Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Apr 1947, p. 7

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Ge ot wébaied for iappinin. Fac, it lao = .rc Iat blos by tity Hrinsg lasd justice home; sud ties .snomare, Tisamu't wnder laesiat deelllng Joy miy be. Dream, ual af noble service osewlere esougt; Tise simple duty tisaI anaita lsy lad la Gad'a vl e ullering a Divise Caom- mand; Llfa'icesemon deid& bilid ail tist .saints have tisoogit. Tisa pacadise monn eis, tise cfly brigitt I lisas baynd lise'tars for isisgissgeyet, IoiSlyitoman goadies latise siies, Barti'& deed. nldoue, glon mbc lleaveniy Scit. -M. .ludian Savage. Tesu esu only di foc youc Oustcy es»e. but yo ea lve tar Il elly. Tie ti leesbamisnut end tala aId nocld-lif eabua B nenoset. A N«oM 0-w *ulu Fm mmab&s wu a w wm lae -OM ai a m s Bailey & Toewi MMM ze bumille Tay otckg iniudcg em r dar thnk ottAist0cf or te moith ie rVo dopsi epntd1 j=aM i oweonrs tisq 0 and tishe ibrigade ai aiStsette se-. ltMs lietlgn p~~Q ~ eanor and town clrk ittda ialotlonadnl i ia S TS moroing seiîceai thtisaUnted Cissecishouesipent lit tndlisg' lh" SPon Sundai' MWlTisy enjoy n011al t og CA .Il A Mustar Trygve Wld sud 'mesisrs Of isg vegetalan d beauti CredIt Ludge, A.F. & A.M., Number Tis a ceden -lea scastré ai Tise final gaime of tise Intermedlste 219 GRC, were hosorad nitis the of- for a hit ut peuplie. 'A finals played la Brantfard 1551! ficnal visit of tise DDGM, Rt. W'r. In tise old daYs tise garél Frlday nigit went ta tise Teleplose Bro J. Stoser of Ktchener. was very geseral, and a m Cty creew by 7-4, ellmluating sur Georgetown War Service Recognli- the dwellecs ln country and selgihorlu g ctre, -Gergetawnolu -5 ion Fusd Sow, stands at 15,130.48,.1il la tawss maY bave raiaed vog gamuis sut uf a passibe 7. Four goals reported ity tressurer R. H. Irelhstd. 1 isesers. Perisap Pepe were leoihelt beils hdets, tise Tiis luçludesa iM00g2It. ramntishe have sas msy aclIvities "Raider" netesIader biture tise lown as nil sas privas donations. 'timea, and they molduni Gea)rgetownu quad coui ul tiseihr Tise fus& han eseeeded one tird of ime for tisn cultlvating algis, eomented tise Tarantes Starteoina$1,00bjcv.« A gret numisareof PiO Fromntisere au lu otil tise final bail, Fac tise fict lime lu avec 1W0 yeacs laiued gîrdens durlng liser Brnîor aRame psyd d1 tia hais are net baing mauufactocdel years sud rendered very gn Ive games, only findina lima far tisce Georgetown. Tise eloalng f ttisa DB by iis contrilboliois. Itln la mare taillasnisila thtie Raidesioteis- fot Siso Cmpany plant on John St. tisaI essatof then e wrtimt ed a quadruple. Sa'the siatas of tlisenist week macised tise end for Gauche- wil stiui continue thisa i Ravina sud Veasty playmaksal-1 W11 townsof a business etabillaitd iare neF, tisere are a greut nu le long up tora soller mesa. Pari- lu 1848 by John B. Dayfuet, nIa isdad lesys enjoy wuring 0 enalyî neri curicusasm ta nisat sort starled lis business Lu Grimsbey lu vegelablesansd fOoesr. cf a ioeiey teaies qergiloau ntel las 183-Hecild. Warkin l a girden brings net yeax, If Bity t ail-bol nover- t a naure, sud te lavaiso lisleus, tise PaprtawnuenjoYle4 as BURLINGTON prodoct. Wisen peuple 9 lengtisy sud brililitldsplay oest homacontacta, ar ara e ey tac %'ansd cosgratulationsaan te -tliepersaisalitiea niomtu isolngtie Sie mae.At te reglar luneiteon 0t the coistintly la dally lite, it l - ~Chimbir of Commercea, eid aIthie a e ThoIa n io Gise of the mail cocprtsiig upaita Estaminet on Tuesday evenlng, tise tura.Tie plants du la N.HL. histo ck oustorasla Taras on-leeing nent on racord as fivarIng back is tii crans wrds we les laI Sarday wispu lie raliînga stuwnubsud sud ta back up theslr ta lisee. Titey oSfer na Laitsoesthlie Quna Cty boescd tise des 95M0was raised la tarI lita baud witen tiingo do ual go ju favorite Canadiensaut Montrea) faume off. îitauld. Titey engage lane dlem ouutftise Stanley Cap elai Oeutcite moal Impotant organla and titey do ual quacrel sud osco mora lltted tise fisisesti nsg allons lu Burlinglan ta-day latise body. lita Maple Liii Gardeso. A hiiiy. Horticutursi Socetey sud as a resait 1 'tie gîrdener est course taugi sud rmugitotit, tise Lstians of thior efforts lalise pust tee la ieep tisons free tramn o ciflfaugisl, oustan ad autllmed thei yesrs mach tanards bestifylsa tisa1 as pssible, sitasid give i vtecus Caucisi Inta soismisslon a l oess and establiahittscpaclshasas nd trtillzer an neededt ait ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a isesyi 5 5b OPSS ieearcompllsited. saround tisons ehn nerataa virtoaliy predlcted a Montreal vlctery Haîsteins tramt apruceice Ferrs. lise soiilasose end free. -T lu four dlean anaupi. Tise Lestt bain owued snd aperiad isy E. aegsaortis rs landte flawescand la maly compoaed ut moisies, barse-andSnandsin Oage Orange greit friendi. and tsefir go ly oul of minr loups. trasgthened Farm, anned by Dr. Cha. N. Ban- anre pitea slceiy rared fo by tIres r tour veteranosud eves itare and Sans, are la greal demal say "ThanS yot." tise sddos rooad Miltas tsvorad Leislisese dsys. Hoistoîns tramt bath ___________ Canadiens' victory. Wlth tise majoclty stsitles have boen sold la buyersîin of Tarantes sport fans tili saggesti Puerns Rira. Venezueia. Argentins FUX YOUR esellemeal avec tise Staley Cap sur- sud Eruadsr. Tisese animais are bo- les suotiser Item frain s utio est ise acshlpped hy itoat sud plane. Oniy * W5T'U W barder proitsbiy causes more jubilait- coilte ftm isled iterds are llawed U N I Ian. Torontoa bai a elnlng ball team!s ta ie shlpped ta Puerto Rira -Gin-- Frot ail reports tise basebali LiaIs cie. . WM are iteaded tor a panant-aad il's ______ about ime. A U Tise pat-esar trend Lu pullmans e- L IN FAA Q E cammsaion is loesscd separsle iBoys who sel sut la P8Y michles Dci5~t 9.ii.eAg rcioms. or as> camne can weilbh o ld tit lise Wnc04 -mail impatant ling about I;lsl ta Slihlbèe - Weesnt gel s nees nîrid mad tsplay tal. Sme boys neosi la be tld * bv ald order. Il muati eho iacemsde. that ns cime la relliy wnsunie» It um _____________________ a swon fsily. sud titey nauld b~taf *Clement &UI - lae tias bave caoss ta daUbî Ilf il nu non. secordIaf ta cl. PHN mes Tise boy w nit ainsinusa 10pay % eM «icSe UV' 0 C square and la give oppanests BS titaY are entillesi ta have, la maiing a gond tart la athielle lita. 24 10OMUERVWICE # PHONE 801 lunlthe Malter thlie gamtiet WAL' TM OJVEDENNM ,Daiemeai A M W Im " Ail prioas iavlag clamnsai lul lise Etate of WALTER OLIVER DENNIS laite oatie Toesnisip of Tri- tmalnstise Cauly ICI ittes -armer,.nal an r a both IlSISMANYS 9"THORO BILT"P WORK SHOES Horseiside, Double Soie Goodyear' Wat ................................................ Horsehide Deobe Sle, Senn sd Nailed i................................................. Horsehide Panna Tap Sle and R. Heci, Sewn and Nailed............................................ SISMANS POLICE BOOT-Caif, Deube Sole, Geodyear Weit, R. Heel .......................... $6.35 $5.65 $5.15 $7.50 Ssesn Presof Double Soie, Lesîber Heel, Nailed nd Sewns...... ......................... $5.65 Poil Grained, Al Lesîber Boat, Sewn$42 and Nailed ................................ 42 HTmEOCffn mmR Ofi Fli Grained, Ou Tinned, Double Sole, Amy $5 5 Plate, Sewn and Naiied .................. RETAN BOOT-Leather Soeiand Heel.....................i...................... $4.95 ORBE WOIIK MSHB Pull Grained, Doubla Soie, Amis Support.5 Ortllepedif Hoee, Sewn and Nailed .......... 65 SSMANSg CORK INOULATRI) SCAIEEU For AI lbqMis ofbetsestiaFaily THOS. DEAR & SON 241h day of Jassary, 1947. are iereby saliied tlv aeid particulasoftuie ta tiseudersigiesi an o esiore lise I day of May, 1,,47, aller ehiel date lte Esecutor ni Ildltribte lise Es- tale nis regard oniy ta te daims o esitirishuailt tisn bave lad Dated eI Milton, tiis 111h day ut Aprit. 194t. I &DC 45-2 Miltas. Ontario Soiitor foc tise Execuor. Mlton Hospital tPrivate) VISITING HOURiS 2.30 p.m. ta 6.00 p. 7.00 p. la .30 p.. tNo Chitldreo usdar 12) RATES IN ADVANCE Semai-Private -$4301 Privale - 3.0 PHONE 216 MILTON' HAERDRESSING Ia Latast Stylai Neeat MeliosdInlaPaermant Waving Ail Lises cf Siauty Culture ELLOTT BEAUTY SHOP Pisane eh ic orAppalalments A. R& ELLIOTI' WedGmRel Comcrte Sud PIauting Sud Bmue McKerr rl 0MB Tuer eilol tii gcesw, a" îdu titi thiov- ful ZoMars Vierais a aumber of jsulcîpalltlaa in thse distict *ott fhapinsn Milton are adopting a unifesces time for tieadoption 0f upY- lenisg absit light savinglime, and in order to avold confusion in travel and sajority oft business, tle Countil ufthîe Corporation of Milton bas passed i suburban a by-law tstablishing the periad for the observance of daylight egetablea or saving time ln Milton f rom le dd nt la thonN A ,A IL2t,14 eually and SUNAARL2t 14 opr lab ain AT 2 A.M. TO Tetseve SUNDAY, SEPTEMWBER 28th, 1947 ie gardeners AT 2 A.M. vity. Any- tumber who Citizens are reqoested to comply wilb ahis by-Ian and adopt over their this tlime from île dises apecified. mm oe clame G. C. GOWLAND, Mayor lt tlred of mausyed by Dated ai Milton, April 151h, 1947. tisey mail la aetreaiing prodilets af not auseser en one taise ocanspialnts ust asthey erlatle etý oarg=eents 1 ilis any- eshauld lcy niede as farca th atieep Ev e1 Hour 4and dia à vegeablesIn The tor nomis ta J IL I S RLLS This SLJNDAY, AVPRIL .27th at 8.15 p.m. MIL FRANK PELIZERI0 an sd a Fisse Groop of Maidmiansd Singera niUl oesduct tise ILseetng tits Smday. %»aee: Mr. Reggte Hor ofe Toronto wil give a short massage. « mac": lthere will be otiter gondu tiinge on titis Prograsa vioun:in Ail Velcome AN ODD MANUA, BUTe... Braikigtg windows la an adi aid exansive muniaeliait miel iono peops manage ta central Smoking Inisloesn nHydre paies, ars aiatlsins sirset ligits, soun avais morse oatiy pastima lit une aaonishing sambas af boya end mon fou 9tacu& . 1An lnsseitor or areset light sufs Up a nIvtngiy . .. and, la lise uninformed zoome sucis a smafl and inslgnificant pisce of equip- mail thel Il preas a tampting ltergal. F.w peupe weul4 break insulators or sel lihts i tey underslood tise dge - blicon resuil. A broi sinteolr con cause a short circuit end cuthlie service an a lins. Thes homes, tisa factory, th hoapifai or testorsa depeni- mIn on thol lino are cuii onfrontm poer nse oltse nsulalscon bu rspluad. HousevlvesaOres inconvenlances. Facturiez cen b. toppsd wlth posible psy lases la te orises. MHumas lyvsecon b. eidansesed, ssPselaily in a hospital. Ikoken srestl igisls imperilibth fout end vehicestrattce as eat nitation la crime. Torespeir dsmsged inaaltors and replace bromes sredl ightu esquisamesse trucks and pessiby mietoftravel. Il iaiida" uip la a bg pricesfer a tega .. . and Hydre conaumeses pey titel pries. Plaise us your Influence ai eVsry oppetunlly la hrevent tisa delibeate se coreless dstruction of public paopesiy. mommmmmmnim .r wm m . 1 'fý* çoà»ý&M mWolcw lý

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