PAON TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TMURSDAY, SEPTEMBEit 4th, 1941 WIt Olanabiau In apu «MILTON, ONTARIO Pohlibh.d REoceThordy Ate-on Ath.i..d i .. e-.d lai.. ..Hi. Pnt Office D.puiiost SLtSCRIPTION RATES-Sain pr r in t. d.aum. Untd Siem Me.iddiiti.L Si.!. tits -tUh aid id rd ild..r..hold h gs. ot. h." .1 .dd .. ADVERTISING RATES-Oit ppli.tinqt *ad .gi-. in -i.o. elia. hdiig. Atb.,aib on..y cc.o.oiion tii ho t!..taeIna -oTtheCh.mpion aceoci. ,dvrtising in tena. tnheoundecttding thait wil noth i b tifor, i.. -- auiny erticnet p.biihed hreuider unie..t c o..l i chid.i ,.i , ..Cnicd in .citi by thetdti " c .h dteccn "" htpi.thitit. -îs iice I.iy igin ed b> i c .,- t. .d o-t!. ch.. c- .,et cýi.n li1 ledin iing thron and i tha cse, il . tes_- .c !cd t, toi co-tettdbe Th Champ- i. t' libliti. hall -.t e.,os.d -ch ' pottina the. .tieo ,,iof icch .d-oti.met .the.,t ttpo by ti.c .td eeen, be tt the shtte s...e. teepied b, C. ARLOF DILLS. Edto, Tet.phtne No.-i EDI TORIA L Get Off to a Goocd Start Sehool-. re-opened on Tuedo tiid tUdents 0h10! bock to studies in advanced grades.. The endo f the term aitiis uncture man seem o long way of. It may appear that the course con hbc asly conercd ond more than a share allowcd for lei-.orely going. The lon!g boliday moy niake il dfficolt to seflic back inth routine of study and attention to work. hetter life. Keep a home clean and i'o a happier home. Keep a mid cdean and ifS a cienrer mind, hetter able ta oive the prohiemn which confrool if, hetter ahle le make clear-cut decisiono. A disordered ohop ia o bewiideriog place, and a diaordered mind and life make a bcwiidered pernon. Thero la a lot iD Ithat aid iblicai tatemeot that cleaninets is neRt 10 godlil nesn; if iS next la pronperify aino. When you look ander the hood of a homan bcbng and nee niovcoiy dinarder, watch for a smash !-Henry Ford in the Rot rlon. P>ress Day at the Ex Lisi Frîday wa-. Presscaîd Raidiio y r thc Ehý. Every day is dcignoied for somne particotor Canod- ian groap or indostry. You may onk, why would Prens Day boid any particalar itirent for on from any aiher day. Weii, on the firsi pace, ihîre bis he opportoniiy for re-anion with niher ediorn and mon n the paihinig and prînlîîtg indanlry. in sarp. riing haw many one may mccl about the Prens bud- ing especiaily if one has hétn going to0 wch eventn for the pont iwenîy.fivc ycarn oC ho. Thcn newsnp- ermen are guenin on Presn Day aîd ibain aiways on indacement. Perbops the highligbt of the day for acwnpaper- mcn in the direciors' iancbean ai noan, wbcn aftcc- tbe meal crvcd in the admiiniration offices, an ou,- tanding speaker asually prcscn tn sonre belpfal mi;- sage. FEndors speaker was Hon. Mr. Caldwcll, Aaist- ralian Mih'.tcr of Immigration and h addrcss W:' h otiî..tooding. 'Ar Iarnrd of Aaîtralia's nccds fr mîore poipuationi. Hec gcîîgrophic positiionibat maode mrore population nccssary if 'ho wrc to bo frecccf thc jap anche thceat from which bhe had one liroc- The stadcnt, b oweccr. wbo taken the attitude tli, il îloîus ,ae the ycrs course is realîr a ycar-.owork ond tb,îî the Velcr ht Aîtaîs po hesi way to win0 S bc getiog an erly leaîd ini the raoc, lents oere aioiiîst icniical. and thai buth i.ouiti,s raîber thon depeodîug on the fnlîî s -port ro lînisîr, ml tir anhoBran'rvepputc ra. will find that hi-. or ber %,car bh eurt casier .and il' 1. t was oîne--agc Ifront ouotlîrîactnber if the greit the muni bas hem gained frram the tu-.iidcl'a -111g ex- iii>nioiii ocîltî t i nîiiii.\Vie bhave nothoîght i? aminations i, oot the -sole iachici enieitiin schoi or girî to Jct.iil on >the adrlcs but wc kiwiwioll course-.. Acquiring the comlete kouc ledgc f roîntîteiti , pur and i'ieianyof oc looîk niw andJni year is ibe ting that will stand in the hest tezid i;i r îre.t .! drbcîi life afier le aving scitool. Ecoiinatioii-.are tierc\ a1, final te-t tu detrmior obiîty lu progre-...rehi lic hw»5îtbcî attra.ctioin-. o!the FE tii Scbools arejin ses.sion. Now is the limîe tii gct o uha nda ikt htw o' ý ieu tu a good stari and bîld îoar iead. tii. 'it riike-. the En gruat is his providîng __________________îîîîî tinig tie for clerc rancb 0f Caniidia i Wîrker in StliiAheod le and the îi.17 cccit ha-. folliiwed traditionotth,- Al ting.. cînsîdcrcd. înciîîding the all.inirî.cîo , is!oIidufcc rsii i. cost of living the average Canadian incfu-triai wirl ____ er is cunsiderably btter off to-dcc thon ho wcc in reIerorSiud(iln 1941, ays the Finuncial Post.Th era SiudCnne Accordiog to the latosi DES rmpiiicment cnd Au tomobi.hle accident deuth,l- iii tîîîio lîîgbu cis payrll figuren and the cost-ofliininlden. tht ord ucn joir toiaiicd 42 accirding tiiOntrioIiiiigboy-. iory wage.arnrs pay envelopo is oerty 40 per l)eprtoîcoi tatOistics. This. oa-. 22 tcoer (34 pe r cent. beuvier thon it was n ~1941. ccIit.i thon in the sanie mîî>tb lascci cr, h54 be- But ibe samne tîmo. the official ccci îof living iban in july 10i ycors iîgo. ruse about 22 per cont. This i., based on the index. The 42 july ibi-. ycaiîncluded fivec ..bll cf 110.5 i jane 1, 1941 and 134.9 t jone 1, 1947. rco betwecii ages boand 14, i.omparcd wiib 14 in t1ic In the pat year, weekiy cîgbt Iccding amu ointh la-.! peur. industries and finoncial insttutioîns jumnpcd il3i ineiO ntaOîrio, Fiioncial ffi.hlni lîty ILiw per cent. In the samie perîod. the ccsti f-licin g roc swen i into lfcu.t in 1930 îbre bacc beco 7.0i8 mot- i10 pots or about 8 per cent. un-. t, liccirc su.- .i-pcrdcd for inifracution,-. ilsîlp roc- Tbercforr, îudged solciy on officiaI statis-tics, theu1 siîîîî . Of tbe-.c, about (30 pur crn!., i t i-.un der-.i îîîî IF wagc c rner is stili a good i! abead of the giime e\'-bav c.. brerrt.îrcd cilhrr irîîîîgirthe passage >1 t une enon u the pas! voar, oben, becauno ibis no-. o poriod ui t fti- tire srý o r î r cc-.e teîparrt>- ,îîîalt of rapîd decontrol and soriog pricco, it Oas expecH- gave reuuircd 'rouf il inancial rcspoihiiliiy, païd cd ibat the cosi.of-lîviog index oould catch up wiii, iur-.aiirirg irdgirrco r, ec.c Figurecccude su o Z if 001 pans theo ocrease on wcgen. pcriior.ouodcr îîihur tb;îiithe fiiaircia i ý Ai jane , indasîrial workers woro geiiing tib I ty p rîovi. r f the i-ighoay Act.2 highesî average ocekie poy chequoein Canadian hini- I Orriariii-. FiianciailRespiinhibiiity Law- wo gîvrîr ory, $31 a wcck. At june 1, 194i, i wa-. $25,25,. i cidurabic mrercei. la-.! rring wbcn tIre goceri. Hoarly raten wre ap ta 78.3c, obile boums worked nient pracidcd iror an uisi-i-ficd judgment fund tir were down ta 43.2 a week. pcy cluimn of hîghwoy accident victiin-. noble tc There ren'! any comparable slailstiis for th, colecc iîndemniy fromt the pariy ci fauli. Th-isi ox yearn before 1941, bui il in etimated thut the aveC- pecîed to brinig a largor proportion of claimn in higli- age indijtrial workîr wao caroiog about $1,000 an- way accidents an people 00w know ihat if ihoy prose C nuaaly on 1939. Baned an hbn pay o! jane. 1 ibis ycar, ihoîr caho thcy wiil bc indemnifîrd 0p 10 the lumitsr hons now earing $1,872 a year. provided. Wben po>meoti s made f romuîthe uosati-.fio.f , Looking Under the Human Hootd îudgmenî fond on bebaîf rrf iîO offcndiog mnorit, r 1 have speni a good doal of my lifetime ander ibe is liccrie i ., -rspen dcd îîîriiiho reimbîîres thc hoodn of automobiles.. Wbcn 1-.ue a cor, 1 000! iii und. C lift the hood and look undor i for under ihat b(oir] rvinienîmc frifnc.frrobc s the cogin; thbc iiîîg ithat ake , ilsî t. bcrt tmu un liccrr-ecuani e o-.prrrducd if pcrsiiial prîîî> brai, itsi 0e r poweor and pusb. Eut 1 bacc bren jo t cr ry or prcirinai doîagc rusuîî i, was incrcase.d. i on intrrcstcd in looking ondor the bhumain bond tîF what makes a homait bourg go. , IiOOA ~pi Every person 1Ihvbov cr met ha-, bcipcd me.T. There i-.01 nonîic ioc raîl ha-. cro-cd mcii, i.ii.iiin o a, oýIoland.îîîîI .krri1 i rlrd Ilih, L hso't loti simimnprcssioin ono o icord. liccrir-. t l ui ii ..irc lrîli rtc Iliiacik.L have neyer inil uncc-d nce.-o much as pur-iiiiaiiu, have. I con bondir c>int. uc i i d I cairiiii hi.. iII, ,îît:tîî)iicid ccci ii llicIIC 111r11n bondir tbcm. I iu-t Ici îbcm groarrd tlicy bond, liM(i. îcolîItiîîeîîd l Noniiiiil>î r.the LExici tbcme-.c._____ My firrt mcmory ha-. 10 dii wtb mc latlîcr, and i Niow liitheFal Fair cionuiand ilthîu.î>.cîriî H s stiîlb altbougb I cîîald hardiy have bhen metî of i c.iig thuiclc.i liihits iiid nmeetinrg lic friý-iiiiî 0 Ihan lbrec c yer-.of oge. My faîbor comeicn bfrontîîwlii, livce îî icoi aad Icitccb îîiiwruimuert o e-.doin. the fields and ,>aid ibot bc wanied me to goî wîîhhinr Yu , he -imill irsi-.are i g. coi cîonîîîr upit centre. s0 hi could show me somoting. It wos sprîngîiînce and the bird-. wero building thir ns!.. Aftcc o Georgetoiwn Lion-. Club bue. mcdo a .oroey of the short walk, fther saddcoly toppcd, poinicd up, anddirîwn and fiiid-.ibat the populationi 3115. So far wr naid: "Henry, Ibres a song sparrow'sneos!. Since have drpended on the figure-. of aur uscnnsor and thot day the song sparro w bas bren top favorite bird. hove not fouod the ncrd rot a Lion figure 10 ffiOî O And thot in the way lite works. We ldo rc should .pîci re ofriur sizc. retomber that aim st eno rythitog wo ay, or do, muy lcave an unforgeltable impression on tht mmid of a A decisirîn bac bren hooded down hy tbe IBritish child. Columbia Court of Appeal thal a trade union duo hi People oflenasak why wo keep our sbops immac- nocd. Tbis judgmcolnt sjasi. ti in uSy righi Ibai oiatciy con. My moîhîr taoghl me thai. I waoi labor unionis nhouid hi heid rehposbli for the adîn my shops fa he as clean s my motherns kitchen. I1of iheir membern and uny damage thai may bt caused- bcliive that people are hoppier and eter peoplecin hy lhîm ini coonecîbon wilh strihen, and aîno that a can pade thah ihey are in a ninvenly pade. Ibey, an mach an management, nhouid be made t0 And, beides Ihai, il pays. Kecp an engine îena miel ail their oblibgations perîoioîng 10 conîradîn - bn t'n a hettcr engine. Keep a lite can and its a Barrie Examiner. W SALADK BAJLEY A TOEWS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORSj -Radios, 1 iait1e eand Floor Models - -Elertroliomue Faits -- 110t1lates - -Electrir Clocks etc - A SPECIALTY FOR YOUJ Radio Kepaîrs and Check-Up SRCORTE CNIN LSPOSO SDNED JUICE 2 WEL CRE Is i00,Çt U ROH300t. 7. WEANTT ..9 TRCNtt Soi Iso ntobnttbt DSRT s 12ScOU P 2 CAL 00 29W DO MOS & 4. ROIES YALKSS WIYeS .0 AI IIY 1 PUDDINGDSSERT 2 c SO 50 2 ANS 1A c PbatnsoOmnR PSOLY GROSSe SONAR WAXr 27e OFFNRBEE sE'&'o 2cludngc 43cut CE RO 1ED G S RSOttO7 'I. VEL0 ND"AVE 17=PbS'S CNAIES 3eR... 17e FRE8 29c GRE. NSAKE R MACRON orL25 SPAHE TI ID 7 VEL QUCK ROLED O TS oý6c POSTSCAON D SI' PDDINGS e 1c GAe-N FAELReS CNoAr, 9. 5 150R COCKAIL ~ 2 I.NAo2 ýERCOFFER c"TNal LEP410 PEst 12c kg. 2R, SI IC£A DE9$ANSSI21cb -A». 12A 0 1 "IHUTAR LIIMERER1:FL. 398 T2 2INSoIL5c REN.. U OINS c..4A.I~F O RuI r7D« M E OUJ 3e , eo.aS EX, PURTEs..S.,900... ANS 40Z N 50c IIEAI) II.,'TU.E 15C NI W CAIR(STS LEMONS 300-s 69C doo. 288's 29 C d ('AHEti 2ir" 25c (Ili.1MBEIfS WATERMELLONS Large Size 99C ruob ORANGES 252's 39C o 220's- 5 3C doz. Specialize in Attractive Printini Business Directory NMICAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC Phoses: Mltas Ntmber 2 Campbellvllle Numbor 83Mr4 Dr. C. E. STEVENSON Dr. W. J. SIOBERTSON Dr. 1J. E. BEACH Officee Soaror A. M. By Appointmnt asiy. P.M. 1-4 7-9. Saday-Emergenelet Ottly. MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X IRay Coroner, C.P.R. 0an1 Cool Sargeotn DR. G. E. SYER Physielan and Surgeon Offie-James Street Phone No. 30 Offitee Houtsr: S am.; 1-3, 7-8.30 pi.. Coroner -M.0.11. DR. J. H. O'NEILL M.D.C.M. LMI.C.C. Office snd Reidence MOAINi STREET nmITON Phone 412 DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Physiejan and Suegeon *N. E. Corner Victoria and Elizabeth Office H-ors: 9 arn.; 1-4, 7-S9p:m Phon395 LSXOAL DICK & DICK W.O tKK. (Cousty Crown Attorney) KENNETIS Y. DICK, BA. Sarnte,Solcitnra Court louse tiMilton TeleptioSe 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON Itarrister, Solicttor, Etc. Office ihext coor Champioo Office Maio Drect-Mlton Teirphone 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOT Barrinier, SljciiSr, Nota.> Publie Office-Is Fartocro, Building, M"i StreetMiltan Telepliooe 70 G. HOWARD GRAY, ILC. fleerier, Solicitor, Notary. Se 238 Keele Drent, Toronto, Ont. Phane LYldhrst 8612 -Aise et- MEILTON INN hy Appaîniaseot LEVER & HOSKIN Chariercd Accouaente S uecessoca 10 JENSUNS & IOAIUOT 1305 Sletrapoliian Bldg.. 44 Vctoria Si., Toronto EIg. 9131 DENTAL DR. Go A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Office sn Royal Buiding, MilSan Flnrs-9-5. Ecenîogs hy Appoinimeai( X-Ray Service Telephone 197 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON Office avec Pcîseeaa Theatre Nighi Appoisiments ony lbe arrane* X-Ray Sernîce-Oaa Extraction HSara 9 la 5 Telephone 65w NIELSEN-The Chiroprnctoir Druge...Thorapist 33rd Yeor of Practice 6 Lady Attendant Cloord hraday Oser Doominion Stor e, Georgetown Piione 1511W1 OPTICAL H. C. LAIRD, RO. OTt'EttS ItS- tTiCI5.N titlitii'iiorcîlay Aftecroooa and Evninga For Alîliient Phîonie trchoiid's-5 rHrn Ex.imiiird - Lneo Preserihod INSIURANCE R. W. FOX Agent for PRE amd AUTOMOBE INSUANCE Phono' 2«J1 Milton, Ontaro S. A. FAY Phase 205 PLUMBING HEATING and TINSMITHING IMain St. - Milton., Ont'ý PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TRURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1947