EDITORL4L lte Eater Tims This is Easîer week, to-marnw is Gond Fri- day and Sundey is eter Sundey. The we. ther bas bren in keeping wiîh the spirit of Easîer. The birdsere returning, the snnw heu gene rapidly; Iheres even evdence of e greena tint ta the grass, and sepo ronning and nature in cnming tn hife egein efter the winler slum- ber. Wn mey gel more wnter weaher but the promise nf spring is bere wit this Eesîer neeson. .Tltereil be the osual awekening of human- ity ton, ta sbedl off winîer clothing and don the new Reaster eaggery. lî's a scasnaof hnpe wilh as many symbels and weys ut marking il as there are individuels. Even the children banc Iheir eter honnies, eggs, etc. Its wel that wr bave e faith in a resurrection. 001 tisat ils more needed 10 day titan il has heen et nîher periods of wnrîd histnry. Il's wel 10 reeew the Iailh et leaut once a yeer j.n wbalever manner seemus besl llîîing. Whelber il's in ime nf peece or in lime ut wer, we nordReaster and the renewel nf oar feiîh i he resurreclion. Leading a Horse toi Weler Its rather interesîing 10 study the break- down provided hy the Financiel Pest on the 7000 people who came 10 Canada under Prem- ier Drew's immigration cheme. 39 per cent. wcnt mbt the manufacîuring industries and 20 pefrcent. in trading and clerical wnrk andl 10 per cent Vent to services snch as transportat- ion, communicatios, etc. Out of the 7000, onîy 5 per cent, or 147 pe.'. aonas wenîta agriculture and 3 per cent. or Si 10 toresîcy and 8 per cent. or 258 to construct- ion work. Il appears 10 he 0ne Iing 10 ring folks la Canada and anoîher ta put tltem lu work in tbe fields in whicb tttey are m oat fred- ed. Ideology's aFourth IR" Human seltisbness ivnont only the couse ut human woe but the source nI our political anil economif systems. Capitalism, Socialism and Totaitarianism-hased rmspecîivcly on the id. cas .01 Reward, Regulalion and Regimentation -muko up Idrologys 'threc R's." Andil cti n ils own way, iv chietly on atîrmyl 10 drul with selfisbness. Capiîalism s09'5 1ha1 selfishocss con he mails a gond îiîg if we bold nul the reward of possessions, power and position 10 spur prod- uction. Il aims lu barncss mans slfisb iîn- stiocts in a asofol wuy. Socialism says hat sefishncss iv had. Il aimu 10 remone tompîntions 10 ho sellsh hy rc- moving opporîunîîy for privaîn nwnrrsbip oand thus the chance t0 gain possessions and the power and position tbat go witb lbem. Toîaliîarianism says h01 seîishnrsa is un- avoidble-that il 000001 he indulged as 's capitlivm, or neutrelized as in sncialism, so ltaI il bas 10 ho suhdaed under te regimoor- ation of a dictatorsbip. Rewards - reguletian - regimealation. Which is true-whicb rigbî? The trutit is thal, aftcr evcry attempt ta, haracss, regalate or sub- due seltioban, tboseltishnes itarIf stili ro- mains and leails iacvitahly 10 'clasit. Our real prohîemn is net 10 deal wiîh selfisharso but le overcome il. The approach tot Iis is moral, nal politicel or economit, and the main spring of morality is religion. The dcmocracies admit religion. Totalil- ariens bar il eut. But il is one thing ta admit religion and anether 10 practice il. If, je any democratîtceuntry a revivarl gar under way- weling ap imb eawavr 0f truc unselfishness acrosthe and-il wonld end ail argument as te te relative vaidity and worth of the 'lbroc Ra,." AIl titrce woald pale ta insigniticance hcsidc the "Fourtit R" of newhorn Respanoihil- ity-tite seI Iras caring for each othcr which te- moyen te necd for reguletian and replaces the desire for reward. PAEI W _________________________TEUREDAT, MATICtUS 28 1 ' 1 i n o year-rnd staîrment, one of the promin- rat insurance mon of Ontario remarked that: Tlefah dte tCt ia 'Unfortunately. te habit nf large and careles- edHa Cheesplan. Marris 22, 1918. spending is prrsisliog." Ss e nroa elru I Hous truc Iis is may be galheced frot GeegMrsAndrewasCirctLov- statisîlcs showing whit Canadians are doing lead ut St. Johtn's Cluent. Nos- usiit their money. Doring the pasî yoar Ibro sogawcyn. ha% endered hi0 rcign- set$400mlio nal atcbvrae,$10"ion luote Bialop of Niagara on spen milionon lcoolichevrage. $110areoun t of il healtb. million on jewelry andl cosmefics, $70 millions Mr. E. Wilkinson allrnded the' on movies and enîerîainmenî, $80 million on Paderahsi recitai ln Mossey Hell, tohacu an cigrrîls. Torîoto, on Monday evcnlng. tobaco ad ciaretes.At a specal meeting of the Hal- Titis makes a total of $655 million. which is tua Agrleultoral Society hrld itrîn more titan te total ar6ounl collecîrd in taxes for te Cuunty Fair il a decided and dotios by the Canadian governmenî in 1 1lus Frldoy lu mabe arrangements luhuild o seis hoîrse -.luhlc and yrar prior lu 1939. Il iv more 1h00 a tird nIofn d pouollîy ibuilding. TMe preeno the present Federal budget. poulîry bholding. Tise preserît Wr have develupeil a habit nf living vs- cIlle nited for herds, making two prnsiorly. In te nid dayv. men would -Puattîîultn l h xhbto ilown' some baril cider eit a cost of about 25c A large eîî:ud ollended te arr-1 a gallon; la-day lhey buy %vhivkey et $3 a quart.- ond 'At Home"-nofte Peel-Outter- n Regmrnlal Bond in lie armor- And tatIs illastrative of many other îhings. irsain Brampton, on Frldny es-en- Wr wanî 10 kerp op usit the Jones' insteai of ine. ineluding many fronm Strerlu- denving aurselves in order îa pay for a farm, a ville, Georetown and Milton. itouve or a car. Men have seil, from Iheir ex- 'MBI.DID CMBLa InMilîtn nd perience. 'If yoau want ta quit vaving monry. oesdny. Mordit 21. 1928, Ailsý-. boy a car" anil alnIofusal a car. Idoden. iteli:ted ite onIRanitî 3 t.Campblell is hec 751h Seor. Il is titis "large and carrîros" spending ANDERSON As Milton, htuevdoyd which makes things expensive. Neyer have son Moris 22. 1920, Sarait Jasýe Blarck. uida rotfte laie George many people bren empînyrd in Canada andl R. A. Anderson in hec Erd yen:. neyer have wagrs bren vo high but arr people _____1_ 'welI off?" Scots havo drveloped a repualion for hcing DFRS penurinas but il mey raîber be 1h01 îbey do DFRS not triller away teir mnney on non-essenlials. Thus thry have saviags uitit uhich te go insu A X bsnsbyagouil Iarm or a gond bouse. Te hey cn af1 d thr amonities of lite. - SERVICE There nover was l ime ushen thece usas so Alil Pasvenger- Ful-y Iloua: mach shoddy malerial an te market wstit So Na Trip Tee Lang mucit poor workmanship. Tise ressortiv istaI 4 HOUR SERVICE people are oual to boy Ihese dayv. regardîrssof hne2ut ilo qoalisy and firms ned fnot bit.0 paroicuan hn 18-Mlo about te qoaliîy uf gaods lhey tur. out, and workmcn anc alvu inclincd t10 'slop il Ibrougith _______________ ln otver mords, Ihese are inderd dayv nI 'largoe and carcless speniing.' Chcsley Enlcrprise. _ - t EDITORIAL NOTES Titis is EnvIer Wee-and Spriog is'bcrc. Gcorgetown bas announced o 1ev rate of 60i mîlls tuertise ycae -an incrcnsc of fifty pur cent. uvr e le lvy ofI ast year. Cunadian tarmers rllcd ap Iheir iigheoî total of cash rocripîs and tarm income in 1947 hItes te Financial Post. The actuel DES figure (iacluding supplementary paymentv socis as prairie tarm assistance, met.> o $2.002 mil- lions, 13.1 per cent. above the $1,770 millions of 1946. There Vere 42215 untinisheil houses in Canada at te mnd of 1947 according 10 a De- minion Bureau et Statistico official survey ce- porîrd in the Fineocial Pont. Cormmsponding ligurer for Ibm 1946 year end in 40,170. Comp- Irîrd in 1947, aecording ta an carlier DBS re- port uere an estimeteil 70,738 houses andl ep- artmeals. Mr. Garfield McGilvray of Georgetotenitas leuncheilaO eeV journal 10 he knoVn as "Can- adien ShoV Nes" andl devated 10 teagricul- tare socieirs of the Dominion. Thte tiret copy mode ils appeerence titis menltoeil it promisee t0 fuI a nerd for tis fieldl thet bas a ide an- lereot for so many laVe andl country ilVllers Vito have a common meeting grounil in tht rural FalFair. MOTOR IKE Enioy Life outdoorsv nil.. iieiee.. I',tteptel wi.ls.t Mate, cith t.11 e ett.entt- - - -- 16.00 Cetaplete Steeletd Metet Bike $ 249.00 S.al DeIaee cit s ptitq orm $269.00 Ieelitnith., - - -d 10% iere.lt, be..D.a PEERLESS BICYCLE WORKS 193Deed.. St. W. tett Chidren's Aid Society Applications ouIlho ce- ceed by tise Cblldren'a AId Society of the Coely of Mal- tan ai Ibrîr office, Bank (Ir Commerce Buding, Hiülton, fer a aullable pelvate boe eonvenlently loeated le Use County ef Helton ta ho ueed hy lte Society a a Becept- Ion Hme for te tempoarcr rare ef oblîdren reming Into the cara of the Seciety. A atiatlftory retalnleg tes wll ha paàd, aIea a datly ai- lowanoe for ae i ld le cars; cotai, haddlng, ete. pro- vided. TMe nacd la urgent and furttar opertîrular. wnel hfurnlahed an eanteetleg ta.,Soiety office. e. P. TMEOMP8N, SUPERINTENDEtpr 1 EASTBR CANDT La. 370 à LIESS» 30435155or CHOCOLATS L.ax ~ GRADE "ÀLE03 8 An A LM0leW19 LAE eEa~aS uz FISH CAKES2 Z M'-350 m qaa Lnate OATO PrQ. ait 34ONAON "y CREDAI LUE rKe. 7j ROLLE a450 WAX TILa 5 C SU" &MONP'12 PEAU a anS INeand POIX .Si PALU 04-VE "'. eS,ag DEA SSANIFLUSH O TINe290 2 20p A PESa 7T0W EL î UO170 KIPPER SNACKS 2 -n, aie AAri B ZZN ORAPEFR UIT " 3e BLECNDED APPLESAUCEnvYeraom57 05ttfen îaeelrVELVET ee340 J VICE OVALTINE Zas580, 98t 2 M.'250 NAOS OFRE , aSauSe :: JiE z".L310 ]FOOD a 1 ffl39q PROS 3 Don, 70 PRUNU ES 29e DATES -.31 TEra450,09 BRANS "Tm JU1CB"49 aie NEW LOW PRICES ON AYLMER JAMS RASPBERRY MARMALADE Wit petin, 24 on. jar Pare Orange, 24 ou. jar 37e 3le STRAWBERRY MARMALADE Wlit pertias, 24 an. jar Extra Bitter, 24 Ou. Jar 39C 33e BANANAS Goad Supply, lb. CARBAGE Fire, Green lit. LEAF LETIUCE Freet, Crisp, Buncit PoTATOLS ....15C 7c 35C ........... - 10 45c il S. A. FAY Phone 205 PLUMBING HRATING and TIIISMITHING Main St. - Milton, ont. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION obl U cIit Ga.biau Ollampnuu MILTON. ONTARIO Publîehed Ener Tboosdny Atecma Auth.rued . stcned .i... maîl, PfateOffice D)eertmeot. Otawa SUBSCRIPTIOS SATS-Oam Iret)-arin an,- nce. Unied Saese t additionaul.Snleoie Oc. BoutoId unan c . ddnc..c .,ld bc1, n ,he chuuuclu ddrcs. i. cq.c.tcd. ADVOIiTIS1NG IRATES-On enplicatioc ted a gioton n vaious olume htadings. Althoughgtoton ecvaion cilI S, tahe t ail tomr,,Tht 'cbsaPiu on 't&te dototielne'ala ol. snale, on eh. and,teedina hat la cm eea t b hiabIt Sar env ecear ie aey adetieemt pahlished ittotadr uele.a roofnSf uchadoei.eet f rtquattd in ,nitiee Sc the adocrtiSur adte turned la tht Champinbsn esoff nire dl i ie- td Se thte dnetieir and wci enn ororrvo- rections plinle 000,4 i etitine teeneaed ln TI, hemeà*i, l"ýe-, initilt sia s o etd ais ere~lnn h eleh , hn Saa adoetedsona e, th, S.ee enaid Se h, eaeed trier St,. tn tettol citait en, naied Se suchait eotent. G. ARLOF DlLLS, dit., Euine,OGlue - .- maie Stoeet. Milto TeleniteN, o sas Customu Union Net tihe Aauwer Immediete custams union between Canada and the United States as suggrsted by certain wideîy circulaîrd American magazines is net desirable or feasible. anerte the Finacial Posl. "Thte tremendous upheaval that would follow nueb a move might weIl prove dioatrouu aI Iis crilical ime. Where il bas bren tinn on the past, costoms union bus lmost invan- iably [cd lu politicol union. That foot wilI moko the suggestion onpalatahle 10 many Can- adiens. "'Customs unioa wouîd give neither the Un- ted States nor Canada anytiing that wr cent gel from a rational rearrangement nI tariffa. Il would do nothing 10 solve one nI aur hasic prohîrmo, the marketing tif Certain large sur- pluses nIf which the U.S, bas no nerd, Rx- amples are wbeat, tohacco and fisit, some of aur dairy producas, lumber and melals, and other thiago. Europe bas heem aur treditional nullet. "Canadas hest hope lira in the resînratien of worîd trede and an enlîgblened referm of the US. tarif t, If that leada, strp hy tep, tu customs union withthe United States, il wiII hr anoîher generalion of Canadiens and Americ- ans 10 meke the final decision. To promote a customo union n00V s apt 10 disert attention from more immediate and possible objectives." Large andl Carelese Spending Fi f y vYa rs A go TaSsen frana the edtion oethCie (an- adien Chasopien, MareS 24,18980 Titos. Coonay and famlly lateod tn move 10 Toronoo ortly. william Marris and bis brother of Kiliside. and Mr. Stevenson, oI Nelson, lefi on Tucaday, hy CPR for Edmonton, N.W.T., where tcey iatcnd seroriag land. Nnlwilistasdlsg 5the bd cena- dition of te roada Ithe fermera of te nutlying districtsa brouglol in e large number of Sage for mr. Feptherstone'a wecbly oblpmeat. Several nf tise wagons were drewnn ity titrer or tour homes. Tise HalOns Spring Anaîzes wblclv opened berrros Mondey mere nos- able ln brisetise firot ln Canada nI usitici a lady itarriter appered ets coutacl. Tbe lady wa Hea Clara Breol Martia, ut Toronto, and ln s1111 tbe aaly lady barriater inte Dominion. DtED HALL -At Horoity On 22oî1 icjst. Ocuerge Ecîdesî son ut W S Hall, aeed 21 yeors. Twentv YPIuls A eia :ki zle 1 -1 Woods' Eléctrical Farm Equipment Exclusive Dealer lna li district MILEI NG MACHINES MILE COOLEItS CREAM SEPARATORS ELECTRIC WATER MEATERS ELECTRIC FRED GRINDERS AND ROLLERS HALF TON STEEL TRAILERS COMMERCIAL OR INDIVIDUAL. CEMENT MIXERS, ETC. Sulesond Serie at ou do o tno euta vont ROY W.GOODWIN Phoane Actan 40r6 HEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW DISCUSS "OUI ONTARIO TOIRISI INDISTRT,,I IN QUIEEN'S PRK REPORT ha il jFRIDAY MARCH 26 CFRB 860 8.00-8.15 P.M. Business Directory BMDICAL THE STEVEN NCLNI Phones: Milton NaSalier M Campiselîville Number 392r14 Dr. C'. K. STEVENSON Dr. W . J. ROBERTSON Dr. J. IL BEACH 0Office Hours: A.M. By Appoinjment only- Sundaya--Emergeneles OnlI'. MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL- X-Ray Coroner, C.P.R. and GaI StUr«b MILTON HOSPITAL (Privaies VI&HNG Houas 2.30 p.m. ta 4.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. ta 8.30 p.m. (No Ciudren under 12) RATES IN ADVANCE Semi-Private - $5251 Private - $6.50 PHONE 216 MILTOtf DR. G. . SYER Physmieman ad surgeon Office-Jeanes Street Phone No. 38 Office Hours: 9 arn.; 1-3,. 7-8.30 p.m. Coroner DI. J. H. tYNEILL M.D.CJ<. LM.C.C. Office and Reside.ice MAIN6 STREET MILTON Phone 412 DR. .3. W. McCUTCHEOt Farmers' Building, Main Street office Heure-B &.m.; 1-4, 7-9 pz. Telephone 395W Residence 395J LEGAL DICK & DICK W. L DICK. R.C. lCounty Croovo Attorney) RENNETH Y. DaCE, B.A. Barristers. Solicitors, Court H 000se - Hiltoa. Telephane 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON flarrlster, Solieltor, Rtc. OfficeNeot Donc ChamntOffi <0ce Main Street-Milton Telephone 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOT Barrieter, Sollciter, Notary Pul Office-Io Fermera' Building, 1ala Street, Hilton Telaphone 70 LEVER & HOSKIN C'hartered Aranetata Successars ta JENSUNS & HARDY 1305 Metropolita Bf dg., 44 Victoria St., Toronto, Elg. 9131 DENTAL DR. G. X. KING DENTAL SURGSEON Office in Royal Building, Mitma Haurs 9-5. Eseniegs by Appaîntment. X-Ray Service Telephane 197 DR. F. R. BABCOCK DENTAL SUBGEON Office oser Princeso Titeatre- Night Appaintmenta may ha arranged X-Ray Service-Oaa Extraction Hoors 9 to 5 Telephane 65u NIELSON - The Chiropeuctor DrgesThrrapist 33d eav of Praclîce & ady Attendant Mon., Tors., Fri., 2-5 p.m. Wed.. Sot., 2-5 and 8-9 p.ne. Closrd Thoruday Over Doumînion Store. Grorgetowna Phone 150V L. WILSON Darter of Chiropractie Eleetro-Therapiat Bell Telepltone Building Acton Phone 297J Houro 10 arn. 10 t p.m. OPTICAL H. C. LAIRD, ILO. OIPTo1IETIST - OMTCUAJ Milton-Tloarsday Afternaans a"h Evenings For Appainîment Phone Merclsand's.-56 Eyes Examined-Less Prescrbei 1