MitnBantains LR'.Ls n Milton Clinch Second SPEAKER AT MEETING Cae ead aitams Win Plavdo4ns~ Tuesday CANADIAN CLUB M 0tnPlc or Game With Woodbridge Ltheir February meeting at thseOeGal agi Dehi6- tse codlmna1ngitsPlace uy 7-4i W in ! Miltn MInon Cianoyu Cltbhidg ThOit ek Te Round Maiyi -rm D lh - He ce cnitin, -ln ________________ Feiruary 20, with about 15 A charge of aisducting a 14 year tehaycekn dul rvdmemisers present. old Milton girl against Charles- Local Teamin h the Ontario ton much for the local P.l..s an Victery Over OaJtyiUe LegfionsPa f ae The president, Mr. H. C. Morris. Clubine, 14, was dismisaed for Advance 4sq OJf.. play. Play-oIff' wln in Flrat Woodbridge piied Itl a tend whicis on Monda>' Nlght Clinches JlyOf ae lutrodsced the gueat speaker, Mr. lacis of évidence when be appear- dws-T it gav Arer thenounnoferti George Zeigler of Parry Sound, ed before Magitrate T. H. Moore- don -ToMe CV»gavte temlsI theno ..econd PlaS I A Pla y-f Are An o n e ep district governor of Rotary head last weeb. Port Dalhouaie theis tsf-d n hrciepedoffrbre Tueaday nigst. Berffi -I.ocals Atspeared in j~t' Frdu International. Hgaeavery In- Bolb of tise gla parents, Mr. edn utinary he al -ek ofydon .rctc il Fis ame Meda Leadingn outil nern the taittipadMs.Jsp Abos, et telocal banl tesah hefl Over 1. Boton last week thse tiser New Black and Yellow en oeresecndfrmenglh ided nuhe Del- omte-tsktsrnta bya U u through the Canadian West and led tbey had nst given filr anasswsforglledi- urday -.e they ha horn esnt it l te cotiegase hec a_____r Store Georgetown enterud tise down lise Weat Coast. He isad daughter permission t0 go oct 1 Batm - ou olla Ml entry ln O.M.H.A. a 6 te 4 de- 11tI on hl h an eee perwe hycbae h test ln tise fictt of a pay-off Il terminated witb a 12 10 1 scure. Derlsed In tiseir new istacks sol Intermediate 'A' grospingi of tise taises colored movdes Of msny wtth Ise accurd.. Tise crnotiser 1 ectil gan I ty canes see le.We5iber, Transom, who was ail yeltow ussforms, Milton Inter- OPLA. sertes, il sa decided tisaI psces of taterest sud ieauty ai- said sihe bsd anty met Clbînte secon gase ntu agains eIes tinen isegudane s Clffover tise ire riserbing and ce- modites 1mbk s 7 to 4 decision the Ilt and tiird teams wusd ong the wsy. Mr. R. Heatiserlng- once anif os onotiser occasion totd wlt oas t ron againlMit SIOOs th gubbdancem orîn rliciing botted ln P.L.Rs sily over Osbvilte Legion in tise bris play a series; wbile tise secosd ton iindty ran tisese off snd fol- hism net ta go ouît ish hec ton Mna feno.Huvr 11usoy h hd hm okiggoal In tise tant perlait mten tie final fistare ufth tsemas Ioand fourtis aggregatlons would lsued up witis another f ilm on daugiter as ise so ttiîî goug 1,'tise tesd tise Milton lads gained in out In doves Il Satscdsy plkd pass f romt Blinro. chocsh second paceI ru ie wiss was best in tiss section. 1practirsî demscraey. ho.Wewrouoftnfrterhmeg ensdotte marntng, ho asa able te cissose Whisle il loobed as tisoagi Milton stnig.Witis Georgetown being undisut- 1- tise day and isad given tise rst-toisacco country lads isy 9 lu I on a acs of files yoong ladn, whawsn)sanig.Mt u h onavacn hm t are sowtng hockey siiîy, ~ as tu goîng tu enter tise brans- edyn I h Okl cg r Isams, tisey wuld meet Wes- MUNTAIN UNION ren muney ta attend tise matinee, tise Proud Dadvansie tIn futa wela ee nees nteeto, tbey bsttted ail tise uay Pbox, n w in tis es tabvt arhgprton who now occupien fislr rung W. I. OP>POSE and ste uasn'î at home uisen e optay-f Porisoste fOctiser, sport. Il onty took tise tocala 4 beeping tise#Wsodbridge gofie ono isuahlt of tise lsdder. Milton grsbiig, DIVISION 0F DISTRICT retsrned sortly after rnsdulgist."qiy-foeeuttseOM .A minutes and 12 seconds te bat in bis tues ait nigisî. skip and jomp t0 traverse end te tise second rang now wilt meet 1 -We cosîda't find ber uuyuisere 1 Delhi yougaters grabised a tie, end, tise Mitoites wece unable tis Oabvîlle toutou, In tise best film Mric. E. Readisead was istess an wen ta Chi Canning th titree goal tesd lu tise fil canto the liraI maunter. A minute and Nttmecous timtes In t esl unteaos their spoed betoce tisey o! five series, startiug Febrsaty ta tise Moanisin Union W.I. for'Ot o.Ss esod hm eliminating tise oraIs Irans tise ahaf Iter Gardiner Ivlu Il up tise lods had only ta soot f il ut were ou top of tise Iomsteo's Ie- 27. Foloutng are dates set foc tise Fcbrsary meeting. Tise Prs înxi ay. et'riu." tise mse otie irfatsamnt u whon ho plcked up the p,11 Iransý tise open net, but mîftuess of tise fense Tise Légionnaires, a bat- tise Milton-Oabvitle gamtes. i dent Oas in tie air sud tisere utated. furh inten Kimobal . Sales aud Brusis rom-, ire. prevented pisyers 10 otreI lng aggregsîîon ucre uet t0 bu wr 6mmesad4get ttd ilc seondn aftec tise second blned ta breastise uvener ut 9.55 1tise put 1t0 thie satifaction. tabou igitly au tisoy sncscrd a Fois. 27tis Dabvilie Legiu s aOcr 1, membowind 4pern gnseu'oscrgtune aybtfadtoba whîle Bruit batted il home ou. Dago Bruhisn tise local net ganging stars whîcis bad Milton Milton. présent. Folmn tise business Apaieo rsI !b o ne s a atdt oa ltue effort aI 1.11. mdoutadguvsue vi-,sedptbegndsternoe Marris 4tb--Miton ai Oabritie o motion ws passed ts douste iscotiser, May Cluisine tald thé Blsck dsring tise balance ot tise Tise viotora batttod hsrd in the iting players brohe fcsm their bIse pIlo case. Légion, $25. ta tise Canadien Appétit for iolts opasn s uts courtt aat btgd ts maldway leamne te oftscure tise tine. Ouy once did tisey ogus Tieronnstagu eeed Marris 8-Oabtitie Legion sI Citdreu P'und. Tise meeting do- restaurant misen tses' derlded 15 ta ine ai 17.47 lutise mid-way ses- ')tuslTercnina agn vndMilo. cided agalust diidng tise Dist- 19go ta Aron ta see a tsow. "Ste0 sion on a pass fromn Sales foc tise tocsle two tn one. Whitehsead ise. Woodbidgo bave a nice sp tise count by tise e nd s! tise Marris 11h--Mlton ai Osiscilte ciel annusa. A pacîy toc eariy tcantrd bu go witis us sud af lcrai's first. Zanatta rame Ilsc fpicbed up a Iose ruler frose Ring!I woriing segregation wici woaid iraI session utti Csutit Crdie Légion. lu Marris was sccaseed. sm e lncb ue ocriveai tsece in tise tiird ai .15 on a lune ef- ta ealStuis Strs t .77.g OA. tutecmedtate 'B' usdglng tise ced ligisI on santé Sbould a ittl ganse bu noces- Tise colt coul was a suered ulti -bo sifcoi, mtes50 ort toc his second nssure. Sates About 5 minutes lter Brus, on a Company, sud sbostd advanee tarclcausy passing Iy Fos and Linlon co) h et,"epte detrdtesoigsetwe solo effort basge il isome. 1 luts .RHA ocetry, date and place will be or- rcs.Ts eis Ke iefue- e.etct ieo igsotue Kim-In te O..Il érie. 1ut 3.13. Midway lu tisis session rne ytise cWs o lted lat- iiy yercitgs uitiin tise famity! Whîu Mc. Date coileai Met. Clu- Brusis stid lu lu bond hlm s prly hall grsbised bis lIraI et 10.29.1 Casator was hisgi scorer foc Earl Fox, wiso relies on bis spurd e yearuiugs", pcepoced isy Mis. A. bine ta tise mitueso stand, Magiat- ausist about tise bal! uay mack. Thons uss ns fartisen scuing lu Wodnde uciigtre hite'sud triciiesu ta baffle tise oppos- ________ Nui asrsib Ma ou rote Mooceisead csied tisec uas Tise boys bailte and isd lise Ibis frasue but bth gsaties uere Rountree Iceland grabbed lusors, usa lsudod a higi stics Dixon. Me. J. E. Whistetock speise ne fuciben ni ta présent evld- homestera wltis Ibeir bacbs ta tise ralled te ak sehe m remachable oes. Hollingshesd, Longisouse ubicis baspered bis segreusive- "' 1~son tise 'felok In l Agriculture", once on boisai! uf tise accusd. mwalt but uee usable 10 even tise stops d .yWgoGsi u Bayai, Smth aud Sulton, one ecri: nsu for tise balance a! tise muntest. A B o lt o Mcs. Harbuttie and Mca. Langdon I"I os atistied tisere la, na evid- rutant on the essec,. Kinsiaît, lise Delis si csu Wltis. respects lu hume taun of- Neventheloss ho usa lu thece boý- u ' 'an st sud lile Miss Carol once bore andi tbere la nu nord ta Penalties uec scarce as lise hl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii ladsui tisrprt ouer Waiaa nouse Plants agadAtrterimoewnses M itaeby isard untîl Wgner hoat Back for ficis, it alusys seema 1a pnoducee tng, soig th ottwesCol'ug uang a sois. Ale ieri ecemtess"Hgsrt oS settled doua 10 play hockey, tac 4th tnme at 3.03. Wîite peus- arguments of sone sort on otisor. Isome effective sticks hsndline singing of Gcd Rave the King at Msoreheod nbaerved. Tas majora more issndud out la lugZaats mdes eanbrakBath tads tried cheir hardent, bat misen Moasey mas oerring a 10cmi Tiseru are fou tisaseuices ubo social hallf hose tollourd. "Iu clou o! tise évidence osf tise Besi anai Whitehead in tise fîrt and uitls osîy tise gostie te bei at difféent imes argumeenta se o nSeS oeios ouiejfeoigbsepof déenenn Ibor migist n0t bave msen tioy tssgied bobinai tise bulgeai the luise ai 9.52. A hait dsrng tise beat o! tise issîllu for Legios, set up thein finst lu birgitun Il tise home sud Ild MRS. BALLANTYNE 1 been o chsarge If tise défense ovld- net. Carter grabised bis tiraI an a minute latter Zanatta agalu 'Evans o! Wuodbridge uas nefce. coanter as Watson bats DOOnie tisaI oacs of rotor ta tise cuoms GMET SPEAKER AT 'once bod bers avallabie at tise tise second uhile Sales us taggedi rassIed ns ho pirisea up a psu utis Clif Houstan as lilesmnan. atter tisoy clrcied tise toneusil mise s t s attractive. A rcent ST. PAIJLS W. A. tume," declaceai Ma-. Diris. ils tus lu tise filr as Gaskin frons Sales. Tbey bandeai sut s toal o! 24 pul defense. 1publicst'su o! the Dssni. "Tise acessed'a sister bold n vo-y Oas sent ta tise rosier tar tise odai Titng frotte lisein efforts, botis Ils tes goisg te Hilton u'ti Wiseu tise presurce oued 9mme- Depatment of Agriculture, 'Hosse A ipluasaut sîteruos mas on- steseitsltaory sud I betieve evucy une. aggnegatlass file ta mcore again tise baace 10 tise visitons. In missl, George Siatt sud Art Met- Plants', mitI ho founai vsluil joyed sn St. Pil S, S. Roose ou word s! it, sa I dismisa tise charge, In this frasue. Osiy tus penalties! muaI cases ffenders uust ts lb'-'ansu uallea inl te bat Dubison, bots ta aise beelsuer and 10 tise Taeaday, Feiseoory 24ti, mises for lacis o! évdence," tise court P< ROO!ONZTO uere ekeai sut by efecr Dake 1 cole lal as sticks ucut a newroseer, mios veai tise Log- esperiescuai. tise laies o! St. Pssl's W. A. raleai.iPWROFO ANZ IN Contes, bth 10 Miton las, Wlk- iigier tisas tisein elos. OIson' isunaires ime andainlIe agata Tise aothoc, Willsm Gudf'ey. is, entectaioed gess front Knoox and "Tisai mill ho O.K. by me," John A toun s lac - en anai Zanats, Thse etucu timon botis clubs uere ptayisg front a severe drabiiîs. Tmiee su 014 Cuntry gardeser, stio Grare Cissrises, alainse ite1 Gilimun sisuatei mises Magistrale meaisl pnogresa if il isas anuorgan- garnis la to ho pinyed ai DeliI 'sitis file a side, and sn lise Iass tise pIl setlea qisietty Ieln juineai tise staf o! tise Expeciseeni- Aternoun sud Eveulue Auxillicy, Hooreisead plsred hisi on suspend- usation ar organimîlsus ubtIs are Monday. canto Houston isanisea Ramtrer bis logo as ho sui ta tise Osier ai Fartons Service aI Rotiscru, and Young Couples' Club of St. rai sentence for a year. Evidence maciing for the develaseent a! Tise leas: ss on a misconduct uhen ise taîkeai'spot, fils ta gs over lise ise Saab., 35 years Ilagonsd becaser Pauls. bad hoon iseard a mois sgo missu tise commuity. Tise pouer s! Dehl-Goodiisg, g; Wagser sud s ut o! tam, tust loudly. il usa Stoît mas roisieai ut iis second os joineai tise staff s! tise Esperimont-, Mc's. Ballautyte, liros Robin, tise aged pessioner uscoscteai suris orgasizations la grl la- Osalcn, a; Kimboît, o; Carginen. Romstnee'u tosclis trip ta tise 'tise goalle mas prose, moveai bis aI Stationu ai Morden, Han.. in iln Flssc Co. addreufed tiseo a chasrge of vags'aucy. cressed If theyp are given essai assa Carern w; aUscratsîc, Ssliv- 'iooaogou, anai ie speut tise dying atilek 2 incises ta defleet tise dise 1823. Welt busmu foc bis saces meeting givine suggstinsvo When tisu Croun coad a letton' f inscial suopsrt If filcînemet- an, Evaian, Lindes. Hotierietos, momentss fihle front Ibhetside open spcers. Al- as a gardener, Mn. Godtrey has "Types. of Peserases" saiable toc trou relatives siatine bisey mid lues sre uotl atundeai andi If Il la Whitehsead, Denanest, King. shoagbh m as nst s grant and passel onu is meal yearo osper- large oc amaîl scgaslaatioun. stre,;- toie iseep tise acusaed os secouait Ai possible te ludue a staflîilent Mlton-Blsck, g; Wlson and groas affair in lise sease of tise once in rsîsisg hoase plants sn a siuc thse nord of coseisiing pouls iltueso lu tise fsmily, tise court nuser o! peoplete 10suave on Walken, a; Brasis. r; Sales asd MORE NEW BOOKS oed, tise uarrsu sssseebs aroand uap mhiir sesile bis aivico ctrttr mils Igl Heil bis on iome'observeai, "*Tiere sisosld hoe é steir commitboes sud devate o Zannatta, u; attunates, Vaughsan, FOR READERS AT THIE bise nets hai lise nparse enomd and easy te tolisu. .boiing werc alto o tenture sud iplace for Ibis mus Instesai of senai- roasanable aseount s! lime 1e roms- Peason, Kearney, Hilsu, Sisan- MILTON LIBRARY fgeosise anai oohlng tiscouebsahi ultnexlisI e-echgetrcie re eie n i a al hr r lce uiypolre nos, MarrIs, Siields. themsecond Man bhrais ru ral section tise best inais o! sIs boohiet. for hlm suris as tise Homo for tise Il la, a dîfficoît Ihlng for tise Mor boks ecevedat he urHem in, he10 ssiI luo fo or r osse plants, tise mot salit- ' A deligisifal tea was terveai Sp Aged ovor lu Pool but ho isas nt srailnary indilviduel uonking alose MonoETRSEVrI i Lb iss Theeiveain ati e s- is sw u Un tis ladie bin'i ae muhej' ME.CHRERSRVC trLlna7.Tiefoluit r sîa a minute said mentîy secouais faeîoey bisais o! contanrs, biete ' lais rnig l te y becs a restient hure. 10 arcoseplisis ay geat nesoîts GUERT ~ ~ C PEAKE AT Cathe Slepisphn;D:oIlsr proper metisods of ustenine said able afternoon ta a close. "tur as essai as t evor mas. if ton a communîcy. If a gonai nuls GETSEKRACaTeSepnSpix en ae.drainge sud correct fertitimîlion. t cotai gl tas Hameilton, t oulai bec s! lilelvduals uolte t a rry HOUNBY INSTITUTEan Onciards for MoIiserl Beppie, Cats Seesuming ise a scooter rat-o Tise mosO effective contrat o! lu-' MEL D. R. MCLEAN have mork tomorrou," Gitîson on rstsmunity activIlles, îhey -I go Tisre; Carleton, Tieres Ai- dsrlng tise uIlm secies, Brown- sens aid diseasea is dimcusseai and SPEAKER AT MEETING opieudeai. acqsmo miden Influence anai Ihoîn Tise Horuis> Women's tuscicate unyn Annelle; Daly, Soseweee le miss mat maiing breaks al tise boss moîbodas ut propagaion OF NORTH HALTON "-If I place yoa on suspendrai leaderasip heomesvlefcie met t the homne o! Mca, L. Neel- lu the ouse; Grey, Puozle in nigist, sslp ta haro Dobissu out- descihrd. '-sentence uilî yoa go lsece?" tisevoytîcve anda tan their Febnsary meeting. Peuter: Thsomas, Nom Secret; goots hlm, baudeai bise pli] to Bird Iadiontthgérl e- 'Tise North Hallos Prebytery court asbed. "Yeu bel I miilI," he' Mm. F. Chiholu rosaiutea the Priestley, BrightI Day; Cohien LOne ubo siappeai lil cis and tison ta lun Mr.iis oe us gest and-o h ntdCuc on ep ele stecut.siigyHTSUD buasnssn sesins. RoIt rIl uas' bas au Alibi; Ciapsean, 1 WiII be i îcsrrau. mihuoai lt issue ise iuM.Gdry dsnhsaa !ts sla bri ogPo-rpla slsecuttiigyBTSUU anauceaid 5>' filn a truffie rate Co0ai; Ttttle, Tise Wolf Pars o!' -a Baise Rts fly. Il us-s 13 rdvférn ouinsre o! aout e Cunsh isola s vbise Antan fieai paea . hlm onS Sigpnaea Corpse basdis la remeuber 10 guord iseaitis, Loiso SuIte; Short, Anai tise Wîfnd firsi appearance sinru isr took angans 130 ouff he biaso! hostoll CiJobn Sd a evnig ch rs oforaper Tie US. Sgal Coous bas a Mma Roy Wiloon, sacial melfare Bloma Free; Cresey, HoIllay for lise matrimonial 'polis mo meebso w plasnts aitorie mon eneorîl Jtth a pRogaiie Fowns a cisa g iAIISTPSO B M poe s v c tsItme saai a convenon. wu lu charge o! tise tnopectoc West; Cttdy; Esepy Sad- sies. His nom mornles didu't seee iston ph!%nist ae 10ho fsttise p s rviers Foldu tomi ay M sang lDS YE 0F whipen ue suris to n theesat pnsgnas andi rond s paper on dieu; Blase, Tise Weteiug Sun 't0 phiszonhma esld nvihtaryoehngait out set mudl oof hogrve taîlea nouato ..t ong ibi lia2 suaie' tisosere mioTrrh ssieei yMa Ratr '-Advances lu Mdical and Nuslug McoadRuiHn Rlsn ueasoi-mr.of tise ordiuary mili fini nepe foc durtei the dcvotionsu] perlat. Tise .sislc for a coseusuîîy bac l 10; 'sasds are sa igis picheai tisat Prafessians lu tise past Tmonty Srut,. Désert Golai; Dls The' 9ttnck grubea is firsI et 1.(j5 Ibeir silI in gruuisg snue o! tise 'Scipture ncsstlsg mas given isy lob tise suîy sort of growts biat ;a îhey are nt audible te busenu Yeaso," Mca. C Service, distrct Fosîstepu; Stoddurd, Tondra Traîl; trains a seronsisî witue is teoin lessor Isuomu bosse plants miir Marion Csrlo sud Taise Alaiersn otssil.Mn on hc r ibtee uan i presiaient. gave a paper ou Social Ranis, You are the Ose; Goliniig, 'insisteai ibol gauging mas bise besl M.r iscludeai. 'ted lu prayer. Betty Ruaidult anai about 'ttor In ouaiîn ara tuhe e e nd isumanu dfcult ae Welfnce and tastitute Wonk. Afler Tise G'l-'> o! Elole Siivec; Short, melissa o! '51 acis. Fort p seconds 7hs iols 0gsuuui' I'seey Reon tresesîrd s shsort utiiggoipors uvrosepe boras. Tise mouais usulai slgn h ainlAntisese, 1Station West; Wilson; Tise OUI1 oser, Corn taitea lu, boudea tiseain odipors i a lunch uns served aid a social tinte MiII; Sadlien, Forîsen Susse,; rpil ta Lînion ta sti11 boep tise o sml appreulswclu ticuTe p- s pOteaeie "thsed Yvenra is sts. Os igu f se pe ct ills aondo relocis f les. enjupea. Robertson, Boomeerang JolI; Nl- gome in tise ice-hos. Fîlleen set-- ava, os thie culîture lu to;I Mr, Donald R. MeLean, Actos bigis home' plores. ovmn i j quitors. The poasiblîties ot pont - ~~mau, Another Mans Poison; Tois- osais laser CisseS, oussolo effort, -Ies suils's eseuo Cisol iruciser, miso spoise on 10h csiel onsro ilpîlieain lu ese lests are ENXCI Elr, Ho Nover Came Bucb; Collo. ade a thlie aircady uoutiîg lbrand th1 slae urî ls oai Science Conuot Expîi n If pepl o!en coc a lulcsirg for roociig. CHOIR ELCTS TEE A Brother foc Hocis; Coobe, BosI score. Seconds sItenr e eerg- . .' Mc. Hûeaen sali 1h01 tisere aboulai ,amil~ sits raasaooa _____________ COREETSTE Déeilve Store'. o! bise Year 1941; ed trou a sccoef mitis s rot .0'.i.cislip tesigord mater etonne'.ý A __________ndthegronds______ OFFCER FO YER Rle, Tse ineona lse ros; foseo iig '.mb. Allr ssî lit of vrces so! tulips, sarcioii he nos cooflist helmero science and ' Ibese. tise tomu gros meore st-f - Loring, Wisrre Rossi>' Dueli.-; repaies ho î't'trned Io the gour hes îsaein itesaiers 10ai tro religio tah ves tisosg ceilis In rsrnt ie I SOposetsI Foloisg eheaesal tatI Tsars- Loiuc. Stsrs in Yor Epes; Lor-'oniy ta0b hoeid laiethie bosards yt edrntprb î i eus1 sv u eu uttms peple ireltlie desire te lise day eveulog, Knos Coures Cbsie i'ng. H'cis o! Heart. tre nwihteblssol o h dac fsine ei iser Coman- ve t 1iyDmioaa sd1 ecridstvimsrsicabtsads !Ieooseo scîctro Iefgot ît isre is ou Increouil ii-,E l i yDwl n a ob are Icou lobe heaet lu imo facto: licol. spstont prvd pesn isolai 15cm regular business meet- Adams. Banner ytise Woysidé; tioff mlbb a leg lntsc>. Dsz on-t Irced. Loyers tsf raclas plant'. d1psto 0poîe petn milI fluai sucis ta iutoresb Ibeso lisot tscience bot no solution atsal a l lfpuarecats a in.Nem officers oc tse sesos Ogile, Bstretide; Norris, Oven aI Davson striea tseir tIbeai wt whr Attcaefroticrsrsiaeor uttus weeeetd rwng. eteTeis 85 hl ronsloigso ad se culure o! v> ai fres mhr eru romym r arnizalas activitts, suris a ceI or tier Esunt&, usi uRev E.eceaJ.Cincnuce h eryleor; Beuley, T Tsc e fo t 0.5mhie Brkomos longb sio net bvrokd prcia ere ont usure me are goinBey an. J.w PbSn coaicbaitieBoc>rHncn;Bums, Tb Ion is tisoe age smtsno setoisd.A Ilc .are tm salo roin u is adtsahsteu, reriuneai aret Installation foc the follouing of- Clingise 'Vine: West, Sx Gttoaed Doonie. Brounle, ra111 n ta miseivsose clin- 9nondh', tissî t evecy prablese tractionso il offers. pj re ise, sis,gs Irer ioorar>' président, M. H. Sauwdous; Mannine, Venge asce coutoin g 0 n tis ic aisi sntincts are gonorsl>' 10 thseslvab>sceetiroreItat g~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ taÉa h ras oe sta ase sata tus sou ttwuestions 10 be ovIet. Nixon; pat préstient, Caseeron Valley'; Mayers, Tise Wild Yzono; ualte In ta mssh b>' s bal! acr~ e , sn Ibats parfo neigo anasinctrartiUnonWvIeae WIlson; prealdent, Ruta Nayier; Malvere, Arcocdisg ta Thoseas. loI. Bld Bird pîrtsea sp tise ne- gnous In a pst lu addiltion 10 be- fttnu o!rlgnmdsice THE WALKING HABIT MaoanUinW ,acbti s vIe pesient Re. Mrshll; ec- lio Fitio bonaifcus boindtis ne, bud- g useful la tise itrbs dsning lisera are tus monlda; a materisl -iug s ruebru parI>' a Bell Srhsol, tc ilsdet tag MasalBe- Iio ito on rou hni e iosneeai îî tise inIer sessîha, wol In cspurt 10 tise latter, anai Il s remarei tisaI sean>' per- Marris 5ti. Admission 35e, Lunch relas>' Icensurer, Lois i1gMew; Englotos, Laoging lai GlIon>; bnc Il0t Bit orise whsast e ro t o Acs>o!1etbic nua tore ofvascInespeuta t thpl ons s m nu> csdthbe dance, if -opovd flouer fusai, Mra, binIou Naler; Benderson, Bat, BeladBaIt a astd o h ltcut t ACpyo h pbiaio a ore."cinecnathsbopakan osdéal isac.I goun isstes, Mira, Nellie Anden- Gerasai Tbe Gravedigeera of tise 14 minute maris. Tise boals be obtaneai fcim tise Dominion yamnsolmkeaci tboe eesr tdoone D ' fgtthNrvlJir son; mailrranvenoca, Mrs. Cas- Fronce; Nichais, Verdict on Indus' picisot up acense trose hene on in~ Départaient o! Agiulture 01- us'amsWsaa ek ar-i eoe eusr'1 omc Dn ogtbs oellno nonu, Mra, Reg. Marahall. F> acndr o eaa but mre Instable ta Imitris Dsbbos tawa. Asis for Hoso Plants Ph f con, sali tise speaker.. "Science malbing bise>' moaai mon get Ild Farunera' Dance, Nareal Paris Mc Rbnt, onaus at - îtieDal>;Sd is tFpeitye I evet->'e par Iestios 798 'i bas prarticaS>'y ustising 10 afIle1 In bthe olai dapa alking foc pien- Bath, Wednooday, Mirah 3. Debon- Mr. Roersorgnit ndBuriso i a;Bde, The ___________wthevryprtliaio 78 expilu stO a grant risaracter as sure on userrise uns a verl rous- maires 6 pluce orchestra, Admint- corasater gave s short IdsAi Gust, ofth1e anatuse>. -Jeson ChistsI" mon habit. Han>' people usula ieuln 50c. 37-2 outllsaise hîs future plans foc tbe The fetnus: Normal psy In tise crack Fres-i Fohîsise tise servcluis mas laboe long uahks sut lu the cous-- chair, Lunch uns seracai b>' the Foreign Légons s eshual ta abouti senvei b>' tise girls s! tise Arton try anai enjo>' tise urenes uf mlt Dont targuI the big dance, cereisen osetîee MLTN TUENS lony; Fvax, g; Lsntme an Ove cents a day, Cisuri. Wonds o! tisans ucre une. Town Ball, Milton, Saturas, Feb- SUCCESSFUL IN Man>,a;For it nda expremsea b>' Johns Bled reprosent- Nomadapa seau>' uomen wuaI ruar>' 281is. Musir b>' TIn>' Hop- Concis, w: alternaten, Stoît, Mot--- ne the ouI-st-toma viitora anai Il sa' Ibe>' eut aI tise ualklag tise>' bina said is orchestra. Admission NEW BANIK DEPOSIT PEAKS MUSIC EXAMS. unson, Boyrc, Scrrnu, Brlaluti, Seond Perio4 Ernest West reprosenling the Bnp- oeeai miilu perfarmtug the daîlos 50e. Dancing 9 10 12. -Binai, Cister, Lever. M: Stoît IMelanuoni ......... 4.08 îlot Young People. o! iossemsrk or mmne job, and- Loamsand deposots o! Canadien uceutotl Hilton piano pupils Oubville Léglun: DoSbos, 9; M: Metanson ......... 5.28 L mon>' mon wusd ful that tbein Come 1a al ouchre anai damure te cisateneai banks In Derember ce- of Misa Mignon Telguans are 8s Thomeas sut Devison, a; Yarnod, B: Scarram iSclmz, Bni 14.12 SHOULI) <UT PUBLIC DEBT active occupations givo taem aitb hslai et Aos Schot ou Fnliay verset thoin Peformance of the ftltomo; c; Caseecos sud Ssecis, w; aller- Penalties: Laibtmer. tise exorcise 15e>' mant. uveuing, Fesruany 271h. Japreas prevîstus month, reports tise Fln- Jise Wiiteiocis, Elmanis Festival sales, Doz, Brown, Woodsth, Joyce, lui I viou o! tise presentul gsle- Walkiug, unlessoune bas 10 do Orchstra. Admission 35c. Essor>- anclsl Post. Lsans aboine s OirsI ras 83 marks. Sltan, Watson, Douaihe. ~h Palsd ivlo dra trou Novembrak record JnFao, Royal Conse-- -- ' . O; -pr 105 elo notioal Incorne, guvorn- s 1 grolain o ill1i- ak n oîsse aispaie