THE CANADIN DHAMPIONPÂGUSUVlm Tom Haines PLARTERANU BRCK SJAND, CEMMENT& RO0» GRAVE4 LOOM & CES. SPOOL STONE Phone 113r22 Box 20, Georgeown GLEN WRLIAMS Shepherd's 24 Roua SERVICE Ta" Btand Oppault Pat Offle PRONE 301 AU Paenne aJaau.a IH p ti p getting away usth irre*ularitieo rBLUEBIRDM of tise OMHA I I W IP ..LINo otgn of aprngs retiien coutd As use saild a week ague ho more thrilllng thon a glîmpse usould out ne tho methodoused teS aof the t rt hiueblrd. nrt la fnt S O TS by Georgetowno officls, tltinhrd. thon, 60 thlnh of theoe bîrdo >' ethodo wh oh the OSt A approv-Je bue and chestout ced and wth a e.Those same methuds woutd sete usefadttte r lo botve e Oen rousoed o o hy OOy 50-50 LEAGUE gethor attrartive. They bove becto BY ~ ~ ~ O O3 BO ERN cuto utc inCanada . Mar-oaa124h. 19486 pon in Mo ch ycar aottroyesr l'y BYE SA EIs I hustucu. uifthe cRoyal Ontatrio ~i~~Outnwrtte mtsoinstantctoc ùhe imOoî Mm. trilesc 51Museum and screof tbird wth Themai Itm fineretatnegat frGeorgetowntt uent'ojR.Homes,...... 40 rs etetoere. Os ruralandd uob- tie f riin i " 4lathOb o meo m.EihM. West- N. Browon.......4831 rban roadwasoyuaocausrtsa- protet goba?', oneo Cs hat tohte, and forceed erso Robrt ta C. Andorson ............. 565 inoftes lphep)sad questton rom very quater, la- ogn as troe statomoot, twite . eleoy o........ .f49 r oo uu lephrigoepor>oreao ciudtng Actos, QakilIle ood Or- ho tons conflned ta hed, usdor fhe . Battoy. .. ......... to40 rosf osotiy ises se or morou angovlle.. . dctoro tare. .. he folle%%'G- Hudfey. . . . .ot t h o ieo. Nostotyhea- tsg votuntory doclarotton wtot -- bigurd ofthoed raliIvso,sang Al that can ho ald up tathee gek for tfsotO Plea. Up.. 2 pt7 oâ u te fotheovstan, soog moment (the week-end) 1 the ,I om tho latotul mother Ot R. Ptolmey ......... .......o tt arbr s o f prfloce ndeth-n prtest tos ited Thucaday by o- Robert John Wetlahe. MY son M. Randal ......... 522 osommoo frfît encounfered sn fia" ufthUe Milton Club ater tons hum the 19611 day of Soptema- R. Mase................... 670 Mrrb; espectaly the latter hlt they found certain lrreguiaritiUem e 1927 and ta undor tise ago Of H. Huddestone ...........53-ut fhe month. Tht Ontario totk oxsting os tise Georgetown Club. 21 yoars. My son tons confined te D. Brosh ...............648 in torreusing somhoru are attocod Anothor came t ta ht ater thc hod Wednsday, tise lotisday Of L. Ciissbo a...... . ..j... . 31b h fr ta toisg isohhy of bir.1 protet waa fle but otiet ob'ý March 1946. On thot date, Mrustchîse, s sffod 0f the Royalf used If neceaaas. Lorse Pterson and Mr Jack 2659 Ontario shere u cou-t - Armstrong, bhoth4e totnonfu][%diane Istostly erowiltoiest I t h ie.I A toll report ln coneton tith Gorgetoton, ashed nys on Robrt T. Noddtestoso ........... 46 sauf collection of Canadien and the protent tolîl ho fourni aioe- John Wottahe to stgs o sfatomont S'. Ptoimoy . ý.lý......539, torico bîrds lu ovtdeocedl. ushere . . . 26 la Jus acase t tis te effect that ho had aluvavo S. Randali .. .... 49M ______ tise isapoonosn club have teen resided ln Mamlton, Ontario. My p. Monss . . . 576 son oshed me shat he sisould do C. Enrie . ..... ......... 539 CiIAIN LffTTERS ARE ON THUE mont. Affr the mes tot I reat. -1I loed fOt tise stalemnenst tn s-2804 We ftoght the cbotu ltte, boul crrc. boause my son basliv.d aombes..psd ot ofothbe icfure tifthe I nt onlyln Hamito,hbut atis nB. Brouts 11 . - 511 MdeT Frdndor afimoldid London, Kitchenier and Militos nt D.Asderson .523 boftsous obroud nstoune bis spop- ourtoos timea. Tise ahovo tte-0.Q Hudlry 529"lîrd p. Sturîrd in Reno, Nevada. mest uas signed osde antrepres- M. Holme ........ 532 thit bltesI chat-letter oas pot auf etliton fhat Mr. Oeorge ISfoft B. Beley ...... 531 in the hope ifwouuld brisgurelie! snd Mr. POilît carroto ad lso o-oad hoppiuess lu fred bsises sge]statemonft tiheseuloe et- 2611 men. Ail sest. : havestore heen rellably___ tUnlike :ust chus iettemn. Iis lnomdadverity hellovo sial LEAGUE STANING une ducs sut cust ooy monOy. n lirM.Slotf lior Mr. Scrrow s Stiy eod n rupy t ise equoity mn. indby E4th M. West- Iodions etihe a h fl 1 ~ 8 aise, nd declared ietore Johno . Bumbetrs Sigi, 25 - ioýrut theftop outhefisbt. IST 19 « i mith, commislooer. "rWn 2 We yoor utome cornes f0aIbhé UIniie taloalae SIotI, ushuoto I Lades ig inl , at' outh1e listf. tua uiti cr50150 rl C ale 20 6167 uttmen. ft Mlton,.and Scrrotoe0f isswBle 3.Lk tepece el o FLT@ S hume, lise patr proceeded fo uý- Ladies' Higis Singe-o.N. C"B' Lbe r pryeucmshege t y fhe mils tu procure torîher esi ,Ble 4,fifh Do sot brouis fie chalut. la Odence. Mes's High Single, flot. . Mtîa-e -onecman Oruhe if and got hîs outI a lted.Mcitr F 16Mo. Hg HC uile bock. fbcreby gise fua alt ut HastgafinMuie ett MnHg ingl, h .. ttob land rceing calfeopor- S ~~~~~~a ith Muore BosineiSt R. Ma"-e318- fa5p.ryrh. uh*mCrnce Forms. 101perîa ulintg, Haml- Ladies HîgisTriple, tnP rot.GrosCrtil ou, the Inveofiganfrs enlisîrd is Mosu..64. MuflicipaIlierk a.,ssstance ln eudtog moil Io Bcr- Ladies' ligis Trtple, o4ti HC, .011 ronhaea vs los tle Yc osood Sfoftu 4 prents home, .Moo 7.,ldr bs itorflu *e Toarjut Camp Regala. j Usiue lise rompasty eelolpes. Mr.' Ieu's HicO Triple, flt. R. Mour ruototandlIu rotsar t Apri le, 1948, eascis Peffit maifod fbem oinBurlonglo on 4.etAtt]itarents. and td feru le- requied a license by regislered mail and special dc- Ms n" Htgh in tgle.,toth H.. torse.siKIn proterfing oor cOuld- apliauo t te i îîry. R. Mouse. 670. ltes, (an do tf0050 f01563 f0aprc- upu.. tbeplic ation s Itoute et thitd accidents. Theoy con evopmeof te aiTeue olrtns di d- BUSINESS MENS LZAO!E ras oblidren trramon ery use The oe yolet e aseogy e- o M.shroommas te, 0e ugfety-conscou.. Tbey cou Geeomn rnh lere Muts timsshuencul I. Wode 59tl st coud exemptos of sole drIsIoig lu taflsd notiing ec Os uft ,Klein 6i and waaiig. Loets hbcpth 1e litî RAVEL & MiJBLITY bhree isins ieefs o srafch-pad T Sms .. 553 ouýsoesjuY lonug lite. D HT O ltsered at Srnrrouss nous addreoa B Reoul 577 TOM6 C MaCALL tOua Hamitonuu ddresa %iace Oit oqi marringe. Feiscosry 141 and Open- 2P.17 Pollock and ' f8101211101 e ond s d to r otui t ou hIans - p oouBiseBal WDUCATON WUIK Isheetsofotorrntcis-pnd. B Bons 631 a pbl tis Apffl 6<0 K. Boilcy 504pe1 -di- se Mr Winfcrs. manager ut Mour-- H. Morley f617 Mauacaturr* af Os.tdnct..oelih4 Buines. Ferrmo aeptoiluln). Hendersono469 HIGH GRADE bMEMiORIALS ro.anea ial .-aI' Osdiog out ssio .oalled the atd C. Kart lME5 RAL0NRAIN leffers itd yuu if cost tsreoty- i-- MMRA EGAII ighf rens ta1mai eacis lette," 262162WtrSN th G T Mr. WinII rs did ouft4apro5e tutf utacmusmem Neverswemaa Ifi rt .,PHNrth648 the motisud, staftng nu persan, B. Rid, .... - . 624 _____________ _______________thier in car empioy or sot, isoK. ursn . 464: $oy rigis te6 ue Our stationer.' S «Fuy 615,___ for torh o porpose. andl I tout do R. Masse .4K, ailin my power f0eihase fOl co- M'. Ployusrd 44? 26r5 buomerruged, atan Inervieus altO I nul toffice otttcais and tbe spertai T gHdduoo 55641 carrier iodrafed the delivery, fr011- lMontgomery .541 tactiotsn a ovtefai s tac 5* ast ipsoff c w conrerued T.For 45 us A Couper 44' Howvrte aw a eftt ln __ Here' a cnreier for young Canad hibade. 2404 life witb travel, adventure and I oi WburO leodsu ss te boleso that 1,EAG1tE STANDUING tîrvng youscocuntry ins a fiasau sprfsmanssiip ln the Papertousf 0as vantshed. Even ao 1etter pau- Sycats ,Blnus Balis . 13 ver beore ln ta peace-tic Itshed in Georgetousn Herald 1esf'MatigBroomors 23 Royal Canadie a ybds eesce 01 hlse tameHardusare Nesrsuseats . 18î young mon. Tbere are netoIwsodse 0m otlt uees. .51Nv bah tht moncy io a decidIug totor _____ luipmont . . . uide facilitiei %port in Georgefton,' titsed ny sNnuvtDI.AL AVERAGES rcreation ... and valuablo skil i. Klen ... . . 206.4 Rot. Setftous protettue acftus 1l. Wudc 201.5 This is a mans job erving tit! hy Georgefton tntermediateu d-, T. Hoddiosfono . 2034 dion Nay -... a aatiafying andi mnandlng pruefice ime tise duy b- H. Morey. 1966 coe1theMiton gamne, toben fOc B.Broton 19.1 - IceuwsaIo have been made asaii- D. Hendeof 192.3 , 5,e7 able btise joseniles, spoorod y 0R. MOute ...1859 tise Georgetown Rereatton Coon- cl. Tise Georgetowon Recreattonet] Stan Foy sob top honors wtiSsoleu 7 MILTON Couneil foss e w n fir trh ile usaf Ca273. H AR» E )ca hne T aeatoMre ih62 SALT WATER CRUISES [>RONTO i~~~~our practîce beforo a bisg gante Te O ishroomer omcon2peyside ala sbaaspsa aîa ~ ~* HAV Cisye out 60 smother Spruat's bih si eas, vhslllag ontsar couritriea- g 50 I AEPRICFOS BlowsBattu neott rMuaday In a Usageore cil i.isllaUne ofdaty d 00 ii. REACHED PEAK? mein ut muahrooms, se It Is rom- #MsemesnlanUse Roal CanadnaMea d 10.0 pULLomod. 4-SaoU * à 6,1. g-at. esW Muybe net yet, warns the Fin -______ oncltPot usiscis Points aUtu "'Some observera hlleve . .. and BORWINGS UP TORONTO MORMONTREAI, ait wouid lise te hottove . ..- Uat- fom ts thse top o! thse 0111 has eon eacti- Pubietîr orrowing fot h ND NORTH BAY 04; tinlue coutd 5o hope f0 rhatered banhusln 1947 tnceased mahe somne ordely progrose 60- almout 35 percent., tise annuel o EAN A RD uard prioeeulbrtam. Bot hou classfcation o!fObafisa puis- U ERNÀTRD tisat ime arrlved? li..hed by file Banks of Canada re- Y... con le... caout radio AM LO ýA year ago, Mechoir Palyi, veil, a reported ln tise Financil graphsp naval guiffiry, Mi" cil Tï .nj4dj consuuting economist ut Chiciago. Pout. Tise igures for 1947 ara electslcal egnerisg, radar, anci innîted-ln tie ace of man con-ts-Coen as et Sept. 30, theo date oft ss~qu ~trarlt vt6wt - it U.S. Inflation lise returo ln prevînus yes. eîng loran, and olisar spaclalixed sld NVINNIPEG $Mll ~tires woutd continue throogis 1947. Oct. 31. oWi éergetheIlnu REIN -~ Eoent prpmved his torocat the Total tonna on Sept. 30, 1947, 015d paocetal tralalg pou gel RMINA 57j5 mot accurato .we have seon. WOot uero $1932.2 mllions, almoat $500 hie Royal CoadlaanaMvy. 5 CALGARy . 77.65 taPalpi qredctlng to-day? millions aisove the tigures for In brio!, ho oxpecta omdt Oct. 31, 1946. But if tise Oct. 31 prices ta recover.' Dont ho tar ootfgures for 1947 are taken th.? Shoe R pair tore hIs yea,,Se Banya.. But, pecisapa dicating hat the uptoard trensd ...... s_ 1946UstlbtC t0e Inflatton apex.' nottreaiste on Sept. 30 eaattnuei. S AN ACTIVE LIFE ia la a bsy aciting 1l Uelnte Noy-nd a haaitlsp ona tuai for Piaaty of aports and physical training 05fy. holp you ta develop, o stroasg phsui- que and keep pou In top caaslflaa EPENSION FOR TII FUTURE %te Rie CN. 1looks alier lis mon. ansd You wsell 1k. Usafeeling nifinancial cic, aeoaip a nd Use assuraace ni free ISI. nsedlcal and dehIal care. Rotes ni Mai puy have been lacreased, end after t ln pour service Usera 14 a generaus peisin faorUse reat ni pour l116. madi0nNAvy ana à* fl"d..y- I. 5h. mm. Iei aa onmeItO enda CÇ.hiMM km Iw eaUW à Af APRIL i R.qui LICE > Applyto YouH Uerteprovisinas of t tonct 194mp oectvea Municipal Clack. For ac .,rite to The Director. De DEPARIMMT 0F'a 048AMM TOURIST UsIavu1 Pffa bMuhsi cm..a.dealPbl JALTON POULTRY PRODUCTS WANTED DOULTRY & EGGS Chickens Ducks Turkeys Cusiom Picked . PHONE MILTON 1-W LEAVE (STAND) TO TC d 10.45 ams O-4aur aoz Suan à ma. BUS CONNEMON0PEAZ OTTAWA Ab FARES. Round Tdp. HALIFAX -$M-90O QUEDEC *$Z»9 ST. JOHN "21 Ticketa and IL C Harris, S COIUNTY OF RALTON 1948 - LOCAL COURTS CALENAR - 1948 P7îsus oS SttinKe d.4y n -Stis S 1 a..iMo o..s il.No 7 ,aMkillc T....d"y - 3 - I-4.4 -014 1 3 Wedu.d.y- 7 .1 .3 8 .' i 4 euAct ci y 8 6- 44 6 - 9 6 Burliuatm - :Me.doy - la.-4 F.4 .4 3 4S j Ail Division, Cous Open a a. Standard Tiasa Nom.esand Address et 44CIrk-s. C.* Laundns.Milton; . o. j l.,hbrcs, tjalille; 3. Clu., Tbý no Geor.geton , 4, a.Wilird . ., A,;,n 6. CD. Boit, Ouulington. Ch tyo.. . *udit of CitoinJutieand CounyAote s,, Oth jandaryes Tdasuys. 815 ApTil; Toosda,, OsisJui; Tiusood. 7us Ootohe.. DY 0,4.. W. LDIC.M III.. j Ci..'h of the Pouce LIVINGSTONE STOKERS Are installed and serviced in the Milton district. Any ut these users ViII teIl you how comfortable, economnical, trouble free and labor saving they art: COAL ANTHRACITE soPr INSULATION GYPROC UIME CEMENT PIONEER FEEDS - 0___ R. S. ADAMS Phone 48 THE CANADIAN ZHAMPION PAGM fflu #IIMMRNDA*I- ltàltM 2BUL IDU vqs tihe Liefe adians - a active 1 tle satisfaction of- oun uniform.- ne biatory has thse to mucis lu uffera fas for sports and (Ilse to Iearn, thite Royal Cana- dsecume profession. -tex o~