PAGE six D MA» là« LONG - 1 I eS n y c ol Wbteradds meaaurably ta the B R I G O harards Of driving, and sonne0 of us, Mi san l Mary Moitby, a mimaonary in Le nwho have net yet aafed ourselves Ind'eO S a, treturned home. on friday to with a promlsed n0w car, have thos &pend a year'a furlough hore with her SNAD UM 4h hasardas mowhat .1ntrasso. But parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Holtby. reasonable care sliRthe. t aaie- diebsbe eevdfot t gisard whether your csr ho nen' or Arc a onrcla o t LOYALTY NDERPERSCMON Id.tawa by Mr. ad cMra. Harald Wilson, Golden Tert.-Bo thou faitlsisi unto eadn thisnEygOfcr doath. ami I w411 Siva thea the cown For Instance, Wiiter incroases the Fiftyr Years go Bill Wilson, misaing aine Fehrisary of Ilei.. ov. 2: 10. bszard of carbon monoxide and ain J 1944. Word came through the Invea- Lesss Text.-Rev. 2: 8-11; 7: 9-17. cars co-operate to maire it worae. - i h Mn fteCa" tlgating Officers of the Misainsg oe Eposition. - I. Measage f sus Stili a littie headwork may offset Eilae a.Oodasesarch and Escsiry Service on the Glorified Lord to the Cburcb at tbreste disadivantsges. The National Chapon 0f Thuraday, DeombIIe 9Mb, continent hat Flying Officer Wilson Smyrnao 2: -1. Ssfety Connii bas offered somne ssg- 1997 bas been lncated ln a commumsl Tbos-e are wods of proise sod on- gestions. Open thc garage doe hoe- grave, fthe cemotecy of Gobre. lmOnty- oroageoseot but sot ose word nf crtt- fore sfartiog the mtorn Reslut the Wm. MeNair boit One ni bis hsnds eighî miles sorth oasaiof Msgdeburg, iisnor methe citurccin s myrna. 'The impulse tao mocn the motor up in tnrersted in the cienators at the foeur Cermany. Exhumation n'as carried Lord Josus appeass s Divise, the ectuston. Such a practico tends ta miii on Tuesdsy. out sud with the root o!f tle cron' ho Flrst ad the Last (cf. la. 44: 6; 48; mahe secustiosi o permanent motter. The.olioiio'ng yosag men eagagod mas giron a hurla]ilndlvlduaiiy in s 12), but aise as rosi mas (one whg Nevor crawl soder a car whbile the in Teoota husinoss boussas spent British Mlitary ceteey, mbere the diad but nom lires agaiauî. The church mter liSrunifg. Sec that combust- Thanhsgivlng day wlth friomis bre: grave wIlii h cared for by the Imper- wss being peruecuted ami mas conise- ion lu os complte au possible hy fre- W. Cunningham, Tom Conway, Goo. lai War Graves Commission. - GIn quntly in "tribuation." The church qsent Inspection, sdjustmont ami re- Porter. Dore Bommans, Wlii Anderson ette. mas pooirin wnridiy Possessions but pair. Romember manifold, euhaust sud itobert Lindsay. rirh mith the rosi snd osdurlag pPpe or muffliet may beah. Se nover Chss. Burrowo hau bers eogaged te BIRCH-BARK CANOE sessions The finansciatiy qlner drive mittial] tle windows ciosed and munage the lobk.é charetes ove usuaily the richestinistîe dosit foilon' soothor cor ton cîoseîy A vory othusiasulî meeting oi the tn the designanam contruction ni thiogu mhich are ni ceaianod iostiog I ums 0be m o hiMiltonCnrliing Cub mus hetd isot hncb cannes Aigonhias - opeaking norit Jas 2 51 55 th d t 0wsde oese the idstn cetMosday OvOOlOf ef the office oni1). Iihot of North Amrilca achieved a urch (Jare.a2:o5),iandrthe iyli sorded !ortening rco thditmneewamr men the foiioing officers remarhahie degree ot crostîve ollîX churhes re amostinvaiabl theneedd fo, brkingthre moreel eioctedlcted PatroneorgGe um;ge orHume;ermNoelc mretPtor pooreol. Siti gretor hurduhit:: unies ovor lhnl oceded on a dry Palcotess, Mrs. Geor'ge Home; Pro::- odaped for mde ia moeregipe felat- mre (ual ahoad bol Ibere mn: noncc pavement, sa five yoncseii 1h01 mur- dent, James A. Frazer; Vice Ps-sidenst tem n oet hr hq rmsios for fear. These hoî'dships pat- gn. Citins iii offuet Iis but 0o11Y Duncan Dewar; Repretentalîve mem_ n'~ dians a'oamed. No craft combines iently and loyoiiy esduced monld ta a degrer. The ite molorlut mlii berus John T. Hannant and W. I. Dicb. Ienniy ond utiity more harmontoos- bring o cromo. There are doubtiosu carry sonmc sot ni flre asas protont- genl pereuins ustshendiforrveuti n in rose of possible hrenhdown 1: y. Il has supcrh huoyaney aflnat believers tn-dny ut' h u ti net emomerr 05-,niof ccidents happeei Twenty Years Ago an gifing ichtnlsusfor eaoy cead Ihen' but cejoico nnhm sne on onyna*rîrcods .loeph Liselryigvriund. Whentho firi italeoU enucedlhe mii hvng t ORulidge --espiorers and setliers came f0 the ,onand a Ibvone iMaîl. 5: tt-i2: _____ Foots dta o h ambnnrhesrneIons of North Am- 2 i.2c 1 HPIGCTL Chtsspioa, December 8th, 1027 r:ieo the bicch-harh eanoos cont- 2 iI. T2 :hoo Salstun Hn- N DFCULE nM:dmonded f heir admiration and adopt- IIo Th7: 0-12. Sitsi nî UDR IFIUTI- O on fterno lm: iion. And ohile la nler days machine- vet,7:9-2.s hol nan arcmi o hi ,hapeydwonod or man-~made fabrics In theso verses we hn,'e a iictare D.iiclti n nd tre serccning ofi Base Lino. Trafalgar. The omi meos- have Ishen the pince ni burh ln the og omthinggr oniialno"hee n -di lt ies, coofrool te formes- oit1 ured ire feel from ing tip '0 m:ng imaing of connes, the Indien deobgn iargb"the reiulatie"a liceal onl- e dnsecoand esery corner of l':tandithirlyilocheufrmtshead and his fandamenîsi principies ni re uthcearebavenmul i nhoe bat ils oson specisi rasd onitulilsral. This is pîîcnhu hlrg-' 'consrcono fi ensuve upeed and sont- aI hat tîme. There is tele n o mal tocardi1loIhev luemer. In Western ont spmc:mcn evre hol in Halon noclhinoos have bren coseiyconpled, cnmpany nifIe saved .This is o mii:- Aosrnt. ,mc tpeo thîe ss'ncy ta Connty. 1ftrmn'hîl ipper-lurnlng prom te the illdeSO001 lo "o n. rînt île nlncman is tlIie ong Iroil and Mc... J. M. Drnyrs eniertalord aut ssî cnc-riding Stern.Copper naits love titudesa va cha "no ai co tiltasor nci flise cotlte. oiih portiv- nfleosnnten an Wodnesday. It mas Ishon tle place ni epruce roîas for ruer '01oit. noliarontas ied, lrsagu icalmîng up ai île disant, îhe occasin ofnier mnlher'u iMr. ind:ng île parts ami tle ribs arenon ar ou oftgie. ationos."an The lvo slpying pots.Shippisg luse coCle in Meorlami 0801 hîrclay. Mrs. Mos- longer handhemn. But the Indian andmeopale, andctaues io."îry ave'Wesern Aus'.li:a s a bigynart ni île rlan'recirrd mak ls:i:erly congrnîu- ircol-lokch coe nus île orginal "01004" îlae, ave od, h ol n'aiof oasintroeis.lsoyo fhe Aost- ]ionrs and iluin splccîdîd bol. mndei for th e goty pintid. con'- "stnd"(1.. ae terein plce ielian Nems. AI île hegi nning ni:f 'lhe' peulrf HaiionnCounly van- merrcioiy made cafi upon o lInos. îlcpne a ndrTciniion 10 îl e hvo ior 2,00ml u yfomt hir nliibut1bc le icscd 1tîiWacden Dun- ood ]aies: paddies famiar tn Ibese thethrne- Tis hrne s te hroieStations in île Kîmbecivys in île faoc cOn rCampbel (if Mottai, mon sud Itrilosmen for rountliosugeneratinos of God ln boom nch. 4: 3-lit lesos i10 meilmesi. the ratliteare lahen by'ligh lonnrs 0111 lis shoriloî hul0r stilthîe awprovod design for sithtI fe'Faiher on île Ibrone: in dro 100 a naOeties port and drIven. "Thosboa Mnsirl" 'ibis loiti as mnaximum' eificionî'. Wilh crodo .standing befoce île tIenne. they siatlido stnnd "before the Lamh." Te te lo nga o.s or race% s, n hey are noai'drd the grandchomnîonstîp rt tC ilothîe Indians roi and filled ttc hy 'hib Oe ordJeon sphennicalird in Ausicatia, on te tOche eis 1ir h:g Royal slow o: Toronto, and! harh ni the swhitoe c, bond île by wiehtheLordJess i spoen fmlieh may ho more lhan s mite long 'ln ci oing 1:: Chicao on th îe Senior Sections mlth flrous olts, seated bela Johoasant name fLcmJb". This AI saime ni île norilmesi ports, Shorthoen Clnmpîooship and thvre%- lIo'm iti suprure goum, fashioned île ia on n eanynaindeclfor îlotand"thei r ido draps 30 10 40 feet. eartng tesvcrhaitiionship1for ail Amecic. ils and boards ilh grace and shlil. bo one oemindicaytleousliito oleshis on theoceonhed and oinîgI M.and Mrs. W T.Baerdsand iidcrealrd a cmii ttrit mws s bourok apieis spe toîsn iou hepasencoro to maih arounid thehalt MSs E, Barnard arreluvsninlto Etn- niceesogRit totheomoridteroin- "ouTheGsel. beoo s He s an as- sîmouçt dry-ohod. Tiis means chat telanodtaller oalîre munfl risit b nep. Of at] the coontlessexesmpies ni "TheLamb beruse e aan &on caile most ho ucgedcdown te gong- tlc:c uso and Irolber. W. T. Barnard.1 fodian shibîs aithbbc Royal Ontario 0fg sacrifice for sin, the pasehotiasfonteedo h et ihtDI uem odslycrue ri lamb i1 Cor. 5: 7; Jno. 1: 29Y ' owi in' the sien d. t h e t righi D1TO E -a raaga M0 osoun'o disiatr stroeq or lur Thoy are "arrsyed in wmite roIe", .5 1 îlets o hehod.As tIc ade FEth FONE lv 're, n ia n: oo orî n geaeriirei r da os ectonsni le angvoy se: 'icday, ltrerc 61chti 1927 Jona- atien than the Ojihma rannes whlcb s>mbol o! purily ansd Oil "paizîsoin 1laheisoff ontlieventliy. ssI iFaslesthe ilistinl re. eveai al detailis niconstruction. Iheir bonds". symbI nif rlctory. Tlucy1,per bvthlvlofheety lave avercome tireir enemi es' Tlvy jIhe haio! île cotle have, ta cimhb BAD NEWS FOR CROOKS II. TU(T PERSONAL1TY are rery esrneot in their exPression-is trth hp or praise and llsnhogiring. "tboyens'btslp orled ith a great voire." The cry ;sl'ie ie of aoniternational croulé The leulh farine in pprsc:nality tu isebicai ln lis fra, and la appscentby jThe motl bnoulo ie hoas vno 'ýn' >o nt isni of:rses alittht'!tetemomr nann uonaemeit frint aou bsaong oc chant. They acrile posilelubleehoter ne inreoce and o y. o 00e omsu ntm-iOttoaa, ere tle lesilI salhînritios ail CIe honor foc Ibeir saivation 'a10bleel liit. advises tle Canudia-s Iren- otrthe police m::y inuire. Wlche ieDenlefo Nloa e ltribralniPolicerCommis o::i ierpprrtto Ntoa e CMod "which sitîrîýlTo bet soe' .iiuie ni Pion'ing and Hooling. I I te"iotl band Wî'tface pont o01 Ihol end aise "unto ls Lt"h ohoe shou Id lave a donc of adeoiuole si/c e attpgelu going lis existence w'.11le- 'îoigpesnîî r-spoe p atnning blod thie ialaiono mas uO lie .' sy ta0open, aodd t should lie me oe mi: eolIh. The fil persano or porchaued, the Lamb ohicl CGodtHlm- dnsî-îighî. Morcover ihe blo ohinld iosaery short ime 0f commillîog h i S "' 0l cerot o o mlibauprohbe iGn. 2: i. hec leeos 10lii 1m lie 'ulade. crime île police ni île m::t'd iii h 'baves':'i].tti. ocîoîtho dort ors sav. sere there aisesagreai multitude of ___________________ îtreg1e l.bcneeltisesenéof nngio,"al te oîglo" thse100-~C R.bIewîi, a formner Chtef In- i huai ruelaions. anges, alltheangls" thse ac 'ppetrunofite Ciy ni Loodon Pule'. oere standing botot 0Iioe ' ad tuetr a h B Rd hrone, but "around absot he Cro."dienee uieBCs "fnt The iders are île represenialires ifi rILTON aiNa os iceo mmisstg ionîîi'blc- île church. eloa o:eCnmsln lc Tihe angetsanad île eiders s-nd île vtEJJING the pos oini iof monfit gel ronrecs living creatures asu foll on titeir facesîlempuniecatin if osfîdt eoiorlc befoce the tbrone and morsb pprdIno94mthsIntentironlole morcde Cecd. Seven thingu are asoriled anioe iiîeibenino oc oc Ceci as tboy mrshipp mn. "The lies, - Electrbc and Acoiylese Wldlaa Wlreiese Service mss set ap by the Commission, ouIthîle bradquarters ni ings and the giory, and CIe misdson' j epair Wobdlng ai AiU Types ie Paris police os lis connroiiing Ood Che tbanksgirlog. and the power, and the miigist." Bth the A. V. and Portablo Eqtdpmnn station and last prar messages more R, v. omt the "tise" hfore biessioto. posserd eimeen Seolaod Yard and gioey, etc., but hit aiite freek and PHONE - 3M8 pulice beadiquacteru ln mony Europ- cugîttefoie ln the Engiisb. This gioi'y litIL eT-MILTON cas cooties, whist to-day litere sa iaacrlbed t10Gadmb "Focever aver ______.________directimieriess communication 0111 oser." 'Me Greek mords transiated _______________________Mr.le ou e wif i00 ich.atis- "Furever and erer" men iîeraîlyfomutio" seidtMe. Hemtrn"ti o-o "Unto te ages ni the agos." If sla the fugitvollo n ls 00 bcisireilsor sirongm t pssibie repeeseniation for dire t riscolan leYard eised M codiessoosa. îy pictur:ng agen mîrI dirrset fun'teolindtaer toughn nrec temseires conmpsed i e si. o Pri o,.duater o arn eodiess procession.This epces'noor ST IhJtanenusl efi-es 1 alii fbooss o eneriy fIe saine expresstiis a rd h1FRA W B ERRY Cret n i rc bung ni tlsîlet fwetve tires in ihis bolniofte en PR Birles' t' rolicîYardned y ece and the glury ni (md. if tfutl P OFITS I MI -cui d sod teendesscooesosstheineus nd î ( benmn'e pssiblieîy île eopid S H O th lniessmiconiuîlfeeigf th oîd c n hirti-.avt1 ibnsis-u Icosi and île iaise pt'onhef and teVî sî,whe hqovnet-ma rnsn'ts- t:îoity impeilent. sin. Oti S ht ta sopcrie smui i III. oie ni thr Eiders Exptan;. SEapcricncc is pcoing f0li' lfbd t tesie' 13-17. $ ibaft il pays the grower mlt &# l'f 'e t te wir.C" It %bul]înitt îy lec Cod imsIt bs lterpet forus ofe d siraoleries witb'W nttc f ointls Ifnce An'ecleis bh fIls greatlttuiffde are.le hbs ~Vigoro CaommerciaiM. nso leciuglt line fIe pîctou-. tioonlt :-stlsined iftlroagh "oneniofIe nid. '# Gromar. lncreaseddp iei1d, $ .icoltanidYard is n0slowm.oni cins-, cru." This eider first Ji eri nsarsy aitfssr oas Iepr i ali .nmssi and ashu in'. 'These shicl are tor- 'wand rucelcor sniprpi ng ~raitoetrtepaihy toamerBuflt o tayed ln fie mîite rnbes, mîo are quoiity ares a o i'the'W raidiotcieîîIhonemnwrlfor exclus- loy od mene cmefle?"Jolis $adsantagcs n'anygromors lvopoi:re use milviotisiy lu- on n froayadmils lca teyd otbom gy aeaîcbaictVigora ouhi t i belets i rni iog, Nky adired, s nt nme sf. Ia- Commercial Gronter. 'I. n tle eecncery ni prnpccty ondln te tbe eider esniainu mIn fley are. ' se' EXRcAinpgrobfit. u'liin îne "'rIen' are tîey mîlitco me out f ni upsii ETRA po191.611itiSTANDARD TOWNS tle greaf triblation." The A. V. mole B g n i t "-out nigrent tribuaatloi." bt the"ibcges hc omnt R, V. has t1e correct translation, 'Out iî'îcîc'stîc o"of niTH gef riuaton"Tley lad a.keols deteotis Io a ronsiderblte os- ont THEy pratitrnghateaoi as." 05O" '0 trnons low higl ifs standards are. In ne m asi l tIra gh "rbatio,"iuion s îelgla trod c' oslusn dfrT his Stoi ail bllevers shah lotthley bd ass- ' euc::nmunily mleve standards r" time of tribulation flot 1s cnn'iîg anidarec iibîly f0 love tIen' correct- upo tis arh ate th"rptue fcd. If flele homue placesdo 00f ok teupo tbis eavl fftitrpuehA iVlle asti-ChI m illmli, the onnî's r iibeiy un do Sorte-. ' T o 9 p le fuiiy n'nniicstod. iJno. 106'3;Ar hic i the ay oni in'roren'eof. 1d: 22; Mail. 24: 15-21).O ~c" . 'îeconsnurnîtite , -' --O ~ sis .prnimrty bepC in gond renair 0andoin attractive conudition. Peopleetnee con-D SPEEDINOsfaniiy seen machin g ncound tbeir s~ti' '5 homevpacs, endeavnciog 10 beep The Conadian Press recordu fIat aFi iýen' est and rin' and ta add Toronto pocb qurrei opened o tougis ,touches ni beaaly. A ton mbore hisckory ouf in 14 seconda. A Queboc utandards are 11gb seon's attracftire fa haer cuf flrough s branrb tmo ' sstors 00d airangersa ndlits repstaf- tincises In dian'efoc ln50 seconds. See o ped saniepael hc if yoa can beat tbat. ' A PRODUCT OF SWF t lonros snssc.paen r to1v rd uies TRUMAT, DECEMNib. »C4 Roof ing Material Universal Milking Machines Viking Cream Separators Gilson Home Freezers A Carîad of MoRu»e h" enu In by thne MnW of tise We.k Milton District Co-operative PHONE 127 - MILTON c 6.46 ain. d 10.45 amn. O-daIly ex. SUD. & Ual, LEAVE MILTON (STANDAR [MM) TO TORONTO g 5.00 P. d 10.05 p.. HeioL*Ml g-h. eu BUS CONNECFIONS AT TORONTO FOR MONTREAI, OTT~AWA AND NOMT BAY FARES ARE LOW Round Tri p - T«a Includcd HALIFAX - 35.90 WINNIPEG QUEBEC ST. JOHN $25.90 REGINA $42.95 CALGARY $ 77.65 Tickets and Information at R. C. ilarris, Shoe Repair Store AHER' )E STORE MILTON ig Thursday Dec. 11,y re will Remain Open m. Each Night Until )ecemnber 24th 7 THR CAMADIAN tRAMPlnm