Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Oct 1947, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSI2AY. OCTOEm 2aad. 1W. A INEWS of the DISTRICT HORSES SHO'WN AT FAIR AI Vsrom Items wcrnsgAcv" in laCusmsunitlàq Nesrby V A Whre >n o ur Redmenae httsresed or OAKVILLE NASSAGAWEYA f Mr. andMrs. C. JLeaon helda Wthannvesaryservices etctlivd family galhering t hir home 20 EdenM Usted Churvh last i- th Kerr St., Gatville on Ssnday, Septem- day tere viasna ervice thflhc Eh-t her 2tt, thecoocasion eiag 1he Sth eneer United Cha ch. enniversaacyet their mariage Sila filiIng la the order off the day Depty Distrit Governor Dr M E.n ths dstrctTh e corn crop bsB Lunau prmsided t the Faîl Zone Ad- faic y gond althoagh thc ecent heaoy B visai-y Meeing off Lonsn Zone 6, et the frots have ipped the leaves off 1he Oaheille tnn but Widnesday evening. crn. Ore The tovin represented were Hamilton, Mr. Aes Mffaf off Vancouver, B.C.. Dondon, Burîhoglan. Pori Crs-dt. aod is mal hec. Mrs. Chci Mofat of Horseosc f romt al parts of centi-al Ontario vlod foc honnri-on - Georgefown, Branmpon and Qakillo. Alberta are vliting relativs and the many clases for lîghl horses. Wnning exhibotors In the dlam At Thorsday evoningos opening Iiendo la Nasagao'oya and disrict. fur th'ee-yrr-olds aie chovin ahove. Thcy are from the efIo: banquetoth 1e Gabville Chacaher cf M. and Mis. Duncan Moffat and Walace Moiio. Embro, fies. C. B. Strling, Hannon, second; J. H. Commerce, D. A. Rabbins, managîog family and Mr. Chas. C. Darhy aI Hoimos, MiIton,001ot hiovo, vos Ihird. Photo hy Ross Pearen ncrtary off the Hamiltont Chacaber Koalelîboli oece gacals ai a irlhday of Commece was acst speakser. sry loolFrdaycevcningoalMr. and Herhert Coplin Con. oatolandiog MsI 0gie Roerîsion. ,Bcverley, *.0 o ec-w rhI, I M R A Canadien financier and a leading res- 1ebss MaCy..aiyo11hhc Mdent off the ahole district for Premier D.* iJî* lo many yeori, died aic Ennicliro", i(ll uXlî1 Mr. ond Mîo. N. Healheringlon and, his otale on the loeshocc hlghv'sy (AA HolsteinTlShoAw ;iCiscry ond Miss Norma Binley of! cool oof toîvo, early Wedneaday von- CA P E L ILI, 'l.0 00 0i.Oa 5 Wofecdoonv isif cd Sanday vith Mr. lng, Sepleviher 170. Ho had hien Il___ a nd Mrs. S. Benaetf. ahiit ton days. Mci, A'T. Moiore oss hoslcos for Rtoss, SegoivirlO, Freviaa, vwon tii-' M. (Grorge Hamilton off Ni-bon A fflly londed Grey Comahos tOe Wiics Misioary Society on Premier Eshihtor Bannerantthie An. oand Mr. Vern Gabraith spont the' plassod through a pile off rohle and Tharsday alîcrnoon. TOe preoldent, a o1 Halion Coaoity Blac'k & Whife oweek-end vith Mr and Mrs. Jack an open manhole, crashing lnIa a Mms. T. MePhail. prosoted and ropcned Day bîeldi Soplevher 27 in conjane- Hamilton ai Oshawsa. main ahegtement off tIhe Sîteen Mile thc meetinîg vil ltse sai l tcsorslip ion vifh Milton Fair. A fatal (if A number ffrom Ocvre attended the hridge on thc Queen Elizabeth High- 00d spoho on the petiion inflic Lords 136 bcad wcre ohovin by 30 oshihitors lir aI Milton on Salorday. viay about 7 ai-loch Sanda y evenlng. Prayor Forgive as our dehîs as vie sod tho jadge vas t. S. Donton, Mi. H. Pollersan off Mi;lgrove, vis- -Record-Star. lorgive out, deblors.' The Bible road- Bramptson. The qolity off the onhiit lid viilb relatives in thc communlly ____________ iog vas led hy Mes. A. Monre. Prayor vias excellent, flic Aged Covi and lvii- on Ssinday. %%s oofferod by Mes. T. Allan. Tbe year old heifer claooessi.1partieulai- Mr.oandMis.tG. Cartvirighlreturn- LO'WVILLE Choi>ý.e Sera,,r rcIoted havlng vril- soriaing aoyîlîîng ever provioasiy cd home afflor a trip aoutviel. lefleroand rend sonne ilb-sien aI lii show. Mrs. William McKay, David and nî viledgmetais JMP Tihe Senior and Grand Champion Dilane have returned homo ta Thorold Large congregations tteodcd lise, case a repiirt offt ihe Preshyleriai Es- C onsus Sîirovi-ileigh Aenahelle thc affer spending a couaple off veehn vith Marvet Homne Servces io St. Iloorge' s cuive vmeeting if- lîe.o ivnitr-Ileo-r, viinini- aged row in milk for Rons 1,r parents, Mr. and Mrs J.Gti-, Choeeh on Sundoy last, bolb mornin) ecîy 'e,-,ioti OieiiIeivoSo-rOol and co'cing. -The etor. Ncv. J. 0. The fîpir *Thc Ministry off Heallng" ,onî t f-serve grandl rhomplonshlp vicot- ______ Jackson boid ehargeof offhloservices. %%,s tabro Iîy Mci, R.C Menzie, 1- ticHays, ILîmîlcîl, O is'lie onthie fini, B R I G O Speciai vmssice as given hy the choir. sisied lîy Mrs Lovii Mis ilmoii.r, rize dry Ai-il Ciivi Mary Cavalier U L N T i TOc Mle Quartetoe0sang1aihe monri- Ms. Nlio, Mes. Wllaeeond Mca. 'lToitlb lo fas lo liaîlit teJunior ing sfrviceeand a solo von tong by VCosSui. Tilir tieshosoco -,l 01 lîoîîîîîîoîî tîvci, Ai rve Se hiivigri M. Maurice Readlieod .A Bible, or oii canoie 'iodo iîy liîelivg thtiîit , viii ho iaili- 11- seioireheiffer Ooioc te loch of iii n ise Iligh piested tio e churhOy Mr.NRoy siclin ldin0oand5poiter] outfhe m'ira- s lli',. ."i -juniiior bmiiio ws Sch'lndso 5ntra i hsool it a Ellenon inoiennory of lisvie en sportant sscI Miss Isohal MeConnell i CI:itir ArinioCiîsiliiiiisiriissshY mcos iiiioiorialle fo thensdcoîs oond hs mollies'.Ms. George Elenlon as tohm oin thaîvîrb. Proverovos E0 . J'%lf0iiior. Olîholils bost ssi-h. %os sdedlicaeledaithe morning soevce. rlero) OcMes. RoOl oI-glis. Thes51t ti 1 l i -'iiý,5t ~ 5i~iieisc vii IsaiTw Dtili gicl,, Wielenga iaIs. Novand M's. Jacksonoare movivdsod ferrhe roll railin.os "llore l :Ib JuioriindiOilij.-i Progen * voftODain iiici idNîsissiWiirbiovess, arrive., to oaîlie tOs %onec h crce Mc TOi- offerivi- oas dedîcated by Mrs . iis' . ssiidliiivisgst-in-sire. itii ielosI Mioday aîsl n' tohîoakg n:î .'orhcon soli ecome Rpeior 1fSi.MIPlise ovînd fOc i----ing ,ia.% s losed i on,'eil iiiffIiil.% i-iiIc Iohl.ig1 I itiios in tiisdistieCt.They came Iodes ChurnO is 50 iayer hi, N. Ieslnes' lOle, ls' .A,îiPrince. F. &- liii' 10 Ciossl lIiisia oder e ge iioImeot lai' Mi. CGordon Home of fEmmonool cflvilentvicîoseeiehvitheboit- MItlilo ic-OC1h,' .iîîîîcg-Iiiffsic-crinrIilo ln. Colirge. Toronto, iill preoch inii -s anoeil sOi sovivfîs. la',,iii go.ii. iils oblll Iag Thi'i, ciisioflBuiliOn eslond- UinitedlChsrch nexlSunday miinoc Thoc ladies' Aid cf I.DOvdsXluilc. crieiiail- ýI th,,l ,i5Ii- slisiiiinttisd l'e ,.iiiiioil7snvcliii Mes ,I7e oiveeey and doochtsc Chioch hiseOeoiio(liiltin ohlaqt Ju.iîîîîîîrii. Jo hnîiPrhstt& Sin of i cof ii as' uyellast Sator- LaurlfHamiilton. slont thevieeb-i%%(-(-hond thisn'eeh. 1îi rsii . lt io l l,, it.'o in ieSei-.1ii'.i-soi lo 11leng ralizil. end iusOMr. and Mrs.MauriceeRead- A the reguionehrh service lib of' blsrit. Inlislaonghioryflarlington lin, leod.Suostoy. trsv. Mer o gaîiln -ve on Aiis' i-ilîi,îcsssîî Ifi-' Me. od Mss Vornn MeAthorivler-sîiv sitlees ioîiesios ,ç issiW Ilooel lit 'i Oreatlots of-niiihyaloo butng netooin Mr. nd .rs VenonMcAthu inerctin ultrc, onili, %orkýf ilss, laYlirinvmi'mry off anoie living as Il apen a fevidayntoostvieehin Ottawa. tc tostîste fr the Blssu. I liiOis, i'ls-tog-I'and oil F r . i-nluIby o cyclone ontîl brait Ban- M. and Mc. Chas. Lambert,.)f - iii&Sos. Iouri",sîî-oesandl, il'ivollrn.siv vus-n ii- miniature Toronto. isnt tOceswek-end vllO - rva,-E. o: o F rye1. .nce stoiuch Icarini- nul ofthie M. and Ms. F. W. Harohole. Tr me ~ e s'oille-, is-isîi,.1. Ai-sander &noclîr scl oer off Charles Clintanos M. and Mc. Bm neon Coobien mre 1' f A A .0 itîîvorgcîstoisv. Jh lîs irketl siigrdeni-ippoîsvd cbiwn tie lnbaloog- Sunsday visitais vith Mr. and Mc. S o.7 Iîoiby, F 0. lion 1 -r, iovat on-t iil-ac tieetninilsprogress Itacers. Oavlle. S.N.7W, W Tioniysiîn & Son, Ilorahy, suie too'aed Lakeh Onlnrîo lorned over 8 Th Farm Form held a crdParty WcIls,e hd iceai liaiicone.uarieliesi shasbots la tOelarbor s iff lhey vse on Mondoy evenlaf et the home nC inhIOuh ik n 'irsiimber 23. Ilsilun pins0. Mc. and Mes. B. Calloway, Miton. visch ofl a record îs Ihaothsis iis' NEM'SPREADER On loi-vday evenini-, Septemher Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Armcstrnengt FOR 1DISTMRBUTON 0F 23rd, tOc Parîsh Clold off Si. Lahes and Mr. ond Mc. E. B. Cosîson at- Cnceial]aiions to Mr. oanl Mes. ACRICULTURAL LIIMEI4TONE Chh crier- hosýto 1thtisellahnt tea- 'todo te Eli-Amstoig iedJnatmes Evans,.ticorgelovin open h-e-"chers and Iudvr vives fIcansBarbing- in henzerUnied hurh. hearrivoaioff a hohy doochlen. Bochoso Haltssa rls ita for lih(- mussîpare.ton Ilîgh. EasI Borlini-Ino, Central.! bride. Miss Murl Armstrong, RN., Jur0e. srec nviîîly f i îghtly ocis l hvloc lenviood ond Sîcafioriona Sehont. i is thc nnly daughfer off M. Chas. No. 7 w'aitde inspection hy bol I liihiot friivi5.3 te 6.2 Applicatiosino larry B. Ward lias o most rare: Armnsorngviho lived for novi-r51 thc Publie Schviîl nspectir ad tOc il ogriiolloral ims-I anc should Ilere- specimen in hs gardro ai is homo' yeora i the district. Health Inspeter ]ast w'os- and ohîi tues- prive heocticial. Doisg rcccnt on Carolnec Nreet East. Mc. Ward leffI cod reports. scars ioambcr offteoisvitO agi--diseovercal iis wvicch Oat lOc bsa's M. onîl Mes. W. E. Brillon atendl- liaral imesîine bave yeen laid clwdovsliitepianOt han asfîve green loms- KILBRIDE est thc Eli-Armsronc o'edding ai lY the Hlon Croîs Imîrovement An" aines hangingftramt.L'The stems Ebrneecc Choac ri oSoîuedoy viben sociatio. Ineconversations-cecstl holding fOc tomatons are ptae -- Ieir grandson. Douglas Britton F1]5 vislicVtor .1. Lawrence off Mcdo-,s, tems In every may and hoarnac The ChrcrO and Saunday Seboct and Misa Murie Armistroni- ocre un- andl Ceci] Lwrence off Sheridano, OCslmlarty te O tomate plant vihatsa- anied testtSunda moning for theieds¶inmarriage. i-uiciedtiat escellent rslts hd vr, cre ptithe ffve amaîl gros-n annaalNRaliy Day srice. Thc 5Oi- Mr. and Mr.C. E.fflovcAport vis- iii'i'n cuerd frontihe tests cinductid tomaloos. Mr. Word loosnnd tOe, viocwaxmost intecctîni- and thece e td authtechome off Iheir doocOler o ieir- icib)(-ivi- foras. n vu-OS enrt, and floait fOheoas1tecantate -asasplendid attettdosee. and lhecrtsoohnd. Mr sod Ms. Melel 1ofilthi- fart thai agrc'ulturat hanie- gi-t izpied poaes-'Goqette. T t onf "The Cborchvwih thc Zlmmermnan, Harpers Corners. laid ioscn ao sî"oi'd nta0 omna Friendly Heartviaesrcad by Mss. ejoyed affihocsvwith tOeir neiv' rice per lia, and in vicsvofthe foc', C. Peer. The Seiptore Lesson vi05 gcnddaughtcr. Sharona Marie. ba01tise Ontario l)startmeoî off Ai- -_______________ ccod by Audrey CairnOs. The Super- Mr. and Mrs.,oLa'rencecKingiaodii iiuiui'cgivcs fsnons'i.sasd siolireinPoo intendant off the sehont had charge Mrs. Mre Kini-, Milton, eîsiied Mn, tie cuit iii trsînspccftalîîo cîher In P llck & Camnpbell of theoseice, asistedby the m-L. ling's nntcr, Mrs. E. J. Keep.St. iurliid lisorIrck oiids il isper- ister, Ncv. N. J. Truas. Ctharnes on Sunday. hajie o lîile dîfficlîrst ound-rsto.sd Maauiaiturees eof TOc guest speaher, Mr. John Frid Severotf[rom No.7 attendeidMiton h5y moire agicu s braI limestune 1%s G RD EOIL of Hamilton, u layman off the Unted, Fie on Sturday. iiii lii'giai-apliildto tie' oid sauts in MMRA NHV Church. gave a stinring and upprop- Mnyffroviihis district v'ereosorry fblsîui. bn00505-r toournue ey Ai-' M M RA NRVN s ale addcnss, filîrd viltO Ihooght for Ir) Oar off toc dculb off Mn,. Doonrae. sîburat Heîrsnsai.v .1. E. White- bo00 childeen and adlt. lTlc pro- CaopslbelI off Moffaf. She visa nantivec iuus'b salclliai in hi, opinion ths iram of Wornhip for Naly Day mas 'if No. 7, a daoghîer off tOc ale Mr. isloi'i ta yaks- gecotîr use otulie 62 Wter SL, North GALT oherved. Ilond Mes. William Dccdgc and rpent i us' s eos-1 îhogehof lbersoccomhiîscsb TELEPIIONE 20485 The W.A. oI 0he United Chucch hoîf er cnîice ife mithin a fevi mites if' siih tOc larkofsut atiafactory e'tabp- their September meeting hast Wel-lher ithploce. Sympthy ls ecobl- Ori v ilh h ih i ustelbo imoIuui-. aiesday ectOch home off Mrs. H. . cd 10 her mony friends and relatives. ltO tfond.________________ McDonald. The qridoal, Mrs. WetO- 50e lcaves te montrnhiec oas one sns Wc aise leocied from Mr. White Ml-o osia ecoobo presided. Thone ontrihuting and dassghhec-in-bam and tbree grand- lseb iit s'entiya nevi type ofl lime MitnH s ta Io the progravi mre Mesdames M. sons. sîsrader uih Incer bibcb hos be- uPrînatel Howard, F. Davis, C. Fr-te, W. MtcO Mc. and Mms. Vernon Cote amd hnhy come avuilabe. Il via M. WiIc- cl and J. Moceey. Mrq. McDaaald David, Guerlph. viitcd Mr. and Mr. och's opinion Ihat If a fessioff 00cm VSIING HOURS and Mms. Cartvright onag a doot. C. E. Daocnport last vicch. specaders vieco avallahiela In alton 230 p.m. ta 4.00 p.m. Mrs. Dovis and Mc. Moneey viebe The many frienda off M. John M. on aeostom surrceata] hasis, thei ap- 700 p.m. ta 8.30 p.m. the vibanero la 10e contesta vich Wiscn vilît c pleasel to hear lho ta plication of agrcoloral limesiono I(No Chldrea sader 121 sore eondocted hy Mms. Crtmrighit mabuîni favorable peogreas, aîthoueh vioatd becs mc a iencrai practice. Wc doring the oiial hraf hou. Thi- til n Guelph Generol Hospital. aise earned from thec-orme source RTSI DAC seety mode plans Io babld thele ba- Mc. and Mc. Stan Robinsono, Geo- ihat sn ec sorti' ipreoies have ho- RTS1 DAC narono Novamher Gtb la the Sonday ege ad Dontsvicie goets off Mc. ani rome avallabe is certain districtasiCf SemI-Prlnete - $300 Sehonl trocam. Mrs Wilmer Watisins, Aito-1, Saaday. Haldimal and Wentwctb Contbes, Private - $6.001 service vlill e mithdravin la the Mc. and Mrs. J. J. Kennedy, Pearl tiiece brud beao gret finrease bn the United Chorc- oiOeeset Sonay, ovi- and Matrie spont Sonday ai the homeomiont off limnestone hbag applied. PHONfE 216 - MILTON ing to Anniveasary sernicesa hang hebd oIl thcir daogehtrrmad ister, M. and -______ ult Carlisle tînitleda Chrc h. Nov. M. M1s.Elor Hoviden, NBR. N. 5, MII- CANADIAN CANNE Tatîr off Toronto vill preoeh bath iton.: WORKING OVEIITIME monnng and evealng. Mr. and Mc. Jack Muns-ey ot The Aanlvrsary concert of Nasso- - Ohawa mers- gUesta foc e toetdsys givey rehyela Cuci ams A cannini- machine supplled hy tise PIANO TIINING ]eat seeck vith thor ffreads. Dr. H. imach enjoyed hy thone atlendlng. Canadien Boys and Girls Fanca Clob R. McDonaad and Mc. MDnald. M. ami Mc. James Messy, Do -tet Ladno OC.. heuhes Rvinear.N RPAR and uvertimeAlaoEagtaadtthia asmm!. 7HOWARD PIANO SERVICE Mc. Psarl Shields a former rs-edEbe, covste OOM.The money ta huy the machine,.ai-ah- of Hamilton di-atoft Elbbide, la holdayiag vibos ai-d Mrs. ThO. Kenne-dy Sanday, tainabe In Ragaad, wea s rovlded hy Ofc trlends la Wnnipeg, Man Mr. C. E. Davenport mas hst-ls afconta a pare hccd Jersey calf, O ilTaners for the City' M. amd Mc. Horace . MeArthiir foc St. John's W.A. last Wedaesday donatcd for thc parpone hy s tacot chools off Cherry Creek, Nem Yack, mers affteriooti. fariner, mnd the machine mas aa uts Fine Work and hest Materlels week-end vsitersavith their orrai, MrsaTise NansagoviOya Coarell meeting v'ay ta a Farm Club la England Oy [soi-ai stspreentativr Eea-onr HarhatOl-e ad Rass Hachotîle. hal several rains thîn distriet attend- thi- middle off Jaby. Thon- 10 la heli-g Mc. ThomaWilsn has returned lng tise meeting an Monday nîgt In oaaed ftmcmnty te ouosty se chef MRS. R. J. BRUSH, Jr. tramn a Omo m es-Os' nIIt mîtis relatives tise Interet off a dees-hant tar tilssthi- gri-atesosspiable namiser off cbs Lyisl Avenue Pissns-298w la Toronto. townsip. cm ouse It. AC'NN FAIR TIS ERIDAY AMD SATURDAY ATTRACTS MANY It's fali talc lime again lni Actan. ManO. off the nid features laoked for- ward ta noeaegeciy tram yen toyear ce on the progrars again "Olsyenr, cd fur varlety tisera &ce new eventa, ew enhibîta, and new features nf many kinda ta meet the appraval of fic virtors. Protesalonal actiato have heen en- gaged taoapply the entertainment auring the three-hoar program for heig mena show on Friday --Ight. Tvio honda wlll be in attendance ai se fair-the pruce vinning Aclon Boys' and Girls' Band and a Clown Band. On Satarday there wilI ha harneas races, and a hig horse show and lîve- REV. H. WOODS, PASTOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 1947 - MISSIONARY SUNDOVi 7 .m. -- ev. and Mrs. R. J. Legge, for 20 years misionnies in China, oillhbeoringing anillutrated misionary lecture. Mr. and Mrs. Legge m'ere ini Corna eoheio the country was overrun 0y the Jap- aeeThey wllh c accompaniedby MissoBrownnow 78 yeais iodoserd 4 years in a Japanese concentration camp. Cone and leur 00cm tel off Gods care and protection during those terrible days. EVERYBODY WELCOME Look Styled 1 By... MARY LAINE HAIR STYL- ISTS 0F HAMILTON WIHO 'SILL BF IN MILTON EACH \\EINESI7AY TO CREATE A4 LOVELIER YOU. Temporary Addres Jack Mountain's Barber Shop TELEPHONE 428 FOR APPOINIMENTS BAILEY DTOEWS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS -Radios, Mantie and Floor Models - -Electrohome Fans -- Hotplates -- -Electric Clocks etc -- A SPECALTY FOR YOU Radio Repaira and Check-Up NORRINGTON -and CANNON I laltoîî's Leadinig Gift and Confectionery Shop AGAIN Offer a Conveîiient Xinas Gift Lay-Away Plan A SmnalI Deposit wilI hold amy of our Attractive Gifta tili Xma-and in addition they cam he Xmaa Wrapped at no Extra Charge. Our Gifts are Definitely Different Confectionery - Iee Creani - Gift Shop PHONE 14 MILTON _ stock parade. Thse onisa baby show la alza on the Saturdgyay flCeleO pcagram. 0f course Mme la a rai- way, and an aaturday night a danSa wlU 0be hald hn the town halL IVashed Gravel Concrete Sud Plasedng Sud DELIVERED Bruce McKerr Phone 409W PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY. OCTOBM 2nd, 1047.

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