Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 1947, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THUSISI>AY. JULY l7th. 1947. MILTON. ONTARIO Pahtl.h«d Ecacti Thaaid.y Aftt..nau Atbarieda.cn .ad ci..mail. Ptt Oite Dat.t. SUSCRIPTON IIATZS-$StParc e, l a adc lu fi"daSt.'.qu s.. ndliaL Si71 copie.. s. Eth aid adted .ddc..t.. .hold b abe t ahe haff nf addess a i. eant.d. ADVERISING LA.TES%-. ppcti.sud ndS. ites la.in a. ..txnnhea.ndi. Aftbat.gh tc.cy eccautloa w.ltI h. tak t. acai wT.. bCh.teolta ..dc.dei.i.t in t ... Otheat.d.caiadjag ih.t it ciliott h.linhi.tafor » e i.a-Y dvertiseet t cahithed hrt.aad.c .MI." pta ofach dvtsimnctfi eqestedlaein tia by ths adi relier.ad etare.d te the es.aab.itt etface date signed by thetudetitte *dwft"huu&bt .. oracortetitn. dmie tt.t.ed i. wttint thr.a«ad ia that mie, I ac ta tetd lb ont unett.»d by The Cham.. i.,ite iability thall att ..ca.d inch à peat..tiaa ai by the att.d -terarto tthe weait tint.upiff b, ..b d,«ti.m.a.t. G ARLOF DILLU, Sdi.. S..l.ta.. Olt.c - . mals Steet, lut.. Tl.phom. No, ma EDITORIAL Welcoene Back Again Ie a drive te Toronto Iast week we came tbrough the Exhibition grounds, where everyting seems to ho in an "under construction" state jusi now. le a little over a month, the big Canadian show-thtj C.N.E.-i.x due te preseliits display fer Canadians and visitors frum ther cout tries.,. After several years wiîbouîtbe Canadian Na- tional Exhibition aIl will bave a keener interent and! appreciation of the event of 1947. We wbo live next door have often felt we neyer fully appreciate ibis grie national show. Visitors fromt the UJnited States bave bien amazed ai its size aud scope and! bave bieni making tht Exbibition tbe time fer their visit to Canada. Il is a great institution and 00w after the war years and the use of the grounds ad buildings for var purposex, it is ready te siep back inouis place in Canadian life and progress. Tbe building evidence sees ibat it wilt hi a more per- manent and greatîr Canadian National Exhibition iban evîr. We've missid tbe C.N.E. during the past few years. We certaioly welcome il bock Ibis year atong wiib every other visiter who bas evîr attînded. Th- exhibition of nîw features developîd during and since the war witl bicorne a part offit and with il ail cao keep up t0 date in world progriss and aciive. teint. Until November Mr. Bevin mokîs no bonis about what hingrs oit the Foreign Minstîrs Contîrînce in London in Novîmber. This literally moy hi the wortd's last hope. And differîncîs ire so griot liai many think our onîy chance is for a 'iwo-wortd peae"-the chance thot East and West may possibly agrce te diii,'. goodo in the luxury, black market stores ta any ex- teot. Quite the reverse. Since September, 1946, oocording ta figures is- oued by the US. Depariment of Labour, prices of raiioned goods in Russia have rison on an average of 166 per cent. Tht price of gooda in the luxury, black market stores is supposed ta have fallen hy about 30 per cent. t is going ta ho a litile diffiuaIt for Canadian Communions ta defend ibis, le is going ta heeovin o lthl embarrassing for tht Socialisis wbo assiri thai the onlp reason for risiog prices in Canada is the huge profits heing mode hy business. Sinci thîre is nu profit for business under Communise, îbey will bave ta gvt us somo other reason for tht gîetirisc 0f prlcts la Russa. Actually, tht Rissians are frank' about their reason. Tbey are deliherately putting up prices in Goverament stores,-for tht purpose tof reducing tbe purchasing power of the warti.ie rarninga and sas- ings of tht Russian people. U. K. Exportais Mia. Chance? Tht Daily Express of London bas hein making a survey 0f opinions of British goods in variaus expori outlets. In Canada it found complainîs 0f higb prices. Because of ibis, îao ofien the British goods outomaiically go ino tht luxury closs. It ix just possible ihat tht British exporter is not fully awarî 0f tht limitation on sucb sales. Speaking genîrally, Canada ix prosperous and pur- cbasing power ix higher thon emer hîtore. But in Canada, as in Britain and elsewhere, hîavy taxation bas bit tht btiying of luxury goods. Undoubtedly there are far more people than ever before able 10 boy $25 suitcases and $1.500 motor cars. But there are prohahly fîwer thon before ibu- war who con afford $75 luggage or a $10,000 car. Prior 10 1939 Canada rlied largely on Britain for ixs import of lunuries, wili tht much cheaper Uines came frate Germooy, Czîchoslovakia, Japan and ai- bers. Wilh maxi 0f tht second group lemporarily ut liait oui of tht expori piclure. ihere ix an oppor. tuniiy for tht British exporter ta gît in on some oF ibis brîod-aod-hotîr business os wîll as retaining the cakes.-Finoncial Post. Oniaro'a Traf fie Deatb ToIl Sharply Up ln June Traffic accidents 100k the luves of 69 persons in Ontario in Jonc and lîft many criîicatty injured iin hospitals. Anatysis of fatatity reports sppeariog io provin- cial papers doring the monlh shows, 23 pîdestriansý killed, l1t drivers, 23 passengers, 4 cyclissond one! person killîd in a horse drawo vîhicle. The deatb and accident toIt was spread widely acros-. the province, totalled 16 more deatbs than it May and 24 more deatis iban in jone of last year. Ontario ix howcvcr, making progress in îraffiz occident preven lion bot there i.. no justification for cornptauency. Toi ycars ogo, in jonc 1937, ihîrc vire 75 peusons killed and 1123 blnrd; je Joty of that toar ( 1937) the dcath toIt reacbed l01 the vor',t This, howeven, ix ilindoestoti toufat tuat we ithouetiftrafic in Ontairio, nombîr ut icinsel arc on an idiotogicat oge. An idiology ix suci p-l drivers anîd ochîctus bas griotly s rcascdd o sinIli billet about u wuy ut lite tiat ils adierente lobsIuj u fUS.diu'.Tctofub vili nul rîst titI tii vioti vîrld adopts it. Thire i o occa ih con hi no îwo-world ideolegici. voti<wir0'bi. If wi do not want ta bow belon tic Eastern ideotogy. thîrufori, or go ta vor ugoin lu ditinul IDITUIIIAI. NOTES our Western way of ife, wi must muke sorne dra>t:ý chun g ex in tht wuv ictvîen 00w and Novernier. 1Ve must devilup o ap ut atitnking and living hat Havent huard any compîtlints fir scîcral I vic, cusqoîrs otier ntions un ideologicol grounds. Tier aoutîtie l;ick îf vommur catI. con hi 'ne compromise on principle' os Securetot of State Mrshalli irpbatically says. But thîre Il-. nul lis oiclu plan your exhihit-. tir tic may hi some bitter principte. There moy hi on Haltîn Pstîntc Fair ot Milto n abtot Ivo montis. dca vhiub thîr nations viii like ictîr thun ti.'ir uonand vbich vi. aI the somi ime like hettir ton. Terc oare sorne indications tiatIportiul construc- Tht prohlern ix to find on idca that tutalitario.i lion if ncw bigbway surface will bu mode un No. powers agrie ix bitter fer tii 510h oand more con- 25, ibis year. but until vi sec coe han fînce pus trîtled thon State Contrit. wile dîrnourocies ogrec and sorcylîr-. aI work oor enlbuisiosrn dues net risc. t ix trier and more enîîrprixing thon rie Enter'--__________ prise. Inspired Entîrprise under God Conirol ix Etura lecturs arc sîting ut tht construction of the obvieus and enis' possible anxwer. If we or- va terwerks and sîwage disposai for Ibot community. selves start living andin God'x guidante te achieveCranyfradsep o n omnt n ont venld" intrnaly-that is full agreement in heing viii supperted by tht edilenial opinion et ibe cur own demtestie, indusîriat and peitical affoirs-- Elora Express. there ix stili a chance thot ibis vilI imprexx the East- ern corld in Novecher. Wt may show, in sctian, an idea that tbey like bitter thon their Swn and itîus Canadion experts are runoing 18% ighîr Ibis achieve a one-world peaue in London. year thon last and veli ovîr ibreices tht 1938 Thie Rleb )And The Poor As prices rise in Canado, they rixe for rich and poor alike. The price systcm in a trie country meuns end etfPMay vas $1,155.8 millions comparîd wi-ýtb $896.1 millions for tht sucne pîriod in 1946 and $321.1 millions in 1938. pris t th s iae goodx nittrent sntore es utWbîn Ibre ousaod isounds 0f hurtling autoi. nie mach.tht smegrecr hs iletttocestemobile emes in contact witb 150 pounds et bumun not uch Th grcerwhosell tothefany tadebeing, the odds are very mucb against tht latter. can gel a lthl more for is geods than a grocer in a wokin clas cmmunty.Na mattîr chat the cause ot tht contact, the resait A faxhionabie dress store charges mort for the thesm-et.Ls ri naio h same drîss ihan dois a more modesi îstaahiishmenl. 6881 people killed in troftiu, 2791 vire pedesîrians. ment. la Cemmunist Rassis there base oivays bien Min vian lethes, pints eut the Printîd Wordl, Ico prices. Theri vas a price vhich applitd 10 us- Toronto, but osoaîîy tue much et tht..in bot viath. îioned goods sold in Geveroment tores. Then, ta er. "Attempîs te gît men 10o ccepi more in com- accommodate tht wîlîhy commisses and ibeir pais, fortoble cloihing succeed slowly, but o mon dressed who bave iremendous incomes, tht Russian Govern- in the lightext tropical vorxted suit ix xtliicrrying ment opertîs a chain of black market stores, chich evra ounces more vcight thon bis comenfolk think are alioved 10 charge any price vbicb they like, os- rîquiiti fer eithîr eomfert or decency. Perbaps ually for aboe tht price ot ratiined goods. mec voold hi bitter off if tbey 'gave more encour- Nov, tht Russians are bringing the prices in these agement le tht designers et their fashions. A lithoe two systetes 0f stores 10 the sci level, but they imagtnation applied te the business suit ceubd cerk are not doing this by hringing dovn the pricesof venders." FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING PHONE 426W MILJTON Clement and Mountain I COUNTY OF~ HALTON i 1947 - LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR - 1947 .Ptacc ai Sitin aa. oft ciSittingsJa. Mar.. May J... Set. Ne. -- t -Mta -~ idm - t. _ -t t , 3 à atia t ty 4 a iaetat..W 1a.u - t i t Bu - .1aTatde - . -3 a8 i3 i Att Dialia, .Caat. Oepe.at io .... Standard Tite t.t.cà ..d Add...e.MCI i.k-.,BS Kua1hiMitoa; a. lieJohnbett. Oakh I.i; a.it.c Ta.a.c. oagtau.. .Wiced Cale., cta; 6. C si Sitting.atofCa .nty Ceuci aiiha.t jury,* Mocday, cih Aecil, ai aa... M.. 6ch Octiec. tai a a... ta,', eh Ai,crl; M..edan, cii Jet,; T_ .c tch Oeiebcc. Dy0rOeW. 1.DICKMIItm Cl. h ai tht Pence QUAKER DILL us-24c CHICKEN e.31,0 NEATS za V»3q FOOD$ 3 mot230 CUSTARD ras.70 OSTADUD eaL CLUEAMSRtme COOL VKUI JUinCU OIRANGE Ml GRAPEFRUIT JUICE -z. 250 LEMON JUICE 2 sas INiI1C KRUS APPLE JulCe aTINS ç .iUNKETP» So Ic COOA c-SI*-a394 VLQVVa .9.1 DEANS 't. 50 Ih MOOL0 ET - RKm on CORN PREN -TM35c FL~AKCES Sdte tW t.aLia. ut.. - CiAM=&LLEANtiNE FRUIT JARSDOLS~ OL ZINCJAR KRING .SILO51 , S J'AIR RUDIEERSSaistl" CEmRTO CRTSTALUe selc WATCH FOR OU& GOOn WIND SAL 33 C 23c 14c 17c 'I Business Directory MEDICAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC Phones: Milton . Nunhe CamaatelIIlll Nuesher 3»14 Dr. QH.L TRIENBON Dr. W. J. RODBTBON Dr. J. IL BEACH Offic H-oura: A. M. By Appoînimînt oniy. P.M. 1-4 7-9. Suodays-EcergeneeoOniy. MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X-}tay Coroner, C.P.R. and Gaol Surgoca DI. G. I.SYM Pbay.ttma a sge.. Omie-Jam.es Street Phan, Na. 38 Office. Siurs: 9 am.; 1-3, 7-8.»0 p.u Coroner - M.10H. . DR. J. HL O'ILL M.DC.M, L.M.C.C. Offile. and Residence MAIN STREET BMLTON Phone 412 LEGAL DICK & DICK W. L DuCIK, KX. tCounty CiawnaAtorney) IcENNE??? Y. DtCK, HA. Bacitera. Salicitors Court Haute - maltou Telephone 4 T. AX HUTCHISON Baretatar, Sllieâtor, Eau.. Offie-Nexi Doue Champion Otit. Main Strect-MUtan Telephonc M4 GEORGE E. ELLIOT Bart.tee, Sothcitor, Notaey Pubia Offie-In Faiccra' Building, NâMl Stret, Milton Telephont 70 G. HOWARD GRAY, &QC Derier.,, Sotlitor. Nainet,&.. 238 Keele Street, Toronto, Ont. Pione LYndhurat 8612 -Also ai- MILTON INN2 by Appoicent LEVER & HOSKIN Chartered AeeSa0tb Soccaasors ta JENKINS &H OARDY 1305 Mtropolitan Bldg., 44 Victoria Si., Toronto Elg. 9131. DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Office in Royal Building, Milton Hours-95. Esextogo hy Appaîniceni X-Ray Service Tîliphone 197 DRL F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON Offce ose Prioccs ITheatre Nigit Appoiotoscots cay hi arrangeô X-liay Service-Gos Extraction Otous 91005 Telephone 65w NIFALSEN-The Chiropractor Disait.. Tharapisa 33rd 'leur of Practie 6 Lady Attendant Oser Dominion Store, Georgetown OPTOCAL H. C. LAIRD, R.O. OPTOSOEOTIST - OPTICIAN Mton-Thursday Alternoonà Mdu Etîninga For Appointesent Phone Marchanda&-S Eyes Exaomlced - Lenues Presithb I24SitIA24CE R. W. FOX Agent tor FUIE and AIJToMOBR.U eNSUItANCtE Phone 28U4 'Hilton. Ontario TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY STANDARD TISE GolingEast-7.31 ocm., daily; 2.04 pcm., daily; .37 pcm., daily axiept Sunday. Coite West-.07 arn., dally (la); 6.20 p...., daily; 12.47 ocm., dally ex- cept uoday fag). SUNDAY Coite East-7.30 arn.; 2.04 p.n5.; 0.14 p. Going West-S.07 S.m. fse>; .28 P.. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Going North-7.50 o. Coing Souti 7.35 p. Calitornia Val. ORANGES, Size 220, doz. lmported TOMMTES, lb. Golden Ripe BANANAS, lb . ....... New CABBAGE, 2 beads PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, JULY 17th, 1947.

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