MSDA MAI.oeI11*5 194 TMPrANAIIPAGE Miflf PAGE 1 Flowers for Easter Lihies, Cinerarias, Geraniums, Daffod- ils, Tulips, Stocks, Carnations, etc. MON CREEHOUSFS PHONE 151 EASTER DANCE 1»"WN I 5MILTON Wednesday March 31 [MIC BY MOMME RNA EWI SPONSORED BY 4'TEEN CLUB Procecds John Milton Chaptor 1. . D, E. ADMISSION SOc Clement and Mountain Floor Sanding & Finishing Have your work booked nov for future satisfaction, also MASTIC AND RUBBERR ILE CLEANING AND WAXING LINOLEUM LAYING We viii be glad to caîl at any time to give estimates and show samplos of tiles, etc. 426w - PHONES - 436W ber, If vogare ta emulate Christ ln belng merelful, kWn, ,humble, The unay 5kenoo meroak sd en.u alg amuat ces»uathele el oountetrat. Cul- Lesson tîs'ate thte golila th.eIMoly'SphiIt, BUNDAT, suARM ut. sndIl saltgrasa beasotufl>' and graelouaty. Study ttoh ebe III ita and taralvîna In mattera of THEg CERTAINTy OF ETERNAL esanal quarreas(v. 14. Titis LITE pleases Chita. A vengef ai sprit Golde ~ -'>'>. eyer honora tIse Christtan lIte. Golen ext - hisla teral T h OSavour forgava SHla enemîcas lIte, that the>' tnow thee the ani>' (Loe 23: 34). We are toesin aur true Go4, and Jesus Chrst wham eo cob'orlv 10 tm thouhau oen. Jo. 1: ~ (Rom. 12: 20, 21). The peaee ai Lesnon Text.-'-Cal. 3: 1-4, 12-17: Gad la ta raIe Ln oar hazirt. We 1 Jita. 5: 11-12. Eapoaton-1. Unan wth thene only have peace sath God Rlaen Savlor, Cal. 4: 1-4.<Rom. 5, 1) but happy,'lit the anc To " wltl Chlat" ta haae heart la garrlaaod vitI ha belsen wtCh islat Goda pekce (Phîl. 4. 5-7). If sut te ldentified sltb Miii, la Et&sts tise case ve cean ha"thonkful" death and reaurrcctan u aile Re. (v. 15)>titat la, the heart salîl ha deemer. Paul refera ta Jeaam, fi1104 with thantiolacas and praline vltary la Rom. 8 vison ha sa>'m îEph. 5, 18, 19). Added toale tknavlng that Christ, halag tala- vrtaea lu thîn, that va ahaîl let the cd tramn the dcad, dlelb na mare, -word of Christ dvell In un rlehly» death bath na mare doesslslasa 0 i aitl wldam. If aueh ha daae ce him" Mv.9O. W. uare abat thon the grecs ai God wsal Indeed vietar>' when va yleld la Chriàt. enrlet ulit apirtual paver, vsl. But thare la a great deal Invalve&do dm and good lvig. Al lit crasa- Partaklag at the rasurrectlasa ned wlth the aammary It v. 17. If victar>' ot Christ itemas(bat We ait la donc it the name ai the Lord tan trameint, tram trust lat Jasait, then lite vilI ha et ils teot, earnal lite, trom 'aIl tIa dis" tara and nov, antd 0411 hava the pleaalag ta (lad la arder fa live promise ai a glarlouualIte lante vital>lyit1he. toaicbp of Jeanswortd hayond fl T1m. 4. 8). (Ram. 8: 12, 13, 19).M.TepnosnofteLr "Christ itîttton the rlgbt baud Jeat.,Ttc oasea5 lon ith1 Lor at (lad" la ttc acl ot aur reempt- Jaa io5:1-2 Ian. Ha Ia thareas athe represent- ."Ha that hath the Bon baahIte." ativa mon i1 Car. 15:45-47). It Tisa1lathe bey word Outhit pan- thoat bol>' office, He la ttc tarerus- saga, tt la ttc sapreme asait la the net (Jita. 13:38; 14*6>. ifllasa- itdlseaimila test ai a Chrstian- ara aa li thtt direction Ha 100k andfi lali God's marh upon a lvnso uaI alan far ttc goal sablih eta ar- Wtîvar aise ve caititt sac lnaa rlveul (eB. 12:2). rlis alves guld- mant,If a simple trust lit Jeans la aceta lIta and service. Il Is lm- ditearnitlc, te caintitaht recelvad possible te go aitray satan vo live as a trathar hlavad. q'he pa»st ittvays undar ttls ruIe (2 Pet. 1:4- lItnotite Lord Jesit hacumes a 11). Thare vîlI ha ne dlffieulty it cicar evidanceaof lire, hacause He sttlng our l'affectli n nthins nla ttc source, ltae toantait, ttc aboya," Ir suet la ttecae. Wbst nourlstmmit of ie. Whitle ttc ara titose "thîng'? Ttc>' ara vor- trancht o vially li th stem of a ahlp, otedienca, talitena ond rîgot- trac, If ttc trac ha alîva, Il silI eoasnts, sitceet God, eternal hava lIta. And eveey Chrstian ta- living, glorloas hing. If va bave tiever hitava ihat CRURIT J li ve thesa, ttc varld wI11 net ha able ta -onceanaid for avermore. It ant- drav us avay ftram Christ. otitar aopect of ttla great and glor- Wten Chrlat alapearo lit gloas'> tolus tratit, iavlng ttc Soit li t i Hia second comlng fRac. 19:11-16) oaiy a source of ita, tut ttc rsit va staîl aise sppcar sitthlm ( of life. Wten a man receîvas teitua Thes. 4:13-18; 1 Jit0. 3:1-3; Rev, 20 loto hua aeal, hi& fslth ita asura lit- :4-6>. itis espactatlon tan itstare- dicator of a aprîtual and mYsterl- sponibiitly. If wa are la bava oua force wltînins, lit tha paver ternal gtory va must lice for !t of vtiet telaoisaeta rececie thc nosaln i ilofotChrstian petit>', Lord, vhicitla ttc higlacat poMSaS- purpase andi ohadiance to Christ Ion possible to mant. Bat nate that (Jito. 14:21M)3. thitin moana smethitîsa veY I. Grace ln ttc Heart, 1217. moci more titan te penons aon It. "Put os." Yen, btI aiora lt>' tettertual hitowlcdgc ai Hlm. It lit can do ihat, many lt hava ta 'put somaetihîs mora tton te admre off. One connat vear halîtteuanad ,,Lu ciaractar. andi ta gtory la His, bildhabit sand cruel toning wort Irlla ateVssa.. Bis 'ampers. Thay neyer dosaIt tagat- disposition, te tave Bit spirit. And 1hla paseasalan lavolaces lisebig cul lIta, Etertal lite, Ilit lIeu itactlan, doe not meut BIernal a tatence, moral>', tut eterual gao itu;mdnd ernal gssdinesa ia.t paradisa ai ties sul (Bat, 10:1 1942>. To poussse Christ la ta attais lita of supraasaey. tt mess. ta ln ttc hlghcat sasse, a king. massmoreavar lta epaucaacdt sett-olItvious dayollon. "Bot r wiii. bt Thine ha donc." It sitou ta atuerveai tara, that no man named specclleaIly lit tht gre PaSsage. "Ha ttstt ath. S hat lite." (lad Almîght>, satan1 sPeaks tram tht irane of rayaIa tan, speaha toa li itaanbitd. 1 docit nolt y Bis Word, is>' tstdc ttc local, te canventiosal, i citronolagleal, ttc tronittr> man. Mark lte daclslva grandet ot tis: for It lntimaleua cannec Ion bttsaoitour natureanmd i condition hareaster. Paosesian, Chriat nov lit possessin for ea' Jito. 3:361. 3He vto tas llvadc cartit 1900 yeas aga, dlad for ot alias, rosa agals tramn 1he dead. casdcd as a living Balag ta mit ua Is temnali> (lits. 10 : 28-.1 Rom. 8 : 3549). Ttc Brillith crausr, Achill famoos sincealteaf siSue aIt isg, tas taon purehaaed b t La MILTON TAXI (Opposite Hotel Kennedy) PHONE 360 Prompt - Service - Courteotis Ail Passengers tnaarad 24 Ihour Servla.-Mllms Oaa. WashedGravel Concrete Sund Plasening Sund DELIVERRD Bruce McKerr Phone M0W ad- te 14, ha rny auid cal Be lat- Be te la for fine healthy bfrds feed... 'Starlight' Chick Starter Made tram an evenly balanced formula containîng al t the necessary ingredients ta insure rapid growth. We also have a complete stock of Peat Moss, Qyster Shell and Grit. Get yours satilo the supply lu adequate. STRIII"GUARANTEED FRESH PERDS Made By MILTON MILLING CO. Phone 50 Limited Milton Ont. eet- d Dur RETURN Opt"rrn a1 pm al Piie&. Op en .m. toe12 p.mby ilyami WE WILL BE PLEAIIED TO SERVE yOI) PHONE 198J Farms Electrified For Reasonable Costs ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN TIME PAYMENTS AVAILABLE ON ALL SERVICE WORK Baiey& Toews ManS.Phono 259 maltou Cet That New Easter Look 1!!0 Suits and Topcoats WHAT A WONDER- FUL. WIDE SELECTION OF HATS FOR TIS YEAR'S EASTER. LARGE ONES, SMALL ONES, OFF THE FACE, ON THE FACE, FLOWERED & RIBBON- RD, TRIMMED AND SO BECOMI NG. 'ýýYour Laster Suit You cati ho cejain of finding just the suit you want in aur impressive collection. Dressmaker and tailored styles, fine wool materials, cohues and collarless, tratght and t lared okrto. Numerous colors ta choose from. 'Sites 12 to 44 haif sizes in- ciudad. Price........................ 5t(M MILTON DEPT. MISSES' & WOMEN'S COATS SHORT OR LONG, FITTED OR BOXED, LATEST SPRING STYLING 1N VARIOUS MATERIALS. PASTELS, LIGHT AND DARK COLORS. SIZES 12 TO 46. $17.95 TO $350 GIRLS' COAT SETS Lttle girl coat sets in stonning new styles and clots, single or double breasted, fitted and baose styles. SIZES 2 TO 6X Price $795 ta $12.95 tm We have LADIES PLASTIC RAIN- COATS Specia price 98c ~ ~ ij~j~I~ r <9> s HORTY Boys' Coat Sets GirI's Spring Coats COT Lttle gents' coat an.d cap sofa ia For the young miss, oxpertiy tail- 'X dngltedan olpl lt. ored un ail the charming nov spring Brief and dongaltvedsandvoo plo lott. patterns. A bosutiful nlection of nhad- beautifol shor- Sires 2 10 CE. es and colors, in varioas materisîs 7-14x liec bats frons PRICE $71%6 TO $10.95 PRICE $9.95 TO $22.50 oar spring col- lection for Wo- men and minees SHOP HERE AND SAVE. Price $19.95 10 ~T flP I ~ Satisfaction guaranteed or your maie>' refunded $ 32.50 L.1A I~Id Open Thorsday Evonings Photo 112 10 ~ - _____ ______ ., .-----~ i Nov sprisg toits and top- coots for mon. English and do- omstic vorsteds, gabardines & tweeds, single and double brou- stod -stylo. A fine s sortlnant ot Patteras and solid sitades, Sîzes 35 ta 44. Prîce $295 0 $45. BYs'SUits Boys' suits in vide sel- oction of patterns and shades in tweed and vor- sted matorial, single and double treastcd ntyle. two longs, breeches and longs and breoches and koc. panto. Sizon 24 t. 36. Price Ili il w 0 etpu WOP&OOIPU IL. IMUPM,&Y. x4pS lui. lm. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 8 1 "Ili Phone 112