TI1IRSDAY. JANtUARY SIsiA 1948 "GRANUPA TAKES TO SKIS" Sali Grndpa ana day, As lie saoopitchlng liay Prom the loft ta the team ta the stabile', WhtlIe lits radian aa akis AM .mah liet at tha kaces, Fitied past, wth a talent qute ale. "I tait ta see why. WlsenIFm namble a-d ipry, And the chôma raail the bat-a i Il calda't lie 'Vhoa anaxiltontg ta k,t .And I11 bt yaa Ibal I roald go ater." Sa lie harried liii chanci. And lie alalked aat aI daori .And hie aid ta hiii grandian, Ht-ne Soaaiy, Jaat lead me thaîe sticks, And l'Ilaowvaasame tricha, And gine yaa a ran for yaar maney.', Thoni lie lient la is kaeea, And lhe fatened the aki, An'n k e apl e ah band. Ta match out aihere liii Grandpal ahaald land.r (lrandpa tarted aut aire, 1 TIi lie caine ta the !ce, That the water had made 'rowîd the pains. But lic hld the pales tight, And tffened mita riglt, Ha .114 avec mîithicarcely a buliî. Ha mas sare lie would apll Ons the lran of the bltl. But no, lie ent avec the top, And tae iraI thing 414 ace, W. the td apple re. Andl Grandpa didal knaw hlimal atop. To the sauta l waa lent. Ta the nortli Crandpa wet, .And the ihla-_tiey ment eaît, and And the s-ardu lie did aay Oni that clear sinter day Ta art pal thein down waald lie liet. Then lie gave a eai graans, As lie Clt aIl liibanca, And antangled lila leg ram liii nerli. Thraugh lia whiakerî 414 bIna As h licad ta the avam, Ils-as greal aie ll t nîd, hy itecli.' TIen painfally slow Vp tle ilt 1e 414 ga. On lia haenî1am arry ta sa%. Ta liii geanel-ot a od "Fine, But 1hancn'tbte tme Tandoany more koag taday.- Asbleahaalahtagrea bt-ad On the aiay la hlot bcd, Tl'ba n-hI. lie wasabrn f,,e\t "If the- hall tale to flight I canatcnlh hin ail rngt Or a wild team of hrses clintai,. 'Till1I to n an haînakis, And nId out an thc bre %Vtty, the test af et) tIc ha- ber mild. Ad I snear hnrendenow 1 will sticki ta the pîna, And leaensk»ag and anch toao chld" LEMONS MAY BE CHEAPER SOON Italan les-an arno an>' n liet Canada aI a rate nf t leat 25 crloadsa ntb, reports Can- adian Gracer. Thny ace a rean- able prnn van, bat aitlh tbe snappîr' likely ta increa, a drap may bn expected la the nal manth ne sa. Up antl ecy recently al lent- anas-nee e nitmparted tram Cl- ilaraa Italana lemana, hnavnr, eanacama ittaCanada aI $1 ta 32 1lI hna 1he As-eican markeltice- s-and.sa very eai are matnt-g, ta naine rain the US. ns-. Lemans can rama inIa Canado train Italy aitthant afectlng hay- crs' echange allalments ander the quota nYnleminlaeCect an cttras ruts. 15 ta 20 belnar zern n'enat-r presenti 1111e difficatly la madetai airerat. «tIng George VI L haaarnry co!- anel of the RayaI 22ad Regmeat oI COME AN SKI-ING AND Wiîh ils Theillsanud Spilla an the hills af Baraside Furm Taie Lise ia Operatan Week-ends - SkiLadgctl e, manta C. E. SERVICE, Prap.t MEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREWî in on important PNOVINCE-WIE BROAICASI to the PEOPLE 0OF ONTARIO FRIDAY JAN. 23 CFRB 860 8.00-8.15 PsMa Ailtrmue aki lu ht-ler donac sanedisciplin.t-liber tînt s-kirk me Isae ipan nurmie ne rtînt s-bit-h s-up bc tspaand ly aller' (Eph. 6: 5-01. Lookahaitle rîgîi but s-hlesme tils-Ipline Paît des- crî-bea la tht- Cariaibian passage, s-lIving n afleitre ... P ..a salegiseti rery ieressary tan min- iters snd Christian mrkera. Maw caeîîlty speech, manaeas anti hab- lis abmuld lie pacified an as ta trîiy lanor Christ (Col. 3: 17). "p provlng oseselvesasenlie miniatera nI God." Na Critiamucher cen hune satisfactioln n ls anrlier mark as long as thap casnt apprare llirsetvaa Il ast- ai eIarts cma- ties-aus. (ladli grenier ilina sac beanna Il mm. 3: 20). Pasiinely, s-c are ta endura cenditions munih s-ny ie diaieessî'ng licrasse s-e are atws-ata lie ieklsg Goda 1mait ander aIl clrrannaci. We s-sp aven ha paie, liai se have a grant capaclty la mahe aIliers dci I(v. 10); Ar. 26: 29; lias. 15: 13). Xi la lic Idt toaImaay in Chrîstian s-at-hta lie cafrmaicd netiligreen dIfficuliîc, ta cape mlli s-un tiey raquIra rensiderabte opatience. 'Mis la ast ta li emntieced t a. The s-aeld and lis people are nm friand lu geace. Jeassas o! ian appascd b hioie s-livsliaaid have helpeti Hlm (Jaa. 6: 6; 7: 48: 8: 43, titi 10: 37-39; 18: 1-5).'Wilte Chist- Ian mach I lats maîili a$ maay, FERTILIEII USE IF tUse ofCfinrîliler la île Unitd Sitat-as-aort-than daubîrdd alr:ag the mar years. la 1946 abonut 15 mtillionnsmi ena used cmmpsrcd mtb 111e anasai qse-mar ancrage of 7.3 miltionatans, la 1946 As-- enican fans-crs us-d lina millimn tans marc thon tlicy 414 la 1942. The isrreaae la' casss-mpilon ia Canada Ia becs )uat an great anti 650000 t1maiofaI attintis oaI Cccl- mccc mmr usd la 1946-47 camp- areti nitI 1939-40. inspirnagcmspnmationaa lIera i n iny 11e tînt a! lcadiag a anul ta Christ, sr ecralmlng a baksld- eo a iaahng a chitdomcyauth tha may nI Christ, mc taklag pari lnaa great miaiianryius- yti Ireaiacntly bappeni thai. lihe Ihaîr Lord, Clistiana are cauneti mach safcrlng anti aven martyrdain. But ail tila needed test of aur fattliîlneaî Il Pet 2: 19-251. Nat onny an. lut Ihis manid lh inimît-sIta Gadi puaipunesnlaClislt insus. He afimatatietiver s-an Iramsin and msny di not s-at ta le an delînet-ti. Because a! thnt tbey doi ani rte taliane (lad la tbeir kInomîcige tRam. 1: 21, 28). But eairmer ta le anal in- arcs luitthie snne IDart. 12: 3; .a. 5t 20). THE CANADIAN CHAMPION OAKVILLE English Industria list Ai mana--The Sunday Sehool Urges That People Aametso a clang maney tac thie food For Brîtaln Funel, the Lesson Const and Qakille LonsaClulitaspansoring SUNDY, JACUAR 251h 194 a show aI the Gregory Theatre. SNAJN - 5h 98T Danbiar M.' Heddle wsueectcd Mach of Kurapea dlstreai enalt $1 chaîrman of the Oakvllc Pallia calvae yenorgn h i Schol Bard or 948 Galte dnst.I WORe c cPm migrallan a! peuples train Europe d4 hoantda inaugural meeting an Tues- Gle et W r elwantiBrituin t a cunirIies-khirk Pt day cneniag sniat-naco Cr Cdi 1Car. 3: 9. gras- mare foodtohan la tiamealit'- er Rleligionn snthe thema of th111> l, a IraI2 Car. 5: 2l-t: 10. > onsutata.aat-î aIter wse, ia'l weanha meeting aof1the Rtary Cluba Esn 1ta . I.'l'lin Cbrtin a tt1lakiag maoidt Europte,- heldi Maaday night la Victoria Hall n an Ambaaitar. 5: 20, 21. hi-meEnraprans la the food. and Re. Harry Pawnnof Si. An amhasai aa naihnrep- Ti a h ruetavne JohnsUnted Churcli gaine the rsi- t-enti li ganecment an lias ian- Ti ia1 ruetavne drean nIf1the evenlng.-Reecd-Siar. ereig lan1the coart of an allen hy Lard Barnliy, preideal of the ________ Pl) er. Hie incnerisuppaîed ta Moarch Kaitling Company Ltd., GEREONnprmsent himself. He la almys a at apressitnerview inToronto. In os-n contnry la lis relations wîît the cmapnyns plants, the laU Eng- Lt.-Cnt. Jmmcs M. Baliantîne, D. aather caaat.y. This wau Jesna lih penn deciared thai anc uftihe S.0, mas haied with utils-llary vinai oC Mia mission IJn. 17; 8). C itai imita la the Enraiteun retînt hanana in Grccnwnod GCmtecy an ma1the one He impceiied an Hai ratrainahauid lie the stimulation Saturday uternan. Thli distînga- dmsciples( ina. 20: 21). Ttiey mccc ni marld trade liy dpering peapi- ivled citicen s-ha han rasldcd fr nat ta ha repreenativea of thein- es tram places aihere thcy cannai the paît illeen ycars at i ls tanin stlInc, liai aly ni Ibeir Lard tAc. mahe a living ta pilacaailine near Geocrgetowin, saccainhee an 26. 16-19). lley eaa do ganti s-ad and whcre Wednesany. Jauaay 7111 ta a In arder that there shali lie n ihey are acedeti. Thcie peuple strake s-dinh le inCtereti the pre-e- miastake au ta aihat laincmant, ecm-s-adhiptprucmreCd tana Sunday. phaia lalaid apan theaihasa- ta sendta 111te mitlin til muf Gergetown miili ane an auîtcc- darsu objective. ItI h ilii ulnera ta Europe. lty pragras-fr 11e neat es- years, ihali lic reaanellcd ta 004. Ta lic Aaaaicing a question aiilh re- tf predîctîonnio! Mayor Josephi Gib.- i-nmnccd tau(lad meanai la linng gard ta insuallieni ahipping, Laid hans inls Inaugural nderesa ta anea heari and lIte whatty ittaBarnby sid ihat taceemacna- counacli, arecrrect. Majar ron- aledicace tu Hlm. Feltamîhip s-llh atdcrabte ihipping laid ap lan1the jectiunaderiaken ln 1947 wîlî Gué la Imposile nan long an ihere Unied Statesaund that 1the U. S. limai th1e tan ratliy 50 par ceati innlits-en the staaer and Gad. ihald make"as isiveryCft nii - ibis year. the mayar estiliates, and Goda rlghteauancsi maines demandu triliation ta mnld reinvcry thie re- lie recammeadu thai anty neccssary upan as wmcacn never mcci liai nnndtiaaing aI thene shîp para- capenditures consstmentaitmiies- ihey are met la Christ (Ram. t: atary la turning ihem aývenr sential cinle serviceslie coates-plait- 14). Both the rîghienusnne ofaI iitamarraient aI peuiples t0Inio cd lInlhe mmedte future. (lad and îhe penalty aC nur ina are rlathtng and jobis." Sharng respaasihillty Car s legat s-et in Cliist. That la liai v. 21 A nmeheofC the British gun- errar, Mayor CGibbonsas aIdle re- mean. Christ la the ilaners rap- eramenti Ontrsaa Seutlement grcticd toananaunre ihat the bandt reaentatitn sia-beacer lIas. 53: 4-6; Bonard beCare te Secandl Warid grant aI $12110, vtcd 'hy the cille- t Pet. 2. 24, 25). Jusi as la the War and nalwa a trasg adeacale enin lathe i3ecember etecl.là; Is t-Pattern shama ta Moses la the aI greuîiy ineascd emîgratisa legs] and that a newvo vte milic HaMunt iHeli. 8: 5), aihea tle day nf iras- the U.K. ta the dominilons, net-t-ary hatare the mancy cas lie atanement wsnalserneel a suhutil- Lard iiaraliy naid thatiti snon granted.-Herald. aie far the sInner s-as Criahed inasermet that the Bitishli Hgl Coin- _________________________ Imakîda of île gant Cr a sna f- nad wmmc pprcbienslve of the ering» (Ex. 16: 5-lt), an 2mai s I ali ai eedîng mare lIai 45.600,- tht- Las-b aif(lad lataire a-ay car 1 11E peapl iCthe tira m ere rut :ff inatn,1: 29). Bat, la addtiona t:m matidaaotrces lan1the evrat of Critadd ta Hia uraingfois î aanc e anc 'TIc pralemi sa the gifti oCtînt ighlîranveva iheliltmn:laaontand 4 - il ai nai ta pornecclyiy 11(Ram. 3: 21, 221. gt-t Ilt-va,'lit aatd. 'Batth1e prab- jThemWord "hnrnv"tinv.21 lot' le-m:'aidhaanslnt-dtta son:e,tt-nt piles tthatt-r iv valmert-lv tet-ý lttt-ratgtag marrepleinta ei rigten sninaathral impaledînta ro lat:Canadtand Auaa aîind: 1 prte] ta etbnaiv >t1 l ittatmiions. Ilttrantaitmirai- tin ,aai ieia-ntvartlaans iltbt:ttam h:tttblttolpitheCtmmnî- Til - igbt t-att at-a>s-pIipt-a2 Pet 7t: t:,'oltb ond t ltrt-ra ntbivg upat-t He ýp ',aint11).A rbld ifCodatthaultanot rftii:,'ahiît:ttdttlýtinl cnt'ittn-1 c) t- 01Nîti clt-nrt-tl"eme:t innor. h11je oft :Itbt-it'tty.', lnabaneVýhoud baltalv rbnra:,tnre II-Cl lo tt:tt: iteOantriogoa- o0yrrelli."d po- nttlmtrtly fergona.bi l frgivet:-itttttentfoiatltaitnimgratitn . ý, tc llo, ttlt t tri ;t 'allîntby lite asi ..tl:'ytand taugittatntitîamure grcer. :ei Rtm 1: 6-8:1Thca1. 4-10). 1t:,'tnthîelBrttsh gavnrmett 1 ý0, ~l. W:rhrr, WtbGd6: 1, 2.,tîithetlofetrnlaigvatmeatis fl Thl a rat ii tnf a ChrisianaIlletominantstt, titan the rt-t-antg! itl.ttae morrr.nbct-wvaiittî.ttttt :.ltimtmgainaaaaail.---: U:tti. The trta anid iafttCoid t,,tndttuateneftnlofal nanyonna tlnacaaose aintruments anadaser. ie'tttis lt it Canda slid t*nvtt-aa,-vrtedaamen and wamcvn, oti,îtisdarabns-hathe t-rs-d1 botys and gtrls Thtiv shem the t-elita tay tiarabitt pt-aple. ra- %% tilvea.aft ;d s sataied inthr Nntitr' Ws'tIernt ad Cetaa 0 Keep unnfl5la0y lghts :tand tAr. 1: 8). Cad bas n n-- 'lite. seitched oaHll:ag grane Ctr carry s-nat-tile. I iart- ithe- anc ti:rrasttonme 1tle coisvyn aprchnr ta tach,1,tvt:tttimttmigratton, pantin- 0 Do sat usae ecria air ,1t i mutoav ts Mi tts apan yaa, nIttly I tran irlahar gnaaps, lha that, as yna apply Yaanv-iCla tacaet an. ithere wsa a eeltiut houilers or grolles. Iliis warl yata lave t ta st- att(ifat-timiants tlmeantaonly marce 1tCads pret-ncer If Yaa airt-ralîcti tttatltetittra f§ot-joba. '"la 'ea Cook omplte mn ta a ce as a s-taioaruy, yaull -tinat t itahna iea." 1esautd. At-Ily, Cool comlel. muis ' o tne tftr Ile iii la ie î itt tttttligaa:tîon rdarcas-aort- t-spiay- ovan as ofan a pua- Ittl211: 20; Ac 16: g-4ai. Ilft' tnetn itnne,lttrunitonastamre- aille. liecoras-sattlt 'sta anIsa Ilis-a ins-n'., farlaey, store.offc:re an a I- hit ansans-,.r ar:ng faimtslhercawiliibe gra-e andmwia- matt,partnualy inaAaannitaIls 9Swtch o"-tov.aelemerft, daom givra Coraisl thut msalle:I tr bt e alni . alan t. "off" as soon as pot- tinen. toi tîy tîtaîtgiag iattitdeanti sile od s sord f. Naîethîe argeary lan v2, "No s-at aant it t-an taeaaasn astv-- alblonusebordh.l. itaacceptner]lis-e, na'is île iay maitnt attttt la hrtag tant aly of asali." Is Il. as an. Thnu- iatmmigratst,Ibutmwhale induatiels. 0 SAV ELICRICI IN Inedsadie cacra' hasetinar marl l ladhb t isagaad forCaa' * SAE *LCTRIITY N ' People aerushng on ta a Christ- ada. le el-l, ta banc ioetraaninl a EVERY WAY YOU CAN. 1 leva eleraiy mithaul Giti aidds-th- it.1the atans-niaird rapertenn o ntul hape. Ors lîtthetaahktaig nt.araîaavnI lBititîshtanti Enrît- 37tht- haimietge oCfnsalian ta lait -an iedaaîry. e - Ipeuptte. lo iaisifnliy m-ied it ila COMMISS OF OTARIO Cfr a Charistaia a ltia doior "l'ehbsllfpatncli t' raatmcîe- thes mhataaomennbhadnaeor t-e,,'te Maarnît KatI prt-idta his-. Jtns iuvetinderaa eaC ofaid 'Isanispersetheibebtstis-- argent-y lina. 4: .34-391. Ia tht-ct- aigrans ta the plat-t-a ahere pro- abact years, Ha finarisheBis lite dact-tan anti proaaerty t-av le ita maork, liai 414 mare thas ail ailers t1t-rtastel. By parsaing tînt paiicy, lofC His tus-e pst tagether. weut- riCanada ta the t- -aad Ansiralia ,ND ENJOY ] rt-t-aer tIe aanse a agcncy tlieravi ran better ms-tt-e1e Cînislians are mnponvIiie Crmiba p,.It-ms a! the future. Wr la Eng. aaIag o asa y ringiag îles-u1lanti tav alan beilar naracirci that TOBO~~~IN~ III. Tht- Wrkeas DiscIpline, 3-. taiealm" LEAVE MILTON ISTANDAKD TM9I) TO TORONTO e 6.45 amn. g 5.00Pan. d 10.45 a.ns i10.05 pmo ýwmCORN WITH VIGORO SMony cornofarmnshave dhscovreeelthas Vigonia Coan- s-enciltGros-a ringi tses- a targernet sci naîc. Thatis hecauie Vigono Commaercial Gros-en helps ihes- lacceuse yietds and improies quulty. Follow the lud ofthese smart fans-ar aunit ibais acn c copa. Use Vigona ibis yean ion pose corn! MEROURY TRUOKO mmna.l* tr uck anine muaafeac soo eyryou. iss e dan aSbh it i ta Yaa, cmi in anti sSa haviaunel, fane- tional anginaaclng andi amuct designiag hua produced errry-tha trucki af the. yeac. TIesa ttsdy pas-ar af the famoua V-typa, 8-cylindor Mercury la avary s-ay, moce ceal oesaandi lm fatigua. W a ce raal prend of tlis 1948 Mercmry Truck-%"haSiarteat Tcuck Lina lier Bult". Comin ianti meaus aoon-wa'd ha ta show- yen ail tia foaturas mhinis maka it auch a standt-out. SHOWING JAN. 23rd BELL BROS. Sales & Service .Milton, Ontario P'A.OE TEEZE BANK LOA3IS AT NEKW PEA19 Current liank I ans ln Caaadg a è aies The Finanelal Post. This wan a new higli of $1,985 millions. Totai repreients an increase of . $554 millions la a ya, and ce- fects lnereaied demand for' laana, deta larger Inventories, hlgher E ~ Y f~ rires and Increaied laduatrial op- eratins. m oa-ualIy as, Sua. & HaL. d--Sua, & Hal g-a" Qma BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR MON'IUAIn1 OTTAWA ANI) NORTHI BAY FARES ARE LOW Round Trip - Tax Incisided HALIFAX $55.90 WINNIPEG 46O QUEBEC - $25.90 REGINA $ 57M5 ST. JOHN $42,95 CALGARY $77.65 Tîics mmd Informaution aI R. C. Hlarris, Shoe Repaîr Store