FAI THE CANADIAN CHAMPION b ln thte six year peiod, ylelded only tween eleven aBd twelesitodred OA K LL NE S nd 15 busa, or a dfference o 15busa. corea. AItog.ithe narly MW900 g Oes - I j ers receilg 36.00 par busitel for Unit i 1947. Tihis Asoociation han Mns. Jean Riibile. Drunqisin, I ~ J~ur jtheir 1947 crcap, one dontsflot need hal an amsulngly rapid groreth reas oeriouaiy Injured wlsen thre1 VR W S determina rehetiter it pays ta build numbar itaing more titan doubled collided Altit a large triuck. Bohh1 Ofu1 oam ners p Ssii 9'ertlilty. 1 l 194M. .Any Jersey and Ayrahiirlber legs were fractisrad. 1 - Otitera wito spote iriefly dsring men Wito dise 1a road conditions OakviUle's Junior hockey team1 ilaui sffel Fairald ansa Shsow te aflernoos reere W. E. Breck-1 were unable te attend the meeting weeft dorestb defeat itefore Weo- A cspscity bouoe at ite Milton os and Stanley Hall. H.P.P., Whio on Harci t ti and wishite availSton ln thte final ganse of tisa Jua- Trown Hall greetesi Prof.J C. Stec- espressed te apprecialion ofthlie tisemseIves of te opportunit fy r 1 'OHA. fldsy-off serien sn the itiey ofthlie Risigetoren Esperi- goihering ta Prof. Slecitley, W. S. joining 1hi0sulu hould contact the Ookvif le arpent Soiorday evening. mentol Sitation, and W S. MMul- MeMoifen and hie staff, ond le Agriesiiorai Office in Milton ite- ta loue the series 10tteir speedy fen oIf the Livesiocit Productio Canada Pacitero Lld. fore te etd of te moolt. rivait. Tite score reas 5-2. Service of te Dominion Depart- The prise reInners inte vrlout rvl eyn h heto ment of Agriculture, reSo reere te claet were as foUlows: G O G T ' N Bae eyn ielteto gocoit speakers on te occasion Of, Late or Medioum Os-Gordon GE R ET W sdvancing aid age, Citarles PriesI- the hireenh anuelHalon Sed'. Lslie Acon;Woodand Orli-mat yesterday perfonmed is an- liteoitrfnd tit nnueMl o rt:A LsiAto;Wolnd rî--nual St. Patrick& Day feat once Sitoe ad Pourit anoa Exoriartls Ltd. Btonle.; Geo. C. Wilson, An spitoluleres citair reas pres ogain, eien ite came realltlng In- BacoSitow iteld on Satordsy, Georgetowno; Joitn Bird, George- ented by councl ta relirlsg dlenktaleOsiviileta1 complets teé long Marcit 13t. fton J. E. Pearen. Aclon; j. Ireastrer P. B. Harrison as a tO0 22 mile hite fromt Toronto ln a bIt eeping ritithlie ditappoint- Brure Bridgden. Georgetownt. iten of apprefialion fromt coonicil f îîîîe more tItan 7 itours. Ing crop year in 1947, enî-i Eariy Oats--0red Nurse, Geo for is years of faitittul services Oavif le Sxteen Mle Çreet triets were doren nalerially in te rgetorea; J. E. Pearen, Arton- T' ta lie loren. iteeve Haclaren wn ntermaeo us open seed classes. Tite qualiiy J, Broresridge, Georgetowen* A. H. Harrieson enato ad r day witen Il itecame a chaos of itorever, reas reeli Op ta standard McçGiibon andi Son. Miltorl; Wood- ario aaid ltaIire itad groren and te demnand reas teen. Frei lfands Orcitards Lisi.. Bronle; W. Sup reItCGeorgetowen and tera turbuslent, musldy water and ituge1 litsAldrson Honby.wasno twire tio ltaI masietes wro boat-t Nuse of Aungoove, repeslesi00Adco, ony rnn finer lOrnn Canada. bosses, dama ey eraI boata and triompit of a year âgoeity rinnlng RuhAndBre-.Bued Council approvas te 1947 att- vrdth lt nth etad te T. Ealon Co. Speciai for teBin eHogitewneiBrJ. B re s telemeb asth e wnad snd epoeeite fiais -oo tite rî id champion usitel i inte stoweon bi Bis Mn.ereoe.peesei t e Ona4lrH opsielt ed-.cr-lr enlry of Cartier Oalo.'Te sam,. Soootlt Arned Brey-Cýeo. C. A. Lever of Toronto. Mr. Lever r_____ ehiiltor rvpealed In te ten bus-'Wiluon, Georgeto; T. J. Browen- parlicilsrly poistei sut taI bel 0cetans nlte aucine ,ridge CGeorgeowen; Clarence King- Georgetowenitad ended te year reit flloreesitey rosgitl 32.05 ston. Paiermo; Gordon A. Leslie. reIt ns taxes uneollectesi andsasisi .5.OR 5,7 J.O..c par itusitel. nlitealliser aevon 10 Aclon; Manseli Nellis, Aclon. Ibis was snprecedenled tor any buobel lot rsnging fromt $1.25 ta Hed Clever-H. H. Kingston, Mil- msnicipality. Among lte appropristions fori $1.90, reIt an sverage of 31.71. in ton. Georgelowns tax rate fsr 1948 public eorists aies ol teHosue lte îeo irsoiel iarley laso. Aiscli- 10 bas. Los-Oala,-Fred Nurse,.la 80 milis, a M0 par cent. Inciase of Commons lant reeki, ra oneer J. A. Elitt gl pries rang- Geergelosen; Gordon A. Leslie, Ar- avec lait yean's 40 mlii rate. 'Te$212.000 for te reconstruction of Ing froca $1.65 ta $1.95. 1ton; Woodiands Orcitards Ltd., ntsolax rate in increased primer- piesai Bronle. In coniraso t0ate open S.,j Branle; T. J. BrowscldgeCGeor'ge. Iiy ity debenlura citarges reiiet Professor H. A. Disîmage of Store, Hallon Junior Farmers un- lowen; J. Bruce Bridgen, George- titis year rili ite $44,198, te in- MeMaster University addresaed lte der te leadersitip et Presidet towo; W. S9. Alderson, Hornby. rrease ramprislng bonda for ses-- Misdle and tipper Scitool students Camneron Wilson, stageil an nul- 1e But. Loi-Bariey-Brscn Bri- erage. warlime itousang and te ast Wednesday sflenoon. In, standing Junor Farmer Secion. dgen. Georgetoren; George C. W,,- arena. Oter budigets have teen lerestedsi tidenls itas an oppor- Titeir Inter-cloit isonsats worthy ton.,CGeorgtown; Clarence King- paresi te keap te rate wititin lte 1tsnily of Inlervieu ing Professer i of specisi mention. Acîon. Mlon, ston, Palermo: 'r J. BrownrIdgc, 60 miii irscit. rante bave Dsînsce foltooing bis sddraaa. Q Norvol andi Palermo cluiti ocit Georgeown; Masseil Neilis, Acton iteen decrvased ity 38M, ealer- A etn ftedrcose hall s ttriking display. In 1Er Husting Coco WE. Brecito, seorits extensions are dores uy Atameigoltedrcrat '$2100, salaries $1000 and cara ot Burlinglon Illesing Corporation, class Norvai Club ecured top bon- Freeseun: Harvey Nurse. George- ituilding 3900. Otiter Iserease, Il wau decided ta proceed at once- ours bah fr sed nd hei ge- twn.include a $2450 boost ln ltae Pb- reitite erertion of anoter ap- erul dîplay. 'Te chapion lot ln Field Peut C'ordon A. Le-si.-, lic Scitool estimâtes lli latter cimeent for iensioners on lte tim Section wut exhibitesi iy Atot. bcbng reduced ity $1500 over tir, tome lot aiste bilding openesi iloydBin. ofteNra T-Pmotli>-Bruce Hidgen, L;eo- originsl ettimatel aod an extratiis mootit. Il Is plannesi 1a pre- lose getoren. $100 ftc streets.-Herald. ceed i a once reItlte ereclion of nrie tourlt annuof Etport Bacon liipw oane-.E e-te second iruilding and aiceady Show sged under te auspices o e , citp oluesJ .Pa. -te ielting cf rentrants s under lte MalIen Hec Prodocers reas i Atn Citestong the îrsffic tares s ont e-uy. 'Te building rili hie an ex- the opinion ut many, te iest %ta,- Irish Coithier Poîtatns -J. E. of te msuildogeross formao f oct daptIcation efthlie present one cd t date. Titis years event unis tearen. Aclon. abekn.TeOtro D.ndIlahp thvefray ioutas eit tonanitepre-to uip unico.rSFari eti.onte;partaient of Higittsî-osays lte fer occupoocy tefore te end of bass. iththetowship drecors Oat - eO.S. tkis. rone;motorisl rio kbisu te lares and te yesar,--azette. setectingthliue hogi.'Te Eq- Wucd Bcoresridge, Georgetoren; tev gond ressons iteiind te lare ____ msine dIreetors. R. Bruce Reid, . isIeo. C Wilso,.Norvol; Orville Ie esoikley teaibreaktte lars- Miler. Athtur Brain andi Nelson, 0cr. ldornitý; Floyd Bridgec, Ono-]leSt liiteiy 1ta poil is lice or %ome. 'lliee osier of te river Ansao Starkt provesi te ite itet jsdgeo cgeloun: Golden Leslie, Acono. one, eise wlt an accident, Dont hc'. test for mites itIo the soit of te type etfitog rehicit matles te, Bucey -Floyd Bridges, George- 1laite a chtance! Enere and oitey ait es itest Wltshtire. Titeir top entcy nf Inox: Wscd Broonci*dg, George- treIlle laso. Oiveitogs resulte int tour Orts,ltoon: Win. Sain, Ne vol, Horeo _____________ qualiiy Wiltshires and one second Rusidel. Geocgelun; Sturt Alex' qtaiity. Nelsons, Nasaagareeyo iand under; Georgeowon: Gro .S. Attisa Trafalgar Towenship entries foi- Bronte lowed in te order named. ROY.1 Wheai John Biod. Gen gntou .s- Eiienton. Nelson Towenshtitsd te1 Dougla-s Alexander. Georgetoresnf choampion Wiltshire reit thlie enlcy Floyd Bridgen, Georgetoren Stu ?\Èig nI 'nos. Appleyard. Esqueslsg. gel- octr Alexunder, Gergetoon« Cen jY.. ting te cserve.I Burtitolder, Freemoan; Wso G *O H C Titese wreitaentries resulted ls jAlexander, Georgetowen. C E C OirsI quality WiishItres reere as fol- Haiton Junior Fal'ae h bd I1c - fores: Thons. Anlyard, Vernon thcir Siel .ludging Compas to.ns le. I Archer, Guy Wilsons, Cee. Fishser titi sescning. oilh Fcaecc MeNoitS, & Soanail o EsouesIng Townshiip; oI Equesing Towenshtip, sot osiy W. L. Peectison, of Ptasaagareeya te higit contestant ln the Junier Townshtip; R. E. Eltenton, Nelson Sert ion.,itut the higit man nIfte Townsip; andi Perey Merry, ut day. Wuîd Broretridge cf te Trafalgar Torensip. saniec To'nqhip wsslte high Sen- W. S. MeMulesnIite Fedecal ctr. Lyhie De Vrieo owon te Ha.-.: Live Stockt Brancit, streusesi quai- ion Seed Gro ooeco rropite Wartl ity inbis excellent uddcese, as dud, Beoscolge te Strothacont Orcit. each nIflte trenshtip ciairmen of' ords icopity; and Froser MeNaiti lteNaltIon Hog Prodacnts, namety te pHalton ('cemond Butter To- R Bruce Rei of Esoueing Toue- yhy ship; Edwimn Cunity of Nelson __ Townsuhip; Perey Mercy of Trafal- Satan tiuraay iserrier% cor Towenship ansi W. L. Fergusos Organise- of Nasoxgareeya Teownshtip. In te, f Lloyd Chishoise tus oppoistei opinion uft liese four directorso 't iret prcident of tce Haltes te Mog Praducers' Assocation, G uernsey Club i t heir occanizat- and alse of Prealdent CL .Pal- io.metng beldontetuilras et W. mer ofthlie Crsp Improveseent Ao- Boolt, Trafalgnr Torenshp. Ont secistion, sebo resuchiarmain fo, Tsday afernoos of lait remit. te attersoos, Ballon Hog Prm- Dr.A. R. Csampbell of Guelph,. Sec-. *Fronst End Aligaient ducers coulsi maleislly cal se teln ely Iit Caaan uene '. paccentage of A itoga ansitereby Breesiero. Asan. reas te citlef iscresse thier retarns If taey speaker. Bruce Hosigins. Fleidnais renulsi mate ose of te acales hoi- of theteCoario Cuornaey C ut alcio fore shitiping their bogs. Prasi- opouetiîy 'rtcIrotces Ma B-rnigkmw den Plme rlaesiliaIrecently eleced rere as tolforen:- has e ey il instleinos-at eut nI a groop o eleven itogs retîcitie reielie t iat securasi Vise President - F. MeýNat. she's on a Party lino. .. Wc arcenuwi ten Ai's and nne BI. Later lie Georgetowen ad tixat osisers nsay Le stipped egitî more hogs sltitout Sec.-'rcas.--Wm. Booth,. Hilton. ""BERSTERN reeiching, andi secoresi ttly Us-o Diceciors- Horeard King,O ait- reasîang. S bekeang RNSERN Ai's and tterecy ln fits opinion ville; Wal lace itrecttaseer, Acton; satchful e>' nth lnol.sorscru ititd foot olt tetreeen $40 andi $50 seicitlte Eifery Browrisge, Bramepton; C. - and limita e uisgiis a asatne might bave secured s y itpping Wilkinsen, Mlos. ofhier e Cr usa fndîî aI ttc propar reeight. doen tce nuS, lai Pront. J. C. Sloctfoy deligitted hi o Haltes Beant of te Maple Cat- cnUtinNEatm audience reticit pacted te audi- ise Brandens Met P RT oiiin ia e toriuse. ret bis proticaf, sounsi Th'rit semters ofthlie Halos A T N rtai ciet asidreso on Self Fertility and Croit- Branci ofthlie Maple CaIle Bceed-o rgcucsct pislg Practices. Ho osîlinesia ere A.en. mat iite Court House, C UI P V I extensive espariseesî cnnducted ai Hilton. on 'ruegday, Marccith CtitIS lte Risigetoren Esperiseentul a- Notrittstanding flonded raids am s tie aeca prld f yar. h ome 70 ireedera werv In e- C A lCHI OBB teli nqocîlo trt dvîdel Ietendance ta tear te reports aothet 9 ploto. one nofreblet receivesian officers of te association. These application of 20 tens of taroyard Inludeti C. W. Keffer, Pcnaident; Puttiflg il intis p5'Utic masure 1tate ocre; oopitleations 0f Norsean Porter, VIc-President; ain eesy oaB yosa mais. ie commercial fertilIer ansiln as- J. M. MDonald, See.-Treas; Dr. C. youe la"t asarastee tisai ditionnced cf over reas ploreet doren R.Re%,Ce oTchienad turing te sie year rotton. ter W. M. Cectitaru, Agric. Rep. for sthera rili sio tise ammusaEq ip plots recelved one r more of the Yort A.ii TEquipmefMitooe-fo y lreatseenl.s In vrious combInaI- tdA0 r ode t itna-<s oi Ions. A visitor tealte Rldgetown ascaran tarse on iearnlng titat a teaey An epporîunîty tau pcnvîtunsifor 1- ep ColnIsllet. stand etfrosicaver seticitbbldltete Arohire andi Jersey Breeticîs 2. Spaga yooo talla reheat atubitle on reiicit crop Ilt tigni up ansi a gotiiY numiter 01 itasi ben eeded'si, ta10ie ploresi sen anailetl theseselIves oft tiis op- 3. Gins ight-of-warl dowo, researieta Prof. Stectley, portuolty. Ila agnscgssy coULa "Ils a gond tilng peu reorit for te Iltras announcesitaI te Haple goveromel. To tIm Prof. Stect- Ataocation lu praparesi 10 Instali loy retortei, 'Te governesentlal batteries of Jersey ansi Ayroiire te Onrly one seio cmuId aford not bulle preeiding aufficlent number ts tur Il under, btut clit for of ireedera of teose two ireadi bay instead. 'rThe ftel d tra n 1ensign np au mombera 1a enoure 100WO 10 beans ln 1947 asilieOrlelt cores of nacitbreel being Insemîn- I C manure, commercial eflIîel, ansi 'Te Ballon rascitof te Unit THEIEDIIITELEPNOR ced ciover, yleldesi 0 bus. pier nore bas 110 memboroseltitMo Hal-e acre. Otitér potusrehit renelvesi steines ansi surlng thee tînt elevas COMPANY 0F CANADA P o e only one of te titree reasmenta,1 montits of opration titey bresi he- SACTON Neil HoDonali, rell Ioren in tIbm district as an olsi lIma tlsdiar ansi itolder ofthlitaCanadian aid- lIme fldiler'a ciampiosip, die5 Sugsiay thGuelpht Ceceal Hospit- alIn s i601h year. Walting aleng tire pavement on Miii Streetn Monoiay evnng doring lthe ieavy ram Storme, Mr. A. M. MePterson Arthtur Street reuotraeitby a carand sustained cols ani bruines osnlte teai ansi basi bis lt ieg itadly brusei, Miss Manie Maluprise, sebias corne 10 Aclun 10 ln ewIth ir parents, Me. ansi Mca. Wm. Main- prian, trou a gueul ai a siniser In ber Isosor aI tte Alexandira Pal- uce, 'roronto, lasI 'rliay evenlng. At lte lasI meeting ofthtie Autos Y's Meu's Club, an induction sec- vcras helsi bt ormally initiate Clauden Cookt, Rap Canitam ansi Furemnan Laserence as Y's Men loto ttc Acton Club. 'rTe Acton 'Y' Badminton Club usera guesta utflthe Cuelpht'Y' Clu ohesat Mouday nigirt ansilthe ralors tounnamal seas pîsynsi entling In a lie.-Iran Pres. Roctets are pîooviug prueticable for laying sielr over rivera, cav- nes andi cluBs. I3IJ8AY, 9L1RM aý 4 l Start Yotr Chicka Off Right... a seit balanced'formuli rehicis bave betis laboraîory teated tu gis-e nlrosg vigorotis growth. We aIse bave Peat Mass, Elecîric ansi Cual Brsoders, Feeders, Foisetains, Saisitat- ion Producto, etc. If yois are in need ot Wfre Fenadng, Fertilizer, Clover Sonda, Pasture Mixture, Rooflasg - Aaphalt, Aluminu or Steel, Water Pomipe or assytlslng for tihetar.i, let sm keos yossr suais. ,,itnDistrict Co-operative Milizo f ____________________Employers arecssrged to exchange Un- emnployesent Insurance Boots promptly at MILTON March sta. WELDING Penalties are provided for failure Efoectrocsud Acetylene WeldingUNEMPLOYMENTINSURANCE Rn oir Welding ut Af 'rypesCO M SSO PorîtbneEquipesentC M ISO PHONE - MAG. UICHI5ONIL 1. T55GB MU£ LLST. - NILTON Uc , s YOUR. CAR for SPRINGi Yon are ceidially invitcd to vioiî Our Ne Dcpartmint, Soc the Machsines tisaI add Titousans son Miles te your Tiras, gice ynn Crcsîcr Driving Conaforî andi 'Safety. otr Asie trsuictesiag n u position 10 offer you thaf famous GSERVICE. If your tires bacc o cuppesi or store lguens oucoco rwecorif your -y t scuudc, wcscc or poassi as if gocu se tccd. Titcoc urc dunger rearoiugs tsf uy Icusi 10 ruincd tirces or a ncry costly aisy aend Dyafsaslnaly Rt is operated by our owR mechauies who haye bee. specially traiiîed in the use of the BEAR SERVICE ICOX MOTOR SALES s345, 555 Oakville Ontario EMPLOYERS MUST OMAIN NEW RJEMPLUYMENT INSURANCE 1001 Ail Unemployrnent Isssance Booka nase lns use expire-on March 3liO, 1948. Newe bookaseuill bc issued by thse National Employmeisî Office le employer&, but onîy sehen aId books are completed and turned i.L MW* ~reo5~ita --e ~ o-tM~r oOt.<' 11& 9 1