WUDNESDkY, DECEMBER 31, 1947 ILttr, Io the Editor Milton Wins NtWB Mr.-dio- First Game f rom U'~~t4dO?& A1~ HaltO5n COIutyCauncil endarsea Fergus 4-3 Miss Kathleen Brush ei Hamilton KO >EBYE.N Cansadiaus Sweepstakes fac hasal spet Critma nlh er arets maintenance" wsa a news captian ln tuontiased tram Pag@ Oa> Miss Joan Canningham lis hiaying àMIDIBIB. IL . bb a rcent isse afthe Chanmpian chat relaivesin etrot tnt wek.caugiat my eye. I regret very macl, Brown, Cadney, Uttiey, Rambaugh with rltvsnDtottane. Mr. J. Oreln-Organlst antd that suc municipal fatJsers have given Blinco snd Mantgoamery, Mms L. Elusworthy spent the Christ- Choirmaster their sanction ta the legalinatian of Milton-Goal, Lever; deience, Bmn- mata holiday nitb reatives in Tas-osto. SUNDAY, JANUARY 4th. 1948 laiteries ansa metbod ai supporting sali and Chester; centre, Linges: Mr. and Mca. L. Tichuar ai Nisgara 10.00 s.m-Senior S. S. hospitals. My objections ara as toi- ningu, Scaraw and Cars-la; atecoates Falts sprat the holiday oith rins-adn 11.0 Divi ne r S.yShiert 1- ons: Staît, Asabrosa, Latimer. Ferry, West- town Divne orshl sui i --ýhl, Whitepublie loiteries haniielarge lokçe. Scatlalon andttuai. Eyes af Gold.'suaisof ai oney, usually millions of Ileleee Palti'atterson, Toronto. Mr. and Mco Earl Woodcarh visit- 7.00 p..Dvine Wocslsip. Sahiect: dollas, omeioescnetoroe than el- First Period cd nith iriendu in loirs doiug the Christ Crowded, Ot." evea per cent, sud seidom mura than Milton-Wasllake, Seaccuo .. 16.00 hoia.A Cordial Welcsme Anaits Yeu twenty percent. ai the gruau Inrome Pealaties-Chastes-, Chambers, Scar- hoidy.at Knox îînaîîy tînda ls way imb the ratiers s-an, Latimer- (2), Westiake, Sinca, Mr. antd Mca. P. E. Nash o a ,l __________of______a hospitais. The great bath ai thc Peason (2). ayant the holiday nith Mc. and Ms-s. ST. pAUL'S UNI Nl'DCHUCH msuey lit eaaauied in prs-asorcluehy Secssnd Period P. Dear. ticket holders, maintenance ut lot- Mtas Stott, Latimer, Ans- -tecy machines-y, such au nages sud broor .... 10.3........ Miss Mitdced Evans ai Toronto The cegulac meeting ut the Mission salaries toc the pcaiestonali promat- Fel.gus-4Cudney, Uttley . 10.58- ayant Christmasa nitb hec mother, Ms-s. Band wnulbcha hain the Sundsy ors. Serne hsspitsl sothocitien are ns- Fergas-Uttiey, Quinn, Pearson 13.40 F Evas. Srho caom on Jsn. 5th ai 415 Fees nulliha tahen. pased lu this mthod ai support os the Mto-Scaltaion, Amssrose 1.36 Miss Sheelah Adams o Landau oý The Annoal Meeting ut the Eveniug grounds l1hi1 t tends ta dcy ap the Penalties-Latimer. spendisg lher Christmas holidasn ntîs Assiliary nl ha held aIithe home stceamnI private ehacity, nithoat ad- Tisird Poriad lies- parents. ai Mci. Stanley Randali, King eqoately replacing ihis geneouas saur- Fergas--Qoisu.. . ... 10.35 usee o Monday, Janoscy 510 ce ut inanciai helli. Miltos-Cuccie, Ltmx hse 11 Mc. George SmIllie and lamiiy via- al 8.15 asloch. Anthe a i n conection nith ico- No penalties. Llmr hsa 11 lied on Christmas nith Mc. and Ms. A Cordial Weicome 10 Ail Sereines alizrd ltieries that nohas o lhat Bert Baker. _____________a sec happening nl ian tdo. Is WORT SHORTS ,cr hbuut fnational cissnd mati- Weil, thc lads in thaes-ad uaiiocm Mc. and Mis. Jack Cooper analson GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCU humer shortsge. the thuasandusifpao- crtainiy shamcd the tors they couId Arthurs aynt Christmas nith relatives Thse BEI'. GR R AXiINSI tor leit nlod in maistaining footbal play hochey, docîng thc initiai gama iHamilton. poolsasad dog ord bus-se gamblini aof the OSHA. scasun un Monday nîght. Mr. and Mrs. Eria MeMillan oyant SUNDAY. ,IANtJARY 4th, 1948 seices are ccgacdad au misemqloyad. Christmas day mb hMc. ord Mes. Hac- 8.00 a.m. -Suly Communion. Govacnment otficars have non ths-. Maay ofthttcfans nho nent home aid McMillan. 10.00 anm.-Sanday SIehorl pune uPare lattes-y staffs 1e toehelfing ovr-can cachier came nsihed 11.00 o..Holy Comuonn bhne and cadiract personnel morisg ot bhaaing. M. and Mcs. R. D. Gowlaod ut 7.Wopria.--Eveing Pcayec. thera ta maie sciol employnîcîît. Bcockviliaopant Chrstmas wa-rela. ____________ Thisiactishould wsrna yung nation Orchids go tuor onn Chunt Currie tises iniowns lite aursaogaiosi lyîng ap rîîasîdac- wmOugsahhd the nlnning tsily in the NMTIlON ahle nanhaca ut peuple lna nonn-pcor third period. The tans rctaisly hope Mes. G. Lyte and son Ted sprat BAPTC IUCR dduie enterprisa. Chunt nl motinue ta ha in there Christmas nith Mr. and Mes. Rohert Pasa-ILi DEVERS But the big Issue runiconting the the cenaindee of the seassa. Lyle oI Guelph. In the Farsuers Building nation 1h01 sache au introduce lagal- Misse Maron ad Pegy Gddinu zd gamlig isthe moralnand sircit. Gur coach Rom Bunssan, ntum Missesnto Msrotd wtPtegy paddngs SUNDAY, JANUARY 4ti,1h948od al clsre ofilts itatey. As-e yeusne crnase rail a hume tans boy,- atocnt o itd nthte pr-as1100 .n -Morniog Wacship and pîîcares-d lu encoarage a hbusess atould asesoreccîvesa bouquettus- tise avecthehulisy.Holy Comunoin. a'tirh inspires the anmostty helle ln mannar in nblch tie tandcel thetelasi. Mc. Jinbyproat oftOshana spait 2.30 p.n.--Susday Schunl. thehi'eat oftoausads oflriraena Nt onlyheh, ut managerGrenand Christmas wsith his parents, Mr. and 700 li..Evesîse Service. Chat they null gel s Cary scgeiem the nhulc gang Oece aglean att-r Mc. Adam prust. Wcd. Dec 31st at 1030 -Cottage aI manry hrasse peaple imlarIIttc gamne, tocrtclla&t utact lia irA Prayer meeting authttchoma ut hinolvs laeccsy centftheirlin'onder thaic bttu Comandecand Mrs. Murrayis'cc M.ad Mc..1. Brislon. . senniThi is sely iresiunsit- I hv gn ia. hnt gouetoftRes' E. J. Pinssand Miss 'rocs. Jau. gtat 830 Prayar and ililp ai ttanuct. The w-înaec.muce- Frohoaaglawetc Phins tuteeka-end. Bie Stoda ai ttchumore ut Mc. uer enoarathe dohtaul heacftoilgel undar sosy wnuliha a rsutctdlng Mc. Ted sWhic te obTranla ssen- J.Mitinictacy wiihoot taille. Nu investmetit osîil, and ail teas'in te icogrie ing thc hlidnys with his parents. Mr Ail Are Welrame Itfoski, rhac-ctec or pecnunalitli,- oi sot tohc tiien lghtty. Ttry ara and Mrs.(George White. !uiredatfhim. Sisouccscumeo tiscrappercsondsare persistent îîoc!I Ansd Te Shah Esnon the Tcstb and the tin lsy aomllns-cc eoft Is-loc.chaes Miss Maigurci Fard aif'i'rcnto vis- Tcutb Shail Mae YuFcee-Jno. S:32 A ooclai srder latIdaro tsi ____ ited nitt Mr. and Mss. A. Caîsaun assd THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST ngecsaciiattitudasain te treanof ii Ncsl Manday. Gectown, wnîr tamiy onChristmasoDay. lils peupleli-s ndemniglthuse'soi-, mode sortaa--rcelient shoing laît Ot5AGut ici qialitieis ltrsyiinsihllsy. ftis- season aill vioît the couty tuas. Il Mc. Ronald Galbraith rît Kngtoar I nnledni-,seand cancerstisortrcsi ilihr aconlesl illnrtbseaings oyant Chrisînas silO hus parseMi. SUNIAY, JANUAIY dt, 1t-t8 n uns mate tfsr a worets denaccatticthe Georgetowandotlu ire a feran- and Ms. R. B. Glbrart 10.00 a..-Sundny Scheel. . Coi.ty, i idatie cren. Whtei thry os-e stili Miss Betty Mncc ofutToronto sîeat 11.00 .m.-Wossip Servlce. 'rimns, r. MeEitus. sud ros.htisea'aitiasg ftitheir atiticiol tpiant ta Chistasuathr parentssM. and Cme Noand et Us R55soTOI ia'illoooconneagsino'hrn stotc- teginuierrution.nofficiels ttars'ate Ms-s..C. Moirsu.ronuto. gettas- Saitb Jebovs-Illait1: 1. irait toud iithianrsmnutfgreal relig- Ittry wrll lrkly havaeluotflood te lnh in nitlu eguide Ilemn a hoghî and icI Jack Frost duoterust.'rt-y M. andMs. W.T.Barnar'd ofAni-'and drhoir rhnmenivrs-irepac- cisrtohcsvwaligtfraupraea o casIer apent Chrielmu.s day ortO Mr, PENTECOSTAL HOLINM8 -stlito rial noralul esiro siaaimsy mnnitnery ta ciiniiiitc tise lot.Moyee and Mss. W. J. Nusrgea. Hon . rto iîtd'uieyiairry l ilmieiian readrness tor thec mclv RitE IL WOODlPaasse i'oriandritr rircorcl ri'i'raaiun spicngthaa's. Mr. andMr. Ken Bcoh and ons1 Ordem of Sereines Iilttlirriia'uusnds. Teassumeao.îsu Waynre vrited aîtt Mr. aud Mca. W.I lSeld lnIn 200F. HSsli îîîsnsy Coancrr liras.lue -aller sunsr1 Ail jolitng si.ilrte s slnoctuate Waidie ut Actas user ttc holiday. ".uant sti sssirreoa thlis ojgnifii(-a tisat aftothe e ~iga thei nstiistiua, OIJNiAY. JANUARY 410. 1948 and daegeros propalei filai i s o05551bey shîîatd neel Onuap toc- ire ai t is Mc.andMc. SoreBccy l asI 1:15 a.. Sundasy' Otoul and Brbte ua smait rcononsrc ma l-r, inthtt lo i li Ste. Marie sirclt tce holiday oith hý-e Ctosauto imtas w liýi hsfint tas tclIrir ______ irarnts Mc nd cc XV us. hOuon. Sonoy iucang acu Ioi. rliing saristy teliti irc.entalspirit - W'ORDI.J['MEDICAI. SPECIALISTO Mc. and Mrs. Albert Mocley of, 700 pm Aanroecsus-y Services s]oiiIsvcishment. 1taire tut îîuc TO BE TRAIidED IN BRITAIN. iGueph ayant the holiday wmîhlus . iscî tati'lesJ 4loni osî ut-ami coss îru renta, Mr. and Mci George Morley. 'fiisn 810 SPO lcîine IlniI 'If bi, sý)crt ndgie hepropoIl e Eievrnthootituisin Lonriirarteiag MsDon aptoLodni r Mc' dSassa' to i esres rganîîrd ti recntir surirasftrac MiseDona PapstolLodon's "iinti~yritoririssliiirityoi, cheme 'tichis'ilisahcSrilain', cap- ,yandrng ltac Chlolna.s haIa ire. EVERYBODY WEi.COME s ltiiaOlI stase. I anmi leainng 'chiol fr hic tc aride hacpuaentls, Mr.ansi Mis.F. Poust._____________ rrs s-casincrcsly. rd'r'al sprlisss. Illistc'ngaorgsn- M. and Mrs. CR. Trnrarleas- Gordon W. Portel, iscrthysthetUniver'sityrof Landon's Post ing ibis weetforSt. Peerug, Fiai-MinisereSt.Pal'si ra-da Fdraon andSir Fraois rda, whrtae ltOry %irAiped the inie UnIJitedl Chucch. 1Fraser- Brilins aucune srndiclil Rasa**rW sbe isupiseiarîr te Minstcy ofut lt Beattyi gs s*.*5 i, in chargeThe ilian piovîdra toc Misso Ohsr>Eh liii pendng tes-r Ii B .iUIJS'IIII 1O y ne,,' 1,-lauermoinsand îhcotres i;ii Chrîsenas hoiduy'. ru Cevean,idthe E.i i R.,,asdiissul tiving s555rcîr itueit of -Dr.tL f.lrlass and hi- 24 Hour >Service /Wci(vifIiaIIy SIi<>t__ nather. t Ini-ysac cndiog .isi>' il. 121.775 ri and Mci. E. Ssadstîau*andfmdtr- i S. %. F'A Y \ tr -tSI îEu nsrons wi s-Il sîe'5Y,000 hrsmtrei it fTorseto vîsîiel rîihiv pesOth-i 'csieIctyIelr tiiii n i.'.iI :itîî. Mci. E. Syrî n r-lt- i xluie, loDalri1 7 ifRAI 1 (' i,-nitin Ils-hri, -uing ltins 11117 Chritas. Il ItlMf'. 5 i t ithi iel i l,oiutlîr' aassng at lîs liraI .0.775'(i RevR. Allans, sli-,,rillrsIId gu.rr-isirii'.-o 'rsishr't roît.'l tJeacosrss'. a ic coi' 15 tis ii.O'Ir TiiRECEIVE NEW ('LASSES ni vii.,srrrîrigît iil' a îssrl'r' ll u tOe Prç-sbi, lrnMus,,' s:. 1,Il, oii i..., voutil "I, biii ., THE CANADIAN CHAMPION homera f Mr. a"iaîdsM j l , i 'a . îl', . t rt o it tr' 1. lt 1, s tu r k i'i'iiti' ti, ioc r. ranrdMisý. ltislirtan 1iîidi Ie î Il T.'îî.î niri iill(r;.lrîie ;'r,' îî,'rîrîrr- îî,11' ItIIIVIIII\'C(1 I I TM S IIîî IRS ml.' liorîîr lrjeelretI iltil lirilti iiarritr lii ii,,rof Gu iph'andîyîîrs r tofri's17î S II, k <IF I'ItAYER <'LEANING TTuEllemo- r ;et(u '.rri'shosiasli.abutSPEC(IAI SERVI('ES (lîsor lisouîiir t,.iii lii ri .',u lii iir-ri is 'I-NI-XT 'sEEK aur-a jse-andlectrîdoais A.hiiiivisi'riikP'1 trroyt loi ircushi- thiri tir îot y suernisf a lOrre mnt1, eko , r evrr if th-yscdentifice'.'Fnnen ao ofminsrcion'iirlllrai'hys.î,irmlnae anuoc istec A btl i(-r'snll aiiorirlthttri ortIlls s actr'îai hssîîl e p riren- 0 ~ si' ts.seehahcecr.r fliaullllaitasror'rmilh iirsilqira(lî arcc 'ag lai al nos nuîd abuo the25%anosîs71h Knoua s i-ylei-iiir eýc eon toatpasîrs. ion rII),*lisesarc-snhr-bing '-sîre hrcîr Speakrhis.itoC Patins. whîrh c'nsnrrtul-s-h e laying hy te Divisiron trINur Rsgsrtran îonsory Oui s;raccAnglicrie lirsonne yeanrsua'w. Il lte Pirrineni Buildings e. Chsesr.Spers"h,Ibre.lE. J. Phinn 'orcm ove tir tas on olrhtrushe a loch.oranla. Entcnce rrssiîe- A cordiali nvitationn s estendeel ta and sara it ou deatiirii'rssr'r-ns îIo m'1s ore'tiat îipiicstshbcbecn ait prispis- la iin scayrc for a mabe l 0snse us aileoys irug Ms-c- 18 and 40 yenssof ea, hava rade 8 hi-ter nacid. rhordising. TOc draggiete' tirade nag- r-location anîttacgoud OalO. aulne points ast Ihat i its logicai,- n ttc stecastu ut oral btlît lae- DIAîNAWSE WE5.551 MINER DIOS FtVtY TONS nove thetaonatotheoeshes, il is EUATO . AT IN SIX IIOURS aquli loicl l cnoo bs- 0005 Eduataîs are hegînarug ta admit William Wiiamsî, 27-peur-aid miner dentirice. Sinice ttce(,avrrnncnt so)-tirat tOey are nul lor saura nhsa aI Ancutun, South Wales, crcstcd a parenty s sut in need aifrvassa, icpemnthan uisîa ' cnseac ecil 2mie the magazine ran s-clle iostil8ess-u ouap ut aducationaliats represnt- dg 0 ons, 3cnt. ai coul in is . ion toc a Ian on an cas-antial produrI nt aau n hdnte ttsturs. H S tod .t ofapohicin sxha... ntlet unly Increases 1he cnst ai living. lhave camne ta te conclsn Ihat tan atfI am. Warisuban thas Il nos qitas al oide acrvd e ' sitn in aa ieC hymn aIaRylYork l peuplea nant present day tacts, and almaut dsstlad ttcheecd average traditionul sand hearly Chrismas din- .R. did nul slip taon the jo. Tsar- Toronto, ttc Pstiisac n OCalgamys est- nul qitesau mach hltucy. Tbelrc se- shiftbpcoduction ai 25 tons 15 cnt. secs for ttctousands aI gueule reg- 'iep Oaded tOc liut Gnifooud u-daced- te eusnty ucdeced 1500 asof A Wisconsin clark, ginglcethettcaction la omanbsat siiliar ta Ibat ut set up hy Ednacd Mayhork, asmo aiof ara1 ntaC ain oPueitielsail-.40odu or avec75 train ons ut il95 hart, NSad teCansîlifor 7nn ntudno- tank. drapped a package aiftiis asumal boy, nho, given naok ta mie- South Wales, s neat hetore, norklngwnoperoaIt-tir CoasaIct na usl.lioe y275psd the,45vla Spandtc7 onsa nhlch nere scattered hy Ihe nlnd. Cit- .vlan. pravlded a very pertinent 5p- 4%1 shfts. Wiliams nent tnget ia bu and ludlse icum ttc plebora ut ana paaods of goose, 1,775 poundu ai plan tabtbr, Tan aeklIng pige mare a nanas heiped cecaver ttlera. Final pcalsal SaHe oted hietiy: "This book tan 150 tons ln fve shifts Wilams nifth uffets ai the Chteau Ecan- pudding, 865gpouusaofifruit cake, 355 ttc mes ut Vctoris's Empresa Mactei 'caust-three mas-e dollars thsn mas talla me more about penquas ton I ssed a prinamsîlcpick and bordIosd- teaseln ueocrCity, pcesids-d nvacty pounda ut mnneeat anal 315 pouada tac the Christmss psgeort ai <id lont. an istereuled ln bnoaisg."1 cd his retard ai 50 tans, chat de cuisine Louls Ballera, <cglttofnImsts. Tbcee ttouand yaundn ai Engisird. i« 1!4GEfflmD an ail the world un tis happy joyoas New Year season. Milton Milling Co. Annual Meeting of tihe Milton Braneh of the Canadian Red Cross Society WILL BE HELD Monday Evg. - January 12 AT 8 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT THE TOWN HALL ALL WELCOME p~ THEATRE. i WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, JAN. 1 New Yeas Eve (Wednesday) Ossiy at 8 pan. and 10 p.ns. Shirley Temple and Guy Madison in "HONEYMOON" Ed Kennedy ina"Do or Diet' Tech. Musical-"Champagne far Ina' Commanily Simg-'5Sa Sng" FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 3 Brian Aherne and Victor McLaghlan in "CAPTAIN FUIRY Laurel and Hardy in "SAPS AT SEA" Cartoons-Polar Piayoaates" New SSocial, Chapter 1t Jongle Raidesa MatIne- SatUssha' at 2.00 Pe.. MONDAY & TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 6 Ann Souhern and Barry Nelson in "UNDERUOVER MflIE" Caiored Sport-ttiding- Hannefords" i Mosical- Enrc Modagaerre and Orchestra To-day and To-marron "Big Party" COMING FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 10 Ray Miiiand and Teresa Wright in "TROUBLE WITH WOMEN" Harry Dovenport and Michael Duane in "KEEIIER 0F THE BEFnS" Cartoon M. M. and Aladdin's Lsnip Sciol No. *' *Jongle Raiders" A Il'uîy Ne(-N ear k) ()Il(.alid Ml .777"