%W8 ol Athe DISTRIICT wsun~eu __________ ANTD-econd hatd le V«" sUm sCasaernllg Â"«v10oolu COMMuIle Nearby - WATD- WhereM ny tof 01w Raudus aMeInteet.ulTYWATE haouaskeplg rooma or iarn. .oru pply Champion 0 ZLMM RMANLO'W ILLE LIve.Poultry wanted. lOgis. Mr. sud Mrm C. W. Brldgcman vis- A large audience t lled tise United 6-30 R. R.Milt.nCanar lied Suuday wth Mr. and Mrs. . Chus-ch us Tisurudsy evenlug wisen 63 .R .Cm Burck Of Oakville. merihers of the Y.P.U. psesented a 3 Dead Hornes and Catilef Ms. Davd Kerns of Hamilton visat- art Pay entitînt, "Tempet and Sun- pick up.Poe Miltun 210. ed Bunday ln tise uetgsburisuod. sitie Te cet waai olow:Dir-ponese fiaDN OUNG1 Tise many tMende ouMmlRo.se- Gard- een Coulma, Marlon lteadhead, Wida 3b-52 Phi- An. 804. atelps sili regret OueIparn se Passaid Roblertson, Shisrley Colson, Paye Bs-y- NI4Sat il el aiay sddMcnlu et Thia Veniug ssaa, legal4 oyceeBOll sud Jar- looping aiso exper icd ou 1 et tie liome o Mr. 1. Gresublali, 191 ry Coultar, Maurice Couloon, Ieth an heour te learu sud 20e a dc Parkside Dr.. frronto. she was ln Coulaun, Ronald Muatek sud Jack exp.rienced eoaca.work. ApS iser 52»d year and reaided lu ZIMMer- CoqIter. Between ace muit was gtv- 10,. Cham5pion Office omanutil tOsesweekg ago whefl 5l5 en by Huis Powell, John Readbead rnsved te Toonto. sud Garlis Carter. 1ev. E. M. Carter MMIi LNE UB Mm. J. Gabraith isiaitd Monday wssaciairman sud Mms. Roy Coltar SZNC>0« TABLE'tB 5v i seis hes-rmother, Mrs. B. Bridgmn, adMmisa E. Scott were direotors. 2 weseka' 'upplY $1; 12 weelu ot Plersie. Antvemsary services ofthUe W.M. KerraW Phatrmaey. Mr. sud Mrm C. R. Simspon ut ot Unted <2sorcis wlli be iseld et "FOR PEET that Peel I11h Hamiilton vii5tdait et Thuraday lu tise Bunday uioe5iug alsh Mien Phee ' tBnUeLodaCr a con iui',guest speaker. sog." 50oeat Pickettas Dri! Ms. G. Gastie la vlsiugbar son,. 8200 IE t--csme Ou Je OMAGH Dr. itugis Carile sud Mrm Gatle oft aus Barbser Bisop for pou ahi Laketleld. es. ltow much lovelir you lo Mr. sud Ms. 1H.Buter calied on Mra. Win. Benneit and daugiter, a abois chine. A dhise that frIeuda lu tise sillage lait week. Diane are visting aitltse home ut her micmT Howsard sud Waler Eves ut New-se-ulter, Mrs.GCo. Readisead sud Mr. Lumba&onulek*y refleved hb Market vlited tiseir paenta, Mr. and Readisd. ROI R.eAouasnffdadb Mm Cmern_________heeek sanda who have galned bOtta Ms-. CmrnEe ve iewe- -Pîchetta Drug tore. Mr. sud Mm. George Peacock, Mise DRUMOUIN GONTRACr WOBE Noelsuad Mr. Henry Peacock attend- s , Cotracte taken toc huying à ed a blrihday party lu Erludale ou Set- -Ing manure grave!, atone, fi urday dur their cousis. Mr. Hery At tise Townsilp Hall Tisuroday 10 tracter wsri. MLGM I. ta. there was a pleasant avant, aisen ELMER CI Buisday scisol isad su atiendancanumeroua trienda ut Jack William- R. 1R. 6 t 65 àciolars. Mr. Robert Mamisal son sud hi#i bride greeted ihemn witis OWN 'fOUR OWN BSI la uperiendent, Mma. Sbi. Brown. a miscellanlous sower uofuataI gifle. 'fou cas do just ihat If you ridge, orgaulot sud Oere are tire Tiselus-st part ufthUeeavanesngwasaesgetic, ambîllous sud want chsd iead by juining FamouseP teachem. speut with ganes ihen Ionchan Corporation, Depi. -M-I. Y Communion services seere iscid ln presentation. A dance' brougistishe Street, Monireal. Omnagis Preubytertan Oburcis ou Sus- eveul g t coe-. CEMNTD-D day.. Pive young peuple cuming Ilon Anotiser pieaiug cuen t lihesesac- ciE AuyîsîuAcTEs on yU: tise cisurcisonu Profession ufathtalsonu wai tise mars-lage of Dorutsy sippcd lait yesr. We paid fCi they were Ciristine Marsass, Evelyn Jean Simpuan, daugiter qt Mr. sud ket prIce an crearo wai recels, MeCan. Marins-le Galbraitis, EdtIs Mss. ýC. W. Stipsuos, Sixtis Line, tn le per pound ft on all cre Jarvisansd Clarence McCanu. Kennetis McKay ut Ilinlgton ai Betisel relved fth ie year endiug SBe As Dayliihi Baving Mmie gues Into UnsitdCisoù-is- Baturday 12th 30h,1946. Wisy oui receive1 forcethis eekira Cans iosued free aisile 91 toc h0we-end, h ltMght be well mast. Bey. Answorths, pautos- uttise Olvideudo paid wien eas-ned. te advinse aI cofilerned tisai ses-vices cisurcis, pes-tosmed tise seremony. fr particulara. Unsited Farns lu Omagis Chus-oh wili ise held on Tise elects-tciaua tsom Cookovilie upes-silue Ca. Liii.. 28 Duke tisai tinse. iave compleiedIi lutalilg a nea Cr- Toronto, Ont. Ms. Festiseratune Ford sud fumy[ nace andi batissuo intise oea hume «BJBON BRIN DUOS!M have ishen up renience lu Omagis. utMs. Gronuatal. At long lait! Dependabli RNBYMr. and Ms. Taylor have leaoed ram tise Itching, us-inigXI HOIMY ~aparimenis ln Mms.Dougiiy's iome. ofEEMA, 'ORRLAB, ATE Ralpis Featisertoneas store sud ses-- FOOTasd many other In vice sation aIli add murs te tise sp- SEIN disurders. DEWBBURY Tise Hos-dy 'foung Peuples' npuu- pearance sud couvesience ot Oas- ZEMA REMED'f lu an aUl1 sored a eorisre sud dance lu tise us-g. OINTMENT tisai no home ahg Orange Hall on Tuesday eveniug sud setisut. Ot a Jar ot DEWEI tise proceeda wes-e douated to tise Mms. Dougisiy la sut retus-ulug te OINTMENT ai your DRUGOI ispldCil u es- tas-m 0h10 yeur. day. Get tisai qil, Consts CripledClsidmu Find.lietvyou long tor. Yeu muet Mma Baidoci othtie ElgistisLise Tise t.l iseat ticuogisout tise laied or mouey retunded. 1 geuemoualy offered ber toveiy hume tu couuty la very promiaiug. OIo'TMETr you ueed AS tise Instituts lu wblcb te hold a Nofu inre tise weatises-lu mîiier DEWBBUR'f's ai your D10UG( ciachre. Tweuty-six tables were play- sud tise ronearase goad, spare et leasi _____ ing. flac proceedas wesitte e nai a uitile time Ou attend yous- place utf1Jj'1sj'~IE S tate buildilng tsud. woroip. F R M E S Mm. L. Near sud daugisier Carolyn apentSaeveral deays utflaut week visit- MARIN FOUE Iglu traihroy. . IP E L T ~ Jui tisuth ftise O.A.C. Gueli Thlng t fHrny Shol C 3 B L vIM isld a Clearing Sale ut tise Tiseatuentaut omby Scioolcontents of is daclling iscuse. west lu competo on Frlday lu tise - lu a fese antiqiues, ou Muais- Festival ut Hates lu Miltes. Tise regular meeting ufthtie Home SATUEDAT, APM lot5 They were Proend te briug hume tisree end s-boul Association wsau eld ln HINDLE'f d ELLIC Prises, ashabeld sud clip sud modal, tise scisoul ruom ut B.S. No. t Friday Aurt This double trio receiued second. evening aitistise preideut ls tise J. A. Ellit lu ciarge. Roy1 Huruby Scisool choir received second chats-. Dus-ttie meeting Mms. L. Clleignsae ai Eue.S- Prise aid Master Mickey MeCasu Bies-mit gare a abus-t 101k osnisealtis, sane uttemoos. won ilird prize lu vocal solo. Cos- retesring ta Vtc cancer drive abtch ta ________ esaislatios. crseutlug Lu 16 siembers julnine CLUAIM Mr. A. Maclsteus iai retucsod up. Ms-s. T. .Wlsaley gave a soust A CT N S I bhome tram tise BStes, owiug te oatku rellatous educationuboths iav- U T O SA moilse's muns. Me apet several isg attended tise Home and Scisool IH THE TOWNBIP 0F E daya la tise vilage lat week. convention lu Tormnto. Mr. Wm. * Mr. Joisn lOng ut 0.10t bas baen Bryant led lu a diocussion 'BShouldO0F HORSES, CAIITILE PICS!1 viitisa ln tise village. cisilOs-en play sitis toy guna?" Pas MENTS, ETC. Mr. Sney EiPre sud tamtly left wes-e tises made tus- a euchre sud Tise undersiguedbhavereel, tishe mmunity ousBuuday. Me bai boxsoiai. Tise ret ut tise eveisg ts-otionsa rom: becs unable Ou <mnd a hune- sn tar. wsai pent lu gemes altes- wbici lunch ALBERT SCANLON wsa ses-ved. Ou oeIl by Auciion ai Lui 1 KLLB IJE Ms. sud Mms. James DeForeat and 4, Es-m Towshiipsittuated Bas, Ms-us sd Btiy apet tse24 Higissay onu - ~~See, ek-cnanM.d Mca. enardthe BIIAT, APRIL 150, i» weekendwithMr.andMrs.LeOardCummoncisg at 1 oclock, tise These peclal sesvire iu tise Unted Pamsnsa ut Iespeler, celebrated Ms-. lut: Cisureis on Buuday attersoon und.c sud Mms. DeForesi', 36th Wedding As- HORSES-Blucis Perches-un tise auspices ufthtie W.M.S. waiuilonsiversary sud Leonard's birtbday. mare sud geldiug, 9 sud 10 attends& 'Me gust speaker wsuMs. aud Mms. Edwu Parsonsansd Bsoses Homse, 7 yeas bld; Bay Rev. Elda . Danteldi, BA., sesogave chisidres Jean anid Bily spent Buda>' aCOWS-Rcsl Cos, 4 years ot aMustaitsapls-tng sud Isterestlng ses-- siti Ms. sud Mms. Loonard Pasoans tws aceka; SRed Case. tissee yeN mes. Mms. Lus-ne Adessn oC Carileofu Hespeles-aise Ms. Pas-ou's moher, trons two montho. bred agaji seau guest adltai. Ms-a. mes- eat- iMmr. Cistermau utfIlespeles-. Cos. 5 eaam ou, tras tso i harlugto, vice-prealdetoft thtie Ms. and Mms. Melvîs Moud sud Mas-- bredaiasi; Blue Cose, 5 yeî W.MS. took charge othtie service. Ina wcs-e Bunda> gueue it0h Ms-. and old, dueournwe utsale ed Hoe 1ev. W. . Danlela. Mc. Dasicis. Mss. Allast Webb utf reeltes. yeams old, ks-ed Octuhas- 3; it, 10ev. Elda S. Deale ofutHamilton sud Ms. sud Mms. Boises-O Tugilseho old es-. wOa yeara old, ksed Octot Mr. Juohn Masbottie ef Mt.Heoe ere Uiels- tans receutly te Mr. Tisomas BMach Heiter, tOayeaso oh Bunday gueats seti Mm Sestisa Mas--Suai. muued OueOtis village lant weeh. Ocobes- 16; Tise above cows u bottle sud Rom.Tise Inglie tarin ha* becu ln t esys bees iaud uiliscd. Mr. nd m Gorg Haris f bndeof hatfamly $r oer ne fOUNG CAIfILE-WcII Ils-e Mc. ud m. eore Ms-ri aIhaus u thi fmtiytocove- ne iiroBull, Oao yeam nild; 2 CasnPbellville, Mr. sud Mm. George isuudced ycari. rslslg tO yeams; 2 Heitem., risl Watson sud son Wayne ot Watesdoau Ms. and Mrsa Net! MsPbaii are ta yeams; Yearlingg MoIter; Jersey seere Sunday gueule uis M. said be cosgratulaici os tise bis-usof tisels- 10 menthe;: 4 'fuung Calves. Mca Wm. Mitchell. son Peter Leeland.1 PIGS-17 Yousk Pigo, as-oux Ms-. J. Musialu of Mi-ton addreue Ms. sud Mm. James Dc 'fdonIs-k 1S ok ls autiede9e ai lise Bunday S-boul of tise United Inglia have muued te Cas-liaswes-e MYk Yusg urdis eadu. d Caurvison sBusday afiersues.. tise> have an apastnent ai tise Ait- aeek ln May'. Ms. Edd Budd returned hume lenftsige bomestead. IMPLEMENTS-McConslck weekfro St Jouht osptalHan. Ig, Bindes- . ttesut; Maosey flwee s-ouibt.Js eoe 11rspl, an- . Muses; Two Nu. 21 Cukist ilio aies- hohaibec ii tu- sves- -F & W Grats Dril; Turaip al menthea. i msuy trende ail ha . orS Lumbes- Wagon sud Boa; Hsy plmai te iser of hiseisapruvai tics!- Notice to Creditr 4 ection Masruses; 3 liask El:i th.- gueu; Fs-rot do Wood 12' Dump Mc. sud Mms. Budd are quietiy cela- O l.astra 1.Eii 15VPeter Hamilton Pulpes-; Beuffis In he attr o te Etat ofà MRYH.rv;a2000 lb. lieufs-ca Sm hratiog Obeis- 59th Wedding Anul- 505EPINE OEI là".Ofethls.TownjoTouts duulivatos-; Mouves- Puba vernir> to-day. et SiBissiln the Oaunty et Baltesn, ges-; Plg Feedes-; Fauisg MI Mr. sud Mm Wllilam Lausiels t WidiwdeceasedLava! Cream SBeparatus-; No. Hamilton sud Mm. Brt. Aske uto- Taris; Gong Pluwanad aises-m Rochsester, -N, slted a0iths tis- Alpersansa hauts g calma agansit tnu sumeroua.taesmention. CouinMr. Brth grbo sueonmon- tise ctate at MAR'f JOBEPSINE TSACTOR-1044 Ford Te doalu sa.Bsta Ocuii 'R, ltofutthe Tuas ut Milton, ln Tracteons-usruisies-, wtisligis -tise Causi>' ut HaIOon, Wldow, de- er pulley, ploas, Bprlug timee reaae isho dicd on os- aboutthe lotis tus- sud weedes-. A oea chemicit procai rendes-i day ot M1ei, 1947, are requestid te HARNSB. GRAIN POXJLI àbris frepr«. alud the sMme te tisne r t igsed Set of Backbasd Has-sess, ne, ~s-ls treoi-ou. .Soiciter on os- baCon tise Otis day Bus. ut Gato; 100 Sus. ot Whi of May, 1947; thes-seotise aate Sus-k Pulieta. lsyisg well. Uneo pepper spartngly. Expets ps-a-ail be dlsOsibutad wl0hout regard te TERMB CASH dIel a sias-o.sg. - iser lms. E ELI'fr a Resorveu tise tarns la ac -____asotge.GEORGE M imow al os- aritie te be removi 'Elupisst ot a & -elongated lu- 4-3Milton, OOars-b on o r. us ebSt»t lnÎM'owo la Blcites-fotus h, Esectisces. MINDLE'f & ELLIOM 06.w alsluUi*Wi . Miltes, April lti, 1947. B Audil Nwi Ietimie to mïke mireof OtTo es pic. SE£DREQUIRENENTS 2 'or 3 Permanent Pasture Mi xtures and Clovor Seoda of ail Types. l hous. >11ce. Reg. No. I O.A.C. 21 and No-Barb Barloy. Mt PrIim Reg, No. Io Coronation Wheat, also Erban, Ajax sud NUI Aluka Ons. ihellyttla 1-17 cu. fi. Gilson Refrigerator. We psy LTD Milton District Co-operative ers 'ZeP130NE M2 - NULTN ply Box 0-5 10 2 Cheaper Desserts à mun Witt rising pricea you Cao tut your budget by serving ook with Neilson's Deiclous1Te Cream please. lab. It's definitety dfferent and sometbîng every membor of the famîty wutt enoy. Takle home a brick to.day. ni M Confectioiery Ice Cream Gift Shop 4 o Phone 14 Milton 1012- to get -- Products 370 Guy 43-4 yeu re- ýr =rau* W~~mE ull mar- v&puGrand O meig 1 Shi Huttonville Park 0s-EM Satur. Evg. May 3 chiaties wO U&. ma-£%"amusic By PM , Norm Russ and His Mooniglit Moods DANCING 9-12 ADMISSION 5Oe Continuon Dancing Throughout thse Son Every Wednes. and Saturday Corne to Peels Popular Paygroond -sERVICE== FLOOR SANDING and FINISHING WAXING - POLISHING- CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING LINOLEUM LAID OR RENEWED TARR1NG - ROOFING snd REPAIRS AQUELLA WATERPROOFING INSULATING and CAULKING Read About the New Amazing AQUELLA in the Reader's Digest for January 1947 CALL NOW! For Service on those Odd Jobs CLEMENT. and 1 MOUNTAIN PHONE 356W M Ir FOR SAL-10 ciunhs. Apply Mes-t Raine>', Phsone 296r5. FOR SALE-B aeaned piga. Apply F. W. Ctrtsbotm, Phone 74r-22. FOR SALE-Mans bicyc-le, gond au nea, AppI>' ChamupiosnOitce. FOR BAL-Plauu ln goud odi-. tion. Ciseap, Jack Mountin, Mats». FOR BALE - Quanti t> ut Velvet SBie' Apply R. T. Hardy, Phone FOR SALEC-i14Tck P= 3 uoniha aid. Apiy C. E.mceadyR.a. 8 FOR SALE-20 uM tLgsr sud Rc ree,10 weh ld hs Wslker Bo.Pu~Trn hn 28M0, Milton FOR BALE-i uaed highbehc)rell lgudcondition. Apply A, G. Mas-lod, Milton. FOR EALE-New bed sprlg u mattrem dre ginatablo sud chair Pisose 1706Minc. FOR SALE-2 gond wock hoes 5 sud 0 pears old. Appiy Jack MNia- nampre, CsuspbellvMle. FOR BALE-Cssik tove, aIth ceras-- vas-sur aclu vin, in good usm- dittn, pply E Dowa, Robsert Sit FOR BALS. - New Wood's IM Cooles .os-4er noeabeCure saiOlu -rus. R. W. Ceodalu, Actou, Phono FOR SAL-il 101 Junior Masoy Harris tracter ou ruihes-, excellent condition. Appîy J. W. ligluas, MuI- FOR SALE - Fu bedraom suite uearly sea, also ciikeas otaan Appi>' R. Jamieson, Mas-is Street, Phone 229J. FOR SALE - 12 acres, 58soumed bouse, bacs sud nrvbas-d, 2% mllea rosi Milton. Write Box do Champ- Ion Ofttre. FOR SALE-O romidtrame.hue, garage, turuace sud bath. Passa ion arrasgd Write Box 45 Champ- Ia Off tcc. muim isli, maisnSt., MÏtu Cuis fuacm, aaiedisg bouiquets, tus- es-ai deuigos, aaausted put plants. Local deliues-y. Phone 151 dmo FOR SALE-Veto cream separ- ater lunl1t clam condition, wai MU cheap. Giuauineed O. K. Appi>' Jue Peacock, Pisone 79r-12. FOR BALE - One 20-30 Wallts Tractas-onu steel, gond repasir, sud mue Masscy Narras 3 tus-sow ploigis. Ces-il Baker, R.R. 2. Freesisu. FOR SALE-lt0 Ford Cuachs, gond cundition, 2 nea tires, gond motor sud bedy, $M5. Appiy CaveWs arge Milton os- write Box 429, As-Onu. FOR BALE-Part utfceai shed ise 70x22' on pusai t he C.N.R. Statin te ha cemovai by May lit,. ply Milto District Cu-Operatlve, lton. FOR BALE-Es-ban, Cartier. Alash.a sud Alan ui, commercial 1e-oe tron registored secd. AppI>' stisE. Beaty, R. R. 6, Maton, Phonoe 2r22. 30H18 GREENHOUMK Cutoi luem utf aHkindo, pot plaq&~ tues-aIsud aeddtug wos-kdoue.VoM detives-. C PMONE 21TJ FOR SALE-i Bonura 7 tube aie,.- trie cabinet radio, aiso i Rogers O tube long sud short wave battes-y set. C1111 un Paul, West May Btsest, FOR BALE - Case Tracter, 22-20 Moe ,osstel ath extensionrirms, uc secea su pistons, luit instslled. This tteroc linlu Cht clam e-dit- Ion. Apply Os W. E. Ford, Hilton R.RS. 4, Phonoes9s-1L 4&2 BOUSE - For Bale or Ment hy Teuder. Trame bouse tasut>' by iiirty, acanting trame buarded sud cuverai allu matchied otdng, pin. luIissopatarsansd doan, gond pis. fluorisg, gelvaslued rouf, iituatod ou Lut 7. Nistis Une Trafalgar- Motregor fies-m. Ailso about tweuty thousand testt fMEm sud sotirmupie timber. Tendersreceivai uut laies- tissuApril 30. Jack Humphrey, Nurval. Phono Brampton. 45-2 DA'f OLD CIlCE bas-gaIna tfs- this aeek sud sert: Bas-s-aiRocks, He* Hampuslccs, Ne Hampahirea x Bar- red Rocsk, Barrai Rus-k x New Hanp- attres, Hua Mempshire x Liglai Bussex, ligtOSBssexr o Hua Iampshh*es, igiso Sussex o Bas-ced Rocks nos4-oexed, $995. pullets, $17.95, cockerels, $4.95. Anas-ted lteauy breeda non-sexed 3.- 95, pulleis. $16.95, eccerelo, 33.95. Cockerals: Wite Legisorn o Bacced Rocks, 31.55, White Leghosomols. 'fao weeh od add $6.00, ihree seeci aid add $11.00 Ou uon-iexed sud pul- lets $8.00 Otes-ckerais. Shtpped COD. 'fhis sdvertlsemeut must aecompsuy yaur aniics-te ras-etue tisese speelal prices. Top Nuis-h Chices-ltesCuelpis, Ontariou.B LOS'f-Spara tire and aiseel of 1933 Cisev. s-as- aise 17x475, J. A. Vaufleet, Milten, 10k 5. LOST-'fsuck cisais beiseesu ma- ton sud Burliueo. Seseard. Leave ei Champion ce. WAN'tU WANTiED - Man or mite rouie.. Park TarinDary. Edwin Mareop. WAI4Te. iay'ueWa s psrlelidrdPaetroasPlume