T1OURSDAY. JULY l7tis. 1947. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAdIE SEVEN g Tudg b150 -Milton ,Iuveniles The Intermediates v 1= osas bis tarra o prayer,S i nua eel t -itis ny ceeed; Thsa ord blsa roues ..agi ta sPare i- Fo ilnthyet s filtma tae W n B Take Georgetown An ily tiearsd ti a psard ed Nos mater wbat ta caste or breedlia Wh pas h fiedfrn dy adFrom Georgetown by 11-2 Saturday To amats asetters. leoubied mny, Whso licorne tise arrogance o pride, Poopie Marshall Hed Visitora ta MiltOn Piles Up 8 Rus 1eaM i Mameve.r be esay eboase la peay aSigeMtliSvn Fai be niag gia tes sure mutl neyer bie denled. aSigeHti en FrtTheInnsAant For mass est ise bis lite On eseois Iniiig Game McCallums Pitehiaig Wiseee tite and is snd meene aboutdi- 'lIais ere tbe seul estprove ils The laâîy Ozari et te Milles Amid the flasb ot liebînise andl the .T. ot, tiscrlera, Peepie Marhall ce alri t t Monder, G;ergetown Duper- lihere the strength ef t is lourd. And be ba jastitied bis birtb llrough e iah a surprise peromance leeer, werre hsadee a scacre pas- Wbo Plants ose rose on biarens, lasI Friday sigbt wbes bie aboeci ne mies tbcy landed in tbe Ceunly ..groaund. supreeeacy by bolding tise viitisg owne for a regulse sebeduled gane Tietest 1:la Is ti ud and trac, Georgtomn Sieson-Pures tc a sle bere lat Satuedisy. MStrting ils a TOO, bg ta pay tise brute or cieat? it ina ssesea lssing lwilgbl tialrea Milles hurler, and me dont know yel. Ini att he do n d tries ta do In he a mass mes ike ta met? miici tise tonal jusenitru geabbed by bam bie sa able la play ils tisees If s, I Bay, mies lite ls tiseougis a score o 3-0. legally - MeCaitues was belted un- Me nseed nt fear tise Judgesent sea. Bots aggeegaîîona came tbroagli eercltully for Irer lnnlsgs. Edgar A. Gaest ils starting unauisîrd pînyn mitti Betore Brydos osa able ta taise _____________ tise Milton lads galning eleesn pal- one. a abomer belld up thc sffroy tac outa unasnauted in tise set tsar les minutes bal tise rest mas Insuffle- To [(cep Garden trames. Il mas anatier case oft îiree lest ta put MeCallues bacS file stiape up and tisre dos. Tise rler essai- ater Iisting a tee duelng a piteti. Free Froin Slus er tacites baffîrd the viatisg teans Irosieally, Prddie a nelgihor ai tisa g h mis ore credited mitti tour errera, teIt saetbpam, fnred bissacisoolboy Slugsare he gey snil-lke c e bhile lise, tocas ctialked aip tsre. cbant in tbe OirsI caste. A gris broad- ti resihr tise ealt-ts erraI-de iSameie came tiseongi ils a riras ened MeCaliam's tacs wbile Kmn sil veares, isic in a tise tra oner uet islutisg s strilse eut ils woa ent os cbemlng bis cedi. "Itd be a vhe gea ang anth sl btrato pop ftys la rentre In tisre imes aop. jaSe if ic stracis Kmn oui," "Kmn tise ptag anMsts aibna illons beavy cleulers landrd In te meuld neyer lise il doms," ocre tis tiepat.Tiey ahuui dayîgit and eurti mies Enlyns tiseer bageceremarisa beard os the bescis otite tisce Ofl moisec etisr l m aroble- put tisee la aroring posiion. Blaseras every ployer monderesi. Tise part- sorte Inot n mo o , In satp trouble double tallied tise cuter. On an side hurler tok il easy and maltird cnr of ch amden saon In a lisay ever-ttirom ft rst basemas ise bis oriatiber, scrrug GresSe misa ma cner ar e g harde land ing lol- srered 'betere Vaghan mlbed. Sien î,rbed an Iird. He malised tour :n terd as aimat ail segetables, bsut are Fay singîrd in tise lllisg caste. a roam sin t rame. Sesco cana paticutarty tond et brans. letuce. Early singleel fr a third lime up ei- ere cissîtid ep ogainaltues uin thei cabiage and cautîflamer. Tisay attackine Fay for tise taais tai ras efth1e trst tbreessble Brydn alomedeone1 clrIntebleacizg peoceno. Ttey gante. cm aesIe betre theriitslg ses uer. 1 o tamaînen mnd In lise auiimnsh mies Dilon as callfed ate an rly r entrai antlth liselts mies a single- boretina te rotsof arttiand tisees ta Oirs. He made serond and ton crossrd lise plate, ties agas ta bes mb ts ol t aet n as sale on tiird aues MrPaii's tise eigitb s Tletzba and Bonis made1 han tirem oaa sisor. Masalal strucs lise circuit. Plants In infesed sali essy lie pro- tise seat ouI easily and Beaumont rom sPuskflse pîsys by George- tected by a Iis files of bydraîrd lime peppedl ta t ird. Muir ent doms toms boys Lendrd in te sisti and miicti l dased oser lise tollage and singing. seveotti inn. B. Rlcisie ras a as tise ground In tise evenlng stere tise Tise riitors lireatened again m9,ti mile te otabe e uboectring pick-up ot sn tins genle doms and feeding cees- Marshall alomed bis iraI tit. Haines i;rcobcs long beender te rentre in meeced, sapa W. G. Mallemsan. Dis- tit ciras and stole second, tic ma-le the istis. Braun wo, teeS avec tie ies ai Enlomotegy, Dominion De- tiird mies MePhail mas cerdited ils honling dulies frram Perler us tise partesent ai Agiclnre. Hpdeaîed an errer mile Sargeant maihedl sevenths, mode irsI mien the third- lime la effectise enly mies dry. and Peepie handeel Dillon tise sminge, aseman muffrd bis brase te firsI. far thil masos a fem dustlngs aIni- Gbbs mh mest In te it fer Jamese iSoing the tees a nure mev te slule teralseof tieecortfourdaysamecs flied outltashort and Beaumont sming ,nl.o e.c,.nd, Braunmwas Lagged as lie mare effective thon one hraep applic- out foc a second limec. ore l e h ird a coutple et min- attes. Marshsall liad seven stribe-oils de! utaes laee Bill Cirment o uîied aad ,Th toer ns mwll as te sppe see- i the route isile Andrsen hurliteBr, wae, rulîrd gafe i e t n a faces et te traces heuld he reeerrd frthecvii tra a d four taldr' rîglît. îlino nI e d a ibeplu mnd tise sureunding sit seuld beTic tas l o ih.htigmi obepa coated In secs a may h01 lise slets îleergetemn BiUllivasI %.,: Hin,- îîhenr the, iil raflit tiai ist. mli base te crawl Ireatti the dusl if) Sergeant et: Dilloîn It; James f: liuk (te-oint iiffeieii i arvive,-;. betore they csn rec t9e plants ne Beumont 2h: MIîlr 3b; ScoIl c; And- the m<anil in the ints ues Braun lise planta may bc apenyrd lheeeughty raae pl, 1299b91 hic o-lames In thi- mils bordeaux mixture. This mater- Isvrnth. laI a epelent le the lug, mnd plants Milles Veughan 2b; Resh s: K.i Sept cosered witb te spray \vI oe, Fay If: Mrael P: S. Fa Ii Car î largely prorcted frent attarh. 3h; Stoer cf: Mel'9ail r: Souths f. îl;cîahe cI in the sixth. Balîn cansistîne et metaldehyde and 1 P H. F bra have gKcn salisatrtryrcentral C;reeetîs "(H 0011 0Il 1i 1 ef stucs in ssîll grdees bul ae lt) Milton tu) 1 f tE Y E cspensise toc use uder fietd cenui -_________ liens. Tiscy may 9e houieht eedy-1 misnd ut mut sccd store% and hoalîl I MO1RE SPORTSMEN LNt CANADA be used accordis ta thecmseteetur-l es directions. Nîaufat,luifi sterling gveda vn ______________ Ciaada esperi 9c r ncsr potwar-saec îlrmesd iii caieý vft about 50% abed B. C. cetempats a irctr o[ ofeh caverae 1r-araevars reports sane diaiine. tterdisre ivnd atti nd Eicctrcrl Deaer The U.S. ri.d:tiaaa rat tacr a9 volume haau.t by 1910. _______________________________ Wt sprn athitir thrîîguelU thi.ý grl1 ecter lario ifl nta liadt a notic- Pollock & Campbell. ely shrigefert pn tni ailent te hardware sas1- Manufaturer@ af a 1,1r rîyirla. Other camais, helli- HtGH GRADE MEMORIALS i--d aii5l ii pu -si înuitiuvs ges-r MEMORIAL ENGRAVING i-rulir aru aîu2t ei inumber et pou- F 1 fF I¶ f worked a blister os is middle linger of his soulb-pam hasd. Dinh mas flot so lucisy, mhen Spesce isittisg s sale- ty avec second, rouseied to tisird os sirais. L. Ritchie wslked and Bry- dos ht ilto a lieldor's ooe scarne Georgelows's second rus. Wilson popped sut to riglît. B. fltctue vment est sn s double play second to t irst, aise eoteiisg Brydos eotd, fOcst to second, ta0end tise content. Tise local cromd isdlcsted tlsey sîlt isad some good hall osder thetr belîs especiaiiy l the hariisg deparieent wils lise additionofotPorter and Braun. 'Thc lods oilsarcly moise e credible showing belare the sao rexpires, anî they are deserviog of greater support from the tas. Tise teamo: Georgeown-Wilson et; B. Ititeiie if; Siorey 2b; Cisaplile rf; Gibssas s; Mortos c; Spesce 1b; L. Rilehie 3b; MeCailues p; Brydon pltcbisg ln tise tisird, Milton-B. Clemese et; Brusis c; Busncs; lb; Toielta ef; BOsaI f; Greske 2b; Hadalil 3b; Peddie ns; Porter p; Braun p ln tbe sevestb; Haustos batted for Braunsln eigbtb; D. Ciemesîs piocblsg ln tise sinus. Umpircs-Wbuledan asd Coxe. R. H-. E. Georgetown 000 001 001- 2 t t Millesn 422 001 02 -11 t 1 HOG MARKETING UP For lise tirst lime ln nearly twe kycars, bac morbetings ls Canada sow a detisite apmard trend, sayo tic Carrent Reviro otf Agricaitaral Conditionas nCanada. Toalimarkbel- segs tee the Dominion dormeg Apcil 1947, ocra appraslmslely tbe snne as tac April 1946. In May isoever. LIte total for lise menti saiowrd anR per cent. lscrese oser tise correspond- se monîti et 1946. - Tbe apmsrd trend in ieg emarket- 1inca, aays lise Reviese, la de esllrely ite a subsatsal Iscrease ls Eastern rCanada, psntlclarty ln Queiser. Toal ibac marbetings et bats darne Api'). t1947, in Ibis province sisowrd ausn cers etof42 per cent,.omer Aprit. 0941% and the montbly teIt for May ns ep 73.4 per cent,.oser May 1946. Ost- oria starbellnes lnrreased 26 per cent. à is pril as vempared mitis Aprîl 1946; and in May incrcased seorty .33 per 1 lnA tît, 19547, rnsrbelintn etfbel,. ln Western Canada wece about 301 j ir cent. belose April 1946, bal the 1,crr cent del1rense fer the eseslh a tMay 1947. drepedleo 21 per cent1,a i eeîîîared ails Mey 1946 62 Water St, North GALT 2EEIIN 048 MILTON TAXI (Opposite Hetel Kennedy) PHONE 360 Prompt - Service - Courteou Att pasengene Insured S4 Mesur Servies - Mtttn, Oat. HÂIRDRESSING In Latet Stytes Nemest Mettundo In Pemanent Wavlsg AItLises ni Beauty Culture ELLIT BEAUTY SHOP Phonne 61J ton Appitmest A RELLIGiT Concrete & Cinder BLOCKS! AU Sàze Prompt Deliver B. SALES Phone 242W Miton IIRITAIN 15 BUILDING NEW TRIPLE TUNNEL. Ve Must ir (ut Trivport trul inited ,isuiclu ils 19ehie ig tiser leroniaatctiuis praîet is Niiilirn ii- tain ciiiatly. Thisi ainbuse 9elan tt a iriffle tunnel ander the Riv,-r Tyse. sshirh wlu mns csera1e. and btterrTransport terilities fhic h.' big andestriel are eraend Newcate. Il wiii praviil srperete tenns tac vehirles, ryclistsaund pedestriena. rai h eaot900 fetdlong. Thece milais,, be special approach ronds fourmilrs in lngtt linino lise tunnels mith 19e mai traffhirouates an cl er side sot the river. An snterirting innovationt mihi 9e the Ois escalators aI caeh entrance simlar ta these uscd In Lon- das enderground stations. This ia 19e irst esampte in Britain af lifttshine provideel tee cyclits. Harhine bach la erandestiera ;day isome-made ssap Is sld ait tceheely market at Brecissilte. BRITAIN TO INCREASE HER TEXTILE EXPORTS Lreer supplirs et United Kinedees tahrlcs and fassions are le ha sent oeseos. Tise deinlon la rine the espat quota af tise United Kingdoes testile tndestey mas enneusced In Pantinesent rcnly 5y M. Dlton, Chancellor oeth1e Esciseqeer. Il Ispart et a plan te reduce Britainas adverse balance et payesentot, and since itlas dirertcd riesarily ai tiseisrd car- rrncy areas. siould hrlp le binc le badly needrd dollars. Ttl s boped 10 actiese s nem espansion In texttle shipmrnts tiraugb tncressed produc- tion mnd nt aith1e expense efthtie home marktr, mir In alrrady strictly ThsisminsnutisaIlise manufacturra milI te abie te cencenîrate still more closety on tiseir spetatized uines ton' ovensean marketu as Harris twends, fine cottons and meolena ohicis ai- eeady have a morld repulallon. 1 Excess Prof its Tax Act Standard Profits Claimns NOTICE Recens amendments ta the above Act provide that al standard profits claims must be filed with the Depart- ment of National Revenue before lat Septerober. 1947. AIl applications are required ta be ti sucia form and contain auch information as may be prescribed by the Minister and the Minister may reject an application that ta not made in auch form or that dues not cuntain such information. The prescribed forma (SPI) are available at ail Dis- trict Incarne Tas offites of the Dominion Goveenesent. AIl pertinent information required on the forîn must be ineluded or attached thereto in schedule form. Ten- tative or incomplete forma or tise filed after 31it Auguat, 1947, will not be sccepted. Departmnent of National Revenue Ottawa James sJ. McCose .MD, inîster ct National R~esanue BEFORE HAS .EGoodrich FIRST IN RUBBER THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, JULY 17th, 1947. PAGE SEVEN