A County Engineer to Receive IENFGHBLZ Milton Juveniles' Many Features Attract $600 Salary Boost OePioi Crowds To Milton Fair ____________________olia %oy Smth Gven Additonal Dut- Ju.Ivenile Semi-Final Draws LargeLag t. Annual Event Opens To-morrow- les-TrYafalgar Request 10 Close Two Clus iiol Crowd in Spite of ChillAng Large flry o Large Entry in ail Classes - Broute St. Approved - Ontario 4 *DWnda osesJres Merry-go-round anid Amuise- Municipal Board Announces meivnent DaysH lti esys ments for Ali - Good Sports Meeting at Actont - ApprovesAt~ Milton Fair In truc rhampionship fasihios, Mil- For Milton Fair Progrant and Dlance Wentworth Resolution ton juveralîs puilîd the gante ast of thelet estarethe apener agaiaat -Oferig telagetamsuntfprize Wrttea exclusively for the Arma "lie mttirr af Ballon's bays Ptlilioiy ariana t f14-13 over dt Halians nnaalHastein and Jer- nmasry iis 96 years. Mlton Fair Faee Preu nte d th Care.dia and girls' CatI Club aadl boys andfleBull Park Tutsalay atternoas n. eShotw., 5hich arete 10 b rld in mh'rh apeas tataarrw laattractlag Chamapon girls' Shuma Club, wa' umarnt Theremai one dams and the lui tconjuionion it the Muitnirtti nuaitaumber of tntrits ia each HattonCounty Cuaîii a ir eg- thio' eau5n's Club actitieb h a g l u alta ehtlads in bise Saturdaiy, Stetmbtr 271h milhe intl and trery rhua, araordiag ta ltett ofr mnthiy sessiionhtid at thtigt ilîir till e ahthend a couple ta pst thren t . aUT)l ta lndard judaiag hy tre entiea ors Caurt Hcuse, Tuesduy, aplroierd of uttht Mtan Fir an Seperh th. h onraout, ia',tarr th ldtbteie iiitd iat. Wiiier 200htend PrgrtstepratIy in thetlivestork tnreaig heaaar a hayF.hmihBrisirtisthirty-tiv'tand frCa _________________ .iai.'ir urt gruat ut laton's ht't Hlistins and Jerseys industry has hrrn ta the fore, dur- raaatysngie arr ofhRaoyr. Sthl:fluortnhtheiii p ar htn ii i'iit Mriaiyutaghiili lit un iisiiay and iiixeturtati t irg tht hast yturn ai tht tait. Far- grna iaîs at t aî i tr ii ît'tie-ivetlîtoiiW. P.WatsonAs- c a estin cîfriy iofthtetphtrds af thetwotin s raand rrtdtrs taht grett uride faread.saîst îritr iithIOoaa sa tt iutga1rnIihtltaebritt i tt 'aat.This miii ht tht ina sirtniing tht inet u îlrhritude Iorardrnara Ca soctrneialeh Bruini'iofithitantario iv-htl asthe rrst Ramen, Of'raie,riiiî'niat anuaatCasniyaishow ifir thlt bvineîsut one ofthetargeat Black WanNoran rag nîy ie the officiai adjadi'iair. Tte saille' Intinstaitr a i't'til liiope.i finlitliiioNii. and ituarntetiLI, BuihniiirhrdraHiod htadirîyhasnh metaern ihai thei' u t ngiatifî,aoîtî.iaini.maît. irktiprovince.hauiia.Olttin~îii"gihanatrHt ,'î'at nrtiihi"lr. uallwl i ina m!a apc! otbi ilnI-awedti'î irt.ibi ekiIilie asb5 BroametdrugnthtBuyi'C'aiadiC(-lahinJr-lforHal wassekin a inresein i saer.ai iii v' and irls'uSwint rialt ii,, aeranroffIl'lvsitons rtlu.ying theti)y 'ug f)È*,i na is rstlovrs. eisthBo'CafluinJ- Hespie .Si thti s nw a- hun- hy p rt rd Yorksiemih lnni itnBikCmay hlile h iasfrigaed1A hýrqetv osti n e- cy osenadSotonehbto reiving $3,000 ai ir th ixi i(ent gilsisili ht' Lndîsptay. ta bri, .lait t'rrbk. QI'-i'#ia'h he ii'Mtiiton tiaither ria1îî'i. ttiisiit SY shîosai Miltan, tap animais wiii ttputylhmmihutut al mile crur aiiaanrt. il inaciig day lai, tht yîîaag penpleirti'Brigalde in ia hit thi' histi'vosaaiiogedorit af afiair%'lit'i h Il( sfýeteuiild tIotirtstnt Haitonnatthe rttdriTainmapipartsaofCentral On- "Mr. Smith ashrd lot1h inotetand jsdging hy yrrvs'uaa rra h" tidtri'iiatrliand(liiîiliîin haitl ianins sîng tis'îi lrratherrt suit Onarioa('ua,iaasiiiJersey Shoiwaia lime agi but asr raad 5rmmtltr dt-iingidr îîil h r ii'iidrd hrn the an )tour. lil,ulh-'fiia",ri'n'nilil-'moitinia Ot ratitmett aiuthhr1îlt I li i'd ai Sîmroe an Otaber 7th Once aguiail is id' day for the layed if ta find ast suai thrtcolin- ChahMvmmhr'uparadreiith their tes- iag tht irt lna aia5ll' tinsti'rel itetans in a ho tritir i spiii' iiith' and thtDistrirt Bark and Whiî teshiini pailsi litht oanty. Ort200 tira ere payiag iherr tginters-"es-'pttivt catrasey, Haltetin, Jersey, vent Vat L r. fitimuile ttimnRîel il îsî'îîiîr. Suttvr mus ltremas Il iChampiiinihiiShowiiautBrantfor'd an tickets hat brta distrihttd ta tht plalard Reeve Gerge Ciait. "Undtr Shîîrtharn lir Angan ratil,tir Mir if $1.000.wana rh eiCitailtit raoft tiiibaniig outl a merr latht gamr OI'lihtr t4tb. tuin atht manirîfaality. E. M. 1theeirrumtarteifil sas suggested Yrhshire gis as tht raset may lhe. la aadirtvontiraci'tiaWth ant gamre ondîr ihtir htliartlrdhrad. srrrettry txpiaiatd, adit- the terrst ht maderertraatir tohtolfballia tGs r,itii iteI-lîslaili go tii Prtroliiaon Sat - iag thtir muld he a merry-ga-taiind ahufd be dîsr ug hisroarudTRECURHSUIEI _____________ îrdîîy far tht second tintai thiyKATLEEN CARR badoitohrr earrtaiaimetton the ouudledsue yc:ni adTRECIRHSUIEI ilht minis itrankr. bat laitMatr- grouands Cr theur tnjaymrat. havelits appravai." SERVICE 0F WITNESS hliii arra thtebanrer ita tiiBRD)E 0F JOHN FORD Entriri arr ititiyaarlag it, indic-' "Peel Cus ati'usrd thti. lr' IN KNOX CHURCH MOINTA1N UNION W. 1. ian hui'hyard. Il .,a lang r1ubtIN CHUTRCH 0F NATIVITY auina ill ouitp ail ther yeats, Mr. $4,000, buugt hm a crut and fIlu SEI'TEMBER MEETING AT n. blotti tans oil aacrificr thteIr Htudhtad rantinurd. tspliilag ta- bla espenars," tht Wardtn tated. AngliraPreabyttria and t'ait" i HOME OF MRS. ý1'. LAMB i"uthirtîr iititînta viittlii I Kiiuii'in 'aiguitCarr. dasgheîn larîroîd priar manty and eniatging "Thisrnarii shaaid ie taitisith Ciirhrangrtgatiinagatherd in'ilFi.snlng o'iit.rnd Mr. Ha'rald H. CaraofTîi- litirrt a sses attrattd manyex- tht man hais pnfrmag servittsa att ai timman satobîli tait Suttiiy Wright sîni dclo'n siingita. Lt-ri'nil htîamethle ridt ai tohn at ui-bitars. mnth maaey." Rrrir MLaren ai- tvening inKnox Prsyterian Chu'i'i. ifs ittLambl w', Ilo.5, ftointandaitt'îttrd waihrii.K. Arnold oFard son ofMr. andMrs. Cli- Aloay fitnrrt,Ioruruarganiz- serveit. Miltan. Laty fo ahtramtieSperie eeigo it>Muiearb vrfr4 osoeLennail rhardritoi heCu bf loshaebe tedslaso o "Bttwsisand tamnpay hîaî hriped ta sher andittahr tht aittri ng.ann ionia W . .Mis. Alun i'mi'îî'i ilttîîî'îiW. Airnald lird liai iiiFarly th(- N.tîvity atu'day aiernona. Tilt mtrin's fasitair arh and bays'a'nd fr wmathlhe dats fat them." tatd 'thtieRrs'trtnd Messrs. ahîna. Phann Orth eaîîîî'aî iiiii'arith meetiC oing ,"Ii)i tte iiidgt'astand laiiimukt tiiiî'tiîia itaidsithIlpaanid a' is' tourb. This rslirr Reere Loyd Crawtard.'I s'ndei' mil Pîrtî'r iitr jointl r-snsibia ,hi)tr Ii (,liitifNrs. Wiiuii'i'l ria. î'îtu'h. Riiiihtilit t.iiiibt i-lu teiuiti oiuiî. tins. MitoanVWilliams'. eicetian ans a.riad pragiant ni howTt appies teais suiary. Wrpolit tui'i'iidating thtseriict. The Rea 1a 'uit .ni'ss;(ncý le adMrri',,,n ttîî'î ot tartentrr. iu'tion. îiiiiaiuit 'hebtrhbrgsi- handrî'utsiti hrîh n. hlm fr math donet tiis yerr" Mr HrLran at Tarntola e nMr. titrarirdprp ailu, Its ndVuhnwle. .Fý s reae t h rgn f neet osorse wl "Main mah' a rmhrr asbd. excellernt rmnnaaoanthe theme"Exraa- ain rrlieralulia .'l'wOnial-o l -ii i. i.iiii ipdtiIifiiiuiild. Stiit rettiîiil i i'i iia 1îtiagi' hyiehrrttr. ihe 222. 2.28 pare tares and tut Wepap hlmd hi Cntdt105iifor d su',ving t es i"Mi',suarjanevpt tigit'uiiii'is" -iaiaîir!aia and iiiaakrscored,]ih ther brhilletîIl'a'oag"aatisryaail. Gondirai. t'iad aretsuralttr pans andfiiatdtrahathtiedraii a iiaîsitruibuti'O tothe-serricea1 iim.oniii'ii(tii iiI,î'î'ktbit Iiter biirt idbrini citlîn 4rrlmiagto rd and alarge namhetaoftraersare tramt ther towishiis ad tblini" gii'tiaiiist. Thrhrbîtiîttwas aîiltl ti'iian d hiî,ir. K. Fat ýliurailasi'rctiieirt cî'leît ofaivoiîiy satin. sthtdaird teapafatr. Mr. Cramtard ashed. ftîliitiitb mrmbt, ottfici'riitrsitof iitoii ait sii,'ansterd mliii utianaiF.at,[> iilkt-diiirti'atll t rtait o. hi',tInradditini'aitadtate Georgetow "I dntthinhhlethsnagiettdhbis ith-1arttîatingrtiarhei. i'oaiit.1 (iifiiTria'iniaaiiiii Faiiiatnt]ii;ii'nhritiaaiiona.ild i 'isi,.glaîiîîîiî îaas and hasntdiai. i' Pipe Band ta praîlde Gattie math far tht raaaty ta do bis math." lai-Keaatb Dîtb rrîîtheîi ilî ,1 r î'îîîî iter' tira hVlîtanhit- liv plb hi Andltran. titPhli aiiiii"'iuj Ni,a Wianiitt'i'd htt as fidetaaiitmusir dariag tht day. A big dance M. Cleaieastated. le'soua ilaIniiiiîîl 'il ii-uIl,.'tldt lir', ouiît luAadersuuno'n.tr i.-1 arîn i'rbdetbracadedsautinadaln'ion alwt g ui White Mr Crastard dud it abirul 'l'he uroaiiofarteitntiiitt asoî "iaaas"'Tis siitt'u lugraauimuituj'î'aO-.odnnaît latice aiunga 'isaudei- oa atmraiesantd isplanatd ta riait the errats. attin- tiarnreasiagbletempiayet'i sanra .îîtnrn',thbrrsarntiol unit% in (111tt ah-ut ag Hr, Niittuili otua i c-ut Anerontr(kth ad aotiu 1 ldl Ipi î'îtîîîînu RIinidCailon uais aid. hie thasahtifutshaaid lie satiietttht tn10stimsliat tiî'daartattbthe tait and port ,tfIlt tt iui'iii tiihîiiild Ih l pit shrtîl il,'sasaugh i]t t air u'uuusmuîn.t",htr.s atreBill Carr. shen ther mairipaiities rahid rd ' iutttrirviui't'i afthe thurcirs atd tIni uOtII)Iî Mu, t'Il .flitli ,tht lld-t.1 asi uui hm antd i(1hil îuîn" tuifthti ridorand Ciatenu'i bis aaid, it hautdi e paît tir andti çilaidtolîngi'tht Chrstin mtlni' 5 uia-.i-iîht'.iih~i rtti i-i ght's it. ('ampbell co'rt'tit-dait Fordtl.hrfntirgroom. iFood Wastage teihe rnantyîîtb ilsrrsmaaibuliia anderGfrttmittlu(I tn-'r. uît 'uulit utda- andt liat,,'nnuîngaind rit iuiniiulut%1"- tuuiaa rttIaahfdtb "His services ftai-thr paît 21 yetitti -iiuiai iritare. I-,tt'i'î' tîiuih i "i uhti-rNl'. N.'di'pilitil h utt. Ltitia tnon .idutrs hum,- o'tb tht briden motherI . S. Astouîids have been sati.sfactor or-same colin- ____ V gl'îul tasuIll., de'ut I') Il hiîittî.uk t,, thu'i rîlnd urn t'fOîPl"i nu'u't',i'nrgaaoatmidnighthbloe ci wus'ld hae'hrtd him,- dttiurd liutt'b.i1iiuiî'iti-fimîontl iIui' Tu-,io hlut'P,>' i.i.l, Cu, ita timuk, o1 jlht iiuiîuk av,',-ai's nnd osg E -,il V itr Mn H ary Pettt. ohea Ht. Citai" l.tfi t Iar îîsuip i iin a l ay fit.-ii hnontaîîl i ui i;"las iii 'n lut'-bilat ofnnSLîgih "Vstr raeiian agr"emnt easunia.thtit lîitttion o lýtta .vla %%tut S-,' . in-- n n ýi ntkn i ot rm, 1ler 'e ern prviding the engineer was permitted front1 , t iii ', tlet I t ire an-'.*.-ial (-aitf tuu,'ina - uignjolf-d. 1 su u'uSuth authuaun îlt o ecod l uuonu'fsmuhuu'r is e eackring a mrews n h ta do mrk Cr iler maaniî'mliiutue',inuirdoStatesndhaormege ofdrtaefiai' mithn th rnaty.ohtert.a th a,inlhtaitiuiihuu' u'u"îî îî'îîî.u uI'ti,îa u'tr,thbru iuinttiUnitett Stnatesui.utsiat.usendlaaiagrtttses nn Itdn teCor atmntu ua hu.%%,hmîa thi Mu, F lliîuuii'a:t',uusutîuua-,'n iCinuoitd antIagtJen'fraI aitilili pelait. lin," deriared Mrs Joseph Webnf 'il on' foroneminue tink ie ý 1Vimnt.Higham Ferrera. NrihamptanîbIre, ________out_____________for___________M_______Pei__-_Englanit. ihoalaong. with lbar husband titbstrveil preentng a MotionS" r- s isitiag Ht. andt Mrs. William Rau - anded hy Mr. Cleair that tht s laN Sn' ew. Main St. lI~ N*2l' ill unI'Ji-VNT'iDI' nftMr. Smith lbt inrtastd by $6011 te' Wo' '11" IN "ON Il VS "C '( PW.IL 'N ul Y CENTRE '"Il neaity grimtd lustseîrail tht troarîlve ta Jaîy 1. u'aad foad sasteit aues me taalit hure Inreaing the duiesaofthe cauats lird un it," she rantiuoted epiainiag engineer. rautil apprmuitîiof a mai- tai thiags la Englait sent tigtet ion y E.Foýer ad Jck Amtsong othuin drngiheswar. Sht alid thatRoySmih li inchage o tl- bah laptons hait tabie surruderrd couny bildigs n cojulctio wihtfr rirrytiig a persan putihaseit the biintig rammittet.anal orhyghdt ietOe Lnklahying tiersistitdaina tht no',n soe I yuuef y opn rtaeaa smang memmrs if rounueli. -o utcntg eaohrsoet whenit ws lerne Milcn ad lis by more." roti wer plaing sem-finl oontiaaing situesait tht rations la theaupinri anmtas.RTtit iidabr' 'Enatani rtwar in nruded 2 oances nf the ounil rom s Reve hilar art. fot-rounces at butter. eigt addretused tht sarden. saina "Doi yas oiurs ofmagerine adthreaaounes knowtherc isa ba] gae todayatofthetat earh meeb. "We liait been "Yes, t da." rtpliid tht sarira. 'DantCenrrmt a" injrteitRteî to n thetablhes aver hene. Caming av. McLaenasa Waî'dtn Cralgaudviseit rr tuatht baat,th ere wse iamath se membets they moatd it uh!y i' ljs olntea l h o al tbraagh iufntimt ta sr a aareiportion vrsego1maeatnlofhm ni the t nisu,on aMrWebgie Mr. Citva sihetk ounty tagin- A- o n ayn" Ht. etecougle.neit. tes- ta reprt an a metting sutb rty- adtiwsthtirtmehylat resentativea ot tht Baard if Traa',- ' ilaitCannita unitthtetUnitedt States, prt Cammissuaners i n tianerîllua mereaasn residen in Chicaga. Th-y mtb signai ightsaiutthe nghth lunr tube raming tn Canada an they base trassing. tpiinittb Cad tht peopletlhty meet ta frienit- Mr mt xpandtemeeting iy andt gaad tatirent. Askedithtey mitb itheseaoffiiels mus ta asturiain sautd lihe ta lite hert, tbey tbaaght ailt arsinla tnnet'ias mith tht ct- they maaid, hait they bhetn yanget questt. "'Outre are four tranha 5ittbt ' a ft int rsan an thin int s-hlth rreate a a bamriandirti ngad that is tht reason or sing for ro- tettian ai iis pint. Hai thtbre onuuy Aeaefml xedt nfe eentstw iseîoftraththt bazatit iotug40Csaiyanforaitu'eanfata. woul netlie e geat, theengieerFuel bis Cr tht rentrai provinces stateit, addit iehathasabi tht haardanfr rg hmswlavae mold grnt tbe rtqatt. anit tir ter h amhmes erage Membersaiosa apprasuiof a areaul' .< shmo o t.nthie ferrm a, tnantitgu uinareretîe rntmWetwoîttkCouis- aTat rtnatt ainmiih mc ty asing tht ProinciilGvrnmrsl ta larrease tht rate troam $1.59 a day ta $2.10 fr indigtnt patienats in hospit' asfatr irables "s )that tht ain- aotl lty rentsa sday hy manirip- E ensJttAia sites mill ie satiiettotaatisty thtevnsJs ha haspitals ta rayer iarrtnsed ugerti-ta f _____o Mri.ýý C. assi lautusaprvltoaby !roi. i .imatCura. auitat thi tam spnsared by Traalgar Tonaslp "nredais uo ttf ithe huofet-in bers intttttsittd agasmvmming andt aiina poais,qimiaittables andt n rr'atloa fieldt t. a'ihm inimucag ornatitu suba are eeiag ta rlose West Street, lest etb htn hverlt hutiuuirtd arners gatbernad aith- n-iA laruge paviun is llannait tam'tht ftar. tntht phto ni apper uhutn',..nfaaant ta Brote. Reeve Biggat tapiaintit sutr mmi the Hoihin Fatitratuan ot Agrutirt'a Cammanity Cratru'. tugut, Shritt iliaum . Rabartsan, 'ai'mannofathie planning ctam- + I a sa attollt itht ahr rimsina il ta riran thbr tadi n ium'tartutat iiir tatu'etarm rtgramai. ho pîI ai lte tastens thelut mge rahir tut abahra rte tor trartoru ta haatS.iu' isonBn r odn sntmns a breabinsters- erecteit. He star uaa bms t 'r e t hut siarbinnstayaer] r a cndtday. suben ,ut. het rai uitthea murhmrn tahe imie ast durina tbe day. The>iaeh.Psi iiaBn arroda rai te oa o 10 eý ws se arageens mariamotr ta 0hîttîf 'uoibr ]st Manitay. Nî-riy a tram tht tett, Fratbr'tane Caiing. Mastite Powell, RussnellRab- a ta an Ortmer tb tram 3 ta 5 ta aadttradtlfltesuaard ioenli trati an amayterons a'niotaaInacirar therland ofal~n am's.ýn,ractraopmratom,raaoaritCauinandaiMarin Cusn.Phtom the anitay Sbanis-aam. SihsrOCi- ans-y tlt. sandanre t iahbaryanuit au irer-i. Othars rame sutit haoelntis. t aer leftiindictîis tht enaunnat ut landt ihirh les inaa ntarat ttring. Everyone meiamne. 15-2 Thtmardtan afrmtd memhtrs the axesaand sawsustIo iaiandt,tigadutrmts and tim thht-enumy ampltsthet. tnttiiattabhlldiamuadisuwiliettadembertasparliag- anauel meetiag ni rnanty retrestat- ai us-es. enenta may lie hetit. tntrr nvtriuanging treas permaneat dama iii Barn Dace ii be beli t a iude tvta mautitlbe fbetdai tht aaanty Tite nesu nmmaaity rente tortils inntht vlley a Lamaltia, init litciratted tntrs'ding poals. imiter ihet alanme rets irate tables Pureli's nai bars, Sevtath Llne, 1%~ hotet mmettme la Novembet. aa the banha of tht Tsutiae Mite Ci'eth. Th'liei';ationa aboan nit l iiatfIumd tht hnliityar nalusin ait pr'otectian daring a hobntm- t ae th ai Honay on Tatsday, Approval ai givenan reaammtait- bauty ait eieatuaaty ai he tht show piste oftPlatina. Oticiels mer dey. etmr30hMornisOces (ContBuatitonaPage Fluet siuit a i ifwssplaumuei telahait a hage parking tt, canstraca Photos hy RnsPeas-en tSepAision 301h. Hdraie eB Volume 88-Na. 16. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 251h, 1947 Tea I-laaPriai Page-Fiat Cents analU