Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Mar 1948, p. 5

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~UUR8DAT. MAEcR Sitis. 1948 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE VIVE fil M4lêsss rotet At the anuai meeting, thse ff..ltonProtes president cosfrmed tiis wlth a lA40 « 4 IiirTrw u statamnt.""de luanauaur W ithout Hearinti ueathat wiseu pou mention mu- al Mr. Hary Srth le uudergoing M ney we dout know wisst pueaPO iramotaiflnbokHsia. KO E Y MA talklug about. Mnriseagit of a dol- tiu reaniutatSulnyrok oaltl. CHURCIf Cotinued fronPage One> lar bill nu longer causes paetu n Mien Shtrley Ellot l la Wtg Sltlalr ROV.. Ii. Phi-a that Runion waa lu the bosi dur- amateur etreles. We have touud foi ith trieuds ln Cleveaud thnu Mr. StauleY itonbert-rgisadlgth gainie. We alao charge Ue amateur as welt as profession- on wmIc.Chrate that Georgetown tailed lu have a hockey reqoires aloto! mouey on certifirates for tiseir manager or sa we legalized the dollar andi ad- 1i0 Mr. tend Mm, Ernest Glddlngn of SUNDAY. MARCH 28th, 19408 mach, vine ait cluhs la gather os many as : 'aronto spet the week-end wth EASTER SERVICES '2. We charge Deimar Beau- they con. If yoo have surplus t er Mr. sud Mrs. Bert (lidings. 10.00 a.m-Sunday School. mont, len WIlllamu, lu not eBig- the ynd of the year share It wlh sn Frienda Wittlie pleased ta tear 11.00 arn.-Divine Wonig. "He lu Ibie ta pay for Georgtown se rides Ue playeru." In tat Mia. E. Hamnewaod lu maklug Risen". Muie, Camhlued jun- regsrdlng the final date of lUuing Tisat ha encouragtng amateur bc stlsfactory recovery ftm ier Ille and Senior Choira. Hallel- ilayer' certificates tiae February spart ta Ue etent tisat mauy on reaet Ilne«.uja! Christ Is Risu. Sîmper. 10. Therefore we regard it Illeae players ieek It beote tise seMn as vien iliees."An it Begana ta Dam, "Christ Is ien", Junior Choir, lu approve of a certificate ta play.- starts ... Salt tla oui isslet! tisai Rer. Edgar Pomemais and Mrs. Duet. "Jesus Lives", Davidi and er Beaumont followng Une Feis- it would lie beit ta tisraw the Fe Poreman ot Taronto aud Mr. Wît- Billie LarMie. ruary 10 date. whale gaine open lu respect ta el limn Lang Of IHamlton were 7.00 pm.--Seuior Choir wîîî pren- "3. John Bertwistle, resideut o!financlng aud residence .. it seil guesta ai tise Presbyterlau mane ent. Drama. "Answer frram the Braimpton, whie islder af OHA. aniy mesu tise tiswi that isas tise luriug the weekend. Crase", hasd an Chrsts sev- piayer's certlficate lu favor uf most money wiii have tise beat en lant word train tise cross. Goargetown Hockey Clubs for sea- teamt. Mdr. aud Mra. Oscar A. Dowms April 1-Maple Leaf Cirele Graup son 1946-47, played tise irst open- If tisis lu net daise, Hockey Clubu Fouter Street. 5ilis, Ontario, wiil meet et the homte uf Mru. lggrel ...sre ihtruhu h rvnesol Sil ee on o hi eaie ari Folter. King St.,frinurlsg aei....sre ihlnagsu ie poic ioi and hre at homet their raiveso day eveaing. isalnsasie. Mahers durlug tise 194748 seaseo. seek a show dowu aud Invetigat- sud fredao UeocaInu We ssk tise Georgetown Hockey lon lita tise OHA. Itlapears IJsrFltleth Weddiu.g Anniver- A cordial melcomne awaitu pou at Club ta praduce tise proper maîver the only may Il cmuid ise investig- sary on Manday, March 29t1, 194WRKnox or releaue tramn Maliers sonicis sted praperly wauld lie hy a Royal from 3 ta 5 p.m. aud 7 ta 9 p.m _______________wauld malle iim eligilse te pay Commission set up isy Une Ontario hoeckey for the Georgetowin club." Legllature. Sufficleut commun- !IIILTON YOUTH ST. PAUL'S UNITE .fccadlug ta Mr. Pauter, tise icatians y sportumen mould sean H"A GOOD TICKET CHURCH firt grounds for prateut mas very hasaen satis au Investigation. EN THE ySWE sAs ~-filmslunatiser wards tise OHA. --SUNDAY. HASCH Iltis. 1948 diregarda Ue rule mitere manag- 1TROUBLE ]FRERELRJACYI!IC More tisan a ripple af excite. 10.00 .mn.--Ciurch Scisool. ers and concises imuit have certif- (lORS) ment apread tiraughout Miton 1100 a.m.-Marning Service. lestes as et dlown lns scellisn 7 of- ast 7bUraday ulght and Frldsy, 7.00 p.mn.-.Evcing Service, tise CANA. segulations. HP Makersofo a new electrital tard L aisen it wan anoned that Jack Prof. Laisg of Hchtater Univer. claimed tise raie had neyer ieen set uay that lhey have ellminated Pearsn 16 year aid brick onder sitp iiihe the speaker t enfarcedin many cases prafes- hrokeis mires. huraed eut fuses, was kolder ai a ticket ou tise Ami- oth services, louas ere coachug tnnaa is ad shocks and danger by prevetlag erlcais-amued barne Caddy II.Harch 261h at 11.00 am. Good Fn- tisep wouisilie luelîgîble to have sharp hesidissg aud tisafing of the whitis was quated a 50 ta 1. dai' service witis Ras. J. B. amateur certifitates. tI appeas cord when tl enteastisa plag.miner Tkrilled at koinlg a ticket. Hoore an minister. ihat raies andi regulatlons may lie patesnted plug, reparti tise Finaut- Jack hardip kuem misat It mas ail Harch 29th, 8.15-C.tJ I.T accelted or reected et tise wim !ai Postiln its Whatua New columa, about ntil ise repnrled for mark W.A.--lssesnlaY Murch 2Oiis. 8.19 at of tise eaecutive committee. An coatalis nota ire and rau spin, the tollowing moraiug. Me laughed the home of Mms. Gardon Mac- lise president admitted. lise rule Cuai and timSi mitis the actieu af off Ue many mise-crackes, aud adt- Nah. should sot ie on tise books. But tise oser' s risi. Primarily des- s-ire bis felom morismen ciided A condial meicomne io extesdesl sawhiteil t Ues-e. tIssaouid e up- ignesi as a replacemenit ord set im with. Me knew noting of kits ait ai st. Posils. belid mithoat fear or favor. tuci n isedra uitîî neqnaer ______________________ Aise appeoring onder Ituies Gf eqoaily asefui for loaatern. broilers reporter caiied hise hp telephone. Comieitlot of tise OH.A.constlit.roffeemakera. etc. He let out a peti of escitemeist. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH utis,. raie 6 stalun, "ail manager., "Oit boy. the fs-st thing 'ilI boy Tise 5EV. GRiAY EAKINR and coachses shall be sohierf ta the mviii he a car . . . If tise homse Reter discipline, -supervision ad contrai CL.EARINIG wins" he added seberly. of tise O.H.A. enectise and must AU CTION SALE Jack has been workiag at Hilton SUNDAY. HARCH 201h. 1948 carry a tard issued hy lise OEA. 'Brick Company for about tusa î;mfd Frîdap-Servire ai 1030 s.m. ermnitlngt îiem ta sit on tiseUiR-T K, ASt ltPI - years. iaading cars wltis brick. Pfe SASTER DAY piapera' bench darnse games." e:mF-'OCK, F FATOI DLME said he dida't rare mutin for scisisai80 a.m.-Hoip Communion In conisertioo ils Beauseont. AN", FR tI1RA . ESTATE R having gone ta hlgh school a 10.00 ar.m.Sunday Scssel. the O.H.A itesi earl-in the sa- AN -A STT couple of peuns. Me Uougit the Il 0 sm. -Hoiy Communias. snsgrasted G(eorgetown permiss-1 ,'t ncrin- aercie tirt thitise ie oid do wouid ise 700 p.m.-Evtning Prayer. iss ta pay Beaumont sould Ues losis-ustions Inuse ta iporchsoe aume new ciothes. Tues. 230 p.m. W. A. ohiain a reieane from Stonsey'., 'ru 1 RID plic NOLLSon ai ahould his home be in tise mnney. 8 Pm.n -Esenitg Auiiiary T'bat relrose they saisi. mas unfor ar a-m.Lot 14. Cosn. 3, Twp. ut Jack waseone uft îiree people utn W. A. sunateîy tate lu romîng thraugit INuaaa'-e>a. lchai Linen. tram Ontario usho drem harses in Wedi8.15 p.m -A. Y. P. A. and tises- had toalaternaive tison mile' E ut Hfaal on the rossiug af tise warid'a mat Tus i elrCor ta let hîm pay. And ln the nais.' ('nnmoînigai. AP os-L b tis graeliing barn race, the Grand Tus8 .n-SioChr. Instance. tberc are many teatures fl.îne: National steeplecise et Aintree. ln this cose Georgesoses tons asl HORSES AND HARNESS Pes-- Witie Jack's homne dldnot fin- mail as Hliton sapporters wuld nies-n Marc. 5 yrs., about 140 la ntemny uigterc MTOP 1ke la hase sirei. ho ;black- Percherois Mare, 5 yrs., lait lu ise mone.durlngte tar-e BAPTIST CUC ntefrtpae htdd aoîut 131)(1; Bay Masr, 4 yrs., laitSatrda, h Isslaed u r- CURCH b lse îsu plce.seht dd ts" h.nai 130()-l s.: Percheron Geisi- ceive an uudLaclased amnosat for Patr-It. DEVERS amateur magots do ta air Une br- i nsg. 7 ysr., about 1600 uhsa ibluck drawing a starter. tn the Farmers Building Ilcring of ployer Beaumont, wben Mare. uged; Set Backhaisd Har- _______Soney'ns manager informesi neua. si heasy Breerhiag Har- SUNDAY. HASCH 28th, 1948 Georgetaownosfilcials they wouid Brs;(dlrs.ve fHres;Cla .Rs.rssJ<sn 1190 a.m.-Harning Worsisip. releuse sid player as patyment of 1 CATY"'L£EArhr Cw i LJtB 'tti3 - 2.30 p.m.--Sunday Stisool and $5001? Then wisy 41 tise OHA. sot ing. b-ad tiec Il: 2 Red Dur-ham Bible Ciass. suspend saisI qnaper when tise vice JIlifers, 2 yrs. aid. bsrd la Dec- v-br. Dus-hum Bull. 1 yr. old; -Gond Friday ta-morrose 7.0 o m.-Esetnng Service.. presideot o! tiseiGeorgetown Club' 1 Red Durhaom. lis full flow. nol Tues. Match Sth at 8.30-Prayar Informesi Hilton officilais Beu.s- bs-ed: qsrt Hereford Hnes-.r 2 ys-. -Speciai Eastor services ln Une ans ilbe Stsdy at the home mant mas placed oaissuspensios by old. bresi: 10 Dus-hase andi Hes-eford churvhesons Suuday. ai Ms. J. Mountain. Stoney'n for faling ta show up and l'utile, about 750 lbs., gond tock- Wcd.. Masrh i u 2.30- Wo- play hosckey mth it bs îeam mte<' crs: Veni Cal:; 7 Dos-hase and -Sauter eggn. bot crasebons,, msn%slsnasy Circle. Referint ta tise nertwmlsti,'jlHereford Cattis.aout 5M thl. huirnies and shat-not. HOCS ANDi POUiTitY 3 Yorh Ail As-e Welcome case. the prcsisiont oly saIsibha Sons U'th litters tiser of sale; . --Sen i n your toits of Sastes- oas vtitlesi ta pap lhree gantes York hPuýr..aout 150 lbs.; 10 viitsn orUe essna1clm1 with Une club. He munihv Yorkh Chunho. about 100 ls: pare bemo thînkint of junior ranks b'cd Yorkh l!og. 1 yr. tld; 380B liliedn.s. lying ns-s-s-70 oms- rent.:- '-Looks au f spring han arrised PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS wonenisemodetisai remurh. ai 00i1 iZante I heltesi: s-ails taîslî-y ansd il mas prettp meli on stbed- CHUECH ployer armas-ding ta the retulatians Fs-ns-s: Fcs-dcss. Fountains. -te. aie. . 5EV. IL WOODS, Pte, rat heiunf ta Isea clubs ondes- tise iAY ANI) GRSAIN- 20 buts. Os-des- utSes-aicsn afiliation. îttlualtutH:qutit -frite churches iii baea met- liselsiin I1,00F. Mlli) t iai ac sagoîc Is-ns,' t bu..-si dClave-Secd. corn fo ai ai he astrtie Ttis knwn act mon alie- FARM IMPT.EMENTI IJM- cam fr il t he Eanestietais oftthe TEHL.sÉbat Bertwiistir IBER. ETC. M.H. Grain Ondmes-1 services this meek. SIINDAY. MARCH 201h. 1949 mas the nirperty o! Hahasu for 7 i.; En.% Tesides-: F. ansi W. -Reports are that ia %ornesert-I-(1(11 a.m.-Sunduy S-boniand considetable timeantili ater the Mames:MNId oy' Loaudes-; Dumcît B Ile Casus fIst gme f th 197-48seaon.Pahu. 10)fi:.tusep Rahe. 8O ti lanaut f ne district seetilu mnti bl ans i-tgstu h 97d e.o.Whea'i Cultivfrtns: 2 riscs; 5los- sart if Ue present meatiser oisis. 11i00oam. -Morniaf Worship. He ployes i mtb G'eorgetomn s year. os-lns.3-set Ion: 2 CGnecPiowsn 7.1(01 p.m.- Evangelistic Service. aga bp npmiai perssnion of the , roulas- Plîow: M. H. %"i rdll: -Nice ta gel the sidewaihs ciess- iedady- W. M. S. iii meet in manafes- ut Mahera9 and wsnqusi>- M. HMonores-c Ireudes-.Fus-st agaia. Prosidence dud a mach the home ut Ms J. Jamiesen ject tu rerail. Altos- Une fisst Wsa'gon,: ou'st 'iWbeel Wagon; spedie jo thn snnesno shv- it o'loc. lins aRc: Fas-seWagon: Irons npeedes- jb thn som sso shas ut aminit tme (hin sensois bm mus etua SftntWagon os: Puippcr; Iî'otlcr: et&. Tinurs. i8 p.m.--Y.P.S. ln hume a1 manager lu Gsslirh, PiY-- i.dnl es-des-: Dei.uai lCrease Ms-s. F. Longdu. Klhrlde. ps-umpiiy igned up mt Gensg.'-.. Sciîas-uor. Steleglîs. Mi. (s-Case -On ans-unt ut the cal atsike Everybodp Weîcome tuses sebfa taed, according fta t ImilenorinSr-ae.t Ba ls-sm: 5Eque in the States the maraîsg train _____________ _TEHL. officion ais aobtain the tev-loFtRrs:oig:. 1900 rlts: 2 ane due at 7.31 gaiug ta Taronts mlii esnas-y reicase esRootn:ietra Bus sci2By s-u one@isaur lates- for tise preenr And 'je Shah RKnom the Trulli and Under-tIb governint C.A.H.A. Bcm Equipservi: 011 Bars-cl: 190014 time. the Truth Sha HMalle Yisu Fsee- s-oies, raie s-omises-5A tAsteil. hTan gur and Gî'uye Sîtsure Lora- Jua. 8: 32 ".Once a piayes- aignis mitbaclub! ber, dry: 6090 fi. ms-b Else: suon- -Ms-. end Mm. Peter D. Hart - THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST bc reseains a meseber of that rliai ;" ai nbitc ,git (sein:" t.um ls-y telebmatnd Iheir 561h seeddiag ONAOH utlh stasfre nacr - t ru l.e:6alt Cbaisî: Eay aonIiversarp Harcis 2rd setUn theit -funtse. si-ntre i codIFs- or odHu uss famiy qletanmenY mihtheîss rultiosgaves-n. s-ni rîuflirBlochs: Crussui Ram. tamli qsitlp.Hauy beasitul SUNDAY, MARCH 201h. 1948 ng ts-snntesn. isb Oici.u sprisg homes-s and rards and per-- 1000 arn -Sandap chool. "5B. A player sebo desîs-es ta . P7RNITTRE -Reahiot Sluler: seial reeine mae raeled.Serice sngîr Studio (Caîrb: iStudio soa getng er eele. 11.00 a r.-Worship Sevie. cange is club mont fisst ns-arn' Coachb itlî 2 chîairs ta mais-h. -Nu. 25 Mighmay btmeen Ar- Crme Nom andi]et Un Reanon To- namsilion relesse frram bis nid Vistony Battesr lRadio: Swlisg ton and Hilton la quite braken but getinar Salt Jebovah- balais i: 10 cubriuhnd by the pnenkidnt soi Machine: 2 Bufet: KIts-bsn Cab- soad manlainers have been on il ________________ esrelus-pofuthat1cloitIf this, n;s: rundTuhirr: dTabs: r and to quiOe passable If pou drive rpirs-clx n Oo nrt s-rumins- tils -1I a itrlmn Chais: 4 Dining Roam caretslip.' Tise uem section lu The flayrofuthuas-p varies mith ploayrrhas the s-isht lu present bis Chanirs: 6 Bcd.: 4 Matirensen: num gettiag smauthed out but iii tise difes-ont fumwes-s ts-nmmiîs-ics-ans-nnpessun ta the CAMHA.' I i f s-s t r n S-reen: net require constant mark af a main- te nectar io drawss. Truc, snime ut theeabjrrtia-sosr ut s(-alpur: Fln ot un- Col- taierunil uracd.man e itrn: 2 Blîd Cas-con ns- laine untl sutas-ei. soinsi ibyts iteMilano riaitb ns-'" u ail Wuhinc Mnnchine: 011ii mnt-1 ______________________________________________terbnirolitics bot man ' va club Ie-- 2 Cunas-inýs.o s!in--ansi n have been.ibrown out ofrmpe!t. clnn'C.ing ls-nng yB.ai;Oi01 ______________________________________________________ Ilion____ avecot uss- ccinis-aitien hby Vie ex-n- nnays' îmitrs- n i t a nsi ecutlvp ommiVî'- Ariiihin'i, 'Tinr, lj: urhrs-Cooks mus the dawntali ut Mils-mstais.Os liy: P'nn'înî'-s: Gilnswos-c: D;tîma. Remeribr O r C n-ilet Upto-ate t oppeors ttat wiile te OEHA. linniok ilti-,nosrisl- « RemenberOurCompete p-t-Dat frons n. the as-ioans oftsn- REALI RITATE AI ilic",m clubs. tbey als" fisisiexcunsunds- lIaios-nates-.s." lîcrenIiih ues- tise gaine ut theis regtions ta hi],îhî' fus-m, unitingoriii19 O ptical S ervice suit tbeir pu-pase. a .'înl0 ,cs-s-îoreusmas-r 4csns. lens eingj . Thr O.E.A usrs ue- 'slan-oiiîlt i1t 1id l. uit 7 loaf iherserven. Thn raro us ofuPutiss*izuruuvc Onyfic ustas-macls- sportsmenmbho are aaoprlroah ,lI'nRt.m fati oi *THE PLACE -C. GRIMWOOD, JEWEL- ut favoritise ansi misaiOnentlY dOstO. inn iuinnsaiiou: bs-n bouse. LES, MIN STRET. HITON. eighit lis-e befrise osing ta ualnnimrnt sitesiandsi 1w shesi LER, AIN TREE, MITON. souni demhisnln casesnofp-ntesin 10xd0 unIts-sconstsrlu. 2 'cis nbutn.s- ns-oies-.New' s-nfi'.on ait bat . . . iinsiis *THE DAT-EACE AND EVERY SAT- ThtrOEHA ls unly an usganiont- TERNI ON CHAf7I'ELI: Cash URI3AY. Ion sel up ta ps-tet and tustitr day ut nait. I.goad rieun spart In tise pronvinc-e. Tcrms on refît 'isir mode <1 *THE TIME--1OOA..TO 7.45 P.. psyasteOH ae Nu rvscrvc os ibm prann,(ticta n mrant one thItng, mohins- mortes mavni athe cils- ta toits up litsn ot o! spr. .. . The club mirlis rnactilns- inos. EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED - REPAIRS mun maire the munI cash tas- thymra EINDI.EY AND L.OT .1iiino dou.bt s- eive n prefoerePînune npr . .-.il nessnly logis-ai. i.MrMliionei or -ill-2 STOVE SIL LIEADS mont peaple ln Canada aSUU use te steve for iseating aeeasdtug tae a urvey repurted lu tise Financial Ps.I as pabupeueMaea u ethon t 't. Iot ey s Mpe potheh way sut as tise chIe! soureof a!sat fr tiseisome. 27It t: e t'a at»the uly searce a!fiseat for mare tissu one ln tisree a! Chnada's three-msl- lon odd familles. For annîber une ln tive. tbe kit' cheu range tss-uvides the onlp sos-ce a! hieat, Fus-ns-es are fosrtd In bat lBttie mos-a tisais tmalunt1ve hornes and ts theat evetg ofthase 1.358.000 ihomesauses s hut airs- uptem. Radiant iseat? Cenrli saig 'eearhUnune lis 100 homes bas ilthero uthuse. Eletrical Winng and Nave 'jour Rouge Laukesi Ove- Nom C11SMILLIE rentla St. mteu . It'a beesu a tough wnler aud me sau aI be thaiskfui that spriug lu off liaiip bem witls a promsea of al tihe gooti this thle wondeful oc- cason briagu. Spring britiga pou a nese erop of value andi merchandise that lu coeaslg lu teadily tb fil] pour mante in every deparitasesstof thie alors. Take a look over wisat youiieed andi visit us eoois andi nase. PAINT BRUMHES Ail Sizes Reasoisabie Priceti SPADING FORK Tbssses-tregot EACH $1.25 BROOM RAKE A real clean up EACH 75e ParUNING SAWS Finie aud roarse edge for trea aud buahea. EACH $2.00 DRY AND WET FLILS Wr liave a large assortinent For precisiofs casting STARTING AT 59C WALLPAPER New patterns for every liste STEP LADDERS 5 f t. $4.95 6 ft. $5.95 TROUT HEEIq Ps-rfs-stly bai- ancedt EXTENSION POHCH PAINT LADDERS Use 2 titin Conta for 26 fI. $24.40 bent cesits. 28 ft. $26.80 Qur$10 36 fI. 331.75 Qur$19 i FI"",-;,--- i - m Rmý 1 PRINCESS THEATRE FRIDAY and RATURDAY, MARCH 26 and 27 Tyrone Power and Alice Faye in "ALKXANDKWS RAGTME BAN1D" Miniature-"Mlracle In a Cars Field" Cartoon - "Bear and the Beau". Serial No. 13-Junge Raiders" (Matiuoe Osily) MONDAY AND TUKSDAY, MAlICE 29th AND 80h Maurecu O'Hara and Duug..Fairbanks Jr. in "SINBADI THE SAILOR" cartoon--"ýsautau Surprise" COMING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd AND &dl Sharyn Muffeit in "BANJO" Gene Autry in "SIOUX CITY suE" Cartoon-"Plutoa RKidBrother Show at 7 p.m. each eveniug Matluee at 2 p.m. Saturday Al pragmuumn ar nta a7.»0>n. usd Maltas.et 2-Upa.. UM oliserwlle adveetiaed jýý ýfiffil ý à m j THE CANADIADi CHAMPION IMMSDAY, MARM 25th, Ise PAU-rm

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