PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY. AUGCIST liaI, 1H? MILTON ONTARIO Pubi.h.d Et.eryThadar Aftmnos At.thzd as second c..t.l...PotficeH.. DP@.t.t SCE1P1'ON ATE-*.. Pr.Ysrn h de...& Uie ptt .%ice Bott.OU I addes fi. .quttd. ADVERTISING ItATES-Ot, appctionttad la glus in tsaros co.t tus dis.. t ,n.y peotc. t--ýitIIb takt iottd erero. Th Chmtpin ,ccpt. leet,.i-1 ...t0 onthet desttuding th:a t ilt net b fible frtsec anc adettnnts.t pubI.h.d hr.tu o ...tàf oftucht.d.ertittnttnt it..quete.d inottuby t..d,.ttiser and ttueod te th Ch.ats hbti..s orucotrtctio&pliirtitotd inotiting thttttt atd ihthat mt. if.aCt, ttisot cotut tntttt.he hamp-. Iouir. ltbiit &htllt ste totd .ucb a pttpotttu.o btbthented errerb.tteteth .tholt .pae oupt dbt flGC. AOLOF DILL. ELio. Every 50 oflen ste rus acrosu the argument for î.....Offt- . . . . .. St... . îttour and againsl advertising. The following article, whch T.Cehu . Cmu, ss clipped fro.. Marketing, an advertisers' paper, Ij~_______________________________ jpals the cane inrerestingly and, ste believe, nensbly: "Every year more thon 250,000 people in Canada gel married. To these couples are hors every year 130,000 int habits. E D IT O R A L "i defiance of hse vital statistics here are ad- ise Wrm Day. Showed the Need and occasionally, o spitter nost and a splosh Cter, as The wrm days of the pourst eek or so have tht fancy akes het.. They labor under the impres- brought te public attention tht need of a ssimming sion hat they are appealing to o grandstand o! fans pool in Milton for the use of tht children of tht patienlly and eagerly awaiting their tomn on he community. Il's 100 Cte to do mach about it this stge They overlook tht fact hat tht mont stable year but certainly plans can ho mode and organizat. markt ers o procession. Collectinely, as a group, a ion dont o that tht projece con be carird out ne.t market moy remoin statie in its stants for some time, season. but indinidually il is changed constantly. New blond W. understond the Board of Trade bas the start is constantly being injected and nerds and buying of such o fund already on bond. Perbops he next habits con alter almot oernight. stept would be to formn citicens' committees for sec- "These newcotsers nerd educatiag in thene pro. uring donations, hoing plans ond site rronged and duels of the market place, especially h. new and ir might b. possible through tht fa11 and winter for improned productu. They may ose be interested to. various groups ta arrange evonts thot stould hune day; to-morrow hey stili bc interested. Tht consis- the total amount raised for net seson. We da nol lent adnerliser stho is ready with his message to catch beliene the work shauld bec hrunt on the shoulders of heir astakened eyes gets their priority. Thats 'hy Council. Nor hat tht fonds should tome fr0.. man- i pays to a dvertise and ketp os odnertising. The icipal toopayers. le con be o citicens' prject and t'i* fanctian of adnerlising is to pre.sell, seli and rt-seli. eryone helping wil find real joy on tht cause of pro- viding for tht children of Milton and district a fine swmmine npolfor the bol davo of sent star and the W.Yor hIfey years 10 folloUt orsgtht pasî îstcoty yeors, steadily-iocceasiog usof mcchanized eqipmcnC on agriculture bas Formera Must File Incarne Tax Returna 0ortE grcatly aidtd the former an tht nunteraus tasks se In mgisrtes court in Bostmunille lasC steek, a musC pertorn is tht working day. It is a grim tact, local frmer stos fied$50 and castC for titure Ca file hostever, ht sthile tht use of this equipmeot bas by the dte specified, the incomo ton forms ordered saved him coutes Mon boucs of stock, ils misuse ta be filled in by thet ucame tan division. Ht haà iv respuesible ycarty for thausands of facm accideots been fined $25 preiously oner the same forous and sith resattuoC loss oftime, moncy and, in for toa ordered COj complete themn by a certain dole. Hie many cases lite. oworn testimony wos hat ho hod secured assistance It wouud he ridiculous to say hat the farmcr ta compitte tht forms and hud mailed tbemt befure wautId he htter off withaul moderu mechanictd the second charge wos laid. But eidently tht cItter quipmcnt; such a statement woutd he unîrue. It wos sent to thtesrong oddress. Tht mgistrte ad- is ot the machinc hat causes the accdeuts, but the vised him to toke a11 is occounts and go lu he tas tcaus Fc ahorysio.att cu m office in Toronto and get tht mtter straighlened pradtos arr ake t s ocaitaotat as posibt i out. that mimcntary caccttssncss on thc part oC au othcc- le oppeared clear ht he nstned nu umnant wbat- iecardaI opecator wiCtnont rcsult in inîay. This onor as incume Cou and probahly frittht iC Was use- imprascmcnt stîtI continue. bal dcspite the ultimatc Itss ta ake time off lu report no liability. CC is likety perfection uft hc machiue, accidcnts wiCtcontinu-, mony more tormers takt tht samne viest. Bat theca, long as. opt.îýtors continuc ta disrcgard SAFETY Ct tht Cuw and nu case can be mode for hcaking tht ILS eae dut ocogsu qîmntc lawt-Bowmanvillc filtesman. hat ni,: uhil it iscrunning. Welcomed Again just as a thain is nosCî on gcc hou its wcakcst link 50o you a re no saler than tsar ttost thoughttcss, Bock ugain aftc rsix years, thc Cunadian National Exhibition opens the gtes again omorw and theýat o htraodn' éacekyu ok enent hotds mach intercst for ail Canadiaus and in habit, now witb cccptcd SAFETY IIULES aji many visitors to Canada. Wïe bud occasion last steek r-oet bev hr vr a fteya.B tdrive to Trotoaud thc wok going onbc bead arclul Whiit you sasc may bc yoor liCe. Thi. for the t947 shust vas tremeudous. WhaC wus goiug ekAu st123iknw asFrnEqpet on unside the buildings is outy something about whitî Satcty \iI cck." ail con guoss. Forlunute indetd are vo who ise cnse ta the C. NE. and tan arange ime for uue or more visits each year. It is ont of he inesC educational feaur- es and boys and girls should have the oppotanity ai iiing this great show wsindow. It is cxpcctcd ht o record tteudante wyul meet hero this yrar ta wet- came the exhibition hack. This yeac marks o, a further emrging frot. tht wartime and tht rtorn ta peottime activily. Yes, tht C.N.E. is wctcomed again this yeor. The One-rau.. Schoolhouse EDITORIAL NOTES Some pcuoplc bave a gaid botkgcound but Ch atif tar in thc batkgrond. Looks as iC the basehali scasan vus g,iug ta crry an pctty well ta Fait Fir scuson with a hcst hree of fisc strict nov on tht woy. Fait Pairs arc just acouod he c ornec an d now is thetim t,.. t, ,,t. hbts and utube saur lans ta at- Prom the sofC depths of big chairs iu city clubs l -ne me ' "- o - - - - ste hAve stvtcul imes beard aoutaCthe pssing ofthtîe tend and mect ail yaur lrieuds. Dates foc Miton are aId-ime schothause. Thcse taunlry-hoys-hccame. September 26tb and 27tb this yeac. torporation-presidents wrt tooking huck praadly o their owu hecoism in Ctrudgiug Cbcce miles through Britkiayers have hîostcd hat they caald loy any- the so - and ightîing the firo sthen I gat tbcre. Tho vhter rm 100 toi 10001brctks, a day, depcnding on yonger genecalian, say tbey, bas it mach casier. îîîîv hey eel it the inatter, and were qusite c led Thtîîid aat-roem ct seaîhaasc is stili vcry math shen iC sas -uggtested hat they itugtita ho yid Ccc witr us, ccrding 10 a repart of the Natianal Corn- the wîrk thcy do, roher thon for the boucs they pet mittee for School Heath Research. a.-(.hesiecy Entecytrise. The bath-af-tht-lut privy, sthece the youth of he land eslurged ils vocohutary and ils calligruphical skilt, stili prevaits in 71 per cent. of the nations one- Grief wSIC bu redonied foîr thîsc Anittrican faut- coom scbaols. OnIy 3 per cent, have inside flash tait-1, lits siCiic star dcod are heing retarned, believes the ts. Va ncover Sua. "Most Canudians silI bc deva,îtly Thece is no atiticial lighing uf auy kind in 81) thonkfut thaC vague suggestions of a simiiac practié per cent. of the ane-coomners; 82 per cent, are heted for Cantada were pcomptly vetoed hy Ihose iu authar- by stoves in the ctssronm, 30 per cent, have tua test ity. Ta hc hnried sith tutttn comtrades on the field sindosts for adequaCe ligt on brighC duys. In 44 per o! botte is honorable banial. War graves bave heca1 cent. tht sthoolstter, lmost alstays trut. stlls and tended sith everence and sucrounded sith heanty. trtams, is seldont or neyer tsttd.' Foi another 27 Thcre is somethiag primitive and pugan in th% dis- per cent. tht onsster on hat stas tocasioalty." On lorbonce of lhtse hllosted graves and excunation ut wshing fucilitios, 73 per cent. had sume sithout bonts and the re-enactment of morbidty sentimental rusning stter; 22 per cent. had sont OC ail. In 0.8 burial scettts al over again." per cent. of rural schools lunch is provided. In 18 Ver cent. ana hot dinh or ona bot drink is provided. In 6 pet cent. mlk la onailable. Apprently a lot uf young Canada, when it growa up, will he able ta continue telling tales of its grim, heroic truggle agant the three R's. The faregoing tacts-plua the factn about scbaol- teacber salrea-mokea Iis une les aurprising: lu- spectors were sked ta report an the mental health of teachers ln their charge. In Il per cent. uf the Can- adian inspectorates 10 per cent. of the teachers were rated as lanferior in mental hralth", which presuto. abty means acrvc.wraaked, frastrated, dcprcssed, aitdly tcts.' One inspectar said 60 per cent. of is teachers were hat way. But then, hat was anly is apinian.-Financial Post. Conaiateant Advertboer Gels Priority FRUIT JARS VINEGAR SARDINES 100 ueom10PE GRAPEFUITzooS o SPIC auxSA 1 sucsoa MAPE EA290~ 1<WOO AYLXEO armEt PUBEAS 2 DO 3 tSRINOT '-OO or RE GRAEFRUITNS 2" OR JUICE S 225~0 EA>t 0 SICaRdCH --.30 .1... os C.UEO LSEEDPI -z0Ot.t.a.17 OLIVS 2 . Bi 350 -d..39 JUICT nsna3 an19 USTAD 9 (AACIAAE I>t'HENS APPL>lES CARROTS (ELERY IIEARTS LEMONS, Siza.300v HOME-GROWN TOMMTES 2 Heuds 27c -3 Lbs. 25c 2 Lbs. 9C 2 for 35c 3 Fo 18* 2 Lbs. 15c ORANGES 288' 34e doz 252'a 39c doz. 200'. 53e doz. BAILEY DTOEWS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS -Radios, Mantie and Floor Models - -Elec(trohoiiîw -Faits -- llot1ilates - -Electrie ýClocks etc - A SPECIALTY FOR YOU Radio Repaire andI Check-Up Binder Twine -- Rope -- Roofing Material g b Wagons, ail Steel, with Rulbber Tires UNIVERSAL MILKING MACHINES VIKING CREAM SEPARATORS NEW HOLLAND BALE LOADERS HIOOVER VACUUM CLEANEES Milton District Co-perative PHONE 127 - HILTON Business Directory THE STEVENSON CLINIC Phones: HIlton Nube 2 Caaspbellntlle Number 3M4h D.. d. I.STEVENUON Dr. W. J. ROBERTSON D.. ILH.BEACH Office Houes: A. M. By Appontmnt only. P.M. 1-4 7-O. Sandays-Emecgencies Only. MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X-Ray Coroner, C.P.R. and Cool Surgeon DR. G. LE. sm Physicen an d Surgeona Office-Jlames Street Phone No. 38 Office Houe.: 9 ....; 1-3, 7-.30p. Coroner - M.O.H. DR. J. R. O'NEIIL M.D.C.M. L.M.C.C. Offie. and Residence MAIN STREET DHILTON Phone 412 DR. J. W. MeCUTCEON Physienaand Surgen N. E. Corner Vctoria and Elizabeth OfficetHauts: O a.m.;. 1-4, 7-9 p.=a Phono 395 LEGAL DICK & DICK W. L DOGE. KO.C (County Crawn Attorney) KENNEIN Y. 010K.B.d. Baralaters. Soliors Court Hous - maitou Telephone 4 T. A. H UISON narraaaer, Solio. KOEt. Offie-Neat Door Champion Offi. Halo Street-Hilton Teltphone 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Barrait,. Slefte, N.taey Pubis Officet-In Faemers' Building, Habla Stret,.Mlton Telephone 70 G. HOWARD GRAY, &QC Darrliser, Solicitor, Noiet. && 238 Eete Street, Toronto, Ont. Phone LYndhurst 8612 -AI.. at- HILTON INN3 by Appointmeot LEVER & HOSKIN Chautered Acountambl Succetsors ta JENKINS & HAN»!T 1305 Mateopoitan Eldg., 44 Vicoia St., Torooto Elg. 9131 DENTAL D&. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Officet CnRoyal Building, Milton Hauts---. Evesîngo hy Appotntmenl N-Ray Service Tettphone 197 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON Officee oser Princes..Theatre Nght Appottoutts may bt arsnged X-Rsy Service-Gos Esteaetion Hauts O ta 5 Tetophont 65w NIKIEN-The Chiropractoa Druglo.. Theradi 33rd Ytat af Prattice qëLadyi Attendant- Wed., SaC., 2-5 and 8-9 p.m.. Clooed Thutoday Ovr Dominion Store. Georgetown OMTCAL H. C. LAIRD, R.O. OPTOMERTIST - OPTOOIAX4 Milton-Thursdsp Afttenaunsand Evenseas For Appontment Phone Marctnds-56 Eyes Esatalned - Lenses Prtertb.d IENSURANCE R. W. FOX Agent fat FORE and AUTOMOBI-LE INOIJBANCE Phone 264J Milton, Ontario S. A. FAY Phase 2CI PLUMBING HEATINO and TINSMITHING Main Sa. - Milton, Ont, MMPMAY, AUGUST 218t, M7 PAGU TWO IR 1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION