TH AAIA HMIOUHSDAJJ16o,14 &di w 7 h, ti t tr Baice ofai Siek. Mseiaass and Duste e- lasemesin thi. colusa aihoa chase. s Me-oas S,,iiassW. adiose-r e- kdiie-at forposass. Cid. of Thats s i BORNN a M- u r~ ILO T M. andi Mes. Sarry Gi.- DONALD DOUGLAS Wlson nec Wlma Stondeaon)of ai Donald Dougtas paoaed saway audd- Palermo. a son, Water Frederiet,' ai Mitton Private Hospial,.01 enly, aturday, May 241, ai his ture Frlday, May 30th, 1947. 1 nreur Miltas. Mr. Douglas e-as Son BARNOARD - Cp. sud Mca Donald is Trafalgar an Jly th, 1976. ttc Barnard (ae seen Dccii) ut seond son of Catherin and Wiiam Lachine, Queher, are happy teans- Douglas, Who trerets camne ram nOuuue 1the arrivai ai a daughier, S-oltad. te e-as ut a Slnd disposition Daphne Jean.,i he earat Stos- and hiighty reapecteul, an active me-- pitl, on Taesduy, Juac 3id, 1947 iere ut Omogh Pccshptcciao Chacals. Botb doingeilt. Ste la surrivesi 11 his et, threer sons, Harotl ut Mitton, EMiner ai hume IN bMEMOpiAM ed Jack ut Calgary, e-tusreved or- PP41rLRSN-Inmemoy ofa loin eseas ta the RCAF dring the ear, mothrrERMO.-Thommsor atngand aisa three aitera and une brotilier. tersai,e-ha enteresu in ret Jonc 115e romnains resird ai his hume utl 5th, 1945. Tuesday, May 27th, wen they wee Evreere-e-Seesi cuarcyrd ta Omagh Presbyterian Cccii, Zita and Joanner Chureh tac service ai 4 oanarS sud In- terred in 1he Preabyterian Ce-etery. CAJIS O F THIASCS Rer. J., N. MeFaul ofidiatcd. Ttc putibearera werrcJ. Wiiimtt, . Mca Chas. Daridaun wes tet thsuk Featberstslne, Tho. Coieet. G. E. tee e-any frienda and nrlghue Caor Dolby, Wm. McCatney and Chas. Jar- ttc iavlp fluwers, cards, and gittuvs sent ta 5cer ai Ohe MitoanSopital T'ire fCaersrnece many aad teauti- end inre retucatng tome, tui. Misa Doethy Thomson e-tshea ta tant bier msuy nightors sud fteneda LE GN for te lavey card, lettres, gifttansd flamers sud al otter ats ofttindne-s A C I M shawn hier dariog ltee tengthy ittorss.- I ecliishilattc nly e-sp t tan TRACTOS, IMPLEMNTS, ITE reacir yau. Sa many ut yeux are STOCK, ETC. scnding e-et eteertut mesagesansd - crds whle I am- ta Miton Pivae The undersignell have receeved an- Hsinpial. 1 Is e-lt athant pou ait sîrurtinas ram e-ast sincereiy. JOHN C. DENNIS Emna ye-naTa sel Sp publie auction ai his Ttc tamnfly ai ttc taie Jota T. ing tare- situatesi on Na. 7 Rtghway, e-lott excpress their sincere thanrs eide-sp beimeco Acta. and Rackwond ta tele rienssand nghaoraCr an iSole kiods ympaihy ansi irihute ai MONI>AY, dUNE loeil respect to ttc mee-arp oi the deceas- Cummeccg to i1.00 oricirc sharp. cd an the are-alan otiheir receot D.S.T., the toliaeing. Sreavement. - RSES. SARNSS-Dapplc Grey Ttc tamlly othetttae Mes. Joseph Peceran Gedtng, 7 yen., gond e-ag- Malteish ta express o te îre n ahorse; rn-nMare. 10 pis: Bay thi ayGetding 14 r.; Set Brrechng Sar- telend, relatives sud oighhora their ns I reat gansi shape; ei ut Nee- teartolttanks ansi sppreiatios tue Bidîrs; Set Piae- Sarnece-:Set ut acta o kindnaa, mensages ai spmn- Bînge itorness; Cuitari, Stankti. Ptty sud beautitut floal rai inumaex- COWS AND YOUNG CAIlLE - tcndcd tet 5e-n ntheir recent sud Shurthurnal Boana Cue-. Cent, ed Srnavement tn the leuoua thieir caC e-t fotnt:Sptird Cue-. resh, lad moirer, speiliy ttsukiog er. F. rait aituaio; Bcd Cue-. tresh, 3rd catt Alseot tuehis romtnriing mrdi, aitfot; BoansCow, treat. led cati ai tant veau); Spotiesi Cue, fCerabled mîtf at ou; Whte Caw, trendan 0ce,. lad; Bcd Cue-. rellApei 2nd: Boa. - L)eL>lLes - elierebrai March 21; Bcd Relier. bresi Aprit 3; lbese are gond rue-s - e-ish splendId udueri: 2 Bahy Beevra; -Home gardonere have heen e-ah- 13 Bleers andi Heufrs. ring 2 pri. ing th tc o the tcrigtt doasastey ROCS--.Bae e-it 10 pies at tuai; coe-c. Sue- e-t 10 pies joxi ead re- Seed); Sae- bred May 26; 10 Shonta; -AtScai t hegra sccms ta have12 ftiPigifi nt previoasly iotd; eYack Base, 5Ste-o. hire Weit In ttc ond oai eatter wecPOULTBY AND EQUIPMENT-65 have heen havtag. Rock Miens; Brooder Stause; Coul -i Broader Stave. -enaGuia hs as aktotoaerasi FUEL AMI) LJMBERrS crds Fur- e-ii opecate ttc Whte Rase Service noce Btocks; 6 carda s e Kindiig; Statian ai Palermo. 7 cardaeisnxd Rsrde-oad; 250 C. Iart El.- Lue-ber; Scanting; m ead Ioch -June the montli ai roses sudbd is-Lomber; a quantity ut uood long ns-ialan aouls iSe Oe e-nat ut strae-- Plants; a qoantity ai usedshostr terries and green peu. Hantu a quanttty 6x8" Cedar, usesi. 6 e1'ln;odLue-ber, Tooguea. --Creeksa andsi dtohes liat a bearier etc.; 5 huaches Stîngies; Cedse fle- ot ee on Moaday thon tas pisOo. tee. capertenced In sny priosime RAT AMI) GRAIN-100 titi. e-txcd Grin; 100 tus. Wtheat; 50 Sus. Gala; iteshînta. 1 tan Cop; 5 tan Ctover Rap. -Joc anua rcpretyrar. ul TRACTMR AND POWEB MACHIN- -Jue food ar pett rae. etEST Ford Tracior an roSSer. 1947, In Our remticeciion tare weseen ueh e-it Fereusano Liii Puise-;Gos tigh mater Intis district ai 1h10 sen- Greasar;Gtton 21d, h.p. Engioe; Pue-p son aifte yar. Jark; Puttepa; Relis; Power Emers'; 20 irai. N. 10 Silie Seat Mtor 011. -Donna June Rutchinson moaise IMPLEMENT-M. St. Binder. 7 ai thc griduatigstudeata ramn Mac- C. rut, In reai gondi shape; Deeetag danaisi Institute ai Gueph, in ttc Mamer. 5 i. rt; M. . 10 fi. Damp Home Ecanonias Curie. Rate; M. . lt-toc Serd Drill e-tub erilatr andi Gais Soder; Blaaeii -Dr. J. S. ONeill has dccided ta Inîbene- Dise; M. R. Sprtng Toulb opensattofire ta is rsideoce. Main Clivru . 1 tOelS ae-; 4-occtaon Street. Ste la net ais ntro stranger Rarruma; M. . SIeel Ratier; Turnip te Hlto Couty s le taghtsc omowr; CuOnc Box; Double Moatd» ta oian Caatyyeas ho ueiacanbourd Plue- ansiPoine Dîgeer; Cokt ta Le-viie -o.pse-ra ao. hal Monace Ipreader; OivrcCon -An unasuai tuaip, aise -ih six Culraorc; M. H-. Plper; Chatham blooms un a sue- ansi aisther eith Fnnin Mlii; 2 Feury 21 Ptoms: IGrneep20M <)l. Sanies;:0c Ru ight bloom-s an xne stem ere graxeni Sape; Bac Hetle and TracS;:(irissi hy Mr. George Whie utMiltai. These 1 5105e; carufr tcWutea Tract; Fach; flomeri weeegeon-a otrm bisa Pal' ele;'nid sîpte M. H. Culir roaght tramn Stlasu is ixson. Atlor sSSr ire-i Face- Wagon; blooms mccc ai periect shape ad lv- MWugas Star; teeliWSretas, o4 na isa .Soop Sileiha; sIes' elp colin. Hune Boul; otltace- toc Stighr 21 MISS F. STEVENSON Sae-st'ranisc Hooha. Wcdgcs. Crom SPEAKER AT ST. PAUL'S Bs, tec. Orde. orts u EVENING AUXILIARY FURNITURE. ETC.-Viking Crear - Separ; Hu: iS Plls; Charn. etc. The regular meeting uf t.uPls Pcemlae- Wond Reater; Croa Rangi Esenine Auxiiarp e-au heis ait tc e-iS e-domine cloaci, resereir; Waat eing Machine; Welngcr; Buffet; Et homne ut Mc. SefitpCippa on Tues- tensions Table; Wash Stands: Toile day evening, Jane 3rd e-th tce pres- ei; Eluaheis Chir; itchen Table idei. Me. E. W. Fater I. the chair. amps, Braiera, ec. There weee iwnty-etght memeccOTFRMS: Cah we- lrenton day o ans Htevenn gi lopenLh Dvtin No reserve aste tare- la as. McaR. enniga ed tc Dvatinai Noartclerta 11e remnovesi unit set Service wsetet -ou asesi un Prayer.tlied or. the ettectiveneas ansi power t couuidlSe INOLEY & ELLIO7II, Is aur lires. PhoneorSianerMltot -Mis race Seveso mssonyWin.BRacen, Cert ]34&. ons furlsugh irne- India eas guct Ipeaher. Ste chose au tiee subjeru, "Ttc Dittereores Se-e. ttc Christ- Ian ansi indu Reigions". In ttecIL ( course oft-tee remactas ste detlutely itoecd Sowte c indu religonsrtards E » pragross qi aay Midwlatsoever. Tc ladies tr. Mc. . . Poter, Mes. . Raye-srd andi Miss Edisa An- Etotrie and Acetyleno Wldlsa derson, peesentesite-a beautitut nue--0epair Weldlag ai AUl Typs Portable EqsidumesO Thc tast ni domocraie gavecaimeni -la net ta garera Sut ta Inspire penpe PHONE - US8 ta garera tisessalres. MItLL ST-IUTON M8ILTON TAXI Farnworth (Oppoitc Raid Kennedy) Memorials PHONE 360 > Esamente ai RaderaI. Pelai Prompt.- Service - Courtaoua CEMETERY LErI'ERING Al pascogers laurosi Else a&Rt tCesaeteey 24 Rosi S3erviff - liste., Gmt. UL OT TomatoPlants! We stilI have Iota of gond qusslity Tamnato Planta sols! by the box, or by Uic thoueand. Variehes Jaohn Baer, Bonny Best and Stokailale. ALSO CELERY, CABBAGE PLANTS AND) BEDI)ING PLANTS RowlandHill - MiltonGreenhouses Main Street THE HAIJON MALE CHOIR Exhibiion Scholarsips COMPETITION wiII be heId in ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, MILTON On Sat. JUNIE 7th at 8.30 p.m. Adjudicator -- MR. REX BAT17LE Admission: Adulta 25c, Chikdress under 16, 10c NET PROCEEDS WILL GO TO SCHOLARSHIP FUND Shel ireaitre the gifta fran islMtonS Hardware .... and! she5hl have theis for yeara to cone. lb. tise gayest, e-oit oeE ni mot durable gifla are riglit here on dhapiay t aur store. - WE INVITE YOUR UNHURRIE)) INSPECTION - A Complete Line of Super Health Aluminum E PRESSURE COOKERS N ELECTRIC MIXERS A VACCUM CENR KITCHEN CLOCKS IRONS - PYREX E RADIOS LCARVING SM55 W A A Complete ,Hardware R Line POPUP - 2 SLICE TOASTERS $24.00 Newmeoser. style 2-sice tuater. ja-. set ttc timner and uaj popx the toast- taxi rigt!lt% adioxtobie. A Co p S E R1W v 1 c E -.817 11-- A Ili. i.--- THE CLASSIFIED SECTION Buy -Sell -Exchasnge - Wanted -Etc. Advertisements under thio headiosg 35c, cash w1lt ardee, Up tai 25 words. Additionoi words le per word. If cash doco flot aeconipasy, the advertioement, minimum charge 50c and le per word esiditionai tor each word river 25. Subsequent Insertiona 25c. FOR SALE WA24TED (CoatInuedi FOR SAýLE-FJi] top soit, sl an od WANTED- Second haod hay cor craret. Appip J. Haey, Phonea 52r23,1 toa e-aadr cck. Picase cati S7rZt. Mitoin. 48-13 Milton. FOR SALE Mn'sC.C.M.nBicycte, WANTED - Live Pouitry, highest good os new. Appiy Jim DevtoPhn pricles odoa eie We coul 9r12 utas pouiry. hone Randati & Morley, Milton i43, Armotrongos Buicter Shop FOR SALE-140 Hybrid Pulteta, 7 Milton 42; W. E. Dent Milton 92r'15 veeksolad. Appiy D. ColoreR talton or write ta Mosns Zener, 402 Dover- Poutry Proucto. court Rd.. Toronto. 49-52 ___________________ WANTED-Tendero tac decorating FOR SALE--Resi Shocihnrn Boit 14 the inieriar oft Roux Prentyterian aunihsolnd, ehigibte Cor regietration. Cturch, Milton, worh ta ho conpieted Phone 155r22 Miton. hy the end ni July. Tenders ta hie FOR BALE - Moaey Hsrrin Hay suhmnitted not; taier thon June i6th. Loder ta in gond conditian. Appiy APPtY ta C. Stewart Luette, P. o: Ban Eari Snoe, Phone 288rl4. 234 Miltni. Lnwest or ony tender ont neoesoariiy accepied. FOSALE--Sewing Machine- in tond condition. Appty Mro. C. W. WANTRD-An uppnrtuntty Estat- Clre hn 5,Miton. tIsheul curai Waihins district avait- lart, Pone 51,ahle. Ifynu are aggressive and Se- FOR SALE-Stand washing mach- tween the ogea ai 25 ond 55 have or ine with e-ringer attached ta gud can sure travet autit, 0his la your condition. Phone l9Or4. Milton. nppnriunity to get estahiiated in a profitable husiness of youown. For FOR BALE-1 Yorhshire Buar, 7 Cuit particutara write to-day ta Uic moniha nid, etigibte for registration J. R. Waihins Company, Dept. O-M-6, $35.00. Wnx. McFadden. Phone 288r22. 2177 Masson St.. Muntreai, Que. 52-4 111111 clortt. Mals8t4. MIII. Cut flowers, wcdding bauqueta, fun- FOIR lEN erai designs, ssortcdl pot piants. Local _______________ deiivery. Phane 151 4oM TO RENT-Pauture fSc..attie, LS0 FOR SALE-MaSte arris mndiig per head per month. Wm. J. Thomas machine. nearty new. alo a osGem Mt._________________ e-itk couler. Chester C. Service Phne TO RENT-40 acres of pastore with 384r5 Milton. running watcr. Appiy Kori Cari- FOR SLE-"alk blok orwright, Phone 291r3, Milton, wath a mite, Lloyd's far yaur Ceci PASTUJRE -Sit rnom Car mure e-iil hring asamite" Lloyd's Coco ratte ta pasture, 90 acres lt a sture Salve, 50e ai Pichetin Dcog Store e-tth runaing e-ater. G. E. Gaste JONES' GIIEENHOUmsE Phnne 266r2 Milton. Coi itowers of ait kiada, Pot Plantis, Cunerai sud weddtng work donc. W. MISCELLANDUS deliver. 90 ___nu ____________ -PHONE n7 MEN use "Vigorine" if wcais, css- FOR SALE Crnc7,heted hanaier- down. nerenua. Get rencwcd pop. chiets 25c eoch. Crochet wach Cor vitaiity, 15-day treaimeit 81.00. At savsand sie-oi reaterpieres îaUPPîy Pichettis Drug Store. 4 yaur onn miln 35c), cratn uppted ONTA WR 40c. Myrtie Mountain, Mata SI. Cantracta talsen foc tuyisg and agti- FOR SALE-'31 Chev. Sedan, asa 1 ing manure. gravet, atone, CIi ansd nee- REnptre Garden Trartor, 6% teartor woct. b.p., campiete wtth pine-.dsearand ELMER CLAKE, cuttivatar. Apiy W. Carter, Law- R. R. 6, MiStis vile, Phone 2i7r12. Milton. PHOTOS-We aperiatize ln weddlng FOR SALE-Borgatas ln chicha for photoa, finesi worh-prices resonable t his weeh and fnt : Barced Roch, New asa photos taken hi pour home ofC Hampahire, White Rorck Ligiat Sos- yaur Cse-tiy or tahy. Write or phone sex. New StIfmpshice a Barced Roch, John A. Lindsay, Phoingrapher. Baered Rtk a New Stampahirea, Streetavitie. Ont. Phase 1393. 49-7 Light Sussex x New- Hampahires. Light Susse xBarred Rock, non- seaed 9.95, puiteta 15.95, cochereis 8.95. Asorieu heavira non-senesi NOTICE 8.95, palltis 14.95, rochereis 7.95. White Leghorni a Barrel Rock, Aus- Ira White 8.95, potints 18.95, rctereis Reantutin nithe Sharehoiders ni 3.95. White Leghorn 8.95, potints The Haitan Creara & Butter Ca. Umr- 18.95, ructerein Assoarted Light tied poosed ai meeting aetd May l2îh. or Mesitue- hreeds nan-sesed 7.95, 1947. paiietn 17.95. Te-n weeh nid add 6.00,. Be i resnivesi ihai Thc Hatton three weet nid add 11.00 per hundred. Cream & Butter Ca. Lie-ited lhe wosand Shtpped C.O.D. This advertisemlent up voutarily pursuat ta thc prov- musai oepany yaur carder ta re- ision oC Tte Compostes Art. and, tisai reive thexe opectat prices. Aise put- H. A. Lever ut 1305 Metrapotitan lts etehi meeha Io iaping. Tnp Buildingin the City af Toronto, te NnihChiheie.Guelph, Ontario. appuited tiquidatar tac the pur-pose SEEDS SIIOGESTEI) FOR LATE St Ah idig p PLANTING-Eart e-aiturisic Wisaus- H. A. LEVER. Liquidatur. UnGwn riyh ri Carn Car husktag, 1305 Meroian Building. tlrmoautin rnue-ers Car ensilage aano purpses. andarin Sapa Brans Car pradurtina cfi hieshpruteinfted as sapptem entola fiher Cerds. Laing e r oic oCrdt pasuremixtures fac sommer ed Noiet Cr ios ing car an nia.ancau r Julye-iib ANDOT111EM nul narse crap tac Sert ressua. Wr e-oSe a meirture ta suit yaar ared3. Alproshvn n lit AiCatia andi Brume cross mixture s Agat thpesa havfng AY ANoi- rrrummrsdeiductîhaul nurse coam MRRSO, a o Mtne MARY ARN îleedarne anmec e-aahs. Sodan e-umon, hdird e tCitynfm- geuss and Oued Ctavecani hc se-n ilonais Nuvemer Ird, 1946, scere- n Jane fac tati posture, e-ii mute a qatrrd la send parlirutara thereni ta taasi and lutarrius gcrwth. Swec, the uaderxigaed nt loter ihao the 21si tarer fC aston rue-mg crer crii. Chunct(r fteld lpeau sit avaitahie ai Jane. 1947, ailocer-hirh date the rua ac nmnup l Juf 11h. tm0rd ssets ai the Escalee-ii tbe disirihutid icarali b o.A C. 2 u1 aty. LWîtum Suine regard unty ta sach critras r & Sansyof .t.l. 21îcrev illiamhure heem rerrived. Cause &SnLd tetvl. 1-2 Miltn, May 200h, 1947. DîrSad Diat. Miltn.Onaioi WANM D1-31 Solicitors Car 0the Exrcutar WANTED-Stouseteeper Car ihree adults in.samaiiCarm house. Phone 2aîrîl, HMao. WAC4TED-Man -ilh e-hie-ast- isgerqoipmeraita -hitwash bsa. Phone Milton 20Ir12. 1-2 WANTRD-Se-aii acree wiih gond TENDERS FOit COAL AN4D COKtE hause and amati harn. Wiii pop cash. Fedlerai Bauildings- Province af Ont- Write Sua 15 Champin Office, aria ____________________ EALED TENDERS addresscd ta WANTED-Ta ceai,bouse or otter tîhe ndersigned Mid coidorsesi liring qoaricra in Multan. W. A. Me- "Teoder Car Coatl' will te receircd Rague, 89 Base-aunt Ave., Wesioîî. untit 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.i, Thursday, Ont0. June 19. 1947, Cor te suppiy oai mai WANTED-Ratra e-ento e-rt o n rotce Cor the Dominion Buildings the me-n Foree-aa's gang. Applitat- ttcaugtaut the Proviace ai Ontario. tassat teeao ar ato, Face-softtender e-thspecitirsiiona Ion shuldbe ade Hary Culsn 1and coodittiosatiached cmn te ah- Town Hait. .iained irne- the Purehaotng Agent. MALE MRLP WANTED -Bank Deparime fliaiPuýblie Warts. 0t- cirS. auog e-an e-ith gond reter- tawaad he Supervising Archiieri, ecs and oducalin. Appiy Baok ai 36 Adetaide St. East, Tornto, Ont. MuraBrutla, Milton. 1-2 Tenders shootai te made on the ________________________ ftre-asupplied Sp ttc Deporte-ent and WANTED-Mother, aplendid accrrane eith deparimentai sper- tunity ta caca, doring actant hurs. Iticaias and conditioas sttaeted Na caperirare necessarp ta atari. Ihercia. Cuat dealers' ticense nue- Write Bus 5. ChampinOfftre, -bers musit e givra whrn trndering. _________________________ Thr Deporie-ent reserves the rtght Live Pooitey wated. Miettprice. ludre-ard tramt any aurresssut te.- paid. Cati dered, beture awardiog the arder, a RUSSELL INGLIS sccurily depuaitlnt the Cure- ut a rer- Tetephoite Milton 234r4 ltird cheque ais a rhartered tant in 6-30 R. R. 1, Cae-pteilviiie Canoda, e-ode payable tOthe arder ut lIthe Honauratle tSe Miaisier ai Pub- Dead Rorses and Cattie Cor frac tie Wurbs. equot ta 10 per cent. ofthtt pick up. Phane Milta. 210. W Payas ouont ut the tender, ne Bearer phoanechearges Banda ut the Dominion ci Canada ne GORDON LOUNG, LTD. ai the Cnadian Natinal Ratiway 35-52 Phone AD. 3636, Taranto Com-paay andlils coasituent rue-pan- WANTED-A e-a. tur tare-, twe-tes uisaasditoaoitp uoranieed as ta tO Crcdoasper wer. Witi pa principal and Iinteresit br the Deraino- highexi huurty e-oec. Neresisary thaitaIn ai Caisada, ner1the atoree-entioned the e-au haro his nntraasportatiion.broda and a crrtttied choque. If re- Fore- six e-lies tram Milton. Phone quires i ta mot up an aid amaunt. 291r12. il-2 Sort seurty e-iil serve as a guar- WANTED-Oppartoaitp. Avon Pris- caniraci. De ufleto h daela bas an npratae Car a rcpeesent- Bp urder. atire, Milton district, clieteeecsiah- J. M. SOMS7RVILLE, tIaheai, port urne e-art. tuors ai pour Secreiarp cisavenience. Wciie Rua 10, Chamîp- Departe-eni af Publie Works, taIn Offie1 Ottae-a, Jane 2, 1947 2B THURSDAY. JUNZ 5th, 1"7 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE ILIGHT. 9