j OMurrIh NitwoBRÂNCH Mr Ken Gulu utofToranto vltted KNOX PRFSBYTERIAN 13 o iib hia parents ever tbe week-end. CHURCH Mr. AIea Seotit fChicago la viil- 9flelsle-flov. a J phim NEW lng wi h hla unrie Mr. W. S. Chlsholm. SUNDAY, MAY 4th, 1947- -l1 Mr. Artbor Ferry ut St. Thoma 10.00 .m.-Senior Sundey Sebuol. Legion members are remlnded ut openi the week-end witb bis family. 11.00 .mn. Diyino Werahip and Jun- the Zoree Gureb Parade ta be beid or S.S. Subis-ct: "DisohedenT-ce or a dtonOua atron Miss Pearl Kennedy vnlird witb to G,d." tPr rdto udyatron Msr. andl Mru. Williani Achihald af 7010 . i iine Wop.Suljecl: May 3rd.Plan to be ut the Legion Tornt, o S ndy.'(;odFac Nalio< caroosai 1 oclock on uriday. Those Thuronto, 05 SuadoSesion. %vhrahase carnsuaee shed lu hrlng Mc. Jim Sproat, tocmerly ut Milton, Fho. O45o.m.-LKiessiond. thrent and pravide trasortation for alpent the week-end with bis parents, Fr1.2.4 re m-sloe aid.no whet we hoire will ha a large tomn- Mr. and Mms. Adam preai. YuAeWlsea nx out et members. A worm Invitation baun heen reeelved Mr' B. J. Gilling ut Winnipeg bas ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCU from the Leglun Breneb ai Streeta- iseen visitins- wtb Mr. sud Mm.' Fred Mnst- oas-Godan W. Porte ville te obre wtb ibem asocil ev- Bennett andl tamily fer a tew dsys. ML., B.D. enins- mrking tise re-epenlng ot their Mr _____ t nan issitrfealy reaovated luhrooms. The MisR. Ruolpb Puimn suds siatel. SUNDAY, MAY th. 1947 dte la Fridey, May 9tis. glum are vsiing ils Mr. and Mrs. 10.00 sm.-Ctiurch Srbool. Tuibing shoot cuhromsmnOur ewn W. J. Nrringlon. 11.001 a.m.-Mrning Worshits and on- house la net yat tully lu erder. A veiling et Ssnday Scheel Wsr goed deel basnheen doue. Tbe up- _________________________ Memuril. Tise Sundsy Seheel sairs bon been departitoned, enlar- saisitati tise popits and staff te bh ed n eeoae.Nw r ¶ prestent hy Classes le the nourcsgdadrderae.Nww r fo ti mportant event. tachling the dewnsialrs. Come out m.0p.n-Tise Worb et the HaOIY Cemrade and betp te peel off the En ag me t Sprit. frrIt laer wall peper nesi Mundsy es-- (1 111,Te Aternoon Ausillry et the enins- Tise sprInt onserlesnlng spir- The engagement is snnooneed 0f W.M .S. will meet et the hume ofut ilalnl the air se ltls e ln style Lilla Isehel, eider dasgbter et And- Miss Florence Harrison on Thora- and cleon up, peint op and tatb up rew Lains- sud the laie tara. Laing ot day. May 8tis ai 3 p.m. the gond cause amons- the comrades. Moffat, te Etten Joseph MeGee, eider (2) The Evenîns- Aunlisry will ment ________ sue ot M. and Mrs. Ernest MeGee of aiethfe home ot Mr. G. W. Parier RED HONOR Guelpis, the marriage te tahe place e us v.My6a .5 quiely arlyln ay.Spes-tot speakser Mrs. Qoîne, re- MISS EUNICE MAY qsiely arl b sy.tuened mtooonary f mm Indin. WITH GIFT SHOWERS i3) Tise MissIon nand wlt meet un Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Saunders -)f Mendsy satterneen ai 4.15 p.m. Mrs. Frrd May, Hornhy, wes hast- ltarnby, Ontaionwlis le annouece May 5 in tise Churrh Scisoolroom. eus last Sutuciioy oterneen when be- fise engagement ot their eldest dos-s ter, Mrgrset tsoee ta James ac- Imeen thirty and forty trlends sud old Holmes, Milton, Onteie, san GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH neigbhacs ut Miss Euntre May. whose Mrs. Belmes and Use lte 'Ma. Dun- The 11EV. GRAY EAKINS5 sfegier mrriege ta Maurtce Worhmsu lobes can M. Molmes. Tise mager 111 plus-e tis Sturdsy met and favured takeplae Ma 31in ragSepho sFr1 May 2--8 tm. Service. Speaker her mith e miscellaneous nhower. Anian ptsc Msy 31 luOSt. ariephnt Pasiar Antre Pouaoin, Mînister lier cousin, Mrs. Staley-Fintay of Augics Chrch Hrnh. Otore 5 , ofthttcRetorm Church et Dlepp,-. C.cîgelas O aise entsrtatned ln ber 3.30 'eluch. Members ci alil riurrises invited. honer tte pres-Iosa weeb wben aunis I St NDAY, NIAY 4tiî, 1947 and couins ms-cc presen t aI a mise- P. L. ROBERTSON CO. 8.00 .m.-Hoiy Communion. cllinusshswrr. Tise bride etect MARE PRESENTATION '10.00 a.m.-Sanduy Schooi. r,-î-fi,srfmeny suris- titis ut both ut TOMB . .BEL 1100 arn.-Hoiy Communion. theoe gatherlees. Týhere was s pro.- .00 p..Kvening Fruyer. ctis nFla vnu tts Iroieof ut hr oncle and sont, Mr. and On Monduy evenins- prlsr te tise lues. Ma.v -The iloslng meeling -of c ltod awe es leavine et Ms. Jas. . Bell for Cllins-- te Aternean und Ecenins- W. A.1Ms Cir Mawe Yon *oo ffso LteP Robetson ilheShelf Jointlyoai8p.intcendgave Mauricesand Eunlre a Ce. coli-fausthe home et M. Be!ll S a.0)IltnraA.Tepy h andpreened imwit a er beu-WeiMay 7-JuniusAuilaryut4 sofs-aiterammunlty aeentended ta andpreened lmwit sery Pm.; rn Junor Choir Fractice ai tlie yaangcouple. tîtul 'touy bay" chir and on uddress 7.00 p.m. n the S. S. Hsll.-_____ ut apprerlilon. ITîsurs. May-8 Sr. Chiar Pruclire a! BOYS' GRAIN CLUB Mr. Bell ropres-ef bis thonbs tes- .00 p.m (RS ADE RGD the very unespecied and tovels- s-lu F!.siay 9- G. A. inS. S. Bllutit GOR ARDEONFAI AD and aaoured the P. L. Rohertson Co., 730 p.m.'FRATN AI that is asuociation is-h 1ha1 splendid___ firm over a perled et thirty-twu yeara seMTOJN 'lie'Acisn Agricltuau Society, and the trienduhipu made doring 1h41 APltrHEC ofter lit*ls,- ls-srhsaotf resident lime baid mentimore ta btt hlm tison O P Sla- MDLTO loafOai-rl lîayse pan oresshle10 npreu ud tht athaui l theFeeers uil ing ns a Boy t Grain Cluh and s Girls' hewslaigMilton his Isiermst and I hî;ee'sBidig Grden tBrigade-. Fourts-en sung hodwse oudawy e sis tise UDYMA 4,17 ladis-s have enrolied le the Gardes s.L.Roersonwo. ley UDYMYCtu07 lbai uni to'-niy yaung mes la r1(M lm-e wag orhiuGrieClbavins- oug e 3.00 p m.Sunduy Sehaul. have each lî lîc upplied mitb iwa LOWVILLE 8100 p.m. Kvu-nsslîiic Ses-ire. husiesof si lis- îied No. t Beovs-r Oui 8011) p.m Collae pîroys-r m GuiOas mhicis Cres ecured hs Asrirai- ses-aietiihî,ms-rneutMr. and Mes. isel tteprsenttive J. . Wblleluch Tise A.Y.PFA. fvi.StGeorge'o Chu rh George ta.selts-lt. fronstltenirs-uvCeunis- Bth the held ae uebre and Dunce ai Limenlone I I r-uecm- sunmnotsysnldewl scisotl, April 2510. Winners for eu- __________________hasîf their respeactiue achlevoment ebre were Mr. G. Ric-hardson, George And Ye Shah Kn the Trufis sud fthe f 3s et the Arian Fuir in esriy Gel- Readhead, Miss G. Wallace and Mr. Truth Shahl Maire 'au Free-Jna. 8: 32 sîser. The Grain Club ms-mheru ielf Matiuosi. Fres-sntuiions were made ta Misses G. and F. Walace of o THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST tts-îr tmeusetng ai Mlton on Set- purne and manea. euch, tramn the OMAGO ucdasy, A1ril 191k whs-n the folluwlng rburch. Thes- usrs-returningt lis ng- of SUNDAYeered ana. S s-d, AY th, 1947 iPrpsidenl Roy Wurne, Aston. Ttsetrnsfrumtlfosaîalms-i.Vire Prsiestnt-qtuart Alesande-r, Thefam fru hed soia met- Services t Ihe m.and 7.30p.m. is- ai tise hosme otfNr. und Mr%. 'sm. ste. Robrtsn o Mnda evnig. uesla Evnin-1secrs-lîry - .Treasurer -tLawrens-e Rahetoo anMonds- -vsoiog iussaly Kvsan B.lo îudyet .30As-hlooy, .imetsuuse. Tise WMS held iheir snnivcery '-'ore Nom sud eth sRe 1oT - tî'af lIardus-f imtuer. s-svice on Sunfay marnins- O is galber Sath Jebuosh-Issaîat t1- 18. s-nd ttendance. The- eestvsaber weu mus-h nppreciuledl. Masic oa. PENTECOSTAL HOLINISS turulisef hy tise quartette. CHURCH The YFA presctef theîr tlue uti 51V. HI. W001)8 Puse A Nelson an Tueudos- evsnng. arOrder ut ServiresA Complete Eye Ms. and Mrs. Lungoln and daugh- iHloîln I.O.O.F. Halls ter and Mrs. Turzmeli vsistef un So- , NA.MY 1.14 1000 s.m.-Sundey Sehoal. TEN BOARDS 0F 11.00 o.m. -MonIes- Worubîp. TRADE INsITED FOR 7.00 p.m.-Kvangelistic Servce. OAKVILLE MEETING Weil. O pmw W.M.S. hsld in the homne et Mrs. J. Jamissn, Main tas-ilulions bave heen sent lu 105 Frsdoy-Y.P.S. iii tiroced su Scar- Moards et Trede sud Chamhers o! loess Tasernucle tîîr Feltuls A . RMW O, eeîe Commerce le the Qebvilie ares lu Sers-le.AC.GIW D Jwle tahe part in s Field Servis-e Clinie le KVERYBODY WELCOME Oshealle un Wednesdoy, May 7t0. .. ACIOSS PROM THE This Clinic na une ut a series ut une ______________ CHAMPION OFFICE) hundred llneo eins- ors-onisefhy tise Canadien Chamher ut Commerce T PRINCESS MAIN STREET continue tise ps-es-rom nitlaef leE T M ILTON 1946, et ossistans- BoudandCisemhe H E EPHONE 113 rganimatiun i improving ttiel- st-I Ivits- and ettirleers sud in addition ta Fs-k sud Seit, M"ansd a ~ oi 0 sponsor the establishment of National IEvery 2nd & è'do Iurs- Affaira Commttees lneaecb commun- "MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE" Next caîl May Sth is-. Bob Hope, Jease Culfield CaIl at abova addrasa or A lIaI ut the Huards and Chamhers Btlns OS phono for an appoietmremt enperied te attend inluden: George- FotligBas tome. Mitton, Bus-instan, Woudhrldge, Noew lPe intise Deep Osangevilte. Brampton, Brunie, Port "Np s-i-s a __________ Cred11, Cunhuvilte sud StreoetîtIle. Ho argnN.2 REFYRESENTATIVE FEOM MONISAY wam TUAY BEL4IUMIS GESTRobert Muets-amery-, Audres- INEMLTONJM1HOMESTTuIler INILTN HME"LADY IN THE LAKE" "istory Enci Mr. Klph Pulman, neho bau heen F. Smith - 'Karts- Sparts viitîns-in Mlton ibis weeh wltis Mr. Qslc", and Mrs. W. J. Mornestan lu Disr- ' No Suie" A - .- e tur-Geserel ut Interna] Revenue for AT ST. IIPAULS t Betsium andilu tise BotsIan Reprs-s COafINO u e entetîve lefise Fincal Commission et Fs-. sua Sal.. May 9 asd 1 usTc tiseKEconemis-and SociltCoucili t HayF'doLnfDrel PESNE D.L the Unted Nations. He wilt attend Her ýda Ln Dnil PE NT B DRLB the cnterene aiutLobe nucceqs whls-h "MY DARLING Cnd' ae Opens un Mss- 121h and lter vslit CLEMENTINE" Cnd' ee Wshintonon oftfiil dutien. Mr. ulI'ois uu n Pulman la a pessonel trleed ut Ms. MOrcta"Bo un n C. Fs-ser Rlloît, nom Canadien se-m Coed Cati -"ra"nls- TUESDAY, MAY hounadoi lu Chlti and wes assuoiated Ps-skism"UdeAu wittishlm un taxation prohiema orties Newsmoe As Ms. Etîtoti mas depuis- mînîsier ut Na- Serial Ne. 3-"Hep Barris-en" AMISO tional Revenue fer Canada mes-hIes-D L3SO ai London and <'enevo. ircles Milton" UNITED CHURCU cnicelor B. WILLIAMS, TORONTO Il Film Hietorian pices W. A. 37)c - 20e Accusea tbMake Restitution to Two,f Acton Residents i Had Given Victory Boede--Ac- cueed Relea"e on $40W0 Bai l Wih consentuof the Crame, Mss--Oe iais' K-sets M. Lsngdon approved T( an aalloarinien-t la Jane 11, us pro-M pîîued hy tise detenos- ceunsel Jese-ph Seds-wick, mhen Henrs- Beuseh,.Tas--i enta, eppesred lu Mss-ltrate's Court bere lat Wednesdey. Basch ma ears-ef wltih tilins-$1t000 Viotors- Bond trem Fredes-lch Couper, 74 year etd AcrIescident, hy fraud and toise prefenses. Be ls aise charged wlthb uteinlsg s second $1,000 bond tromn the reaup-- lainsnt and $1,500 tramnMesgret Dens-, aise ut Actue, Fellemins tise testimuns- ut Cooper st tise prelimines-y hearins-, deteese cousesel asaed the complainant If lie wuuld ho rentent te have restitution made. "AIl we weei la tise muney,' Cooper replied. Ms- Seds-wlcb iben rend o letter ta tlise court srom tise eomplainsut ta Baus-h, sattns- "me wouud he natis- lied te hareoeus- muney wilh Intereat hetere Juno 1." 'Bsuschs etalmn sehoasassets whieh milI brins- lmremuney le the nont 40 dus-s. t wuuld sotgst o remandutIl lune i11lissi he mis-ht maberet.t- utaun. is trouble bas heen markhet mistortune with ne intntion ta de- trasd,' Mr. Sedgwich rtaimed. e fI doni libe te une the courts au a collection ueens-y. hut in Ibis cese t mili agree tu let l t and oves- setil Juns- Il,"statef Crume Attor-nes-W. 1. lich. Ms- Cooper sif t inis taimons- se gave the ss-esss-f the $1,000 Vist- îry Baondlatsars-houe 350 shares et ipîler Cunafda o Fsrurs- 7, 1946. *We flaînt rc--aive unsthing ln cturs er l,t romises. Tlhe- cram ads-ffis- e stIers into flias cifenre tram Buusch, une stot- ans- 'tuuscept thesebttiesr cruîsns. I hape tise marhet itI chune-eand Scins- s-us ivifenfs."- Another sif ils a crime s-ou ]est su mucis monos- eireofs.' Others statef 'Tom sory thines didnt tus-n eut our mss-. We'Il huns- on untlt ties- do." 'Witt see s-au sest msrh. Plus-rf an arder ta selI. but market ment darne, t donft ment s-u aulose ansthins- The market ahIlhle hsttes-.' Under cross exemînation hs Ms-.- Sefs-wich. miteeso sif he hnem the us-suse f shout ixouses-en s-oas-s. lie cdaims-f ise new tise Inside ut the minins-s-me, adwe touhim for-en sanes-t man.He was teulnvent ths mos-s-s-n mînings-tsockrhwisl n is juds-tssnt mouif mahe us anme muney. Bau.srh mas setuosed un $4,000 hait fultua-ins- tise djouusnment te Jane Ieadans s-uIslu tabreohios- si- dam ln a sar umnef hs- J. R. Pattersen and crsalinas-o istus-bsnce un April lit. Jashn tvmrc mas assessed $10 and rosis ai $2 or insa feasit 10 dusslt lait. Ascrfîne liaProvincial Constahle E. R. Ieman, Stover admitef break- ieg the infow. "lie badl been alcnhisse but sas net Intosis-tef. ai- ttîus-h tbof uca ut on his tand.' fle otiics'r stulef. Tîhe court mas Intormef lie as-amge raus-sta la icsacarwaus bs-ms- tubs-n ra re s'af. KEtwmn Wctsh , sseuloinsîf $10 and cssof $8aor15 as-s wben iso o eedapieu ut guilts-ta s cisarge ut ca eiss- oa fisturhens-e on Bs-st 00t. lu Bsriins-lun, Saturfos-, Atoll 19. Constahle Cramturf stef he teund flas arusef in a reifence le mhlis o enumber of articles mere hrohen. 1Ie espisined il ad aeut cesthie heduandisaf taeusetforce te apps- hend hlm. Weish mas seaisard ta hunfle, the ferler was unahte ta suture is head. Be rerelvef IresI- meant atter ise mus brought te Milton lai. Speahins- un bhiatf ut the eccused. Geporge K. EKitt sif ho had sas-eed Jlntleis cils-, but reulfe't meniage hi% lqusr smtims. '"Ho dessit rerotteet svhui happenef that nis-bi.' he sald. ý 'r,;se shasmafer lise filsni ime et flias-British teduntriat Fais- wilt ho s ns-m larm icc*that needs nslIber mmndilug nor resallins-. Unlihe the standard starm milh faIts tease off if ils umner fargs-s ta seftl, île nom ciacb o 24 houos-foîs- atometsa. Oece set for "reveitte" il miii astomatie- sus- s-o off eut1ha1 lime ee-rs-day untit refjuted. It is elestai-rl and theretore requis-ss nu indins-. )wing to the Trend of Shorter ilours of Labor we are Forced to Continue the No Sunday Delivery MikMybe Obtained et Norrington's aey time Saturday or et Park Farm Dairy auy lime Sueday EDWIN HARROP Tag Day For The Blind Saturday May 3rd On Saturday, May 3rd, The Canadien National Institute for thc Blind will held its enouI îtag day in Milton. There will he nu tag day in the Fou oas the Halton Ceunîy Aldvisory Bourd has decided ie huvealltag duys je ihe Spring ai the same lime os the Toronto couvons. The John Miltou Chupter ut the Imperial Order ef the Daughtcrs ef the Empire hon kindly consrnîed te assume ihe convenership uftihe tag doy ihis yror. Contributions eut made te iuggromuy he lefi with our Treasurer, H. C. Morris ai the Bank of Nova Scotia, Milton. t is hoped thul ail citizens will support the lnsiuîg e iiis great humeniterion werk in the name gens-rus manner an han heen dune in the puni. 'J. E WHITELOCK, Chairman, Holten Ceunty Advisery Boird, C.N.I.B. TIS IS TUE YEAR TO Grow Tomatoes You Cannot Afford f0 Mies thia Offortuity CAM PB ELLS OFFR1 The iligliest Prices Ever Paid $31.50 per ton for No. 1's $24.00 per ton for No. 2's The scasn is loie hut ihere is sf111 plenty of lime fer Temaoees. You moy have te redore yeur acreage ef epring ereps. Plan f0 Plant Temafeosiesîead. Noting will psy yeu hefier. Some Acreage le Stili AvalJable Write to CA.MPBELL SOtJP 'CO., Ltd New Toronto And Our Fieldmae WIII Cail ZINURMAN No. 1 FARM FORUM HOL) THEIR FIRST Mr. and Mr L. Sheppherd an SUMMER MEEIM4G famlly vluited Sundae wltb Mr. and The No. 1 Farna Forum met at thse Ors. S. Stein et Dunnville. home of Mr. and Mro. Robert Laie Mrs. Harold Croasmen and family for their firsst sommer meeting. -A of Kingston are vialting wlth Mr. and short discussion foUlowed the broad- Mrs. M. Martln. cat. Archie Cairns gave a report of Mias Marion Galbraith of Hamnilton the meeting held recently ln Miltoe pont the week-end et her home here. on Hospttallzation. Mr. Plckett aise Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Fluber of Geor- gave an intereotlng report on the0 getown and Mr. Douglas Wetheira et convention held le Toronto. Progres. Toronto vlolted Sundey wit Mr. and 'ive euchre followed. Winnero were: Il s. A. Hlunier. Mro. Hurren, Mc. Ferrier, Mr. Whaley Mr. and Mro. C. Slmps p nt ad Hoarold Hurren. A social bai! Frîdoy ut thetr aumnmer cottage. hour followed wîth lunch. Meff' f «%d2 REEMBER MOIHER BY BUYING A GIFF 0F LASTING VALUE See Our Window for Suggestions Confectionery Ice Cream Gift Shop THURSDAY, MAY lst, 1947 PAGE MIR Phone 14 Milton THF CANADIAN CHAMPION