?A~E SIX TI-IR CANADIAN CHAMPION TMUBSDASt, AUGUBT 20t11, 198? Miton Recolletons Fifty Years Ago laissa ram the <cOtisa ef thse Cmuis- Ian Chwsnpias4 Thueadap, Augusi 20011 t897 There is a hoge crep ot ptums on ibis neighbocbood. It is saisi there are about 500 bashels in Milton grd- ens alon. Dasid Hatley o Neson, broaglt corne giant staîba of corn ito toms on Friday. Be let one 12' long at the Champion Office. Hop Sicg, a native of Chics caen ta town on Fiday scd reted a bud- icg oc Main Street for s tausdry. He iii ensptoy Imo teiiom couclryrn. Fred Grabam, of Berin Osesitl Cub, and the laie raptais of the Milons(1896) i ie mas ic ton os Tuesday. Large posters and boogers are out toc Hatoc Fair, micb labos pac Qepi er911fr-da225 50%005weeks The Sunday Sohool Lesson BUNDAT. AUGYJOT lias, 1947 WORK 19 GOGO Golden Týest.-Wbasoevec tby hacd llndetb ta do, do lit mth tby miglit. Ecct. 9: 10. Lessan Test -Pros. 6: -lt; 18: 9, 24: 30-32; EcrI. 5: 12. Exposiion. I. Wroiog Agatoot toesso, Pros. b: 6-1. Sotomos bas in mssd the mon mho oves hics ase, is idie, attends ta no business and accomplishea nothing. Ho sa the mac oho bas refused ta ac- ceptltues respocsibilties, preferrtsg t0 lise cuittesaty and indiferestly. The inspted writer bids the sfender to go to sebool mith the acta. The set hass hccc amoos s nattages for uis icdostry. social habits, loresight. ecocomy asd persisiecce. The sots cottet their food ai proper seooons If it s grain they bite the ends tn order te prevet it troca germioting. ohsi great tesson to us ait. God often directs oor attentiocn10tisah mrcets of satace 1ters tis righ- eo s rpicipirs (Job 12: 7, 8. OAKVLLLE With the nem club bouse Of lIse DakvIie Arts anal Crafis nearisg compictin. tise art rammittree s mah- sng pions.tatssooter amateur painting cn Oubville. Due to diifinuly in obtaisicg ateýl andl sone, building of itohe nwaddit- io 10 Bracimeesi public scbaol ba.s bren considecabiy detayesi. anad tho buildingos-lit sot ho readyt-for the aîsecing oftbhr loitti er. Iil for four merlin, Mcs. Pollock, wifc of John Pollock, Brocte, osd moiber ai Mark Pollocb, pitcher foc the Oalielo liermodiaite basehail ierm acd Kon Potio tbe Jove:il- e s, dies ai be r home os Taesday os- eniisg.- Record-Star. ACTON "Findlng yourself" la apt ta ho dlappottng dacavery. Yau tlnd Sc lttle thata warth whlle. You begîn ta bacc mth lave o coatry whec self lave borns aut. MICTION SALE Bat men In thele labara have, bhrough sin, torgotten or neyer thought tht they were worklng for God. Neyer- I thetec, that la Moam they are really maching for, ns matter what trade they follow. And the Birt fraits ofc thelr labor ahould gtort! y God. Noce ahould follow a vocation ln mhlch one cannai do tlol. Cao a <mbler, a malter of alnoholle bevecagea, an en- tertaicer who corrapta marais glorify God in his mork? Certatnty fnt. How milii ach feet before the Jadgment bar of God? tRev. 21: 6-8; 22: 12. Worli for God and the stisg of toit wilît hotabes awoy. It otît be qlea.- ont. Bt ltlhlm do tho mrk as uolo the Lord and tl mil beoore a fasoiattng vocation. A ahoe-maker mas ald to offer a prayer over ever v flntahed pair ofs as, aokicg that the earer mlght ejoy them and alwaya math in the way of the Lord. à T'ise harn et Rot- Hindiet-. iopular 0r nsteorosexdcettaioead ado ooa utinewsos ompletelvmrel to Inspriibis poperty rzevusa lieeedlssite greud eoey uesdyto sole. Immdise posisoc. mos-ssgohenim asrukby abtroll ernsofciReol Esiate 10) fer cent. so1 ightlsng sabout 240 om. daing et Iucehose pricer 0 n cnid domc aorm Ciainn asnds s boy ,ee- ost dayot-sale.Balaneoiihic 30 days a 5h teessrnabutIestioclimus savrd, ERMSOFOIC HAITELS --CASH Sot- i'eo sonds dom iis district are lrm,.sl olt 'cIPr sonsayot-a!Sale. seheduird triessmps-e io miotîsor basds Nthinig is, ho emovrd unlil iîssm theirovincss er sinte musicromp- I -urlird toc atto i tIse CnmdiiosNatssnal Es- IND.F.Y ans Ei117", Aueioses thitsssn on Tisesdot-. Aegust 2811. W Itoîdol. Cecli B-0-2 The orselIse Anses Rot-s ond Csls _________________ Rassi asndte Lorne Siets oi Ceorge-- Sincer FosetLa,u:.Actnss locail ." soimmssg hlce. oas losesi 1cr bot- eoncrete anu uînder ng isroses odringthsefissi mekbos Jlit, Aetssn's idc-n thavelires for-~ receaisos.The t-oungsters bave BLO CK S liait thie îse:lis-gs- sf haisg one AIlOizes PrmtDîer dot- o e oritaitle Camis No-avl ssi-PoptDl nssng sssol. one ssr h:- sosiap-o-datcQATE posss in the rounesding disct.rB .SALES Memher of theWone ssion-Foc ont- Society-ossthlin aired ('lieehcon- ducerd the mrnîng snroicesoin ilso J. COOI<EAlderahot alisesce oi tiPse s.or. îles, tPis-- Phone Z12W Milton j a..I of Furaituesand Reu[ <state The soderaigced have rceleied incstructions rorn the Execoltors of tbh- Esttof ti he Laie MOS. EVA ANN FAY To soit by Publie Auctios atilier lae Reidesce, Pearl t., Milton on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1967 At 2 Octocl DST.. the follsming Diicg Room Sile Inccding table, buffet and t chairs. fomed oat. lîke cern; Corner Wbat-sot; t case bot- tom Chies; Morris Cbairs; 3 Rachera; H:gh bock od tasbsoced Sofa; Hall Racb and Mircor; 4 smati Tables: Wacrdrobe; 2 tros Bedo, upriagu andi mattresi; 2 Feather Tinks; No. of Feaiber Pittows; 2 Dresoocu; 3 Wasb Stonds; Qilis, Sheets, Licens, Car- taici, Rogs: Lnooteum; Wicher Esoy Chir: DeForost Crosstey Cabinet Radio; Vitroto ond Recorda; Bell Orgac and otool; 3 Ferceries and Plants; Commode Chir; Beatty Et- crine Wasber, libe cern; Elecirie Iroc; Mocareb tee B::x,. ise cer; Eetriie Hot Ploie: Cool Oit Siove and Osec, 3-burcer; Pico Csvboaed,; Ciaro ,ewei Cook Siose ilb marmicc ciosol sol moivor wtre front, iho en; Sicg- or Soicc Machine; Kilrbec Table and t chairs; Day Ord acd Moltreco; OdI Pice Tables: Sore Oales; Coot Dii Lampe; Paintiing and Pie.tores; Lams Momer; Garden Tooto; Cooicg Uiesî- is; Dishes. Silvermsre, e. REAL ESTATE-Ai itesame urne and qlace Ihere wilii e olteresi for sale. scohen b oa reserve bld, a 7- roomed 2-iiorrvteame bouse iih good erloar. good roof, 3-piece bath siiooied on o large lti miigarage and large garer.Thispcoereiis ln erdier flton sua. Woeb s ooe ofthtem. Or LocidI liac eslablisbed the rcoet at mac shail BORN morli by tbe seat of is bcom iGeli.h ICKELL-Is Esqoesiog oc the 201h 3: t9. Fueiber. if mes iii coi ort of Aucosi, tu the ile of M. Johcnsoier shal heibeti(2 Thes. 3: IC. Nickiel]. a dasgbter. If mas cever istended bv Cod thai mac sbould dmellin 0idlenes., on the go eorib. 2n Eden, the Lord ploced mont Tw nyYearsA so that ho could tkeep the gardec - CGen. 2: 15). If il mas coi good fo Taites framn the ERitaes of tic heCad- mos 1o be idb belore the Foui, thone 1. C(Jluapla. Tbarei, AuViast bom imporact 10 im moutd ort bs 2 tons927aller i. Lilie mocdec Ibmn that God - lin domo tise prîsespie ol toi for Artis s o bave o cern Higb Scbool. sifi ma. Nom iti s icbumaitcalor- Our forinerfriecds reportibhaimosl lo escape trai omrb,ifpmssihle. AIt of the bat- s solely gathered c in ii:sorts ot cules acd dsciplices aoee c- a houniful ccop is compaisoc iib ssaret a beep peoplle authetblashi. the trac yield of the pasitom t-reais eFosdumoctullt-. ssrbrrs soocfiitd outI Mrgacet Crozser. oged 11, mas se- hA. ilifbey wi-sl oi ssorb, neilliren calrciotly shot miein caosbael isens- shqll ibry rai. Ther is o social peso- i PoriCredionSunday by a32 calibre ct>oiai wmcclin oihceiord 55-beb sa rifle ic the bocds of Lloyd Keetey, oasird ilb 054. Il Is thot orbersm wbo mos oulside sbooliicf at a largol. houi do s 11111v moeb os possible, e- Te butlt eetibeougbsaoneinch ive oi urrnomonot-and oot-esid- s board hefore sriicc the girl. ecahie leicre. This s cocrsry 10 thef The tirsi gcme o the O.B.A.A. in-Dvine pac, wmihebs h01 mec shlit ieemeliaie plat-otti boimeos St. ho ro ucded for Itoeonocriof woolh Clairs of Toronto, icnees of the T. tbry do. If morbees peefocm ibeir ' A.BA. iciernedate ,eries and Miltoc, lahors sntoili os scIa Cod, ibere sE wînners of sibe Hatoc-Wectmoth no5 doubt as to tbeireaesetceco n League obk place bre oc Satur-dy ot-sseing. Thet- profit and so do su before a large cimdo tcs wi.mo ecioytheibe oneflis of ibeir efforts. Caismobycnicercstomo d is imprtial in Hisjustice and BORN He wmut equireofetail ibt itheydoj FARLOW-Ai Mitoc Heigts on Mon- an riflwrk(p.6 -) day. Augusî 22. 1927. 10 Mr. acd Wiih the devasiatioc mbieb Is cnow c Mccs. . . Faeio, a son. the wedmwe eed more wor,ccitr:.s.1 DEM Idleors.siiidoeso oct- commun-c FORD-Ai Omagis oc Turcday. Aug-i- y oosil tom b16: ollt49).0 ust 23ed, 1927, Eloaor (Nelliri ai- I. esnfo thSlhu,18 opted daugliier of Mr. and Mes. G. 9; 24: 310-32. Ford. Ic the Paruis fte he 1:Talense(Malt. _______________ 25: 14-30j, or Lord orddessrs the (,ne talent mao etc bld hisctalet, GEORGETOW N ipybign lueacedta is mac- 'htu iceid andi sithfisîisevint> The pesent popelation o George s. 261. 11ý, el:si cociated %sssk- lem, as deierrinced blit- use-e t- ed,,inecss hsl(itsiuinesasr, tsrsety id-1 completed by the LLions Clubi s 115. sîsîs ng 51lOas:i. A sîstisici mao i Georgetown Dalat- has a nom horse :î:;i:tfernttos:sîst- :andî esiso:siblis, and ages atler te rocs-niaccident hiilinog ftlsobltieos wesce.hi- involvicc thetformeroeqespment. :,sscandsretesisgisooender.servie10 Wok is ucrway on Project Ns, Goind man.Scsaîa is as 2, ucdec mhicb 25 sOitiloial w0001050 N.: mec sec, cauto hsososlt1(Rcm. 1l: tocses wii lbciel on cithe Reervoic1-7,j)Il est- esan tais in tpt:rlorm 1:. Prt rperty t the tot o Gceg-- ,fý sm m.tdo mcc,- ti::n ttss Sîceet. Idscif 1 te r-csit , se ctained Fociy-eigtt vterons and lieir foot- ;isssscsri.ssssuh :mi::ict heco;slmcans lies are nom living cn the artis:,- a ou,:c-matiaosn-se coelh se-ý bouses on Normandy Blsd. soco. Aosl tclaosgs- nmbesofcIho- Richard Larry Grahsa, ltte son so- s-osclset odrIen: of Mr. and Mes. Graid Grahom, PR. vir îcecsei ntcmult R. 2, Georgetomn, pasoed amay Fr: mtct ithe- ceu abe e pcten doy, Agest 151h, tolloing an cps-s->In Prerebo 24: 30-32 me bore lise1 ation mirli le underment t the Roy-reotfon hhaloRd pn al Victoria Hospta, Monreal-Mer- thiel i one lof tasa cc-d t-os t:alne-rdetosollfol man I aId. gcomn ecer ilth eons and oeitie-c 'eItecone wmou s brobcn dmc. lils CANADIANS t]I UNITED is-rned tre lrcscns:(11 rht fltic KINGDOM FLMS lies-er ofthie viseyard mos coid i uoderslunding sev. 301; (2) rtî s Eling, London, seemo 1ta ehcos- waseavtiiei s:ghl (v. 32):1: 51Fromn ig altttiecrnerof Canadaln Eng-oi:at hccom. -:s-secssrd instrunction. ond. At Eoing Studios there of., 2 i ihm:'ons 1li:l inc issed on wi0I Conodjans mseling on "Agoînst the tls ds-is-mis,-sii>n ns-ss-i c t h st Wnd]." RoBeatty is one. H-e bas 1s lm:Oo i>ric550 mode Englansi his home lIeeda>F, tling toc s-coyChi'tia:n Ic ted. W: bt le ecenlit-retuened 10 Hamilton., o:uil gOive e oseistan0e050i0 5,1o Otnarisoo aholiday foe theo t cIc.i-sn,-s. 5551 sIc onl ;cncientoucs lime in sesen yearo. Thoecilice is Pauaaloîce (Lake 15: 13, 14: Ps. 107: 41-4::; Depois. the Freneh(Canadian besasi- lots'2-:1, M: I Cor. 1l: , 111. caseccstormadeoa.coccostui scees i. II.BIsss ofs:Labotsr.i4Ecl. 5:1. dehut in Johnny Frenchmon. Poo.u lis Te cies-:;ssl tceisshciog moi 0loi a ectlld sîon inBRitin sc foc sos-s- if sth-e-cnss--ncs-iNlschâ tý asmwortis cncerovdlbut hilomiy Oss:il .Wieothesdsy islso:neslos, sstillinoMontcoal and bcdashescoccic siresncthin 0lotos', t!rr""«."t tboce jot as ofeon as possible. Con-1OS asense-of Othe dgniiciiesi ado o oalso epreeneid by to om-inIhl sUcs-catisi ofils uerilns. Thr eramen Osmond Borradaille and Bob, ics-ts-es-in 0are thoco mho, lie- Moso. wo have 1051 reiursed fron ocae ofsr1ciirr elt h, wmut nol ork tersplinle Antaretir, chere tbey hase 'll:5Y -sec ssciaohasp et-ople. Tisey bren ilming bsckground tee ,Scot oaiases-te drcns-sof sceirty, living off the Aciaortir. silers. Wr tavesosre glarng ec- _______________ :mlieSifsstornie licen dOt oho epîsoos fil ind nsthing acefl o (I o ilb the:; SAFEI'Y FOR PEDESTRIANS socs, - OuriLord lssesimonl. liewas cati- One of the dangers of modern litecs-i "te Crpners Son,"ad may s h01camne pedletriana iii tailt le imscti have bhem o cornlor. T. uesutticientcre in ceomsing strevl is ii disciples, I-e sisi: I must monk innrentersmbherermncy cars pass. te omsbofthsmlthecsent me; the Sonne people re absocho inc ohet- night comelli hen o man con mos-b ese tboyoaeedoiflgor plannsinglco o tv. 9: 4). Invprcee andoeemrple aI h01 ime. Or Ilioy are lhinlissg or Lord lasi doma the colo thai me about peccacal maîtres, or thiee on mustlite tlly occopis-s unil lHe corne trosbles andi peoblemo ami the things (lobe 10: 13; 2 Tim. 4: 6-8; Epli. 4: tbey bave broc dicg. The thougîso2; i Then. 2: -12. ofsonnmy bcsa eislrrd onsuch Tie hief blessing inilaborIsmwhen ubes finat tboy msy siat ta crocs the mort 10 donc os osto the Loed the srecels mithoot looking to oe f 5Eis. 6: 5, 6). Tbut mes the fte: cars are romicg. intetion of God mbos Ho creesie Penpe sbould mobe il -their habit mon and pt hlm is the gooden to hi on any street where crs are corninsi, il (Cen. 2: 8-15). tt as nt toi 1 to look bth wsys befocecrrsssing. assumesi Ibat mac mas doing lbI Signal ligts are piacesi t rny soleiy for blrnseif. Since be mas doleg points toc the safety of the pubii i at the commond of God, he miu and orne people fal to psy sffiient meeting for Hlm. Froco that prin- attention ta them.set- mare ol Ideas about ort alec le odditi.a gi50iOg yroc lie ..I. ,losdussg sosuo Mfoieeo . csdae:stsn.d iissîi-Mo,t.sEn. gine, Cisoelsivols trou lise Rcs co.lBdy b0 icie-shevpatte,. .f f.»« ro.mhos-st----nd, f --ee, --aody t0 ssis44," ssi at Cisanoein it s rieorage. Yo und yoaeîsssilrsmsis.eoto,. onrutsiote iKe-Oliastidesand i00 sfey. send fue agon yrc iois. e Psios assise Hydoulcls Beb. Tises. iis eo liet s sies nd tesdiir a csmblinin of af.erfatossfod joisuilt is aBIG-CAo onALsissthoa0isonlyin 5eCieroles n igbittesced aed iseogi, erii b by iUýi Osl cars rt" Yoesee.eCsevrltis teloweaipricad car sis s Vio.ilr.H.d Engins -litse p of tore ngins biais islda tii renords far aliicot-fal sising maximucepoear frso nteeouceasfsfuel. Ansi poe Chai ,oaVl oe.n.Ood gic l lnisth esh.- pi.o f ceine on eehll heaa touetst (1) Vsins-is-Hed peomneutîiowest prcea,,:(21 biionsnof miles f seic e onnessandi(3)lncber of cnecs ec. tn alt, tisa clede ChevoleniVsive-in-Crnd tEnine ta, deiioend soresmnle,.for more ow 0rsov aiosge r esiosi, lihen ey ohounaoseoti ina e i.buiii odtyr geedinia cftypse, i. or pdise1 v0si eisCise,i'a 55BG-CAR OMORTDe ut lo cot, eise,.fr bs iengs touenals igOts des,,, of ruine smhnnand.e4l zo. lb 0 Be wsiel Kuap yaar prssent cas in gacd ssnning condi- tisa by brîingi tta us for akilled service, now cand ai regulair iaervals, until yec accus. deliveryof your sew Chevrolet. Came in - today!1 NNi ý:-978CHEVROLET Wmn. Whitaker & Sons, Station Road Oakville Binder Twine -- Rope -- Roofing Material Wagons, ail Steel, with Rubber Tires UNI[VERSAL MILKNG MACHInff VIKING CRRAM SEPARATOS NEW ROLLANO BALE LOADERS HOOVER VACUUM CLEANEES -0 Milton District'iCo-operative BAILEY D TOEWS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS -Radios, Mantie and Floor Models - -Electrohome Fans -- Hotplates - -Electrie Clocks etc - A SPECIALTY FOR YOU Radio Repair and Cbeck-Up BAND CONCERT VICTORIA PARK, MILTON Sunday Evening AUGUST 30 8.15 P.M. by the LORNE SC(IM REGIMENTAL BAND Under the Direction of Bandmaster A. Perot Corne with Your Fricnds and Enjoy an Evening of Good Music COLLECTION THURSDAY, AUGUST 28th, 1967 1 PAGE Mx i Pltfr . 5'-* K ~You can't match the elheai BIG-CAR QUALUTY AT L World's Champion Valve-in-Head eDesign! THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 0C( ir i r ai A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS