PAGE TEN Notces Of Brte. Mlligt.. cnd Dcth. ________________ an tod in tht. chai1thot chrg. lu Memooia Noticesetc. cand lcer J additjccat ter polCcr .d. o TO. toilc ZUEST- Mr. and Mrs. Ercie Zuest MRS.V. ACR are troud to acnounre thee Strteo! Many frtends tearned wtth deetp re- teir !ourth totn, Lloyd Patrick, n Milton, on Aprit 250h, 1947 gret o! thte pasatcg o! Mro. V. Jacobs ai the t. Saitortam, Hamitton on VARLEY- Mr. and Mes. Raymond Fridoy, Aprtt 25h aithtte age o! 29 Vartey axe happy te announre the years, 7 months. Mra. Jacoba mac btrth o! thetr son.,tRaymond Cr01! hetoreemarriage Myrtte V. Ticticers, at Milten Privote Hospitloc agtro r.adMs ai Wednesdey, April 23rd, 1947. c dughrs o! Msbr.aoindMlon aond D9,MOtS Mr. oandtMrs. 1er Dro eleo--idpd ece oi her hutc Incr Rose Petiotelooare happy "' ~ot o ooolietr t ostie le anot he' arriovai ofi thl daîlgobc o -Aoc li-cool Milton ooteoead sonRichoadGeorge; lir Frivole Hopital on Wroteesdiaroets,Mr. and Mrs. Dace Tieebers Aprit 23rd, 1947. and ilorre brothers, Marshall, Edward __________________________and Met-vin oed ia their tereovement D2EM thcy have the ayocpathy o! mccy fricnds. PENNETr At his heme, 394 Ment- Mrt. Jacebs tteeded ttoe Uoitedt reat St., Kingson, Oct., ec Mec- Choroh and the faccrot services oc day, Aprit 141h, 1947. Edoverd Peo- Meedat at the home cf licr parents, cote heicved husbecd e! Ettro West Mary Street, oere coedatied la Pearon.Rev. G. W. Pol'ter. Ocre iteds TIMBERS-At Htamitoc Sacittrtam gaUcerd Ic trihute ccd many tierat oc Frtday. ýApril rd, 1947, Mrytri otutes hecpohe e! rstrem cnd D. Ttmherc, helovrd cife e! Vercon smah.Itretwsi vr Jarohe, e! Chatheam. candccaghterr ytah.Itocc a v ef Mr. ccd Mc. Date Tmhers, Mil- orecn Cemetery, Miton. toc cn 5cr 300h vear. Palhearcrc cere Messrs. Frack LEONRD c Cte-tc Hopiot. Shannone, Frd Mille, Abert Deota, Apri 18th, 1947, Foedericht.eoard ElerMiic, George Mils acd Ernest o! Ciitee, father e! Alvin K. Leon- Tiomhcos. cr4 of Ptrtoe.- Burilcsrvtice vsheid b om Balo MRS.îOHN MotNTOSIt 9'aceral Home oc Mocday- Apei 9îct wth ttermeettenCittoto Cecocter-. oc Friday, Aprol 251h, 1947, tucer- aservceso-er -e e Old ai the Mac-lOch JOHNSON Sudetecbo oriCeveland.aed Socno-aie or arttelate Icahella Ohio. Apoil 22ed. 1947. Ciarlece De- athro oh Courcl etheovrd cote o! the loI- Maheoc. crcoo! the ae lO James Johnsoeacd mother Ot Mcon-ah. Eccli Mrsc W. Johnson), Carc.p- B-oc in tEnglocot, Mec MoOtoch heiviiie: Clore (Mec. A. Mitchell), cer toij ateaci thr agc o! 17 and Cteveland, ccd Hereret, Toronto. sî.tiieîl at Hoecy u ltare che lvlfoi c Fucerai servicervas hrid at st. John'o Chareh, Nacoao-r9o a rs Rot Answorth. 0ev. otteacd WOODS -Oc Turcdav, Aprit 291h. Rov. MrFaai reedarird the servches 1947, at her homer. 4 Docora St. and aillcioke ofothe grcroeslty and Est otVrte. Ec iolooa t-ilt. eio- acelfivhces Ml-o. Mo-ttoh dipla>- eetite e! Wiliam R. Woods and ei dear mther o! Feances (Mec O(,ea. d chro o-oued apoe ta ou hec. McAtpice), Roeret ccd Gordon. fteedsanad ceighhara ttie oecy Retico at the Haiioo-cii Faereai Hoehby riecdc attecdteg the cervic.s Horne, Dantarih Ave,. cercDaes -oc rermilteoofof thererspect ine Rd. Notice cf service and otermeco vhich h Oril, held ic the commun- iatcr.iy MaoARTHUR -At thr home a!of h., Attedico the servcer mere hil cac-ic-iawt-.Me. E.Gre. 49 She- ]atc Mrc. Mettomhc a.Adec o aocd Ace, Toronto on Wedcecdal Le Masa, Califorcia: a eepheoc cttd Aprit 3th. 1947, Duncan Arohihald OirM.adMr.DxnI u Service ccilhe heid ati -tmpht-cva heh;a ncetheco-and iee r. M haclt Fanerai Home, Veege St., Troncto, Mtc. Aiev. Mathesae tram Torontoa Saturday atac e ocoior tteemeet acd Me. Prie ieS !romBrampton.t at FaieviecvCemetec, Aoooaou l Itermet tohplaeatEverge. ecare.Cemtery, Miton. ï CARtaS OF THIlE DR. ROBERT TURNBItL e Wr ccsh taepres cOur iecero Fueeral serics er croheid le Fcs- thanha to ait for heautifai flaeal i c.Mice. ifoeDr. Rohert lacehuti, trihtes, card and messasocf syn. mrdîeatpeacttioaee heî-e ahaat 40'? pathy inth Jlis ofaorarsisîe.yearceand ec(ihcclccithat aiea ; W. E. and Anna Dentasa utndgdoor M. and Mrc. Keecetto Mat-choit tieathocame toc Dr. lurn-chlaita aoaid iihcteoohach eavh pe.cbeihloaouttreello-teSacdaycoftceccec shaed ie thepireeaiaonaemade ta ai hi, home. thet- c h ad bh ai thcm athechome oftde. and Mrm ot e-v o ube fya Fred Joyceroc the evenoco o! Apeolpa- cîSfr cmhet3rr. 29th and hope they cii prace ccrthy The eevces ' ero hfid .aithe home a! thecyevpachy aed gocd e-il so-with the Ret F. W. itiOut tto- geaeoaciy etccdrd te them. atîco ccd the body e-ac tahee tic M. and tMe. John Cooper, and sot' Fdeo lifoh uilTutld%"ýRv Arthar cich to exrs te theremany iGrays of Bemidi caicome,vocoised frecds andcrt!hhboec. andthe ectoce eitefcrlcel eemmacity their Seettreit thachsanad Robet larchul ati-aboleie te appreotatoce fae acts of! hîedneco.mec- vile, Ontario. Ca. len 1972. theco1a tages ced sympathy and the man% o! M. ced Mev. Jahn Tarchati. tic- heatitai tloral tel hetec vtedrd to them tenthleoe cce cdOcveetattended Toeonto Medici Univprity inte Ocsccoeta dalico daaohtee and, aed gaduated tin 1t1.Sherileealtre hetoced mcoctre cpeo-aity thachicg ceadoalîve ho oet toI the lUnited Roc. Gray Eakîc.,or ivKnotcî-cî ani,.S;iltev ccd tlcot en Richmod, vomfotcge-oordc. Siî-ao-ccCount vMinesvota. Iltocte Mitonc Fit- eparl-loo and.oo oclhe ,-mao-il-d0,-. 19. 141 at Nt-omocoh-t. HaemecySiOrcho-estr-a u islîOoovovOt. toClara S. Lundy ad tey livert a veto-herty %()te Ofiihtaco adi,-ooOlt iooeodecotl1905 otîce Ill ileveation 10 the lllll i Milotmîo e ilFostoe cnd have ivcd the.-e and coe-ooolîeig footor iîetlîoe-ooý%-e sito-p. llat hoo.oinofailteo. tandcdfo!tOI-alc Iloov 1.-e.voTtee totalpv-veds îoll oiioothe-fini Ind .etio, O.loto oc-lie toc ur wl 79769. Evxplî- arno,uoîîo-oî o c vo-ot lhyont- seton otoît.. rTombali $3736 lcacoco a ce- io lîloocot l lof .1Mîec-ipîlî - Alco covîcîco are ia soin Of $7600037 vhi(li dol it oroocol-ot oteottîco-. Je.ohn Teechuli O loi aot coleic Mo-. Jaoh (oîoo(e-îiltîio I.- ctl i Otîceaomiier. Mcv 7 (iONelt trecvpee -O. J.0W violo ovt and otloo.ecîio-e, 00e - îoitî,loio o iMlton. Ot. It- ,a, inlcoOdol e btSh lhi- prirentc, - I3revilies - oî an-dîot.-cocitcco sctd-l -12010 rociies of!tho Champion ee oc--MILTON 1BUSINESS IN dtieiuted tecahovosihes thiv weeoh. UNE WITH KEEPING -At a cccII ttecoied meeting ta PRICES AT LOW LIEVEL, Hot-ehy Scoot Taecday eveeing, Mo. PalFicher o! Baeingteeoon iceseo ed nooîoîo-îin01îevoet enflationocmacy the Hatce Ce-operatove Medoral Set.- moro-itotvtheouoghootei ho-itoed ta- vceo-plan. Coecdeaie iteretccctvas aeoeo-oaî- shecce hy thooce prescritAcyonectedeotioîn onevecyttico etlooth.-ol cihigto avaititremccîocc o!the elo-tvorev. Soome met-ohecto ie hencft toc!theco servicethreagh the cocotier ceteos have aoaooi sim- Harehy Beanoh o! tOc Womee's le- itae eedaooin te he 010ile o! the;r stittecontat Mc .AccOte ing. 810(k.OnGcyIlloa eorchoctoin IMomio-and Pot Credot oco-ot give tahitoilyto hat tfey hadlecdao-od theto- Susan Gowland Wins peries hy o ito4a aoooet, tatieo Gold Medal at man, tOry hitoak chr c- actiono. m'ienvemeethas opreadt teMil- Peel Music Festival on, wmth Stae Fay, preomicent i tOc plotatcico coolticomith ieoutviy Ii no ieccol y igcote in c cceId- Wtoneeefromt Miton at Peel Mac- lm 000 etffective at the logiaeieg a! icrFestival hld rt Port Credift acttihmo-k,tIneeder tedo ocrataî ccc ee: 10 percent-edertoccwiî hromad on Goder 9 yeoce- Ici place, 88 marhs, ait clovee Secoactor cash cales." Sasan Goccaed, gctd ocedla]. Me. Fay si., he cgatuatid toc Dort ander 1t yeae-2nd place, tahico tOto mooce, cchieh ciii hencit 84, Laeie Stevens aed Caret Stev- maoy of hic catemers trece Mito enson, slett ielleai. andotvrtootdico dictriet. Althoaglo Dacoaondert13 yeres 4th place, 81 the plan tooh effeot hela the an- mahs, Jaet Fe r and Syli teov.eoucemret. cf the hadget,it itt enson, ce accard. svaeey affect ypIlanad t ced the ther These arc pupila a! Mignon Teig- fcitocc, cche cm tethe lte c om marno. Wr join w"thother fetenda ln racet c. cctediog cangratatatians on their iheatd metchante al acrtehe cocot- sacerssancd the fine chccieg eh--y try edorae thtc ocovemeci, manu- made In trogcmpctition. factaercae de eq more than Io fattn lice. As one Tronta textie ccd hntting manufactarer said] mhco We eced moecohcnn a e r oaliehraimocdast cceeh a imitor car proeioc. Wr cccii a cchoeewc prcgcam, "The whoecctre ced refait- cca! tf ifele nchieh thoeeprochtemc e wiii have te assuoce the cmore pro- THE CANAIIIAN CHAMPION NOW - Is the Tinie to Order Your Spring Bedding Plants! Our wide celection inluder, an abundant suppîy of: Tomao Planta - Ceery - Cabbage - Oniona - Petunis Alycaum - Scapa - Zinnias - Marigolda - Asters Ageratum - and other Quaity Beddlng Planta PHONE 151 ROWLAND HILL -Floriat - R~o" Pea4e«. ,Pis ot PORTRAITURE ?IJO?1O CHILD STUDIES WEDDINGS COMMERCIAL EVE â p1m6 BRING IN YOUR FILMS EVEN0IR flY APPOINTMI36T MAIN STREHF MILTON Dining-Room Suite taY- Thue Stratford Chair Coîupaniy CONSISiINII 0F MWALNUT BUFFET - CHINA CABINET - TABLE ANI) SIX CHAIRS Ai MacNAB & SON EXCURSION! May 11lth, 1947 MILT'ON tb NI \GARX F'ALLS 4 Throutgh the Bern of the Fruit BoIt in Btkoom Time A G(RANID TRIP' FOR MOTHER ON MOTHEICS IAY Ticke-t, ced lontolou a00 t Caada o ac ooh t.ono-Agecy liI il i'ril> tOiv $2..30 R. tHarris W1 I-RE I S STOnPS Maoin Stret Phonce t1I1 Township of Trafalgar British Flood Relief Campaign WE REQUIRE THE FOLLOWIN(; TO HELP THESE NEEDY PEOPLE ].--Uset Clotlî0ting 2.--Tiiîîîed Food 3cC('ash Doniationse Canvaccera have hersa appointed for Yoctc Diatrigi I.o Coîleet theso items cnd milI cdl on you hetweon MAY 1 and MAY 10 PLEASE HAVE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS READY The Clothing Shouîd ho Clean and Mended cnd Seeureîy lied in Bundles THE CLASSIFI Buy -SelI-Exchnii Adve'rfieemenfsaundr hic heté ccarda. Additioeci mords e le-ier m the advrrtttrocrtt, minimuam charge ecrS or d ocr25 . Stcbsrqaenf in FOR SALE FOR SALE-Ciocer e Fac. Appty COishoim Hume. Miltone OR. 5. _-FOR SIAI . Ltitlle ootulocv. Aiîlly Wco. BolLîll i, Phocne 284r4, Moitoc FOR -SALE -Il1madel A Ford coach. Chcap. Phone 217r12 Milfan. FÏOR SALE- 3 range shelfere. oApply Chester C. Service, Phone 384r5 vMilton. FOR SALE-Grcve], aey quantty. Appty A. W. Couiter, Phoone 3t3r13. 1sf E. M. - FOR SALE-Samp pampa n teockrt. Mo-Rom Bras. Hardwcare, Miltan, phone la. S FOR SALE-Carfier oafo, 91.0Stlper huchet. Appit- Bort Do-cd!e, Phoe 86r5, Miltoc. FOR SALE-Serd bhoey, 2 yrars fram registratiec. -r. F. Howde, R. R. 1, Milton, Phone 190r11. FOR SAlE RXtrhce table, 2 oaS diolco o-halo-e.rocastilcoauto. slightly accot. Applyo Champion Office. FOR0 SALE Gey pecheonmae 1l veaco. abouat 100, soued. A Bucke, Phooee 159r31. CAR FOR SALE- A Ford 28 Madel in0good eOpe. a ceai ocer fer yoa. Jack M ou tat e. FOR SALE White gant, frtsh.eo - itte. Aioply W. J. Alevacder, Phone e4r3, Georgetemn. cFOR SAlE--Sieccac Electco- Sheep e Clippiers te A-I conodition. Phoner c2003011 Oc ,.A. Brcchoc. Moloce. Dat. FOR SALE New Wcad's Mlh eCoe ccv edecacc hefccc spriog rush. F.W.iloadele, Acoe, Phane c40r6. 4tf! cFO01 SALElE ch CohOicerPotatoco, laaRîiohdcev Apiy Rocht. Alice, R.R.f03. Acoac oad lte.poe e FOR SALE- No. 1 Pariiy Timothy .seod,(certolocair No. 40-9173 aiso Ajax ci o-d cuits, Appiy Il. Ocehardson, Phone 385j 31. F OR~ SALEF Boys bicoyctle inOct e cls ccconditono complceey acehaci- - to Apply Fi cd Benett, Jr. Miii StMiltonc F010 SALEP Qucetcty cf!Iloae c 5o-ect Bccrv y$1.25 toto Sas.Shr- LED SECTION rge - Wanted -Etc. dic6 35e, cash mOtS arder, up te 25 erd. If cash daes ot accampany ý50e and le per wand cctdittoacifer rliant 25e. STRAYED STRAYED-Aprit 23rd, tmcit cwhite deg, heocco head ccith Wshite vtrip dace tOc fao-o. vviiotcea, aocccrs te tOt e ameoof "Booity". Acyeoc em - toc hos chreo-oOoiponoe Wm. Rich- ardsen, 266r5, Milton. WANTED WANTED -- Eoperieced fao-mer mcatd lite mena 2 or 3 dayc a week, Appip Champion Office. WANTED Pocifion aa Heaceheeper te gcad Protestant home, te fame, by middtc-agrd lady, pe!erahiy ta tate oomplctecrharge, cicr ycar vid daagh- tee. Wriic Boe 50 Champien Office. WANTED-Help fa trcnsplant to- mate plaots. Payicg cither hy thc heur or hy the theoacd. Transport- ation pros-ided tram the Poct Office cf 8 am. ech morcing. -A. Tritchtcr, R.R. 1, Hornhy, Phone lOOcil. TENDERS WANTED - Tecders oi 0 e ce-ed op actit May OStO for the plainting o! the teaide o! Horchy S-heoi. Locetfor aoytcendect tacessarily aooepted. G. W. Bucaeit. Sccreiary, Hacchy, Phone Milton 76r5. Lice Poaltry manfed. P!t!best pre«a paid. CatI RUSSELL INGLS Telephoce Mittn 234r4 6-30 R. R. 1. Catopbetîvitte Dead Harset aod Cattie far tee piee up. Phone Miton 210. We psy phone charge. GORDON ZOUN, LTD. 35-52 Phase AD. 36M6. Tarant. WANTED-Smart girts to terc the loopoing aica exerienccd leopers, 45a 9an our eaeioca and20ccadozen for evporteered coareoore. Appty Bac 10, Champion Office. 43-5 HELP WANTED-Mec ccd Womcc. Mccnccactcd tf0rare ataocinam pet- osOico ccd haffico. Steady ccork - dcy er cboht shift. Wcmeo for patoco poresoopeataec day ccec. Aica onc Aioomicao Weiotee must Oce epec- iecrd on ttght Sitoohecccace lice. Ail- aply Gececai Stamîtiege Ltd. Rccdaii Si., OaSvicl, Oct. 47-3 t CREAM WANTED - Diii yoa re- cette anythicgretxa on y aar ceeam vhtpped tact yer. We patd fall mac- Set price as reace mas reocived, plus te per peod fat onatt crecoc ce- eived tac the year rndtng Septembr ood00 W. Huoce, R. R. 6, Mouton, -0 -aîrcntr.00 photo, 8toc..Cans locccd freecchiir shipptng. PîcovelettelDivideods paid cohen rarord. Write 111t1t Flac-Oct, Main St, Miltonfoe parioas. Uiteîd Faroces' Ca- Cut ftemers, e-edding houquets, fan- otocrative Ce. Ltd., 28 Dube Street, et-ai desigons,ssord pot plantt. Local Toronto, Oct. 43.8 delicco y. Phone 151 40t! OtRE0AOE cocue Scre-ss tor cuocoot! MISCELANEOUS e-tek%%,!th N-etefoot or Ocretocil. MiloowO v o o t.ihc 5 SLENDOR TABLETS arr effective. Motiverter Aàý FOR S ýJ _ 2 crees upply $1; 12ccrSs $,lit FO 'AF roCatcAtc KReto-c sPharocy. A aetd Ajax octe, commcercial 1 grawn GARDENS PLOUGHED -Cactemn feom regicico d cerd. Appty Colin E. fogigadln okn oe Becty, . O.R 6, Milton. Phono 282r12. edc u-re!at. 142-5Manur and c catsi] f orcale. Locr 42-5 Mock. Phone 158r32. JONIS' OREENIIOUSES CKCM0 QUKL Oto Cao Camwera a! att Sttds, pot piants, alirAClrEstose. R CKLY alli funeal nd eddig F}t one. m ap action affackthe ecause, retie..s "Ithe pan. Ficeetta Deug Store (5l: F9110 FuI AlE 10 ORN Ad OONTRACT WORE locololc g O SEOR.30 000 Ni lot -Ad - Coctracto tateen for haytng and adj- 311 29ceg manure, grave], atene, !tit mad "I'col 0000 l1to eIl vl 0 soc E. racoîoo eorS. toc oc ttoc-it ocoy 30E - ELMER CLARKEE.. R. O.6, Milton AI looglo hocO Oc toto- coceli O Alot o-lvic îolot "Izlnctoielooto AUCTION ALE 1 01', lot Oc t(Its.loOol"ut 'tt1o plt 11Iko jkýnf: ,O>aiatatvDurtsaniO cte4 ,(aido-rn Yrk ttcg, o...- ci.- o-, fatir lo.kofl, A .- Percheron tîncts, tliaress i 0. iotoc coco on atiet. MrKitoc "Iooî- i!oto. 1 hii ocotocîedtal eeivedic- 13-n", 1-Ot11. t30oI J"tî ', lelcoO EVAN JdoN-Es Io loi, i n. o1 ooiik l)eo- tI lO l'lh>y. Public Auclioo ai lus facoc, 1119lo toit.l:l-ooogood vooocloîon. -1emil-ccoîtoi ct oon aoNo. 25 H.l., oooci. oc.c Philoe1001. httgOocvo(on fooccoc-echiy owe-nd by ),_________ DuncavoocM-lcoaugali.o.n0 F00 ALI-: Cuve Trootor 12-20, MONDAY MAY Rth Mactel. ou0stelt, (nul cvtencoe ilc ra, t0s 1 -o-.te oiog taccu cisto 1Scs, osi otd, HORSES octdtHARNEOSS1 Pro-- toc. Apîct o taW.E. Ford, Miltonercoti ieldoos-, 5 ccc. aid; 1 Peroher- il il 4, Phone re3t. 45-2 aonlGIdicg, 6 yes. aid. Thisn n a ver- ueui eit houhenteccn eu-ighieg tIVESTOCR FOR SALE- Nomhcc àcouot 10(10 tOri. i Set of heavy Brech- otoîte ot- 00005ooc cIi Ost in tt cg Teatat Hat-tors, Ouoiimade and bteat Yorksohire- ced rama-aot rcp. et, ee2 High Tep Cetlarn. fiectoandisond liuttero..dueoricont COWS 2lRed Dham Cocc, frsh ociddlecof Mayon.iamocaeotuagtee calveuict idr-I1oed and WhiterDr- 111oo1lstlotiOoodakOt.edciev aso iCeoae, frcO.aîasided 4Vcî Oco good s-cave stoecr. Aucuot Stuart Coivrn: 2 Red Durchamc faIt Meteu-lic, Phoe Sto-ertsc-iibr 14-5. itowoancd rehreet; I Part htred Jersey - 0eocti fuitlttae-, reed; 1 Brindie FOR SALE DaolocetchicS ilolgaines(aoc. tocfuit flowc andreched:Rocc foibisteerOaoolncvtooo-ccetoarv Caîvoin fait flowc cedrehed; Part Nrcw HumpshielaNewc- Si mphires Het-eterd Caor, On fui] flowc ccd reed, x BarecdockeBared RockhxNoc Breerdieg datesaf Illcitecocccciîîoc Hatmpsheire, New Hlamcpshie x tight givren daoy alce. I Reg. Durham Sasvc-s. iJs-Ot Sussex vxONe-,Haocp-,'a re. aid. chie, octt Susexsx Barred Rockshc - okSobe;3Yr coe-ceved $9.95, puileto $t7.5: ceae ucccoc4.95..Asuoe0d HeocooBreeds igsabut 50ibs.eted;3 n(,-.,,\, $895,Milet $1-95 lik. TERMS-Cash Setticocret e-itte ereus .3.95. Coo-Sretoo White tro- CleiS Dol o! Sale. Scot vx Bat-ced Roctes $1.95, Whitte Neo Rseeve as the Fraprietor ta t.s-egh0ev %95c. Tua ccrrb aid add ertousiy it] n hosptal and matdis- 96011per Ounderet. Thee oeek oid Pave oa i tcko-. odct $11.09 ta cee-secret and patine, HINDELY & ELLIODT $8.100 ta cochcrr0s. Shippret C. O. D: B Aacfianeers This adco-rtieece u.qasoacccmnpcn-WcoBare ic-e icar acerta .erceivc theso ,,perla*]i -Brcen - ek peiro..'lep NoîtcS Choo-co-îe,cuelaph ______________ Ontarioo.________ LOST o.oS- rrail grenScîcid oog ccitt Pollock & îCaipbell. iotr oataioing a cliver poctit peint roomîcacoand s-renpros-il. in theerd- Maaccetuee.0a ioiiy oct Bruts Sehlc ] agt Foiday HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS v,,ning. Phoe111143, Miltoc, MEMORIAL ENGRAVING tS o-c('ceztppr catehoohk talot or acthe Ago-iccultureBaild-' lng, Milton, Aprol Ilet. Flease hoý Sicotrncoag Ioa etaro ocon tentse O-'62 Water SU. North GALT monar fer remporte bok. Mes. W. J. TELEPIIONE %ou5 1C. Goch, Bulilegioe. THURSDAY, MAY lat, 1047 m Wd TMTT.LqnÀv TjAv lo ladr