TMIJRSDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1948 THE CANAI3IAN CHAMPION OAKVILLE Oatvtlles public îitarary Cait as tscrease lsnimemiterip of nie a Ian 400 inclnding etildean duo4ngta pnol yens, il la revealed in lteannuat reort 0f IbelIirar- las., Mas Ernily 1<eley, lB. Theita nff and pupiliaof Ironie Publie Sotoot haad qutte a ucaco? Ons Tirsdty of lut eet. miten a seoeitneinadverelly vr lurneti on oi-horning unit Itho nev oaddition noim iaer voni- sruction. The seitoot mas nvaeo- slidisn xclly one minute. Onitillens junior C itocktey leaos gol a Setet Fetday nigitl see lbey canin up agansol lie sniart. apaedY Weso aggrngallos in a leagne fiton nat lte local aena. Tite ncore wsan6-4. Extensive Iniprovemnnîn lathe Oakvtlte Tenipornry Hospital, wbieit Seenslarled about six mostitu aga. aren 0W praetically eompleled andth ie buldine la fai baller einpped 10niet te growlng demanda opos lit. Local deniatît, enunty itealt of- ficIaI. and ltaeiteadn of OallBe aervice clubs are stngly in fan- or of te dental itealtit progrann for Oakvilla which ta bcbg upos- Baeiit y taeQalvla Brascit of tina tanadas Red Coni Socetey. -dtecord-Star. NIESoeEES 0F INDUIN NAVY TO TRAIN IN BRITAIN To esatle te govneoment of 15dm 1to netup teir occo navet training estabtishment, offianru asnd calinge fronite Royal Indian Navy are 10 Ce traneins teBel- ain. Negotialionu are nîno io pro- grent for te purcttse by the Govennienl of India of titren Brillith destroyer-s. The Qui 'eSALi ORANGE Int. Hocke) 1947 Date Vcoitlîg Tean Monday, Dec. 29. Fergus Fnriday, Jan. 2 *. Orangnvile Monday, Jas. 5.. Georgetowsn Tnenday. Jan. 6. Aclon...... Tuenday, Jan. 6.. Fergus Tnanday, Jan. 6 . Weston Thursday. Jan. 8 . akvitie Lti Frtday, Jas. 9 Orangeville HIG TIPIESOFWE;IÇ ilr olun y lt0 - si s a.: r - asT. C t rpe. d , g of reeofnThe, R.Waters 701 portv, ilucce, "Milon tee continu- LovnSvots (Peel, Doîfern and R. Wesoii n 001 eg tteircurm*et 1,00 attlg laiion Reginient. iltban Cens S. Foy 6Mit pari . .. tiey avent Cano oonnoonved Cy Beaditonrlera of T (tozIey 634 defeoledin ta he losI lice stacls -Centrai Command. (.Fletchter 595 1 ie,, uioeed ltatte Rnd 1.-Coi. Chisitoini stsappotet chilis ciii Ce Ciisteit into Senior to hiscoew poet witeo the former BIGH SINGILES 0F WEEK31 B'voinpOny - - melviapoîi- Cccmmaoding 0f ficer renireti feo.n R. Waters 71tics impocrts,lice reason . lic te Set-vire dietea1 pressure o!fCi c.GilCeet 271 cviciion Cusins. 'This comn con lieen deluged. Tite Lorne Svot' nein Coni- (AOPBFLLVILLF WILD tAIýS 1for 1Cr pasI seevi, citt . . . monding Otfvcer egan iis nulit- LEAGIUE jI io. fr ty oare teplîioe mb osen- oryrareercitlte Balton Rifltes G: Ingies _ 155 1609122 t toc 'B'ccmpaay .. - - Any in 1920. Be 10er romniandeti C F. Quinian 151 159 145' icotin te vepocrtlvhe tenciii Comopony of te baîtlîos setirlo j. Witeetctoo 13 114 192 ecîcc epioying senior 'B? cooliovaled io Bouingosn i B. W. Ccomp Ssii 87 109) 1939. Fiarn 19314 10 1940 ite st Jumping fecm lineresediale Staff Captoin of lte lIC Iofaslry K. Stokves 311 1.'coilcnyIotatColfotsenior-, la us- Bigode. tD. Marin 133 161 194 uoiiy qiOti o file, ond cce icaometi Enliiting foe ovtive service citt A. Bemiecso 175 135 198 ioîî-ty soo aes11y inete csmwe tct.,oe Scots ino'140, bCepro- R. Pocher 165 168 152.. . . Aflec on inteeviese ccithi ed ovevsaos n June of taI th( I, macnagemnt eand officiaisa .yiacsnd asmed commiand of R. Covieti 164 171 176 . titey overe sontîvinetiandthte Firol Conodito Corps t3efnnce D. Ferriec 1581 141 171 ogiatiwshenvcootrofleti citt theCoCmpony ILoîne Seots)ino Jnnu- R. MvPhioii 104 238 1533 iuestion, -I ear te teoni cil tt lii oy 1941. R. Moton 166 174 167 pimying senior 'B' htockey. Duing teseac sn Norlt Afeico cci lC ey mate te change?' n ta943 Ce vonmondeti a canipany MAMMOIOCnSTS IDENTIFY of te 2n4 Londos lrtit Rifles FOREIGN ANIMAiS Afler iteacing a nonibe of epi- oid te following pear sets panteti _____ apita, ktom onty 10 lite dyed-is- in charge of Defence Fores Titen moniniaogtsts aI lite ROY-llte-mn-t hocktey enttoats, a oarding te part nI Astmerp. Ontario Museum of Zooiogy tllIUs slcosg den-la]sets voteed hy te Beigiani. Osnitis retors 10 Cas- titny are valted upo5 Ici idennfy an- powero tahac. . . la siniple ado In 1945 itn narvee, pror 10 iaIs 001 onty oative ta Ontnrio language 10 lite fan, tere la o0 denoiztioo, as second In com- Cul froni top parts of tite moctd. rat teinte report, aI nIl. mand of Regina Disrict Depol. Il One of teniont ceceel aIftan- wstsnleNovanihec, 1946 tatieC mas a Guennnnonitny, proitaity Titis weet la pcovIdtng loIs of reloanedt 1 lte Regimna and wsa sarninons pel, tnl t ad nacapeil htockeny for te fane. TiteInIer- appoinleotsecond In corimanti, a0 nds iilietiCy te rottenter. mediale gang are Iayng 1000Otiticitpost be Celd ontl i tinrec- A nstive of LiCeria, titis mnne Choni aenu te seeond otit Ooik- ent oipPoinînint as Caninandtog anas fond In Ontario lant Moen- ville Acniy on Friday otgitl. Thte Offiner. ber. Aniong oter esatie animanis P.L.R'o. enter tefinals aoflte Coninenl)ng tIm ment os plans tal bave Ceen iroogitt ta the O.R.H.A. ner'no, and on Mnndny for a reet-ailing canipaiges ci Museani froni lie 10 lue are a tae Redi Shites niet Onilte Leg-citt bCe onderlaten 10 trtng ltae noiseonpossmm wiich it tny ctni. ionin te fimaiganie of te gcoop Lonn Seats ta la fuit strengtt, 10 Canada froni Siotit Amer et a %rcies, dosen ut Oatviltn. Wten lte Lt.-Col. Citisitaînisaki thtIate o 'anona ntipmnael;o oypu rat -Oaitviile Legion Ittayed itaem- rangementîshnve teen niadea 1 on OtIOtiî codant of Sost Ami- becsstnalnd hele tome game moutd avrept enulît aIMilton Arnioury eTca-tolat scopeti frnm a limebCe pinyntinI Milton, if ]ce was eut .on Ttorsday nigita. focm in Ooloaro lte fur of tiCc avilotin for teir goni aI lite Young nien, 17% and, up, ted In anmlNoosn isel'nutca", and Port Tomn. gond Ceolt, oie nendad home. a Jagoacundi cal, native of lbhe Coniplte infocrmation lencon- lcopivs, taI mac fosot ini Northî Theî te long deioy foc play- neetion wt service mttebarn Toronto. The manimaliglass ai tlue ofsta 10egin uIi ce te oder i.f Scots niay he oCined aI te Royal Ontario Musemnmnstlbcv te day. Ilcitt bCe o mail asti! ahana mentioned revroiling poit. tireporedti ienlify comelimes in1Marcrit1, seien te InsI gnie Is lbeic ooneitcyoed, mo .ath lC eoesled elweenn Fergas asti dontCe ,g1 liea pracioen o aitille.Legion. Wesloonimenîs 1Nesfoondlood prodaces nbout Ontario or aven 10 Canado. Onteilin Aemy on Fetruary 27 j280,000 tons of neselminlannuntty. j Leagua Standing .and an ar an ioltA and I Pte . face tt*y get reaity 00100 for Bomiters......................18 ~B toits are cancerneti, titey cit 1~cn Pick-opa ....... . 16 . stîat have to watt, untit then, he- l IJJEIUUI InIdent ..................4 I j. ~groap Canons SIiers ............ wEJ4II « \ Mase, 228. SDflR TS hec ents and quietty tote ________________ igit single tadiest with HC M OWY! 505 RaEHgsn gle menà flot -T Hod- CA M EMonyhoe een seondeing if Pnieknps diesione. 29tand R.1 ottee20gong htd eea eadingOtoar HC tet 2n4 3rd ' It ligli colO iC r., Bp RîOS PEARF.N K.i c.iing the..week-end, seCen R.PoilY 718 0 19 i , i, to ) ofiei t nhe secpnd ccî R~~~ 57i to v 71529 5 ighile vladies, ciot-B. Boi- Frcdoo the l3iC, andi Voteatinco of)the Acion -Milion content Cciv M. Radeil 33 225 134 15-6317 ey52.DyCiean e ntCvyeMnayagl R. Mosse . 137 135 t18-460 Higy trile2 tdiesccithHave.. ofo r it cctt e litear29tC mh H. tdie- . B 0 431756 andait, 617. of Feheoaey, acicit nany of the ilCene con Ce noalaiCis an thc D.toneh. . 27.5 14 13710-450 BgC triple mien, flat - R. lamnine ses Cave een eagerty locot erowdt were ootptas.ed dur- IL. BrosC . 536147 11416-377Bouma. 680. casting ty otoocea at te catendar, ing tCe tact two frame. Cul witl L.Ciititt 0 4 16 î-37 HigCtiple msen wnit HC - . seoaoerine . . .1 con t catcC Corle tCe moat ta ta see a four 7-- Stoddtestooe, 714. him. . . . goal tend aip awny. T. Hdl-Indsîa BUSINESS MIENS LEAGUE WîtC tCe puoing of tCeaesen- Tron, tCeee of tCe reguara saone ...... 12 217 165 296-714 Manib ianditacan onot enentu. cornea SPring, Cul e- eere nt aCta ta be prenent. F. Ptomtay 24 173 88 143-476 A. SIprOat ....... 142 fore ICat day coilla aroaod, pay-off Scarrain naitaneyoaning up atIt S. BandaIt.. 18 145 118 166-4«5 B. Morley .... . 581 gcae ine c ender way and Huntsville; Don Boycoout eitit P. Mase... 12 159 228 89-512 C. Eart ...... ........ 551 groop cionea decidati. FInI aofIan îinrd foot and Moony. C. Encto ..3 157 225 21--3B. Coatsn... ..... 56 tC e eies fortite tome doitbcitt A. BrusC . 39 126 99 11"-60 V. CaCoon . 533 itegin anmrewCere arond MtareC Il wan anatiter game e lite - te titird dte . . . miticit remindd on t Weston Ceea, early in 2945 2763 on thot, oit tpring inlte air . . te saon. Ice conditionsoit, nanîtraSprnal Blow Balla te tocal itaseitait tonnent. hane ond il seenno te tocats joat cao- B.Brse .. 5916 18-0 R. Mqasee. . 1.Il1. 525 annonced te annuel meetIng nI non Ont ging ander tosa condit- B.Bon 5 6 1855E. Speoce . 301.....t.ite tocatlvtlub la C e beld ontatioana, white lte visiloro revatted ta 0. Hadley .26 145 138 149--5(0 B. Rid 53.3dote, il. TCIey were bath tired aggce- M. HoInes .. 20 168 188 15-551 M. Heywcood .... 491 gtiansa i te finnlbel]. C. Rtddelt 21 160 145 146-514 K. Dornan- . .... . 391 Holding lite annual aI an B. Belley .. 168 195 166-529 --eoeiy date. providos officiat euls 1 h It oas a cinan orne In spite of D. Andersnabsiitent 2331 oandant lime in whici t lu aite conditions, acit refeceenltad Wood Badling Butears titans for te caning onanin. Il eti lrying t0 cnpy Paltersnns 2609 Buon 539 is ta great ndvanlage, t0 mace- styte ccien itandting o ganie. Sarne Steikera FranktJ. ...... 540 thesenpans as tast minute arrange- of te Ato fannn dida't aennita R. HaInes 3 208 176 296-689 Rose 480 meols .-ometcmes prane dinanlrouo. liCe 'lite way Ce vatied titen, bitt N. Browno 180 126 131-437 TomH. 617 niost sent awoy home feeling Ce M. Riddell. 46 87 142 135-1398 Tom E 543 Docînc tCe pant Iccaseacons ion- aodind a preety fair srt oI G. Itadtey 39 97 150 135-496 -- natte at]in te Coonly Ton Cas1gante. K. Beiley 27 85 143 154-463 2729tad maeiedaauces,nndmiitnimosl C. Anderaon (absent The Muahoennla of teinion-pace tnlent tl on-1 Whic the tovoto vitecitnd border -- Tad Sera. . 559 ailaCte . . . ci ehouid prove ta thon in niant previote tarnna, îhey 2'6 Lotry Wade 703 lCe onoîher pear ohivit nhotd conlinondti a onnd tIeaond tren BoitRed . ... .......43 -ng thecveeteo p iothe coreres andiboardsoin ___________________Pete@(tales ..421 i otempîs ta chevk single plnyer.. Bod Fergusno4 A sole coay t.. gcve the Boit By ieavog them nienouncaveced 25461 Clubenorgnenlifor ailtspoot ted ta Imo iteen-aways sehicit fans tIoattendth ie anont mmee- once disoalroon. ,j ~Lnrrey Sade ot ite ighIt ndiv- ing, Marvit ledi. You eiteeredthem- - e iduaa score mitt 705. The iigi taIthe Otario Chanipionehip tast An odded featoîn e hic thlie fana triiple honores ente chonet ny year . . .why 0u1 givetem, iti Col poy focwsn te Instruct- Bos. Toni .Toni E.of tlic C n upotattebei-ione.1fRefetea Wood ta te jc- Batling Botceaond T. Sains, covcI_ cg opop i eeg , Wode, anti B. Rend ofthlie Mooti- fnng oi the sensos? sira ele doling lite Oral rest-per- - cr it 70pons ol. Foomerlivin tehaitblof ,oomcc ecli 170 paets Il ce epoiledth ie Miltonokovey iteonine citt o Corol nf opeeti, Lgna Standing Cloubcciii oapear on te tice rRedsinoti col cateverai lorge lite Acton camte dt rand nec vitonhe of nnocc iere tefl behind. Blocc Batini 10 onifot-me. ClubCoofiies aomy time B nioedtem uoin tandem and A U1Hardweare . . sîr) olocncominaio wi tooeithc hadtemtiskte et a sia er sieed 1 Batling Botcees 9 fans eyes out. Il %bootdproce Inachieht theie iating sorface ae The Msiroomers ()'ohaeoadozing fetonlteTan- cears adayin Juse. - - -. oes cte tonls ove rentiyIIM fo1r ttcs cooleut. Compleainthetr ewe nifoclo.. P. L. R.e MENSwreredytabeina TEAM STANDING Wic Stty Lever oti 001out fte reinîne adcined il ccooid te Pin Beada li te gaine citthlosic mmmd anti. eter t ceov t e d uniforme. H~g ell Cata 3611 Dccnoe Evanescittlts eover te Citefi eaoo. Atonc ant iMllon S Speed Ballas .3nvi-minding duliee. in cceit-e'td ceee 100 nisiliotie. Botore y iIil~ U Uit Bs:Beenn F 31ni12tprctlce, Dooo.e wO. a.stliog tes blavik gvound ecctyeliouc trini. Lteiy tyîrites 25 s.n o rt ceio aihomevvomng wten 1ioctdarerlthanours. Tey ccii Benonce. t e arovnic te b itoi e e oeringtem for nsre Fridoy Spiflres 20 PicOeil oct yvnr. iteytinvde ourvicadet. uni Scora Home Tean S cone Banites li Ste Rites 17 Miiaon's titi tos tuiiy recvc. 7 Mitton ...... AVERA.. 1ES ouen if c ceete aga. AlthoughtL.C l hsor 7 Westoa h asi tee ihtn eeyNowv C. 0. of 1 3 Mclton .. .......1 G.Fleviter It97 came, il st wcit dcfficlly. 13 Ontile Arniy 2 M. MvConnet 121 Bowne soeîeidte season citt The Lorne Scots 8 Orangenile .5 R. Woters 1930an storeti ieg bthat reveeed l8atite Legn. 6 D. Coalen 192 in J0 lime.1..-Coi. F. B. Citisitatn, EU, cil Feou ..ee9. Fivi, Enmntî192ii îo otevilie, tas suvceaded Lt-Cil ,egin 5la Emnating romAce- , n," s-- ~meC. Tmaop Dingoff tre of Te SOFT r GYPROC CEMENT PIONEER FEEDS Re S. AMS JS in OMM oý Wu af c4ataw On the I 5îh of thia mnonth, and of every nionîli fttr ii'next six yrarc, înany thoîtotittîo îf War Son ingo Certificaîeo fal dlut'- antdtitfl Ie edernitd for their ful face n ahlus niiîlorsing tIli and mtailing theitluOttawea aîrînrding lu te instrunctions on te bock . .. or .. . ýt Y~WC CM5ytà= ...Tha Bank of Nova Scoîla oAill arrangetI red in ytt uor Mar Savinga Cerriiri for )oiti. If yolir Centificisîco arc nose ln afnknrping sitili teBank sea ltaîl se flati 10 forseard theus to Ottawca for rcdcîîîpîion month by monîlu m ilîey fail dite, and dî-poiî lite face value in yonr accouai. If your Cartifleaten are nto nm wiîh tiha Ban,any of nue branches sel bc gadi lu hold thent in oafakeeping, aud lu look afIn Ctte detaila of redaeming themas tn hey mature. The charge for thia nernice is five cent. for tacha Certificate, ini additiontluthie unuai aan safekeeping fée. THE'BANK 0F NOVA SCOTIA Frtday, Jas. 9 Mitoan......... 2 Georgetowen . 3 Frtdey, Jan. 9 Oakioite Arniy .. 3 Weston ........ 5 Monday, . 12 Georgetown ..6 Fergus ..3 Monday, Jan. 12 Oattccle Legcon 3 Oakvitie Army .0 Monday, Jan. 12 wson ....... O...6 Miton . .-- 3 TnaadaY, Jas. 13 Acton . ........ eangenitte 3 Thuradlay, Jan. 15 Weston . 2 Aveon . . 5 FPrtday, Jan. 16 Oangevitle 2 Georgetowcn 14 Prlday, Jan. 16 Milt.o ... 9 Fergon ... S Monday, Jan. 19 Oaitviie Aroy . 7 Oakvc lie Legion 5 Moncday, Jan. 19 Wesion . ...... t Fergus 6 Tueaday, Jan. 20 Actoti 4 Georgetsown 8 Tuaiday, Jan. 20 Miton 4 Oroogevi lic 1 Titacsday, Jan. 22 Orangevcie 1 0 Oakville Aemy .7 Tjtncaday, Jan. 22 Fergus ,-.. 4 Acf on .. _ i Tltnesday, Jas. 22 Ottvile Legion 5 Miton ,-..10 Friday. Jan. 23 Georgetocwn 7 We..ion . .. O Monday, Jan. 26 Gveorgetocwn O Oakv.llv Legicco 1 Tueaday, Jan. 27 MitIon . ... 5 Aton .. 1 Tuenday, Jan. 27 Wesîss 3 Orangevdile 6 Wednea., Jan. 28 avtte Army . 2 Fercas ...... .... 8 Tltucaday, Jan. 2 Oaitviln Legion 2 Gergeltown.. 9 Fetday, Jan. 30 - AnIsa.. . 3 Weston .4 Frtday, Jan. 30 Qeanceile.. 3 Miton il 1 Monday, Fait. 2 Miton 1. 1 Oakvitte Arniy .3 Tuesdlay, Feb. 3 Actoq ......... 7 Oaitvitie Legion 6 Tnaaday, Fnb. 3 Georgetowno .6 Orangevitle 5 TIbucsday, Fait. 5 Qakvitte Aniy . 4 Avion . . .14 fftday, Feit. 6 Wetn - . 3 Georgetowns . 7 Friday, Fait. 6 Oalivilie Legion 7 Feegas 8 Monday. Feb. 9 Georgetowen 9 Onitilte Arnsy 1 MondaY, Feit. 9 Aoton ....... . 5 Fergua . ....... 7 Monday, Feit. 9 Orangevitte .7 IOnkville Legion 5 Tnuesday, Feit. 10 Miton .... ... 5 Wenlon , -4 Tlsocnday, Fait. 12 Orangevitle 4 Acton ....... 2 Friday, Fait.132 Feegos ............Oakvitte Army .... Fntday, Fait. 13 . akietle Leglon. .Weslon.............. Monday, Fait. 16 Actas n .....9 Miltons . 4 Monday, Fai. 16 Forgus ......2 Geoegetown . 13 Taeaday, Fait. 17 Dakilen Arniy 5 Oragevin ...7 Thiaday, Fait. 19 Georgetown ........ Actan ............... Tttnrnday. Fnb. 19. Qalvilte Leglon ...Oraneeville.......... fldaY, Fait. 20- Oakvilte Amtny. .Iblton................ Fntday, Fait. 20 Fargua ............Weston.............. Monday, Fait. 22 Mltos .*«"**-.......Oakvite Leglo . .. Tuasdny, Féit. 24 Oakvitte Arzny ....Georgetown......... Fziday, Fait. 27 Weston ...............Qakvitte Any ....... Monday. Marcit 1 Fergna.............. Oavttta Laglon...... PaAu UVIN for fine healthy birds feed... 'Starlight' Chick Starter Made from an evenly balanced formula containing aIl the ncossary ongredients ta fleure rapid growth. We alita have a complote stock of Peat Mass, Oyster Sheli and Gril. Gel pours wbile lte sopply cs adeqaate. "STARLIGHT" GUARANTEED FRESH FEEDS Made By MILTON MILLING CO. Phone 50 Limited Milton Ont. LIVINGSTON STOKERS Are inslallcd and acrviced tn the Milton district. Any of these uera will fell you how comforlablc, econoîsical, trouble free aad labor saving they arc: COAL ANTHRACITE INSULATIOIN LIME TRRIPSDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1948 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION