Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Mar 1947, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR HE CANADIN CHA1PIO e NEWS of the DISTRICT IVarias Items Concernnsg Activilleai Commonitiea Nearby Where Many of Our Readera are Interestesi OAKVILLE Meetigin lise coascai bhamber Friday cvcaag. a aaaebeuof ai aville busness wcaaea ad caaula.a.ccaaof local irms iaraacd the Gabville Bas- inss and Proiesalonal Wamc's cluh. Rev. W. C. Eccletan bas -reaignesi as rectar at St. Judeas Charch and St. Cuthhert's, Cedar Grave, ta became rectne at St. Stephens Epiacepal Church, Niagara FaIla. New Yrk. Gabvlle lu ta have an ambulance service. At Manday evenng's meeting ot causicil it wae declded ta grant S. S. Rusasell the sole rlght ta operate an ambulance service la Gabville tor a perlod ot ten peara, pronlded that service la satlutactary. Ourlsg abat Iserlod no one aise wilU be peraittesl ta operate an anmbulance la the tars. Once agals Charles Priman taah bis annsual St. Patrîchas Day math ram Tronto ta Gabvlle as Masday. Paclsg aiong the Lakeabare Mlgbway wtb a vigar that Ielled bla elghty yearsanad would bave dose credit toas man hait bIs age. tise veteres iser walked tta toms ta be greeted by curious, admlring groupa of tomas- peopte. and recelved a clvlc melcame tfram Mayar Chartes V. Milîmer.- Record Star MOFFAT Masy ai aur tarmers are buily esgaged la their aster buab. Tise weatisor bas nt been candactive toaa gsad Sow of sap and the tSyrap yteld may be rather disappinting. The evidences of apring are again withus, and ea evcre aiter osa came ta an end. Gar cammanily was sbacbcd hy the audden death of anc ai car eldcriy and mach respected cilizecs in the persan ot Mr. Jahn Peer. He aras enjaylng is ucual hcaitb and waa busy cbapping aaad ail mraiag, and arile reslissg betore dinser passed pescetslly au-ay and aras iousd by bis belaved wic e hen she caiicd him la dianer. A largely aiteaded tuserai waaa bcd in the Caesmuniîy Cburch condacied by the Rea. Mr. Jacksan, cectar of St. John's Anglican Churcb. The aymPathy ai the community s ex- teaded ta the srroaint arldoansd the bereaved tamily. Mr. ad Mrs. Bud Fraser and Caih- erine speal the week-end la Hamilton, the gaests ai Mr. Mra. Ray Spears. The Sodom Churcb beld a haacr and sacial evening an Tsesday ander theaspices ai the WamesaAssa- diallas af the cbarcb. Mms. Veraie Campbell in la Si. lasephu Hospital, arbere she la under- golag lreatment for badiy buraed banda. We arc glad that sho la pra- greasing favoably and aili moon e tara home. NASSACAWEYA S. S. No, 7 Weddhsg belis arc rlsging tar an- ather Na. 7 girl. SymPatby la lel tar Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Service and iamiIy oinbe las ci Mrs. Services ftier, Mr. John Peer at R. R. 1 MoaSal. Aiibcagh sn isoor hejlth bis dealh aras shdden and a sback la is laced oaes. The N. 7 Farm Radia Farum met ai the home ai Mr Lochie McLean (Mr. and Mrs. Peter MeLeani on Monay sight. Ater listeaiag la tbc iroadcasl lise questions ashed arere discassed and answered by members. Questions ashed an duyligbi savaag and standard ime brought torih a ively diacussioand il aras lbaaghi It svasd be a good tapie for discussion aval yesr. Il secs moved that the Forum 'woullistea toansd meet us saggested for discassion ai summer isîloar. Mr. and Mrs. Stephea Case St. Helena, otiered their home far tbe first meeting. As Iis mas tbe end ai the seasoa's broadcaata, a social evening had becs plaed in the torm ai a progressive cachre parly and oyster sapper. Fou r tables ai cuchre aere llayed alla Mca. Wilired Kennedy and Miss Noce! Kennedy as armners for ladies asd Mr. Stcpben Caxe and Mr. J. J. Ken- nddy for mes. Tise tables arere tises covered witb clatha and laety-taur people sel doars la the mes] ai ays- ters tor those arbo 11h04 lbem and Bs, a delicius cancaction, af aur hosteau tor thaae arba dida'tIlibe tIhe ayatera, soda biscuita, cheese, bot buns, celery, pickles, batteed date bread, cherry Ire cream, cake, rooakes and a chire ai tes or calice. Same ane reporled tisree servinga aficie cream and we belleve It. Mr. Stan Rabi- sas an besaît o ailaI!maved a vste ai thanka ta the hosteau wisa thougbt ai and dld everything possible ta make the evealng a succesa, and ta Mr. George Lacker wha made the beat Ice creses ever, and others tek- lng part la tise evenlng. Tne bsd ruadu, mlty nigit and pro- miae ai beaa3' rais asd slnd bad no influence an tspping this OsnaI get- tagether ai a wlters belpisl dscus- alan and trlendly gatiseringa. Credît la 'glven ta tise president Mr. C. E. Daveaport and hsrd-morblng secre- tary Mr. Wilired Kennedy, and the gracinas vlsnteerlng af each areeka boatess erta our tacumu asuccess. ASH alsicadcd for Lat Weehi Thea regUiar pragra meetinag of the Ah Liicrary Cub h b hecas c- icccd ona couof a ilonesa. Weare sorry la heur of Mr. A. Cudmore and Melville beiag Ill. It s la o b opcd lher recocery may be spccdy. Mr. aad Mrs. Arnold Pichett of Weland visted t the hume of Mc. and Mrs. fransiey Sarnsalst week. Mr. and Mca. Mac Hoaper arere guesta ai Mr. andi his. J. VanSickie as Sunday. Qute a number ai the cammunity attendesi the craqulsole party at the Zimmerman arbool lat night. BURLINGTON Fredcc William Watsan, a ml. ksoms and pcomlsent ceident ai the toms died se Tueaday atternsan in St. Joseplisa Hosptal, Stamilton, etter a ten days illnesa au a result ai a trake. Buingtonas police depacament are llkely ta became sarners ai a ses pol- ice cruiuer. Tise taws cauncil ace cal- llsg toc teaders toc a new vohisie. The Nelasnand Burltagasa igh Srboai Ares Board met la session an Tharsday eveslng lest, wben plans of tise prapaaed ses addition ta the achoal waree evlewed artb Arciitecl Mrios. At a meeting ai the Barlagtan andl Disrict Fruit and Vegelabie Oroarers' Association, iein the Lions Ciao) bal an Monday evealng. a mation aras paued naming O. McCalum, T. Kemp, Harold Tharpe and Russel Vichers a nmmmltle ot Interview the Mnsier of Hlghways la regards ta s etiag the oid achool praprty aI the head ci Maple Avenue toc uso as a Farmn Service Camp -Carotte. Notice to Creditors A»D OTIEIRS lu tie se eate ai MeriettA Mausi flagie., tata of thse Tomn et Mile.. ta tihe Oety ofetolla.Mars4ed Wea% Doe&"e AIt Ipersnsu avtag clalma agalnst the Etate ai Hescletta Moud Hughes, late aiflise Towneofai lton, ta the Caanty ai Maltas. Marrled Waman, Oeceased, who dîrd an the 27th day ai December, 1946, are requested ta, sead mame ta the underalged solictor an or- betoce the 36tb daoaiApril. 1947, athermise tise estate wrlîl ho dlstrlbsted arthaut regard ta thelc claims. T. A. HUTCHINSON, Milton, Ontario. Solicitor toc the Adeinltratria witb WIII annexed. Milton, Macch 17 1947 41-3 MILTON TAXI (Opposite Natal Kaenedy) PHONE 360 Prompt - Sevje. Courtaus. Ail passengers tasucesi 24 Banc Servicea - Mta.Oat. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS lu thse Estate uf William Bradford Clemients, hâta af thse Town of Mil- to. insthe CAufsty aofMaen, Re- tired Banki.Manager,. Deceaaed. Ail persans havlat dlaims agaînat the Estate of William Bradford Clea- enîs, late of the Town of Miltan, la the Caunty af Haltu, Retlred Bush Manager, Deceased, who died an or about the 27th day of Nuvember, 1946, are reqaested lu sead sanne tu the uaderaigned sclicitor on or before the 26th day of April, 1947, aiherwise. the f sa ili be disiribaied without ra. gard oi her 1 ams T. A. HUTCHINSON, Miltas, Ontario. Solicitor toc the Execatar and tExecutrices 'Milton, March 17, 1947. 41-3 ÔRGAN RECITAL HALTON MALE CHOIR Proudly Presents E. STANLEY ROPER M V.O. M.A. Mus. D.,P.R.C.O, F.T.C.L., o£ London, England Masater of Music at H.M. Chaples Royal and Organisa au H.M. the King IN RECITAL In St. Paul's Clhurchi, Milton TUESDAY, APRIL 8th S.15 p.es BALCONY 7e GENERAL 50c 75 GIRL WANTED!. By SMITH & STONE Ltd., Georgetown Ont, Light Assembly Work and Machine Operators in Clean Modern Factory RATES --- To Start, 44e per hour After Learning Period, 53e per hour, plus Bonus TRANSPORT ATION - Provided Daily at Reasonable Rates APPLY --- Milton Inn --- Room 14 Friday, March 28th --- 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 'i I Week-end Specials ilame-inade Choc. and Van. Fudge 59c lb. Deliclous Toasted Marshmallows 55c IL Dare's Tasty Sanidwich Biscuits 19e pkg. Ditrte'.sS1sied VVaferi, 23c lb. Sniiles & Ç.huckles Salted Nuts '/2 IL. 75e NORRINGTON'S Confectionery Tce Cream Gif t Shop PHONE 14 MILTON FOR SALE - Nes Wooda Mil Coolera; aorder naw -hetare aprlng rush. R. W. Ilsadart, Actas, Phose FOR SALE-tclsh Caisler Patataes grama tramt Certilled Seed. Na. i andi No. 2. R. N. Brown, Phose 4Ori, Actas. B FOR SALE-Claver and Grase Seed. top quellty et reasoable prIses. Wsb. Casse and Sons, Ltd. Streetaville. Phase 18w. miii tleelat, main St,. Milla Cal siasera, meddlng bouquets, tus- oral desîgna, aussrted pst planta. Local dellvery. Phase 151 40t« FOR SALE-Na. i Erbas and Ajax Gata, 95e bunhel. Maseey Marrie dise Drill, aise las sagas. GardasnSRis- inses. Phase 9Mr2l. FOR SALE-4 Holstein Moitera. 2 regiatered, due ta ireshen la April. iully accredlted and vaccnaeted. Apply Win. McFedden,- Phase 288r22. FOR SALE-Erbaa, Cartier, Aleuska and Aanoaets, conmercill1 grass tram cegistered aeed. Apply Colin E. Beaty, R. R. 6, Milton. Phono 282r12. 42-5 FOR SALE-Canteat Raller Canar- ies for sale. Bth singera and bieau. Alil la prime condition and reasoa- abiy prlced. Mca. C. A. EIsiey, Sr, Campbciivilie, Ont. 33@B FOÔR SALE-McCormick Deerlsg 13 dise Seed Driii la gsad condition. Team ai Cenecal Parpose Heames, souad and quiet. Frank Joyce. Phonue MilIce t9r31 41-2 FOR SALE-S doues Ironstone China Breakfst Plates heiosging ta Mouatain Union W. I. Appiy Mrm Alias Ciements, Phono 379r21. JONES' REENHOUSES Cust lsavers of ail hiada, pal plants, iuserul anad wedding wark dose. W. deliver. SOt PHONE 297J FOR SALE-Bise Reau Geiding, four pears aid, foiarShcciisorn Bulle oneor. Arhur Norcisb, Campbell- ville, R. R. 1, Lot 23, Cdu. 2, Nasse- gaweya. B FOR SALE-Tus Eiectcic Brsad- ers, 5X) il. or mare af 114 inchusaed bliack pipe; aise ceum separalor, only used 3 maniha. Apply Walher Poul- lry Faces. Phone 284r5 Miltos. 41-2 FOR SALE--Seed Grain 1t00% pure siruin tram regisiercd stock. Ajaxs, Ostacios higbest yioiding masi ruai ceistalGOais 91.10 per Buabel. O.A.C. No. 21 Baciey $1.50 per Bushel, Appiy Hagis Caiceries-, 71i Line Tra- falgar, Phane 867J4 Gahviiie. 42-3 WANTED WANýTED - Heavy Fasal. We pay top prices. Mediard Pewiress, Phase 97r23. WANTE-Griavei pli or celar ex- cavciiag warh lac frant baad leader on raicruaiiiac itrar. Phase 292 Milto. 42-4 WANTEO -Musbcoom warceru, Mcnanad Wcmes Truck aili hoe ai Milton Past Office, 7.45 a.es. each morniog. Fac luriber informsatian phone, L. G. Ricin, 154rlt, Milton. Live Paultcy wested. Hlgheît prtces paid. Cet! RUSSELL INGLIS Telephane Mlton 234r4 6-30 R. R. 1. Camphoits'il Oeed Herses and Cattle tar Oe. pick ap. Phase Miltas 210. We psy phane charges. CORDON ÎGUNG LTD 35-52 Pisane AD. 53,Trau LOST LOST-Licese plute Na. 63530 an the Christie Lino or No. 6 mail raute. C. L. Adamss, Phono 384r12. LGST-A dark ced siih umbreila la lise Farmers Building. Aayane fiidiag saime piease contact Mca. Fred Jeitrey, Milton. MISEIJaANEOUS ]SACIKACMM 00GOUICRLT efttu ster fral daoe. R MAPS m. way sellas attagka Use cause rol thepain.__Pîchetta Dcsg S trsT CONTRAO T WOEK Contracta taken tacrisuying ansi 1il- lng menace, gravel, atone, tilt and trectar mark. ELMER GLA2= R. R.6, MUbM $35. tas $60. A WEEK! YOUR OWOO BUSINESS! Na basa, noa ilee clagis, ladepeadence - The teadisg lise ai Home Service Productal Very 11111e money requlred, if yaa bave tise equpanment, Spleadid tocritsry ln Four seigisbocbaod! Fuit Inhration FREE oncequosi -FAMILEX, DopI. G16i00 Oclorimier, Mantreal. Classified Ads Adaetsemnts aader ahi. headisaf ... euh ithaorde.aossuseaseC . -hddlsiaa -d eme ad.I P" -ead sdd=l.aaif.a e, FOR SALE FOR SALE-20 Weaned Pigs. D E. Sargent. Phoae 158r2. FOR SALE--Adals brawa wicker saheol. chair. Mca. Frank Marley, Milîca. FOR SALE-Vanguard Seed Gala. amut and ruaI reistasi, 85e ishel. W. J,Mark, Miltan 41-1 FOR SALE-Babys blue strailer là excellent candition, waaker and bah' bath . Phaone 24WJ. FOR SALE-i Findley Coak Slave, 2 Quehec Heateca, 1 large and 1 med- lum s ale. Phane iSOr5, Mitton. FOR SAL-'36 Fard coach, heater ansd fan, 2 driving lighta. Apply, Rua- soll Gaulsan, R. R. 3, Campbellville. ý.-I PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TRURSDAY. MARCH 27th 1947

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