PAGE FOUR NEWI THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Sf .lthi IVarious Items Coocernisg ACUI Where Mony of Our R NASSAGAWEYA Maiss Ma*cMcafat, FIN. aident dae'I ghier of ML.- almes W. Mýfat ait d tihe talc Mrs. MalfaIt o a Nsagc ya toit tot Fiday night, Alril 25th foc Be!Ua Belle B.C., te wac-k oith Dr. J F2raorge Dtitby, Medicol misstonecy nt% thiat place.t Spring seeding operotions commen-E ced lest week in this district, lttioughs eceather conditions have flot bren very? fovc rable for sowisg trois yei. c Mr. and Mrs. tack Adamsnosed sens et Hamiltton sisited with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Moitai t fKnoicteull os Sun-1 day lost.E Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wilson of Camep- brîlville viiled with reltions andv trarnds t Knatchbsll lest Sunday. 1 Crcular caise bees have bers the order of the day dernse the lest coupte of cseeks. The trost ishing season ope$uan ttas Thsrsday, May the fuelt HORNBY Mise Joe Robinson, daeghter af Mr. ondt Mrs. T. Reinson hec bers est et scheat t. r an eperatios for e mevat et appendis. Hec seaey Iriends stisti her e speedy recovery. The entire ccmsecsitv mosrned the loue ef Mrs. J. Meltst. She hesc liea slnpeor ttelth siece lest fait Ste ar o highty esteetord and lier rheery wacys a it hle misard hic hrc1 mesy friesat,. She tacs in ee tth yer Mise Chice Ma . al,id-t,-tae. ta, q suaprisrd aith a oel cshaei, t thc bornteetfMc',. Stata. Ma Sî%tuday, Dit. Frank Gibert of Sasaachrac'ac ceirai seasnI d frindsaiataacoie- masnity this pocst veh .He attedeat HorncShcSahoatlen1888. Mrs. H.OConnor he, heer tohlsr tt catmrst ut St. McasHosat. 'fa Ic tfat- the tast t tu >eehs Her tay raesds %vsh hec a spcî'rer-t carry and ccntinced teath Succrr fishing ce the main spartt noicnirthre omnittsAnd ther are tlety for ee'o a CAMPRELINILLE Miss Evelys Ehel ais entptayed et thr Guelph Gettoet lHopital naw. Asrpriee prt %tacs hc-ld et th-" homretfMisses Llclancd Ellte Cairns on Satsrday rarcing ehan about tac- tyyesg pelde gatheaed thece lt elebroîr thr 171h ithday ot Miss 1. ASH CAMPBELLJVILLEI D iISTR IC TI The ladies arr agais makîng quItte, Mcc. Homard Lush macsauotess for Mia. John Marshall mes hbseseuon the W.M.S. of St. Deride Ctsrcb as Tceudey atterneon mben the local lad- l'hurcday afttrnrson. The prestldent, tes gatherrat ta qili fcr Britais. Tw r M. Tises. MeaealI weu l tecnhair. !Vitisu i i Coanssunities Nearby nuFswmrce cempletrat. Mcc. Marshall The meting waa opesed tarîiocatt 8esders are InteresteiliFb es serard lanch aiid everyese vis- te wershlp fettomeil wlth preper by tied. Mes. E. B. Eltîit. Te prestatent Wr arr gtad te bave Mcc. S. Relat then cenducird a shot service. os the iih os agal.Wr hope scnewmmli Lerdo Fcrayerrmite tbn membero cn- KILBRIDE so b opeeyrovrdadj i eatiang the Lords Frayer ln esisan. Lsaoehorepeircave"eeedc s MacBryatedin thescrlpiueread- Mrs. tas cecav a rasceactaililimes, lac."hechoer crcretcry reported Mac or ItAtaat ts9ca ltat'haan'ncaiacecceaea taacateltca ortcards t e aght W.A. ai the United Chaa'ch. The If oui, crep cifiarcse casmaodilira thcc C.,iitee ceporeid avine mode 8 presideni, Mca. A. Wetherastt presid- atteler c acy Indicetion et haavrst, coilin. Secerat ai the ladies efinreat ta ed. Mcc. G. Peer coaduecrd the de- i ahcutd ho a bauntifitoae. a ssisitbrh leader et the Miaules Bandt veticatal service. Othoan contibstiig 'fho tapie mac Faenbehy Mca. J, K. ta the pomeram more Mesdames Fil- Mahea, India. land aifrligions. Otti- etta, Smith, Davis, Bsltard sd Wil- .jOFFAT ors îahisg part'l n the pregrese mmm con. Tme contrats w ere eandccted by Mms. S. Cairn, Mcc. Thas. Alas and Mra. Henry ose advertisomeît andat raie castest. Thene mece won hy 0cr tarmers aie aaiise paîieeîîy Mca. Meecica. The rî olt mel ws an- Mt's. C. Freiz ced Mia. W. Bullerd. for the spring etiter that thry may Tswe alsi lvc"ap te tee macrd The hccleac mas assisîrd by Mcc. M. hogin their tccmtng epercliens. 'Thec h se oilcpo e a Hemad aai rs.P'iittein ecvng îcîten avemod ther aetrhutae ervecil by Mcc. Hrris, Mcs. Martin, Howad ad Ms. ileto i sevin Maleshav mad thir ontibuionMcc Caicns ad Mro. Wallace. Tiiece a deirhttel lusah. 1cr aeatherseaan whtie the quaattty Mcs. L. Porter cf Hasiton mas aoi yupbset bren large, the quai- wr M mes E D es ansMIeOlv a'e-n an at e ced rity and price have bren atistaciery. r.ED.Mhnad isOlv weekend uestwithher riens, D.more hoteuses fer the Blair Y. W. H. R. asndMiu. McDasald. ' ' We cee gtsd to a co cr cecnty Mcisc siic nStra -grader gaine up anatdams a ur road Msin' yAxilr o etura f The many trieritdc etMcc. Minerva tetlIhseyhasthtmdsn-lernon. The preuldent, Mesinse McArthcc anIlhe pteased te h no risg decidedly uspîneasasi. Mhspeida.Tecotcee- she is graduaaity 'ecavecing tramn her Mc. Wittred Bramstom mas cuîaettsait mou cead hy Mics Detle Vas cecest seriecc accident and wlsancas a ethGecav optt nF-Sichîr. Mca. W. Mhncuta r hoe ahle ta reave Milton Hocpital, day and ma peretead on tcapndfltore h Ga iinuea wher sh ba ben fo th pat to iitis Wearesory tht cotines ritten hy Mca. K. M. Foret et Bang- wehececebsbrntcts Istta cll.W r aryIa orotne ire, South 15dba. Misa Gertrude teh.l o eeioly sc. We tape ho may ..,l Mr. ad Mc. Wal. Mitchell attend-. have a speody recovecy. ra hpe rn h ed the Deait-Gate meddlng in Tac- Maisy atlended the auctîca sale cf slady booki as India. The atferisg mus onto es baSatccday. heceehatd oitoets at Mcc. Catherine dedirated b>' Mius Btack. Danations Mr. ahat Mcu. Erie MeAthcc spent Acndersoata. arbhecauseofetliti health 1et rclathtng ftrac titte tfo ur anid Sanday mith relativesata Rocimnoat. has bepncs cmîettedtla hceak ap hec girl fnr the hale mas aoeed. The Mise Phylis Wallic leIt an Sasdey borme Mca. Andersaonwmalt ceide ilh . msehc eneaged In newieg toc a shtrt tiser A detnty luch mas qerved tac HalifasxIcase nsheree he clîl aaiî hec sinler Mas. George GCdnaienhythe heosses andi 8 Pleasant tsaîf on the Actiitania lac Englandat. i- tac'aad.1 orejy, Ieedaag tle seabelhechme thece. Hec Hearitcogratataians are duehernjta sitocckttCedec Spinss'itahamhtt S.No. . NasaagawalnIsha siaa-ceidod ccilfotlwlteatIre. The accnty musical festial't erontal etd Ms-ses Wtlisnociamesefram thtineMilton. S.S,2 a%as the mls- ' fiat oatc2 yeragoand tea neeofa sataer ctaul)ortheir chir ap acideneai n thin distrctl.haveaacacb lacen grad ealaa-ns and have kmacla 1Mas.fientan Camtpbll a eun c haca ti ratianhoian tcsr,' diceomalsilicg tia'ands nOki 10 sar tent taaar.bha isi t lîec nidc smcieg ti-t hoefrthsr mac as ofeatccd heatth and happi. anlmwilh her cac',cantonaontf C9 va-ce as the lanad oi Iheir biti. cettitaced pealr hoaltt. NIts Mai-ion Ccrigaht aas piaca- 'Flite WM.S.ofthlie tssagce l atlaccctaccced n ealcda evrcicr Preohyterlos Cticcch met as Scnday a enacmirne't aitrelatives andiea'eninr. Attoa 21. 'lhe' meeing mss telenda.s ft amatilon, Freellst andidarcsaad hy the mitistta the 1ev. J. ote lacets caliaa'ed ci hec hame A. M.aeNt'il, BA. tai aeleba-hna lir hirthday. Conatlattionto li Mc1 ans M Mr. ca i WmMitcealenter- alec, Qaigg oa the ari1iatof iahs tiraîd ai a a amala dnnereo Sa v da acateantc tIho Guelpht ilneral Haas- a'flcaig le hattatr ai thair aaty dagi- ataI tI«at hithdaa. Ma s Albertl ihtCar- cMiacra Faica RoetsandcaI sahel ne, Itacavea mccc horne Ifr t'a'cweekend -_ __ __ aMsW.AFrasercand Mrs.C. tL. l'aat attadeaithe o itihy part>' i Varied Progyrain at iliAviocln tVamenas Instalate an r) Tucacia ateraeen. IetîgHoine anîd 'lTh eeork attf aul-illage hae 1 M lutacrard le dayight %savinge lime. Selîool 1s.soiOiatioî1 'lhe cammenaty creh mitIr.,m t e eningts'aship eccler as Mltais Public Scheca laome anal Suial'ssvesitg, May 4th. Betty Dcaghrty. Games, maic andi 5t~ s'a.aaaac'aaceaa tauncnes thr een onis entertainasr'tt ce i n, t taa Ii. Aens citer mhich Betty an Ocpesentrat mith Iday evernn. Aprit 2'trd. cith Mrs. a irthday cahe and i hrthdey poec- M(4a a gan ireiding. ends 1 laad, VIII actis cciac hope Iangrati- Mise Elrancr Meharen calfîHamlton uail't roPubiciSehoo eat m senct'e 'seatelle tticd aith Mise Audrey Doanc spcn I the mettnantad alse ,rnrihcted latho see-ed with Mr. and Mrc. Pobert pcecm arii,tttcandcicaeestccin hich Inglis. taensctc. lacha'îc andl rtcidrion att Mc. Bert Ferrctc et Ingrccatispeci iartirat,'ai a, ra. eacdatiy eqaaety th week-end with Mrand Mrs.Il.aýjaaYPd hatil L.ach. Ir Paataaa'Iloiaat ract, 'XilI hlir in Ahoat liai pcaayieatlcvddthecMas- lcc'caticaati aaaatra. 'ta'c' ec aaaarhanqealneittc (ti] At11 sca11 aaon ctr i St. aof5 .eageaa. Aili Taecday aight, a hat la"athe 1 n , 2 irai Mr.PlaIi rcparled t hat Mai- lcýrtcicrd the tadaca The tadies oaIl'caa taaiac- ' aaall (actaiane.eann it Ehenezer Churcci, alpecfo tetheeba- caco icacca ilie cassaitha' ItalIen qut anad thetctbescccre hratittlYMeccaaih,'ccial andaairiedaoffitcri deraed in meuve ced raid and dci-1 iat'cf.'a iedits. Minces Audrey Cealsen, Wlda 'A ahaoat iasina's scc i ncuded the Rohertson and Marion Readhendrc ofa.ica a .aaaaicatingeestmiilcee dred seccral mccieai cemhers ar- Ailla'ertram tae Coadian 'anca.r rampeeidby Mrs. RoyaCouer. W. haaci-y aasraecîland$If)taaucoed Mecier George Raadhcaai cnes master asifr tee caa'mhctsiia tacs ircas Mi- Progresice euchr ease tnl,yed hy Tice.Grade VIII paly wmec oheaat aiand prize winerrscccc.', Mrs. c_ Io aie1sa'actt an haareofetd tam Readttrad, Mcc. J. K. Maicc ataad Mc. dancingtaaliiaaealy a sumplaecslhjn- Edgar Eienisn andt Mr.Wiliam Van (ah.- Mcn>c bacc raucseî a e- Sirle. fDascingicaitoeeala'th masic cai Bacgand Euahrand ifan heiicg cepIlied hy Mr. anal Mes Andc rcconcaa caca ho ctcangcd, the Hoe Frankh, Jack Ceailea anal Saart El- cad Scicecai maaa ha' ivaag anelh.-r licaal.uf«i a lacîs ithinaa wc oratwoa. Mias Eteancr Mcfouaagttand Ecrnt Wesl ttofAtvata Junior Pacseos Cub. ai;caas iiaaya.ývaaniemwonlthe d tiet co rtent fo Hatîceiauin ttMil,,,,naider amrdeai the W. I. lich Tcaphy. Champioan Phcto AU(CTION SALE AT IltN1t nTh'ecia'thia, in MRK. ANFDREW 'MclNTOSI'1 sai tc it atiacaailaIot15, SAT RIIAr5', IAY 3eu Çi:eta'aai cl tm n I'. ][lit cir,' a lhteaat cacha il icaellaat nd caai acatc,, tîtial i tca Mte ala'tatcaae a " ca th' ahict.'n' car 111c2lanaldliaiIti Empire 'aCokIac,: 'c ng Macl't cca.;2t'alactdc: ltac'iaCairs: il Iýiaing Chacas; t ArtsCh'ir;op at te ai 'l'ahle: Kilcicen 'Tahbl' 4 smali 'fîIan;s NSf at.Chanst a.ttcciact'a;2 Heais.saac nai ndmal cas. Blacheta; Qaîils; t iagi edcIata and îdirng; ils,5r' latmnttataamatl ]('aamtactcc P a itrlaoles; g-stavCthan ins: e: lc'serc;Wah Stalnd;Scta liatu:naseranas Pi'ca'c; 'l.iaaenac oit Stace; ais,, ait tho raîcitamont at e ponta a iscludin msetchoerapo lats. pans, .piatters. 4 L.amnjAcandai fihesaof ail hîin sa onme antlie; Wanh ;ttad annd Tubhs; natalaîtoper Baler; Coae 01i turisc; Wtaerthciraam tacsn Mam'er; Qcehe leatec; Seatfler: singl' canm OwPtaam; Ohavets:Robes; ttaa'c.Ftaehna lad Sa; Buck tam and hlaitohn Nat Cani. 'fermas on Ciatîta sCasha. 'T-ea annceai asIate- $5()(. att cale day. Bslance mhen paaqssemsiean i givan nRSaidt achect tanuerse.rvpbld. W. 0. BROWNRIDiIE. Aucci litare CANADA COACHU LNES operlie on DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME effective Sunday, April 27 ask for newt imetubles Fac tickets ead infarmatian caesltt RONALD C. HIARRIS phone 404 CANADA COACH UINES ...,a.SDAYeeAY et uUI FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING PHONE 356w MILTON REVERSE TEE CHARGES Clement and Mountain AiHousewives ! * BANISH M CLOTHES PIN BOTHE * WITH TEENEWM Zip-GripCLOTHESM HOW LIp NE : HO TEE ZIP - GRIP WORKS for yen te open or shut... notlîteg te puh cor peu. And itre. v M M EASIER te, brlng eothens Ie-uimply rune ne lI nsIandshpion. M drops like smagiec mb p our cnalibg cothnu b.aset M et New Waahday Freedon. - Get ZIP-GRIP. M M Fer oeeplete informaonesamld dmoeutrtion coutant A EloodGullis I M Miles St., Milton Featurel.I Suits & Coats Newest Fashions Wide Selection! Ladies' SUITS, COATS An aalataeding collection of Fresb, Nets Suits and Ceats. Ibat are the bent part sf Yaur Sprîng Wardrnbe. Soft Dressnaker Suits *Mannish Tilored Suits Fiffed Coats and Boxy Coats Beltd &Loos Fited HORIESIDE RANGE 0F COLORS. Stzrs 12 te 48. Beled Lose ittd SORTESPrices .. $9995 le $35*0 CoteIttle sIn er srîe wea af Hendreats cf loveîy Sprtsg Hais, in- lferedCute a vtle etforlin e arlsfand cludang maufacturer's sampirs, youth- p.nse closSizes 3 t0 6x.M varey et pcelty trtm. Large coler îrtce tchoice te pepelar sprîag shades. $4.95 to$10.95 c Frire $1 .98 te $3.95 Girls' Coats Teen age Girls' Coats is wîdest range af scocent styles and cetors. Leese back, ftrîd andt betted styles. Sizes 7 ta 14x. Frire $8.95 te $18.95 Boy.s' Coat Sets Mansish taîloed coat andt cap setn te balemacae styles, ie beige. grey, navy andt browe dottegat tweeds wîth rabsn cap te match. Stars 2 fa 6x. Frire $2.98 te $8.95 Just Airrived! The Greedest esserimeel of Sprîng and SesesPr rerss Melerials. Alec a targe range cf Certain Malinois. Announcement Nylon Hose ]Reduced! SHOP HERE AND SAVE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Refunded milt on Dept. Sitore PHONE 112 Stere cpen cvrnaegs titl9 lia THTTP-qT,"v VAV le IÛ&q