THE CANADIAN CHAMPION -TssRUSrnAY. OIAY liot 194 STRST ORER OLI USIC FESTIVAL WINNERS Becs Do Much The next trne a man stops you onsb More Than the atreet and, raîthosit beissg aaked, undertakea to tell you what lawrn Produce '1'ney wlth the government, the democratie .¾ ayaten and the wny commsrnlty af- faira are run, take a gond look at biaI. Bees are kept prlnclpally for the Thon try to recail what conatructive production of honey and waa but part he bas played ln the towns af- hstw prdt ontreeat faira. the true value et the hee ln the Chances are-for the feilora la a econoemy of the country, aays C. B. type-you eont lie able te rredlt hlm weGooderham, Dominion Aplait Cen- witha sngl acievmen. Btontral Experlmental Farra, Ottawea. the laut elertion he had srre sting- The raw materil frtrahi c llh the iog thinga te uay about th..w hooey ad wax are made hs nectar council theo le office. But be made . secrrted by fforaera of aot kands and the some sort of commenîs aller the take s roem trmr by hees. Flow eers are made them in atreet corner convers- pIs encbirhar the mien ord teo- ation or te a grosap of crantea on the argsti wcreapete mnl many vriae post office atepa. ogn epciey nmn alt The places this citizen cheeses ta les of plants the atamens and pistil boltstling are signUficant, as ho are borne ln separate floraera or even moisstaiss bis hnowledge oi public an separole planta, ln otllersah ta affaira la second la nine. MIs Inter- are enriaosd ln o single floseer. Se FU eat ha, ne doubt, commendable, but nIa os ta bear iruit, aeed or vecetahis, efforts are net effective. Therein les pollen must hie tramferred frrom ata- lesson for the reat of us. Testa1Ir Wltb tbe Newa Year, rabirb may hie n rvrleys. but the chîef agents a smaotb and proaperous one, or mouId la pefIrmn Iis service are Insecis be a troubiesomne and dîfficoît one, let Oc theI aet agente, the honey bei us ail ta the bent ai our abillty ce- la the mont imperteis, hersuse ase tu operate with thase la autbority. We th moly ene nf thern rabose numbera have placed them ln positions of res- alecotledndw a b poaslbility, and nse se need te givo lranaported teaonp place sebere ber themn or support, services are required. Construsrtive rritîcism la anc litisg Tbe tranafer of pollen ftromn fisa- and aisere la alraaya a place for il. A fera pointera by Doid befere rnlering the vocal dort competillon mens te pistil la termesi polînatasa. But the bobit ai naggtag, fouit fl55d- for w-ba boys waa raughl by the camera at the Hottes Musical Feu- svbicb la îtself ls sot sufficleat, tertil- lag and destructive rticissra hlf ic oivl beld recratly. Bath boys David ansi Paul Pudrarîl, 10 and rime izolien mont tallera. In maap rases, U M saime peple lbinh expresses gond rit- yrars sean the close of sevra mnes. Thelr faîber, Alec Pudrarli especisliy la iruit-beoriag plants, tb. laeasbip, la mast tbe reverse. lis music superviser la Milles Public andsi 4gh Scheol. Botb beys fliers ai ose pions connot bie ferl- Study cornditions at home and toc- raeered tbe clons oI vocal sela lar arbon bays 7'te 1a0 yerr, svlb iliard by pollen ai the saine plant- ther afield, toc rînser la contact andi Dacisi wiarlag seeond place ansi Pool. firtb. self pallinoîion--conseaiaentl, pallea tbe marc yen haaw ai conditions, and _________________________________ muaI lie hraugbt le Il iram samne ether handicaps, the hetter for yau aad plant ni the sonne specirs, cross pt for your reprearalolîve. Loyalty hn INDIAN CHINTZES SHOWN THIE BUCK-MEDVE lmina bei are fruit or seesi rast le o fiac tbing. Let us use il rIghl bere forsed. Crase pollisationt lat coasld- ai borne ln ail aur commun!ity associ- tas hnaans ndaaa aWEDDING 0F INTEREST ered la increose production cccii ollous. aonc ai the textile gallerira ai tbe Rap- TO MANY HERE pllooghthion erscaal aI Ontario Museum racre sciectedl-pliOin 'If wr simply sit doira an tbe sansis tram the late Hsrry Wesrn's magnîf- Agoinit' a cbsncel bonhes i mIl The bonry lies, aprading maint oi of lIfe we must expeet le lie coucha on icrat collection ai paistesi andi prioted flowts, 1cmn ansi cosdlelighl, Madge ber active Ille smalsc the ffowers and tbe Incomlng tIde ai lime," say Con- textiles. Cotton fabries such as these Mesive, douibvEr et Mr. and Mrs. E. galhering prartieally ail af iber sp- ailn medicol leaders la urgiaf s pas- witb Ibeir etîc sirsigna la gay col- MMsve. ,a uniîrd la morciage laplies iram tbrm la the most activa itîve spprach le ottoisment ai hesl- ours appliead by a camrbînatiats 0f Bcd W. Bock , sas ai Mrs. V. Bock and efficient agent in transiecring lb. poat ansi rmlist-dyeing. forerait ns ielI c Bock la ose af the pelles frein onr loseer teaother. To secure andi maînloin bealtb. coa- aur ebintars ai te-day. Even theseauns ,oela o-ddng ,aSaler Bevoose of IbIs fort, maay iruit andi stant effort Is arressacy, for, say dec- name -chiala' cames tram aHiadu ]la" iltcrnun ln Fitst Unitedl seed groerr rîther reat bies or hoe- tocs If ee do noîblat, disease andi sord meoniat spotîrd or variegatesl. 'boucab,t' Tinsatins, Ont, came heeheepers Ibeseselves siely drcoy w-lt overîshe us5. Aîîhaucb tbrîr orîgin gocs back te cv. W. Ms. Mustarsi oflîviates i u for the incease of erop that con bie lentfinis i Inda, f itseraresi item the service rrsdered by _________________________ eryoncentlims laInda, l ws at Ie eremey 'be bcrdincmusic tbe bies ta the floers atonte. i bis _________________________ ualil tbe 17tb restary 1h01 tbry aer- %,,as sîsyrd bv Mr. lierberi 'rrarr i bers estimnaîrd thot honry bies arc importrd ln large quantîties te Esc- and dori tbe sir-aing uftIhe reginler it tas' gester valore ta the pradoceta preý Theser popalarity gre- ta sucb Mis Agathe Charîrosi sgn "Be- ai irait. siees andi cegetables thon te Iocee&Cn r to hat. tbey hecome a very i -noe." the heebreper himseli. imooanncrainetetd ofi the ives in rnairmge bylier brutlser, _ _ _ _ _ B I.~( (2 I~ S! here are Chbers desigatrd ta plesse, I sioiîvid ollb fiited budce. lest AUl Sizes Prompt Delive'> the Ioste ai tbe contry ta whlcb they 1k l ý ht ui-tgt siece',s rumine Iu puists *'Di)n'l dîmnn laut mci ai pa wcre rupurîrd. Svmne cntain tOlip 1,,,#, th îists answues'tii"ortiserh' hî9'aei as.Da o -and sîher lluwers as secs ln Dutcb lise The shirt, mode sn redisgute -oy belrdc fen ds. ondea to flouer painlîsîs; utiiers have daialy 5' l'ai 1%h '.iirred rau-s ut satinoduin foel anrnosyr t sps, su pouoir la France la ii' -s g1tis-ita riipel train, lier i hquîd inuesul eisrsr u. S A IhE 18th rentary. The Isdian tree siiil of pgtt-il toile o-us field sn This is dvic for~ Çsnadians ai Ibis ptrnipcars ini rn variaolns'i iiih ao -f ,iafin hvaeud' Phone 242W Milo onlagi panels focr draperies. sshile ndi Iti-il,, sîilb veci pescîIs and Medivai outhurilies puint out thot ote antier designs were Intended liti f.i0tied a rseurdeuof-whiteecassi-; a-len worm raraîber s onlte ray, o ýdesfbvies. Ailt ofbtern custoin uic'11, ,or,-"ilii' tilt ut il..- spca st'us shuhd lie lobes lu cati' _____________ _ uýI t fdetai hiih shouodhb atro on aiii sitci.'istruad Ofiienha. ..'rVeiseolth. ivshiihiiliilv ~ shý lait tu eiaritt-aiid lis Nliss tiutrii' -__________________ N èIN Tk f. pi.-iirh io'. Ivei ti (Opposite Hutel Keuuedy) -fil î, ,,il-tuî eýtI-ue et'.E LI PHIONE 360 quinth. o ci-eh cuniîIi'l-v¶ .,. î'-îiîîi"îs-o ul'iiviehi, ' adaLiccnied AuctioseerT Prompt - Service - Courteous i, 'i îîuaviîisv 1i' -iiil o i ;,ml For lhf 'iiiii. f li i - ni. ,rîid timiiiii - ii. -Iaud Peel All possevgvrc Insored uih~5 b )i~~ 1' ur tuc r. ît -,iuii rîîîîl-î' a'ndin ff 24 Hssr Seevice - Mu1tai, Ont dîîîîîhî il us-t. k.îîh- d iniriiiiiiiii isiIiih Nu. 3 MILTON --Iti itt cliII. biiii i-i) ii.iiii- R ___________________________ Pot in i î.îîîîi .,-h.hoi ND OUR BANK IN 41S FARM PUCTURE .-vm 'o- B EHIND tihe activity on thia progressive farm stand thse banking services and helpful fin- a ancing of The Canadian Bank of Commerce- Yom, 100, may need a new tractor, a combine or other farmi machinery or equipment to develop youc farm, biahalla iivestoîk s 555iâng' caaat'cains ine ci o5 $05500 lfAodOiS5 fencln1%5~0eu CI g Ivetgte the maay avatages you have under the Farim Improvemeat Loa plian. Comne ilaond dicusss yaar financiol needa with onr local Manager. NHE CANADUAN BANK 0F COMMERCE Mlilton Branch-R. E. MeAndless, Manager Cars anc FOR~ 1941 Fard Sedan Coupe 1940 Fard Stdan 1940 Clscc. Coach 1929 Graham Sedan Early's Sale CAMPBELLVILLE ]BRU FLOOD RELII WB Ri IUsed Ciothîag 2. Canard Gonds 3. Moacy Donations Collection Date for Ck North ai Main Street Siouth ai Mois Street INSTI i. Sesd pyar Mer G. C. Gorlaad. 2. The Usrd Claîbit CONDITION uni 3. Tie tht Uscd CI, lcavr un pour ir( pour Canscai Gîî priatc day. Take Ynur Donation te> Kno) the Aftarnoons c i iîî,,.,î',s daiiol' ihii vIi.o' Iuurs. A fîîîîu-li eiiidses oand i1,b--cimus and Bah Basa and El- 1 -WcMnictîlinnrîîam a! the Grossi TRUCKS îîi, irtas clu the Ypuantgcople 19i42 Tbruc Ton Lerrv l civ'"i lhy Mr. tnesqBuckh - antd Mv.Bcrt Pihe and scre ittiscia 1937 Dodgc Stokc rec1iiîsle 4oha he gr room.ra.ter a 1932 Fard Stokc vî'epiti iras helîl for the mony 19.32 Ford Fîcb'ap rlîstîs ut th Youngcovueple. Thev brîjd's mitiiî'rei'eiced.rearlng o y. ~ crart ollîrsaun dresa ai bloc grry s SerIviceC ,vpe with nas'y sresrle and se w earcorsage a.l resi ruses. The Phonse Milon 382r3 raam's mther, e-hoaie recesie, % opa chie ftrrnosn tdes nf id-i ight bloc crepe. savy sevessaurie nsd corsage ofpinkhcrnatios. Mran onrtutlaty tleceoms rarre receicesi hy the Youngcuple tFram otut lau-on relatives andi trimais ansi Mr. aid Mrs. McCafiirs ['IS H oi lrlansi Lahe serre prescrt at the -eddsiig. CGifla ta the attendats neludesi Ff CAMRPAIGN pttrsresrrngs te the maof ai abaeetetebrIdeamalsi, a light- tEQUIRE er ta the best mas ansiteIhe onhers. Pare er marriage the bride iras rtertalard hy Misses Betrier, s Francoeur ansi AnseGoumierca. - Pet-- lothlng and Caained (,eods î-opine Asiance. t ............ 15th May ..............1tb May (RAetkSII,%ND FARINN UCTIONS linali v viidi i... thrauchasat the rey Dosatioans ta Mayor la ..r I. l,oun cc Valley, attuugb ve'rytavîruhe lu the truuisî ai pas- GOOD rc onlli.y crîiiîts, cat becns~d ngshoald br a îOD c.retiilluri.troislrduciossa ci CLEAN.îîbc-fîîîmuaîs uprimrstul Stton uîbhin i~n a bondir and iii1s. Asîv l' l avai P.Q. Ac- ast ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d dorIpaoi -t u ln llîoslo enrmade ta ds by noua ai the appr înîurtv 'liîî' iiviram aI tiasatansifac- umitg isvcolieuliuvss nwlieh slfa OR asci Liîîiniî tîîs'arr tealere Ins x I reshylerlan 'sunday 'tehool on si'î'd ntisla 1)eii lfi iup the noit ici' if~~~~~~ 15hadl6 Mylil Y.Mci-liiîiîs ofi iirsi"tint ansi star- of 5t an 1th ayicg itiî-itis .rv ulsoia hîlt sldird. Announcin g!! AQUI It Uses... Fer jaîcrier aid rateriat surfaces ef concrrta. cals- mon brick. rogbplanter (rscrpl gypsam plastrr), cernent, stucco, masostc biocksusucb as abuse ai cisder-ocete, structural dlay 1ie <(terocolts) - Pre- sente ef hydruslalic head ai ratrr on the usprolecl- cd sride es sot impair ils iatrgrity, flot ils propcrîy ai resistiflg tapiiiary sel- proofed the1 Rx LEAI sonteos. anfomait ELLA r that Water- WThat it is. Magiot Une Aquella ia a finly ground powder whlch, when mix- ed wth water, filla micros- KY WALLS COPSC P0 eiOf5tWfas it surface againot moature. JUELLA Can be colored if deofred and may be painted ovor siter seêpag a de af 1er drying. e abow-eor below n il poroos ssbsoscy *~tlpet 8¼ pound Sc sfor compiste ;*ibg tet PAGE TOR=~