ho glad 10 hnom hiiscon- BLOCI, ALL SIZEScros reyfroyufan shore, dtion Os impiring nicely FOR G. COOKE POE1 Togtier lu o cerrmoro. POE1 IEvr lovIngly rememhered ity ______________ Inndinte eUves-yfi Their Sons Tam and Duogittel s - ____ Ida, Editit, Ethel, Elizahetht na.____ rue19er ORRINGTON & CANNON CAIS 0 TIAN i New Holland POE41 Lareen Cark ite ten1thank1h ait hec riendu, epeialy the staff I PICK-UP BALERS 9___ _____ af te Mlton iHospital. who huit uenso nd lu iter dsrilsg hem i SpRING DELIVR M. and Mmr. F. lîrNiron mith 10 express titeir appreiallon tocr______ the many ind oprsiot-s ut aym- F R E D IL L palhp extondod lu themon un tho ___ The fariliy of thte laie Srs B cer ionih oadeapretiin-10en'sWear-Ladies'Wear-Boys'Wear Symothns ndaeipret lo 1.r frieodt mnd seigittors alto te Doctors and Staff tf Mlons Pri- vate Hopilt. for iadnesscn and Far"'ng'ne" - Presentgth carda o sympstp rceived durnc ar Eg eeet orStotgls the roent iltets and deaholi uDraillty. High Production and ( titeir motter. Lum Cuti Maintenance. .h i The Atonssion tales highcr qua- Las[er reatures e BOWLING ity hsp mnd strase fater, cheapar and osir titan ny oter haler. Camplatlvit Wfldcag Tne Newm Hsiimd Asomaton la March ite "pionoor" haler improd MaHed rcS 28129069tirougis more thon tan pears of m- A A A. Sndeson... 299181280679searccSand ouperience. A A R. McPhaiî. 197 l189 258-53eriephtoorminluto-dop S. Crunsp . 198 209 209-612 ad a ol nqiro about our pian shirl . Mactis . 114 314 178-Me06 iii onve pos hard-earaed dllars R. Maien . 141 228 125-494 oi ho umazed tor proposition. Stokes . 162 183 139-4M4 Asîhorizesi Dealera An cicu sfirit cdiocd for C. Erty . 118 136 258-482 es B. Cconsp . 16t 166 135-468 New Holland Sales & Service style, hr. s siaut you'il watt U Crawford.15 173 155-463 ~ 0ltos keplaces! Il i mart R. Carbot 118 187 150-4523 am Lqu J. Lahtag . 18 148 177-433 Fam EV' e ICe kscps il's shatis .. t'o etra- J. Whetthas . .130 186 84-400 LAKESHORE EASTcotforîubtd. Pcalored io sh.d- R. Parker . 14 101 149-95e:s. rytabon Mie Jeon >Canp howîed imo O tville, OuI. Phone 549W cio1ry lo rsn gamn____________ EASTER SPECIAL $5.00 'MILTON BOWLAWAY Wishes Everyone A IHAPPY EASTER OPEN BOWLING TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY NI(,HTS and EVERY AFI'ERNOON DAVE BRUSIl, Manager !OAISVILLE MALTON iOAK VILLE iREADY - MIX MiCONCRETE i jPHONE OÂKVILLE 923: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t~UMMMMMUMMUMMUMUMUMUMMMMMUMUMUUUMMMMU Il, BOYS' SUITS junior boys cood quat ty tweed su it wilb 2 pairs of pantIn shorts andi longs. ln shodes bloc, crcy sond saIsi. Sizet 6, 7, 8. 9, 10. EASTER SPECIAL $13.95 Aàk là BOYS' FINE SHIRTS Boys' fine prinîrd thirlsi n colors Stuc, grsy and sand sili stripes..S51cr 121/'2 10 14/2. EASTER SPECIAL $1.95 IFRED MILLS' MEN'S DRESS PANTS Sec om range 0f metnsdrespants in tweseds, seorslcd, ocrgessidgabardiness. In brosns, grcynsand btucs. Some wilS setf beltî ans i zppcmn. Phone 215, Milton THE CLASSIFIED SECTION I Buy-SelI-Exchange- Wanted Advertisements under this heeding 35c, cash with order, Up te 25 words. Additional words le par word. If cash doea fnot as- company the usivertisement, minimum charge 50c and le par word additionoi for each word over 25. Suhooquent Inaerthasu 25c. FOR SALE FOR SALE (Continued) FOR SALE--Seed hariey. 'r. F. FOR SALE--Piusehiog and heat- owden, R.R. 4. Milton. iOc p*pe. eut and threaded up tca 2"; for saie, second handsi inlos. FOR SALE-i hiue hed type go- umcd ice hox, ice capacity 200 ihu. st. Phone 382r12, Milton. $25. Appiy Thsomas Patterson. FOR SALE - Red Clover Seed. OrmonEhono 152rl2, Milton. -2 ppiy, William Pell, Phone 31r79. FOR SALE-lot prize Seed. the hesttio the csunty. Certified No. FOR SALE-Red Ciover Seed. 1 Bearer Oais, $2.00 hu.;, Chans- Harold Smart, Phono 288r3, Mii- cetior Peau, 34.00 hon.; uasesomne ton. ______________ rgistored Ciatore Barley, $2.75 FOR SALE-Coda, posta, aise nus. odon Leslie, Actant, Phono toacony Ducha. Phono 149r1t.lr2 Rcwod Milton. FOR SALE-De Lavai Milher, FOR ALF-Cheserfi $294.0;Durs Water Syntens. FO SLEChatefeld Suite. $108.(iO) Beatty Water Systens. sitahie for slip covering. Phono $118.00; Thor Electrie Washer, 12, Milton. $139.50; Thor Cian Washer, FOR SALE - 2 Sports COsi$1940; Wator Boocta insalled. good condition, sÎzO 15 years oid . oaeh. J. Cronh, Phono Phone 363J. 398M4. TF FOR SALE-te hon In A-1 con-P FOR SALE - 150 haga Cohhier dilon. $50.00. Rohert Watden, Pototoos grosen lrom foundaton loch Street. A 'ed; 150 hagu Sehaga, grownt freim eertltied need, dean, froc FOR SALE-i roglotered Jersey frominseah, ail No. 1: 150 bon. cow due Aprii 23, F .0. Gailagher Osînre Barley. grown fromn regiat- Phone 92r11 Milton. ered seed; 400 hua. Erhanl Oata, ait _______________________cieanod and haffed. Apply Nich- FOR SALE-Girl's shortie coot, oison and Kelly, Milton. cihi hise, asze 12, encellent con- -- dition. Phone 441W. FOR SALE - Seeds, Registered __________________ --_ and CommercilGrimm Aifaifo, FOýR -SALE--Order yosr casp- Ontario Variegated Aifalfa. ,erry canes nom. Jach Coulter, Red Clover, Ataîhe, ail with very Phone 383ri3 Milton. lue word eontent; aise Certilled ______________________Ladino, White Cloror and lancy FOR SALE-Cartier oued sais, grasses for your pasture mixtures Commercial No. 1. Apply Colin to hoe made up to suit your Indi- Beatty. Phono 282rl2 Milton. vidoat neoda. Phono Us or cati to seus on ynur requiremonta, and FOR SALE-10-20 International reverse usitone charges. William Tracer onsteel, good rsnnlng Couse & Sons. Ltd. Streetavillo, ,rder. R. Ranpherry, Kithride. Phono 15W and 114. 40-4 FOR SALE-Reg. Cocher Span- FOR SALE-1948 Wiiiys Stat- cil Ps ppies, 10 mehu od, hiacho. Inn Wagon, nom: 1947 Ford Coach, lare F-ord, phone 78r2, Miltotn. tihe new: 1940 Ford Staho Body Trs ch; 1939 LaSutie Sedan; Cock- FOR ALE-Saleof huseh ho ut 70 Tractor on ruhiter, llghta fornitore 1h10 weeh. Monst and starter and pomer .take-Oft; sod.Srt. P. Ureit, Phone 100w. John Deere Modet D Tracter on FRSL Qantity of eut rhr tts hammrsModel B ,iaase Red Ciover stock of hay. Traco nrhe;aerodo I. McCrmady, Phone 155r22, Milot. ne, Fecson Tractors and o<tuip- ______________________ iment scheduied foc Api1 deliv- FRSL 2toms, due lat of ery. Owiisg te the sCarcity ut Aicarcli m second litter aIso nom tractors. cet yoorodrhs- 9 igs .3 senthsolod. Phone i47rl2. ed n o Olie ik-u Ha BDe FOR SALE -- 1 tlightiy used Lavalsi iaiiom mcii Pressure SLes- Coleman oil humer, 5000 cuhie foot tem: DeLuvai Cceom Separat r. heatingcuapscity. Beiley & Toews mith eicctrie drive; Bob-a-iawn Milton. power Lomo Momer. Tom Item- son.,phtone 332W, (Georgetomo FOR SALE Sois Bcd Suite; 20Otacie. B End Taolis: 2 Lompsi n perfect_______________ condition. .'sppiy J. Coxe. Mites WNE St., Milton.W TE FOR SALE --2 îseeicd traiier WANTPED-450 topio hotus, Leg- ,iope W . H. Ocuiin. Omoch. 226 Main M. N., Weston, Ont. 79r12 Milton. - FOR SALE-Formati H. Troc- WANTED -To cent house or toi-, oiih bock coke ottochment. npartmcnt in or seor Milton- S. H. Cooke, R. R 1, Milton, WriteBou 40 Champion Office. phon '28r22I ýWANTED -Chest nf dramers FOR SALE- Fordion Tcuctor, in gond condition, preferably four steel o'heeis, ase 2-furrom Inter- drouers. Appty Champion offie-t national Pi,,m. Appiy Vitre, Loti_______________ 11, Cen 7. Hornhy. WANTED-Live Pouîtrv anted. FOR SALE-Sees os arirHget pricen paid. Col Ruaaeli irom the- hie 90c or cicuned $1.10 Infuis, te!ephono Milton 234r4, R. 1,cr huuhci. Appiy Wmn. McFadden R. 1, Campheîlvitie 5-30 Phoute 288r22, Milton. I WANTED-Lire Poultry. highest FOR SALE- 39 Nash Amhossu- preces paid aise feathors. We cui dur s.x in coud condition. 4 pouîtry. Phone RendaIt & MucteY. nerynwtires. Rots Doles. Milton 143; Armatronga Butcher Phone 27ir21 Milton. 1__ ISop, Sillon 42: W. E. Dent, Mii- 1935 «- ton92rl5 or write te Muses Zoner. FOR SALE-136Chrysletd- 0 orrortR. Trto 49-5 on. excellent condition. Jersey ___2_______ ____Rd.,_Toronto._-52 _i I eor oid. due April. Apply WANTED-Dead. oId and disat- r.Hti, Phono 11 2-Acton. led unimaia, removed mithin a fese sFOR SALE-Curtier Dats, grade heurs free of charge. Bimpîr I. es gm i_.lo 95 per cent.; 1 phono B O. Young'a. V.S., B.V.Se. Brl il1 Dise Horrom, used 2 yrn.i 146r4, Milton colleet. Brolsylle. A. H. McGihhon 155r4, Milton. Ont, We do the ront. 24 hour service.7 dayo a meeh. Donsestir FOR SALE--SeodOots. ErbanAnimul Service. and Vicland. gor, grade No. 1, aise'_________________ o iimited quttitv ut Dolore Bur- WANTED-100 Waah:ng Mach ley.W. . Hrýi, Pone156ll.ine terepair, any mahe. Oveehaul- FOR SALE--No. 1 A'in., Outs, itg & repairitg done hy Canadas germitOtion test .,certificated oldent & largent maahing muehine H.0RichardsonTPmone 385-31. 4-2 47menrs o co tino record. Fer H.~~~~ ~~~ Rihrnt hoo ,. uriher particotars eau Mervit En- FOR SALE-Sonner. Echan and ord, telophone Milton 122. 34-10 Coctieroats. Velvri SarleY, haled_______________ and boote ,trom snd haied huy. MISCELLANEOUS Cartwright Sroo. Phone 291r3________________ Milot. NOTICE - Etqierieneed block FOR SALE --1,3 hne Massey ioying and coment morh. Appiy Harris teed drill. cood condition. Champion office. aise Red Ciover and Timothy oued. Hooard Gomand, Phono 288r4' NOTICE- Drrssmahing. Lad- Milton. ici%' drenset and childret's weor. Mc.. Prier Pstmon, Mlles St. FOR SALE I. Three-qOOrter,____________ ..iih steeirehd. upin sgd.at treso. Alto 1 congoloum roc 7i.'1 CARPENTER WORK-Modemn 9*. .'oppiy Walter Hoymord,' Kitchen Cuphoards-I speciatize i Phono 372. i id'ng complote units of hitnsen ________________ I rphoordo. F. Priietteclo, R. R. e. IFOR SALE-Aisax Sced Outs and Milton. Photo 386r13. Re cdClorer Seed: atse l'h ton' _______-__ Cher. truckhtn coud repoir, 19351 AN OPPORTUNITY - EBIAS- modol, R. A. Hsrret, Campbeltl- ,tished Bocal Wathlns District avait- villc, phono 387r13. iaitle. If pou are uggresiva and -FOR SALE Stacted Chicha 1l' heomeet the agea of 25 and 55 haro und seeh Id pllea trom or can necure travol outfit, this lu andt2ese oovd pltsforues free. our opporiustity ta $et estabtistsed ernmnt aprovd ilrum re puoaf0table busineass ofyosur hedr. Aoue tdesNotrhcrp, omn. or fll particutart wrIte te- Lomnilte, Photo 267r22, Milton.- dy TeJ akn opn 41-2Deptt O-M-6 2177 Masuon St. Mat- _________________rouI Quohec. FOR SALE Stnusehold forai -___________ ture of the lte Mm. R. Symona. con ho e seet olees 2 and 4 and GLENSPEY FARMS LIM]TED 7 and 9 p.m. Telephoto Mcs. - Morley Resphorry 254W 41-2 By5lase No, 67 -BeChang.. - - --' of Head Office. FOR SALE -900 hous. Cactier BE IT EXACTEI as a By-Lam Seed Dats, goreroiment grade No., of the Company: 1, 96 per cett. germination aItsix' 1. THAT the Head Office of the duys, 31.21 per hanhet. Apply Company ho trataforred tram the Lomvilie Fecd Milia, R. R. 2. Mit- City of Torontto te Rural Route- ton. . 42-3 Numeshr 3, Mitot. - 4'ASSED the l2th day of Jan- FOR SALE -Ajox Sood Dats. oory, A.D. 1949. cor. sadadrd No. 1, germination 'L. O. Ee't" "A. P. L. Wade- 100 per cent. atilIf strawed, heurs P1renidont Sporetary yieldlng rarioty; uaise a 10w bus. CNM E yteSaeod ofMil, hoo See rîJ.. Wll ott rs lot the 12th day of January, Miltn, ihon 15g1l. A.D. 1949. FOR SALE-Commercial No. "L. G. Klein" "A. P. L. Wade" ueed nets, 31.40 per hanhol; Com- President Secretary merciai No. 2, $1.20; Certified No. 4-2Cerlitled a True Cupy 1, $1.60; Regiatered N. ,$.0 12(el Wm. Cosse & Sots Ltd. Streetw- "A. P.L. Wade" L.i ville, Phono 18W and 114. 1 Secretary P&GIC ZmàlT RAME iffairT E THURSDAY, UAPÀM 2694 190 1(e