PAGB FOUR THE CANADIAN CHAMPIO NEWS oithe DISTRICT -Varlou Itms Concernlng ActLvithes la Coiausunitiea Nearby Where Many of Our Readora are latereated HORNBY Congatations ta tise popils ai Hornisy seheai misa hase sarcestaity lassýed tteircintraa-es Mut-bey Balles, Gl'.easa Baiaei. lac Tlsanssoou, Feus- csMeCarean. Tise lat day aoisoat mas celetret- ed idis n publie pienie. Mrs, Sain Trimiie han hoons sffer- ing tram i hoaltis thîssunmiser. aMaîy attonded tise fanerai ai Mr., George Kennedy, ai ifS and highiy reupeeted citiznaoaiHaruty. Congralastions ta Mn. aid Mes, W. Braddy miso more mrried recently. Tisey pano ta reide in Hornhy. LOWVILLE Nov. Rohert Forgnun. M.A.. ai Ah- erdeen, Seottaod aili preurhisn tise Zammerman aid Limsiile Unilta Cisurcis neit Saîday morning. Rev. aid Mes. E. M. Carter ara leasing tiis Tiusady for tiseic aco charge at Part Roan.î Miss Olive Richardson, Misa Ber- aice Atkinoa, of Toronto, aid Mrs. Haroid MeGsuiis ond son Brt, af Burlinglan, are spendiug a iem dua attise homo of Me.anid Mes. Harry Richsardsn. Mr. aid Mcs. Rcgiîuid TaissaorS tamif y, if Campisellisle, Dr. aid Mms. G. Neuf-up aud family. ai Paierma, apet Suuday uithtie home of Me. aid Mes. Harry Richardsn. ZIMMERMAN NASSAGAWEYA NASSAGAWEYA S. S. No.?7 No. 7 heid their annunl pienie an Thursdnp oening. Sspper mas net undor the shady inaptes on nover ni tables. Thse delictousa lunch consiaitd oi aniadspichles, every hInd aosnd wich, cake, coohios and maffias, cn ap, Ice-cream, lomonade and ton. At- ter lunch the sports got ander Ma and prizes more givon ta the foioti ing.aîasttiIciLOnsiia The anouasipubltie sehont pienie aifArBhyr adGils7. -LrrieCx S. S. Nao. ,Naaagameya mai heid Arthesr8 as l eseiFaiGan tlie si-Ioal geasuins loa Feday oter- tMîllan. lavas. With Sdeul aeather tiare wao qaie a large gaheriîg preseit ta Boys 8 itact Martlo Daveilsart.f eijay ihe sparts aid races. Marshall Paul. The taitamiig are the races aid the Boysanad Girls 12 io 14--Gearge n prise mîners. Andersan, Don MeMittan. Pr-Sehnont hitdren, aWte, Boys aid Girls 16 aid atîdr- O JakWleGeorge Anderson, Don McLoaî. Margaret Nightingale. Btsuaid Girls 21 aid sidor--Geo- ti Giand Bys 6and 7yeacs-Jafs rgs-Anidercs, Tom Kennedy. Wuther aid Helen> Siiott. Mon oser 21 -Archar Dasesipsat,n Girls 8 ta 1i yeasîFias-vice Gih- Wilfried Kennedy.t son, Evelyî Gihuon. Lde vr2-r.GatMMl Boys 8 ta ci years-Jahi Attisa LdisoerS-Mss-s MM a Bah Pattersai. ' pi. Mrs. Athur Davoopori. Girls 12 ta 15 years Isa ituai, Marriod Men Timo rare-Mr. Ed Grare Fergasan. Daveiprsan. Bays 12 ta t3-Leoiard Gihsoms Orange Rare-Geoarge Aderon. David rayer. Dan MeLeai. Baya 14 ta 15 Billy Pailermi. îere KicktIhe Shue-Mrs. Grant McMiI- è Lasby. lan, Hazol Kennedy.V Young Ladies-Marie Synot Jane Three-legged rsee -George Aider-e Berteriet. pai, son aid iDan reLcai. Mari Gaves-f Married Ladies --Mes.Bertericis part aid Marshall Paul. Mes. Emily Wilson. Cas and dag rscee Bahy Coes Yung Men-Billy Patersai. Gar- learo. dai Dui-hy. BeferoheFrnk Msrried Mesn-Mr. Walter. Me. Van Borthe laleesie started thase an th runsîjayod a game of hait tae o aeezFrgna, a anssitiýsme inties irooi admlred morh Rela rae -Doren FrguonGo dacre l'y te hildres sn the manuaiI dus Feaga-si, Blly Paîtersai, Iiad Gibson.trainingcand dmesic sence lasse% Ttere -ereiaf efsh aespae litN oinis ttc pramotion lisi 1 fN.7srhalars. andthelades erecia dint luch Fmrn Grade 7 tsi 8 Dos MeLeai, whast everyaîe el aed - George' Anson v nSrie sse farmers is this district ram- Prom Gradesai. Evelyn Setasie sss'iedettigtay lsstmweek-end. arri aeotIanBahhyCose Mis MrgaetPicergil, .N, s Fesass(;islei ta 5 -Don Ms-Millan, BrantfordS vîated mith tee tsreis.s.ace AllsossVola SevieMrhall îles ansd Me. R W. Psrhcrs.gll avec ra Mr. Ernsit Fiesrt andl.aoil aof lMrs William FssrhsaofSalemwhssL TorntoMrs. S.iFrenchMruad Mias. ss tens-stavsg a-tt rslatives i ST. Ms.t. Hnt- N..agaiyiasirigtse lat msthi errofmsurlisgtassîssied last Susd.tyastarsedtaolier isamessnSalem lusi ait 1hMr. aid Mci. C. Brigman. Saîdfay aftron Msr. andMrs.F.Rsgers ofHiam- cr iilllh ldtf ltosa-iited Saidas aratMV.a-. dstinîthe bnezerUnited Chrrlsiext d; .%trs. J. C. Ragers. Sussiay Misa Marions Galbraith af Hasmilton Ail tc ir ,mhes--.of te laleNel- ii tas heec hliduyiig t her hame hesonasMs-I.aaghlitamly sere hame S forithe past Iwmehs.tast Saîday taosee these motter. Miss Narres Bridgman spest ti MsadMr.Rg isaSiiduh week-ed ather home here. tee of Atas. Mr. anditMrs. Ernest Rev. R. Fergasos ai Ahcrdeens. Wilsoni and sso of Campihcllsille. Me.t Sestlanidwmut proarh here neat Suidsy. Johns Miss Milderd Wi'.is ani Mtiss Patricia Benett if Burligiai Master s Wilsoni spei t Soiday ai-1 visited ith MisMuai-inGalbrathon teresnasst te Eloa-Rocs. Thaesday lait. Me. aid Mes. Rosi Gardas ai Rock-li Dr. aid MesFerry of Bota,a-ad .R.2sisid friendsiflet- p Mas, called an M. aid Mes. C. Bridg- ,rais. Miels - last ivet fer- a fe%%,Suys.a mai aid M. aid Mes. J. Glraith _______ ast Satarday.p Me. aid Mes C. R.Srepson af Has- Ii1toîîi uvenf1es liai have movscS ta these cottage for a te sommer. C1ai k tji AnotIîer h A amher front ere atteided the Janior Farisers pris e tria t tIse W ill Xaiî1st Xton .AC., Guelph ai Friday.g Ree. E. M. Carter precuhed has lCotiîaed trore Page One) farew-sl sermo naiasSaiday reorîig and tas scceptedl a charge ac Part and t<rly taîded sufciy go the Iti RAswan. suet ohen t c Arai Sd baiemain: ______________ farbeid MaPhail a alhed und South go erdi Ji2d asha maftedtise' CAM BE L IL E hroae asa-re Mltoi's twoa urte CAM PBELLVILLE forer sîîig. Ssuth tried fi squeee'l 5 i nt a double tut mis togged oui Ttc annual qalling ofte W.M Sq. ai Sîsi. Sait o-as the ssly mai lu et Si. avdi Chofrch a-as heid 5tr-ra-t ist foe the ttieca sn tce Ied. the Suîday Sceeol retinasten fise Rush ssîgled aid reuehed home as. quilttamere qalted. Tmo for tte W. Mshli's laie it oet-e Sd. Aliai MS., twoafor the Grace Mission Band mode litbut fait-sittacet aîy far-. and aie foc the Bair Youg Womnei's harlainhe came. Raeiy aid Mc- Aasiiiary. Phail hat lated aafetiei asd irar- A shart tusinssîsession mus coi-'s overlhrea-at the plate, Sacted ftoisg tht ea houe. Tnestaetput ttc homeses p for the fiesi presideat Mes. T. MePhail peesided. timtein ttce îct.Actan mui sc.- Assiue'ssileefolwedy pr- ewlh a siglehbit Ineaeh inigE erbyithe peesieito-as oserved Inibtiasasahbleiteasd a orasthilel laviîg memaory efthIe laie Miss C. Miltona aeed four mree. Metthait asti hatieen ireassrer .f Stai Fay htteSotte longeai, i thelSocietyfofoety yeaes. TheSrela- triple in te itt oith a tcasd seas turcrlesaso a marendhy Mrs. E. D. slallsatrmae foretheseniosrclub. Mahos failoaaed lsy ttheisrds Praye Astoes a-seod a sngleton in the ia.t aid aasmes art irvthe samne. TIre assagastssSalt lanided ..ifelyofer sraue«srpr asa escived, ic aiie s as eccosat. Asam ses vathed asn lha- Ctî--aSi-a-staea- epeîst-d lîasisg %asls-s Ce.etfie sd I totesasgroansi- s1iles 51slhia-- s- a nd.sval es--ast i i.- s- irs. Sai srasas-si la plie. sca slalls-..aiaioTi-ta-la--eStas -su llas, rilsa vl fftys snthc sire,-sav- tsIrjiag handtai qi- Gli las--ear ovnswaiavngg .vg ioalaiavaseaiadta-asavs..asosstoflla- tîsa-aî.A-laas Tsaanstey 3h; AI- 'lai eta-ig' aillas-l - lai sas aoý-c.a. Illilii ast If i 11Sa lat a-f Adta-! aii-at ithliea. alea AaIit o.s- ns lh: i7 ; a-laiso iait a; ilat fr L ake. lotsnlislt landsari Ma- illiaî sastiwl- i-. Vise aaigls laa 2: lii t a; F-sy sanI al ta-s he lsr- toas - i ahatse Is I,: pa <Il s-a-s ,f; IL-isl asl, -Ulaîsser lastTlsrssay inlhoeni-foa-sa-h MPa-ilîs : a. iFats Il; lSothset. liasle lbrtd y, inti.s- a t i a- 4tIs Mrt. ad Ms,.iR. tC. itteiie. Ma- ArisaIs 030il00lY1s4 S l ands lirs. Th.mas M-Pail, Meslisai- Maltisse (121 231 9 9 il2 s-at Ellott Mrs. M.Moreeandifer. Ul'as- Gsib Jordain astîHoastosn William Reid attends-sthse ftsisetis meststg aîîsveesery aiM. and Mi-' tunanasRei-is rf Milnles lti meoi. THE HOME NEWSPAI>ER Mas.Moore pored lea. About tmeaty if the MePtail faso- One if tirs'mass esarîtiol iletial- iiy tiocded ttceascdding ai te da-ions etfresSers antirgesiecm ghtiee oiMe unit Mes. Haroldi MrPh.sil iumaety la the home seasp~apee. Tt of Tarante o sfFiSay evesing. givrathie pea-pIe the informatian ttrp Aimai tasenty-lve W. I.reemtsests'el aouîst tht'aetivitisof the hame oltended ttc lftleih asnivs'rsary of ami. fi telsabaout tte chinai the te W.f. tel(] at tise 0. A. C. at lamr toma srganiaîlsîs as-e ding mfoh tsahie henî,fîit f tise cammaity fIl Sevetal isamn here tteaded ttc sappofsprogressive masements, aid Boaîetielîf r-aaias an Salas-day at gives theso atiisties tiuhlicity, au Kitristo Srisaa hatistpeaple as-s'led th taisesi in terect Atout 100 people aliradreltise Cae- le tes prîeeediîgs aid gise tiset rie re-anian os Satseday hctd nt thetc ure e-aperationi. haine ai Mr. aid Mes. Cyril Efiott Tise home norocysper is tise valceofo t Beeshsiite. Ttcesraeing mas ipeit tise esmmanlty. 'T'he peaple ure in- n daning t Bronhvilfe hall. vited ti mete ta the hoame paperexos Ttecleoslîg meeting ofthtie Ni. i pressing thele denatout lamaIlite. Seisaai Faem Forummus sefd osi F-.aid chus helps etacreote suppoet for day evening at tise scisial. Arrange- peogressive mîvements. Tise hosie monts icere mode ta îtart the meet- nemipaper reilectitise Ideas ni the angi agsin i Octîher. Me. Wliam commanity, and ihensgh It tise rom- PlisrPtt mas la charge aid Me. T. munity ceci tise ehance to expressu ii Wisley gve tise tneourer's report. bidensfa the autide morid. Fros1hah ý2 to l--Arthar Me- Leod. Frare Grade t ta Grade 2 Lorrainc Wi. aoîlestad lia-s-vare foar tiras auils lariiig sa-hesi alter the hala- Nfr. and Mn ftHenry MeLeod St. ts-,lea yelaytisit froamMr.Wm. Simpsoni, Roeteari Sask. Mr. Royharn Carnorhai, Nennoy, Sask., visited! at the home if his sis- er. Mes. Davi ld eiderqon. The ira y arcaied Baîy Bon fi-. ate tPmet ut Mes. Stan Robinstn'. home. There as a itdendid attend- A Beirtit (lanesyeacsored hy utelit- hosaid trrids ai Mr. iISvld Me. Phedieran aid Me. Alfred Talthtt attrided hy a large eraasd Tuesday nigtt at Bronhvitie Hiait. Mr. Me- Ihederai lait hissbouse hy tire and Ir. Talbat o haovas living svith hies asa lost muets. Ai address wsea reotl hy Me. Willred Kenndy-. Mr. Neit D M M AND I PERLAGE e. - i ING O GEOR. HET GEORGETOWN-- Thuridav and Fridav Onlv Julv 3 --4 %(:eON-- Saturday Oîlv Julv 5 NOTE! S>ECIAL MEN'S PERFORMANCE 4 P.M. SrRA .,k GREGORY THEATRE, ACTON Il ~* O PitrES [Vi;tYWlll Ris anc siigiig ttc praises of the smart nom Oidsmobtle car. StyIe a/eie mîîuid make ittheosat urey of the year! Long. loming lics. tastiefaltinn, iauîifuiip îaiioeed inron . .-.ait combing îo gieu this, cae asmotl-s-a-mcissdy.' ncw-as-îomsaerom" look . And ichen you cîsîsidre thait tenom Oidsmasîiic is ttc tomeit-jtrjcec ar to offer GM Hydru-Matic Drive*i, thc Geiseeoa Moios- drive-/aise makcs Oldîmobile a smaret choice aaismoitically. For Hysra-Matic Drivc* is the oniyjnllypreved. liy oatmatir drive. Ttc oniy drive chat shifts gears throagh four formard spersis u-iihsutan y effairi îss/asor os pose part. The only drive that elimi- diates ttc ciatet pedai cours-lys-'. .juit forget tte clutch and gear ... ail yoî do is siii and steer.' No iconder so munp sarost people iay "its SMART to omnanasOldi." *ay,.tic î na pis . e . i --c O09e0 MatitaDrive*i s 55 idesprend tît i tl groravoeds te sappis-. MiSe saro pose pcoieicer eaoiesfaa oeoienttyssnd Cateteroohtheaastingapeiadte tous6 ii sooiadorenotaryhe yoraseOiismoiîe denier. 047 Wm. Whitaker & Sons, Station Road Oakville Maartin and Mr. Stan Robino pros- ented the tics mon with envolopea af rooney. Bath mon eapressod theîr ap- preciation. Friends ai Mr. Oscar Locher are sorry te hoar af i hs Hdîno n St. Jas. eph'o Hospital lIntlsolph, but are pteaaed ta hnow ho in onpocted homoe In a tom days. OUDTDNOTION Someone once sald, In roieronco ta Parliament, chat il cosid do anything eepi mahe a mon a moman, or a If i aosaying ihat sait have is- ls-hed the vaniiy af legai draftmen for sorne yeors. Plitherto they have soi sttempted ta dinprove it, hut thai may ho oniy hecause they con thtnh of nu reason for chînging the nex of siy Canadian citizens. lait ta nhow- ihot they can do if they pst their minds ta t, it moy ho îoted chat the Receiver-Genersi, for îaciaoses ai the tocomo Tas Act, hos the powser ta treot as ningle persos sameroas morried men and momen. AIso. oeeording ta the Foregoing tEhonge Contrai Art. "the Governir in Coanril msy mahe regatations ... ssesrrihing chat persons wiho wouid aihermise ho sesidents nhoill hodeem- ed ta ho nan-residensitior choc pornans aho moaid othercisebh o n-enid- ents shah hoe deemed to ho reaidents lot aiy of the porposes if this Act." The Printed Word. PLATES INJUEED IN SOFTBALLAM IN BAM An untortsnate mihhap occurred tant Priday evesisg chenuthlos tcal Legiannairos visiteal Brampton itan rOgsiso, schoduiod soithal tixturo. WIsito they more tshing a shellachisg, Chsch Gervais1 Mitions second hase- man, man deep inca ceaire to nat s pop flp ns Erie Totetzha came hounal- ing tn ta mahe (the put-sut. They crsshed and Chsch mas remived ta the Brampton haupitai for repaira. It mai disgoverod ho rereived a soyers isjary la the ligoments ai tai right hîee aid atter aping hy Dr. Freed, a farmer Mitonian, ii have ci roaort t a crutchos for nashort time. Wo tape Chsch has a speody recovory. It cuit tica hillion dolars ta coti- pieethe niamie hoint. J. A ELLIOTT 1consod Aurtlumer For the Counties ai Haiton and Pool Phase 155r2l jRural Rouie No. 3 MILTON PAGID POUR 71nlR-%nAV- Ttrr.V q.A logi Highway and County' Roads Have Surfaces Badly Broken Thie road-hed ofI Biwhway 25, la breaking up hadly, eapeoially hotwooss the Base LUse and Nassier 5 aide- road, falowing the apring gradLng op- eratlons. While It wsstated anos Urne aga the lslghway was a bIha l- proved friom Milton, four miles north, announcement hasn fot tees made thit the contract has heeo let. Surveyora have been svorking in and around the town recently aid it s hoped mark u'iii hegin mîthin a short time. A naticeabte change in township rondoh-as heen made this yoar. Nearty ait roada are In excellent condition milS the continaal gradin6 In lte dif- forent msnicipai-ties. Coanty roada have hroken up hadiy, cîpecially the Base Line and tse Sev- enth Uine. Bath of these roada hava a hard surface, and marbre. apent considerahie time a year ago malsing repaira on thia sarf ace. It has hraken up mach wayne thn ever ausd work- mon h-ave fiited the haires wth nand, which in thrown aut mith the passlng hcavy vehicular trafi l. The mias- teaceoaf a light-weight hard sur- face 10 far greator chat a road-hed which shaaid ho constraciod for the traffie which uses the rond today. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION