Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Mar 1948, p. 8

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iPAGE EXIGiTTH AAINC MPO THE CANAnIÂsis rufAsiosriss NitineaoniBirteMaiaesiand Deaush aniasetedinthis coalaaa a boas chsarte. lu MemoriamaNotiioe, cansi ian.prali.adsitiussl sor poas o Carda ______ Qbituar 8TY-0nrTuron to M1.o n day Mrris SPOh ~F J.POLLARD Ots 9 8, M. n i MJrsS O T Ma 244 Cosisucn Ave.. Toronto " uea evcswr edo IlANzdLL Aiter. JspsoH A M RA Tuesduy for Freder ch Jameo Pal- RANDEL--At S. j.sphs Hs lar. wtoded tte homeft i pai-r.' . S iio lRa l' M.uiOS o G sdaigll, ,Mrs.Albet ru otnson, drten. or Karn.,aDheîsg queteononeîli,, ys-oaprolongesi ilîneus. Bornein Surrey brouer oi ocro Tt ti qucuîs Os lierd nu-Englansi, he camne to Canada 42 terday? Hom con Georgetomn ges years ago. Prior ta raming ta Dil) amay mitis il? Tisey mece heaten, Onheille, ise mss amployed at the SYIdONS-At Hilton Privule Hou-Hitnmugophfrsanlot Dale essaie, Brampton. A veter- piaFriday, Marcis 1 1948horause tise OH.A. sïoean't 1lise an o! tise Boer War, ha enilstesi EM',a B. Symons teloves i snisow~ls e p aeHlo lmnts also in the First Great War, ai tise laie Reginalsi SYmonu. in a susiden deatis affair. Ne lu sacoivei hy ImO daughtera bHcNIVEN-At hec isome, Klblhide Hrs. Johnson, Osiscille ansi Hra. Ontario, %auday, Maris 131h Even if lise braIs are defeates, ino alrMittteso% 1948, Minerva Mount, helovesj they hnom they mon lise chassi: itnNplr itntrenn mua Of the lule James A. Mg- îunahip in imu sîraigisu gaines Lioyd, Oubvilie ansi Menry and Niven la her 94th year. Frederlrh Pollard, Bramplton; a Resting ai the Eitcting FaneraI sti ou tPagteMs .Cuis n ha adbfra niepuan, Norman Lundy, hait ai service Taeaday 2 p.mn. Interm~ent tePprc menhW udBrampton. Bethse] Cemeiery. dut, ansi un the play daring tase fem ahuri minutes In the third, oI acusoazî,Msu tise locais meahenesi suffilciently tu its a facil Il laites fraim 3 lai MIL'-nlv.-loue the content. Il times as mach distance ta top MIL ,nlvng memuryofaia -a car mhes paveents area slci seur wme ansi moiher, Eliza Jane Fan eepesdt e htadslpey a ooitgv Hilîs, miso pasuesi amay Marrh afnmcpeaeitsethtassipry Sumtratge 21st, 1944. perenniai player. Hihe Case, in yoarseli planiy of room ta top hy Oit and oit our lisougisîs do mac- unifuran again. It mas hard la heeping oel hohins te car ahaad. der asitbhim ta te In thece ai i hot. Tahe yoac time in inier ima. rotegaentfor ao'ay, ai Where w aid u.r dear massher aler sori a long lay-oif, tut te- Jusi four pears afo to-day mas in lisere pitciig lasi tue Saulyin ssesi hy saine. deaF snily - mFansAanreervicng ta figure .oui Tom H aines Prire, miso passesi amay ntise tulletin on hochey resalto Morris 13, 1945, also of ui dear pulished ia daly papiers which PLASTER AND BRICK fasiser mho passes amay an says OrGocýgeînmn 4, Hilton 2 SN EET&RA Fehruacy ltis 1923. (ereonwnSAD E NT&R D Sa me lcavetem in God' eis geogt isround 9-8St1 Tise rougis rondisefely u'er, epn Thereu 0one focr lise cairuaing GRAVEL, LOOM & CESS- Ansi our dear parents me lovesi mactine to ools-c. POOL STONE Hav e only gn e hfoce.- DL i3 2 On = ý.lites îurney o oaec Dame cumor has it tisai George-, aPhonle113r2 T.shore, o e.I em ta itno- Box 20 Georgetown Toetiser ta te evermome. syt lsen htMlo f Ever lovingiy cenemberesi ty icialu have safficleni grounsi tal GLEN WILLIAMS Tiseir Son Tam ansi Daugiters Pratesitishe laesday gane, aen osu Ida. Editis. Ethel, Elizabehess ecisnicaliîies. Ansitise OHA. Anne andi Hona. ecm ta lise poohing teaiso orounsi JOHJfSON-In ns îng memnors. ai on suc h offecses. aur dear daaghter Chailene Johnson, misatiassesi oscy Harch tarepos1932.cor Wticis cadsup ap aon esclusive Farnw orth Sixten ýear hav pased earsiorY, of a Georgetomn player c Char ena, 1cpigablfrgi.o h ls Ansi oc heaci's siil soie Icpigatlfr an nteOs As ime gomo on me miss yoa more 5 as sGeigetamo fume, ameet M em orials We ihint of yau dear Charlene. ag. 7- molihave cne uoglisi Anl our naine we ofien ceaIt. players in amateur canhs maatd otmrs But ihere ls notti ng cr to0 an- beîoscm Otan Afe sor Baiyuc ictreantis oli oeehi ago, sort a scandai mas Pale" Ansi tiey say time teai., aitl orosv roagisi ta ight inlise National CEMETERY LETTERING And telpu us ta forges. Hochey Leagoe, ansi one moulsi Butisa fartbas only pro-.ven bhure thougBt citivolsi h Mom muet me misesou c m hugti wol ave teen EaaRd s csstr Mesvy are oc teari m-ac oa ieîson la tissaIsthe Simon GUtELPH5, ONT. Memors. tcings you taris oncrePuce mnhq s wos . more.- _ _ _ _ _ _ Te the ime ohm you iccre ii unsm.ibis oiier has cteccied ansi To tise happy days of voce. . ýc-rsehed ttc siocy. ai rsi ihint- erediy mses.tt c scnt ng Is mas only a romor Motter. Dasi, Sisiets andi hum las, ttc rumar vaniahes ilna VtE RAN TAXI Broters.tiin air, os ttc pacmc miso ceceivesi tie fivM-o-nc set from a George- 24 HOUR SERVICE CAinDS 0F TItam :n pioymc imade surm he collem-, cd Il. On top of tisai anther par- ' AIlp,.srnger fully insus i Mr. Dear istsmtatannai] sonmitnessd the deal Santaof hec hinsi fiendo for tise macstose invsîlved tus assacn thtie Taxi Stand ut ias siucng ec lan ruisent o-cwiter tiseir oillingncs.a ta rmate Mc. L. lis ilnss te farts nooýn ta tise iroper BUS TERMINAL Mr .Secafini oiss oisse3tatankt uooitim ut tise proper fine.. ait iis friendo, e.1pecially mie saff of Hilton Huspiioa],misa taxe hec,,i Phone 401&4 Miltons su tins i m i during hi.,rccns t On e van cnpers sh aris i in .RSBNOran i510cm-. professions] spoct, ansi mhen Ii' . -,NS peao Mc ad M. JmesGolsculisvetigation ia mode, lise roîprins gransiparenîs of Joanne Galbraith:. arepnois.Ifurs e miis la enpress liseir tearifeltI n amateur sport. one cnol tiants 10 relative-s. frienda andi iay, the sport tas sasil n neigihors foc thisenrd-i Of sopi innsa lie doldrums. Officaso ialsy ansi indness rceivesiu-teOH..sol ak meit ing misir receni heccacemeni s.t H.sooe as mc - action, ansi ail Informtioasii - We wist tamsstendta our many ,cartd themwritrmill t asdOeE freeass ansi relative, our hears- isnomn ta lise pcaprr autoiisan R Z feli ttunhs ansi apprerioion focrte proper tise. tise ats af indncss, messages ai sympathy ansi hastîfulfloral of-- ieingu rereivesi during ou ac di ______________ hreavemnent In the deasis of our WndaHndetVa litile daugisier Joanne ol' adetVs Eoci ansiEd ynGlcois Pocket Adding Machina IFAST-RELIABLE $ AND ACCURATE $6.95 Easy tri peat-Is notcoin- -B revilies plicated.You rant aifordtsiU T ' -- te itout o aisay ccuuator -Goand Friday a eet irmsta-o You posiively cani tay u aIn buatro rsag Tweed, murvam, ralculao o f enloal qualiP J3, JOJ7. Regslar $24.50. for as 1,111e monryl Pays foc -People Wmis tensi themseincs itseii over ansi over in mas- ASTRmSPI freely are seldoas hacd up. F1 laites aoidcd, and ime ansii money ssvcd. rp ame on Manday of Ohmmecs. Onîxe hs aosites oya$ 1 4 -Luohosifhc scingtreas- oe 0ftiermacines isa -MactIes are out ibut me Complete instrcrtions. fJ~ 4~ P9) havent notiresi any susppîng capes , uaraniesi 5 earsM N O in evidenre yen, THE CLOCKERY In Hrrringbooe andl Tm 14 NMERRICE STREET Regular $2950. -Mc. Ernest Zuesi has purhas- HAMILTON, ONT'SE P md a 100 acre facin on.ttc m oîia oaAgents Limiiesi Sspply PASERSP fromr Mr. Asiston Lome. H all 12.10, Bal. C.O.D. -Mr Rb-t.rûzeha_1 9 0 %q i-a. ,e.i0r% MEN! Dress- Up for Easter & Sunny Weather Ahead Wr have a goosi selegiion ai MEN'S SUITS, SPORT COATS, AND DRESS PANTSin Worsîcds ansi Gabardines. ased the home vacated by Mr. -- - Zuent and family from Mr. Caîn- bert Lush. C ide' -A perusai of the *local ailver- â rns Aid tising wmll hielp 3.ou reduce the rOst oi living. Local merchanta ofier many attractive shopping Ç el values each week. Applications wili ho re- Icelveot by the Childrens Aid WATCHVOUESociety of the County of Hal- WT V 'aCOMFORtI ton at their office, Baak oa, We Sgget ths, lot hatyou Commerce Building, Milton, We sgges thi notthatyou for a suitahie privute homne need mare, but tht pou need boas. convenientiy locateot ontise Car camiot, a eo dmct Coonty or Haiton, ta he used ccaro i0J a duhioshee ît. by tise Society au a Recept- saya Dean A. Fales of tue Massa. !on Homo for the temparary ceisaettea Institute of Technoîagp. car e ai chisdren comiog ito an IPresive uthrity youare the rare ai the Saciety. A aisimpessve titoriy. ou re atisfactory ietaining iee tua camiartahie for safety. Mdern wîîî ho paid, also a daily ai. Upisaistery, tise praieaaor urgea, lowance foc each hisdind relaxes the driver taa mach and rare; cota, hedding, etc. pro- 80 Inducea fatigue and dramaIness. ided. 7%e need la urgent Thse new laok ai thoae aiopîng, and farîher particularu ii twa-paned indshieldas aola a ha iarniahed un cantactIng tlelasian. Tlsey merely canta4hte the Society office. tO eye fatigae. Wat1, t 1ma, 0, . F. THOMIffON, Cant put any hisma narcr SUPERINTENDEIr FrTICKETS @nld INFORMATION CONSULT- RONALD HARRIS - PHONE, 404 "U Otur si P&eàelsgaEsPems ervioe for Qus fc QUIC veela Venetian Blind SALE! Mondjy - Tueaday - Wednesday MARCH 22-23»24 At lat we are able I o upply "FlexaIum" Venetini Blinds in stock size ata redumI d pes. Sce ui belov for vour requirements: 24" x 64" $6.60 26" x 61" $6.60 28" x 64" ... 6.60 30" x 64" $7.15 32" x 64" $7.70t 34" x 64" $8.25 36" x 64" $8890t 38 x 64" 93 40' sx 64 $9.90 MacNAB & SON 63Y w Home urnnJsmgs Milton R'S MENS WEAR h ~4Q4eti#z9 SUITS gound poilerai, JJ,34, PECIAL .95 PCOATS ved Sizes 36 ta 42. ECIAL TIES TIES TIES Sport Shirts - Dress Shirts FANCIES AND PLAINS $3.95 TO $5.75 * For ihat cotra pair of DRESS 100sîa * PANTS sco our scicetian f O! IPquiim5' i ,u A VERY PRACTICAL 0 PsaOU UtPaxi Tweeds. Regialar up tb $8.95. -.a ur Mss a<saUri@ EASTER ('IFT * ASERSPCIL b ~ OuS P9enis Ir@lfu 2 fine quality handkerchiefs 4.95 1 110aluUamdq V 1in attractive folder ..$1.00 RMURSDAY, MARGE 1810. jus THE CLASSIFIED SECTION Buy-SelI-Exchange. Wanted Advectisemeîs uader ihis heading 35c, cash mîts oder, up ta 25 mordss Additîooai mordu le per mord. If cash doeufot ar coaythe adveciisemeot, minimum charge 50eand le* per wosîd dditiona or acli mord ovr 25. Soiseqocot insertins FOR SALE WANTED FOR SALE -1030 madel A Ford. F \ANTED-1 0Ohild's Crih, largo- J. Buiiey, Pearl Street. sire. Mca. Allan McCallum, Phone FOR SALE-Seed Bacley. Appiy 82lMitn Boh Hayword, Campheiville. Who ED-y M rOweH i or FOR SALE -1048 Pontiac Coach. Pisone 89r4 Milton. .aro Appiy R. Musteh, Phone 267r13 W_ýANTD Kitig aei Milton. Wauhing ut home. Mru. J. J. ls FOR SALE-Viclani Oas, aiso'Es aySiet tn aMlon.f a trw hone 156s0l WANTED-40 layiog siens, Leg- M !It o n .h a ro s p re fe rre d . E . R . D a vid u o n , 226 Main Mi. N., Weulan, Ont. FOR SALE Ajan seed alt, -__________ power cleaned. Ëari Snom, Phone I WAT1 -il r o fî tm 288rld Milton. esperleoce neot necessary. Apply Carrails Limiteot Milton, Phane 25. FOR SALE -- Chanceler seed pea. ApiyAihri antr Pone WANTED-25 acresa f aisture Buriington lbet H24j4. Phneiand with mater and seame huas. B u r l i g t o n 4 j 4 .A p p i y A . B . W a o d le y , P h o n e 5 2 r 4 FOR SALE-1939 Dodge, good Milton. condition, good tires. Appiy Seiti WANTE -lePutywn Inglis, telephone Milton 234r4 R. OR -Gnnder or ex- R 1, Camblvle bà change for goose. J. RHopkins, mheliie 62 Phone 251r5, Milton. WANTED-Live Poultry, highst priceo paid aise feathero. We eauI FOR SALE- Extension ladders Poaltry. Phone Rendait & Morley, au] sizes aitatmractive prirea, uee as Itlon 143; Armustronga Butcher McEim Bras, Phon 28, Milton. Sup, Milton 42; W. E. Dent Mil- ton 92rl5 or Write ta Muses Zener FOR SALE-Victory Seed Oas. 402 Dneercaart Rd., Toront. 49-52 aise Potatues. Wm. Baonfieid, R. R. 2, Milton, Phone 284r4. 38-3i WANTED--Dead, oid and diatais- -led animai, removed mithin a le;. FOR SALE-Magir-air vacuum hours free ai charge. Slmply rcaner, al] modern attarhments phone B. D. Young's, V.S., B.V.-Sc goosi condition. Phsone 222 Milton: 146r4, Milton rollect. Brualovine, Ont. We du the ceut. 24 hou;r FOR SALE - et th ut Beatty service, 7 daya a meeh. Domestir eomp pamp nom. Several ln stoch. Animai Service. cKim BroS. Hardware. Phone 28 ATD1O Wahn ah Milton. WNE -0 ahn ah mnes ta repaie, any mahe. Ovrhaul. FOR SALE -Wr tave a good ing & repairing done hy Canadals stoch of chichen feeders and drink- oldeot & largeut oasting machine ers, aiso ome name trapu McEita]husiness. SatisfactionuUaranteed. Ro.Phone 28 Milton. 47 yearu of continuous record. Fac foriher partiruiars rail] Mervin Ez- FOR SALE ¶ hitrisen suite ard, telephane_>tilton 122. 24-10 haires tatl, 4 leaihruhlir TENDEROS FOR WISING cd chairs.ln eocellent codition.Ot ________laisBell,_________ Schee Section No. 5. Esquesing Specficaîiaoo mray ho aeen St FO ~~te Secrearyn offce Georgetow FR SALE 1945 Dodgc 3 ton Woch tebdone arcording temny truch, Roond .haipe, aloond ieom ro & iEerir Power Commission iif torsessare 5 and 7.MAPPIY J.epecifications. Wsinigîtohbcdune H. Holmes. Phone 52r2 Milion. by JulY 31st, lomeos or any tender net necesoarily urceptei Tendero FOR SALE -I1Holstein Com, 10te bin hy Harct lOth 'Miss R. frrst,oiseo2isorse coiii5rn21"and F. Evans, Secretary - rreasurer 22". Scotict tops, Littîr's muho. Townshsip Octool Area No.1, Es- Appîsy George Prarocs. Phsone 94r quesing, Georgetomn, Ontario. ilton. B-36-2 FOR SAL.E- 60 rords mim.d Hairdmood. Vili de]!iver in foot MISCELLANEOUS congto in cord loi,. Also qoan- ity of cli plant. S. Ellioti. ELECTRICAL 1WIINC AND Phone 47r5, Acton. B RANGE REPAIRS - Have yaar oonge ioohed over nuns. C. Emillie FOR SALE Hoosrtoid furol. Bronie Street, Milton. aurc of thtc o r m R. Symons. ron ho seen tieen 2 axd d end NOTICE-.Doctor of Chicopract- 7and 9 p.m. Telephtoo r Mes e Eiectro.iiierapisi, Bell TdIe. docles. Ra.;ptcrrY .54W 41-2 phsone Building Actan. Nauro ______ 10a". to 8 p.m: L. Wilson, phone FO LSIE Oliver "70- Tractor. 0J c.c on 194.1. eceleni condition TNESFRWO ,ith starter and ligtîs aiSo eqoip- TNESFRWO .cd u !thpOilievand 6soceitoatad. Nossaomeya Preshyterian i. Satoiissi. R.R. 2. iltHon. Churet O6 cord of 4 fi. maple and - ____-hectssood 1cocrdî4 r. edar. FOR SALE Siortrd Ciso To te piied in ciiurch grosunds hy and2 siees old pollcîs îom jýoV- May 31,1948. Loisest or anyen-. rrentoi lpcoved f5olloeom Irer dcr Soi necessaiily acrepted. Wil- .irccdcis. Aucksland., Hotctery fred Kenneody, Sec -Treas.,RB.R. Lvlic. Phone 267r22, Milton ' . Rochscood, Ont. E W. Dredge, 4i-2 Ctoirman, R. R. 1, Acon, Ont. P, ANOPORTUNrry - Estah. FOR SAL.E -Comnmercial No. 1 IshANRura Waîhins District avait scd ioaiS. 1140 per tostel; Coin- able. Il YO are aggresuive and serrial No. 2. $125: Ceriied N-i teimeen theasof2an55hv 1, 1.00; Reglsierd No. ,$.0 a* onscre travel outsOt, tis la Win Cose Sos Ld.Sirrets- your oppor unîty te gel establissas vle. Phone 18W and 114. ioa ofiOtable tusiosess ai yous- own. For fu11 parilaru writ e- FOR SALE t*ron Age' Trans- day te Tise J. R WaihinsCopn lanicis, Pototo Placiers. Polto Depi O-M-O 2177 Masson S. ont îiggcrs. Orchard aonotRom* 'rop ceaI Quetec Srwoycrs Ruther Tred Trocior e. lanure Spreadeco, Pototo Pichers, FRSL Hammer Milîs, Groin Biomers. B AL ai-m Eqaipineni Service, Luise- THSE MUW 0 F NIffO ;hor Eat, Okvile 59W. 1037 Model i Ton Panel G.M.C, Truch. 4 ipeed transmissionheat- FOR SALE-Dr Lovalillter, en lOdOti0; Duro Waier Synirm, Case Trocior heul ac sutune 1108.00 Beatty Waier Systees crasterand elevator and ujune in 118.00; Thor Electrir Wastcr, 2 Buildingsa approoimately 14 fi. F30.50; Thor Gos Washer, 6ft n lpdro h t .94.0)0: Water Bow's ins O 10 fi.aunea srofe. oftieoie 16. TF J rnl hoe 1Cemenî Mixer miih engise. i9M.TF Apply te FOR SALE Borgain, shrec HARRLS-BRLt, omec i mnteried rottage, us Road Supi. conte, nemil' decoraird inside and FhneBreen , 3 . . i.t furnistrd. eieciiiciiy. Baussec- PiieBulngn73.. icevrcliour fom Toronto to smiltoo ond 300 yards from Lake C.LENSPEY FARMS LIMITED nro. Large lot 110O7'7. a 11ram, gýood sioný e ll Building Bp .'Àw N.67-Rs-ag iut lcfoi, garage inctiorteil plen- oaiH n.d6Office. Cag [4 opiioctunitv toc tooriot iUsin- fdOfer S. immedinte possession and BE IT ENACTED11 as a By-Law ne. cply 1o Hilton of ttc Company: îonei wd r 1.221. HAT tise Head Officeao' tise 'hon i922l.Company ise tranuierîed fruentise City of Toronto te Rural Route FOR SALE--Scedo, Regiuieredi Numiser 3 Mi'ton. ndCommercial Grm PSSIS 40- f fn intacto Voriegaird A falfss ASEDtise 2th aofJn W Clover. alise, ail olts vemi uary, A.D. 1940. cw merd content: aise Ceriied 'L. G. Kllein" .A. P. L, Wade" dno. Whtie Clocer and iancy President Secreiary sse-, foc. 5oar Posture mixiures CONFIERMtES y tise Sisaresole]- t e made oms te Soit yoor iadi- ers on tise 1t a fJna ouil nerds. Phone us orraIl] to A.D. 1 tsda9u4J8.ry ze s on youcrequirementsand"LG.Ken "AP.. ae ?v se hone chargzes. William I.G esin' A. P.LWsde Ouse & ons Lsd., Sireitsilie, P resii e etarpy one 18W ond 114. 4d4P-2 Ccifid aTre u 41-2PL. Waeal FOR SALE-1047 Fsrd Coachi, A. P.L. a in 8000 nattes; l1948 Jeep StationSaeac scgon. nrm: tlsed Jeep 1948 Dem- ti-atur; Eli-, Cisoimers Model B îÏRAVELLERS' GUIDE ýatron iohhri; Limited numis- of nowmTraror and quitmnt ,immediair and spcing de)ivecc PANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY licorne tirai srrvcd; 1944 I.H.&: STANDARD TIE îî-h A-I condition; New' Reo 1948 Coing Easl-7.31 a m. daily; 2.221 di long mOrd hbase tiron: Bos- p.m.. daily; 8.37 p.m., daily escapi LanPomer -Lama Momrer; 1 Sondoy. stin Heifer spcinger: a frît Going West - 9.20 n.m.. dallp id wors torscs. Tom Hemoon, ifoot; 6.31 p.su.. daily: 12.47 a.m. une332wc Georgetown. B daily ancapi Sasday iflagi,. gunday Going Easi-7.31 a.m.; 2.23 p.mn.: T9.24 p.m. Going Westi-029 a.m. iflagi;. .OST-Bloî coatiser zioperc-it6.31 P.îu. iel containing drivers'lIcense i otiser salaile papers. Lamne CANADIAN NATIONAL, .ts Ladies Auniliacy engraved RAILWAY de. Finder please ]cave Fit Going Nortis-7 98 am. smpioo. office. Coing out- --.m ...- -4ýMMAJUI %InAmrIUN

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