G G st THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Hocke Pteuitsthe gaine was evr lnvolved lin Fifty Y ars Ago Hockey esuliscriminai action. Juvenile court oilc-Y fais are oftes ieard ta agraa, that 'rakan frein the Efflleisof lThe Cou- OHE I RMMIATE A S ~ If yau g va a boy samethlng contruc- dl.. Champon, Tbssaeslm, Mrcis aaorgetamss8 NMagra Falla 6 tive ta do ha miii osaka a auccesafai 255. 1897 ;egeatown 8 Nagara Fallas 5 e tn -- Georgatowns wlns sras by 16-1 S OR S Whila rumors are ramatthtta ThaMiltan Baaabali Club mas are- E t arena w il ha uaed, If salid, ta makeanaslzd for tisa romlng arason et a cLatn 3 Erlmbby 2 andostry mhiscisls a dispansar of cat- Thsrsday avanîsa. Tisa follombsg ,rneby 4 Acton 1i1 sop oe ais hears, counceil la wlling afficars were lacted: Hon. Pras. Gao. Grimusby mIn Srlas by 64 BpROSS PEWAN te opply tIse noney otalnad, toard Home; Presîdent, Wmn. Berry; lot ____________hitding accuser aresa la the agri- Vice Presidest, E. F. Esel; 2nd Vice "A motio as oa ssed la> Couac] ltalral Iaris, wisih could aise be Presidant, J. W. Etîlaît; Sec.. Chas. IIIDEFIITE authorizisi flic commttea te makin- 'sec aa cshiitis' hail. Witli johssos; 'ricosorar, W. . Dirk; Man- r qoscles regarding tiese oling -of tise satractars warisg day and oîght ad oger, A. Doit; Moscot, L. White. - "'Hoar are my chancees, doctr?" arena building for as ladustriat site aise scarity ut materiats, fil ould bae John Adams lait on Tuasday for- iltad tha anxlous patient. if a sitabla price mare obtained." one or two years betorae uch a biltd- Hlfsmec aml eaa pi "GI, prtty good," raplled the doè- 'Tha aboya atract appearlagin ing could ha eractad. 101h on thse Parisiens for Engand. Arclsaeriully, "but ail the saine, 1leot mach's edition of the Champion At presant Milton can boast of hav-, He aiowatt knawn entone tisa Agri- assld't stat readlo isg an oninued undr lacal counili newa, bas creat- ing tisa only asesa ln tha conty clturîsts oi thla county partlcatariy cd qîlta a stir, emang sportîng as- whlch is adaptable for an artificel as a skilled plamman, ad as e pro- thbsaits, tas-payars asd cblîdren, ire ptast. Hockey oficilts ln each ni mater ln ptowlsg matches, ln whisi tbcoaghot tha comounily. oc neighoring tawms agree bIb is' hawoan many prisas. _____________________ Jot tep iut an the streat and >00 respect. Troc the nortiscrn tamis Mrs. Emitly Dear, mother ni Dun- hear peopla ask, "Why ara thay doisî ecri have essellest buildings, bulta amra îlobs enfu I¶A.IIR LtESTIN il misI mii m doshot hokeyandtiey are constructed ai steel and îng for sesne lima and la nom cary skating nesi miioler?; Il wlll mcurt wooid have ta ha rentodeltedl for sch i ow, On avroont ai baer advancad In Ltat Stylai more business for tisa theatre, thece a prograin. Oakvila a'ould have ta 1aie, 92 ycars, thare la liltîl hope for Newat Metbads in Permnanent mlii hae nothing ase ta do. They'ra rart a naw building isciore lnsalliag hecracovery. Wavlng sellng the kida out. Tiera la anoogîsi fil 1Ira. Tisyarne pannng suri . .Brs J .Lddell oi Brant- AIl Lînai ai Baauty Cultre lovaniliadeiiqiscy la tise cotry 'ca Rioîldîns. nom. no." bildiaanmgnomnm, isc atrd, D.D.G.M. ai tbe Hamilton Dis- Lookîng hack avec tise ar years Itaaî iiicîn artiact plats n îisetrirt, patidis officiai vîsit ta tisa St. ý7 SHOP le h 50avsafle i one-C ir Ladga.No. 135, GDEC., lest a-hantisa rasamas fltcd itbs provnce taeitoose tiseiockey sciadl- Tsrdyevns1Tsramsago ELLII'TBEAUY hdys ondermear, Multons oly mss- sad if Milton mre fortasate toroa avi tia isere Aar is Phn 0 rfrApoiinni tar sport mas onsd tanutec-earecoedte etra h A.ne61 fr. ELiOTiets trasorMavis onnd taa tis hns- noogh tta loe adrantaga of lise pras- troto h rtr fgt A.ReLLOTt structurethlisere wastd ha asadloicosdtay ntrled ie Iam) aES yard. Hockey ils tise yongar kida by teains ntosîy la tisa oaty but D...M. at an oystar sopper athtis s RRES B tornad aottaehaitise aid fasiioned'frm ee sot de.Walace Hussa. sinaey. Tisay marc st roacbad la________ orgaizd sport. Ilmaes evary bld fori - HOWES.ANTHONY- At tise ress- hisneli. Tism boys h mimgit have AID FOR COUNTRY DISTRICTS deace ai tise brides ftser. Essloes- - started la hanteanhiokey oud hiae li, is y 1Rer. W. M. McKay, on luit bacs rigt for junior brichats 1Tisa ealtis of tisa contry sa îargaty M.rcis Oti.Fradericis Hamac to concntrter lnride an th lager Miss Martiso J. AnIsas?, daoîitcr tis year. Rsot mas shoms tiis in- ofelaa scla s ts aer a Andrea Atisoay, Esquire. tere, m sca eral boys msttîgt tomaows, and tisaecontry districts DIED pay hockey lsembaca coid not findusoally acad islp ram tisa rentres I 10 -AtTaagr o ac 6 plariaga util thay rame ta Mltoneainanisiuin n amk Mary Ellea Pattit, an tise Sotis yaar Ouroa mn aPrsoermarast t lt tisi te coantry lcast and fiser oie. csmiartsisle. If tisere are districts in WILLIAMS -At Glea Williams, os able ta stand op ta tisa typa of ganta uiicis tisa rmers hure Io traval avec Marris 12, Sarais M. William's. oird as pisyrd hy appusiag clubs. Noar, iad roads ta gel thicir soduca te 72 yeaCsili mantise. t> duys liadt tiss boys hitad aperlasce durlsg mariset, it %,i11 taise tient langer a o- tiesa peut amyears, they cald bava dlisser tisais scaslose ad tise> ailI raesl amyaeivrs madea acredibla soisg. reeslNowyaefvig .ITts tisealads misa arc tise it l- ca't mare..tla fas miicis.lunom iscamisi pots nryoftaorow Thy il le heI f tiss' acis aroe inadaquately flac over tise slvar aad platiaunt var- taxpayers and voterasifthe musici- maistasacdin la tmc rus it commuait- lty. plity ila a iamsisort yeaas. Wldl e, ntosy Ieatata avi1Ibtirclctat toe_________ deny tisanthtie sport of hockey, tise bac tisera, and tisese districts may ast IFRAINPES -teaciinga ofI samint>py.gond sports- iss' oiste tapradocelise %sreatotalof t iFRAINPES maship and coortasy Uhlcistasam.-caîpsat list could e turnesl ot i i l'lau ehn an n ted tîntes lerini as tisay gaviraider. Ps.sss peraus cocalt disîrict %ultîsgond lise atweiors i d isadmis This wltar avec thisrty lads bt- sbasts. 'lie yoaar ieoplea of tisý. t«i os-eed t. -'..COla macs 10 and 14 mre gseabini sptacerutdstrictsihave tasaomlstesinthse s> iyla ocl iasaic osnlise hanteatteasa-Antag thasa moernraanad tiscy aaed goad cd- toureao? HEAR boys mli ha chosea oc junor ansI ortiOnsol aciltîes. Rural districts 1 iVisa mas tisat? aohad isillmit ltrmmdiata teamas n tisafuture. usoali> aeed îsîty aifîslp ront tise 's be isniap. LIONAIRD W. Sioîtd tise oly avoulable place ha centras ai paploatîon. II Oh.' said hec shusad, ' tlma ~~~ ~ dlsposad aif, these ciildraa mut haieden- -_si___ .a vi<ae s la maidtabom I KU~RIN'JIUfl d tisir ambition, "ta bacante 1115, Beroose ofa oralga i aof. s ts -'.atmarîr 1 'tiseir favorite sare. Brtala ta-day, Sakspeare la sîifficuit ON COAST-TO-COAST Memiers aiflise roonîl ara ta se ta get aad tisera sç a asarcity ai Bible-s. POSTPONED CLErAPEING cammcnded for tiseir efforts ta aistas sam iadustries lelise muncipaity- _ AUCTION SALE Radio Address ybat the siod sothead tise, NEW CHERRY DISEASE FARM SOCfMPLEMENTF-TA Mir. Bontcit s ipeasisOvet lng Sports have fina ecammunlty. A acar diaseff aiofset rierry la (710E EQUIPMENT, GRIAIN, ET( the Dminsisonseetis aioftise Troc. Mlons samci stablishinsad a fomtisa lootasay Lakea CBC item lthe Bequet Haliofai becaîl, but net sa ln tiesa est a~rsofBriisis Columbia, sates Tise oadecslcaed have recasved In- the Ryai YarIa Ntel, Trass, sport ln tise morid. It bas iean s- SinieArclue he apb tutosf n tlie ocasionieofaitlise 001h eral years sunce oc teants advanced l. Scsaslithe Agriolta Isi l uis- sf.cJcSi frei HitiCactpy oLie assey c n o efnailtsbty ineseomliiCanada Tisa soggested naine, "Ltte 'Ta sait by public section et hiss HriCopn iie. pragrarrnt. tet adhered t' il ferra, Lot 20. Con. 6, stuatcd an tise iseampo nsuanr fr scceifl ierry'*idctas tise iost scîkîîg lts idaecrend et Luttrels scisesi. le amp: nsra mmcfoisa ee- Isymptoi ai tise disease. 'Tie fruits Erîmasa Tmp., S mis ortis ai M ARCH 286 Bth n eahaa am. n tise ffecied tracs ara about soif Rocha md an Wiila tiis scribe, pounded t ieTr 1tese ine ai tisse on isaatiy tracs SATURDAN, MAIICIS 1951 onlo courts bet for nearly a er e gramn under tise sima conditions and Commancn aie 12.30 ocloci shîarp cno e f nertonl a sca ns.tise>do st havaesnoral îmcetnese. tise folloing: C J B C - 8.30 tnnatere tcouraitnasngwhleraemcon- u sa a transmissile disaaseanad HORSES - Bey Mare, Percheras, ________________________________________an________9_________d;ray Mare, Percheron,9 _______________________________________________ ot isameasarla isîis hîs yrs. aid; ilera, Percheron, aged. ______________________but__the__________in_____________ erd90COWS-CraeaShotisarni, band occorapiiisaed la st yt knowmtL Up iilised; Roan Relier, ralf as foot, atbe presast tlra, tno nsect crcler freas 3 machs; Red Helier, cati et ai the disasae isas bacs ieand. Tisa foot, ircsh 3 machs; White Com, eauf fruita fcam tise sfiactcd tracs arc net et foot. f ras 3 machs; Roan Ca, uuly su table for tise ices-iruît due et tinue ai sala; Roan Com, due I ~baefrea sle data; Red Cea-,fra, tradte but cas hae used for proesselse. eau et foot:;Itoan Coa, due bera I _________________________sale; RoasaMaien, brad Jas, lit; Rean Haifar, hred ln Fab. CLEABINO FAT CkTLE - 10 bead Biaiser AUCTION SALE e. 50 te 1000 Ib.; 1 Baby ddhracefSAdLEaru OG- Yc Ba-.du af IN THE TOWNSHIP 0F ERIN YOUNG CA71'LE - 9 cholce Year- - ligs; Siortisri Bull, rlsling 2 yri. ai Te n. 24 Hgie sy,2 mles sootis gradeSuifairSowedLambi. imn fosasale daPe;LTRYork75 ock Hampiie - TIiIJ~~EDAR ILad,147 Pet; hiaikBood r Se ; Braad-7 Comandscina 212cfatkRlise Ir Hotie 11512'. t seS-y acnaiperheaire, ACHNER0MH. 1 Tactr a T ast id;rey Pewnh es Mar, hnssan; T6 rer Sffol 2-paes6 yorf olN e. 4HgwyClydemaes uyao ars due uok ne aynm: . H aid. 1001h pame194r ulet; ilson rCuliltve; Flaury C PIGS-SaC m m Ils a 72 plie, k mhoeeR Hue l 4;2'. hra aos aI; am lde prt 1;17CiusiA, OS R AWMP MNT M PLEM E R 4 St;S-Fa t Pergo M aeApr6lM M. INer;Fro.iTr aoceron lea; VonIs HGe. eceo ae ube;Tatr Po;1-l CersoWS-Jeray Cyde are syales ul idarM.H. al e; SIdaHD.Bven odt;HlaesReirtoa. . ulth on;r M.t H. i-dIse Ftler BUSES LE VE MARNEE--Sat ie3tHans DIII Dlram4; Ha re Mto Gld; aduPe ari; t ai S ngle HRS Mac:MPEMNT 1 4Shots;6 Ft Pgs;So du A RalM .Ba; e; osn Wood;CM. MILTON To ORONTO nas; YoC olie; rdîiBeciHnre .Sp wraaee, n eîl îa 2 IMpL-ereNTS-M.H.dbf aeunt a elJni H eea'sai nl-îewClon NiTT.TlM dtp;Rse;n H.H. aa, open. tultintî; TMuc H. Wagoo Be isel 8.1USES LE .45aA . id5,4ADe elSeBsdaS' cf al;Tn cHaen, Wail;genn ay sa; 1i.s; rala a 0.5 La, C PFuraa- ans TracterfSilam egie aRaS (trailri Bo; Won Bs; M f 8.0 au. 9.3 p.. b9.3.... b S p.. nesa Goliar RidinsetPc.; M H.21 a SrPgeta; C nalte; fi- b u1205p.. c1.3 TORON 1.10TO WIblM PiaM; lTai Tootis ultia-setin a Duc; Hep Ffer; Rops; Pi- .-~Ub~f.~lba0*la; RN. Sdlii; PSe ai 4-S a ra- laye; Rool Pal er Fin2gMIlii. TORONTO To Mi.A ii ~ dsA IL TONi,0U7. DeLp a ecant Sepacaer; E5acfi-e nSais; TctkWiagHanaS;Beldlas; USaiIdlan erne; Caler; WaeutgTrckBan; HaConenaIr' Cha Shs; Neralses; a SS im 30 PIL » &5 xL d AO m Cre; Bae rTae; yacco lw ingl. RyBags; rr:' Ha x; SWeveoi Boex; DUS» CONNECTIONS b 9AT TORbONTO pi&OWlkesd Ro; 0 Lago Cltv-. rwDRiNse DETC. - 1000 bai.l RUFAO D IRT- NObeffeU OU tenHUSEowD DGGD-er;Seel, Cool nt mmc rie cn; 0bu . i ia Hetrg; ExmenioneaI Her; CWrcltaEhe.MAlNS Ge;o12bas. Vng Hard OITAWAL m BL -43 .àMONYeL aL aw amal Kitisen R ae ngisam Clas- G ren;te2t ons ni Has; 00 bas, as d-4 ff y ex Bat.SuI u& B .6_4A à P O i . ta îlui . e'; 3 Bareae Cea nltovEe iCol ae tc 5i.; E niiga h SI o e stmdwd hiemn Gaa Lunters; addlox;Hg gsFRNITURoe - 2 Beresc alrles; Lram; BAledin abla em Rach-d ad;Caseitc.as dsn etWLampa;gMoov usex;chan Car-a;notTal;Bfe idCiaCbn BUS CNT NECTIO1.3 ATNOROTOFBAT - Rock;200Tegrns.CAGR AI,is ele.,EC 00bs HOUSERLD GODS-IAge, Cam ed rain;-0Cabsh a day a sale. DUFW M"IT1.1 NOTRAL - BAY.0 uRes tîmlti Ce.]NaResrWe E-tisa.Lunc ceuan 2 u.Vnu ofAAMN M mev]ng lTenineto. A Co.Ot 2toso ay 0 ut.îonar EC ARRIS'STRE- PONEet4LampB ;HoeKt anCaetand ELbleGTBufPisond ErhinaerMiln Ficrd Baptleclan;2 ms;AuTi- ecoSnthentGryCliark Cok Bve TRUP-WAY, MaRuki z7th, ivu Exciting Sports Days Ahead i HOCKEY FINALS Read al the news of the professional and amateur hockey finals-firs iing in the mornng--as reported by Jim Vipond, Hal Walker ansd oîher Globe and Mail experte on the game! BASEBSALL Allan Nickleson writes from due Mapie Leafa' Fiorida training camp ta bring you pre-aeaaon newa of North America'a great sommer sport! Aaaociated Press and United Press report activities of maor Ieagiae leama. RACINO Appas Tappaa keepa pace with the horac- bringi you tipa airaight from the feed bag. Wire services bing resuite, entries and oduer ncvi of ail tracki. BOXING Hal Walker and Bud Graham give you ne". of due ring-fily, accurately repomid! WRISTLINO, BASKBBSALL Name your sport-you'Il find il fful> brightly covered in Canada's fineas a" best-iliustrated aports pagea! Three or more pagea daiiy vidu Sports Editor Tommy Munna, Coisimniat Jiiss Coleman-al your favounite aports vniteral OM-7-32W TRURMAY. MLàRCH 27th. 1947 66À PAMIVM Your E aster Flowers ... Phone your order lu early for cut flowers, potei plante 1 Enter lies. ORDERS TAKEN NOW PHONE 513 J ones Greenhouses KING STREET Orders delivered or shipped any place. "6STARLIGHT9" Chick Starter la made fromsa carefully prepared formula ta assure vigoroue growth and trong healtlsy bhrda.Gel your chicke early, and for a bettr tarI, feed then fresh "STARLIGHT' CRICK STARTER Place your order now for Peat Mme. wie the supply la ajeqmanl MILTON MILLING CO; Phone 50 Limited Milton Ont.