TMURSDAY, MAY1T l4 ,1947 ,~ f IHalton Sehool GRtANMOTERSGBT $~ ~g4,I(911U1tI1Nt Pupils Guests oZSATBrN Miss M. Phin ist o Tesayl t - -Of County Coulinil MTeAnnuel Meeting o tW Omnagh To e ork te met S. S. Batory. KNOX PRMBYTERIAN tContinued tri=s Page OIne) W. I. waa held at the home of Mns. toc 05w___CRUJRCE W. Bayley on fl'oesday, May SIl. Mr. and Mns. Bill MeLean of HMi- biaisYo. P1111 ol the opinion f thse iglo Sousl This wasaiase Grandmntloe'i meet- ilon spent the week-end with Mr. aid- Board and memlors of th0e couneit 0f ing. The prize te the grandmather Mns. J. McLein. SUNDAY, MAY lsth, 1947 Georgetown, elvie pids demnud ths hiving Clhs mot grassdelildren went Mis Key Anderson o! Toront vi- 1100arn.-Divine Worship. continuanCe f a 0gh sehool la1te Ms. .J. Mebougafl, while the prize ltdwihMr n Ms P . ok11.00 arn. Junior S. S. Georgetown-thit dseontliung the for length of mensberahip ln ths W. 1. liedte wMek-ind . P .Co Divine Worship. Subjet: "Re-ih schnl tacilities in this commun- woî awarded te Mrs. L.MdeA- ovrUewe-n.liounin Action." tofoe3,0pepe ol elu-ohrpieoregj = à . Mr. Thomas Henry, ex-mayar nf 7.0) p.m.. Divine Wo-nhp. Mr Oheso-itutve300pul, ol ern-uhe prefrceua tednc icl 'Workof tOntaro Temper- ly intercupt the seady proeressnfutand onouerslOu rolO l wnwn Stratfurd and Mrs. Henry vsited i neFdrto. 0 nipit i iduco-Mrs. B. Feutheroton. toi ve te ee-ed. Y.i.S. inets Thursday 8 p.m. trory tu the enpressed nines ot ail Mrs. Tanker cave an interesting Mr. ad Mes. Etna Day have e- Cucunation Gcuup witi met at Use the citizens ut the town."1 report ufth1e Ditrict Dicectnr' meet- turied home trom a trip ln Ue Sosuth- hume ut Mrs. McAnoleso Tues. 'We are uoaiteraolonpposit ed 1thee. Some ime wao npent In diocua-- eco States ad the met cuast. May 201h et 8 p.m. esteablishment and maîntainence ot a sueg the piano for the District Ansual Tonu èxe Welcome et Knoxl District Higlo Selool unlen itlaIo- i Miltnn on May l6tO and the Fit- - M. Ed. Baetpied and daucloler _______________ cated ln the mot central uchin mon- tello Annivecoary celebs'ation in Joan ot Buttalo. NY., pent the Icipaity ut Nochen Halton COunty, Gueph nn Jane 18. week-end mith Mns. J. W. lgit. ST. PAIJLS UNITED CHURCE which ta the Town of Georgetown." iilter-ltev. Godn W. Furi" Council asoeînloed M. Slooce tu A paper dealine mitlo the beginning Misa Jenifer Charlton ot Gueppolis MA.. B.D. Interview Trafalgar Township te ln- if the W. I. wsa prepared loy Bnu. G. id Min. iccy hgaarlt n Os we. , M AY180.14 quice If they would deice 10e nrth- Acgnew and cead hy Mn. R. MeDuffe. and rs.Hary Carlon hisweek SUDAY MA 18h, 947 eco portion oth1e Township lu b, The W. t. wsa an outgrowth o0f the 10.00 a.m.-Church Schooni. Incuded in the area. Facmecos Institute aid came intoleing Mr. Frank McInnes. chedule tona- 1100 arn. -Munine Wrihip. The 1. C. Maccatt, Refoesînatian Divis- largeiy trogh t0e efforts of Mn. etai oCN.R. hop, Srnîford, penit Unveilie f uth1e Sunday School !On of the Deparîimeit ut Lands aid Adelaide Hoodless. The fral meeting Ssodiy wdb hi a ttlor, Mr. R. J. Me- Wr Meetorlal. Fo'uests, apoke ta Concil on a ce- was held on February 2510, 1897 t Inoss.. 7.00 p.m.-Evening Wocihip. tucetration pruccam. Be ioggested Stoney Creek wlUs oes lundred ladt- - -_________________00_acres_______ i es aid onemnpsnt r hs M. Jas. E. Bell who bOn recently Cbclpclse10 ce al er eginn mbsonr e rm lts rnoved ta ABlandaie viited over the GRACE ANGLIC~AN CHURtCH toc hm purpone, adding they alreadv egnnin a gon Ue igo week-end with Mrs. Bell aid triends The. MEV. GRAY ' KINS. Riêter umed hemeen six aid aven hooid-mani orgasization of the worid. in town. - ed acces under retorestritios pra- The folming are officens for the SUNDAY, MAT 810, 1947 gcam. enialose yeano Hnnorirp President, Mins Itene Norris and M. Gilet 8.00 ar..Hoiy Communion. The governmest experts 1e have Mns. Mande; President, Mci. Bayley; Gilroy of Toronto visited wth hec 10.00 a.m.-Sunday Scheol. about 30,000 ring necloed pheasaitte10let Vice President, Miss Joyce; 2nd parents, M. aid Mns. M. R. Nocrin 11.00 a.m.-Mucning Prayer. be dItrihuted lhrnsehnut the pnov- Vice Preaident, Mns. K. Watson; Sec. uver the week-end. 7.00 p.m.-Evening Praper. Irce, Dr. C. H. D. Clarke, o 10e same Treno., Mc. Chai. Jacole; Ast. Sec. Ms. . Crnie and Mci E. uilie Wed. May 2lît-4.00 p.m. Junior Aux- depacîment tld Counel. Ne5 said tOt Treas., Mc. E. Donons; District Dir- are ariing un S. S, Bator/ t oin iMay and ai 7.00 p.m. Junior uoss ut Oida duine pot distriuton ectur, Mcs Tanker. ArsirSetanad il egusa Choic Prtce in S. S. Hait. ad heen heavy, butI bey were wock-i ________ ofyahire, Snn and, aids wil 0et gueiTOurs. May 22nd--.00 pet. Sr. Choir ic on -a plan tueeet penstlu ous o! 1e. Pin ad Mn hii i toe Practice. the pîltets hefore tioey were tscned RESUL.IN 0F SUFFERAGE mtanse. Fr. May 23rd-Girli' Auxiliacy ln S. lunse. He aaled Conîil for thelr ce- Mc. W. Sheldrick and Mrs. Henry S. Huit at 7.30 p.m. openation witO this pai. What have leen the esulti of the Seidenkranzofu Hamilton, aid Mns. W. At the close of the business session, pat weîty-tive yesn if the eten- Seldenkranz ut Toronto viited reu- MILTON W. S. Hall. chairman if 1he Ftnaince senofuth1e voting rtght te momnen. ently with Mr. and Mns. Milton Wil- BAPTST CHURCE rurnmittee onnounred $55 ln prsea One estthan heen a vecy great la- son aid famiiy. a'atr--G. aMD$ETN ooiuid 0e awarded teu the firsI 10 tereot by wmrn-ln questuon ut pal- In the Farmers Building boysanid irls uheittinge 10e het tics aid eovecnment. Thene aublecto M. aid Mrs. G. F. Thumpion, essy on 'Gar Viit Iou Coonty Coun- are disrnased Oy thein in theilru Mns. M. E. Nixonanid Misa Edni % S1'NDAY, MAY lt, 1947 ci." He naid the rtsiig date wouid aid vacino oreanimatiînî. aienh Anderson atiended the annuel conter- 11.00 n..Muning Wocîhtp. bc May lust. 1 home ais social ircles. Thir con- ence of the Asociationiof Chilulens 300 p.m.-Suiday Ichunt. Cusîcil uppruved o! a recoetmend- sant tudy o! these Isses adds lu Aid Societien ufth1e Province of Ont- 80 .hulnglscSric. aidn hhes utr einrofteasd comypplritlieneo uleqet ario held ln Niagara Falls on May 910 pmh Engbuildsrvce aings1001 th e a chruteaecfoip ua1 r neîîene npuît ue ni 0b.St Muy 17 8 V.m. Cttage Prayer $3i50 a year to $400 etriactive tram Oic resait is 1h01 t0e wumen's point and 10th. ~~~~~Meeinge o)10e hume il M. and aur 97 f iw esamreaeut erl .Mothers Day visitrs auth1e home Mca OGeorge Hneiteit. Jacnts 1047. nd udred t tviln ntel h e )adda.Te wu-l ot Mns. Wm. R. Ezeard ece M. amid Ail are weîcome h, Acccsithe ap roaidordlee e rexr kel ntrsdi h Mc. Arthr Ezeard ad son nf Brune________________O adboO nas commlttee tison ofldIld 1enIdandty.TIeme- Mr. aid Mc. Howard Copelaid aid Aid Te Shahl Know thse TIIiIO aid lhe Finance $ 220071 ta e fc hiistyofce n ads eyfmahe family o! BrunIe; Mr. aid Mrs. Huw- Troîlo Shah Mahe Tou Fee-Jno. 8: 32 ,Prînîlse 6.83ioyspeairsd !a0eeda ol It e ar Cluine and tamiiy. Mlton THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST I osits O531450 igeyt ond gicoqueaidnare heil n- Heights;M. anid Mc. Bob Ezeard. AUiEduatlon .9,03.u 1 gentun Is sn el onti esthirn- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ezeard aid M. OAI Henth services 33.7 uenlce s atn etby fI netos a !dgrs.Tu Dunni, al ot Toonto. SUNDAY, MAY lt, 1947 Cuunty Buldings 472.10 lic ay reaine o onnhavdeirls. Ous Guests a Ceiglea thon eek lu- Services etil1. a.m. anid .0~ p.m. County Roadi u 11,940-,24 a g-rat power ln pîlîtîcal Ite. ctuded Mc. Watson, M. Paul Halos p.m. Memereofuth1e Cosnyty Riadi rom- Mns. M. Lonsere, Mins L. Riese, Tor- Tsesday EveAiie-Bible Study at 8.30 etttee tated a naut 5f0$17.33 nas cti; Dr. and Mns. White, Mr A. Corne Nocand ]et Us Realaon Ta. recelved ruin rentaI f eqstpmeit- Smpn, Mins E. Mages, M. aid cethen Saillo Jelovah-Isial- 1: 1& schich sensl reduce t0e eslendiîures Mc. Strachan, Hamiltoun; Mr. aid ________________ hy thal sinount.o n. A. Nrrinctun, Dsndas; Miss R. ~HIN~ Couniliiadtnacied lu met Jase 10 Putmai, Mr. R. Putinon, Bussls. C1NJRCSTLH u S t 1110arn. Photos talon durisc the -____________ Beliouo; Mr. aid Mrs. Barnard, An- MEV. H. WOODS Pastis daroi ppu slOspae nn caier; M.anid Mc. W. J. Nurine- Order ot Services oeh ton, Mlton. îHeld ln L1,00F. Hll .RXBTL SUNDAY. MAY ltO, 1947 GURNT ARTIST AT_______ 410.00 s.m.--Sunday Schoooî. HALTON CHOIR CONCERT 1100 ar.mH-orning 'ucsip. E gg m ns 7'.(Y)pi.m.Evaneiontor .Duc tou nsîreieen circuuntonces, 1 __________Mr. Crnelius Fisher. the eminent T h n Wcdnesday. 8 o m.-W.M.S. nl meet British pionIt, iii 0e analiste0ap- M. aid Mc. E. E. Vivian, Nelsn, n the home ut Mrs. J. Jarnîssun, 't recisisth tOc HatnMl osiht anoncth nggeenot ManoSi. pero antceMila wishin anoune th enggemet ofChoi r ci Jsnc 10. TOc choir are very their eldest daucter. Mary' Mildred,. hrsc. 83f pin Y.PS. n#et ln tOceihappy te anuoce. hamever, that thc tu Mr. Oes Campbsell, son o! Mr. aid , homofutMos.N SOc att dIsiguished concert pianist, M. Rex . .. lld wn,~ Mes. M, A. Camnpbell, Zirnieretîn. EVERYBODT WELCOME BattIe nil c thc cuest rtist ai the Weddin sua thke pce on May îlot iicoet concrta Oc cogves sn S. Pani's Nelson United Charch t 2.30 pet. ChurcO. Moneoay evenisc. Jane 91. D.S.T. Mr. Baillaii iuusifcum ruait lu ruant aid is dicecur ut thc CB.C. Mr. aid Mrs. John Biach O u Ekaua ofP..Ls. pruguet "lineieg Stars ut To-Mîr- Caetphellville, mîsO lu ainouice te10 ree & iLVWIX'iIIUVi ru." TOc choir fel a tut Ouvist the egagemetiof the eider daughter tel Miton iii 0e an event cel monOh Jeai Eiabeth, tu Giorce Bruce B L O C n n e Tircts may Os otalncd Small, Caetpbeilviile. iso! ofMr. Har- B O K S !e frome et eeeter if thé choir aid nld aid 10e laIe Mci. Srnaii1the med- HiloDisri Co-openative, WaiOer dIng te tahe place May 1710, ln S. Ail Size Prompt Delîve-y anid LedmitO Stores. Johns Angicai CharcO, Nassacame;cn. _______________ M. aid Mns. Wllert E. Ford. Mi- tonniainounces10e engageetent ut their B . Q ! 'Q only dasghter. Mrgaret Aiesa, 1te I]B. ISA LE S ona S hYOU'LL ENJOY SEEINC Mr. James Meccer Eccles, Bcampton, Phone 242W Mlton unly sns if Mr. James A. Rccles and ________________ lmarvcîlous ncw Bendiî as Mariace t10 tahe place ln BetOsi Un- lied COsrcrOaI Drumquin, Satucday, H-ay 24ihaI 330 pet. RO'rrLE MOUSE TRAF A devnstatîc pague if mice tn the Malse district ut Victoria Australla, bas resascitated an nId Idea if a etouse trap. mitO an Ausîcalian aigle ta i. A piece if chesse for bails plugged lto t0hetosîlo f a Oer bt- tlis hich o In Ied-horizonaliy above a keroseecas filled mitO miter. Lsadinc 10 the trop la a board, sp mliclo the mouse climbs aid cuis alonc the hotîle lumacd 10e cOesai bt slips on the wsB geaned neck of the 0011e. The mosîs falis lto the water aid is drawned. Ose farmen, sapa the Australai News, dlaims ta have caUgOl; 2,400 micesln îlots wsy wtlsln 12 hours. WORL'S FIRST ALIJNJM MOVINGBIDGE Ille f00rnnmvtnc-span bridge ln 10e moclul 10 0e manscîsulo! siomisuet olinys lat 0os utlover the river 0Wear ls North Enlasd. Ils meicicl w411 Os osiy 40% of ai equlvalent ste- el bridge, pet Il cili e lut as tcong, fan lessssesptible 10 corrosion amd more economtmal ln power ssed ly ms liftinsg eechaiîsm. The bridge will carry a nalicoîd track ofo staidard gauge, as weli ai roadiitife, over aj 90-foot span of the river._ T PRN EE Frlday &0 Satursby, May le & 17 Ret Taylqr Dona,' Dnuke '"DANGEROUS MILLIONS» "PERSONALITY KID" Seral N. 4-Bnop Hancga', News MONDAT a&M TUIMAT gay Miltanul Jais Wysoai "LOST WEEK-END" ADULTS ONLT Vera Vague-MHIsa aid Teli" Coloced Caroon-'Catalppsd' Itel over 4 mesios a Shea# Tonsto COMINao Fr. ami Bat. May 128aMd 24 Juel MeCrea Sias Donîsvp "TEE VIRGINIAN" (Technicolor) Musical - "Nauchîy Naielle' Litleî LuIs - "Mai's Pest Frlsnd' News Seial 9No. ý-"BIIp Marigîn' Girl Singer appoacîng %mith Bobby Gimby's Orchestra at 10e ACTON 1110H SCHOOL CADET DANCE Monday, May l9th AT THE ACTON PARK PAVILlON as wecli enjny sooing il to yus. 110s lculy a washday riraclc. Bc our gueit! Cornein tu-day if yon, con. Leaco 00w il wasbcs, rnsis, damp-drys--tvci ciaîs and cmp- tics ilseif and shuts uIt-al osto- matically. Note 1ha1 you tan do an entire wsing-aod neyer oven wel a fluger. It ili aslonislo you, and you'Ili srly wool a ncw Bendix for youcseli. Su, please- ce urge you-corne qsickly asd make sure of gtling pour Bendix son. DS FOR FARM AND S EED HOME GARDENS PROVEN UP-TO-DATE VAIETIES OF FLOWER aid VEETABLE SEED8 Il.l.' FlR THE FAnmM WR CARET RELIABLE SI'oCKS 0F lIYBRID SEE CORN PERMANENT PASTUR GRASSlES, CLVERS, Etc. WRITE FOR FORE CATALOGUE The Tregunrno SEED COMPANY PHONE 7-7322 HAMILTON SPECIAL HOLIDAY DANCES HUTTON VILLE PARK FRDAY EVENING-MAY 23rd BOB TURM nERmRisEeven Piece Orchestra DANCING 9-12»8 SATURDAY EVENING-MAY 24th AL KUHN and Ris Music Styled for Dancing Featurîng Hal Wright DANCING 9-12 ADMISSON SOC COME l'O PEELS POPULAR PLAYOROUNI> DANCING WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY BRAMPHTON LIONS CLUB AnuËJAMBOREE! Anmual ROSALEA PARK, 8RAMPTON JUNE 19-20-219 1947 WIN A NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR ON THE ADVANCE SALE 0F TICKETS Draw for the Refrigerator Thursday evening, June 19 BEAUTY CONTEST FRIDAY, JUNE 20 See the Brampton Lions Club n Lurid Firework Display Eacb Night Gel your ticket now and win a Frig. 25c esclo YOU CAN SEE -and-Only BENDIX! e (lelighted to without oblig-ation! Ib tis mucb YOU SET ff... AND FORGET Il'! WASHES;.- RINSES-DAMP-DRYS A LL BY17ISELF! McKim Bros. Hardware 1 PHONE 28 - MILTON 9 1- PAGM rrvm 1 THE CA14ADIAN CHAMPION