Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Dec 1947, p. 2

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o,--THE CAlADIAN CHAMPION WEDNENDIAY, DECEMBER 31, 1»47 sgs gi the province ShOWS intereat in lis pepead natural heritage over the opportuniyRofgMaei BsesDrcty tgain im daerevenue. RSIEDICALria Again va say Ontario mght viel make a study of!E TMSNCM MILTON eNTMe British Columbia and its governisents approach 10U vrai " M cue U TEE8NCII Pubile .«EceTbeecdcy Ateoe. 111 Mlin M cinsPhons:e Aecbeeied a econeed esa "s.PttOfic sellaient. ils problem. There rmust be many reasonts why il î ±YLli bilion Nucao2 Ott.. Canadas fastest growing province. It is not just TkiCampbenviile Number UM1ê SUUauOU< lU4SS$&U P« un a ewm a coincidence wholely attributable to its location. Vkn Creain Separators Dr.de. <J.STEVENSON ~~ Dr. J. I. BEARI AilVE5TISltdu RATE-Oc ceapicain ccd au give.eANet ea h»lGilson Home Freezers Office Houes: Leac-dios cehdcllm eA.e er huh A. M. By A0pontmest oely. Athmail ee ,yP.oeoti llee ib toi=tace eeid A sound lot of advise for te New Year or any P.M. 1-4 7-9. ero.TiheChamion ccetpt ctcîcîllee lt chausse 19 -Sundayc-EmergclesiaOnIy. en the ccdertaedieto ht i Il ciiut b. iale or &.y other tîme is front George Troodie, jr. on the lO8lh a e i i o s e i t t e _ _ _ r ll ~ c s u f us p u g e n t l i t l e o o k le t w h ic h li e s e n d s M I L T O N P R I V A T E H O S P I T A L . efi e d l e s a d b y e l b . e e r it c e , c e d a. . e c e o u t e a c l i m n t h . H e i e a d o f T r u n d l i e r - a ion. isIhtjlscee .cne exc ceet oecs.aetrportin oelps those who help themselves. POE17 - M1j the. ltieiei l ýhadeie.eoe..* the peed 1cf . God b ILO OSIA byth. .eatl.,t beec.tut. l. pc<e. - evee be ci.. etiem ee, ....lt. si e. e 2. Hard work croates wealtb. ____________________________________ G RO IL, 3. Use wisely wliat you have. _________________________________rme B OUMS G.AleeniL.Edte 4. Do sot cevet yoor oeighbors property. 2.0- -e .0 m E O fî.ec 11 . . mi.Street.Mille. 5. Respect the idealism of others. 7t0a Clcilees8u.der 12 Telph.. N. 6. People cansot lice on ammunition. (NoJ.' 0hHATONRA eS 110 de 12l, 7. Selfish. quarreling groups will wreck a coun-.ONYO ATNRTSI DAC 8.Acomnt.a sine s, ooas the men who 1947 LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR -1947 Smrivabc - M.00 y-.~y P 9#if.7APHONE 216 ILO E I O I L s9. Yau cant lise forever on toues or chority-ooy p.DR. G. E. SY.ERParsJ.. ur My on 4T 6ce-- C M On o 4 i Physcienlan ed Surgeen Looking Bc n14 more thon a cow cao lice on ils 0wn milk. à Miltoen .Fridal s 7 1-7.R. G S.e cR Bako 9710. The few itundred people wlio represcot the 3 Geetownc ... Wed..d.y. ... a q7 -53 1 Oid 1947 droits to o close. The memoispod on oor 4Atn - hrdy6a. dekbs o e oe iei odb h tm hsnations of tewrd iteUied Nations cacnot 6 Bocliietote._i Modce O6 8. OfficeJa.sStee on>succeed inn mokîfg o peaceful world unIras tey hvboUDviiosoutOffices am.sanar hoeNor. 03 -.0 guidas Coroocorohet adbyte im hi 3-1 issue is in the mails the l day of 1947 w il becte understondiflg, the giace and the support of Ofc or:9am;13 -.0pn drawing 10o aclose. We wouîd bho emiss odeed i w ymon and woman in the world. NSeeeced AddecccCc .. aof C iieavMicCoronereicc ________________ DR. J. H. 01«31L apportunily 10 thank correspoodents, rei.ders, advcr- aeC. ort cnd C..oee, oi etlc. Mocdc rosd jour,.tcp.=.; Meedey,. su M.D.C.M. s..M.C.C. lisera, patrons and al wito bave becnso5 heipîlil and A Christian Celebratiotc? Setie..eC C.oei5alc.M.de.c.Aei.cec. tdc 01eadRedec coopraîe n u tsko gtingot it asdis Reading in the Toronto dily papers of thte celei- t- O icob.e ta.m. el ceET m Champion, your home îown paper each iteek and gisrto t h-irsîa oiay.twud emIe Oie.CitiaIjiici- î.and oeiuCnty Acc. occilceus.day ci.] ec, on M.Phs42 ing attention to the commercial printing enîrusled in was room for improvemeol f or tite N~ew Year. Tite di-ceeeb oie O.cde, . sL obc. MltnPon 1 orcr.I etilba enappreciated. .Liquor Gontrol Board should view with alarm the B ldt .LDCKlar 1tePueon.J .MCUC your desires. There bas sol heen te retors 10 pro.- lic fromtlite sle of their commodilies. Il mighî o Office 55ur-- arn.; 1-4, 79 pm.. s oftheword tat ws at ýusev ýTelepbone 395W becs te peace io al parts fth-odlia ws00 uli te sorro t liaI itas caused by te lîqaor iraff,..sd 35 icipaîrd bt 1947 samely mode a contribution 10 postI gnib is Chitas Day but here are etracts troIs one var recovery and the world war years itere oser aind1 Toronto daly. _________ _ AL te husbands, sons and daughlems wcre bock in civ- -Oc. ise aniîd î.eaii,5sovr -i-I *K &DII ilIal ife and sol sn oreîgn ns fighting woridbatl. e. 26 oiîosimora iii iics e 0al-ouIW. DIC & DIC. les. i)îde drie in oreonto over the Christmas I~îonYCrw tosY iidoi im,iih reîoled cn sot one trottec KENNETRI Y. DuCE, B-A. Ys197ia erfrwhchrnost of us have every fa:ybrîdel i F~4Lt NG TO STOKERS CutBarrislerc Soiciors ortakfoth at ý* ht14115 rsils ovrig4 Are înslallcd and serîcod in te Milton district. Any 0' Telephone4 m o fi adenI e t s, ro l e li Ol.l ar i 1 titose user s w ili 1ell yoa itoit com forîshie , cconom icab, trouble mae______3auosfon___r wnr ad reInd bCciingthyar.T. A. HUTCHINSON 3 hi-acd-roc accidents ocre reporled. There arteSlcoEi. Looking Ahead in 1948 scre 6 autos vloiec oand 6 autos reeîiaerd. OfficeNeer0SChmion OfEtc. lvile ni liii ,thos 2ioiil.lliola ui D 11eNeDor hmpo Oe To.aeowweete anw ea,1948. Il will isere pot oser the poice radio . . C-- Mais DSree- Te-mrro we nte a nw yar, et7"le hase ose more day for opportunities titan te old yeor r ia dhîlios ocoloa eceniî as i.'e ite arc ieaisg. its loup pari. What i it olds for ail ookin, aller the iclured cn traffe ccdns ut us no one knows. We carry oser te unficished Thats te record i n onceity. il cold ite dop- tasks of te year oust closed and we enter te 10w licalcd acrosa te province. Surely il givra no reosîo ycam with ail the promise taI aoylhing new lwaya af. lor pride sitis day aod ugo. Il is a cîîcdemntolon fords. Il mnay nt measare ap atitis close te yoar ea- of Onlarios Lîqîlor Control polica. Evidence of ,be ery desire. But as se enter il is oar siocere wislî groittito! sale and te ciltivatiiîs of more drink. chat il may bring evryone of you a greal measare cf ers. Surely te New Yer celehratioO wili show a iteallh and happiness and ithen you have titese yoa suner metbod of ushering in 1949. Il's bord te ho- have ail te iealt t tiis world con gise. lieve tatina Chirstian nation so macy boi thiis Ycs, Happy New Year 10 Ail! way of eleratitlg te birti of Christ. EDITORIAI. N(YTES Municipal Responsability for Icy Streeta ___ Conlrary t0 generai helief, there iv fno responsih Happy New Yeur te 0ne and Ail! ilily undcr te Municipal Act, upon cthor the Higit. ways deparîment or te Municipalilies, 10 sand icy roods and streels and cases are known itiere mon- Tite snnw piowing on te Highwuy helissan Acto.îl icipalilies have assumcd sucit responsiiility inte and Billon certainly itant left acy straight forrow. sculement ot cases arising from tiis cause. Il iv an inleresling tact, however, taI municip- A man is on aoimul wito doso't think bciteitsn- alilies are reqired under te Municipal Act t0 pro. joyed iis îurkoy dinner onles it tkes a liltie iicarit. tedt pedestrions on icy sidewalks. If a dangerous onte of soda later on. condition arises from ice, il iv te duîy of te mon -___________ icipality lu lake measures 10 reduce sucit iazard. failing whici tîhey may be hiable for te conseqoenc- Yoor home paper te Canodian Championc a going e o! any accident arîsing therefrom. tç ibe igger in 1948. In o week or se Ihere will hc, it is underslood taI a municipalily may he ah- an announcement 0f interesl 10aail titeitome îowc solvcd front rcsponsiitilily if ordinary precautions foks. joal 00W we re making the prepralions for are taken t0 reduce teitazard alîhoogit an accident a citange. may hase resuiîed. Scemsaos if most eseryonc itad an enjoyaie Christmas. Certoinly te weater itas ideal for the Wlsee Revenue la Nt Ail holiday aod te to holidnys gave mosl eseryone in Whilc on te iesI «coasîttis sommer te prîo- opportunity 10 catcit op after the iturried weks that itressiceess of British Columbia itas noticeable es- preccdod te holiday. en la a visilor of a few days. Il itas sot difficuit ________ 10, undrsland why ibis western province is the f as- est growinig of Mainsthe Dominion and il might bc Tite hockey scason is geting under way and sous weîl if soma o! the older provinces Wouid emulale w ili be te big winter sport and topic of converstion. somne of the ideas thal come ouI of te iest and sot Yes and quite a bit o!fte local neces t00. Your home ha se smog in out preacol grealsass and place as toits paper will carry the slories each iteek. ose of the leading provinces. For instance, We lears Iis Wcck taIlite Pros- National cdserlising iscreese 14 pcr centlin Oci- inca of Britisht Columbtia inlands 10 lake a large oher, compared wilh te samne monlh lasI pear. To sbire o! ils revenue from the sale of înloxicatlng titose who spend adserlising dollars, il mighl be o! baverages and devole il 10 an educalionai program inîcree 10 oloe that sewspcper expendilures wereý la teach the evils of driskisg intoxicants. The ed- 34 per cent. higher while radio increased osby 4 per ucational program is la go in10 the High Sehools of cent. and magazines 8 per cent. the province. Evidenîly British Columbia reaizas taI il requires temperata ciizens mare than greal revenue. Certaisby a iise choice and ose ookisg 10 Masy smokers are criiicising the itoosî in cigar- theafture grealseso of Iis far west province, elles fromt lhirty-lhree 10 îhity-five cents per pack- The Dapartmesî o! Highways in British Coui. age of twenty and wit reason; bol the relaiber shoubd bia bas issued an order forbidding bibîboards oslils sot be censumed for ttc increase. Whal many cigar-ý highways excepl authorized esential sigos poining elle sesokers do 00e ksow is Ihal twesly-one cents of te way ta, lourisl resarte. British Columbia is the îhirty-five cents a package now cosîs, goca la the more inîereeled sn kaaping ils nitural scenery for Federal îreasury sn the form 0of excise tax.-Smiths the tourisîs Ihas in marring il with promiacuoIls Fales Record Newts. 'I e &45 am. g 5.00 P~. d 10.45 ama. d 10.06 p... O-d"ex c. sua hBel. 6-Me..àhBeL 9-9" *MrUl BUS CONNECTONS AT TORONTO FOR MONTREAI0 OTTAWA AND NORTH BAY FARES AR LOW Rou d Tp - T'un Incltaed HLUIFAX $5590 WINNIFEG ST. JOIE 'IN $ 42.95 CBOLGARY 846M0 $5715 $77-65 R. C. Harris, Shoe Repair Store GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Baritter, Solicitor, Noaac Publie IOffice-.In Farmers' Building. Hala Street, Miton Telephoce 0 G. HOWARD GRAY, ILC. Dhrrlater. Sllelier. NebeT. ha, 238 Reele Street, Tocante. Ont. Phase LYsditurct 8012 -Also t- HEILTON INN by Appoinlment LEVER & HOSKIN Clurtercd A.eectaah Succceorc te JF24KMNS hHARDT 1300 Metrapalitac Didg., 44 Victoria St., Toronte Elg. 9131 DENTAL D&. G. A. KING DENTAL SIJM4EON Office sn Royal Building, Milton Hours-9-5. Evenînsl by Appontot X-Ray Service Telephone 197 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURG0EON Office oser Princes Theatre Niglt Appoistimenscmey hiearcrasSea X-ltey Service-GaExtractien Hoara 9 O la5 Telephen. 65w NIELSEN-Tb* Cblormctot j Deculece Tb.,ah , 33rd Yar of Pralcti f LayAttendant Han.. Tues.. Fr1.. 2-5 pu. Wed., Bat.. 2-5 and S" pu Cloaad Thurada3t Oser Daminln Stere. ergote. Phone 150W IL C. LAIRD. R.O. OPTONMETKI - OPTOGUN Mllea-Tituredaji Alerenns %M Eveninge For Appoicliseil Phase Marchanda&-O Eyes Ecamised - LenoSe Prt@eeibe GIIARANTEED Sewlng MachIne RepaIr AS Maete N MACHINES ELECTRMFIH * Needles and Belle * Agent * MITON HARDWARE 1 Phcene 48 1 Il ýl

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