Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 May 1947, p. 5

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TMtIBSDAY. MAY 201h. 1047 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE ITZE el w p vý a] it a: ma eved for about ity gluts. Re-ceivlng ilb the isidl paty mre the mtiser o tiseisride and N aunt o tise grom. Mrs. Hllois Nos Trip Too Long more a lîgisî isue uit mlsh a corsage 24 Heur Servie o! pinis DeigisI rases mnd Miss Onl more a navy bloc drens with a corsage A .D F R S oI iutterfly rases, .H D F R S Laler tbe y aung couple leIt an a short mcdding tonr,liseisride mearing a turquoses suit, brases bat and TAXI SERVCE matciing accessmies and aecrmage lit Btter Tino cnses, UPsegr ul nue Guets mre present tram HumlIa, ' Ail uPaen uge Fl ueed Guelpis, Carmin, Eiliside, Caniisoî- Vu arng i ville. Badeoaci, Aideesist and Back- PHONE 218 MILTON woad(. 'Easy Lite Popeyo 4lAisasernent Paris COMING Fr1. and Set,, Juste Iand 7 Gene Atry "THAIL TO SAN ANTONE" Hillary Brooka Philip Reed .BIG TOWN" Colosai Carton-'Encisanted Square' Noms Social Na. 7-Raop Harigan"' KEcis picture mill ho abamo twire bols nights. National Heslis nairitionisîs sug- gest tisai ciilticenshsoaiti ie eneaur- ageti ratiscm Iban faredt a drink nuis. Il parensa lsi.ql that tise youngstecu toise the amaanl af beaitis-giving mils tisey sosît bove,ans oversion mish irilii but a lifllîre nant hode. velapoti. "JasIihave lots oI mils about" say tise fani-mîse gouecnsscnt people. "Ltitise childuen taise Ober lime nabout mils: lisentîl lise t tison, and lt'11 do tisern the mol gaad. But, sînce nilkIs sesential la liseir it. serve l.la tborn te nanys. puddings, saces, on cereais, mils rnasised pat- uloos, asdti -isail atbor laads mitis .wilcb l mises se wmol." ,~ t Bishop of Niagara NfM« (14=4U %M0 ~BRANCH Confirrns Siteen Mr' Jaek Moantain vîited et MId- KNOX PRF.BBTTERIAN 1 6 A gia sa o b land over tise holiday. CHURCH N i S Onit4nly eti n Mr. Charles Allan apent Use week-NE S o! t teenmhmea ofstes, Horbyaod end wtisfriends 1n Hamilton. SUNDAY, JUNÉ lt 1947 o twoneises of isec onegetndo Miss Lorena McLaren of Strattord 10.00 ar.-ýSenior Sondant Sclsooî Vterons! Get eeady for seat Son- St -. Pasîs Charels, Nerval, recelved was a holiday goest of Rev. and Mes. 11.00 arn.-Divine Woeahip. day afteoos, lasse lot. Wo oce par- th e Apostolie Rite of Cnirmation Porer 7.00 p.m.-Divine Wocshiii. lîcipaling in a chareh Iparade of more (Layiisg an of Rends) froas the Rienit Yeu Are Welcomne et Knox thait touai imporacei~ and interest nt Rpeenid I. W. H. Otougagisol.MA,, NIc. and îto. Clarence Trnetor hctavoeuki Si Stephetis Anglcon .., Hi..hay iof Niagara Diaoeo. oeturneti homo troot thon tinter vIitt * 555swCH in tise Soutis. ST. PAUU..N TEDsse, CH Chateit, Horohy. Honor cailis'or Desylte Constant ris and gray skies Dleltr-lev. Gardon W. porter Wocld Wars Iad Il I ii ise dedicat- Anglicans arrived in large flambera, Miss Huae Bal aI Cootwrigist lajA, B.D. ed. Padre Gray Eakisof Greee Ang- and tisehissorie pionceer ekureis mos vlattng mitislhec grandparents, M. - 107 liean Cisoreis,Hilton. mîlI e hoetielo illedis es tise service isogasi. As andO Mes. E. BaIl. SUNDAY, JUNE lut, 14 speelal speaker. Tise Lamne Scots tise first isymn onded, tise Retar aI 10.00 anm.-Csrgi Scisoal. baad milI ho sn attendance. Mon Of St. Stepisens, Rev. H. Lolgis Pink, Mr. Robert Streuis ot Hamilton vis- 11.00 a.m.-Sanday Seisool Anlveca- tise Canadiens Leglan ln Georgetown L. Tis., sald, "Roverend Fatisor ln Gad, ted mus Mr. and Mc. Cal Armstronge acy. Tise gaost proachor. lac day and Miltaos are askod ta parade. Wo I wauld as yoa ta dedîcate tise dec-- and lamliy avec tise holiday. is tise Rev. John B. Moore HA. aeacpelteIvtto n a-oain n mrvmnsi u of Watordown. Macnng nsije avee oted ise sctallis md ar- rtosanh mrvoet i o M. and Mrs. J. Manuel aI Toronto *Wiat tise Lad 04' d adr aen tlae iaci' vssted witis Miss Nellie Cunninghsan 7.00 p.m. 'Remalnlng le Crete.' Tise Tino of assemily et oar ieadqaac- Bisop Broagisail congatuiated tise and Missa Wlord on Sondant. Rov. Mc. More mîlI preacis et fers la at et 1.45 pin. DST, and on cangrogatlon. apan tise rostaraîlan tof botis services, lise base lino et tis lneocmrner ln stiese acced biling and easdaceod a MsJane Cooper, Miss Jean SlInca Mon. 415 pin.-MissionnBand in Sas- Iront ai tise lteslayteim Cioreis et bncie service af dedlestlon. Prenenta- and Mms Elma Roiertson spent lise day Selsool moan. Chlidcen peuse 2.15 lin. Tise arder ta marrh isolllho tian Of tise conirmation candidates holIday week-end et Mortshay. kring tisir own erenlunents lac given et 2.30 p.n. Failowlng tieserne- fllaod. Tisoy more! AIma May pcnie lanes, vice tise parade wlll marris " a Bradley, Edne Louise Bradley, Eles- M. Bois Charîton oI Smiths Falls Tues. Jane 3rd 8.15 p.m. - Evenisg salatlng hase mti Colonel Couose nor Shirley Buton, Marianoe Beesice visited wit i ss parentn, M. and Mr$. Aailiary will meet et tisehomne laite aItise Loese Scats takine tise Burtan, Glenna Elvera Bussell, Joan Hassen Charlton, avec tise week-end. o Mes. enry Cripps. Caca wll salute. A gand tam 0ou1 s enlseted Cinysnu, Jase Eleanor Laver, Mese leavo Pool Office et 8 p.m. Goot ndl ilb prcae.En avr en el rMr Mes. Beeklord and daugiters Joan speaker Miss Francis Stevenson,ad iihapectd.dnLaerVesMrlPieay mdAore vste mtAM. ndMe. Bonsmaca. India. E lizabetisTisompeon, Mrs. Florence aArol eM ill e tiseMree-nd r. Wed. June dUs et .30 p.m.-Mr.amd SUNDAY, JUNE lI tJollent, Narval, Harry Albsert Barton, HarldMoilanove te ee-ed. Mes. Cluis milI iold tiseir annuel WILL BE SHUT-IN'S DAY Edwin George Laver, Ernest Eacl Mis Elaine MeAadlena aI Toronto meetinsg et tise home aI Mc. and Pio ri oln iaa ot" iaîdwtbe panI M sd Mes. Ralpis Fard. Pie ri oln hmsRye Mibe. ith .Melesopaetiseweek-ndSanday. Jone 81i-Holy Communion. On Sonday. Jane IsI, Canada selîl Mr. William Finnamace, Narval. Mrs_____E.________________the______ pay tribale is a npeiai way ta hiec In lis erman, tise Blisop caseralu- end. slek and disaisied, yomig and oId alite, lated tise sisteen candidates, 1ons ho- GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH misa are ronfined tisesaghis lness or isg yoang. on belng cooslrned ons M. and Mes. C. N. Kerr biladtise The. EEV GRAY EA.KINR. floor disaillty la lisir bomes, iospitain orhoe n emisers of that iscanei of tise mistoctog hne amlrtacidnt Ban- otY U lt,197 liser Institutions. This Is tise Dsy 1trae Holy Calisolie and Apnstolic day venig mi osretan In Irn SUDAYJUN lot 104 mien lise publieo aIlarge mili renom- cisacciswbicb mas eslahiisised in Eng- Midland. 8.00 ai.-Noly Communion. hiec mus visita, lettees and glîts (land as eacIy as 200 A.D. and mhiliî Mr. amd Mrs. Johsn easley and 10.00 a.m.-SundantBrScool. ukse misa arc laid asîde. Thes- ceceised il. Ordersand commission daagislrof a Hamilton apeni tise meels- 1100 a.n .-Holy Commanion. peuple, tiesedis mad sisal-it, are an trion mlsslanacies listed diceclly ils end wth is parents, Mr. and Mms. 7.00 p..-Evening Pesyec. Inspiration ta evecyone: hy thoir ais- lise rst Apasties apalnted isy Oar Brt Beasley. Wedl. Jnne dIs -4.00 p.n. Juntor Aax- lily ta meet ativeesiîy mls cieeclal- Lard Jesos Christ." Ailtisenonisers ilîary and ai '700 p.n. Janior nlion they Creo or admiration and aI tise groat Anlgicoan Communion, Mr. and Mes. Grdon Manuel and Choit Pratice in tise S. S. Hall. regard. isi lia millions of commnantms and daugiters Lynda mnd Sisain oI Tnr- Tisars.. Jase 11h 0 .00 pas. Sr. Chirîr But renemrncne--a preeloaus ing adierents ail arîîsd lise morld. bave osto apet Sandoy ils M. and Mes.. Procurcein isli-il iold aiselise a praeticl a oprecoos ieriluge" said tise Bisisop Victor Nrcis. Fni.. Jane 6tus.{iris Aasiliacy inS. i hsln nOhsoi rdto S. Hall ai 7.30 p.m. tiing. In this onection shut-ins i bsln n ssoi cdtos Miss Drees Belley o Hamiltan _________________sisold ho geneecosly cemenisered. land otinuiiy. in prescrving anin- end issRut Can o Torntospet b TONTiseit- anc desire la ho bcacrepîrd as'parei tise teaoiing amd discipline uas th od a issRai -Cond aI Tocast.and ITONnes of oflite connsnlty tto eel aîority aiflise Aposiles.' tiseholdayseet-en mis M md BAP'rST CHURCR tisaI iisy arc noi lorgolten. Sist-ino Tise Reettar orfS. Siepisens, mol- Hrs. . A. Cuvell. Paulor-0. MIDOLETN Day is os syportos îy ta revive chid cord Bisoy Broagisaîl. Ho com- Mes. George Stillamay and ehilron la tise Farnecu Bauildng frieshi1s, 10 makte nom îrieds.col esdcd tise men of tise rongrogation for ofKichne av benviiin wth SINAY -JNElta197 ngaie oa futuer uplicciaion af tisoierooigtise cbaa'cbdeopie crai or. aiend rhVencen visit ndîtspioblons antiaiilities Re.og..t.on, u'nds and criiling sain. -tbose misa famtily for a fcm days. 11.00 a..Morning Waosip. t'onsidecatlov and oaffection are as'iaciled tise stelio dsecue tise name Mc.md rs.Alls Bstttsgmd'3.00 pn.-Saedoy Scisoal. rmocisdosti ho tise tsi-tes--and herses-il mustiste mastidificait Mr ad r Ala Bnin ad 7.00 u..Rsosîng Sertit-e. vlto otimro titan iîy ans ttis-r shingling job in ait IHailon Cotty.' cildeen aI Taronto spet Sondan t saucay 8o n. CtaePo egrail He atso gave advancc inotice of tise mitis Mm. aning's surt, Mcs. WiL eeie aitie onae oMe. and I o mitht-.ttt-sitat-vofreeran- suecial serve oSaday Jnlstaet lion Bayley and M. Bayley. Me,.Hse i.braoce ast i tin noise tvery Snads iprn. seon lise nom Honor Rails af Aitlaremwetrone S.1nDs Wcd onadlaooecl M. and Mes. C. R. Tomner, Mart-in hti' a.or W s1anIIretledd- St., mhn spent tiselet ive menthea t - ctai, is theo Miltos and George- Si. Petersburg,. Floida, eturned And Vo Sisal Knam tise Trts and tish lmML SLS ton bronches aI tise Canadien Le- homo yestecday. Tieir soe Ray, miss TrutisSisail MiSe Vea FreJno. 8:0 _____MIL SLF gian utcnding Cisarcis Parade led iyl travelled sotb ta mccl tien. osi THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST Rp rs oi e, ofi loitirni'is snd tise Lane Scots Regimonlal Bued, tise etarnai. oMAui roan lotr.îtîoooy, 1947, sows -co n ddress to hoe gisesi iy tise Ho. C. G. ýGH unipionbeinz mintanedet aoutEahins N, ectar of Hilton. Sl'NLAY, JINE lot, 947 tsaytiin seing maitod Taieabo- * Services et 11. a n'ad 7.W0 pn ceose le consomption tisai mas ap- Engagements TuayntEveing-ile Sîadyeai .30 arent ilîrooglîîti mast ai 19468 o-taENGLISH COLLEGE (0F _________________Care om nd ot s .BO55 O-langer esident, shalva thtcCarr«ent RPc'MUSI1C REPRESENTATIVES Com No ad Jt s Rmu To vlewofAgrîcltocat Conditions 5 Kin SI getiser Sais Jeiovai-Iimiah t - .(voi.:itti tnson 1O VSTMILTON M. and Mca. W. H. Coleofo!Milton tisai tisoro miii ine m all declisie. cntColg afMs.Lutîn wiista ansoacc tiseengagementi-of w.,AjHOJN .mta.rcg! c(dIut ioln thesales of Eîîg. . eninglPrincipaiW. Grecot-1 lisir daagitcr, Wilne Jesn ta Ras- CIIURCH fut Occeam Tise lifting aI restrict-, itotto AttMas. D., F.R.C.O., orgun- self Josephi Arnold, son oI M. amd «V. I. WOODS, Pator ionts occam seull prnisaily bave tis-nia Mrs. Joisn Arnld aI Mitnn. Tise O ro Servîtes effecttf i nt-easlng troorn conuanyis faneti St. 'Gucs Calisedeal, in marriae to tke plae the atter Holà ln 1..1. Hall> tise, soys tise Reviese, but It s net os- Fibrh lM.A .ReSc pat o Jase. retaryoftise Coltege 1ta Canadoaisy _____________ - SUDAY, dUNEIsi. 1047 l t ht is i istcreaur mii hrng at n aeIo 'ie parpasC oai cc- 111.00 an. Sonda t u 194t7. sle-. very mot- baioveosbaofaI194. otairsing itsarttis i stise Do- THE SMALL-BLACKLOCK 1.0am-udyShe.etbihn l ci 11.0) a.r.-Mocnlng Wosblp. mninion flioming lise cactlilmentu WEDDING AT ST. 700 p.rn Evangeistie BACHELOR HEALTH netessitated hy lise mac Dr. Alit and JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Wcd.-W.M.S. ystponaii faornof 7hise wo, st tc le a nadtheCoresf a re isig eHite n duia Y.P.S. hm isa itirîtccd ta Si. rveta ietias fier ia ieIut St. Johnss Anglican Cisarcis. Campt- Cauantes. ie il" are ««î-rneded hy tbe National ation of Mr. Alec Padmell, and on lellvilio, decoated iitis eergneens EVERYBODY WELCOME bruts autittes tisai, oven monoete reoanaendatios of, Mc. E. S, and sprieg flIaisos, s thlse scene ol _________________tiasfarntly fli, uiscy nust matchRaOt-", Orgoniat anti Composeraet'lI. a edding misen Jean Elizaiseth,. eder tONET 5c living sciedatos, il e ol M. Claetls Royal, ils o viem t deogisier of M. and Mrs. John ST. STEPHEN'S ANGLICAN presocu te urr iealtis. sthsbgocedstilolgea lacilaci, Carnybellilte, isoare tise IfRCHitsrs a terntatian hicrlise iacis- Music bre ni affilationwmus tise col- bride oI George Bruce Sinal, eider t-RC lot- or isahetan-gici ta maiso do mitb loge in tbe nolisoriast. son o Mr. Hacold Oraland tise lto SNAa isnat-k, and, theised Corf arn Raniing wtlth ie Roal Scisools of Mrs Sal, ampieliile, ev SNDYJURE Is, 1947 Zr s -YMsca hetreottnigcl Mes. Snall Campiselîîlle Beyliving alose aie inctîncd lt. em-Mst-u ieitc attslgcl Jachss oficiatai. 3.00 p .rn -Canatitan Legiaa Cisarcis lt-st mus cîanîng ap thoîr livinug eges of masit-ln tise Britishs Isbas, Tise bride. mi ss eugîtes in mer- Prals ad Wsri arsIooHo IlAd-qoaters. Strict sol-dlsipllse Is ati- rlnity Collogo bas centres le eve.'y iage hy er luiber, mou ciarring on dtcss iy tise Roc. C. . Eahlns ised est osty mîish respect ta clean- part aI tise at/rtd. Eues daring tise a floao lenglis gomn aIfmwhite veloam (Rottoc of Hilton i. Dedicationt mness if roorns and aîarlrnns, bat mac yeurs ils lt oai .coamnisotton itb foll sirt, seeîieart neckiile iy Ven. W. G. 0. Tiomyson, Art- h esscuredales and aiier aspecta cndîduies loppo I tie 20.000 mark. md lng icevs pinti avc t de ccn o a oton and Welington. ut living, andt isoagis its îUniversity aufliaions vn ogslee oit i et ma Sacedemusic y tise Lorse Oots wmus Dourmanti LondonIt luaible bonds. Rer inger tip vi fntwa eie lBand. ta gîve ils siadenîs tise nest in beld in place hy a bond sofDaons. Morniers ai Miltonînd Georgetonusical educatian tisai thid cuilanti and sie mre a gotO nerelace, th0elle t Legios parade aetu 8alc. eisna anand5 of tise groom, anti cried Better ase Line tcorner 21 n ..Marc!NCESS 'gunizaîîon t usas non-pofita le Tino roses. t 2.30 pm. wit bad o'P IC S raiain thsbe bet f Miss Aenie lacklook, sisten oI tise Cousons tili tktheis alu C afT R enucisailesi ltoacsiips la its 00cr- bride, earing a loor lesgtis OessofaI thessore. T HiE A T RE cas stadents, andibherc'arenisne of pearis tallela, paîl sleeves, wlthbhat hsmo avoulable for Canadion tnts to match and long mwhite glanes, and F1 e c. et1 dS consstlng of free passage la and carving plaiseDiMgist0roses.1mas I n Englund, froc titlos, iboard anti carIUVYLLL I5Itht rseswsMoen Freernon, Rciard Des- lodgng, -and ciapeconage. hs Mr. Donald Snall. hcthr o!lishe "BLACK BEAUTY" coaspwhe artnblfr groom, as hot non. Tie she si Exeavating and sroeeng 'tisee yours ln England, areoonly tue mre M. Bill Blocisiocis, Ho ismod, Contrectora - Phunton Incapaated' crean of several isandreti sebuionihîpu bnotisen of tise bride and Mr. Lyle Oam Gang - "Mighty Lais a tenable Ion one, tmoanad tisree years Wigooti, Mount9beng. Hulldozing of Ail Kindo Goat" la ally lne eut- centre ticoagisoat the Mrs. William Eamîn, aunt of the LANE & CEMENT GRAVEL Coloret Certf.,,- "Hoand Tevsto r ltadM.Re bride, played tise wetiding muir and Imcdiotc Delivery or Huniers'Tsii ID. ieadM.Rc during ties igning o! the register, Trckcis Lnadcd t tise Pit Serial Na. 6-"Hap Harcîgun' mili lise molcied mus ises n Ineront Miss Pisylis Roberson sang "0 Pron- isy tbe connanlit. mse Me." I « Ctrds of Cord Waod lac MONDAT and TUERDAT ______ Innediatcly afttr tise cremony a Sale, cal in any length Jeanne. Crain Alun Yoang receptian mus ielO atth1e ibrne aIflise Phases 267r32 or 385r32 "MARGIE" DRINKENO IsSIL soldes parents mieoe a ballet lunchs __(Techsnicolor) NOTICE! In Fairneus teOQur Employces, Conunencing June Ilili Our Store wii louicat 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 12 ýNOON UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Trusting Our Custonoers wsII Co-operate AUCKLAND'S STORE LOWVILLE BRAMPTON LIONS CLUB ANULJAMBOREE Rosalea Park, Brampton JUNE 19 -20-M21 SPOiCIAL THRILLING.FREE ATTRACTION EACH NIGHT CAPT. ROY SOM Daredevil Aero Acrobat performing 100 feet in the air on a bigh ladder - Tops in Ameica DON'T MISS HIM! Beauty Contest Friday, June 2th Applifflton Fermea t oaices of Free Promo Mosler Flreworksa Diss>Iay Ezce iNgbt DANCING THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS RUDY SPRATT AND HIS ORCHESTRA DIRECT FROM CLUB 21 AND CASA MANANA, NEW YORKC JITNEY DANCING SAT. NIOHT ALBO TOD A "NAME BAND- DON'T FORGElrTTO COME Ticket&a 25e embi OM P LE TEHARDWARE SER We've Got The Goods ln the spring o mnns fancy (and a omans too)-torns te, mony lhings! Spring sports, fishing, gardening, ootdoor hobbies! When yoo feel the orge 10 gel 0ut1in the son, see os firsî for tbe eqotpmcnt yoo need 10 gel the mos fun ot of yoor hobby. F~i5 Ft. Step Ladder wîth Bueket Sheif $3.35 Other Moe InSloek 14 Tine GARDEN RAKE UeN Benjamin Moore'a HIGH GLOSS COPU PORCH & DECK PAINT CORDPLE $1.60 qt.TOINSTAL $55gai. SCREEN $5.75DOORS ID MITI'SAND A STURDY BICYCLZ LAWP $1.75 Corne In anod See Our Comîplete LUne of Fishing Tackle MAY 2fth, 1947 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGM rm , 1111111 1 1

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