Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Mar 1947, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPION - PAGE THEMU Blla MoaaamaiseistTisera are plenty ai aggs on tise narkset ln spte oC canisestutao hip large quast- itieu lu Bitauni. In other coustries miserae ees bave beenu ostands-ci nais disis, numon bave taund il sec- eaoary ta do mithout then, or uae a aubstitute. Mastaaseo is Capelowns Sauth Adrirs, have a simpei solution, Tisay serve ose, otricis egg miis 4iavides s gand meal Cr Inelve ne aore peuple. Tise peuple of Capetasen is5ve anly receetly taenesta esting ctricis eges, but they have lang bbu à favorite nitis Ariras Bushusen ssd Hottentots . . . Ift tiss aiuld lbe- cane a profitable commercial vas- ture, tise otricis nilllha traesferred trath isesllisory store nu tise gro- ceryl Mre are recipes made nitis On- tarila Grade A Media eegs sisce Grade A Large are only uaed fr poachisg ai aur bouse. SCRAMBLED ROCS WITH HERBS i4ieaten oggs, îU rap recas, % tlup. sit, das oi peppen, 11 thsp. rhapped paestoy, 1 tbîp. choppent nions.1/O tnp. lhymng, 2 Ibupu, ft. Combine egga, cresm ssnd seasan- ins. eat fat ln beavy pan; paur ha eeg ninlute and conis slunly ustil partlally sat, snlirhig lieitiy. Add herba; couS unlil set. tarte nith littiS purk sousgens. Ciamlah nitis parstai. terses 4. BUDGET OMELETTE 1 rup soit hreedcreamisn, 1 cap milS, 4 etes scpsrated, sai and peppar la isole. Min mils unicrumbs, ltlstand. thes heal snooth. BraI yoîiss, sdd olimraditemitre. Beat whiles tîff and ou nintmixture. Poor mb ohot1 greasrd pas and conS staniy until1 ise, 25-30 sins. Cook in tise oves, prehealed tu 375 dees., far tise tat 10 miss. 10 iscous un top. This toue- egg omelete o ili sre 4 to 5 peuple. The samoe mixture myaY rscohnd a scrnamblad ees. ROCS tAKgO IN CHEESE VIli. Canadien cieses, gcated, % tnp. sant, 1/8 Isp. peppet, 1 lhsp. a, 6 oggs, 5, top, dry mas- lard, hU rap tiiscroaco. Oit a shaton baine dinh; nprinisie lise gesîrd risose osnibtheuseto, dose mit sasit ssnd pepper; sprnnlle nies the a. Break the tggs, oat a tibu, oter the cheese, combine lise mustard asd trease; pour anar tise eggs. Baise le uses ai 3503 degs. asti the nhlles oftIhe eggs sre set, about 15 mainsS erse bot nith PoItaoPuits. terses 6. BAKRD MAPLE CUSTARDS 2 egga, 1 lii 2 lbsp. granultent sugan. , %îsp. sai, 2 cops mils, scalded; l% lsp. vaitîs extract, 6 thaps. seapte sycap. Bea t es sligtty; add sogar ta esalo, and solt, uaid suir untit nl miaod. Add scldcd mils gradsally, nisile stirring conslsntly. Aid vn- illa. Mis ingrediesîs thurauebly. Greaeanrit 6 castard caps Pal', 1 tisop. seapte spcap ln bioflae a on. Carntully pose in castard mixtare. Pace utatrd le saalon isuiing pan castising nurse seten. Rose in aven of 235 dega. fcr 45 sins., or untl liter kise inseett-d is centre of rue- lard conenul dlean. ChilI caslaeîis in reirigeralur. Thcn lues tnp-sude dawns nIa shereari gasoses and serte. The seapte syrsp formesaure once ruelard. torves . If more cas- veniont, tisne custards nay tbuhî-dA the day before ering andsd turen the retrigerolor untlt eaitine. TARE A TIP This is the tinte nf yeor nhtren-r tais haasebnld utensils cas hocitusaed thoroughty. SILVER 1 Use as aluminium pas <sas tues- lshedl; 2 Pot noter, sit and boise snda nia the pan (fue earh quart ut naler use 1 lsp. ait and 1 top. aoda); 3 Place iver lntise pan - lisene should lieenouge noter tu coner Ile; 4 Place pan on slavt n sd heat untlt tise tsmlish dîsoppears; A Complete Eye SERVICE At C. GRIMWOOD, Jewefler (ACROSS FROM THE CHAMPION OFFICE) MAIN STREM MILTON PHONE 113 Every 2nd & 41b Thurs. Next oeIl March 27t1s CaIl ai aboya addrees or phone for aus appolntasent à, OLEAIMO Pereheron Herses. Use tockt, ipe- mente. tiay, Oral%. Furniture and Tise usderaigned hava receeved la- struetiosa ran MERVIN WISON & SONS ta seli by Publie Auctisa a his tar- Lot 21, Cas. 2, Nasaagawaya, ituated 5 Pour off the watar, wash ta hue an tise Aiertayie asd Darbyville saapy water and dry tiiarasghly. Cousty Raad, 2 miles east ai Corwii Instad o an lumiium an, aod 2 miles sortis ut Baffai. Iastad u as lumIIum an, SATUEDAY, APRIL 5th granite pas may lie usod ianisicis Cosemencing ai t oecloek sharp an aluminium strip or plate la placed. lise tllowng: Rosh is lce ut silver must toucis the HORSES-Matcbod Tenon ut Grey plnmisîuns. Percherons, 6 yr. aid Mares, welgisg GRANIEWARE about 1500e lai. and gaod in ail bar- GRANITEWARE sa; Dans Brown Mare, 6 ys. cnid, 1 Seour siaina nis fine sraurisg about 1600 ubs.. wagon type; Grey powder; Mare, rislsg 4 yrs., wagos type; Tease 2 Do sot scrapa toond ftramaraisite ut Grey Gldisas rlsisg 3 yrs.; a testa as It chipa; ut Gond Cuita that null develnp to 3 Suais well. If diis cotales milk gond wagon horsea. These hurses wiii hoeotlered harnssed and iitcbed. or eggs sasin le ad water; If It Black Ftlly, riing 2 yrs.; Bay Filiy reneins fat or augar, suais lnihue nasine 1 yr. A particularly tond lise water. Bail la a disispas of ut Percheras homses. water rootainisg 3 or 4 thapa. ut 11 COWS-Red Cour,,trenh, eau ni wasiing soda. Risse asd dry. tont; Red Cour, miliig senti.hrrd Feh. 51h; Red Con, siliing mail, ALUMINIUM hrad Feb. 15th; Red Con. nilisine FiUl eacis aluminium battea iti, neil, hred Fais. li; Red Heiter. hred osier ta whlch you add Vs rap vise- Mer. 121h; Ruas Cow, miikise. hced gar. Bcbng tu a bull. Rsh wîihstari Gar. 15th; Red Cour, milkisis weli; wooî It eeceasary atter iolisg or Roas Con, siliing neil; oiter, hir([ 10 mins. date; ch; Cow, reah ahout sel,e dat; ou, due ln Aprîl. Cons hand BAKE BOARD selihed. Sceape nies the bars ut a knlte YOUNG CATTLE-3 Yariing Hel- sud remove buose maierial. Rcuis ters; 1 Yarling Steer; 4 Witer oiih cleraIod naIe, tloîwîg tise Caicna, Heiters: 1 Baby Reat; 4 Fat grai. Rise wth arm aterandSiaeru 2 yrnrs. gryo.Rsewt mnirouasd 5BSEEP 10 Vrry rhoceaOxtord dry iuruuhl.Ewsr, suppoed luta inh lu Ba eg. BREAD BOXES Oxtord Buse: 1 Beg. Osford Roma. Wush lu soapy natar. Sruid nith PIGS-3 Yorks Sons, due Ihls spring; NICKEL AND CIiEOMIUM POULTRY- 30 B.R. B.Brn. FARM IMPLEMENTS-M.H. iîîd- Polish silh Rus Ami spplied nis re. O f. roi; F. W. Mowrr, 6 t rut; a nofti nous dampenent *ith ammas- M H. 13 Hue Serd Driii; M.H. 10 t. orntr.Ltdr ln ruh. Robe: M.H. 13 looth Culivsior; Seat- ________________________fier; 4 Seetion Fleury Hareans; M.H. - Qarbec Sulhy Pion; MOH. 7B Wuihing EXTENSIVE CLEABING Pion: 2 Truck Watons: 2 Flot lioy AUCTI N SAL Rack,; BeebhSleigh: Coller; Orna- AUCT ON ALE ratulthshats;Buggy; Fonning Miil: Poitîre; New Sone Boul; Silo - Rodls; Cross Coi ton; Wbeet Brron: Cueseny and Holstein (atle, Trac- Bot Holder: Bond Dril: Cycose tnr. and SsspeiueîîinTiseshise Star- See'lee: Closel Rux; Forbo, Hors. ise, Dairy Equipmeîral.Face, taplir- thoveis Nechyohrs and the usual tiens. BR-al Bstatr. iHuy. rain and sati oo Hersas HABNESS-lielt ofBsrkhhnd Ber- -- orss, nerely new; e:tioni aehhand The uoderig,îtd hase rtctived i a lisn;, Cohiors; Rianhats; Twn stroctilos tram: Neehyohea.Kt. MALÜOLM MeFADDEN (-RAIN. FEED ETC.-ID Ton gant o eil hy Public Aucuins ut is taoseMised lBay: 30013Dus. Nenarbot Lto 5, Con, t. Township oi Traalgaroato. it 1or sred; 1503 Ras. Wheaî; 60 3 milessouth ut Millon .on Bus. Rnasals ye. TUESDAY, APl lu,47 THE FABM-At the sie lime. the Commtnciut iai 12.3f) aîltici shati, Faima, conlainlng 1(9) acres, more or . tht toitoning ]rs,o ili be uitered tue saie, sahiere HORSES-1tPerc-h,-ebnTea n 01ta rtservethid.ItIl is not ptioosly 10 yr.oid, about64i10 Iis., ood quieî1old. aorbrs. ibee isa ootele 8roo brick DAIRY COWS AND O vUNG-CAT- intitîng bouse, hunh harn iti s tel TLE 16 Girade Goerosry Caws, tt.i; roct. bogtipros, etc. Their o about 55 nllhin past monl;t1Reg,.Jersy Cow, actes onder calticallon. Oacserrou to][ obeal, 4 acres ni cyr. Thece is reoh 2 neeha: I1iGrade Curny Conagn eln ahhueaa an due lim ofsale: 3 rde Gernseyatcoîuhthoendao Cous, due Oai,- 3.stess 1 Gradeiso 2springs Tisis torse lawelinitf- Garo"tseY Cow.bcd Set. lt; 1Grade uated on s ous ly rond and tonton- GuerseyC(ý', red ctoer 3ý leti lstions snd eharches. PaGaees andiseilGethr 13; It'cornu 1,; ot pureisase prire ai Pel a1ePart Gced eyrad oiseiCnn e of saile, bataneweseb o ssesion tersi,;vetPociacpatersey bn lHaisaein Cous. due int ai toit: 3BHolstein îesmnot, rtaisitln Cows,. teesh 1 DuramsCon tfrens 1 sgage i a petis-orrangement aot h; t Bostein Cu'Hnit Clanyrs, FCRNMTIRE -G erisord liellomn floth 2 Hols;teBirnleurey.,2oen.; Piano antase, an excellent le- 3ieg. 2Hosste eittîn, tf r. capei;steosent: Guis Ruffet nltb mirror; ge Re. Gilsitin Rails ai sttate mali Rooks Case; Watnat Witing A No. BHolsteiu ond Gueensey drap Icaher apisolstary; Wlnul idrhoacd aises. Thics ia cdoie herd oreommer-nilh mirror:2GaksBocisng Chirs: cii ous. ait Yung, eseelsî1. uilh an 2 Arn Chisn; 2 Latte Ruckislg eseptinaly ig tet ad he un-Chahrs; IRedronse Chair: 1Simait scytau atyiii te st anlise Grc Rdciom Rocher; 1 Gdd tislng toon ail aeciale Os stîlrs. Choie; t Pair Pilions; Wainat Spon- i RACTOR AND IMPLEMENTS. ni-tt sis; 3 tSmall lTables; New Wil- I BRRSHINC; MACHINE-W-31i Itnt. lans (drop bead) teuig Machine; Trci. an cubise wt h lower toise- Cherry tînen Caphoard, 2 Gais Es- off, io gais rseandl a vicnrlele iîcec- tens ion Tables astb tacts in gond bald ,blast tsan; 8fi.trrator, ranin rede;Kicb taal:î1îSmaîî DsuCase,,. uiOia- ii : Mii Kî . tchen Tablie nis il;chairs to match; on ac Dise. 91, 1iot e C u il i p u(cirr 'bageuisîvn T;e:2 Kitchen t-trio nt Pîcu: 4-section Bissel 1,0cr,' oe Bdswlhsrig Sprig Tot liar..%:I nt Poer nomtteese; I Anique %poal Reit. Mcie 2x7a vih ranThroeeshnt pringsoand maltte; 1IStlofSprings ne, 2s37 ais rein bro .3 7Wash Stanîds: I Gloan Cayisand: 2 adal]t loser ai ,achmnel; G.S.M. Fessent Mirors: lInoleum lîag, etta GanChsopper. 12" plate: 1203 f i-x2 Cburn; Crease, BineS and D retel, tndless. 7: 100 fil. Dive Niebir Tcim MeCtoy coal and nood Rîli, enîlli-s,6O; 51)fit Drive Bell, 7".înRe ,,theernomrcer ndtreservoire FARM IMPIEMENTS,-Coot Steel lise ni-o: Geavlly Wanhing Machine: iiuy Loaderr; Eletrie Clippers-, CaseotBtter BonI: gosit Wood Hptec; SieRobe, oil bals: tigbs Haccuns: Wondî-n Bread, Box; Chil's Craie; Cas, Mone, 6Oit, il bath: Dsm;i Btaebhotdl. ois ront; Loonîtry tioht: Bubier Teed Waon;e:Walhmng Irons; PPpreRacis, ceomet; tawn ilo.Stletl Cii't-i Wagon; thiit .MoaereAladdin itongier Lasei: 2 Pîna'; Cscisshatt Monore bpteadtt: Bences; iiaegieg tonp anded tier Eto-ry aed MoInr e; KrileMoore,lanls Lrre Coot 0it Container; i b p,; Fannieg Mill; Geain Drill. 2 l~ro elts: Cisemicol Cioset; 1 It.. 13 dise; Scoles, 2003 liss:2-rao Theemio. Botîle; Cltos Oratees sand Scuitere: 2 Loang Laîtdes: Poni craBlfliesPitares, Etc. Boy Lift; 2 ,awns Manes; Stfflli TEIMS CASH Sltirhg: Calter; Boy Bacs undt ose- No Rtsercnathe fin Is qoiltior cme RollingRacki; R-t ot ttRncY iocminr oeil moingta 0thte ity- BReceieg Hanesn; SetîofiBsebatsd Faenitact sale starts nt2 nelock. Boisnesi; 1344 Collots: Gil Rarrein; HIN3LEY & ELt.IoTI', Neeisy,ises: Wbitlete: Chains. Auctinneers Sbsoe ;Bor:Tools: Qaantlty ni Arthure iansond, Cies 42-2R gc.dingodheott'd rai o tnslisng and mro.stiher fmatets DAIRY EQUIPMENT -Oct ana Mogneeli Mitise., 2 unit, nith pipng and iocr; Wsod's Eetrie Mbl Coler: Etetes Psl; Creom epsaa- tac; lilcaine, Rlte. BUis Pail s, F GRAIN. FEEIi, ETC. 10 Ton M s- ed Bay; 14 Ton Ralei t tian 500 Rus.onts: 103 IL.Ensilage. REAL RITATE-An lise samne t me and pince. IherernilI bt otierd fer sale, sableet ta a tesent bid, he tarse, cneiting ni 1503 acres ofni rh clsy ]coim, ait norbaise; 33 ocres toi wbrnl. tati ploning ait done and the baliance io boy and putute. On te said lmas;le ererted a bhun 54x72, nI stnbling accommondationnla ie up 45 hed raollte: tanning e l tablet drisint shed 50s25; ilh bouse t ri vals; a nery tamiorlable l-rnnmod houait nth bath astI ruenint vnate hatdnand itonts and etectr r ty * througbout ait isildines. Tisn arse i. silualed on gond gravet Coanty Ronit, 1 mile rase Bighway 25 and sehîni, 3 mils frito lof iutoMns Anynne interesied le buyisg n tarse and home shouid inspeclthis praperty prealoas ta sale.#lu TERMli-Caih lirtteseent niih Cierh os Day ni taie Nslhing ta be temos-nit uni n et-g lIed foc. Paltieynrreeve as tec iaern n ttfot ae and tht proprietor S f. muni gîve sp îatsneînetietty O 12t AIICTIONEERS NOTE-Thlil aon Ait),'44AMi nantanding ain nitis s ise ni math-. 0, ,AI ineep, lmsot cnpsand o eboire berd c4e,5 e01 84"P ni Commsercial Cathe, B sure ta _ attend ebla note. R MINDLRY and ELLIOTr, B. R. Fard, Cietis Aurliaseers OLEARINO AUCTION SALE F AI s D ELESA5 IN ERIN TOWNSHIP The asderdlgsed have reseletad in- structins rose LLOYD BWSNDIEIEST ta salli byPublic Auctios se Lot 3, Cas. 7, ituaied us tise6tisUlie ai Erns, about 1%s soRas frose BalUmad hnownsas the Resnicis bomeataad, un FRIDAT, APRaL litîe Coseecing ai Ose orclons sharplise Iillong; BGB5ES-Tony, Grey Percheras Geldise, rising 7 yen., gond le at5 har- nss; Queens, Bruwns Mare, Bisg 4 ycs., nulofa a Mcbnry mare aniisimd by a Percheras. A real gond mare; Lady May, brown mare, a flitsIgter, rising 3- yeans; Vie, isay calt, risisg 2 yra., irent by ltas. Sinctairs Narisay Stallasn; King, bay culti, riisg i yr,, a fuit heother. These colts are watt matthed asd shouud develop intoaa gond ig carniage leam: Betle, a rnad mare, naald ha usetal as a ehîrd borne, 11 yrs. 9 COWS Bise Grey Can, mlisig neti, hied Feb. ili; Black Con, due Apeil 14th; Barik Can. due Jsty saeis; Holsteis Con, d e April latis; Red Con, due August 23rd; Btack Con, hred Dat. 2th; Bald Con, due aboutî sole date; Bise Grey Baller, due Moy 11db; Beas Blier, brent Der. 2sd; 3 thoriborn Bitais, risîse 2 ycu.; 6 Ye'arlngs; 4 Sommer Caves, PIGt 2 Yorhklions rteotty bred; 10 Shoals. FABM IMPLEMENi-.1 Deering Binder, 6 it. eut: Steel Botter; M. B. Maner, 5 fil.erOuGtiheon Dise; M. B. 113fit.Baise; 4 Seetion Butrona; Dais Bsy Loaden. 6fil. eut; WathIng Seltir; peing Tnotb Culivatar; 20W113lb teesa: F & W 10 Hune tend Drill; Clte: Coekhisst Corns inder i e-s gond repaie; I.B.C. ose ton fishere'cor-n rallivalse; Slooap titi- tis. LasebeWagon, box; lli aBch; Forning MilI: Pig CraIe: StockisRack toc Rox; Etetrit Fencet: Brodee Boane 6xOto; Otnvat Je. CreamSetp- orator; Boys BiryçIe; StisseRoat, Fnhs, Hors, thee. NeehyniseF. Chaise. HARNESS- ItionI Rrerbng Bar- nss; Cailars: lien ni RarShand Bar- ttss: A CGond taudle:Steoni inge Baresss;Stloni bnd poneBnci.. Clippees: BarneesPaifs. Etc. GRAIN. FEED, ETC. _31513 Ras. RaneeeGai; 6Ofil.REsilage. THE FAM--MAt tht suser tint, tise rarse, tise W. hait 0t Lsl 3, Con. 7, Rein. null ht oiteeed foe soie, if sol îîreluunly sold. This ferro, roniaislsg 1013nece. moe r e.,Is oel lcnetd and In a rond niatof rlticalionslter hein, 75 acesier culivaiion. There o s amaptle bush, about 7 On the premsies iîere esonrtent a laret nbushnhumnis hnaee. stugi- tee houss, Implenent shed. pig ptn sndsilo aiuThtee n a 103 eusse bick dwellisg boume. Tise lamaes elltueeed hy a prieg crerint ithebitehofthfrtaeand the nate ipîpti 10 both houir uni bats. The fam la oiferend sohcelto to reev ii. Terses 10 par cent of porehuse pelet mhcn sold balancet wben posssrsionsl gives. A part of the Porrhaso pienay b efîon a norigage If pteviousey aeranged for. TEBMS CASH 2--9BINI3LEY and ELLIOTe, Fred Baptie, Cleris Auttioneeri Lawnmowers - Oil Heaters If you are in need of S New Lawn Mawer, place yaiir order early white they last. We have a liaslted nuiober ta dispose ef. Owisg ta Steel Shortage, Mowers are likely ta hbe la short. aupply We have a Smalal and a Mediume Oit Heater ia stock. Gat ini touch with ua for quick delivery. If interested, alsao, Brooder Oit Sioves juse arrived. First here, firat served. Tise are in very short supply, se are Electric Bruaders. So please he advised accordingly. Milton District Co-operative PHONE M - IMTON KEEPING CONVERSATIONS FFO ISa IUIT$ altEisijuat one ofîheways PROU TOIS TLIPHONU. of practicing the maSter raie .L K..p cisof for the heatt elephone sec- 2.s$.Pace u«ls.. vice.. ."Do unto othera as 3. Moid ",îîua.ehgln". you seould like theas ta do 4. Gle is. iuh.tey to you-and do it fiat"'. t~Io *Q COaN. THIS TSAR ALOSE ne ane apendiag $3,500,000 sthat miore farasa may hava tels.. phonesawith fewer people on THE BELL TELIPHONI raeh lise. CONIPANT 0F CANADA VETERANS' Business and Professional LOANS Up to $3,o000. ANEW Dominion Government Act provides that war veterans, residene in Canada and entitled to War Service Grants, may borrow up to $3~,000, on long eerms, at reasonable interest rates, for business and professional purposes, as follows: The purcbase of a business or of an interest in a business. 27be purcliase or repair of instruments, tools, iuacbinee-y or ailier equipnhenîta libe used in a profession, trade or business. The construction, repair or alferatian of a euiding used or to lie used iu carrying on a profession, trade or business. This Bank s authorized en make these Veterana' Loans, and our Managers will be glad co give helpful advice and assistance to ail entitled eo such boans. Veterans may freely consule our Managers -mnany of themn veterans teeiselves - as to how they can conveniently borrow for business and professional purposes. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE~ THE CANADIAN CHAMPION . PAGE Talum

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