Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 May 1947, p. 1

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00au abiêua 0I1 auI MILTON, ONTAIOI, THUIdSDAY, MA? 91f, 1947 nîgas rsumr-r 5-5555 .-itgro-.-sn= Suecessful Year i is 13,600 Fingerings En ier1sueEtm t n Milton Fi'sherman 'Esquesing Concil Reported for Iio Put in ilalton E ginesIsu Ciat0 aught 31h. Trouit Decide toLv IIItnTrout Streaniis W tr Drainage Survevs utNaTon Frheedain Musie Festival LstFrd1, aa areer, o lIi ý ecFor the Federations -ico fOkil tre on ,0 Council Chambers Have Bren Re- toutaalaught arar M tton nas landed Mise Maude M. Brown Re-Elected speckted trout ingertinga into the decorted-Arrangensents Made HALTON FARMERS biy Phistttp Rotey, last Madyeh e -Il nde for Gravel is Accepted and Pimien itAnua ee- CrSxeen le tisek npe Bluet par t forApproach tu Driveway and HOLD FIELD DAY AND Martin%,dam, just outoaido the1 Heating Unit for Municipal in Lat Week sin Milton tait ouny. They nere the fîrst of Ffre Hall - Work on Town's PICNIC IN MILTON taasitss. HaloisApîove Mias Moode -a progran ta rrstack the dfferent Ronds Soon to bie Started - ato Ger, il'snattauty," everyal e e n fEqeit Mis Meled M. Braswi, Freemoi, sîreatos in thse canty will somne 20,- Other Itenis of Tuesday's Ses- riHaItonre tieid day c nomme A-set rkead., hW here dyuchitt " Tny Asspass mei steting Tof susda wseetdprestdent ai thse Hattaa 00yearling trout and 5,000 bas$ ae- UItr il a omte aestfins Weeddyucthl? onhpCuti a edTusa Music Festival Assciationt, for a sec- cordig ta thse gerarden. sion tihe date folthe Hatas County tarot they ail added aith a spark of ri-e- eitig. Members al preseat Reece ondd lune at the anouat meeting heid tto tise splashiag ai tisese tcesh e rs' pirates. A field day s ta beheled thasilssm, iodtcating they nautd grsis G. E. Clease psesided. t MuitnPubiîeSchaal tat seek. AI- noter stseams thse ingeriags paased, Tise egaar meetinf ai tise MitnJane 21st ia Mitoa Fate Graunds and tise fisst adl tiey caaid, and trait 'Mf Tenders foacruasing attd deiveriig lbaugh Miss Brosaa at firt deciord headed taward the iead waterit, was- Coaneit wsanheld aan'iaesday evetiaf they hase arrangedoi amaratag and ia quetofaaattser. is10000yards oa igtasci oithtis wlna- thse hoiriseaccepted, addiag, thse deriag shether ta ventusre intaUer tatise aewiy derorard Couiteti afteraao proamm osassting oai Phit naid he was asiag ait inespe hsl p traads are read. ra-apematian she recived tram ths e týy loaadisame. Laier one saauid Cisamisers. Thse cetiag Is aasa finish- sparts, races and iotasl taurna- sive radlsabra tise large fiis straris differeat cammittees had been masI drt tarsaard ntolathe ruahisîg cor- cd tansahitc, thc apper saitls ila t.meats. Ta asad faae I th hit hdidtat pat op aterfe MsdhyCrseitebyL- gratifyiag ain he pot. 'Wiih Iheir real, severat maore saoatd tatasa a ite pioe gI-cen and thec lsaer portian ai tise 1946 ield day sere Maltait Junior traggte il a-as sale sai tond, nisere le - ttisCuii ccp h ed assistance Iis year, the bardeas migisItIserassit paascd. thee antis ta a danser sisade ai greenaFarmees tsars esenta and inter-tassas-tise tas-by tisermas mode sure he e ai C. G. Riddeii ai a pricerof: net lie an great," sie tated. -1Tiese fiigeeisng tis are eaised ai'.astis hross-a iattteshtp inoleum n nthe ship sotbali toarnamentat otsairs aatudsst isunce bacsinia tise saaer. Ct ashinf and eiesating ta buin, 60r In ber repart, Miss EdlIb . Dossitî, tise ditiesent goseanmeat hatchertEssItos-. Coant-iltstss V. J. Norris, F. L. siietd nos presented ta Junior F-sot- Measttcesth ie large trant seatishe per yard; Haatsag ap ta 3 mites, 32e Bortiaglon, secretary, sasd that ai- ta Ontaria, ted and raised ta be rons- Ceaa isrd, W. J. Nrringlon, K. Y. ers and a aiser rap ta the sinsing tait s-agIstsiof 10 bltches saiite tl ter- yard; Hauling sser 3 mites, tise thoogis there sece net se many ctos- pissedsnnetimes long distances ta Ilici, tIra ttrd, H. F. Wisett laitd townsbip othal team. Thisstropby seigisd tiseer pouris on Ina ditier- pet- yard mite. Sobject ta the opprovat es Iis ycar," il nas a most soceess- tresh 0-01er stseamns. Reene J. W. liggias a-ee preseni and nos tae ietd tar one year. rai sentes. i frit there nos a ig aiflise Departmest ai Highsaays. - fut an, odding tiere sere 83 entr- As lcaat are issoan ta ta the finet Mayor C Go tatsad psesided. Nsoaeaby arr t is set here tise aigit beinre wsabr a rCrird. lesIrtur asitcentres, 24 ram higis oi fresis aalec finlis afardtng sports- M.lttaymd apaa iteiob s er byltamdîs a i in sthe tise samnespot,' Mssed by Bird srcanded hy Reid. settlanod 70 niaaiag entries fieamenmca my a tiritt, Haton Coaity cls a ist eitae-eisthersame and generol publile Iey are net galng ta Pi]isaid smiiing. Sa I es aratiss-shat tise tender chequma imte the fidifferet townships. strean ssaaudlng oser rocks, tisîssgis aiich acre deiaesag his prapert>. lt Il pais ouItaiftieir banda tisis ad a-a at-bcy tasnoare hisarieur tond ond E. Armstroitglie retrard- s ans esplaised eittry ees sar.ehais-boslands are on !dent habitat, salch Caaneit symptiiad nithis lmnand yeor. On hcarig Is sonne af tis sne os idaos ta he noter.is te Carred. lsbed Iis yeor, but orgaitzatiotasanOetimea mabe the sportsmen wn- pranised t,, gise a rlilng tise fattats- boys inaailher towsthips remarisrd iiggr.st issViver see roaoid brrr' Ibraugisot the coaty ad bren as- der, i these peebird henuties are tng day. 'is thot s? Well sec. Apparenty he odded. Tise ceguar meting ai Esqoeing ed teasauttt. Tieir fîsancl asasist- aiser tisait they. 'h ls iataaig occaunts nere posa- tise botte taait.TonhpCuelwsbliM da ante sas sors te mabe tise onnuat Many Haltos reidets da oletsnsa rd n Commutter ai tise Wiseftac This syear tise addedotractian wsaut ournana, May tM is, sat lmembers estva tie aceasil os tie ec-aitise eatrsacontry whablois' paitymnt: ie tiseinter-tonnsip rural seisant'RATES SET FOR COPIES preacitt. retary atd. ,.aitds tise nortierran stretris of Nos- rtigiSesai Baaord reqaisi- souhbait torat-nment added l te aitll,,Acountstpassed fo- paymeitt ta- Reportitg on tise finane trts tgoneyoaad Esqarsing towshisbps. Il lion $2,200.sCs sehedate ai sports and races foi-saiies (iF PHOTOS WHICH eided: Ontaria Haspital, Woodtocb. yaJ. A. Lacihart, Bringtons s ait ren neit abe te became a F. W. f. Ftgeraid, ddi- satabte races 0 anaards nl ie APPEAR EACH WEEK $45.010; Provncte of Saskatchsewait, $583.2. AItre ail disrsenrentn s ai as___maeehael_______ iol li y i ç 42,6Manyaofoa-aeadcrsihaveoapprtaett- phonCo., services, $5.17; A.WBeit- been mad there as a baance of, game rerve. Pintcdgans lostnransie 94.ai taosafophcopigsofploca tanogap ompton 97.00; $7.r0;B ptmpt FaneraIa $371.85in the ank Wer it resrved fo Haltonres;d- lýetsaistriss 07s21sTErWOtaAsac Champtonpeairan hServicen espeServic, e epfoiteraifne Mrs.MsJitao preelaîrd tise ater aitie otostrsmea aIta a ur haundîries. as Watcsasris 4114 r s siisibut rimriyaur tas ginggraveoand osstncse, $1500; Mate Choir ta donate ta-a 150 scisl' angiersa nd bonîcra tram tise more Tn otis.,pei t3.tA SPICIAW"t neasiaise paishinsg and ps-tnt- Sîencer Wilson, sheep salar $400. Sj, arniips ta tise boy and girl saintatise psatotd reos take adssntage f ing. Wisnesrc possile ne wslarO- Its as decided by nation te ievy (ogneltsiie sure-Ostg 9ao7 Siruret!aan". the home oaiM",Ir.ange so auppîs rttpisnoaipisasOs. Tise on assansent ai ancfils ofaiamill monteoweekd-gendlisewhiteaiasn ar tiscangi A reusiurfiirantise Wonen", Aus- and Ms. Esdgar May, Hraby a-asste ir>rce fin issîts ctargenents sl,75e an ail rosepoyersaon tomera for lise eannlcretise uia aeflieastivl.to-oras e fhrnniliryssf tise Canisan L.egiss aosiei sceofass-ey îsetty neddlag. SetIre- isodhmfrts a tr eeaina giuts a y liait did nas gise then paar e - 'v5or-trreats tiretekilt. seuduicrnotrH"a udyMysd asm lsu ieiCantac rs taroe 34' trinch-ier ta astahe prepored. lItsc agat ane Warden Hîison esptatned aH]aios ait ns nies acre used frIlcs iaugisir -Eunrc May, nn asîritd tss and cast iu-r anis. We cannt alaays Irsiucut 5.5odra rep acha rant.tisasnenhts aitise oeatyiorae scrs asrth, souse. Asasisr rrsuest noscitge asit Mr Marice Waio-stt-n l-t rials as sanelimes t s ta Reliufîs ots f 4 58.45crandsardfo Mr. Lorbisan tihaugst tise gslur tattanAngers ofdth ners Aosoca-a-sthde lisrtseMuasFirss -ofs.o$1,siMeF34.0Wr4nanas ts-s siisssarsroins odfodr nos very fine an tise part of the maie[adt tb itnFr ,j asno M.FakWrmnad o aigegig ae and annent. risir.but"tie fstiai aptasttliso arere t-perassf ati tsg d- oe a tss osrthes dir.srcels tl Ms srinaStrtsits rsssgshsn ts pcni tt fr tiseienrîitîsf utsuic is tise att n a pragran a cnsrs,, sts s grailed. T'il s,' ssa.sas istintty d,',-rss',t ,s'ativsbe îrtnrtn -Tis efftertsifRH. Thampsnn far o o tat1 A ts'ts- rum irs. Ss- & Storrie fate 1%uIsît inafliou-r-n lseting unit for, tisenunicipal buid- neisoits. and sisotacais _____con.______ tise cstatisths,-corîsoratiso f, sr Gv-- n- ta eb hr atig as apised. sidered, tise assciatio a ns uiiciest- asttsarsnritMjolîestdttts'titrsai.sre oc vreseoddhyLli nsutsdI wolad seir ohaa achator- Seveis Divorces Are 1andI 55r t-s-r nnsdatian,, fi-srlis- 1engts dress ti wistcrepv sai lT I1l toU Ut1011111V Isai tise saiary aoflise Rond Superla- nhtp. aclnidisagefne Ioa-er mae ncrsst.ry waer maisoir tise tlana l,,d o rgito scil. Sise c ltendent 5e $1,400.00 per onnon sisis foiy enin tss vryun aie ndeGranted at Speorng Asmationsa ns put tin have Iis suc- .susUtaiOîsIa etoses ad wr iaPýt.)all o isje cs-raiiovaace ai $25.00 per nantis, and t by tise chir, he deetored. issyibut tise nmotaon was st. tleursocs asra loy. er isoîsrasi. 7 rper mite. mileage, a-set usng it Ms. David Harlley astisoioh r oigS pei o r ntsr etrmntae&Sarcguntr a 1,r rdsntdot. Orgaînze sfor 1947 corrsutssde tise township on latosip of pprig uîaaers for ber totg service sase thsere ittr nues eygtag i ite was ttcnded isv ier sisIs-c Etta ssn busness, ond o by-inn 5e prepnred it ana asistance wsauteliseocaton. - cvncvl cin wr e resi sts s-tsadtts taasato sa s -nas is- E-tydert.As-ts.O. --c,-sea presti.accorsane Carred. With Jnty.enrncsssioctstsasacsrInacsth aivens,,snîsrostag thedeotnaec rri' s.hauder lragtisveitadco\rts-,,lsl.fHalton Cttttty BasrattbLea- ( iIs.LSoteranObvtl.itS Mr. Justsrs' E.R. E. Cis',r.sl in tsucndiofthe tan. more i- ngoanaaegy-toftsinkssetienos. Mr. tucal aomesting hlisrdnQOatireon tise chior tise iaitosatg ofsners acre tiese prino sitsg cfth ie Onartaio noatin is ta hé stsaitest Itran tise Heris Washnan unstt s s tati. I'uesday nistsaien reisssaniatsvea FORMER MILTON TEACHER eeteîd; J. M. Deses and Mrs. Gearge SattpersrCoust here last sas-s-. "Nas0esoiesr-l,s-s etiseseptattan is It.s aossanu. st Milton, Atan. fGeorgetowsn o- SEKE T T PU Atkin, isaiorory presidents: Mise M. trinuna ac taons sare sae oîrd To"rnto an May 1tsi. fies. Me.Butter. Strertsite, o,,is-- PsEAsKERsstATed.SirePt stdni Brasai, Freemnn president; Mrs. t.. Ses,, 4 ltissugh Hit Lardshtp gtantttt Arrangemnents hIave bren natte hn taItdast Miss Joan May, cousi , sn 07sCtrnsfodsl. sti iEIGAUIIR Crasaford, Campiselvile; Kesethi,snsncoatesîrd divorce setaons lasje & Starreeo a deputoaa sas ieied- sortiseadtnnu-s a 194F7tssyClarenc ane, Milrrtn t.at Evening AXLAuiary mesl Gilet, Trafalgarad Mins L. Evas, derese ninsi. Tistse gtaisted saev Miltontefaintervewea icMuntrsp-s Th'ie bides nthe,r. artng a sre,'v I rsau55s s-v1lSe. isse inm. G. Payter anc Georgetowit, seey Ms i t-tAsnfnstendMc sc-presidmnts; Mss E. iasy Norton ttc. Buriaglon, plaint- 1Bssucd ,son lO1ts,. in disrus lt-e cr-eyc sress ails mauve aessrle. Thssar f aaantuader 30K ou h hm fM . otr ae Dnisi rngon , er - y:Ms.if an -i amsLe n a- strsn.nercssarv ta %tart tiese savans- sttt a sgetsi mauvse and whistctt te .i l pa nItrsdiate C S., t n Tosadoay evrnina setistht- G. E. Goodrhild. Multoas st sec ;ion Page; Helen Ana Ciements. Potl- sîslsttsaîelem n n ,loncettents. reces-sed tise utos. Withs isail, TiseHatas Leotue %satît îsessdrot Mra. E. Foster in the cisr. J. A. Lorbisort. Brtttgtan. treosurer. s-cmo,. iitti agant Donid Cîrsa- A (l- tc i ran W. t. l)ss-Iiofis-stlier- as Mrs Vssrisnn tan an ornstiia i s nnvîsrs>tssn io n otabi rute tae cata ieW...Aaa cl Representotises tram tise vrinas or- ens-at-nd Phis aMontgamey: Fisse- Cssarslthtissass teraifsonns'isoksi.- rs sis tfint-ne4 badscc. blacbk t' tsall techOttisilir Ctabin s ttsstthse 50 f tsiHsttan Preshytertot sacre gttn ganloallans wl lescierîrd lter ayi t-rt-Leer Wrne, abvitie. plait v fthetcAressa Comanay e f-lt ,-s-ssacsssnd a corsaofawa-ite earnaso a ntise HanI.gue :its M ss F. Hoysaard and Mrs. E.,j3 the diiierestaroasiatims stheyoarcraaintGranttloriOsd rshonand j stoeofthetlssnaas ecietiftitt5ans sadit i ishissatistaio i)flat t ta -0Clmet tearepresent. Jeans T.-fer; NairaisEves. ien Wtti-nrais,, n lisee-t--stsae shosuldile Foss ttssss'lssgtss'ibridcchonged tin a, a Is 13îstrn1îo iMss Cunninandueted thit- Aecomttecarnsistngaoftieprs'si'liasots. pîstotnfitagasnst Charles Er,.1cs.tssnttt ifr fen. As titsisbuidtng Ia ar>t-fasttrcd suit, trtmned nilis rasui). A grsott%%,thfaor tsms cttsid îsast loassatto dent, serrctorp P. W. Cok@, Milton; Marias Etecîit3aeisrrr. Gcattaaa. s%%;s usnisaso t a s staxe ta tS in.1lasis.a aloting- sissrfscetti a'stiracnssoe naosinlriîp sss9suijecst. "Chist intatiseHome." A J. A. Locishars and Mm Ltoyd Cran- soitttogsoe tniFenestorieustî,s.ssmdsoasrersa a-tqtisifst--a.(-I-orrailoo s-a sss, ffsOrsis,"BontdaStoue fard sare ciosen as a groap ta revtsc and ConstaceKathleen Carb; Aiee $290Ihssîs i-iasseru-as itfori th ie issd rase-s._______ ai the -Dom"' as isautitstiy sang by tise consiution niflise orgasteation, touiseSincaiir, eorgetasn. paintii t- oas liitsr Mer. I;tftaotsIns,a-s- rtsestucn ftmts i-r honcvmassn Misss Edaa Aaderann. taosing s mottitn ai M. Lorihasi u gaist Albert Rihiafd PSinclaifr sastatts-ntsstn fish- ysoag couplie sait tve t 'Br,-y-- IANI)SMAN B. R. MeKERR Ms- M. Field ilredus-d tiseliguent asiitg tise restsion he mode dot 10 Ana Mottasse-S; Gords n MeKari A lt-Ifsr fs-othess MiltonsitMlling nmore' Frs'. Clarkssan. MILTON. l>RESIDENT si)t.aist'ofttis ervcntng. MrsaQuinn, chages ai tise edarationat admsnis- Cmpbell. piaintit onginst lîien tstt' C's.,sij-ts-sd tatisebilatdng ofai o futssssrt- iseseat tro a nnoitng- ONESCOTS BANI)omionaroep Ira ndio and former tratianin thse caanty. b ele Campiscll and ,J&s Gado lonitueti on Page Fîvel fssn, Sîr,'s-fssite .Mslton and ttatab, -LORE taniseri fMiltan Hîgis Sciool. Mms. S. o-- Qutntoldaof bel- wobsaith herhus- John Milton Chaperr Scraphook Won First Place in Coîitest Mms. W. G. MeNoisis sas isstesa ta tise John Mlton Cispler t.O..E. ait Tboraday eneniag at. Tise Regenl,1 Mc. MeNuveit. preidedad liere1 mot a gond atlendnce tneiuding sev.- emî nvisitars. Il was ngreed tisaay aoed clatis- Ing or food sabtis tise membora niis j ta douaIsta o Bundîta for Brlait' ta sent li thtiecmllection taltg made ia lown on May 19 and 18. A dotat- Ion f 810 wsn made ta lise Canadann Naioai nlltittefor liseBlBnd. McmL MeNîven antaun, thIit tise serapisonis ntecsd iy John Mlo Ciapter ln lise Provincial Comprlltîon non licol place and tise lsauku aI tie Ciapler Is due ta Mrs. E. B. Clemeittu tan er artîstîs arragemet of cens items and piclurea Thisscropsouis tilt be a prized pastOsaonofaitise Ciapler, Mr. Kennetis Y. ieS trot speaker of tise enenlng and ga e a rery nînora- atuve and uaerctl taIs n WnB pertaitiig tanmrrreit nwomei," point- iag out basa rerentîy tise staus. oI marred trames sasa recagntaed n Ian, and lise advanlages gnîned tramt lime la lune. Tise inlerentthlI sblish Mc. Olmk's taik mat receeled tran sasan by tise mny questions asbed by tise members. Mg. C. W. Kng ex- pressed ta Mr. Dcs tise thabkofaitise meeting and tise baie tisais5e salit spratotaus0agait, Tise ottîcera and memisers hiearttîy laak lise grls sans taggcd sfaitsi- tolîy fteIb iid ad &It hoh tse- wsa ssinîrd ln moiing lise tag day s Dlaltoni Strvamîls Rt-stoe-kteu1 li Ganin Wardteîî Ourngastsawek-ndasoangters tened tberlurb ln atyaofMHaltaits roo nstrean CaGne Wsrdes Dodey HiI ios of avte, nos restocb sg tise apper partinoaithe 55cm nMle Cree aed Blue prngs strean niti sonne 3,600 speekird troat fiagmrlitsgs. Ithtie piotogropis t tise Iris s sert Eart Persalofitha ie Oepnrf nient oi Landsoa id Foe-stn titg ingeniiitgs frtt the sage Ionisa useddtb transporitth is th. At tise rigisI s Comm sas-teii Ilitrisos tursing sone ofttien lbase l: ties trean. lasetlsla o aren and three quarter englis ingcrliiig beinre Il sans ptoeed l-ta Bue Springs. Ross Psarea Phofst ,stfsscr-s tf tiss-Lamne Scots Bsand wa thtie Bt-i country. His -isfy-fivc tad hlcinsftselGeargetown Acmouttvesitasaon tise dge nI a jongle oi- (tn Tucsdap sevnOtg antIreporttsavreswives a districtaofoaissdred xiwdthesttt, 5sf ear isod ieen a sue- tisousaad inhaisitts.Tise rchalenge t-e-s-s. lanad bisonc. Oser Iiirfy afintdias oasavrd millians man oatybtt engagmncts hadtbeseu rrsed out stc tspoema'teist ova nsisg tiearsipaein atinWtur jcere WestIern Chrstians." Tsece sare winnng he irstplae i theWatr-9,0nemisters and gacsts present. loosBadFstvaaliclosn No. 3ndLr tise leaderashiptf Boodmoster A. H.1 jPets-tt. T'erisctrers elerîrd tan tht' cssnsng yprrare as Events : Coi. Cauaeas. Coi. Baîtantyse, Messra. ~ A la E. Fiers, J. B. MorKesele. A. Maon. O. H. Wrught.tst. fe lise essain asse Ch. Prestdeat--BandamanaB. R. MeKeer, istsis, r ised. nacets.Per Miton tord.. tie.-;oara ioitn charte forac as Vire Preident--Sgt. A. C. Hereret, o 11 Georgetownsaittadi. j.tatttest isc Tremourer - Bandsmn H. King, Every Salurdos nigisI 15 club nIgisI Geoargetown aatcel. t or tise Stordaters aithtie I. O. O. F. Serretary-- BandsansChaos. W. Hait. 44.11 Losdssisraagh, Actas lacet,). Eseratuve Cannitieer iI . DosrBsaoviite ail, May tis. Ensle, Bandamen J. Carter,W. Km-J AspieeaW tW. Godaorchestra. Ad.- tse, E. Peters, Georgetowns;onadmisaioait35c. B flondsnon S. A. Fov, Miltas. Auditars Bandîmn NormaitJ. Bos Sacial and Dance aI Na. 1 Braida, Arîss anad Jas. Burns, George- - hos -at Wedacsday, May t4tis. Ladies twn.Ibriig theic as-n hases. Bloomnsur- Fssrgros-es, R. Pect, E. Tbssnpsss, 'T.- Herbert. Hory W. 1.nwillmeet attheiborne Lisroruon Booduman '. Herbent, ai Ms-s. W. J. Thnmpsoo, Tuesay, 'Tis test seeiîons for taoîstiste Moy iStis ai 2 p.m. Gocat aponter Wterloo Boitd Festival in Jase antd Mca. W. Osies. lise C.N.E. competillons are an order- and sattîsaller engagements ising In id ufthtie British Flood Reief uatt.a hst %sosss ppeoce aiseod. Kucre ssd Danonaoytsy bbnc Tise iband salu t c artin tahie Ac-Hrt-aStOsrage Hait. Ussot prlîcs. fon Boys' and Girl.' EnnuiTabbcoLadiss uraside. Admissinlo 25c. un Actait Jane 21sI. ta reapanne ta y aur nuneraus o Scîs es t: I oea avSe nade sa bet. questa tise M. P. S. Home and Brisoni Iere nacd tisai t is.' Association invite yau ta pay Bridge Sages "Tisa'. nby God put yo atEucisre sntise Twn Hait, Ttesdty iser go fa t.' i Moy 1355 ut 8.15 p.n. Tailuea 35e. V'olume 87.-No. 48. Eight Home-Print Pages--Fïve Uents.

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