Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 May 1947, p. 4

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THPCNAGE HMPO TIJSAY ÂTlat, n OMAGH ZIMMERMAN - N EW S ot the D ISTR ICT Th a meeting cf the Omagt Mr.and Mca. N. M-eatteringtass and ta elithc me c Ms Rle c. M. Dotby af Ecyne apest Sandcy Pescack ce Ttaraday. Mrs. M. Tsr- citt Mr. asd Mca. S. Bennett. sec, presiderot f the W.A. waa ta tte Varieus Items Conccraalsg Activitie. ln Coausunitirna Nearby chair. Plans mere made fer cc alter- Speclal Mtterit Day services mre Wher Maay f Oar aier ar Ineretrn anoontec snd scie. Mns. Baliantyne vtbserced ln Vhe Uitd Clasret on "_s ci Trornto iii te gueet speaker. A lci- day. Maatet Fredan, daghter af Mr. ter cf thants la te te sent Mr. Thamas and Mr. M. Martin ad Davtd tvift- NASSAGAWEYA KILBRIDE datbraîns fer tilt tcnd gfi te thecferm ccd Diane Elzatet,timisaof Mr. chhncih cf a baptismaltfent, givea le and Mrs. William MeRs>'%tmrre tap- PIISE Malers Daysercvice caca ctcivcd lsia oncîraBad caca c-acgcnie- mcmcyffisiwife. hawa a dcectcd tieed. '.lo eai ctcdCar a c dlte iniApril, Mc. E.i-iattcricg- wa'crcinc tc h ati. Litiers f Mr. and Mca. J. Fine and famlty ai h bnzrUitdCuc nci1 thasfr rait and ficcav ra mcre-v- icird frienda lic the neighechccd ce Sanda>, May il ai chn thece w.îs tac prccdcd 1r the ciccian ai cir- . a bapismalserv cendecird hy ers mict eslted as Iomew: Saper- ceived tram Mc. Creier ced Jeanne Thensda>' iat. Rer. R. W. Piciaesgiil fer three steadent and leader, Mc. Fred Dav-Gabit.M.ndMs llmmcy Dv citdrea. Ttc>' mccc Dars Mac is; Preident, Melvia Anderson; Vice- i.Rb.Glrih rsdni n ineO hrl pn h Meffi, nfat dcghic c Mc c t'ealdet Macle ehirhtan; Secret- Sert charge cf the WMS meeting. wdced Dine f M r.d Ment ttcal Moletinfnt augterof r. ndMc. MeFaci gave sc fine aon Êtr lit Mcs. Malcolm Meffat, Murray Chcl-s ac, Darvîn Peer; Trensccer, Mslii h me-n citM.Pnlc. .Gl Fatt, infant cen ai Mr. ced Mca Walcct; Temperance ced iPence sdy teck ce India. A tible ceteî rith Charles Fatced William James Dia- Sccetary, Oeenie Leegdc; Wccid givra ty Mc. Hsmilton and Mns. C. mced, infat son f Mr. and Mc. Freda arc., Rth Acderson; Pce- Jarvia. a esdleg; Mc. Rertson iead- Arhar Diamelie. There mac qsîtc a ici, Mary Lilycrep: Amsi. Pieniat 'cf gis ttc Seipicce lesce and pcsy- large ceagregalicetece fr tte sec- Shirley Smaîî.- er ced aise cecd ce itecetisg ici- vire cf wmcntip. Ttc fini meeting mc hctd nan 1r fresa hiec mIeicear> cossian I Cngaultions cre etcadcd te Tccsay afteac eutrinathebie Meico. Testy ladies cnamcced ttc M. and Mns. Ernest G. Wilson ce tte Sciacil. Meivie Anderson preided. cr11 cli. A level>' chemer ef tat>' arrivai f acsoneait te Nusing Mome Mincies werc cccd t>' Darwie Peer thingc mccc ceceived fer te miacion- en Actca ce Teeay, May' ft. . Bitle ecdieg aed prayer cres ta-c- ar>' taie ccd aise s esmter cf articles Farmen tan itis district sisrd et>' Mccgacei Ford ad Deceen 1r, thc sleinteJase.r thei spingseeingon ondy ad Wison Tw ineretIn misioaiw Atte close cf ttc meeting dalet>' il a teoped thtthiis msrm weatter sicies wecccretad ty ttc lecder, Mcas. refrcshmet were served t>' the test- niaycontnuese te psturs wll Dvis;A tmpernceMesdng cas sasisrd t>' Mns. Bcigtneok and cîycetces hepstca iiDai;s emesfc eaie Mc. McDcweii and acli cnyed asosc- gerafarmece arc gctiieg scacce f give ty GecneLcngdc. ilhl er fred facrteir licereitck.Ttis cmmcntty mac stectcked iIand ter M. and Mns. Vicier Wason and cddeaed ce Ttacscy eveeieg t>' te Wr are scccy te repost itat Dort- faml>' cf Recmccod atteeded the sec- scddee pasetef cf Mca. Chartes Hrt ti>'and Maricn Mcsshasaccc111i itt vice ieEteeeCçtrchsast edtyîcfgcctmierctsctcedtascccsd cclstandIbet Mreiy Peaccckt li and vlited citt Mr. ccd Mc. Mal- cdicnste bvill1age ferte pasi mted bitittte mempa. We tope ait catm Mffat. paa t aertct place tin ei.ed'cecey Mr.Ge ige igting le hat fls Sa% ray ft;n en n urin to.. S ei 0 %o er c Day services ere service tonenv tcpiveelercc te lertrir ligting sscrdcefa eecieerieement.apima fn the fini time tht evecicg. Dr. W. J. Sheridac ced Mcist er- waca dediccîd ed acneilidty te Mc. Bert Nigtticgale ai Dcceg-- danrcurnerd missiceacies tranChie-s, deser. CORN BROOMS ..... vle vsied ic mttcc, Mca Acthu wo avceespent,te iter ie Vas- Mr. ced Mc. George Lyccc ced fam- WSIGOS AP Nightingale avec tcesweek-ecd.. coavec acrevcliais raiceSccdcy citt ily acre Sanday vi.dIcca citt Mr. ced WSIGOS A-S....... __ _Mr. and Mcs.J. MerMilice.Cter MtasF F. .Bccme.idge. LAWN BROOMS ..... Sacdavis.itiscaithîeMacMillesiln- A lrgeeumterof fciecdsancdneift- CAMPBELLVILLF ludd, rM. and Mc. ErnstciErnlir. tarasgtered i tt e me cf Mr. ced LAWN MOWERS ......... acd Mr. and Mc. Citeci Hammacd tra. Norman MawelloS hus Th -ais'Adc Is'fAf!MrcF E.AJoyce and ,cvccccg fer a prseenaiisancd stow- - COCOA FIBRE MATS__...... T Ldi-Ad fS. Davirian c alesfcy r r,.. >'ad cein fcccrecens ecy-aweds. Mr. ced Clcrct tid teir Mc>'meit ing ci . acre of LondonNs a.Sessccc elcet f EASYWAY FLOOR POLISHHERS. the tome cf Mcc. Mezcec. Dcieg Mr. and Mcc Fi-PdDavissee Sun- atcandcs.c tilctsflo almP,calargel tie basiness pried final arracge- mccit r etr c nsailîmcrccerandthassort mntsi.5ccecmadfcrtetes. Tr acincîdM ler (lilleet r. crthvr Mr. ced Mc. Vicier Smt ccc O scilt% mccc quilted. one far oecicc cî eet .iiccred wittcamiscclltriflcastam-.rjM thesThesaersancd the aiter 1cr the 1tir Hrt inclgroeofaiPeterlie- Hat Youngrccple crctstrie Brtih Flecd l Relief Campaign. 1 ugl Mor-anirscfHmiic pcllreiein fer the gifla. Danciag MO Ttece waree23 ladces ccd 3 etildeis ;svcca isM.ed y retesfecmilBrancd carda mrr enlicyed ty ail. present. alssd prît e reltivcet ttc Vasant- Me. ccd Mes. ienry M-Grl, Mcc. Mc. Ccamp cccs hteisa ferr1 Forettnctereek-Wecncddap laes tar>' etVan Cerccnesin theeet imntc- jFarmers leti.adistrict carere cccl-and Misa Edea McCcii cf Eiedslc I ýl gad a enoy he fne prin wel cere visitacs tM. Hccry and Miss girls ced f ladces. In tteasece o hrvrte cidadte a-Mli 1atokti ek thc preident. Jean Kicg, vièe-precid- tire icr re ae e t-cheld t c- et ccndcied the meting Ttc c ;ccacccedcinedy sehccg part mccc: cripi areecig,.1 ___m_____ SaicsassnsfO Sy. mm w PA Ane Parcer; prayera, Narma Browni - aed Audrey Harrem; recitatice. Hee FAMS ELFA'TMiCtTY T X Agnecc; piano scl, Anna Heecea. Mc. -M L O s e Howard Lcct reed the tapir "Fan ai, Oly 16.1 per cent.cf Cecedit Bcrdicg icteel" tram th t idl . anrna a .cerccd citt s-c cciiy.Thr <Opposite HutlKennedy)l 1 $1c60 $150U bocke. Jcan ing ccad c cicr>' froet pecetege vcriecfrm t hgt cf 35 perequacrt perequart thePrmar sorybok.A short perccn. ic Ota leaietaa c f 0. PH NE21 rme as s ti eigqit tlocks lercci ceninSatitcen.Ontarici HO E 6 adsiaigisg tecd. Me. Cecap cnsme7.75 per cnt.f the peme- seeved c delicicca luch netd ncrdle.a cscd ccc Canadien frmi. Ttece ir- Prompt - Service - Coureoas Ici ce>,tis ms ejcyed ty ail. ties, sdates the Agicctuael titale Mtters Day pregren e-es iltamrd Revicca, indicale tel tee- agg-cnt AIlIaseccra. lesared itheScedcytirtael an Randa ci ae fr cter dcvclepmcrnt and Aaissa Mis. Wmn. Bryanstldte sctci c application o cf ric pwer c te Cari- 24 f eur erIre -Mtasionont ccv>' apprepricie alec>' and jadgingida traics. ___________________ bthe attention pid ril mcc ccc> mach apiceciated. Mr.cad Mea. M. b. Gratam aM Wcatcc ce ad Mcr .rnecRavecaof Kinîgston mccc gacala ai ttc tome oaIl Mrc ccd Mcas. Mnc Sieudgyalers-S* * A peogrecssive crittage pari>' mas lt-Id i ttc tome cf Mr. ccd Mecsfî. Wallace King cn Fida>' eveieg. The- mccc inrsweeMns. Jack Ellit rcid Mc. Jack Easy. Mns. F. E. Elila cf Weedsieck sprt tic meek-end mt tee ncter, Mc. 0t Mrse,iiseeonMeede>'Ms. Morse teIored teck citt Mns. Elils ta Wood- De Satardsy eveeleg. M. ced Mrc.£4 James Defccest eetiied s eemt- ci f friendas ntener f Mr'ý. Defer- rts tirttday. Progessive ectre I wsesjc>'ed t>'acl. Mi.%ERianer MeLcan cf Hamilton ~t ô el f D lcos Q aiy a cict thc mack-ed citt tee parents. -eri f eiio sQ alt r Mr. and Mns. Atur Markie. Me.'Vert and Mes. Ro>' Dcnave cnd Audrey',t l t. F o Vau s in Fe u Mr. aed Mrs. Rormane Waltcr andFo d V l e in F at Douglas and M. and Mc. Rbert Ie- e. D m no glîs mere Sceda>' guects cf M. anJ Doflin1> Mc. Gerge teglas. a*cccsWîlVei Misa Jean Cnamp f Wtitt>'speci\Io itpei ttc week-ead itt lier parents, M. t GlAPI 33, an Mns. Bycce Cecmp. VXli Misa Evelyn Eltet cof Geph sprt e ttc mck-ed cctt te pcretsMc -~ c~ . t* Nxed VEGITAéLE JUCE ~~ 5 thedwekMn.dciset fiat, rp* trrynmtsPae Mr.g M. ced Mns. James Diet and soneae ur rne2 Ingis ere Seeda>' visitera citt Me. MARNEALADI S0cs31Ç aed Mes. William Vaniekie. tt tt.acane Mr. ced Mns. Fred Hsamcend, Mc. Yr aai James McFarlase. Mns. Fnek Mc- D ONAa" 25< Farlane, Tenesa aed J-Aner f Tee- eL làiu onto, M. aed Mns. Pere Hammaed DmomAjG" f Buffalo and Mr. Thomas Patterson TO O àt aed M. Jack Pgcmccnd f Lemilie %kt(aiai mccc Seeda>' gaccsts itt Mc. Sephitks aifoAG r ie.25 a O lead t Pattersn. RNMSte28 m ...... 2DCILL as's t'e s Mn. William Smit ced Herbiet f cesa feI27KrEaamIl-23< Mamilice vsted citt Mr. ced Mrs. iAEItIT rc A CoegetratcidJavel James Rar ni> eSemis>'. CubinssRipe DiTFR ~PINEAPPILE, Si.,. 33c jAVzI-tri 14' DITFRNELVFSScekit Caifacasi. 3% ",dew LewPitre'ClakCtamo LEMONS, Sirec30j . ....U..OO..OU39ctaw Ttc Jane tride Ilasdvlscd t>' te De- WSiwhrd 3 an19c EsdRMc9St>'i patmet cf Ratienal Plcltt ced Wl- PA5tSNIPS3 " 1C Tne- at fares, tnogtIls Ntrition Division, le FI. ri" 1,srai fAtUNEâS s. - 0 5. acs te prepared te select as mcii as re-n (ELERYS e-, la 19iC. 14 parc, teatiaul meats sertutti>. Texas Dallonr - tces Pitted Pcltisg oult tat appette c snel c AROTS2bL li c JLY00 AE e4ni 9 rellatile guide le geed estieg, and thttJLY00 DAE t5ca29 ail sarenutilltio amlcldge Il araed Texas 2taraa_________ e scietiflir espeimeeta, ttc naticnal BaiLS2 VAcaUES17 lacattileaders le hia field Inviteneem- Frit w Bersmuda 9 las, 9 EF EI E lyscds te stady fced requialemeeta, t3N5<NS 3 "'e23c IJTIL CLOSINO hI cder tc lcy a tcaltifi cdtlc _________________________ SAT BOAS' <t....$.andcciup5 MIIKENZIFS 40 andi 60 Watt LAWN GRASS S1EE> $1.15 each Finent Parktdn <....... 12.45 up Mixture <110nd <2.15 5 tas. $2.95 S$3.98 'E'S PAINTS IMPERVO $2.15 1Mlàn~ AINT BR17SH CLEANER Gy" BRI.SHES SANDIIAPER $1.30 $1.50 SCRA~PERS per quart pin qucrt 1IHFâ1 aES1v1 eAssured by the Outstanding red This Week At Your en Stores ticr ici dPas-t APPLES 65 Geiffîn CHICKIN HADDIIS 525 Dallera PUDDINGS z1M13 lBtttcacctct, Caramel, Checalate, Vanilal Mcptlstc-In 0OU SARDINE 2cU2S<âé Frrnst-In Siiel FIANUT JBL"M17< Healttigla CARDGLIC OA? Bar 5< Ctsmpicn--Foc Dcp or Cate PIT Mie223 Grave e rScOGUSGeM APPE JMc£ S Fracitfcid Ungraisi PM 3 Standard Qsalty n2«"25< Aylm>-Coic Qula .B..Pack2 r PRiNEPI .»n I7 "6STARLIGHT" Chl&k Starter la aaie from a careuly Pme"redfomula te re vigoroza growth asti atrong healtay bfri. Get your has early, anad for a bette atarit feithrem f reab ",STARLIGHT' CHICK STARTER ic yoscr order now for Peat Mess wble the aupply la adequate MILTON MILLING CO. xone 50 Limited Milton Ont. 611-- ý --1- - THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THUMDAY, MAY 15th, »47 PAGE FOUR 1

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