THURSDAY, MAY 15th,-1947 ANUT CZAR"E I CCM Oasunentator I Now that tise trout season la under- - ' 1mA -N -C o Inay, Asdy Clarisea's Netgisbarly 0fclnwee " to Women meserdare certain ta n- H UTTON VILLIE PAR1K aetas.And when tellng these pia. colrii als nd wllbcona aut- BOBBY GIMY betda t i eart, manay of HisTruspet ausd Hia N IhiiTAIN NEEDS MORE COAL is off-the-arbure ara apeat wtt lina and reel. He has, in tact, becoe Production of Brtish coat bau tiona almout as neli isoons for bis sls HAPPY GANG MAESTRO dec la ag for snnme yearu. It stand at exploita as for hla Suaday moiag ~ 226,300000 ton ln 1938, fel ta 189, icaudeusts ut 1.03 nisen, befor o atuTUay Lvg. i*1n 1946. The numher of oaîcmise inthe CBtCnTorontaostudios, lie g. - n aoyd dc ard, duriag th ne t,lli.ofhani)(y' happîeraings oattse! MVAY 7th perod tImm 782,000ta696,000. This oc k betareculled tram mare nthon AMsin$.0prPro snt the os y prohtem, production ut 200 Ontarioo ad Qoebec neeisty ens- Anl'is$.OprPro uoalpema durlsg the sainme penid papeno. Hloommkdrapped tilram 289 ton te 272 tons. His triendo eea 'gel into prli" ason Hel aeaersaOaa ai the misa., dependlng upos tise amaunt Brtais has becs forred to abandon is accouat, as wltneastise tolowng COKE TO PEELS POPIJLAK PLAYoROuND niant popular saladeaciame clubs ta prepared. hier exporta ut rani. Total exporta In whch appelaradecently la tise Globe asparagus viaagratta--rbets tell us. Sameosea skad u tise ther dey If 1938 amoooted ta 35,800,000 tons but aad Mailt Toronto), by George A. DANCING EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY 'Thiey say that Iis la simply rbilled asparagus liquar lIesepinacis liqstor la 1946 nera reduccd ta a bacc 4,50l, Wrigbt: trasisly canised aspacagus stala i l olhinehowns sut. Wa say yes 000 taons. The experttlande of coai Ta Andy Cloce-For iltra hie ctys_______________________________ aerved on erisp tttuca svtb vixegas' because it in te strasg tasuse esccpit bhonaow becs practlaaliy abasdoncd ceasetexu rush, thse jetlar cronds a_________________ and ail maura. A chat, renowssed for nîtis asparagus. and it ln sot lisety tisat aoy turther nitis nnsons faces, far anay ta tisa bis saures, nas kisid anaugin toal p- DIAWN BUTTER SAUCE effort niti lha made ta expaad it. evcalag huns and tisa frlaadly fois ot ply the fllowing reripeanad polnted 3 tbspn butter, 3 thapa. tleur, Britala is tuturea nul cansume ail coul tbe 11111e placas-fols nbo dwelt near out tbat a small quastlty ut tarragan i,. csp hot nater, Yï. csp aupar- prodsced. Tisalegs nili bea tIbiy niother eart in l quiet nayn, nitis lime vlsegar maltes a dtttareara. Ila is 15 agus natar, %tsp. sait, 1 tsp. Britlis shlpplng. Outisoard carcans of ta lise asd campesuatif thier eigis- goad nitis bot asparagus. lamas Julce. coal loner tisa rot ot transportatian, bors' wartis In givissg ail au otisers giva Cais U p ! SAUCE VINAIGRETTE Mlt butter, add fisse nltb seul ane nay traffir la poor busness ton Eacb Saishatis more are risurris belleîsa 1 tep. alt, 1% tsp. paprika, 1 tblp. nlsgs. Pour Ia the lqulds and hou tise shlpplxg industrg ring a vsiter Ibaîr circle araces; his tsirrsgan visegar, 2 tiosuseider vin- 5 minutas. Add leman juice and serve Decile la pre..uctioa amaunted ta bstisy catch ni sans ta bring ot thasa eglr 6 lisapa. olive or saiad it, 1 at oanc over aspsarabus. 17 ton betwe.a 1938 and 1946. If who dl na l sittie places. "Goad OIL WILL BE SCARC-BUT THE SOLUTION TO tinp. choppedl grees pepper, 1 tbap. TAXEI A Tir producias '.ad becs at the aid rate. marelac trlesds;' lins Asdy's voire IIATING PROBLEMS, 18 A clsopped rurumber picisie, 1 tmp. 1. A plais se stasrillied caris place tise total lrolume nould bave beas 12, ad ail the land hîsnsens embraces choppedl parstey. 1 top. chop<sed grees mat maices as excellent brbashe 000,000 tonsamare. Tisa extra nautd nith s nleat trIbute ta their rchute. unian. bulletin hoard for thumb-tarklag bava becsn a detînîte eip Is tisa raid "THE MAYOR 0F LITTLE PLACES" L v n s o e S o e Combine lagrediens Ian order given. reripes, menus or remiadeca. speli. No grea tbamie casrtha attarhad A llte chappad celery or pimenta 2. Ta ieap shirt cuits ftram draggisg 1telise mes tor tise derlise. Tise minssCET -HNY - N OE AE may hae added If desledoa the flanr whnes lcasg, folcI are becamisg mare dîffiruit tue noulc FLYING MLWERSEFIEN - AD -ADAMOE SA R To esjay asparagus ta tise utmst haek each siceve ad fastes Il Tise pressure of ther pralslemn, mals: 0F MAYTIME Ask thse Msssy People WhoHiave Tisesa You saould eat lit au f resau possile. nith a sola clthaspîs. ly nar, bas prevested fulloir mechas- Saap ott the nandy ends au tise sialits 3. Wax aid brasa rurtaîn roda ta pra- izatias. Progress la Great Brîtain wau Ramblees Ibrougi tise Maytbxae ANTHIRACITE-ALL SUZES breaks aboya the tasgh prt, Taise ceat a dîscloratlos an tise cr- In masy cases arrested isy thina. oodlans, avazlse Ian for violats aff lonar scales as tecas and dert talas. Tise lasses trrm tiat caacîîrt nîli tceep acI trillumu or admlrisg tise mars CEMENT LIuE GYPROC tisorotmghiy. 4. If yas carmat put a arlnIn tisa as acrrulsg aver a long perlad of marigalda heide tise meaadariag When coakisig asparaguas it is a end ofthtie brasis or dish map ime. brss, noald fiad f8anrs and Jenels SEEDS FEED god de t emmbr ha he hadl.iner arigvierto n tise ng hy pcerlng upnard 55i_____ gaad ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w datarmmrthtts iani.lstarscnatie nucourses nere apen ta tise foc- treen and buhes h aesh od stalkn taise longer ta ceastisaistise hasdla la tise brus. Cblcisas-leg esnmeat. Il nan qalte posmible taead uic.Teyaets ad lips. Use scaler rinssIlathe bttoni marhern are lexîlista rIns s btals- bhninlaPolis mîsers isut a laior Slalmarc almasand iterally fui of sauscepas ta prap lientd astof nat- able ut moat fecd stores. 'Th'ly rerecmeat nisicianed lta exstencea af nteaeams itryfl er. Oly an inchiof ateta la nacas- arec otorful tan. tatise trade unionsa cosld scarccty art o . l e imes. Thaugis tlay. the saary, caver and mais for 10 ar 15 THE Q5JMON BOX ic direct oppalosonta a rate af ta cycnlallytralscd taelîsindtisemnad R ,.S . A DM _______________ Miss H. T. asiss: Why do nmne masters. The oilisenr'emedy nan fur- lhis spenis ralarlat areates a foot- Phone 48 - -Nighta 16 __________________________ilgnhave a idoringafaround thseIllter mecaisaiollsoaItise mises. ItasoY Oftylng foanecs. Yellon naristers nk heanisoed la ties heil. tisetUnited States production yen mas liîariinatesure ouhaies ethral M lo Hopitl. we:Wie egascooised In tise ,our milre p Zperyentx. ietw-n a traedbte n lc ho (Priate)siscît are nsolroaled quîcisly, this us- 1930 ssnd1939. Tisnfigure stanforb!tcditcreean wnisîcra, yellon-tiroated. (Priatelappeulngtarnalhusouaily toms. T'rusa o soonrialIs anthracite. sn the yrlîou'-iressted, cisstaut-nided nana- VISI'IING HOUS dsdarn la sol harnfiul. ane penid, tise ar-ase nai 8 pe crs. and sprightlt tfilnsshanply Mr.T.M sls:Hw eIlwt-cnta rlypennenlgan desrinped i lackloisand nwhite. But tise *MUMUUMUMMMUMUMMMMU M2.TM30sHan.ieepatteel.4.a00 tieaaen tin du time Ileryif lisese hîcdn sn ail* 7.00 p.m. ta 8.30 p.nimLecr rfn oith r ar ely t tcitisingcminas, tlis colo cambisilus drttes descrip-2.0pn a40 e. cran ngi . iecalgdi flt INa Ciilcres usdlr12)1 lr ev aflo h oosnal xauldmns ias. Parsel-siced bisid golden allell RATES H ADVACE hlIcaster ance or luire a dsy. Dia rîy of thlitedlîcISIeand GireatuluthlieRoyal Ontario Mueua tlhcy 5w v s I RAESIcIDANE et ee ies atr hag risc nin il silscînce lise an:ud H.lcIuastsenaiie cllcto nulroer.Bnlus nlate lcel$maiMd. tis ay put) niaiselise test preparalios n SemiPnivta - $450 sanE. J. anisa! Is il harmtul te erntut aix ise Utled Statl e rante identification tif noadlasd BANISH Private - - $60 rukaisaragus In alumlnum noce?hisrroutîrioan pe mas houe. The s a ndecsaaais nenatuurenltudy CLTE PI BTERM PHONE 216 - MILTON Caicltleuaieeoednneaalpedtrmy hav irheli isa risher rtard 0ofWITH THE NEWM tramonlise pagcol ad effircient productiona ta-day. îîî'uuîr an(1 fasitin Anaer:Na. lTiese mInslseasilty Ta-naraonen machine capable of rua i tli uhesy tcs off lise uns- QUITE A SHOCK !ZUC NT E S HAIRDRESSING ihu unn hm lupe__ortn n inrae i asta hsrao o do Int.tstStleiAse:laenir imt? er pociqonat uati nd tahie legsune îlenierlimtmigreaionfacaapois-MHOW THE ZI.P-GRIP WORKS s a Jus pul duorntisaf lhe lmuleethanI liseoptans. It force NeeteiosiPraat drain, uand put Ilaao.rightly grai In Brian îîîîy nitre mol c nîtt ntauuloe s eIccusof utte shocisM od ytise ppSaind r'n thse Une out I Tiaîs -tsece'sa snoa Newet Mehodsin Prmannt îlepilote.Wam Ia madersleac-î lhetetatfýuiîit islenn moderew 1an ecesed (liete tisalu)trlIarrds- M for yuitnapeor sut ...aathisg tepushar pull. And tt's lceea Wavsg ai 300 degreen tor about 15 minuten. 1lit> es urpnatiedada'atl end, 'sanie-tut htr-t' tsatcuhuienasn itis my a EASIER ta bring elst5sm It-stmpty rua tisa Uie 1l1 ani esch planl AIl Lises of Beauty Culture Slite ccaslsaally. iîiog muet ise donc The rrmedy ila %%tîr sud cildrî tise magie tin t nar nalig ellitsaboal, ___________ li!lbring in more men, cet lise (-outi'fi(t'-(Unt ofl'acantlopatliereimas lites ypracee"d nis nehaaicaatt. ci îîiii îtottf i adte isî ltr tr cn- * Get New Waahday Freedoas - Gel ZIP-GRIP. * ELLIO'.T,BEAUTY SHOP A esasigrameat ai ecs bhead et)fforce tiradurttion per ma hur suit- ittg at. ist l]istasneitlIf me. Yetita Fer ecomplote informnationand demansafriasin tc Phsone 61j tan Appaimeata 'Cuidias pureleed registened Roulis- stantiallyais e tise 1939 cccel. lo, ie glothîe train ut ibis tans non rs nece reerly siipped ta ' e ttmctoflut rio iitais ran s tnt i' sae ce tla tcforc sur A. R. ELLIGT NewnRealand. On arrivailiseratseh a icdul Ibsapsancilt-. aei'I'ryeldM the ilIl__ _ _ _l.__ _ _s Epssonle frm WG ueelllisy xctI R1AIRDRESSER.S rae eelodh uto tanae, o«nt"aiai Il fecîs, asdole sec Il lte 1utanlîttîhîc lise, a$ îîea hu 510. oti,- ibtialit nlaCanada. sisat change itenut'il i'ttUld biseandsaiis iees,*, tn neiî.lyrattes ail proisîems. It ail lta,' (coyers -aur farsalar eammfin- MlsSt. Miltas ____________________________drant. Ilintensifies lsan. Me. At- i15-ct rt tlice liai itten off more sisa Necan Mynwileecluimed ae tIse fart As Near as Yoar Phne Na Trip Taa Long cisen tise pracenu 'tf mssltleatltts lbt ail sce couid sec, brîailnlsiie __________________ 24su evc nayisc long and inasamae. Thenecethe station, tise elecatan. anc wrdsuffens mac rei nmitslarcarda, store asncI lobouses. lshe noted tisaI RENFRW Thr eea engrlterdangers le titisnus a analilaflîsin tee paople CreNF eEW trs A. Il. D'lITthe frart- rushes onthtisazealota la acohasermx a s t lis te greateat O UTSIDE BEA T 'N'A Vbc ntise pays this . reasuned my nite tisat tIc tons Electu'icai Fana Equlpuient IIlJd - nus arisIeran tsaetsaportion c At YourDoor T X"SR IC Roundlng off" 1s net a ign oail liesceuldiee. I suggt ha tst aise SEE Ail PasensFullyI suced roundacs be patilentscn' ait untlltlie train - Roy W. Coodwini Yasr Patronmage Pleiese -lilotwhnse olleal te___l sec al]tt sIport ai tise tawns tiut or Phono ACTON 4Mt PHONE 218 MILTON CLEARING nas n anliectiser side ufthtis laehs. TT~'ae5"Tf-'~T SA E Slaues ilted lisera as tisa plat- AUUim- fut-m. alnig authlie train as It movad ~ EIIIN 'IOWNIIIP txIu. Weil, sise tans han gnowns a IN EZIN OWNSIIP bit since. but net murb. That day. OMfN'rntsra tlauseholad Effenta- aises tise train pil rieueer, tisera nos Mdrn and Astique nallîlar an te tiser lse de of tise trckcso eseepl lise ial-iseaded prairie. E. B. CLEM EN IS alue ucIin rm hVl of c.~tatimigation.oe5~ s tesel y Publie Asctionsi fil at-rve 'F 5cI30 DSO Lot 0 Co . 5,Erna. cîultîed on te UIE IG- MDSGE Real Eltae nroke ft ie r finnef larl OCTH US PAN CA P E LV L E R .N .MONDAV, MAY bth Details cf linilalas fimt pilottess Elastica bouse paint affmn CA PB LL IL E . . o.3 CanneneinssaI 2 at-loch DST. adio-msntrailed rachat missile have as tllonnt receally becsnrased. Tissgulded pur hous 'k 5 abeut PHONE MILTON 271i,2 Dinlag Roan Extension Tables; missile neicha oaly 738 pouads and ueWtsOvat Lete etCar;Rociar Choit-s; crasbha aimised by four mes la legs ~that duels witb suni and ______________________________________~Sds'lord; Cblock; Radia; Grama- tisas n andsc a hait minutas. Propal- ~ phase; GIcI Glana Cuphoased illed inalad isy eIlhrachats,lt ts capable aofaa aIl iinds ai Antiquead Paacy Diabes , . coid, Elusticu bousc paint _____-Vases, Wan RSets. Moustache Cusposlseedamn500 milra pen boue, cas Etc.; Carpein; Ruga; Pictorex; MotetaIraIliseing esencised Il tise openaton is easy tf appîy - . - bard 5' _______________________________________________ Puper Rackss; Etc. tramt the gruund or a shipu docis by 'r iPARLOR- Upislslened Parlae maases ai a "Joyslirb" or castrat cal-". eaig. eutul A COMPLETE EYE SERVICE 'laite, Sette Chiars, Etc. Cas-ced urnma musted on a caatnsl bas. The waig..batfi Tables; ArmaChaîna; RiaIt Tables,. nml ac suseeflyrm by missalenwdo Dreanees; Tallat Setoin by SEDROOM-3 Bla isnti saprngs plated tial fligisa. as deslgsad and WM. SHILMAN AND A. LEE GOLD and nialincînen; 2 aId Woodea Ords; developqd by a United Kingdom tiens. lied Clotis Pilions; Ticbs; Etc.___________ I kUTCHEN FURNITURE-Pandora M ~iIL T O N 03ove Pps tc;Ec;Lamps; Laas-t' raeCEET EVERY SECOND AND FOURTE THURSDAY EACH MONTH dn Toosnocrt Sn aI TERMI GCASH PIBsteifg Sand LMN PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Rt- eserme ns te farcm nasuli, la- Milton, Ontario Phone 19 C. GRIMWOOD, JEWELLER gether nitis the lIce tock ssnd eqaîp- DELIVERED Cali e abuce addresu an phase 113 for an appinîment ment. T'ise Imillitfart-nlanaut 1 mile- NEXT CALL MAY 22nd Stis c'f 24 Iigl'uy.INE ATO L RIS CMP YLMID Repatae PraiaPtty matted IGINDIEY & ELLIO'r, 1 V- HiEAD OttVICE 3de BATHIURST ST., TORONTO 1 Auctionneen B uce MvcKerr-Illl',11 II-Il11lN-lII ______________________________________________Plisse Et-la arMilton Poo49 F. Blipîl, Cleil Blhoeu09 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE lintm