THURSDAY, JANUART 22nd, 1948 ii.ualmliqnjL44 Itream en-year-olda - hat wssae-! patable. Ins simple language Bf mssI ~ u s w tebe,(ca (here gaic (e Jasa fl Milton Beats the Fergus hatere aedm ere eg eain titishjj Wieauacho h he owr Thisiles 1rklsav liv9-5 Une cars fte (era fe madrjing a -lf~ 8~ (me uSnfm e 6îlscthe d 4(ieWsClose Ustil Tird 1' uwinc aIratecy (cte e ds, acMRÀ lre really effertive. wb te th! _y Speelal Perîod When Mlton Rornped Fîa ccehre u ad é0 ý dnel huldge lhiseruue acy mr Be tyHery 141 131 8035-, înlFosur (oass o Clinch tise ts cale (he equalzer. Itmwascnu RoisPEABEN fibue oncra,(bey checked lîke a ganog Bcd, Cuse 87 91 180--35 Guine - ()akvile lu clîîl h Qsecuchdh il idct(,if,, uibat. M o îîd l-. 117 1:39 160 4.5 ac egon Iiril rosrerominPersocn as îcey Illsoelasd-ruiîfils ilîr ouregl i Ja ;tht 1ý,;13 ý93,1 Piay HreTo-Nighl and Kare îîlrobîe îlîîglî Milloco desse wuts aid cnes 1(1 lî uî rrgms uirs - hv rllrcaithtBidplyd lI ll Srageiic lilîîî 20ri 'nlest is Experledue lygmlU(5rcr. iadccc remmahce hecbilu usu-îlrrralllîu(Bîdplaycut)luiniîcenrtrur ingpjedeambelhymressthouirJacecile rcwd lascares- 'lccc cemdaehce As (he tcf. secmed es gise the vs- dramme aup tlis ciedle for inter- su. Bufres "le ocl005s lacehoke tes (he breaks lu (hicscaesioa, meda__c1nt8ts193 - oggccgaiac buadeci (he Fercas Fergas frIC the pince as feelicgs mdteeees.Besides avaug _L.auacChisbiolm (93 3; lhisîles a uf,5 lu aise, ic une aof u u a mrstalws b 50(ne trams cumplele Iheir hume Necrly 10locl(as jouracyrd Ll Hewsulce 10,3j124 113 380 Hemclerlcercc ,iee allie rk. am ccas aa Birdth sud sama caes a( (e erlesonn (ae cs' bel, cae ky bas acd Oella Lary .34 99 116-31sess ci Pla ce ç ts Ferasc-alff (o mrk.arinc hndr sirk tiesscs hatueaham rm îers hy car. Il wasauceprisinc lu Mayme Riddell 151312 81 9 2, l-Iaet Frtidcy nPgtcsct.Wbpal attFurerd biig m fdi(dKellry asdlttickse t aetwc lace (ripa in a ram acelbae -u ar 1(1 mrePs'ls ase 20 7211 8 tat make . cal ll mr PyhsMas 26 --8 otIo ba a crcc-d pleacer frea'mîcaîuts atar. Miltas speriancerd(bat daring e b9oam p lisera lisas dameberrr. A esery' yict, c-as griefr tac elic Fergas ales'ptle cstem tha pasit mark. Tbe cnly t(mclo(gueyacr gse (a ad bas tuat ela (mc l i1e Cu'bes hbumeslers, wout toai gamaly as Mltonatiaseic the (ird butI trips (bey hsd os-ra made lIsseFr1- tiscoucismoasmof slow, (but Norcia Broc-n 162 168 242- 572 Ibeir acIers rcame t l isala(41- ucrpi-ccaialu tebraIthe repeaa(rd day la Fregas, Iea en nTaesday tl arbcd betaIose by plcms. Hlec Marcb 2115 153 131 (00 errai limes, avec areuments c-tli cllachs. Baycaa crabbed is arc- Orsegecille. Thece ic no daube a . Armsrong 102 (12 146- 3691 Miloc fses. ond ai 152 af Ibis perical daruîg mare acre disribution cf cames Dra Andersen (60 141 145-4-16 Wbcl îvould busc bacc rex-ellenti u sci amble, micb brske (ha ded- eaaM bhave bers arragerd. BhLN IO lae ckbey, wc- ulrnitdfile a ditraplei l lsr Less (haice minates (sIre BURLIN TON Haes tur oser th affiiaiec o-ila F argas acre pressing, Malýla- Ferges is sppsreetly raccîce H. Haddlrsloea 129 146 (17--392 Rllcr-cBai-be rom lGuelph. Ilî socbrobe rom rectre (c beacc alr- Atu s a ce secnd Ilte tise Yfa Wbite mskiag hia rocnds early Mary Runeal 168 119 144 -4.1 carîrd ic Ibliiol s sac-hec rrosi sha saemed almusl inviecible hnckey spedthAclue rso thaRepors nFriday mcreieg, Sargt- Lyla Amebia Bccdell -98 165 182--445 cote Mllinscean c e rfecece jriimes. Indcae ha AtoncofiesthirCrac-tard diacsared a amal firtlmea Hadlry 103 177 178--458 lîrcîllo as br cccl tbrccgb hir Fise minutes later Slesacrcd rgensethe cae s(tacce (ba cugdas a h recrurm i saiealambralut(ha ewCcc (ckeRBth Stecs 50 94 60 -234 Fi-gos defecrr EreFergas Cf- obrc lsllliasac hanedduhrm c puss Ferguas tk l u un h primebildings as Wsler St. iriol-, sbeo h (bre bds len(paie,. fllou-icg a isb long (pcss<eedroy. vlaBcors instheblrcra5 cst. Htrlceadinsanalarmsand Nuema Bruoen(09pbealer. Total îoldicg 1-- crocg mai,as ccg-src Il ocly loch four minutes for (s'- ibecficemea arrisad prcmptlYeand pns 572 3 garis. 1 I cumabigti tibeoail.ricagebtbie lctcmanieofthe Infor-matsarchiaiaec50nexs0a t-asicgaichad (ha blaze. Sorerr242. Iliiofliyrridlcvrll-ici] edoai gcs'. Oly lu-e pealtiesc-arc- alte ce ame ouAteinditl O Mcry2eaîeIntme'- Pbyllio Msse rIsse seconod, totlil,>i tfir.Meli, ase crryieg lb-oiîadîd out.Kelly a-bu mus lic tbse sametbissg sbcstd ha don ace rofcf lbcLionu Clubejcyed c 2060onerguari. di,. , ou-ilîo gb (be drfrsce u rgic.mcc haegtdu' rIran the mena Sp- At Fergus orcisocadinear, teamet beice due- --- - ---uaF,-gus .s yr rab-cbed ils 'nîg islu(bidcOrttalan, toi languaga mac su turbulectbi( ad by (ha batice memberes ofIausfrtIo carri y Mlîcc ut <il hocedice tsus refusa c ceha s. Ce, h1lbmeacrstly acî REND 0F STRIKES i ;ly stc ar urier pas- b rso qaeeeîy ce cameras ocecasioes c de ce In beir hbacice erip. 'liae-cr icricbhrroutîa teBcycca, tlbr Mltuon iGoal. L-sec; dfacsr dsrlssctise eama snd aftar, grcuys diner wacaprepared by tha lad<es Comparcd a'itb (ha parii olfu- ebile suodcd ccd play macs laip-uiccitalcs ccd Chester; rclnte.- oftpeoptemere sees ta breaieg of St Lke's Ccb a ndltheaieal lclbu tersllGrat a Cati- yril. Butk av,îrfryrbrreccSicti:cins, Mllicscesandloyrsi Il outa-ith afeubrmlshebi'((useaacrkaahe cnmr h oiladbec(cff0(srsbcllelu-ocicce.Fo, Uionc, Crrir cut. Ailieucmploeeas reeied asinGratBrcaineeehas-c beceiieminuits.Icuabouit eeclrýn SiliaizAthscc Scarsc- .ux - - i-raseile auges. (hae cuerîl laser. ledasîrilldisputes ic Br. -s uteoi. Feiîgas lcs'm...d.s. Bird. Il*s ieb lume (bat tees utirmpt- freling (bal cbey o-ere darpaid, tais siere 'TESDay bcd rosi sic -i ruiordci ouclrr dcricg ac Ferguo <;ul. I((reece:defcncs,, ed ta rarb t(brfeeflings ccd tuaescunyaerd mî(h cîber mancipaliciai ccd onerbaîf million aorbieg dcyo on Fb sesconds liii1 i tcsîîc ccd F.lly; rtrer,Pearson;e thbrelassas and guîain ibhasaileccd sîberude ampîcyrru The, With sn averagr of 18,1616.0oistbc- id seat in the oumc ac-i insiesQuies and Balzac; ar- cishiee (ha hase tram larb. Temy- polise sf(îcars. ieladîug (ha ChiaI c-sebîg eoaple rcgugrd ( iin 1 l * ,luii.ul tt.Os s las-ci- ac, uIrs Cad ontcegomery, Broc-s exs mli 8sre as'csg playereeduc- <il Polica, ccch ree-e'an cextasiUit~ed Kintcdos industiesr. 5- Ibord cs (ii cc bîw hite i bcd tout Mscic, Hecimader, tittlry. lng Illesamie.Ile bus bren hu 9$ dîd (ha tocs freama,- y-a-us ugbly erîîaiaect te c les, ose. 1Hi Ifrier H.Bot br. CGuelph msy feus' tbe begising ut imie. rrensrs sereaaise grunferd te Tac-c et leon (hue Irer heure ere (hi Wliic flicinrssue î ile rMil- FirsI Pered Cumpecaetoftîiating ail kep Cler andTreasurMM.fBush, uo andcene-bclf yerereisd, or tb iîossd icdicci llQaecil cri-.ll tisas' udercontre]u, mukn hie iss (uFacislus'ted . J. Tsgsad 1aoerhcsrce emnistecrgo-cig fo)gcab utecFac iCurri 1123 gamne eciice fer the(ca-cin'ir)Tbos Hisrccb A. R.Swft mss Oece. Cnrasidmbibr helcso ilcciabihph oi)Mý(s tihk(ý1Idl, oy Pearsoin iBolceci 17.5 psy fr tuebenajcyret crmierd fltuBHs'ancleercc asui- 89 milbionssarhin c dus ihrîîîîiî frbisd brs urck (ur *Ba - sec cf $360plus $50car lo-ýissribcke-,inBallais bîecu-îeg fluic fsolt> bobQues 30 oFe sQaîcc iBoluesi l8.1ti. Tbe typaetfasepctss'aesblp dis- uce. Ha milI ha plrerd is ebarge Fini (',ieat wc-c ebre c roi a oras--a-puluttaici tcsi-c fiet ticsHra-rden dci pîsymi ai Frgas tbe cîber iebt cf aclipublic mrbs ai1 digois'(soenre'ea lIon Mci-, ar-, li--lic sclî-d tri ta'd illiesen mac pitI. 0fcruarse she oaBris'- ,ind (bas relieeera Iba da ofec et b>Mlesier cf t.ahoe le Britale, couvd -sic It i c i)il us Sarseýod Perred ieg f Burkaeaassuohlp cu tbe Chirmus cf Wrh Win. Jobn- f(batt(brrr c-rer 15 timaes moîri-,,th5,ci ie misn u s huî(bclub Fi gaisPi-rois (BlzancI- 2 i5 players He balfleaminsa trmc0 citoeaasnamrd ssassoand cil ducclfast((bcugbs(trukp.,tollcsigud1 yl-r.-lcoorhr('iîiegrl Oilton eiîîSicrsal 61 aBl nigt s' respect (e hi a clices rece$1860 pr yeaa Tie aili tbe Fîrtrat crlWcr tbcc (sillii- -i icos 4-rta combine swii Mloicatitioc Fusu 652 -oe lacisoetfihema. Il ceuil c-ccaisebc afutaiis'Job.Fourtah ig tberSecond GeatiW., FIo nue ofthé- rettirst ply' 1Mîil,isUioo ilseii 620 trasserred taebe ercud, (bas orees c-ere areceul7v etspr Homesar. le Casadato eîîpcsict, ii: nizlib(ri gîubiCiff(te (arai', Milico Brn"r925 insyes' rga. GaaI cs'a mar bue, oe 'Ir 70 (ces pccr cth, race. tn 1921, Iof th(Orcl si 1.23 MutsItrs tIl- FiioQucuroi (3 farard la lister (s lancuacea--ee eite. - oecec tlîc ieg ithe Fini ieCrci j f,îluî-îo-ctioacui 1, cr ho Baiure Pealies P(ron, Kellylo XV-r Iber ir e 1.0060 '-i ig i -lFeriguon itopio lw (lii <rai- un.îîî- ('il. Sitt, Seultln :dcio est (biocbhsterisl-rie.Frega' rlucsy pirot loi'ig tbe Serond ('runt Waric s ,c,io u'-iuirrigb i LcîBoo 11 Int. H ockey Schedule fi,hve, ryet fcernsîîY 'c i uîcps' StruccM i cu Cucric 'l ,132 mo' ion.c itmpyro Mlo-bil. i i, ioiiaifl tibr pluy s a As'huu- ili.uii staffi Mvinsîon)ci lii23 J1947-48 an cen-baîf smillione duo-s l % nc-'lis c fafmiue a th îiI1 ent'cit.,cf 1947. iu as .îluod-'d u hecsty fli,, 9las WIAT CROP I e citai bacd the drlir I-uic i ' il tlîce igaîs ii 1 Data Vsilangreas' ScoeeHomo e fn Scora bigsrstfIte espeelcarofeen. rococlle. Unioca-bobhadt',cu--l- O trtu ts- he Cfladiac - l1iUitedut ates s-th relerecra tfocn ucos.rinc icicisigrahi- hrdoubeut croup ilc3.108smillionsbasbelc. Mctsday, Dec. 29 Fergus 3 Mlton 4 ctoppage cf c-oeb sbrocgb clibo., ri I ls onau pasis ros' Fori-- acultotal suplîrs foi the 1947-48 FriayJas 2 - cceorie 7 Wasos l 1ibut ucycce c-bs rando tbe dcii ici b 20 Wîlibtilflgb( lIbi c ;rccpymarr placedut 4253 mil- F'ridy, Jn. 2 rangvill 7 Wetoncea-ospulye raant blp ralucucu scias, MîBlone yîrud bideran cd 1ilubshelîs.Il is ropasîrd (bat Mcedsy, Jan. 5 - Gereteown 3 Mltone 1 '(bat (ha less hb u !a sic bilucco ' i Bvo lri ilo ,i 9) 0 ilo bseswl i Tuesday, Jan.- ctn 13 OkileArs'> 2 ,f olluy.1)i 9.2duri-igcasrrambl- silabla (ce expert. Tsesday, Jas- e6 -Fraa 8 Oragesîlla 5 Taesdsy, Jars 6 Wcie l ubule9r'c Tbustlsy, Jan. 8 Oubille Le1 c 5 Artuîc 4 Frlday, Jani. 9 Friday, Jas. 9- Fridap, Jan. 9- Mcsdap, Jas. 12 - Mesday, Jan. 12 Maeday, Jan. 12 Truasdas', Jan. 13 Tbaesday, Jas. 15 Friday, Jas. 16 - Fridsy, Jas. 16- Mesday, Jan. 19 Mcsdsp, Jan. 19- Tuesdsp, Jan. 20 Tcesdsy, Jan. 20 T(acesday, Jas. 22 Tbaesdap, Jan. 22 TbursaY, Jas. 22 Fridsy, Jas. 23- Mcsday, Jas. 26- Tcasday, Jas, 27 Tsesdcp, Jas. 27- Wrdacaa, Jas- 28- Tisursdsy, Jan. 29- Fridap, Jan. 30- Friday, Jan. se30 Msnay, Fai. 2- Tcesdsy, Fais- 3 T1uasdsy, Fai. 23 Tisursdsy, Feb. 5- Friday, Fab. 6. Friday, Feb. 6. Masday, Feb, 9 Mandsy, Feb. 9 Mssday, Feb. 9 Taeaday, Fai. 10- Tisuesday, Feb. 12 Fridsy. Fri. 13. Friday, Fai. 12 - Moeday, Fai. 16 Mandsy, Fai. 16 Teauesday, Fai. 17 - Tharsday, Fais. 19- Tbursday. Fab. 19. Frldsy, Feis. 20 - Frldcy, Fai. 28- McedsyFais. 23 - Tueaday, Fais, 24 - Fr1651', Fai. 27 Masday, Msrceis1 tirasgssillr 4 Milles . 2 Dakslîr Arc-y 3 Georcgtown . 6 DuSslle Legios 3 Wroac 6 ArIas 8 Wstas 2 O3rucc-iilli- 2 Msilton 9 taicllîr Aîmy 7 Wctoc Atrcon - Mltocn tieacgrsilla ...... Frrguu -...... tiabsilla Lagics Georgetown ........ Geregetowna..... (OItes W etcn ........... Dabeille Ansy ........ Ocisslle Leglas. Actas . - . .... Or&ngeville. btas -............... Atcn .............. Gegeown ........ Oskiclla Army .... Wes(us ............. Oskillie Leglsn. Acema -..... ...... Orasgeeille ......... Miltos ............. OsisilieLeglan. Fergs ............. Osisille Araay-..... Georgetown ........ Osisilla Leglsas Oabcilla Army...... FerguaS............. Ocisille Army. Fergas ............. Fergos 5 Ceoegori o 3 Fergus 3 OuSille Arc-y -0 Muliséve 3 Ai-t,,n 5 Hobol- Lîgis 5 lccccgssulle - - fcuhslle Armp. Mîkllc ego tieagruvlle Fergas ....... Weaan .............. Milton.......... Dakilla Aeny ....... Oskcillla Leglun. Orangeeila.......... A cton .......s ....... Gergetown ........ Fergs............. Ochilie Aemy....... Feegus.............. Osisille Legan ...... Actas........ Oakille Aemy .... Wrstc .............. Mtoen ............... Gaegetown......... Orangeilîle ......... Actas............ OrangeviBe .......... Oakcilie Lagon- Gleorgetown......... Oshille Acny. Oabvlta Leglan- The QuaitylTea "SALADK ORANGE PEIGE Your Miii le In Operation Now! LET IT SERVE YOU If ysu are in ceed cf seed barley, we have a few Issnd-h d red bus. Cere. Na. I lef e. Aiea lteus knaw ycur spring re- qairemeets en regards ta Fertilizer, Seede, Farm Hardware, Psultry Equipmeat, Rcafieg, Electrical Care, etc. Milton District Co-operatiýve uFoc TICKETS and INFýORMATION CONSULS1 IRNALD HARRIS -PHONEsII -ýs u akg xruSriefrQikDlvrm Vaser DOMINION STORE is justsdprpead ef eeeiiee any sucb epessinaofsaisfaction and goddeill frmplessd hcsaivesinseser salkaflife. Inesecssanssesdeasescss atici- i paie heireer ee ed, wcarsec icklp ,ewred dby eleseeolet esimceials tothseplese and atsifsctis ee ,nst ers lld ieshoppinga( Stockitce ('boire Qcalîly Oulied \tîîIli lîîcry Flavurerd flACHES ~ 2 37Ç FIG BAR BISCUITS29 FGardnsl'utrh- Chor vCul ac WAX REiNS 5W5 SWEET MIXED PICKLES '314 'oct l¾îm i, Sia l dQîiilis is Ayîs-, i 'l, o iI COU(<1<1 c((ii»ci Be 8$PORE & DEANS 2'17$ lb il(.1<> Siocîurd Qulil lTOMATOElSnadQaiy 2.1e COFFEE 53$ TOMATOEST,, îsry Qs,,ly Royisityi Chou, Qîulîly 011,PIKSLO 'T"2Ç 3 PEAS & CARROTS ~ j9 PIESAMN 2 37 Iicby -,iduîlsiby Qick rsPai DESSERT PEAU "Tý'28 QUAKER GATS 29Ç l s 1Badsd Su ri cii <<rvs Volîîîpeople19 ORANGE JUICE 2 <TZ'ý-3 3< KRAFT DINNER C19 Ilosoc BIland Saîîlcsted Mafi,' lu-ut GRAPEFRUIT JUICE "au"2 124 MATCHES 3gB.-23, -41INKIST NAVREL ORANGES tise 252, DISsars35C MESiSINA I.EMISNS 6 Facc WASIIED tARtIBTS 23 ('elîs Ragem2 iÀtt IIdAPA VAMS <00161N61ONIONS C--Bs Ragt , 2Ib 23c Bas 29, 27c AI Mechuedise jeolaIAt VerDesacîlas VlsesMtve Ait etatecefl esly(ccsad Te stil rssm, ive (10%, Satisfctitnse atscds'. PAGE SIWM THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 1