Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Apr 1947, p. 6

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%Wkm #Pm a b. lam et )the <flm Alelm19. part 0etlise plant o! the Mtou Vdro &M14 Roolng Company LlmIed bas abeaady arcived, Use engin. and bolier1 wM li h bre 40.1 week, and Il la est poc»thIe wolc wvi hain full oper- oISon by May lI. At the Guelph Horoe Show yestecdaY Finlay Ckshoim o! Milton won aecond prize for a inge carniage horse 15 bonds and firt for o hcavy wiciht hunier. Tbf old trait rare o the grtst Ml runa undernestb Comunercial Street, the tln*ecs aooe Il have decaysd and Occuaiqufly thora la a cave l.,One o! thlsae occsared Sn Tuenday aflernoon opposite Ue Commercial Motel and swaIlowed the borse o! %WIIIlnsMe Loan, Eaqlueslag. M. MLean bad juil ZOne Int the htel leavlag Mca MoLean atingUn the buggy holding the borse. ThTeacth gave away ho- natb the animal and Il dsappeared inta a boe about 12 or 14 f. deep, the barnesa breaklng and leling hlmn dawn. Il tob Ushe greater part af an bouc 10 gel Ue horae ouI but ho wsa apparently unhurt. A. Armastcong repreaeted the Ml- to IC ile Club at the anoual meet- Ing o! the Canadien Wbeelmen's As- aoclatlen ai Toronto on Fclday. Il. waa declded 10 kold tIs year'a Dom- lao Champiombip race meet aI Chatham. btaEEiED sCOIT - McDONALD-At Guelph on the 7k int.. b>' the Re. S. M. Glas- alord, o! Chalmeca Cbhrc, Jamea T. SetIta Suie McDonald both o! Eaqueing DE FifASER-At Georgeown on Tueslay Apcit 201h. 1897. George Fraser, ag- ai 63 yeasa 10 months and 8 days. HOME GARDEN SERDS SHOULD BE TREATED Hcme gardenars wiii find tbey wnl gel a better stand o! plants rom tise vegetable and fioner seeds they ow by daing the seeds witb one o! sev- eral prepared compounda for the pur- pose, wkick cast be bought ai any eed tore, sayn W. H. Wright, Chie! seed anslyt. Plant Productoa Service, Daminlcn Depacîment o! Agriculture. Such dusaing helpa ta prevent attacha o! !ungi or moulds that cause seeda to rot or yoong eedlinsa 10debebooe they come sp. SmalI packeta o! sooda can ho easly treated by oping the corner o! the pachet thon addlag as msch o! thse chemnical duol as cen bo held on the point o a peaholte. Close the packet and shako Weil. Caca ohould ho taken 3301 10 Inhale any o! the dut and te, nash the banda wth scap aad nater aller handllng the duat. To treat larger quantitien o! seeda a glosa jar or other artlgt container nbould ho uaed. Put onough saeda la the jar te, about bal!l fnIl1. Then add the requiod amnoant o! dual. clase the coatainer tlgtly, shako and hurm for abot two minute&s. Breen or alft off the extra duel and seeds are ready 10 plant. cheilce duta for treating seeda are sold under aucb trada naMeS as Arasan, Semesan, Spergon and Cilp- rocide. T'ha lant abouid flot ho uaed ho, hrataI eeda o!suich ccoPs a cab- bage and brocolil or on lima heens. Whalever dullng roenpaUnda ara usa theIs tructonsi on ltse container should ho tictly followed AUUFON SAM£ AT EVERTON 1'Aà #«OM . I M MP.O9ET. Tbe underalgesedhave ecelvod li- sts-uctlons fracu DODEET BABDOVE 10 »Il by PnaelcAucton at is lasm stuated aI the soutb end o! Everlon, onSATUEDAT, APBIL 2Mi Comncing at 1.00 'lock, sharp the follswlng HOBSESB-Percberos Mare, 6 yc. eId' Perceron Mare, 10 Yra. ad. a'C5OB-latk eter. duo la Aug.; pg. jeraey nslllng wnl; Itolstein Jersey, due lune lt; Blue Grey Co, do. at mile date; Moltein Aycahlco, ftraah.IL. noMaI foot; -Reg. Moltein. !rash, B. caltaI fot; Reg. IM9oIiel Bull bores Mar. 10, 194; Reg. Mol- alain bIelf fs, 14 Mns. old; Reg Jae Mafler, 14 ms. old; 9Eg Jaes H la. or, 14 moi. aid; GradZ MlallaMol! or, Il moi. old BIR - 8 Down Enes wth Il Imm" aeat M; 1 bse, due te lansb; 2 ffl we Lainha. POIILTRT end IQIfPMENT-8O Mmstinr Rod; 40 9y>brlds; Colon>- OOMS--ocIc 90w, red and br lit- tes-o! 15 og, Just weaned; 8TYork Chun; 4 'oung Bowjs, rccntly bs-ad; B3oor, 21 mou. eg.; 10 Pig, 10 wel Old. MARNE9qS-Set of Bacltband Mac- Snew, Set o! nov, cralcl BrOeifIssga. Collara; etc FARM I pLZIENI - M.. 1 dsc Fertilser Dcii; 9'euZsiunghe larson idlng Plow; SelMarcona Dherng Mowoc: L.C. pring teoth Coltivatos-; Tacnlp Sower; SPsing 61hScuffec; Stee1 wheel trsack wagon; 3stRok;tia1elBox; BnsSegh;Bail, nîre Stretche; KM. ulpe-; oLavl CrocoSepac, alec, lacn gond order; Dalay Chuca; S Rou Ponts-yFonc, 10 each; Caor tel0.1tcck; ay Fork, Ropes e&; Lsln*or; Cow Chaln; .22Bita 1vSer d blecir 1dm Ie refrlgeratosý and thb.uuelaemali articles oSoe e! o fanaa sale. ISERMS-Caah on Sale Day Xo cservo ai the 10cm ba boa tflo the oy cot-4iBembo 1UNDUYM UEUXOfl PleuBrs-laor bIlton Auctimon à 8014 Ci" * 49 WOOL am PCOUACT TO Our' E. = WuC:oIms No. 1 Cardi efiogbln RllablaGradlnt Ohtilaque"baond Owloe frisa Rt. A. BROWNRIDGE, Milton Chai. V. Camapbel, Milton or drect basa CANADLUN O-OPEBAUV St17a BatreetToronto. OasAa WELI»G Elatde asd Acetylant Woldlog loopols- Woldng o! Aul Typ Portable Equlpm.sst PHONE - US8 b[MLL U-NRLTON 'TUntltd panes' la lise Idafl Iilng sebn tIn a st. anda. lThé doapot- Ien nould ~Us he oWtely perlait earthiy ovocmaent, Si -tUse candtona wora tho ame, namol>',- thaduaiot Usa pertecteatidividual o! Use buman rcc, and hie laise afnife perpatuai. But aioa peclahable perfect man must die, and lbave hie deapotiao la Usa banda o! an Impertect aucceoar, an earlhly despotien lo 3301 merely a b.d forca O! government it19lathe worst !orm Ithasl possible-Mark Twain. ACTON The Preabytery o! Gselph met la St. Andrew'a Prenhyterlan Cieucch, Guelpb, lait week aid auatalaod a un- animous ciii tfroca Knox Chus-ch. Ac- 103310 Capt. lb. Boy. John bK Ander- ion., MC. and Bac, latsof Us. Chap- lalay Service and an oveceama chap- lin 10Itse Hitghland Ltght Infts-y o! Canada. Capt. Anderson accepted lb. miil, and Use Induction wll taise plac La Aton on (M'uriday ovenlag, April 2414L e. a ucceodathe Rov. E. Feleo Thomnson, 330w o! Machioh Street Cbsrcb, Hamilton.. Lait Tbucaday th local teen-aers hetd thols- regular h-monthiy "doW' lin the Y.M.C.A. There wua olargo srowd and the part>' wae qute a scesa-Free Proea COUNTY 0OPHLTON 1947- LOCAL COURTS CALENAR - 1947 place of b~1 >~ S it a.1a,.If lune,,,Se6t. 500.1 W 1 , i t3n.. la..,idv ,. 3 ,s oo.e,tcei Wcd.o.ny 1 3 36 ThAid. 6 e s4 6 8 Ait D.ivhi.ourt. 63Opn 603.SddTi. Naneà ancd Addr33ia of CierrI-,. 5.1t.g Milte ,3 . ohn !Chambres. OahoîlI,; 3, Viner Tkoona.Georgetown; 4, ter!c Coie., Acto,,; O. C D. Bell. B,31136633. Conty Cort nd Genel esions, b3d.y, and lun, . p..3.; Ifond.y.3st 06t t.e3 3f Cotinty C3303 3160066jury, Mod.c. 766 Apri, at in 3.33.; ond., Audit ofCriineml juse ad Countcou,36;Tunay. th J.mary: Mo- di,. 7th Apil;i Mondiy. 7îh bic; Tusdy. 760 0oober. Cmek of the .3 3 Things the Cornish *Brief Demonstrates to Premier Drew Thse brie! aubmitted in the Royal Commison on Educatico by 1 the Inter-Choarch CommIttee on Protestant-Roman Catholic Relat- Ions was iargely lthe work o! Prof. Geo. A. Cornlai, B.A., the Ex- ecutive Secretary o! the Commlittee. Itlnl usually re!erred 10 is thse Cornlsh Brief." r The moat outatandlng !eature of the Brie! la lits exposare o! the extent 10 whlch the Roman Cathoiic Separate Sehool systeni bas aupplanted thse Public Sclsool syatem bl Northero Ontario. 1. The ROSS Appeasement Policy of 19)02 Was Bad The Cornlah Brie! obows that the Betrayal of the Public achool in New Ontario alarted ln 1902, when the dylng Ross Gov. erament paaied Section 21 o! the Separate School Act allowlog the firat achootla unorganlzod and unam'veyod townusips to ho a Sep. arate Scbool lnatead o! a Public School. Rosa waa a party-!lrat 4 Premier and Minlater o! Educatlon. p 2. The FERGUSON Appeasement Pol- icy of 1927 Was Worse The Cocnlsh Brie! shows Ibat ibis Roma Bld for Roman Catholic votes waa out-bid by thie Ferguson Cloveromnent in 1927, whea lthe thon Premier and MInter o! Educatlan, G. Moward Fergason, nul- lfitd Bogulatlan 17, «"for say five years" and onabled thse sillegal "Separato" Schoola 10 ho turnod lalo Fa'ench-speaklng schaals. The Brie! shows that lroench-apoaklng clauroass nccused hrm 362 ln 1927ta 882 la 1928. 1 984 n 1930. to 1,074 la 1931 and reached 1,471 by 1944! What a monument 10 Ushe Fergason Gavernenentla treacheryl (Il; b.d been olected on a platfocus o! abalahlag French Schools.) 2 3. The Present DREW Appeasement Policy is the Worst of Ail *Thse worat blow 10 the Putilc Bchaol ayatemt wasatai! 13,)came. -k In1943 theo C.F. offered 10 pay !roca 5 per ceaI 10 70 par cent 1; o! the coat a! theae and ail other Beparato Schaola out o! public ce !unda. Mc. Drew out-bld them by offeringt.1 pay 50 per cent. Mr. r- Hepburn ln 19456mled!the bld 10 90 per cent., and Premier Drew ,h thon went "lup 10 95 per cent." Theste titres party-!lrat, vol.e-catchIng Premiera ana Mînlalors o! Edacatlon have sacrltlced the Public Bchoal lan1New Ontario and many other Parts o! the province. The Comlah BrIo! demonarat- t s clearly that the Departmnent o! Education ahouid!nover ho la the banda o! a Party Leader. The result has always boon a "1sOI-out" of o!hUe Public Schooîa and a new "gr&h" o! public money for Roman '.. Cathollc Separate Schoola. L;We Win GIadY BSd You Plan of Eow toe HelCosoba the h; DotskyaI of Ontarlo'. Public du Fer mumaiy.etishe outub*adlssg pahis la lihe Cosniha cl. -Write- ~'PUBLIC SMCIIOOL WLEAGUE M 1 KNGMf'N EW, -ToONTO 9 SUSIAT APOIL87Mb cm,* sita m 4o foa metasuliy pr.gsnu m* te NAMONAL GLORY AND DECAT hda Mr uifoS à boer stati fed*tlestfua Golden Test. - Trust la the Lord with aIl thy beàrt, Ansd lean not upon Ihlne ownsander- standing.-Prov. 3:5. Lesson Tesi 1 Kings 3:5-S; 5:13-16 11:4-9. Time-1014-952 BMC. Places--Glbeon, Jerusalem. Exposition-1. Solomonas Prayer 10 Jebovah, 3:5-9 Solamton aent to Giboon becauio the Tabernacle, the place where Jeh- ovab maol!ested Himael to10Hia people wai thora iChron. 21:29; 2 Chron. 1*3, 7; Ex. 29;42,43). Untîl the ýIempIo sperieded l, 1h01 la wbere mon who longed 10 meet Gai nent. the place God Micsel! b.d appointed. The Tabernacle was a type o! Christ tino. 1:14), Il lla lm 1ha1 we maet Ccd ibm,. 14:6). Bach one of the tbosand bural of!erlngs tIsaI Solemnon offarod alas polsted !orward ho Chislt. That Ccd ceally ipoko 10 Soleoan and tIsaItbh whole Incident woi 3no producl o! a dbsordeced fancy, la av dont fraus the oulcome - Soloman Solomon reali>' shtalned what Gai promlsed ai thisa ime. Il was a non- dertul lhlng that Cod sald to, Solomon "ask nhat I shahl give thee"-God set- ting ail the Inflalle resourcea o!Mi poner aI the disposai o! s man. But He aya the some wonderful -ting 10 esch humblenl cild o! God today (Jno. 14:13, 14; 1:7; MatI. 7:7, 8, M. 11:24; Jno. 15:16, 16: 23, 24; 1i mo. 3:22; :14, 15). Sefore aaing foc an>- tbing, Sloonacknowledged tIse nonderfal g ooodnesa o! Jebovah ai- ready manl!eated toward Mn tfather and Iimoelf (cf. Phil. 4: 6; Col. 4: 2). God's great "kindnems" 10 ia latîer sn lthe palt encosruged Solomon to ass great tkingn for hinssel! ln Use presest. Goda deaing In kindnesd witis David was accondlng to Davidt siiscere. righteous astd opigt walk (e-h. 9:4; 1:5; 2 Ki. 20:3, 4; Ps. 15:1, 2; 18:20-24; 1 J33. 3:22). A crownlng masifestatios o! Goda kindea 33.3 ihat e had given himd a son te, suc- cved 10 is position and is nork. Sciomon peaksofo! is father by a more bonoucable tille thon ing, "thy servant David." Jehovah Mis!! had conferred til tille spon David 2 Same. 7:5). Soiomon recogalzed tIsaI ho owed is own prasent exaltai position on- tiret>' 10 God (Dan. 2:21; 4:25, 32, 5:19 21). Me asa racognlced bis own utter Iusuffictency for the position. Me acas parbapa twenty-one years o! oge et this time. In is ons eyes ho nos "bot a li11e ciltd" (l Cbron. 29:1; Jer. 1:6; Luke 14:11). Me san the great- nens o! the responsibilty thal Iad he- en laid upon ica. To bîca office nus not a posesion for onea 03333 private gain, but n sacred trust. The people nece a great people 10 him la numbers but Ibat nus not the mot important fact sbout tlsem, the>' nene <ods 03333 people whom He hadt cosen. Oi, ail kings. presidente, governs end pos- tons, ton. feit Ibeir solemfl responsi- blittes as Solomnon teit is ai tIsaI lime. Me fet ibat nIsat he muet have above ail eus nss 33.31 somethisg for hicaseif but !tnesa for is posttion. Me aaked thecefone. for an "'undecsandlng beant" itecally a 'hearlsg beact," . e., s heart tisaI should Iear the voice o! Ccd. WhsI Me asked la o! more value Iben o!fslbonoursaend aIl riches tProv. 3:13-18; 16:16). ia fathers nwords 10 hlm and prayer for hint bad auggested 10 Solomon thia coquet il Chron. 22:12; 29:19). Thoae worda had gêne deep Ito is heart We cas>'ail ask ond gel nsat ae sait- ed for o snderaasding heart and aboya ail, because tIse>'noce Jehovoah' people. In tbf final analyste, the chie! olc o!lIse prayer wsaiJehseah'a glory Thin la Use chie! alm o!«Ili true prayer nbtch prevoill wth God(tasa. 4: 2, 3. TIse dscernmenî Ibat he sougbî wsa the hîgbesi f or cfo!dioerametn. mo- aI dicernment. Itlalethe work o! the Mol>' Sprit 10 Impart hlî tIse. 11:2- 4). IL. SlomenteApostai>-, 5.18-6; 11:-0 AlîboughI I la itated Ibat Gcd gave "wndoca" 10 Soîomsn iv. 12) ne flnd that be ended bis 11%e nibh a hearh "turned froc tIse Lord God o! lsael" (11:9). Me nai endowed nibIs great amnistrative gifîn, lsy means of nhIscI bis International neighboura nere constralned 10, ho aI pence wltb hlm (5:10). 3In te huldngof tIse Te mple, 004 gave Isba plans and rasant. But ha undoubtedly nent bhond <ods pur. pose in levylng aobesvly upon the peoploeand building up so large a cul- Ing clam lys. 13-16). SurIs o use o! orh- trar>' poner as la Impled ln bi casa- pslsry Ievy muet have roioed great dlcontent among the people. Tels nas tempred b>' Solomon 3301 oves- norklng bis people and lnailgnlag the mot laborioui Iaik 10 remainlag Cansaniîeî. Me 41, honever huild, more hon tIse Temple and an- iasced hie glor>' by forced labor fil.. 9:17-19).. Taking pride in Ili mîsusa of the enduemenî o! Godi wlaedomn led hlm 10 hie moral bresbtdown (11:1, 4). --Ma hearb nus not perfect nitb 1h. Lord hie God . . ." <ad Ihseatened hlm (v 9). AI tbe end o! Solomons ralge seedi of rebellion nere sowislnla rol and is glor>' wuaitasnsha and empty. "LoI hlm UaI Usneîbha staideth loaebond I& haofol." A change o policy ta cnly convinc. lng if Il cames fs-cmaochanga s! boast. [I "BTARGEr" CHICK 8!AWMU FIa" your order nwwfor PooL Mounwle the supp la .adoquoe MILTON, MILLING CO. Ohd Company Lehigl OLGA POCAEONTAS - CO"E CAVAU ffl'OK FOIR FRBEDOM PROM WORVY INSTAL A Livingstone Stoker LIVIGSTOEOIL B1omE IN8TALLEDANM SEVICED PIONEERFEED CEmNT --LImE R. S., ADAMS phon lu - . . .a. A TWO-HEADED TIRILE I3 ..seols.athreowo. lir. a smsirdefili qa.dàwhat th peope next dose ore doing. Escie da mos-e nons Lows ilabo the newa. coocas o! The Globe and Mail than could ho printcd ie a fulilangth novel. More Local News lae Torosnto and suburby atoue, oves- 50 reprtr and pbotographesa cover local and îuabnewnan lively, accerate reportsaond human inces-est pictuces. More Ontario News Tbcoughout Ontario, The Globe and Mail bas ovcr 100 represeness is key cicles, town and villagea, whose nonsrorta and camerai bciisg yoss latot onlamoendoneni piccuro dsily. More Canadien News Canadien nons ia covered ai it "'breaksoM0bZ Canadian Press and renidssst Globe and correnpondents ia al principal Canadien citai. More WorId News Aasoclated Proso brings United Sates and genecal foroign nens, while 54 corspossdenta of the famous New York Timon Service ps-aide exclusive World Nens covecage for Globe and Mail ceadeci. Alisenens co presa time ...graph- ically reposted . . . clescly pceaented -... gesecoualy illutated ... tbat'a nhy io m àny pople noiw esjoyThes Globe and Mailà rsîding every day . . . niey 'o"' toonl find greater satisfaction and enjoymenb in ics oction.packed paei.

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