PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TRIiOlBDAY, 31114E 5t~a, 1947 BORD VICFIMS 0F WAE Two specles oftbirdo. te bayaan Rail and te bayaan Finoit. ogre added 0, te long lIaI ni eninct ani-E mals as a resol of conditions duringE thte Semond Worid War. One iarly f nomernas on Laysan Island ln (tele Pacifie, tese irdo disappeared iroma te place wllith fane tem titeir naae, and witen at broIe out oece i fannd oniy on Midway Iland. Trans-a port and oller vesocîs isogîl a 000'I eneoy 10 11me iirda on Midwaythetlv cal. Bot speit et-tîs o on r ead fittit altie tarie Ie-aes agit t.ý itagry rnden-. siticît ae 11m suth ai buse and borne. Titey died outir 10 te lasI pecimen and ace nom os exliset ao te Pomsenger Pigeon,E or tle Great Aul. and lie lIeras! mold eenlally be lonI enen 10 aeoory oece il nol lor maettey recor-d&. Iteiresenîaii'en cd bIthc tle baynan Ril and itle baysoo incit are treasoreti specimens sn tle orniltological collection ci te Royal« Onario Museum. FACTORIES HAVE FACES POWDERED A doit ni pooder on checkn and nase ainties mot omes. bal mIes men aoe ialenm-somce othiem-titey are dosied olîl il tramt tnp te 10e. Sacit mnarc found ln Mador. Ontario, n pleasant 1000 ai Hastings Counly. mitere tle use ni pooder seems 'o go 10 extremes. Certain buildings tere are cnered aihI il inside and out. and even lbe geana. sîrabs ond trecs gel a daily doning. Men. build- ings and scenecy se iedizened are confilned to tbe Mador tli mines lossever. ansi tle padering proresla qulle involonlarî': il jani bappens in te course of tbe daly oinisg and f rinding. Gaisg at a lal o tli fr00 Madoc. evlitited sn te mnec- alogy display ai tle Royal Onnrio Musem, n girl froned. "Su.ely tit lsnt te slaif I pnmder my nose w-it" site said. "ils lite mochle." And tlc iro te mine is momes-lai le mer- itie it souer in appencance. Il las a pearly lusre. s ohite, gray or applc-green in rotor. and 01101 alta- .ellertfrom is use as a csei mitea pamdcced and pei-iumed. il as a alaple olneail ni commerce. Il is unsurpassed ns o oouiding sendi for tecarsing ni melala: Il preocola cacking in île prceela:g ni caitier: il ta used in tle pepacolion ni lll'e- penof osieciain: and las onny olt-r oses front a nop ingredient 10 te prodaction of o loirirsol ai sapent qualtty SOAKVILLE Worit las alartedons tbe addtions 9 Branlmood pubieOchsitol. Jamnes Kemp ni Hamltons thie contmct for te addition miticit oieo compî- lcled ilîl give te building a capaclty of ine roos. Few cinens. perlnapa. ceailed h. bat Tuesday oas avilles lsetietit aaniversacy as amoan. Ih oaa an May 27 1857, taI as at oaa paaoed mhlilitgave te onîmunlly lis nein nIia. Fncnierlp' aleille itad beco par( ofi'irafalga'rTonshtip. Proviocial Cnsabole Allie Jacksan italîeen promoned tte ranit ni Cor- poral and placed ln chargeniftce Qalville detacitocot of te PrpvnclaO Police. Mis promitons became effeci- ie May mi. tcheRecord-Star oan In- inroed ln a telepitone conversatin mitit District Inspeclor A. R. Kogli ni H-amilon.-Reecd-SIar. J. A. ELLIOTT Ueenaci Auctiomee Faor te Counties of HMelbao and Peel Phone 155r21 Rureal Route No. 3 MILTON Pollock & Campbell Nmeassiem Ofe e HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Water StnaNoti GALT TraEIIIOPiE Sl POWELL BROS. Excavating and Gradisag Conractors Buldoing of Ail Knda INE & CESnEFNT GRAV'FL Imediale Deivey or TI: a: ha ntid ai te Pît lItaI C:rda ot Cord Wood fa: Soi'. calt nany lengil Pit 67,32110 r neSaScl "STARLIGHT" Chick Starter is madIe f rom a caret ully prepared formula to asure vigoroua growtit and trong healthy birds. Get your chicka early, and for a better tart feed them frenh "STARLIGHT" CHICK STARTER Place your order now for Peat Mou athile the nupply ja adequale MILONMILLING CO. Phone 50 Limited Milton Onlt. There's Enduring Beauty In - FLEXALUM VENETIAN BLINDS -7 Daya Delivery- Binre yo plans tierior decoralion. iet os demonnrate thte adeant- agea ni FLEXALUM and slow yon Ino ventian biîldsa ode ni tis neo malerial can enribute to thte ciaro and ieaoly o windows and rooma - ... aI sn ltie cmlt. " Easy to Clean " Wont Chip or Crack " Warp Proof " Rut Proof Vmta " Fre Proof e linds " Quiet Easy t Operate [ ar dol eand 0100te e OcyoO s mlte aso it o ot charge or oit igation. De C. BRUSH MILTON ONTARIO PHONE 207 The Sunday Sehool Lesson SUNOAY, JEnE Bh MAKING REP'ORMS SUCCF2ED Golden Text.-Glve me undergland- Ing, antd I shall keep thy law. Po. 119: 34. besson Trest.-2 1<i. 22: 10-11; 23: 1-5, 21. Tii 0439-6,21 B. C. POac'. Jer:aticot Exsposition- I. A Godly Yos:îg Kng. To gette fllscriptural set- ling, read ail ni chapter 22 10 23» 2L. Monasneis iegas b relgnoavec the kingdom ni ofJdai t aan early age and relgned badly. iosish basa la relgo over te sait ingdom ai o stili esel- ier age and relgned oeIl. "Woe ln thee, 0 land, when thy kng la a chlld." role the ise mas (EcC. 10; 16e), andi taken as a generai principle titis is rue. But Josah mas an ex- ception 10 île raie 1snd 10 the appi- ation oi île gesersi principie. Wit te eariier Influoees were, whichliled Josial 10 tollnm a totally differelsl lise ni conducittan taipursaued by lis wicked iather and granstiatittr, we are ot tbld. Btincter on ln lite, Il oasaîle diacneery ni thse long- ios Isof otnd taI led 10 tle larger reformallon bli te itngdom Tite mitole armaunt oi Joalala lite anad relgn as recordet inl 2 Ki. cita. 22, 23, nlouid le read. The propleta Jere- mial and Zepitanlait flourithedInl Joala ime uJer. 1: 2; Zepit. 1: 1). Douitîleso tley, and especllly Jere- mial. lad a large Influence nver île king. Of iew of Judaits kings sa Il recorded taI "Tley did tai miicit wsrigît linte eyes ni the Lord" ich. 14: 2; 17: 3; 29: 2), lut il la se m ritesnif msa0. IL. Iesoriso tle House nifte Lord. 'ýA tweny years of ae, iah t5tnk - ) rtgiti learily te moCi ni celigloua S.eiatiotn.le legan mitil lis own *t-:yandsnain.itatarried on lia anrkit InMannoseh. Epitcaim. Stocos andI Naptîli. licaciiait tai c:ed ls îîacit:oftrei':cnlinlt Ehiain and MnI ot-seiî :2 GIan. M: I>1, ; 1:-Il li, lut Joitah c.rrrdhits rei:trnitital 4 1 iaiissuly :2 K:. 23: 15-20), andl did notretr .I ustte nlil Iv,1:01 4 fiioîhedlit s -li. t A ltwvtii-'.i'b tt.:tai stofgs-, .lttatt ndil:tok îlei 1ntitoal andlrriai:g. III. 'lie l'aser aIf te Wo:rd, 22: 101 ,liutitil:.- atti rtni n tlif1e and ttign ri, Jo:tshwas he r-dsovery I lifte bLaw oiftebLord. Tlhe monos- -c:pl t asfounîl i:y Iillitiin te 1itepletand. îresumtly. mo-i te, atcy ot(, ýittlln ly Mon'.IDpsi. :1.2-1 Te supiitintofnItîe j itti of tsiies %%asti-. tonttîtiait itsl tiiantli :01ittre 00. ntt dscttacry1 (if a mtna-rili t itertc. exstning, la a:wll::,tt littnda titiiîin Patti 'Vht ni-' lilirîften places i île 014 Slestooî-'l tati nînton "île lawotf t 1M ss"andtilite '"bootktfiMss, lui i ti ist: îoly ottiii::n oai iil ý,witlt*ttlitî lithbokaioite lot i IVta iy the and of Moîses. l'cesao' bitipI et c ocre otier copies nifte 1aw -lat in li pla 1 Cnea ittgatc ttttitok il ni-a:: lej - siy ndvrlntol. îtt%-rllî'icaa il,-ý aittul odfatr enatitot t ht-y ladt ittt iiglt.-I: l:::lIi .tt-l:an td lits ssnd liautI ll:ili auictthîe ibookif t:iwl n pass-dil on to tîllicandl sti lt-ati ite %tiktto agreitt efinm -flitian PlaYei tîn impiitt partn île ce- forîmation ity îeadîng Cnd' tosrd lo tstiit. Th it:' tî etothîe r04- lgorn biods Wnord ii te Kinîg oas tl anaiten s-ltn iim coînvicion ofaisin te. 19). Iavint le enrosiildofisin iyth îe Word Joitn:ol ecit1oa' îl th wiii ni icîncait.bIitone das, tIc itoetofl i bd aas dependied spon 10 doti-onennd reseal te olnd(ifi île Lordil(l. 22; E. 18:15;1; Sam. 9:9; 1 Kil 22:5-7; 2cr. 21:2, Eart. 14:1: 20: 1-7). In thm dtapensaliiin. t in ose priollege 10 le dreetiy loogît ly te Spirilttogithîe Word lino. 14:26; 16:13. 14; 1 inn. 2:20, 27, Jas. 1:5.7). IV TeGreaiReviallniJerssalem nnd Jdoit. 23:1-5, 21. Honing leaned te miii of itînvol and ieing conninced oietti' sinoerlty ni Hin Word. King Josiiai undertook te execolion s of ht wmlii. tit al lis iteari. He itegan olitite leaders ni tle people,.ulot le ict none nul of te ranit-and-Itle. "Botl amail and greol" mece 1 to ear tle Wordi. osiait lItas lis retormollon ity leaellng te atînle people "ailte tordsofnte b-. nok." Wlat a sigiti A kinig readîng al lte ords nifte bm o ieitonait 1 lin assemlitld people! Haeing aoq- uainted te ceople mt hidi blawas ceneled ln Hîn omn Word, le. irst ni ail, mode a covenan t iefre tle borI, In tle prenence ni ail tle People. Be eîoeîanled 10 do lîre llingn:(111 "To al oui-r île bord." 21)"to iteep Hin enmmondmenln &onaltes- inonien and is nsttte;"'nonparI ni te Wnrd mai10 le neglecîrd. and,. iortlermîice, le ogreed iii do al this "with i lI lis hitand ool" Ttere ms t inolal-maytsinessitere. (3)l"3'npecitiro thec so th ie titi-- enantichrcit oi mien in thiiboit." Haeîng irni got rigît mt God lr- sel e conedlte m ie oft lb People bo gel igiti. o1,-. and tIc inlaittn ni Jevuatîim dilîarroi-ding lii lie cor.. criant of God. _q1Wles derency ceanea b l te eontag- ban. I losen Ils immun iy to ecil. NOW YOU CAN SEE The One-and-OnIy BENDIX! ON OPERATION ON JUNE 69 109 13 & 17 DEMONSTRtATION START AT 2 P.JO YOU'LL ENJOY SEEING thin marvelloas oco Bcndin as mach as we'ilI njoy shnving i 10 yoo. in'. lrnly a washday miracle. Bt or guef' Cometin to-day if yntî cao. Liais how i ashes, risses. damp-drys-ecn cîcans and cmp- lien itsrîf and siti off-aIl anto- .naîicaily. Note tai yoa can do on couire wasiing - and neyer coco met a fingcr. h ouIlastonisit you. and yoîî'I sureîy %mani a nco Bendix for poanslf. So pease- mc urge yoo -corne quiskly and inute sure of gcîîing yonr Bendin ALL BY ITSELF McKim Bros. Hardware _PHONE 28 - MILTON - HE'LL NEED FORESTS TOOS If yoa look ta the buah country for recreation or buineas, yoa'll ruila. how much it will mean ta the yaungatera of today if yaa hoUp ta soa h. foreata for tamorrow. Abaveail, proteotthe formatatfram fre. Ontario han been abundantly bleaaed with natural resoarcea, whlch, if net properly protected, con b. qulckly echauated. Every year, for example, thousanda of acrea ai treen ara destrayed becausa someone la flot caretal wth firs. Formta mua mach mare than a pluaaont place ta holidaoy. an attraction for touriats . . . ahelter for game animais und flahing haunta. They meon mare thon o aource af lamber and puiper pradacta, and loba for thouaanda of people, vital as theae care ta national weltare. Climat. la tempered-eatremea prevented-by foreat arecs. They store water too-h.lp ta keep rivera and treama tram dangeraua and cotly flaading la apring ime. They aprucd the flow of water more evenly thraugh the year. Thot rusana they halp ta enaure a year-round aupply ai Hydra power for yoa. Protect the foreata. They aerve yau wall. SOME WAYS TO BE CAREFUL ABOUT FINE 0 Broak ugO, match ia two itefare yos tfrawft away. 0 Se sure yose discardoîl cigarette la realfy ouf. e Keep camp Aires amai, aund olwoya i a sofa place. st Beote you leave, put fhe lins DEAD OUT wntis water. " THE aYRO EECT *CPO ER OM ISSON OF NTRI THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TMMSDAY, 3UNE 5tN 1947 PAGE SIX