!Iu fauabiau leIîampîIou Volume 87. No. 42. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 27th, 1947 Eight Home-Print Pages-Five Centa. Mr.Mrs.G.Brownlow Major W. H. Agnew FH. tHatn i DeVries Wins ForoudGiy Speaker at Women Frs Meeting o atn ShlrhpAad !orFudGit FiftethWeding Canadian Cýlub fere Board of Hlealth at Milton Stteho0.hi A ar oC.da aml Anniversary An address implicit with intereot - _ _ _ _ _ Th t hevmn O a foMato' ter Police Raid an information was ta ve bytan Boys Grain Clubs waa held ln~ Many Friendai Gathoend ait Homte Major W.. H. Agnew, Chiot of the lie. To Advertiae for Noeeuary Staff MILTON COUPE coojooct on wlth the Hation Seed Other Cases Heard ln the Milton In Moffat, Satuday, te seachl Department of the Citlenahip of Medical Officer of Heultit, CELEBRATE THEIR Fair and Bacon Show on Saturday Police Court on Wednesdy Extend Congratulations Branch, Depariment of State. Otta- Superviaor of Public Health Mrh1t.TetpaadO w febo - waur Mn memboresse!nthntWomenn ClCon- Nursing, Six Staff Nurses and 55th ANIESAYeeh'a ahoret cours, donaied bye (E Oa MRa Jomnpndnt din lb n Monday alternoon, Tw aiaylaetr-oeHalton Crop Improvement Asocaio ors Edwaeds, 56, who la eharged A vry leaantevet ankplae Mech2dh. a M ao Me. ete D.Harleycr- wras won by Henh DeVries of George- wiih ehoating at Mrs. Ano Gray, of lis Mfalt on Saturday, lit belng the Tne questions and discssilon which toHve Unit in Operation by ebrated the 55th Anniversary a! their 1towe wlts a score of 883 eut of a Trafalgar Township, wlth Intent ta FI!tleth Annlversary a! the marclage tollowed the taih. testifird te the les- Juy lI.L weddiog on Ssnday, Marcb 23rd, ai IponafIie 1000 points. In second place do grievos bodily harm. was romand- of Mor. and Mes. George BrawO.iom. partance attachrd le tihe theme of a diener givre le their bonner ai the wilb a score o! 880 won Gro. Wilsoîn, 1led a meb on request o! Crown At- Their renidence mas the scene a! Canadlan Cliuenahlp. Tentifird alse The f lest meeting o! the newly-ap- hiome o! Me. and Mrs. E. M. Read- 'of Georgetown. Other amards more tormey W. 1. Dlch, whes ho appeared happy gatheringa o! ionda frem t0 Major Agnew'o abllty ta speab oan polneei Board of Health o! the Halieon beadf. The other thee dasghtecs and are boneymooning le ihe Blaira and before Maglotrate Knneth M. Lang- Actois' and Tarnin and nelgbboes, the sobjeci and bis !riendiy personai- Counly Healb Unit mas held ln Mil- ibeir huahande graced the gatherleg 'Georgetown; 4tb Fraser McNahb, den in Milton Police IJourt yesterday brlnglng gretinga and tobeon ot thele lty ibraughost. ton0, on Maecb 20tb. Thone preseli w'ibh iheir presnce, erareey, Me. and GeargriOwno isibi Gex. Burhhodee, aftrnoon. !rlendahlp and good wishrs ta the The Cansadien Citizennhip Art which were the foue membens appoines]d hy Mis. N. C. Weiggirsmaetb oend Me. 1Feeman; tb Harold Haren. Camp. A charge a! oreating a dliorbance honoed couple who have so iately came Ino force on Jsnsaey lat,' 1947 the Csueiy Couscl, oomely, Mes. M. and Mca. R Andrsan, o! Milton; Mr. . breliile; 71b Stuart Alexandr, 1le a public place iast Sunday agalnst camne ta ibis commsnity. defins the exact satls of a Canadias S. Prîldi, Freesan: Messrs. J. W. aed Mes. Allen H. McCeeady of Toe- 'Georgetown; 8th. Cordon Huceen, Charlea George Psrdy, wan dlsm.lased Me. and Mes. BeownIow mere mac- Citizen oend mahen for sîmpliclîy ;n Higgles. Milton; K. R. MacDonald, ols. Beaiden the cour dsughtern, Me. 'Campheiivlie; 91b, Harold Tyrceil, foc loch of evidence. Accoedlng ta rird Olty yeaea ago le the tome of Ose draiings ith ather nations leside Gerorgetome: andl R. M. Smitb, Oak- aed Mes. P. D., Harilry bave losor- Freeane lOch, Douglas Anderson, Provincial Contable George Gren, Mland by the Rev. Dr. James. and aulside the British Comanonweai- cille; aiso De. R. C. Sîrsîbers and Ires geandebildeen and sexes gresi Rcchacood; I1tb, Hawsoe Rsddeii, bc mas colled to ihr0home o! Mes. Mes. Beomoloor wan fermeely Miss th. Noc dors the Art weaben the Missa Edsa Manre o! the Ontario De- gcoedclollde. CGeorgrlows; 12tb, James Saow, Mil- Gudgron Birchwoed Hail, unar Bisiste Joule Louise Wbr, o! London. sien whicb bind togeiher chlorens o! psaneeln s! Heaiib: aed Me. Normas Me. P. D. Haeliry boren la 1860l, bas lon; and 13ib Ccaig Aliexander, of sbeetiy aller one e'ciseb in the siaco- Duin tei hpy ojýun hy av: heBitshComowalh.ClaryR. Croig, Waîden of the Cossîy, orbo led le Halien Gosniy ail bis lfr. He Georgetswn. ing. He said the acesordl baS bren D1ta thS bappyn aojue they bavees ofe thels Comowalh CieaeiyMr. sJhno iyd ln Midlassd, Toronto, Arien, Mil-: the Act nOhen foc National Uniiy an, wa5prela b eas !iebstr îleMs ge aeo drisbieg and qsarreiiing wlth Me. ton andtare nom romforiably siu- bas a apeclal signifirance foc womea. Board. adMs yte'okbth fTr-Gudgeon. "His face waa cavr-d with atedon e crne in ur illge. Canadias rltizenahip la a Proud! title IMes. Pellil wan mnoues Chalcmaa onto. O V L Ebodad chdatohknke Their family consista of imo sons inderd ansd tberersbosld he no abadow of the Barni. and peaded ai the Mes. Haetiey, lormeeiy Ma1 Laou-et hefore I areled," the counstable a daugbtee, Leaia a! Meecinlon, Wii- o! doubi as la wbo sa etitîrd te It or. meeting. Miss Margacet Maxird, Lasb sa aise a lfe-long enient o!' The br Forsum mol se Monday slatrd. Ageeing that there ors ne fred of Moffat and Mes. Mildred Ganil- bose I may br ermeS.1 Coasly Tesarr, was appooirtd as Ralion Cosnly. Other membrs Of evertleg ai the home o! Me. ad Mc. diniarbelace ln a Public Pilsen, the felisor of Toronto, braiden four grard Mes. M. E. Nixon presided ai the Secretaey-Treassrrerr namit ar shrie ils . .Dls eea si rs a ox. brsi ins iudh ebldren. Their eldesi grand rbiid, Ciiib's gathrng ln the absence of the Oe the advîce of Dr Sîrsîbers, tbe Harold o! Winnipeg; Romard Of leanacird. Messes. Ceainon and Home calleS. "As there is no evidence a son a! Mes. Gaodreiiew, pald the presideni. Mes, W. I. Dirb. Board aeraegrd le adverlise ImmeS- Hunsville; ClaIlord o! Wlinnipeg; Ira orere appoinird deirgsirs to the Hou- againsi you of reatleg a disturb- suree acifcelte____tWol ialely loe applications toc the seces- s! Imiperiol, Sask.: Mes. Haznl Allen pilalizaîlex meeting le Milion znanre in a public place mlth your War. Their many fiends mmnb ibean sy xt.aff. mbicb cosista o! a Med- of Slreeniavlir; and Mes. Pearl Be- Apel 2sd Coins ore played, lunch permission your pira o! gulty mli br the cantinurd blieang o! God sn the C0&J,'PBELLVIILI£ 1 irai Off icr o! Rralib, o Supervisor mmli nom le Victoris, B.C. wssre.,cagdt n fntgit n h yrare te rome. o! Publie Heaiib Nursing, six safi! Tbey re maneSd ln Hamilton ln M a d serîdm.,Bneto chargei dio iee" e! ourait md ibe nuses and tuos anilacy nsopertors. 1892, and lored at Mountale Vlew N re osaet b iaiggily5 hre o MARCH MEETING A large atilnaani, of membera Miss Moore, seb s luDîrecer of Public Feuil loess selil Ibee yeas aa h r n Ms Ge r ehend.gmln onteLr' a fu and IbeLr familles o! No. 1 Farrn lHeaiib Mursleg for the Provnce, le- sehen ibey msved 1o Milton. Tbny seibMe. and Mes. Georgue eadhnain- . loalm ens ond ab Lords Day, four GARAGE OPERATORS Forum met ai the srbooibouse for the 1 formrd tbe Boain Ibal dur te tbe bave always atlînded St. Poul*s ils Me o e.W.Hm nei in eed $10 and sis o! $7 or 15 doa ln HELD IN MILTON lail werbiy meeting. It bing rere- gea shoctage, o! qualifieS public ied Cbureb, in Millon. . ed the membitr. oc the Moiunitain joîl. Eacb paîd thnir Osnes. A similar -allen elgbt, essie and a sombr o! bheallh nurses, il is possible liaI the Maey broulifai carda, phone and Union W.f. and Ibnir buabasds te a rbarge agoiexi William Kelesas, worb The Marro meetieg s! the Garage differrol gamen ore esisyrd Il 'Ui may bave t0 spenoîr foc o lime persol messages of coegeatulaions Peogresaive nueben se Wednesdo pIesdnd et guilty, maa dinmissnd. Oprators Association, Haiton Branob mas decided te mmit ose a rnoe1lb ilnle tf fnuss u rmfred n eaivswr e vnigls.Piewinr ee al- Teato a teetraho mss held le the Odd Feiioses' Hall in for tbe summee msonlis. A lovely ,-h i.ne.exedi the hope Ibai Ibose crived and opprecisîrd. As o rmnes- nes, Mes. Jobs Essnlansel, Croîs, .oradyPovcaioleOfces! Milton on Moeday evesieg Marc 17. lunch of sandwiches, pie aed ice Public Hnolb nures slreody eegaged brasce o! the occasion, the îamiîy Dredge. Lunch mas served. aib Pro-g naln Pice Orbo raidod Thn nnin as poipenl fesa cream mas enjoyed beleging the even- in the Couoly would sec Ibeir msy gase lbem o living-room' micror. - he Kelmas resîdeoce Runday moco- Marb 3in. due 1te hei a i on lOî t0 a close. 1rieur te accent positios wilb the - 1( le Febeuory lIed. ihat slght aIl ads in the Csuniy U nit. an Ibeir nxpereece le the Coun- MAC M EIN FLBRIDE Tbsse oppnarieg bexidos Kelman ore blocbed by unoor. Presidefli j oy wold rendre i ciiecvires pa~- MAC ETNG0s ee Issac Mitcbell, Raeey Hilson. Wa.umsiry preaided. Mr. Fred Six- 1uuRNtsx licslocly aluobn 10 the Uneit. MILTON JUNIOR FARMERS Th I oieeIaii xIeJames Hilson, W. J. Wilson and Mes. claie o! Georgetown isiredued Mr. Aller some dscsson s! the mont AT W. T. DALES' United Cbsrcb bls mreb undr the James Hilson. Adams anS Me. North o! the Perfect Miss Ireor Brodley i. agale en th, piressing probleers coefeoeiing Ibm aspices o! the W.A. ions o splendId Arrondie0 te the tesiimany et Pro- CrlelrCo. vo puion a vry ie- iîck list. Boa-S, Dr. Slîuibees comee d IbsI The Haret mcclix! o e Mill.i:i succe.s anS olîreclin a large audience sinciol Constable James Déomns, ho naibeg moion plisuen ud illunîcaed Fis' anS csido seess le bc lexlle.i beo c'a. exlseTeece wilb elbee Usile Junior Foees wa. brIS ai the home sebo ore net osiy pirord milh the aberg milh Sergt. William C. Tom- demnstatin o th prgres mde ,,eyboy'sstrngt thse ays hewassali.îleS 1ha1 tbe greerol puoi- of Me. and Mci. W. T' Doles se Tu-- supiier but aixe lie peegess mblrh lieson and Consi. J. hi, Anderson, inmrcei yeaes in the manofactue Tusdoy lhc Asigiove Sehool i-'i ol fie ls support seS oppeo. dsy, Mai ch 101h. !îllec'ed Msical nombrs more pîey- beocbrd on the dosar iradlng to the o! platose ringe. A discussion pneru cýd iecnhy sehex the National Fîlci 'il le an @er Increasing dogre ais le the beys' meeting Tees D)at-,. d hy Fred Davis anS Jacb Benettl .Second lisse s! the Main Street esi- mas briS afler the show anS mai1 BosaiS shosed sevra educallonal pic liry ane the piogroor o! the l'neu le . Cumer'î. Wilsonxc'r oppeinled w11h Mca. Cireseols o! Palerm ai 'deoce. 'A pernon onweed the door, points le regard te rieg insalalies loren. 1epersîlse. The oies o! the Unit, of iiectle.s o! the nem hspilallaioî lie pioeb. Dunlîx seere Sng by Mes, anS me ashed If Ihee mas ony chance merencleared up. The getlemen Moîler Jimmir Lesîmoni baS a loi.-1 course, is tha1 aIl reîdesîs Of the I simiees li te pcsois.ionai board of Clemesl anS Jack Bennetît mib Mes. of grtile Inie t-he came. When they ore thouhed bp Me. Les McKiedley. ciy îîarly on Frîday ioi.l 10 celehesle Couely xbould ejy the brai pssible sebeme te bc discusscil se April 2nd. Phîl Hall occemplouixi. Readingsankued worb mas ibere, tbnir sereant Coffre anS sandwriches ore serveS hii. 81h hirlbday. heaiib service, c'blcb mili nsle (93 Tic gursI supiaker mas Me. W. fi. cr- ties by Mes. J. Henry. Fed answered "Bill', ai sebli ibm d00e isp Ibm membrs frees Georgetown Mr. Fred Dougls bas cetured la ccli an schsei brailb Supervisisel the. Hume s-be spobe os the sel-sp an'd Davis ennlrlinrd c-iib eovnlly bag- openoil." ibm constable stated. worb sponaed the meetingf. sorin eBrampton. central o! commurnicable disesm; lirogram o! the Frdieralise o! Agri- pipes. A sbort play entIlrd, 'Mes. I Aeeivisg upataies me faonS KEns AImer refresbmns orere i.eved a Tbuesday the Drumquie Ixallîsîn maenaI, infant anS rblld bygîren; calue parliculariy in Haiton Counly. G'Leary's Ceor mas peesosird anS mas mas seaird noar o hitcheo table ai busnes sessi as rIS Th Se- pinse cea ruche and dancr e i e th ele as oîo !mie lb The girl.' loplc for Ibrier meeting meli eeivin. The ctn of cbaraclnes mbic ibm lie appering bre, sere retay reorte tha theW.P..B. ad ýanS food supplies; ssellollon anS brai- cas hnoith. As ibnîr gomni speakr, sere Mes. E. McAelhue, Mes. F. Davis, oraleS, playlng se liad bers engaged entry mpeleSlba ib W..T r a n îsge Hall. lb educallon, ex oeil as msey olb.-c Mes. R. G. Thomas e! Campbeliviile Mes. A. Wetranlî, Miss N. Bures, in a game o! pokr-," miteas esinin- promiseS to tairsnte aclien in con- Me. J. Huesphre speni a fese dasi pae. fpbi hat sitne neion oriib Garageas mmm w esi ne btis posi ceci ih Me. anS Mes. H. phssowulcbal oilnr as pesexi 10 diocans milb the girls Mes. C. etz, Fred Davis anS Rom seS. "Tere mas a smr of sinlae, opratlng scmerding te rgulstions. A Lee. il lu boped Ibal the County Unit the value o! good bealth. Harbotîr. $14-80 as the table and vrcous ams- repent mou pmsentrd on ibe Dirreios Me. Jacks CoSsard spent Suedav Msay be le eperios by July Ito tsi joint meeting the spnab- 'eadec ieejyd onsi rn ftefv lyr.W mefingwih M. C G Ther ofinr ahe enîsyr or ng- dese lmanas attention te thn time metuin mte e. . . Fiess! t aihe home o! Mes. E. BrIdges Sr bi. yar er max Me. W. T. Dates orbo gave as og o! aiS iimr ei n rish numbers Drpi. o! Rigbmapa. A pae eus of nap bau berse- vccy ieieresing anS bumorsus Oc- ird by Jars Bennett. of day anS be salil he id not rembine A report on Provincial Ceuncil parleS so far tbis ynor. SCOTCH BLOCK W. i. ceunIt o! bis eceni trip ibessgb the Rer. N. J. Tesax mode on excel- il mas se lain." osfhtrs mas gien bp sur Provincial i Franb Stark bas bren confineS le DONATE $150 TO THE souîbere sIale. Maey o! ibe mmm- lent ebairesan. Unde crssnxamnatoa by KE- Director ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mu ib icar twspitdfl oeatrasihtoeain esrmre hti a n fteman theolder malS he <Kebsoul mas oui thai tise Braerb mequent for paF- MasED LCROSr KigoretioMebesemobdIhiimuG sNb SYasiy O! the eiyl x nulle0g aboutl Ove fret amap froa tise Dmnt of Me. Sîconrl hir mopns p in I bstm fer sllKigb woerion eD CROSS CA PI oi avelogura ibny liadt er heain. tendeS te Me. Jobs MaM .a -nào .btroi o mal ia esm Maey Ibanis are aise dur to Me, and Me.Zcîla pniM pslgeeodn nrpp sseio samn o xnsni ae hie ome dsg feses fhbing mitb The March meinîg o! Ibm Seceli Hex. Doles, Toman d Russell for epn bsMiber Ma Mesla Mpo Mh asn fhliganwpp eusnnrction mibh specil meetings a smlghbsm dog rame est tbe orse Blsck W. mas brIS ai tbe hom f leg Ibeir hom fo tevniOP ' smohrMs. Mamp MacMillan o! Corrobrraing the peviaus oritneas' cashS sot be pald loy tbe Provincil f rom ibm brille mbmn he mas bIiln Mes. T. Cb-isbhm se Maech 13th.e inl0 b veie Wateinomn ait Si, Josephas Hospital, testlansny, egi, Toanmn, saitd Kel- Boardl au ihep baS soi asîborbrnl ibm ovre beyrp. tise absce o!.-the pensient, Mes. C. Hamilton, lasi Batuinap, aian te Mr. mas maso't arluailp tskItig partinl meetinga.__________ ise Bereeiaey mas nnitirbznd toc is Service presideil. Tbe Rail Cal Joseph Marris and famly orbo muas the gione, bot keo misat mou golng remrie ls crtan ntims Th Gi- MAGcroking bini mas rospandril le bp lise Lodgcd in Milton bentsen of Mes. MacMeillan. on. . emtars messertais dntese e stird mMGHembrs. "i . Mes MiacMiIIan, mite o! tise lain "He's net chargeS mitb brlssg a tisai isey isai auteortani hies ta mnltn Plana sere mode lac a esebre and Jail C...arge<] Witi Neil MacMillan oeil eldesi daugsta- beper." tee noua-t anSeS. "No, but lise leutra andl mould barb hlmn te Wr -are moeey me omailird lent omis dasnce, the finman comnmittea ta loo -* o! the bain Me, andl Mes. Josephs il senans arrange that ibe propriolor the limât. ' te rongrstulate Me, and Mes. Wan alter ibis nigis. A donation of $5 uFînng a Revolver Hormis mas hors ln ibis district and ibosid be siting ihene, anS cmnIt te The malter o! financlng lbe Brasois Marshalil Be. le cnlebrmting -tisnir mas to%r given Io Ibm Red Cross. Mm. - eside ierenmil 27 perm ago orbes besugbi orithn the atite," tae of- for the pear mas laid ovre ft iras fhfty-mnventb meddisg ansbversarp on~ C. Service oeil Mes. Clarke ore ap- fvr Edmos-ils, 56, farmman aager, ohme anil ber ushond retireS f rom fire replieS. frit tisai the oslp may ta raine more Mareh 121h, A fmmiip galisenlng mou Isainted as dnirgalen la the Cosnip mas piarmil nnder arment bp Provin- Ibm faran and tobk sp eidene le Magistrale Langilon aslslsg misai money mas foc on extensire membr- bell mlsh clden, grandilien anti Hospitaalison meeting la b briS cal Consaible George Cres., 1ai Bus- Waininsme. shosid bn duse about lise momey alal drive. 'Mls mas tisoughi ta be one gmnat pamndeili pmesn. April 2sd. Mes. A. PeSilie orao ap- day, andilobdgnd le Hilton jmil en a Bshe max higbip nslremrslan mel veil feanil on the table lise Sergi. rephied, a ater difficait proeet as me nom Mes. Ralps Ford ban bren qoia poinird representaîbve ta the Hoion charge et llrlsg a boadeS revolver by a boni of lnlendm sn ibis commun- "Il la usuailp canfiseainil le the à"about 80% of lise possible mean- lit 'ai e hoamn. Ifla sioprilsita Musical Festival, mith inin te do bedbly bourtm la Mes. îty worb moues ber passng. Mer Ceoses, It the Court sens fit," boa-s l soon heur agals. Tee girls tisas bois over tise peu- Ana Grap, OnInville. bamband predrenosel ber 22 yemes "Tels Court la noi akng for isravy A recomssmendatlos tisaI me gni nur Faem Forum met ai Omags acisosi gratin. frie Mitcheoll and Margaret nie mhootIsg la alleged ta bave mga, Aliogb Mes, MsacMillan mou sentnces, Your Woesnlp," Creme At- nmtffl Ove ealy as efetedonMonay venng ltha god t-Wilson gave an secouni s! isel- trip taises plane ai fora. Draps@ home le hem eigilieib year ase bail en- iornep W I. Gins obsrved wme ment of the rnmes mere leinienc. Tee radio isiloadag rasi te Nem Yors, hmsh mie mil enjopel wre tise mecsmsd le empinyrd, n jopeil gondl healis and kept very Te court cuIrS usaI tee nuit"a favor of mbylng xusil a]] biss mmm foilosed bp discussion anS tise Show- and l~rmsei me casiS have boas tisera Sundap aonering. Anesrdlng ta poie poung le spirit usil bn lilas« o! tse shouid be esefiseid ohm he Impe- attendent ta, lncels for lise Ladies' ing of piriomes. Me. Eves anS Mes. ta esJOp l. Buaste BSom sodulel lise guns ouiscarargeil Sua-ng anS lut feor monis. md sentence on tise lre, Ofigisi mare gives la tise Dietars George Bromneide orae samati n a content wiîr mam mon by Mrs A. argument mile Edmu-da mas anmer Bse ta surviveS isp one son, Jobs fera-distributio. driegains te the meeting on "Hospit- MeGibbrn anS Mes. C. Bervice. Mes. Ibe Istîsera e! liqa. ms eIe ols smneioaCRDM GDi OLSO mlilalion" ln April, Tels mou tisr bot C. Service tisasSed ibm girls lirorne- slaom Mesde. Ro ish Smeveadone o AR WIN OCEY FIN S RE GUELMP JUNCTION maeting for thim season, but lt miii lsg anS eniertainling. Foilomlsg tise i"L e-) >Asie M an h teeson Wilia Gl N TOC g GRM S AU 111EA CO Lb nesftînei le tise fou,. Naionml Antisec ail enjopril a social ofeY «( Hnamihloand Gie rgaoCenrlililen Bevaral familles f ram ibis district bol! boue selsh a csp o! ta. HAS NARROW ECAPE oend Joseph on tise Hardais onsleod Wm rvs oGln miFi AMPINT DELI.BATE aiinndrd a bielisiap rnlmbratios on IN SPEIN HYREAM Klhridr. Tee fuserai tank place un day rin g mil aGrisbp o!s isa -n -Satardmp fon is urit, Mes. Mary IIALTON ARTIFCIAL Tsesdap afternoon tram lise Kilcson fans Mvnin Euh Rogvosof, moukey Te eguar meeting a! the Guelpis Engleast of hIma-ibgion. fans,' TO. - ohiin is use sie e!so, o!s lin Junction Morna and Sa-ioni Asaocia- Ma-. mm c.Jori eaoi COMMENCE Four-pear-olS Doa Pesaru bail a Funra ioane, waterdiorn, mls i -, Mr. ad MmJosep Peaock o nasorms escape frein ainjuries and pao- lereernit ai Si. Goid's Cisurch Cam- rolliio! ih h Raoaid Tra na aot lion sem bol friSay evanilna. Math Ossagi mare of hSe ta thiseb frimnila OFtATIONS APRIL lit Bîil draesing orbes mise teul inta ther mery, CamPbriellle. trucilsk ss of MîbadTrnotn Teboutd 14t, le lise Scool accror 8i . &. Ma. os Mosilmp on lise occasion o! tiseir --stmns ohims flos mlosg BIell Stee, rnmlm ra bsdsre lm i vei a ie rs o p domf a Mitn. enai-e 1 mils tisa prauidan ln ltse chair, goldes maddlsg attnlveesary. Roceir- The Rallon braocb o! Ibm Mopin rani of King St. bout Tuesday mors- Rtise s fus raI e! i Me. ric John en ! M t-e ca fnr anei bondira breil- Doin lsebrins prtutiir m- Ing sets tise happp roupie mere liseir Ariliclol Srreding Unit mli gel un- Iog, foi. thi Fentier afionon "auarle gîanFdiso 1111, Mes. Sisarpe oeil Mm. Wisalep attedants o! fiftp psaes ago, Mes, dr map On April lal, States J, M. TieBlegrfis a ilgbrat, h as essi a bl aft n sudck Olss Fot l rione of tise occup- . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oc injreS Prevncla Ciloso-iig e sh wsmslycle wsa l ore ehermrd B, go as ilelegates te use Mary Evans et Oakvihle and Mr, Henry MeDonabld, Secetrty of the Mapie tricycle te frens, mas usa-oms mbt Eilbeide boy anS lise loin survlng ohs Leeo Miles Proviciatl linse Rame oeil Sciseol cnvenstion te te Pracock etl Moiltan and mina lssir Unit. Todap me snertanl tisai 96 tise rp oratees orbes o mml mirorb mmbe o! tise !aeslp s! tise lai Me, aclle Pasnen e M itn lied ac e brI l lse epl ac MoelleTe- dasghîrr, Mes. R, Eing of Oakvills Maltes bees isave pigned up anS a Sepremsono ln ibtieaiMli-oi e.AenPnR a e lsM e acci e. Taseox.r Wins Miss a no ans s pei.Alerlsnmetig cman msMorley ait home, Marly giAscateei a mninlenusa O! 1124 rases boru, miss tank ibe tricycle front tise 971b per. TMr. anS filen. o tsMn, giss un ovr ibere baS bren a Bt. Patikus frlenils anS relatives mimld la cin for the fiesi tomev moniias' opormion, moie, saiS tise il girl wsem able Pal ranged foe tise riildes oriîri gralulair lisee oeil tisep more lis-s Me. Murray Hapseard, of Milton, te crawl solt iesmmnf, anS mou crylng mas enojitd Sp al,. eiplenîs e! mouy brauliful golden mise isas bren melenleil Sp the Maple lcudip mmm n culsi' eieve hem WILL HALTONI... gifls anS îovmîy fiomees, mxenure te bo tise Malton trechislan, hibe Alhhugis as o l tabie skis ACCEPT PLAN?I TELEVION 120 BSIAP Miss Beenle Erma isas bren 111 for b am rmcenlly campletoil a courase islle mmm none tise orese tram r ex-. -h toa ubro ee ns tise hpont oreek mils colS anS qshnsey metitIil bmnsillsg ai tise Ontario Vet- perience On Apeil lsd. le tise Court Messe, v n s u tAb a Tee limi ombr o! llevibos e r iope Site la souri able to b oui ernary Coltegle, Guelphs, and ai then Peoplein thIb vbcbniy naiS tise Mlos, ibm People s! Maltas wmli an- __________ nase ln use le tise United Elegilm j«. -gn pensent' im I ta. g 1pca m1kmarmmstle 0ams vrlm om b uuin bHho aîl lMrlaCe