I t ~ RECREATON 4 ACILAMF I I ~ I It la a great odvontage 10 sa I commaoty ta have ample facilit- the modern Pasl imes verY M.and week l G.iForotand aBrooK- NOX PRESETERIAN keenly Band they have a gond lime vltek lCHUR ad rok-ln tise town where tie». rcreat- MNIser-Be,. IE . J Pli Ions00are provldied.' They eoJoy Wmn JohmnTissner ir af Guelph Mr Stanley Roert-Orgentat and Ilile thoreaond are rlactant ta vllted wlth Mr. and Mm . j ram Chormooster leaveonuci a place If nerastty mer lait week - colls theni omov. Mc. Marold (Mise) Cane loi t Monday for Cranharry Lake, cn Paut River, liC., sehere hisn am- IlY apet tW Jota hlm later andi tae.upresaldance. BIG BOND> BUTEUR Soles oi second series Canado Savings Bonds tatalled $2W.4 millions as et Dec. 31 lest. Pur- cehases ltallad 861,8M, ledlcat- Ing anu orge parcisase of $20 la 194% e rportmstise Fleannial PoEL. IntsilirstIn&dIva. totel parvis- Ooesdarlng tis arcepaigni <eriosi mare aouat 34M9millions tram 1,197,500 panciasens. Saisequent canceltathoîra have lroagist tisa total ai these fin maerias ibons oullaning as et Dec. 31, 1947, tin samelhlng at-ar ties$400milion MaIk lI coaemng tise figures it slsold ha hone ln miad tisaItthe Brit for Individuel auhacriplions vas rut tock trom 32,000ta $,S00 la 110 second cempalga. Second erles honda are st111 avaitahie fat pameise. SClEN'lHMC ZMIGRATION SUNDAY, FERIUARY 22nd 10.00 a..Sealor S.S. 11.00 .m.-Primary Scismi. Divine Worsisip, iuislact la It aothing la yas7, 7.00 p.m.-.Divine Worship, sai-- JerI "Bahols tis anmc Sperial mutir hy tisa choIr. A cordial melcome asealta ynuaie Knox Junior Chir proctire 3 p.m. Sun- day atteesoon. Mimsion Bond, Friday, 4 p.m. la S. S. ST. PAUL'S UNIME CRURCE SUNDAY, FERUARY 22nd 10.00 ama.-Charris Scisol. 11.00 a.m.-OMorning Service. 7.00 pim.-Evening Servira. Prof. LangogfatMcMastar Univ- ersity milI preaah ai bohsservices. 7.00 p.m., Monstay, Fersary 23- COl.T. 'ehruary 241-Tise.Mr. oant Mra. Ciai lU hold a'Hard!TMme Porty at home of Mr. and Mes. Muraiy Heywood, Vict- oria Ave. Progroso ta charge of Mr. andi Mes. Adidison Woodley. A Cordial Welcsma to Al Tise rmaimnt ai tisoasands of pernons innm diaplacasi panons GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCI campn la Europe to jobs ln Cn- Th RE ORAY EAKINs ado la 0n0 of tisa mot humanitar- Ustor1 lest and desiraila pesiacta is - wiîcis is Dominion hes et-en SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 22nd 1 iseen asocialad, sayn tisa Fluant- Second Sandoy ln Lent 1 laI Post oditarlally. 8.00 a.m.-Holy Conanlon. Byisusidrada of tisousanda OI 10.00 a.m.-Sunday Seisoat. D)Ps ta calteresi campesongis-11.00 a.m.-Moesing Prayer. nultisae U.S.A. andi Brillis zones 7.00 to.m.-Es',ening Prayer. of Garonsny, Canada and tise 1U. %edaeday-4 pin.. Junior W. B. are sfneas on ckanlng Meccon, A' .7 nM.m.,Junior Chir;8 visera a peeson coni finsiicf-res- P s LNTN SERVICE; 9 part la mark. Tisese potentiel pra. Senior Chair. Cenadiana ara nal Germant. Theyvy Friday, 730 p.mn--GirLs' Aasiilary1 are chiefly people iran tise Bat-j ai Retry. tic coantries, Pale1 md Ukeai- hans. Bortrd fraratisteir home MITO land tisey ara determinesi o o iseiSILO a frats tart in a near tond ansi BAPTIST CHUJRCH ta herome faîl-flesiges i etizens ai Pator-. DEVERS ihat nwtond. i tantise Fanera Bailing Set-en ditinct icreetitngn oassre I tisaitishe diaptacesi pernon arrîs'- i StNDAY, FEBRtZARY 22oî1 lng in Canada are tiseiy ta fiti il.0fia. -Mrting WNVsir, u nia aur lite iere and beeorae val- -1.3oi pas. Sueituy Sý,hlaol. usiste etizen. Taise tise etampto[S i la Evetîîag Service. of tisuse raho go ta tise minas. They havaeiisir fares pai i'lu:Ail Are Weteurae Canada. Tisry uer tiseir under -________________ taiing ta sark for at rouIt 10 niantisa. In eeîrn t-ey are iaar-ý PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS anieni equa I pop mthCattudlan i CHURCH (aven wiiie Iara ingl, plut houn- RE5. IL WOODS, Pator d lng aceuniodation we ait p taroi- Order af Servilces t adian tandards, A osi ma 1 IHeld in ..0 F. Hatit nay noise ap ta $400,a munhi a a aina. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd 9 By isinging tise people iere, 10.00 an.--S. S. andsi blse Cama.c Canada la not tnty islping isait, 1100 a..Morning Wo>rasip. isut sa eaittg tisa population pt-ni- 700 pmn Evagelîntie Seraice.e sure ln Europe ansi iieraisy les- Mir. Perey Turner, a! Toran- I sonmng tise danger o! fture raur. ta sili hese peeli apeakser1 _______ait alil aerviees. SOSE ROTCTON Weii 8 1.05W.M.S. sel eetin a SOME PRTECMON the home af Mca J.Jamîisn, f Main Srret. t Tise aniaing precautions taisesI*huis. 8 pra Y.P.S. iii martin a ta protectiise vaalin tise nese the isomeroftMr. S. ereati. Bank aI Mantreal bilaiding in Everyisady Weteana Toarono la desceiiscdisy Napier Mooreainthie Fînanciai Past. He states usaitisae vaul1t atuaatyiys a' Ansi YrSisal Enosetise Teutis ansi seriai ai voults iratisan a vaualt. tise Trais SisalNiaisa Yau Frar-- Tisaeseit rot-esetnia215 tans ofl Jnu. 8: 32h tarcis andi dril reiting teri THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST R wolli, eooeand seis cncrete tasa OMAGH P fret thici. Ties tig raun, 54.a p 45 tact, ta divides into foar sepat-- 1 SUNI)AY, FEBRUARY IJasi c ate vauotitfor aafeiy depnitt isa-- .0am.Sna Sho. r eseceuclîes, cash andsi slver. 1.00 .n.-Wosanda Serisoat S Entranceata thse niarier î 100acioeiu Srie ticoagis on osier ansi ani 0cr Canin NaseandsltlUn Reatun Ta- door, reis mreightng 35 ta; stiraI 1 gellir SoitisJeisovoisIsolais1:St 1 tras met tiici. Tisey ite,- taviesid_________________ isy tm-eoniinatian ditieau ight' toeis annd quadsruple tilae AI Canfesinnatian(118071 a pli lochs. taît,'titisaI aoulsi tave niadenNewî-F Ia tiseiani'ssosn etian af 1taatdlnd partoftCaaa. tisa vanît tisea mut h e mare tisun 50 speelal salnt, racis mus triple contrai eambisiattn tueisi. Whiiet AUCTION SALE mnatliat it sili taise tht-enyen- mais, eaeis osing tht-cc dîttarîti IN AC'PON canhinations, ta open raeh nf lana. 0F IIOtJSE510LD ARTICLES. Mc. Mooreadasatai hle tise REAL ESTATE, 2 TRIUCKS, biasic conceptinn lsthtissane tisa ETC. siesiropasant hart no rsamhanre Tise Praperiy sf ta tise tanillur plcgy ianis. J. E. MeMIULLIN sel bcheisi aobisisaome, Main WILL SALES TAX 001 Street, Aeion, an Tax xpers dn't hinkMr. SATIIRDAY, FEBRUARV Il TahmPbenpar l d o his Mc. aI 130 o ocistise taolloingu Jo h Ph inethesasiasitueIste TisrePiece Chestarfielsi Suite; tonisîli a tsaairaI iseide St Corner Tables; Cfiee Taile; hat he niay get bisg 1948 ptir e- Radia Taisle; Tri-Lite aramyRmais- liaft tisougis eaatng a! tisa 8 par er Stand; Marconi Rasilo-Phono- ceai. salea tan, rssutisa Financ- grapis Comnisnatita; 4 Douhle Besn; ai Pont. 3 praeivaly at-w Maitrasaam; 6 Thi ta lay1edinthegovrn-pince Kitrisan OutiOl; 1 Cannor Tisa an10 tacîngtis gvea-Tisermo Tub Wmsher; Baisy Cris, ment $325 millions. Thia k ahaut Sirsîtten; Baisy Waiiser; Rap $40 million for eaah 1 per cent. Tisermo Ohl-humer, utesi 1 yaar; af tan. QuascR Peaste-, usesi 1 pear; 5ev- BUt he ax reay ecl S r-talnehat noter Badintoni; 044 Bu ietiaadpe uenDresseaansi Stands; S 35 Inter- aimant att fandaluffi. Apari national lis ton trucks Igositirait tram cannesi goosis andi cannes itmus rantily nam halata; 1 '37 mente ansi proeam, lisera la;Dosige Trucks mitis new 46 nator tsersiy an Important Item of foodi and gaas ruishor, nees inar ra- thaltnt already free ironstise Tise 2 tantly aparîment bsouse 8 pr cent. tavy. More eentty seul ha offéet-i dar sle ai tuese lise tan mes ifttasifron gos ansi imnessuacita oa eserva bis. lectrieity. Trn nhuet emd nw Main Incidence ai tise turatise day ofsle. on ltilg, textiles, isootm andi TEIOS CASH soes, isoase fsrlaîisings andsi mot HINDLEY & ELLIOTT, p nsmciacare gda.Pisane Erin or MiltonsIo ta many cammanitica tisera la a comsideraisle lacis oi racraatioa- ,ai focilitles wl9iehIsoranetimas sdue ta lacis of eathssioamt. if woald seam lan these limea, misan a great deal aifrooney la ta circul- ation mcd many people are apend- ing fraely tisaiIiL aisosld ha gamier tison farmerly lu moatain maris reeceationa andi provida tisa mon- cy for thamn. Many baya and girls hava heas Larning mnay. As they sre iseaaly interestedsinle athlette sports mcd popular diveasona, many of tisas woald tsrsheily ha milling te contrihaat thofic-cool of pravidlng tise recetiona tisat tisey love. Il seamoe likely thit la mony cities youtis renters mhera the yaung people cen mcci and misng and play gansanmd dance, hava heen sapporasi very lergely isy tisa young people thamselvca. BamasalluInone oi 110 mont popolar reevtiona. The con- manity tisai maintas a gond hall em or oatumiser of such leens, han an aset of higis value,. Tisa games dram people te tise toma and îlts helpi biss. People gratly aajoy malchiag tisase gansas. Oaaosotacle mark- lng ogaleat tisa mainteance at thois spartIl ate om omnsaaties ha en tisalise ganiss mra nat melI atteades %micas tise taam had smathiag ofai owing racord. If It aest the greot pari ot ils gomes, many fana lait Inter- eat andi moald not attend. Il seosîsiseem 1h01 if a leaso mas doing Itenhastmd irying herd tisatI Itshoald ha canelderesi mac- thy of heariy suppont. Evan Il Il mode foc many errata tisetprov- ed cosly. tisere waaid hae many intaraating andsi fne plopsInt modemn life people Ionk lac pteniy otfrisanees la enjoy lis- puputar camnes ansi recrealloan and tacîlities tisai cire isem tisai o p p o r u n ity te e c r a t ly v a lu a . THE8 POWER 0F FOOD Ttha isa en renariit laityrl, tiS t,, a Ontns ltcOt istri his.st,înael tisere :s plentp ot truliit aiutsaytîit s I is isrit- a mantcrnsi. olîiie rt iis sa, litrd ans i lungr.î u nd it rititihb tings tisaIthave isuppesidue- ini tiseday. tIhs a a ivudeetalinii- fluen'eta muSe iîmf-I Shetter if is i eei, abisntaser-vc a gonsi dinter. Tlîe olce tuod iselis ini olu k taise iicgiter niera ut l:t Canediat ,vrnen are siitin risatreer iiscy andeetaise. andi(lie creat niajurity of tisera are gondl rocs andi tan prepare attractive' srais. If %oranimnteeila tend- enep ta sandr andidoa !i, oemaing un tiese ite. tise sniiir lesie tisaitisey have a goud isorne and tisaitis the i aises tisera ceas- 'artaisîrIn it. 15 a ttronc iteentiw, tending to mnaise tisernienrit thisele itenl: tise l!lit,-woan PREMIER KING OtT-TI5EN WsIAT? Tue Finantiai Pustai yîarratly hit. tisn e-a. an a V4 question. Baprn.sentatuve Caaaiansa hum Il polit-i. siitfa't-nsi siely in tieit prrdictaos as t. tise pr'obablse psoli-. t-ah eonasqeanes oai lte tt-t-ant retireasent of Pruase Muasiepr Kiaz. tant- ht-ut-onttise Ltseeala analsi coîntinue la tuner: sarne hart-sain a swing ta ils, Progressive Conse- vai :a tea' itili n'ira atrua- ein,'ed tisai Me. Ring seaahd loy titan tise teins l intt eatar future. t-ew nase any ait ant ataisecgain- cdi isy ise ICFor an-.nuisit' tist gr.a'p. TMKr, ISAIAULSIN qf7MAMD5fl NEw PROJECT EELPS Milton Lost to oUII FAT SHORTAGE Acton 8-4 on Oill and ftt, of whtch there la Monday Night theondto ihrgeoid (Contnuaid from Page0» prolect heing underlakaniy the Britioh Gavrament ln »ritish on warmed hle way tiraugh the Eaot Atrica ta produce &ore 600,- pcltira Mlton team a hbait Doon- 000 tonsofaigcoand nota (Ieanutsl rle for Actons tntet tise 19 min- hy 1951, andi through the lntrod- utc mark, action of ncientific forming matis- Acton satted In like the opeed odo, a total of 900,000 tuo per sisnttng Content ai the Olympien ann.m. Canada ta atready Inter- an Gillesie ra hondad a paso aistas in the develapment af 15 tram Sruoh ta notsh tiesecaend units ta Tanganyika, conniting nI at 2.18. Deonnie thaugist It hadat 450,000 acrao, as ogrirulturil matît- slld hehîns i hm and etrenuaoualy tnary and huoh eloorlng aqulpment irgoasi with tise officiel iehlod the were aistolned tramn thia country red llght. Just hafore Ifelason for the purpoea. Tisa only o ha- ratarnasito the fray tram hlies'a- gInning on It la expactesi that 3,- loeu andi pardon, Tamnsley ad 200,000 ocras, nons mootly unInhah- E. Marzo eonblned ta grais the lited ish country, wvill ha hroaght third at 2.44. Contlnulng tise ander cultinatian eventaalty. It pressing ottoch, Gillespie and Nil- se proposed that the Tanganyl%î son solad oround nome loppy de- Central lamy bha tnend ta fenatve work t10 matoh the aqual- honsite tha evar-inreaaing votume Izer. 1. Mocan, the fasteot mon of groand nota, and port faclittos on the ira darlng the nlght, grob is-rtlloisha capandasi. A new hed aobsa puail hlm oen itte harisor andi the Cauialcucion of lina and imtlh a haret of speed onother roitway whlch wttl serve* saties ln 1teibreak the daadlock ot a large area ta thea math ai that 8.46. Wllth tise ltalot stili on thse now halng devetopesi ara plannesi. ran from the close chacldng, '90Y The nuccas oi hin projeet aased the pll paat Doanle atter shauls i rng o large measura of Il waa st ap tby LassoMorzo ot prosperlty ta British East Atrica, 13.42. Silson, coaetlng around and Britoin setîl have the asaistance centre, pickad ap e rollar and wth ot UNESCO ln devalopng long- anly the net ond hrick wolltet terma schemei of aducotian and heal, hatged the Imina for Actons nsociol meltare amang the natives. ievcnth counler la tha 20 milnutes Net anly ta the andertaklng one of play. Bayllam mnd Itilson, 101h te Increase the morld supplias of ecndlng lima ln the &in isn ail the tata but sonta rouse the standard saea ima seamasi ta have no cf- af living af the natives andi fit tact on the Artan tmawd as thay thernita toisa an lnrreaingly large chockha srder than ever te keep port la the plan and altimataly Milton out of the braciesata.ta contralIil. Pay lamesi onmderahly la thae ______ tant framea su oht as Indcat- RETURNING NORMALCY raI a tirasinestramntishe heavy slaahing. On many occaionspay- Tise lest Olympie (lames ment crs on 101h tesa asppeared te iseld ta Berlin la 1936. Hitler wos stand around andi match the paris annIoa.s than ta sotha an al tan carrier skate eesand and, the readily nonihesi worid. Ha mode a neorasi apponaent te hlm mode et- goosi show. Ha almiat joade the tempts taeibreaks ap his pday. G011 war1d halieva that hie prearations tripla twaicisaitisa ccd ligist fer mare free trammnaltre andi fuît of Actons a niy couier ln thim ses- tls aintiali oi huans iinsnes sien ai 8.52 during oa seramisîr. endi coodsiportsannhip. WIisoui a croan lise romd atît- et year tise cames are teo l ed hans la amaititise anicoma ot revît-rd ni Wembiley, oaalnunder tise cane, enpeciing tisa ionesiars tise sadose of an undetermined la sonner o atec breakIsnia ftunre and a lest iappy prateni - .esrlng waiirisagist have ivan risere n oaiint ai encouragemett îisrm tiese arons hey needesi. isaever la tise farti tisai ftîy nat- Tise teans: ions are rakiing pltans t,, porticip. Atan - <Coul, Woods: detense, oie la tise came.s Perhops a Baytiks anti Linsay; rantre, (51- tset-e ismure sincerlty in10 i tle; e:wnait,1. Marra and i 014- eture <of nporv..asip t sit son: aternaiet. Kentner. Bruali. have happler resu lisTisere it E. Marza. Itîidalt, (oy. Tomaq-s- promise laliste entisia,în ley. iL. Mat-eu.Fondmti. I1alre'sdy ahawna.'Tisctiscarenss Miltton -- oal, Evans; defense. tise Eaa-,Ite Siadara and tise Weni- Scitaiua andi Terry; cere, Fan: iley undillrringny urenu-. nul nt. sing. .inion ansid are:alie - euraolte 15(),00Mpersans andi the rates, Westiaise. stoti. sriim. Otýyrapir oniiak s xpecna sl-t! Metansun. Bled. Cheter, Spier. Tise top prrr toe ait the cantet Frst Perlod îîllte $67.20. Auteety runi dose NI: Foi (Carnet 1.22 aipirtinz spirit. Ni: Cuti o Fo) 2.47 Mi: Metanson Bird. Sitoi)..4.02 l>OWERS O0 OSERVATION M: Fox ILiniottl . 11.26 A: L. Mnrzou.t9.0 A iseen interesi la use ltis Penalties: Scattan, Melanssn t l:1a are ieing sisne, and tise may 5ý, Brusisl2). in wislcheis> are do.lavahiirt. Ann e s a er Second Peslod rcrcaiîy inasa ltuatratei tisa A: ISitteipie tlimuaht . .18paseerin thte ay he exumînei A: Taasney (E. Marrai 2.44 tisbe utu pt-t-entrd In a naît-J A: Gillespie (itlnn5t10 isstarinai exihition, Oae (t-atone -A: I. Marra .. ý8.46 iisrrcishowaeonlsted a! an aid Au (oy (L. Marrai 13.42 lime iîtehea. anrangei ta asos Au Hilton... 1707 huit' people prelparrd tiseir fond la Penaties: Oflimaansi Baptisa. t5.' duytht-fore nioderan ehas TisirsiPerbosi sere sitvelopre. A: Gillespie 0.. ..8521 Tht-ne wosan ald fasionesi Penalties: Bruîh, Bird. lînaili, an tht-n asei for caoilg raai. ansi varinas marianicai CLOSE mORDMwrt TO REDS 1cv!res for yrt-ynrinc taood. Most tif tise vitsutt- oioiei 51 hese T-le UitedSitOites sslnaraaiog tlong: in suaseisal isy say, its daurs ta tlt-tant-s ofpt-opte utfibut it-emutaof sehuni ra are isetieves tao he Comnunisti ai, ipeaiin g aus at satinired untit ha inramuaist symtntiers. bI lthe hSudstudinsi aut esatly hase iiey tosi Isri'e mont, napi tise Fui-n-,orkeds, auso ht 5e irerat-s Int aaiai Post, a dort-n Catadian trft- anderniansi Menitisaoroagily. ,inlaaismrnea aestencfau-si Soist-gaineiacgrecasdent more admiasion. tranthin roisihit lian 41 tise 'rist eeh, in vit-ewa! Prime Mia- mrrety rasuai oserrer. A etsoa itler Ring'sanosuaity hiant erit- anistist- st bervant traik Isls.- iism a! Cmmuninra, many taisar ly ta isrytnsilfut un isaadiag peopleseerce wnatlring ifCanada aay nerhisîiai tîrahi-na. and wsseaouaaîadoitheseaae.Unier verypestiaiin anyiUneaf eor Section 3 of tise Immigraion Actor ut-nests. Surît peapte g) pt-rts,seisoaodvoc,î,erllsrnsof tistoogitlife s'ils ti e-ts seidc g,vcrnerasrt ly forcran he tegatly uit-n.,andare iieiy ta iesr araiom- 'situesi.tiuiac an eriy day. Expansion o! tisa Bcd Cross BIeis BuaniSupply Loan Cuphoardo, misicsenrval noce tis o10000hom Ptllnts ln Canada In 1947, dapande onrontibusîtions ta tise aational easpaîga for $3,000,000 openiaf dores t. Crutceiss, miseaichoies, haapitat iesadaansi olisr etyrnoiva ansi isrd ta nistaîn supplien ara oanad frat- ai charge.i Garbage Collection! Citizens of Milton are warnoul that the Garbage C91- action By-Liaw wiIl hoe trlctly enformai Garbage to be Collected on Mondays AND Ashes*Only on Thursdays M£L REFUSE MUST BE DEPOSITE IN PROPER CONTAINERS No Container Muat be over 50 potmda GRGENDASH& MUS? Nor BE MIXRDOlt THE COLLECTOR WILL Nor REMOVE TEE OON1M OFFRES YOU a Complete LUne of our Baby Chick Supplies BROODERS OIL - ELECTIC - COAL These are euti scarce. If yoas neei one we auggeat you lom non tase gettlng orne. JAR FONTS - WATER FONTSi- FEED ROPPUES DISINFCTANTS - TARIE»SIHETNOPAPE BROODEII STVE PU5ES - BROOlDER THEMOMETES PRONE 43 Modern EIectricaAPPLIANCFS J J Offer a short cut to convenient living H~ CREDIT TERMS Wr hune Refrigertoneand Rangea designesi for money-eaving ciiicicncy . . . nov, tigist weighl Iron ... Wasling Machines that cut you or mi in hall. Son thens la-day. TIllE PAYMENT BAILEY & TOEWS Electriad Confxrao PHONE 259 PRINCESS THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 200h and 21at RoTwAIRERI Carton-'Pls ung Ba, serial Chapter a - "Jungle Raiders" (MatincesOnlyî MONDAY AND TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd and 24th John Hoduak and Lizabeili Scott in "DESERT FURY" Tecelslaor Aduli Entertaomest Tecs. Munîcal 'Champagne for '1'wo", Cartaon-"-Stupidtitoaus Cat* COMING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27th and 28th Esther Williams and jimmy Durante in '-THIS TIME, FOR KEEPS" Teeiaor Techoidor AUl programmas start at 7.3o pmasM atlnes.at L9 .8 P. MIMU othermise advertlaed. m 1-1 ýd Id Wn Ils Pl gl Vý MILTON 1 il - ýl THE CANADIAN CHAMPION