TH. 5A>5i5IJiA1NLIJiPO PAGE FOUR J '~ MILTON LEGION NEWS 0F DISTRICT Nw * I A gond aepreeatlan ai mena- Ilnteresting Items Concenlng Mthr Centresaid Couuuun- ai the Saeneh Manday night lan) ities la whlch Maiy of Oular Reeders are Intereaed âpite nf ther attractians. - - - -- - - -- -- Installation ai four new main- br etrdtemeeting. The nen menahera melcamed Iinladed: NASAG WE A OV ILE Canrades A. Wade. S. Samas, Mita S. 8. No. 7 Lednith and A. MeCallum. 1The Ma-cii meeting ai tire W. M. The haase and ipraperty cent- Mca. Mi-Lean bacc rtarned fraincS. ai the Unitedi Charchi. anaheit nitteae hairman repartei exten- viritiag with Trno fiends. 1 an Tharsday afternaan ai tire ive aiteratiana and impras-ennts This sectian mas shacitet whea ,hame ai Mrs. G. A. Caulons. Mc. were pragresning anti maatd saan iiiey learaed the nema ai the, MIfard Caiing anti Mr. Ewoisatlha campteteti. desth ai Mr. Jahn Alison. SYtt- lCaiing aece ia charge af ihe pro- XItmes aisoeannaunceti thai Mr. paihy la exienaetiet Mrs. Allison gra. The Saripiare reading nana Bayes. Onario Service Officer, anti daughtes's, Mas. Masan anti given hy Mrs. F. W. Hartatte. waatd hia Milton on Aprît 201h Ma-. Richartison la iheir hereave- 'MPr. A. D. Penmna led in çctayer. farth ie picrpae af heariag claims mnnt. la the ahsence ai the presîdeni the regardiag pensiaas anti aiher mat- Fehraary 22ati Fra Forum mas vice-President Mc .Roy Caultea teas. fitmas agreed ta adynatise heiti et the hame af Mr. antiMr,;. pritided far the btuiness sectioan his presence anti aiseaparovedt hat Wiifred Kennedy. The Faruma anti gave ihe ciîapîer f[nna te ihat ihase intesestet sitaulti ses ..tayed in ana gaoap ta diseana i1i slady hbnok. A temperance readlng Canaratie Anderson uecretary at Oleoargarine enieing the coan- mas given ity Min. 'A. D. Peaman. leant Ove doa spreviaan teaApril try A malnriten article wao At the W. A. meeting falloimg 201h. reand, giving lacis thal mere ea- (piano mere macle ftc s raiinale lighting an tate ingredienlo ant i ail. Aller the meeting lunch price, tai matie the feeling aoften'as nec'ved ty te liastesn anisird The marîti famaus Mostmorency group siranger titan ever againci hy Mas. F. O. Cliing, Mas. W. J. Faills, near Queitec city, hasca- havlng il. (21 Dalilgiti saviag limre. Raberisan anti Mis. Ray Caulter. catietimater for an eslinasiet Eacit gave s miten nitemeat ai Mat Lennarti Caulsan relararti 10000 yeaas, bitlnana ledrylag np. titeir feelings Ina ar egeinat anst homea an Ssnay frana St. Jasepith _______________ mere realnul t y te leader. Hospital Miamiliona aller ander- Every ose egeinol. itat vaieti maya gitsg e serinas aperalian. EXTENSIVE C'LEARINGO ni esprnfiing Il mea-e given -- Mr. anti Mas. Roy Cnller enter- W CFON S L humoroas. deSanite and ressontmicy lainedth ie fana foruma an Mondav T O U t mes no gacti. "Yea con have It, evening. Alerlte discustion lei 1 dont ment l. Il's tIna lst for hy Mr. Gen. Caaisan. cards mere DURHIAM t2A'IXLE.PER HORS- me." "Yeu cao change tecock. piayed. Lunch nana servedi nai's, POI1LTEY. DPLEiWENTS, bsut riciena, chiîlaren, canas, sîey te gentlemen serving. OR AR-1IlRAL ESTo-r onnatuae's time." "Il jusl meensaMms. Aies. MaNiven antiMa. anti anc mare hor less sleep for te Mac. Santey Caulsan atlended t, Te antersigned auctianceas fermer" and "If cilytpeoplemwant ianeanof Mr. Wn HrdaitErns have recei Instructions frana ttelttema gel up titeir houa earl- an Maadsy afleannan.te Execalaices af thte Esînle of lea, butlteave teeltcit atone" Ma. and Mru. Melis Clling ant i lei mere a semple of te nritiaga. lita anti Mas. Eal Clling,'if ' LATE W. J. ALLISON Tititi dscusionmas n fra e- Heilln, vaite 'iilitMr. salli iy pubieicaucica t Lot Thid dscusin ws o fctoac-Hamltn, isidSunday %-t M.15. Con , Tp. ai Nanagemeya, coutitbooks. Tite maya ai hand- anti Mr.. Meifard Clling. i(HaiConvî 4, eai 4 ie ling "Seve te Ciildeen Fsnd" Mr. anti Mas. Aiea. Sherifsa lau vcalh nf Caapitelivilla:on aanvasing Inait a Ira Minale,. ccn Taesday an a trila Sctlanil. FRIAY, 15AW11 sis Sonne linely gemnes of aucitre mas. They woui sai fccn Halifa ns Canmescing ut 12.00 armaiektlice playeti. Mis. Kennedy servati n nice Fiday, lnllaing: lunch. idORJIES AND HARN2sKSS-Per. Mas. Titas. J. Kennedys'bailte vitrana leliing. t) peers nid; Pea- misarlne a hve ittifel la~ a'iA Trn'~T TTT J~V~DL L E cieras Maie. 10 ceaiýs 1.14'Par- Tasday nta a Site is annOneti ELLV1L cirns Gelding. aged. Odd ('ama; atuecdandsncShae s'elape'î - el heavybsit moaanted Baeeit, te er ed nd inc ha deeloreing Haines..: 2 -, a-iOa-iiand Ha- a a i-ad. Wc itape site haa a speetiy Canccntlaîinn. t..MMa anti Mrs nes,: 044 Bridles; icI ..eë Blanc.- cecacers' Ma Kennedy iaehair Dougla-c Inglis con lie iirlt fai et ci, te raid. ' daugiter; la Mr. and Mas Dssg- ('OWIS & YOI'Ni;('A'"ilp 3. Mas.Jait Pee huaheenverslas Agnea' an the itcttoflaa s; Ducrhcama'C%'.,. claase spisîcas; 2 Mm.Joh Per hs ben ervandilnMi, and Mci amaesDicitn IcaaitcnaCana. lue ime 1sae M te pai mweeit a e ea s- lita Bath of a a sn.ail ttis ureit. I Cm('a'tue nMa'1. ci edtelareport site is sane btler. hai..acndi iiac'cnvý*Ci d'ca Mr'. asnd Mas.LoydiCranafornl i Mc.t. 3 caDurha '. . nIiing Ma. Cnpeiand reparls openshi',accd Mc. anti Mca Arnolti Ca ntlns itcc-c '.cglai, ailiv gcenca' rature tana visiing Mas Cop- arr'cecliteaclas weeendt afler clci:ld ('ail; 2 Darican landti niWisdsor taI hec ieaili. "pndin g in-cv-hiln lacido a cc c...SDacitarnilied.-. c shonwsnimpaveeant. We itale sit c siMi..Ciate cg c'incg <eIi lDuam Yfn (pt.iý. wilsansiheableitie t euan itona-. tti it,' Caudan Weddcsg zAnsca- casinizc,' %r.: Ii>c, nBuil Tite Busc Bees Wamen's Ile eraay ditnscotie , u.-îaîce's pa- (ctci ic!i-i tcci ding1 stclae teidl a saeceaafal tancea ent.. ai thc-Fisher lîccel in Hemnd. ci. t-l,,iiIl:llcccctc Branitrille Hall Fiday nigit inclMan asSusti ccc(i itca haull. 2 ce, aId. lai; aidaif "ave tite Childrten Fosd." A large cni Wlclic'i F=,AR_c tam Bull. I Ma. undt Mac. "Bud ad" c Bvi vil eai Fiiay ,'vciin ENT APrg.Ci Tl~tEQl.lyi' I (;eacgaîacvn'eacaeek-end guests I ,orccmadMr.JoehCucrc IrgeTnk athiîna nI'Mc. and Mas Joseph Fransi. vît- nea-y-ccccia.onetitia village. Tanks: Scttlcîcg Tank. \cc cclýap Mas. Jamesa Msiec. Actas. spalit oi'in -kcetse aliemsî lc--l.acnd Rili'.. h Tirs Sanday and Mandsy mitit hec par- oDaiciegvasOesîra itthemuc. a W. cncl ents, Mc. and Mrs Tita, Kennedy. Mchell anti Mr. Rccy Carrde nas - Y& <'11cit<Y Mc. Ban Beavis ila havcng a iran nae-MENcit eiyacTîcîcif Suc cv.' Cc-avccl r aartian saie onsSatsrduy. -cadthie adtriccandtte happv lcc5in lsitca er Ic - c-c ' --rccd' Mr. anti Mca Norman Balown'ecule Feecicnr- ih los. Ol oe; 2Fccan ,s andt ieirsans, Mc. Raipit Balowstuiieenhlfo ieci- Set-s -er- Fnan ara getlIng seliet instheir nena ' CTh apycope elp hiches irat-,. t homeConesson 6Lot16.MOTOît CARS & MOlOli 1111 ham Cnceais 6icl 1. hasiting ail. fac thte gond aisitea h'p:N EQI'llME:s-r F'ortiRod Tite laed tays ni Feitcsary iteti Mr. andi Ms. aits Farly, Mr.e. na ol-IA.;<lai Racine. 4 hpc nanly dispositions, itut tite fiai'ýMc';.Harvey Blachînat. Ma. ant i Bccit Sean aclh samali mili-age day ni Marcai altaugit ni a relit Mr,. 'itahhec tli'sMc anci Mc% Met.aahlicc l'cccisg Car îsctl nature, came la smnlng. Henry Kelly. Ma. 'anti Mai. laiSýextrI a ngod m 'i [cFor5 isclar Congratulationnstn Mc. esti Mcc.Wallae -are leneitarge nifte atndimctnr.Hamarch<ciain: Fic-t-c E. W. Britten upon te arrivaI i feeîîsg.vc1('cccana Bapacaica; Pocvca Km- teis-great gcandson; snaifMr. On hrdyeernth .S ry 21M 1i-Fres Auo anti Mas. Fred Carlson (nefs Vie- Oai . DTituanChuy even Lta YPSeay; i 2ieractr, F'rc na as Ellini Nana Toronto. ta' PS o ur Cuc f e-(.FARM IMPLtIp:ýI;Nci M . Y PS.:nf Dofis7Cit.r.1teniraor-n-' Cngatlations are also dus Mr, isan. A gond cavanat tinestct te v î;?c,;BlndMedîi5esfcn;c-as- and m. ordn Alenwonthemeeting. Mc. William Bryant cas- Hay Leaderc; Fetiliier Fard araivai nf titeir heity iagitter, ducteti fumesî anti ail enîspati a Dcll icd.' i'ilivccy Raire; Danip a sdatec for Bayais. 'oriel houa. Rai':M.1l Masuci hicaoca Mai-h la Fara Rdio oas., cl1i heel Wagon: Fanai Wagon; Ma ai lt hom adic.antimas. Bverai cases ni ciicien-pon are ltlsp h avit; 2'incaan idisa Plana; Desid Heasterson. -Wlai te Ma- rpcinttevlaeat n2Waitin g Plama: Intita-anaDise; cane ni mealea. P tata Planter: 2-i-ana Buffler: chine tes done for Un," nasa tise O hrdyeeigteypS igeSufe;TriSwr topia for te evanlng. Mrs. enti- snTidtade n.n litues YPnthe ingieBSolr od. lmr ercon servectia îsveîy lunchsta ranaritita g iruce"mI , FiH acniStcl Mill-; CHat notme lateaesilng rames oni ccire Cucfii n li teSt. Decîda Tatder; set Soop Siaigits; set neae playeti. Churcit. miicit avre enjayed ity ail. Beana l iigiti:Cutter: 2 Bug- Fora Foruma aiNo. 1 Scheel glas: Cycone Sentier; Steel Bar- was eld n Moday venig wi raies' Fend Bases; Witeel Barrai: masitetian anay venngtstttEatensitcn Latder: ln fi. Liller SAKTCHWAN Ma. C. Watsonas actirmen. Mr. Carrier Tract: Bag Trueck: gai- WHY SSACE A Bruce SmaaB anti Ma. William vnnloe-d Water Tant: Na. of POPULATION DROPS Watson mare disceussiona leaders. Plants; cît itiWndom asti Dsor PrIe in am for esicire, Mc. anti Inui; BannaPin-e: 50 card ni dry Finncal n-. ACares M. J Hmar stiCard Woodt; Sanas; deep mal Fac yeara. neya c innilMm CitaM. .HwadadPamnp; Ciaeas Hanap; 100 fi. Es- Posi, il han teen apparent tai Mc. Dace Frazer. tension Cord; Pamp Jackt; Chaîna; Sanitatciteman agriculture, hy long ______oultres So odls te greatesi singlc lndanlry Weces iee; Pip Badnna ta te provincereudnt mmi- Fending te irds nahen thela ecoas ther sanl arties. iy tape ta minlain tite nanaier naturel foond asucerre lsa et- REAL ESTATE --At ltecamne ai people il pnca emplayeti, jtl ming hobbty, for ttey qoicitiy imeandsati e, tera iii te afier- ainne aic.ocii any naîscal Inarease. shona tieir trust. etifornalme, suiWtie l reserve id, tite fras. conusting ni: Meily, Saskatcitewan egrculture - PARCEL ONE-200 acres, mare pruduces mitent anti sntils Ilina. " rccclana, ieing te East anti West nactanimation tas scared is~ AUCTION SALE it""aa greatest ativance. Witeat famsNa F Lw.O Fi!fn 151, Co- are gelllng steatiiiy lerger, tlie---enleti nmatiras sliti triack 10 numiter ai mes enspispetila grair- cOF FARM STOCK, I3IPLF.- rnameti itaee itit itrtiwand îsg taemitent, steatily imailer. MEN119 tana.., hat, fat-caner, aaning unit - atertorsnHO muwt camnent Te olhautls prensent population, On floors la sitae, large hsg penn, ta provîde saificient jobst Inarte TIIESDAY, HARI 151h imicirmeni sited nit poitry ynang peope nan a caitlg moIne- 12.30 itae nceritend. ahi. item IfisO o n ily, Saskatchewan muai have nana Tht pcpeaîy ai foantiation, ityda n sait ibuildings. indstres.Ta anvde itae n-c ORVAI, Sit4(CL~AM land ecnsistaioni day laa m atio indsties T prvie tes ne Stuaedon No 5 Highay ine admoati uhitanti 10 aris sait Indties there muai ha nanacasic- mile eest on iB. 'George. naaylnc, aneetndPet lisi. And capital iii sot ventura HORSKS-.Team of Ciesinutsnrare. Tiis fra lu siuantati an miteratera la nitnpe ai reazna- 3200 ha., rting 4 asti5. '.Caucty Rnad mt mîlittruc-ltanti able secaily and e reesanaitîa CATTFLE- 38 Daiay Catie, eitasi hua cpising tsar. profit.0 y H'uteIns, lncluding 6 PARCEL iiWO---Can..atui ni 1g profitfanait, t pringet-.en th ie ibalance 8navea anareaof'leun, cosay il raa- Manlita learne ibtiis lami-na ireti fac earîy feu freaitenlng. M hilouse nitit nandshed hyidce loag aga andlnamore recent yene, IMýPLPMENýS--Ferintai H' I icndCisscn, 3 acrsamre'orJesa Aberta tas learned ti i 0. %Son- H.C. Tractor an roitier a e -woritableibalance itositanti pnnt- atchwan moe deendnt n aCase Combine; 3-fuactina u; re, neyer fiting nping suppies atcema, aretiesaenian Oi- sPring tbath Catisator' Hay mater. Anynne rnnsItiering te single hdntry ihan clteraifte Leadcer; Sida Rate; r rir lcîlparcitane ni a fra aitositinspect ni-hors, stoulti have teen te ral Wagon; rn-e crap Cullivor- titsp.q iasperias previtasata sale. ta iean It. Insteat ihtenasgene Tracter Spreatir; sprîng lsaii TERMS ON REAL ESTATE nul ai ls mey ta mcare paisaie Hrma- 2ril ; -section Mac- M ada tnascn day nf sale. invnîmatsnay au .ie rsat irtow;c owCossn Planter mt 3EiMS ON CIIATIELS-'Cash tas paîilte grealeot penalty hischine, De Ha. M0thng aont li tote isns eeetiy- te Isof aisla tat sunsn aciELLSNO-PH SMITH, ntalgmaite. tit m n ii tiaongcra verite aIIsa ior- Nu renarveasanfan a froi. HI'NDLEY ANDS 5LLIOTT, Only 'AurtIlneecu nuggongsuavasia ali ec rRMS CASH o rnor Hilton te day nana- Orval Sinclair L. MîMihian, Cent B-36-2 TIIUR8DAY. MARfBI '515h Mass Production for the People, MURPHY OCCASIONAL TABLES 24" n 16" n 171/' higis The smaîl table viii many uses, itatsitie, iheirsite, gafen, lhe radio, lhe citiltiren, Every home cen fiat a use for ana, or mare, Bnp one for your own home. or as n gif t for anofisers. Matie iroin t gîqnaliîjc kilo trust lumber trougitaut, pratecteti vus a transpar- ent iagquer mich bringn ouitlise sat- oraliteauîy of the vont, andi alan is ceasonaitîy heat anti scratch proof. PEIRSM OAK, MAPLE ....... .......... $10.5 WALNUT - ......... ..........815.77 Mail artiei-,C.O.D .or cashnit mîtorter Mcney refuntird if n ataniiMed. by the People 1 WOULD LIKE YOUR HELP 1 camie 80 Canada last Septeauber, ansd 1 am trylng to estabiiah a nation-wide buinaess to mak isefl, eilbl, bghvalue for money, funturefor the ut ofCanada, that la, those with Incommes hetween $1500 and $500 p.s. My capital, geam 8000.,1Ihave put imbe gettusg here front Eugland and startlng thse business, J knew fiat ti".would ho ln. sufficsent to capitalise the job, as te job la a big job and îuuch bigge than 1, as one mai, could poselbly issudle aingle.handed. But i took the course 1 <d lui full confideuce that 1 should geteive thse neceu.ary support f rom those who lie to mee a gond job of work doue, aid who jappreciate thse cring neeusity to provide the People of Canada wtth uefut, reltahie, higis value for money furnltue. 1 have started pro- duction and selilg aid have alreedy reoelved valuable inancta]support localty. Thts uatur. ally enorages me te sai for finanilJ help ou the wider acale& 1%t present hetp ham Ieen given as persouat boai, and 1 thinis thls la more satisfaebory thon foa'uing a compeuy and Mmi- lng dhares. I1 i sme $10M000hmuedlW*ey, which I would Mlenut teme In amm of $100 for 12 mentis certain, and thevSater repaYable on requet hy ether aide. The lutereef t it b 6%iL payable aimtly, gai pro rata for aiy portion of a year on fie rot urn of thse lan. Murphy Furniture rrank Murplsy. Mairbina St, Milton fZ li!i ýiCREAN STYE CORK a~i 18 BANANAS lb. 6 1or4c HmaLtlc'adcvJUseelclcedi 27Ç GRPMTT..6GRAPEFRUIT JUICE l' oi Messina for lI nai Sc.cî-n- LEMONS, ise 3009 19C ORANGE JUICE ",,031Ç 2 ', 27 Sunkist Navel Bad hieQjJi ORANGM iESa288 [ fvid i2c9c col No. i PITTED CHERRIES la 0 t- 9ç SPY APPLES, basket ..65c Pi 7Ç 'ck Wash CARROTAMNS7 ýT'b2 Celo Beng30Brnd Ontarto ONIONS 38 STANDARD PEAS 2 e,., 25, Cello Rage. . - 3s TLIRNIPS -2 il'. 9c CHIJICE QUALITY PEAS m,16 " AM pkg 37c ?EAS & CARROTS "T-? 19 Lou n .clleyc Sionddît _... is. 5c LIMA DEANS e~ 5 Ca]iforula ' cc i i.l Pkg. DATES2m HCLT SYRUP t, 0, 29Ç CabhageRadish, Siaessîba Byai Cci. B C. Chaive Quailiy ~ '>~" DARTLETT PEAU ~,O - w. Teleohone Hilton 1911W MINUTE TAPIOCA '?1 Plain or Salie JERSEY CREAN SODAS é,-- 13C -lî. Ni-ccL.aa'Price" PEANUT BUTTER 33- Si. il 1- ORANGE MARMALADE 'L", 39ç GRAPE JIICE la 0. r WHIOUE DILS ~30ç Leadig Branda PURE LARD Lb27, Leaalîng itianats SHORTENING Lb 30W ' 4 ccPeapie) RAFT DINNER pst j19 lICE jBas *Ba.8 37 We puy highesî ceviia ere l'ce or angradeti eggs. Ship wiîis canifidence la Domninion Stares Lina- ied, 832 Oid Wes ton Rond, Taranto Registered Nsnaier o-29. V--L U-L.. TeMphom Mon IUW THE CANADIAN CHAMPION mEý 1 il.- -.w AY, MARR 21UL mu