TIOURS9DÂY, OCT<BER 2id, 1947. GEORGETOWN Ge rgeto'an 'aa withot water ser. vice for Most of tot Sunday wii. tise reservoir at Stlvercreek was isav- lng Its amisal clean-out. Eato'. order office issd a nees coat 0f peint iast 'aeislnlils attractive colorlng of bise amd biack'ith silvee lettering. In Ooly Cross Roman Catisoi; Churcli, decorated nis pInk and 'alite gladloli n Saturday mornlusg, Septemiser 2th, Rev. Fr. V. J. Msr. gan officated st the nedding ot Eiz- abeth Jessie Murphy, dsughier of AMr and Mrs. James Murphy and Arhur Horst, sos ot Mir. ond Mrs. William Hrst ut Wesloii. Council reqsested ail organizationo uslng the park' leave il In a cteanly condition satlsfactsry to tiie to'a foreman. Cr. Lyono, wiio .lrooghc up the question, aald tisatith ois the tbree loess men a day or more is dleun sp the park afler big days, be- aide Eeir work befsrehand ln put- tlng the park Ir. abape. Cauncil 'acre toid by Deputy Iteeve Armstrong that the otract for at- Ifical Lee Intalation ln the areaa ad been algned and that tbe job maigist kg aompleted by November l5tb. llerald. 11ME PLANTIG TilE Tise fait of tbe year ie called an excellent time ln wblcb ts plant treea. Tise 'ort of tise warm easber bas Pamsed and any se'aly pianied rges wlil not be soailkely la ise died olt by thse bot aun. Tbey ilii sot require sch a lot of waler t0 keep tbemi alil,, and to iselp theem get oaed o1 thiasnees soi. It la doubîful If tisece are sny townsa tihave tos masy treeo. Masses of beavy abade are a rom- fort ln bot weaiber. Tisey ielp to cool tisa air on warm day.,s,'ind tbey1 sdd a great element of beauty 10 any hoime or aelgisiorisaod. People wiii psy more for a isome whsiis lu meli Planted 'alis re,.. As iisey grow, they add sew iesosy every year Collections, lt's our long cspcrîesce liandliag cletios tisai makcs possible tise splcsdîd rsits wc ffecc for sur cli- ents. Tisatis wisy so mnasy bsusincss and profcs:ionul mcn scnd us tisir lisîs ycar aftcr ycsr. Send ln yousates. Kelly & Aiken Tise Oellecegg ,jORANGEVILLE, ONTARtIO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION NEW JET'lPROPEILEDFIGHTE PIJIE FO BMIVB AVYMany Fine Exhibits A esfgser aicst'iri o At M lton's clitg adopted by tise Royal Nsvy bas 1ea w1 Just made lis irai fligist. Itla a jet. I Annual rall Fair pnopelledl plane capable af speeds of CniudfziPaeTr, kec Aircraf t and la plaaned for bulld. rpsegae3-Sc age ing ln teso differeit versions. On.e C M R . N-gwe wiii be a land-baaed plane 'aiie tis Art, Illustration, grade 4 - Jean siler wiii kg planned ta operate from Ny ROSS PEAREN Wild, 6 Nasaagaweya. ircmaft carriers afloat. Escis mlii Art, illustration, grsde 5 - Mornby. bave a single Rols-Royce Nene turbo. It nos 'ail Halton Day' lass Satur- Atr, illustration, grade 6 - Hornby. Jet engine wiîc developei a trst of atdy ls use ld neigbboi'bsod. Asd Art, 6 drswisgs, grade 7 - Paul 5,000 lbs.. 0001t thelosPayers a incheditieresi Coulson, 12 Nelson. ______________________________________air ail Cis. WcIll, Arl, 6l îrawings, giatili'8h-Milton llîry slisuld, as Miltons Juveoiles w, Publie Sciiosi ci..AIIG the O.BHA. scii-tiosîs ftmPerrlla. Cratiu, grade 1 or 2, made front AUCTION SAM rgaie i astermdkvH lc.asseus of pop r a iygrade5ur 6, nolebook wt - A. pisydown. Tisen tiiere mas tise rosm'-Hornby. DAIRY CAT1'LE & EQUIPMENT, bureesoful Haiioii Fair ai Milton. Crafts, grade 7 or 8, tin pianir IiAY, GRAMN, STOIAW & REAL - ulate-Hornisy. ESTAnT As we mentionied before-nouldn'l Leat and sampie of wosd, 8 variai- il kg snell If Haltss baidtise unique ie--Hornby. The uuderigned bave recelved In- honor utfisaving Irer Ciampiansblp Landscape or stili lite-Hsrnby. îirsctiiss frues Xo A. BARTON leamu ln organlzed bail. We doubt Girls' Hobby - Jacqueline titareis- Toa i lby public aurîlo ai hb,;usat any ariser esunîrîpaîîîy ran boast and, iillon. tares, 3 miles soutis of Milton on No. ut surisa un ir. Our congrais to Boys' Hobby-Milton Public Scissol. 25 Higisway on ranis cub asd ne srisb Ibeensuscress Stutfed Toy - Christine Marsisall, WEDNESDAY,' OCTOBERElOtisol as îbey contiuth lyos, Oa. Commescing et 2.00 ociork tisefo-netspayît. mgh loning: AD-Wssden toy or la'an ornement - COWSAN YOUNG CA'ITLE - 2 Lest Saisi'day's camne oser ai Pet- Milton Public Scissol. Holstein Cons, due lime of sale; 1rilas was s dandy, ils Marshsal si- Kltlted Article - Asiscrove Scisool. Holstein Cow, fresis, ml at aide; 1 lswisg 0013' 15 men lu face bilm for Sale Boat or Kit, - Mlton Publle Jersey Cow, fres, caif at aide; 1 ise lnslsgs. Keilis Fay banged sut Scisool. Brindie Con, ti0sis 4 niss., caîf et a double ni cisacoanteal for Miltono 46 plais Coubies -. Milton Public colt ai aide; 1 White Durhame Com is csui fresis 3 wbs., ratit a aide; 1 Holstein brougbî in two more courtiers ta put Hall posul Cady- Limneiose Heifes,, 16 mot., spea; 1 Briadie Cow, tise gamnein matis issus. Hîs broliser Scisool. freas 5 ns.,, caif at aida; 1 Guerssey Stan ws rigist on isieela nilsttbree Acropiane Exibit-J. B. Micisie. Cow, fresis 4 'ais., ral at ide; 1 Mol- singlesoand s'as rslil isoe os as er- Boat Exhisibt-J. B. Micisie. sinaCm afresis 6 nIs. caîf at sida' or ~ .dMpsî ee~oi- SsilSuyat oi-ooy 1 Reg. Htolsten Cose, dse Dec. 18; 1 ukad ehalwrth h- SclSuyatebk- rn. Reg. Durhams Co'a, due Dec. 29; 1 Dur- er t'as 10 grsis doubles 'aloisSianie Drawng on tire prevensIlon - S. S. h ama Con, dse Dec. 12; 1 Holstein crsshls is on a nlld ibron. 12 Neios, Con, due Dec. 16; 1 iHolsen Con,- Specisi iandirstt - girls, Miltons; due Jas. 15; 1 Holsein 2 year old H loks as if lise quartette saag boys, Asisgrove 9cisooL. Meifer, open; t Sisrtsorra Heder'. 16 tlise st t h ir Syvn So* fr uiey 1HH CHOOL WORK mss., aises; 2 Dorham Itelfer Calves, 6 mas. nid; 2 Hostein Helfer Calvs, cmsp w'ails game 'aihul as er- (legrwbhy Map-Marlon Cunsing- 6 mos. aid; 1 psre bred Hlstein 'or. Coiscrais, gang, I mas lise tirt airn4. Bull. 2 year old. errzlress game ysu bave played tisi Poster us ocespations-Mîlton. DAIRYs EQIIPMENT - inesan year. Tise leaes rame rlose tua a Non-romptitive scisool nons 'ais Musier, 2-unit 'ailsaesolar and plpisg; imilar record eariy in thr seasaanwon hy S. S. 9. Esquesing: Rorsby. Gent 6-rn Coaser: Wosd's Grain duriuig a gamte iih Aclaii. Oaiy one _______________ Chopper. wilb esotor, ln excellent rs u hlse ps hiar, condtios: Paît,; Sîrsiner, Sirrer. ec.cr_____ ________ntatoccs- HAY. GRAIN, ETC. 20 Ion esisrd AU TINnAL Hay; 20 tan Sîran: 400 bus. mised 1 -T ON S I Gra. Barle and Oats. Sreei'arrser a.,,iii lislroused 1 REAL ESTATE-AI lies me ime' iiieresisg srgsmenssin a'nnerliaui FARM STOCK, IiitILM«NTS AWD and pace.,lisace wmlii heoffered frtac h n-e.dpia ahiso i RIUC sale. sobirni lts a reerve isd. themihlcore.'ila'îfumiua PRI'tlE tares, heliig N.W. haift 014. on ,for tise final iss] corne hiereiiais'dia, NS.. tbp. f Tratalgor. on ohîrhis 1 While s a,.mr in agreeni,'al iilhera i he sadersigiad haver rerrvd In- ererîrd chaire 2-srey hbrisk haù iise rlc'1 lroilu',' tironîis iiuas i rllai, fte u'ilh huth. l'srnare. hydra. hordu','.d Erse aur satulini the guilrry i ap- RALI11 DALE flcra.hard andsafl atoer: harn 45Y pcars ihal thie i'luh s jalitîrd ,a, lisell hsçiuhi,- uuliunaai' bis 50. crnment 'anadstelc!saling. w e a rkn s )te ricoe (,s u-filai 1'.,mlesi'asi if Puiermo as sn bars: rrcchflus hraugh prapieci.lihii uilellliiadi.i lrN, 5Hi-ghuas iiio i'siirevar,'This laresa hoaschai ;,coz li" Plîl.lil lital,(>'(lui) hae'bail 9'p'q5>, q', (IBflR 7th iuation. heing an Highwaas25 'la c ai'îial lgis psai..lailacîsI lihati A h e f. l iaiasng: tairhaiaalchîil.rsasynîî,.nloraidiqilfon.iprouislhc it 1 Bslfraîîa Ilarar; 1 Bsy Trasny avfhtla lla I ili('aslisvoieya.lIirianspoîii XMai' gildaaihr, auît1500lbs Tenfv i tliEsiale maesuc saaa a i nmia lhn irego TERNIS 0F (HA'CTES:Cah ici- 'aii*h,'r assctIi i.A 11F ANDa POUI,'lHX' i erý tiennent Puh crrhIn dav if sle ilaC-,mrikinbein îJuai; 1l Na resciar as the prapricfr iiear he îles, l'l'iii',av ii' ais ulalin't, o atinCa <au mlbîg. brd isJase;1 ;% tken o ivfb oreri rofrarhii uddurig elliriadi, (afu-.lanfull tiiw. mii hrrdý aiacolaaih rsraianraclic aiddais .'i-aneues,'Wi'ad- IoIlen o.aailiig.onaibre'i HINIIn' ANID FlL.1071. l'ililaiil -. ii'i uIly ii ir,r- i- ' Hriicra. hrcd in Februarya liPFsî'dl"lrih 17172 'l'ai Irias i (In 5 as ,îîîîîaî uy ai3l.,esiiiCiiics: .0lincs,lîî'avyhbreî'i PL Fad. 'lt-kn-1-2 1- drss or î>ir 0a, ilft,, il, vs i 51I FME\ l'O FuresWagon; ofIhli i'1îîî 'lilgil:a' A'ihig Pflî '; lis,'; flat- rm;Draig ('uliiali: Sicci Wiier ______________________ iTabk;Cilara ilas' Pub. llapcs ,î llaiIa.'ii l lsî,, lî'î.caic 'haiiig iaiii Cilip'r's;,Mîl i l"1--adi1119 Iîgîli' lai, A, ,.îp,, P i lia S0 if 1lica.' i),lîhIrlarnsîi %%aslbarrI rar 'i i"Ia'aliilîl,. ,îiiîili t il îî' . iaasiily la ,Iii . nî Ini'-îî 'a, Izanw .'iiiî n 1îii î,n;' t7iuhlî'lrici'a'Nccyahra; ,P. oL d ~ îiu;.î ;i11:îu,1îîah mc foîr aCaio e, ii'aii..lîofficia] on l eInan- iin.q, osa 'icaetcr a sll li olîllî u. haveAîclîve Il I Fard, (iii h B-i2-2 'ile-i.'iî,riiuiî'aî ii"îcii'voftOu.'c 1'i l, u, i aa -ipi.;uiatllasdensiiy of liiIY one pi'ais 1.per "luaesmileVat ar dlt.t"i AUTÏON SALE. OF F lARtMSTOCK, IM5IPLE NT.s, i"RNITUýRE ýdI JASS*IES JAMIFESOXN 'If el iy pula ie,' l il ut h film, Lt,ai1101 'iUneiarEa.u1a, on i4ATI'lt>AV, OCTOBERE tti Atl1qOes hic oliig: l>iSANI)a (AltE Boy Mai', 12 yrs.; Holstina 'a',brî lune Il'; Gruade- Slîaclhrn Usas, hî'sd Juilîr8. (;raderhilam tuas', lîî'd lune' 30: (;ruder uhis Ilifcr, hr'i-ilAsassi 6: Griaide Gin. SiiEEP AND OW00, 12 Emius: l1ueshs; 100 aoiglienas; 2 e 1e IMPLEMENTS MrCoresinisDeer- isg Tracter oastseel; Mussey Harris Binder; Hay Baise; Scuffler; Disr, 'reaesWsgon ond Bus: Set 3setiar, Hiarrowns; Disr Seed D)rill; Itnatso- aonal Double Furr'avvPion; Sring Toaib Culisaour osn heela; Llgbi Wagon; Raut Pulper; 2000 lb. Orales; Da aYoris; Cirrular Ssn ils slldiîg rsese; 2 siepn Cas Drues:; Merrc Fescer; Sen Vega Separsaior, nearly nem; Elecîir Chicisea Broader, 3001 cap)aciiy; Prisa; Sharei,: Suris, aod G;rain Bats; Lawna Mo'er; nsmerrau sihrr artilic. POTATOES ANIS GRAIN--Poal!- cru; 200 bus. mixrd <'raus; 6tbsa. Bcd Claver. FIIRNITtIRE Dais tkSide Board; Extension Table: Round Table: Kit- ihen Cupissord; itchen Tableuc Choira; Wood ire Bas. i'apocily 5 Iha. ire; lssoe.s; Crabinule Table: 11,11 Mirrar: Grosuhnrand Renards; sýf1esl nir eiaI anîtiue Table; Plune and Bpnch: 2luoîrasieed Tub, anîl Riirr; Waah Sand: Ou Lomps; Fluor Oh1 CIr b: sihor articles. TERMS: CASH Poilivlrynoarce*rve as Mn. Jumes- o isegiriseaun armine. W. .BROWNRIDOE. Asctlineer A. W. BAnîsn, Clcrh 13 ANTHRACITE INSULATION, PIONEER FEEDS -0-- Re S. ADAMSI Phone 48 SOIT GYPROC Il. SI'l'ZIî, rea. . B WAi'm"ouAa-o ,e. ACTON FAIR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY October 3rd and 4th A rena Show Fiiday Night ENTERTAINMENT BY PROFESSI ONAL ARTISTS HIGH JUMPING HORSES - PONY SHOW MUSICAL CHAIRS - MUSICAL CLOWNS Second Day RACES $300t IN PURSES- BIG STOCK EXHIBIT GREAT MIDWAY AND RIDES-2 BANDS,' ACTON BOYS' AND GIRLS' BAND, CLOWN BAND - BABY SHOW- STOCK PARADE - BIG HORSE SHOW Dance Saturday Evening in the Town Hall ORDER YOURS NOW! c ala16 IDmO0O0Il- TIF TOP TAILORS' SUPERB OVERCOAT Vailoreci- Vo-Jeagu.e> AND ûeadly - &0 - Wear. FOR MIN IN A HURRY) $ 39.50' WORTH MUCH mous Cragnmr s not juif anailwr overcoat Ie is talord of ail-virgin scool which gives it a lighten, softer feel-yet gîves you adequote wactnth too. Guananteed 10 wear well. Here is Canadas out- standing overcoot broughî to you by Canadas No. 1 cothing ame. FRED MILLS') MILTON PHONE 215 Tip Top Tailors Ltd. CANADA'S GREATEST CLOTHING VALUE THS BEAUTIFUL FLOOR DOIS YOUR KITCHEN - Lucky Homse! Kitaises do rs reacis sen ieigis ineaaîy, syle asd praa- icalicy wisuialaid 'aihTile- Tx *A l iale u. Tisere are Isauls of esaisg Tle-Te colors, plussmart bor- ýýiW~ders and .adisidsalizpd insrs tsu ielp pois aciieve sthe drrorativegoal poure alter, Wisat's esre-Tiip-Tes fisses nipe cieananad fresis 'alis a daesp clots ... are ,îais and scar resustasSl Yoar dnloo oks "an" aCier losg ycars of isard wear-isecasse Tile-Tes plain osnd marbleizpd colora go sraugbt sirougis îo tise back of tise uic. Corne t, or telpnosoe son for more isformaio.s TILE-TEX ASPHALT TILE CLEMENT'S LPaint - Wallpaper - Gifts I PAGE BEVMI COUNTY 0F HALTON 1947 - LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR - 1947 Pla.e idSitting! Day of Sitalas Jan.s. Ma., ayjus. Sept. lNas. Oa Gesa4as.asWda.da goat ,,,., Thuad.e Ail Division Court. si,.pe i .M. Stadard Tiena. N.,î. sud Sdd,eae. .1 Cirs.,k. i .,la Milia a ala(hela Dînil; , er,, Thaisp..., Gesemia,,; 4, Wii,ed Cole., Arto9; 6. C si Coasiy Coutand Ga l Se..i.., M...iaend j». . p...; M994.e, rat Demiahe,, 999. .Sei.:,sofColnt Crrtwiha, Jury,56a.day îith April. s s9ý.. Mond.e. CaaiyA o.ii.Tsids..is>s..m'.M. da.7hz i;Mona,7t uy Tuetd.y , h Octob, By 0- .pL DICK, Mita --14 LIVINGSTONE STOKERS Are nsalled and serviced in the Mitons district. Any of tisese users w Il tell you how comrfortable, economîicat, trouble