fI ntere§t to WomenJ Ilswboieaoine tube tfled m bIard work but omeling le wmong il peu anar grow weaa'y. HAIRDRESSING In Latet Styles Newest Methoda ho Permsaneat WavÜng AU lUnes of Deaul>' Cutue ELLIO! MAU"Y SHOP Phono 61J for Appololinanta A. R. ELLIOTT HMB»EM Mllo Momemaleerol The world ha- longs lu the harveters Ibeee dope. Wàlb se muccliwurk lu ha dunesud sucb aashurt lime lu do il In,« uur mon abould bave meals psrovided on the "dot' sud lb. boit meato we man poeace. Flnally, Il we remnember to put strangersetaIease ln o cooling dlnfing moem or lelleben, we probahîy won'l wonl for help next harveal. Amounes equiced for 12 ervtogs: Soup-Tbree quarts. Vesi or Beel-Eigbl poondsaua pur- chased. Fotatoeu-Four quarto, prepared. Vegealse-Three quarta, prepaî'ed. Leltuce qed Cucumber Mix - Three quarto prepaeed. Bread-One loat. Open Face Pies-Two pies. Appesauce-Two quarto Drop Caleeo-Two doue. Tea-One-qoorler pound. ORANGE TEA BISCUITS 3 caps il led fleur, c tops. cf haline powder, 1 tnp sait, %4 cup shortening, 3 tbpsn. orange rInd, 1'/ cuposhlkm mlih. Sift the nlour once, measure, add baling powder and aait; dît agalo. Cul le ohortening. Add oronge rlnd tu mille and oprînhie loto dry miixture un111 o soft doogh la formed. Tare on llabti>' loared board sud lnead 34 minute. Rol one-bslf Inch Ibicle ond cul wlh biscuit calter. Place on atabtily loured pan and hahe ln aven aI 450 degrees for 12 minuten. FRESH BLUEBERRY PIL9 t4à eup lour. 1104 ups augar. 3 top. sait, % tlp. eatmeg, 3 qto. blueherrijes. 3 Ihapo. lboseJule, 3 tops. lemon cend, 3 thaps. ballera Lino 3 pie plates wilb plain pastry. Flute on an edge as for a lemon pie; et trips of pseftcy for piaieg seroue the top. Chili pastry ln refrigeralor wbite the fillng lu belng prepscef Mlx logether the flour, sugar. $a& nalmeg: oprinlle one quarter of Iblu mlx on the uncoleod cranta. Blond remainder svth bluehercies, lemon faire and gcaled ried; MI lpe sabolIs; dol with baller Lay' on sîripes. Bahe n lreheLated aven aI 425 degrees for 45 minutes. DUTCH FLUM CAKE (12 ervingsl 1 cap abortenlng, t cap sugar, 2 tspi. lemon rind, 4 eggs, un- beolen, 2 caps sftled pastry focur 2 topa. balding aowder, 3% tap. sale, 2 dos. blue pluma 2/3 cap white augar, 1 tep. clenamon. Cceam together abortenlng, 1 eup sugsr and lemon rlnd; hast untîl Oluff'. Add sags une at a time; beaL each loto batler thorouglily. AU cthe dlfted dry lnedlent, beat untll amootb. Pour balf lettserloto gres- .4 pan. Cut pluma, cemove atones snd lay plaee n the batter. Cuver wltb remainder of halter, qireadlng eveel>'. Mia sugar and clnimon lu- gether and sprinkle Over baller. RaIne le prebeated oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Cut le squaresansd serve TARE A TIF 1. Do n01 prepoare potatues more thon sn bour bel ore eoolelng, beeause lhey loue nutritive value sud the>' may alec heesmne sour. 2. You double a cup of uaîad drema. Ing b>' the addition of an egg sud s eup cf miik. Beal lboreugbly. 3. Sel tbe table for tbe barvesters weillo advance sud pull tbe shades, put flowers ln tbe room sud cloue the doors tlee out 01exneoa heal. TUE SUOdaERimON BOX Mom T. B. sayo; Il your ruhher plate scraper hecomes slichy, clip off the comm>' part witbh itchen scisoors. 'Mm. J. R ooyo: A vegetable peeler la wortb twlee lis cool. Il savez time nutritive vaue and inconvenience. Mc. M. B. oayo: To remove buttons without niehlng lb-ý fabrie, olîde i comh under the ballon and eut tbreod wlth a ruxor blade. A falt once denled sla wlce core- mltted. "OId at 40y 50, 60?" -Ma.epnaai eld. vr om! J-hidaà staor.e ePyi,.c70 Dr *ppiICKENSwth()tr ONW o HAUwn. co-fLAG de àytbd. SAND GRAVEL.d _n _ Cernend.itd . t Y-Blo k Phyono GEORGEl.btOW_ _ 8_p33 SAL ADK A COMPIEPTE MT SERVICE MILTONLE ACROSB FROM THE CHAMPION OFFTICE D EVERY SECOND AND FOURTHI THURSDAY EACH MONTH at C. GRIMWOOD, JEWELLER Cali et above addresu or phone 113 for an appointmenl NEXT CAL[4 HURSDAY, AUGUST 281h .Repaues prsopurflpald HEM> OFFICE 848 BATHURSTTBr. TORONTO USE LAYING MASH To Start and Keep Your Flocks of Pullets in High Production MILTON MILLING CO. Phone 50 Limited Milton Oflt. SATURDAY IS T HE LASTr DAY 0F THE CROZIER MANYILINES- MUST BE CLEARED REGARDLESS 0F THEIR FORMER VALUE - PRICES HAVE HITirY5 . .. . 0F THIS GREAT CLEARANCE- - MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS Well Styled in Fine Quai>' BroadcîotIl. $ 9 24 OnI>'t clear atI....... ........... 2 9 BROADCLOTH SHORTS For Mec le Assorled Stripes. This a jf Sometbîng yoo sboold nol miss. Slasbed ta 9 LE ATHER BELTS GodQaality je Brown and Black.75 Also Have a Seleclion on Blacke Ooly, 49 To Be Cleared aIt. .. ........ 9 MEN'S ansd BOYS' SWIMWEAR Stil a small Qoonlit>' on bond in smart styliot je os- sorted Colors. Prices greol> redcecd. One-Third Off. MEN'S BRACES Norcow Wîdîb, ail elasîic. Mony Colors AO to Oboose from. Most go . ......--... ..49 CLIP-ONS (Broces) Redueed la-........ .69C WHILE TEST LAS? I MEIN'S DRESS SOX Ra1,7oI Cotton and WooI 59C AIL WOOL TIES Smarîly Stylcd in plain colors of yellow, Reds, Blues and Greens. Sale Price ......... 9 rSSPORTS *Snppy Chcks and PlaidsNormally ~le. I Friced ap 10 $3.95. To cicor at ....... UV40 DO NOT MISS THIS! Meîî's SuimnîierweighitCotton Caps Assorted Plaids and Checks 5 To Clear ......... . .. .. 5 MESWOWRK PATS Made of Ligbîweight Qaliy Drill. Navy Bloe *Olyin Sizes 3to 44SpedallytlO R d cdfor Ibis Sale le........... 1 8 MEN'S WORK SOX 3V2 lb. Wool in Grey ........................ 69C Short Lengîh Wool en White Only ...., » PLEASE NOTFE! A LIMITED QUANTITY 0F OUR STOCK PREVIOUSLY ADVERTISED STIL REMAINS AND MUS? BE CLEARED. TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F TEE "SLASHED" pRICES DUR. ING THE CLOSING DAYS 0F THlS SALE - DO NO? FAIL TO Shop & Save at Crozier's, Milton Excess Prof its Tax Act Standard Profits Claims NIOTICE Receti. amendmenta ta the above Act provide that al standard profits dlaims must be filed with the Depart- ment of National Revenue before let September. 1947. Ail applications are required to be in such form and contain suefe information as may be 'prescribed by the Minuster and the Minister ma>' reject an application that is not made in such f 0cm or that docs nol contain such information. The prescribed formo (S.P.*î) are avoulable at ail Dis- trict Income Tax offices of the Dominion Government. AIl pertinent information rcquired on the forra must bo included or attached thereto in nehedule form. Ten- tative or incomplete forma or those filed after 3lst August, 1947, will not be accepted. Department of National Revenue Ottawca James J. McCann, MD., Minister cf National Revenus., Last Day SALE BARGAINS BACK TO SCHOOL STARTS AT CROZIER'S BUY NOW BOYS' BALBRIGGAN SHORTS (Uîiderwear) Sizes 6 10 10 ycars, to Cleor ..... ........ 69c BOYS' OVERALLS A bard wearîng gorment in Navy, Brown and Greeo Drill. Sizes 3 10 7. Price C ut .......s...................-............. BOYS' LONG PMNTS Excellent Qaality corded cotan. Nov>' 001>5. Sîzes 24 10 34 SALE PRICE ..... .. - ...................................... Ao s Good Selection of Long DrMi Pants BOYS' SHIRTS Wite Broadclotb and Assorted Sîripes. Neck Sizes 12 10 14. 89 SPECIAL. AT ....... ........... .............................................89 BOYS' TIES Tbes e sweII made, nicel>' tyled, asorted colors and patterns.39 2 Doxen Ont>'. TO CLEAR .................. ............... .............3 c 1 mmmmbmmmmmjw THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TRUPMAY, AUGUST 2Ut 1947 PAGE