Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 1947, p. 7

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TRURBDAY, HABOR 201h, 1947 tHE CANADIAN CHAMPION SPORTS CAM ERA Galeville e Junior "C"' etry, abe launted naît an lmpoing rcord ace elbnninaled by Victoria Square on Friduy nigbl. The Lateabore Club o'ecc bruir:: byone goal in Ibrir birut iota ufthetc easue. Titg the tiret meel aitb Stuutville (ivctoria Square) Gabville tuaI tbe second la a goalu ta ceuni round by 8-f. Il la tan bed tbe OHA. can nt devine eenne meana by wticb teama tata deiinitely are auperlur te tbe run-at- ticc-mlll material migbt be glvea better chbneoluprove Ibeir aurt. Ab me! Snob la bockcey. Georgetuan lt Ib thiraI round af tbe tatermodiote "A' picyduana by detealing Stratord 5-4 un Menday nlgbt. Tbe leata fruta ar neigbbur- ing tuas bad aon tbe oponor by 9-2 an tteir bume ire unîy lu be lured by Stratturd 9-S le tbo second meot played on tbe lattersaratne. theb t final clasb un Mueday, tbe Fapor- matera clincbcd tbe crien by ccrlag a goal ie tbe tactthIror minuteus'ai pIeay, tarelp eeting outa ain. Un- furtanatcly tbo Leglun trou dld nut present a cumpîlo epiturc cof "A" beckey lu tbe Gergetuwn fana, malt- ]y lyecaue the mjority ut ployer,. bal fret a obuuu-lruguc minluined lnte precincta ut Stralfed. Wbuea- er tbe Mercraetilcu mec) not eil prubably bard uut an Lxubitlln et trand "A". We uisb yuu the bcd n ynur neuf soties. Georgetowa nd rut- tlneed urret<. Wo tac't gise reudeet acy insight mb tote rbampiuncbi1: pirl ure ceeiag ascevry "B"osqud itpluyinguoffin tomne uoIrt s a ut' and o:tb uur ef- forte lu clleet a suuna6ry ut romain- ing teamu. ut unly udded lu the con- fanion. Grimaby and Metta ap- pear t e te eteems lu beal. Eerb cf tbe fueemeuliuned clubsuaueo caoping Ibeir respetivese noice dean. bendlng eut dfeala in euery gume tboy pay. Ttc Feurb Rings ur e afrmidable ug- gregallun und uflter llmlnating Brantford are lusscling wtltb the Tan- nera in a tol goal tories. Twn furet un tte Grimsby curlaimgbt efrito o reapuncive note In muny fane - Mat- tison and Hale o Stt ut Ibece ocre mombeet of let you's Milton entry nieruap 5. oua remomber the ccenty tuant aco trie-- MMunn, Moit' linon and Hal-u'oll Iben. pootafe. If t omet ycu an dca ut tte cîrongtcf thc fruit betIt extetle. About a quarter ut e milliun Bru-. uth peuple raito rebboitc, producing t leatl120tonscofcreataoebklyercrd- ing tu a London survoy. INTENATIONAL PRIZE FOR INSEUT PICTURE At an International Cogrcssn Scictitic Filma beld rocctly in Fa: a Franco, the Dominiun Dopatment ut Agriculture lau cccl mution pituro chitled 'Vegetable Insecte" mon awardcd Ont prise. This dccumentacp film la cler sbows cluae-ept et aide range ut lnect aticb are destructivc tu vgetable crupe on Canada and thc mut practicul mttude ut contruilit bome and commercial geodenu. Al o abat mue te termcd thc stagieg outhtt pirture ma arcangod and supeesiuod ty tbreo utticera et tte Dominion Divinisa ut Entumelegy. Alan . Dutan, W. S. Matteaman and J. P. Pearren. I)RESSING atecilizcra la et Cross Ontp:i titcen slave. Nurse Durat>' Sto lagsataI uIpent opital aet Wilinr Onticeal Mepitale and Nursing SI RIed Croas Socoiel>'and tIlu tuhpet or mare la trentier dlisricta. Ttc te eperaîlea and expansion aIflh 5,00000 euugtt la ttc prenent na Fîfty Years A go The Sunday Sehool Hockey Resulis 1 TanMa tram thoedmiluaet Theo Ca- 0 I A man"Cheapic..oftThurnday, Meeh Lessoii î O .A alnoit A loi.189 Georgetomn 5 Sîratîerd 4 B UNDAT, MAIICH Sird Georgetomn ains e acnca2-1. j On Tueuda>' tte Couat>' Ceunacîl oai O. H 8 Pat restion '" 1 Haltea graeted $100 teteEat India Actn9Fetn' Famine Relief Fand. FRAYER FOR CHRIST7AN SROTH-' Actn 5 Presacon 3 Rcv Suer IbdOoa ilite ..ERHOOD Aclun ains eacrtes2-0. ducted au pautarofet Preabtîriein Golden Test. MaHl>' Fatter, teep . iH. A. JuanioraI. Cturct at Watfard on April tt. 9He Ill:em nn tbep raeo toieht buu bast Gatuilie d Victoria Sq.4 mOl carry aim itreî tthent aistet ut gluco me, iat tc> mey lte une, Victoria Sq. S attîlle '7 bis aid congregetiun outKnousCburcb 'teruas tbcy ai.sc.Joa 7:1 Victoria Square aies nrien 12-11.1 aod ttc pcople utfMîiltogeecraîîy. Ise 'l'st.Jeu17. i-il,20-23. filitoaJunior l'ermer L.eegue j The p.:slpuuedtutunisoaisas lalduntF i :5. Wo:lus">>lN ioo:a:'a:g, Al::,lî.Palerme. Actual1 thc riek au Tueuda>' eueeiog. 'Thee . Dl. 3.: aore oempretty costumes and Bab Plats'.-Bythe'brouoRsidrau ELGODTR Demare hbby tarse wstfaoco îrc. E.:i:a. Peaycr la tceFatl:HhLOODTR Ttc prises acre ansteluaws: Brest By cot-o3Lndn Ot.-a- Drocned Lady, Mita Bennett; Seat Ttc boeutliat Jocua badl locd teo'- BySot fLnuOt Drenncd Gent. Wm. Winn; Natlonal watd lte ram te boginnîng aiîîc ramaitp gusd tara. reccati>' made Cactme, Wie. Srt u Br mu-uinglod loeging and dreud tut et lest pastieoaiedstield scrapersanam pro- Costme, . Win. Bek o Brap seted hainte doutver>' mengracr tan aon ttc 3 mile race and Hillya;d crame. Hiu crucifixion, snaiot hlan ctdItmce Bowaumeshe oene milc. aývu al ofy utody and seul Ho wasand i atu hmust drive le ail Chac. Joncs litIa lrttc aigoal aIl ta tumpicîr h'>iscodemptive aset, tiedu ai acatter. last Tuesdey and àflsh of flry gal wu'at hund.HeoOs Histptoyntll: _ ea inIabs fore. Hia uttult1acast.ug tai Hoet:ugbt Htasrlf te CFR sigdcoet i a istra as lrfebatiltuas>neula sltist scrartci mcad bshicIattitbure).ibat aSlattUqe: lIt pt'ay t at île migisîlte AUCTION SALE tacts acre tory ligbi. Igît'> l:rid io rder Plit!e lc inle tar, gRRfi ireFahe l'i'Fa Il ORSKS, GRADE iiOLSTF.iN Ia cr r0g enJesusa'>attur:ly aver JEISEV co)ws, ANOUS GRASS PEATiiRSTGNE-FPGIIOn0eMat,1 .:tll, ahied :inu>derftitlHeouutd :gATrflU&A <ALVES, TIIAUfMR a 3led aetiteretitelof thetcbides ieee liettiuee e. haFAN IM EETS PO TR mutitr. FthL.iee, Trafalgart' by cth ree cl1frl te,,t e hetFRIiiIUE NT.Pt.TY Hou. 'r. C. 'Puagb.Front Pu-ali>- hres'rd, a:atotîtlrs tocotE'Qi'iF1..liAit GRAN& IFURNil"- soet:: Miss Lasitu C.. eldr't copl ut thO ':uuIe Paîtere liaita : 111E daa'altet':ofthe lait Jubn Fa:rd. u!»e liu:. 'l'or laitx':of ChristtJ -" TI:todertigotdlotavettt'r:sed:i PIED sus e:nras t piil>'voin ltu staîe r]u'>.Iittos boa FHENIX AIlGtslo.Marrt u>: .!cîrul btat Ht pscv.es thc ee ta! J.VNLE Me'rs atgt:tl C. PFteaiin t:. is,- 'veetetual lite. Ht'> .subor'dinatioa:l J1ANLE 71hpe'ea f lerttgs tire'b'tlitrt"cs ou:inteltactt.lal 'l':se'ltty tablec aurtilueat i tl:s distnerialitats>gtsec l uet. Lt1, Con. 5,'.qasiog 'Tsi: PROPR COKIN Ilm b theFatoi.0 liiltn.test to Waterloot Setusi on PROPR COKINGlitaîtp e Pat:e, and lad lisla utg- RMAINS FOOD VALUES iual '>areeinHi.PaiTt:'phraser "ail WEDNEISDAY. APRIL lai -%%botlhuubaslgtveclbina"îttet. t'uttae:':egolals04 'lei s'.l:,'e: lInbeserduýs ofutlimting ftaadoesisnplaie vtat Ilber s u butinof ut -te lîrlai ig: sc'tetmrmtertea'îlat urorittc:'>sclt:>:10lla'.'l:t:.::aut '.'::t',ucttsMaresgoundsc::'t:es:sigle' rosttnf mettudcareeasimpta't1lesttd atdtivosrtt:o ChristI. ;:n:or doutle.an:retlarlut ttam. prpepr food srle'ioand gondm:la utat:il'ut>iluhstaret:' ~:.>lt' Perc'ero F:ly. 2 yec:,d inGeîtrbr. planning. of t i::îlouIY *is 6: 3Il 7, 39; Io-'128, ('ORS 3 Htl'ein o Cus.tret, Moneoftefuudevaluescprostt in:29: 17:t6.t9,Il.,1 An.vane cal thord. I BaktCuu', teeti: et racteshe tatil erus partculio slift.l>tt t :dra t oh ,ho 'lt'it:f'1 :ýst's't':trst.t:. tan:: t reti: 1.loi- rare i'>tuten:unp't'laeatioandeavoist-tlttn::tot:tgft::'>the:t.p.>letand.:3(.:tu.,due.tire,.,f>sale.ltlsteint.: ing. For iostarlts1t',tuog t .1:-s notut: t3'7, 1, (tet', in0flthflow, Iret tort 21;I1H:'t- DauouItseat s'getabl's lbrfso'tt --its >'22: 17)'s'. 3 g:%.s't'aaa'ualr .easl tise A1::il 1.l; 1 ie" :og la fuiotu: ofatc'liquai l..il tasIt:t,:lui-Msa'28;1; I IacC-ttil a:gtait1el; y la'_ oioIteteo Ifiyoa mustiptuer egetublo'. stoa'e'a :ubut::t:%ng lbe au 10 tac G::td, lo. et 12. 2 H::i'toirit's.le titl> and ctout eiatly aft:'r andJl teatChis . Joui:'2;I2 H.t'tseenî 1lr:ticg obi, purieg. Il. Chi:'st',. T'rtilm::ur' 't: L,:et-t --I Il vou mastipareefritî, lare tt:n:t, " .XNI;lS 'ilaNG CAl ANI). 411 and :mmeaudtelyprieta eartieg. It %%aston th(-r,:..tl,:t Jc,' a'.n-ta' 'oîX't-S 1t'. Se':s raid Illc:tcs. , r 1 lttie.i :'or::nn:tttt-tiulite 1:11:7t(',':. ntn'_ a: okig tuego.4 Ailost":'::angoslsutilisut Pl"auI:t.le' I:::i a filt(.,rttl'.allte sre tlaterr]tl i batet>' tender. aoet te Patter grose Ibt1, tir. a Sta s egetatit' calter Iban dcso :::'n a ':tt'itt Pll,:"Hel: :oaid e:l.l\ QIl'MN7 tem inwaster.Fattem it ta:tngnu%%a: o-bthe Patereta ] riÏiyoHlm Beorci 5100 eti:'tapaedt.N: 1Ct , wautere hia'Ildue'. nuqile coteitt: lIitatc'l ý'l'tfgt:oaît s'ibBret', 10013ebb't eupa:iy ')l; J li temraand cuat teom ioa igttlp cvtue h1' tI.e sst:t î:î nos> _...gîue:b Ilito te lloa.o', 10,,12; I Hrouire 1:: OtitI, 1 Cticen Steltee;tu1atl. .otocened, newauter :5 noocidosate: il,. P:ntlIet be::::' as.:tc hisca l':c altting Cale. tbanite mistate un te bases asItar 5:3' lic lrodisoiseala putat ide I AIZM AND THACmH IMpFPM waating.rat lic tatghtt tt':e:'m a'> Pil. 2:: RNIS 15-plaIe Bitteli Treelot Dis,', Oece the mulet in ss'ttttvegealubi'.6-8: J Cor. 5: 21:, bal nau ibis'set ten garad stape; Fleury' Tîactor iasu arecoke ad is incran, ýàl fredo'ptatt asa'. t'mpbistrd, 2-Isurrwgond ntepe: MlBinder.7 arceoard nd sete teaa tator" ri.: MeIY Mauere5 il.; M . Mamet. geaciet and soupts. a%%014 teho e'.i :iap. attulie died 6 ft., trncter titeb; Pane Hep L.uad- Nover add snaelutaetooiag sege- antl:rt's>a iod i c'>"toee taoc-r" rubtlier rd Wagon and is:ý tutbl'.. Il ma>, preses'e te rat bal i:ta tegloep iatto PIe luse a>' îb artmitht ractine ilet; 11x1 fi. tl dtstroys te situmino .toeamîtnlli'>b t t>il. 2: 911.Il Dtive Bell: M. H. 11" Groin Crtinder. 3'ry ta esotte cilbt mouant lfa'r îe'no.at ueno trou:, peeing foe lite eem; 501 fi. 6" Prise Beit, lite cachmen. Tis aoid waste nd mýIlf o pryin fo Hishana 0cmw 2-eua Corn Cultivater; DPait tuatmeu 'iis auid'> alt od itt-ti t::ittt-it to H: mmd- lut>-;M. H. Soed Peril, I-dint; fa.'1 reutateptose. A"astaeing andti ate ffttltttteýr' tut befare a'>ting toe H. Cltivtlue tstltceder' set out rrteatngecaus'.clc.>s' ilmin. atrtaeld.oforîthemHerr.uaasîSloppîifttîtlnîgod suppFlury: vht altlit' Ilinif tad date fortemn: Wlbing lua: 2 sts tiarecus'; Hau D>s:'ng mut>' munt'> ufti( Ilo'yttle b'ad Io:'an:rteld thcFaîbet's came lolper: 011 Dram.': Ponning Mill; mor>tc aubeoveporelen feata te t era itt:: thora, The neme stands or Is: itbr leecie Fente:; Ha>'Fat sit cr userNiaeraP:tl'> vaaceant etrueer '> rcledSouffiere; 125 fi. one incthepayHope(; Lutot Iten flo'sac NaaaFls aueaP hrce srvae orte Plmp;al): lfoem Stofir'..200a ________- x. -171-15: 34: 5-7). Jets a'bd te- lias.; Bteet'milb Anvil: drep ssil DON'T WAIT FOR SNAILS eaird tutaret thenuatrand FP;)2 tolis nar Pence; Ct'rsýa ____ haatereof ldTit lu>' ni ttc Sepecutne; stoleoWater Tant; i bag Queenslad:(Autrlî'a a:ta'er>lard fft:dtin ofralliant liertad dctc Peedeen;Sprcd taeb un ,t:'l agrilttral autottttt'.are son tse lac hem. Wbie Jeso un Hi'>partevlupetit: Ludde; cjaret ile of t",Ptp- Intedationhsde:'sruiti 104lu tetn It>' g; Wbcel Bareo'; quenît- ty fPlie lautaul ta pcovont te itouto i( ooao ; t hrte nLamber, 1" and 2"; quanlity ut Wtet otitnlsnait'into tbe anlend fcam lt'a esrIit badltcpl îlud's Word. Porcing snd Brt ier;'>et :of te adiasent istand ut Nos utaiteu 111.I'tsyet for Pisciples, 9-11. Brerrbinglifattes'>; odd Humnes.'; abcrtey tuv'ros'r-eunalare:' lb'eatryd foc noalotierstan Bsettund H.'>nen'>; othi Coulacs. h.ed al Ttenr snous s eeo riginallI>' t:'rdecct'ildn va. 6-g(lien. 7: 5poweSpeaver; etea test>'Tracter latclsNaGaecattteaparse 5.024:1> a'. etase l:oys'er locoing Chain und add eteins; Paet,, take taNewGuiea y te Jpinse 5: : 2ý. l ws bcaue tey ereHue t.Stovstt.Bacs,.erie atu usrd thora et food, te Austîalito Ili(,te ste'u ("lbine"l IbsItoJesa'> CAY. iGHAIN AND PGTA7GE Higt Cummttiaeer in Otaw'a t'>' pea>et focrtem. Il ic anotter aon- 15 ton mixrd Hep; f00 tas.n. i 'a] S'. jdettal :sucd chat Jenat 'peetu in v,.(Gcain: 150 tut. Gels; qoonlil> af Rn- lit c"Ai I:io'> ba ae mine arc PUNI'iIR-Ritrtrpn Hange. Fa- th'te"le I:'. tltaac l:sI.cat pire; livanle;2 Hotkersn. ptoire asti (hist'. osto, (Cbeist) irl ii.uptoittr>; laining Haom Tstle: uald STE ILIER a'tad (Gla. 1: 23 21; Phil 1:(Cais;' 2fltds antiSprings: Bas Iepcays te te Paître mu:i- uttee '.aoI loulsrtold Pfferl'> cif lober>'filera and tlober0 teom 'l'PItslCe.b .ilmt tbot i tiso n maime'Iit' - 1:>' lic aun et. N::) r.es'e a'>tilr pea)ttttoir ta,'> lt:'e'cuu:poisonitaeratlrIPr:t.s>at:bislfuriasandt'> grtngaît fncri 18: loia 0fcouse, th elber aeding. ADEIOT 'es rao. lot Ht li:oaetJeta'> il- IlîNDLîP NI L 13p (h. Il'42). l'Tetaor, te te- Auct itute,'> ie: nal>' si ofrli e o 4 t (':-t-Pone Ptln or Mllion oral kp yth i owr Crie, le (IB-41-_2 tod chlit':le otseta te'.u'.' r: orJ o. 101: 29; 1Il'rt. 1:.5;Jude 1-4 1 ((i. 1: 1.31. w T h: pitloftttibe Pottro">ttc'. Sii ain ::rdo iolial ttc>'mighttte One." Ib is wose tee bo laitte - I Phercad Chris.t te Sac long for the uto of tollivrus lu'>. 21, 22). Il t t u ni>' teuougb ildaeeplcg tt dland our oan hntroc lwy le'dng us'tadiviiu. lan Js us'îltaillatheboditcplsHe ii liltialt epi temr, andaa euto the teepinf aNal ont"ofta ir :'h.Thelcon otperion esh critut te Ciren tutonhr a'.cddoesta clmtpI>' tha i n ufthIem whorthe ltr P arlgl taoChritand wtom He d otrna JudasoIn a tboeting cevelellon I tua close a mue mu>' gotte lu hicI and ycî acter aliom Ctrist te enter t ed ret lRum. 19Chrs10-131.I ttcterl. Sure t ilotm.l1C0:nt1ta1Wf). APPLE JUtIC SYiItP ta ttc frsit peuducta tetoratur>' et 1 0H U roit cpitl driv hat tainthe ttc Dominion Noperimeatai Station Lughton n ctcaa nlerilling dre'>c- et ReatuIllIe, NS., a mttod ta een ecaS flarce, Ont. Thece are nom 54 devisccd b>' tiot an editie a5rap ca OTAIN TlIM mN O UR allonu operaed byt>'he Cnadien te peepared tram apple Jelce. The i te increace the aumicer tetue100rap mai uned commerclaily an a ana et of$1,390000 lat udgctcd tnt nacctealng agent tefoteldrinks. Tino DR FFC ce Oaîpizst Hoaipital servico la thc proea la uadcrgelag trial an a coin- utSIlo raunai appel merdi acale. BUSES LEAVE MILTON To TORONTO TORONTO To MILTON a 645 amn. c 3.10 pan. ca 8.45 a.n. id 5.40 pan. f 8.00 arn. b 9.20 pan. b 9.50 arn. b 0.45 pa. b 12.05 pin. e 1.30 p.n e 11.10 Px&. e-Ta Stectacille Oniy a-DaiI>' en. Sua&a&lHai. b-Sun. * HoaL e-fat O'iy. d-Daily ex. Sat, Sun. &t a. &a-Sat. * Mal. f-MoQL enteS StandardIlme BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR BUJFFALO - DETROIT - NORTH BAY OTTAWA - MONTREAL and AI] U.S.A. Pointa FARES ARE LOW Round Trip - Tant Included TORONTO - $ 1.35 NORTH BAY $1420 BUFFALO - $ 7.35 OTTAWA $3â@.8 DETROIT - $12.15 MONTREAL - $1710 R. C. HARRIS' STORE - PHONE 404 FASHI*Om Iç THE A1fi5 a .1ýp ia:s in a tle a n s n'aai itiie htihtt caps lt).çelvo thetead, or a rîde, rtttsd and tccmor'i.,natd r r * Pac/aisiin arca: accstgaaaualas acl:cd, aune uand eas>'and palci>' toloered, or fittiig rerefll asaadec, adroitly tced and tutu>' gatered. * Fasin iin ait anauit a daadpa mien- dapper and daetiag, tm teroaghthie maint ad starpi>' cai-awa>'. * Fasien iin l ea itia aacigarette ilhouette or te luid lariag et picaîn. * Faesica la te nom leagtoniag of a mainline, thce nea concriag of a foot, thce nom nareowing ut etoalders. Fasoiasoaoat... adgond ahion noua is rclected inararreat articles -...- ee lhigb tat 'in iiiaeîraaed la accurato noua photon-s are junior fation îransaaad at gap, bright týýit nnAudro>' Bromna "Young 1ahiunnsf For arma of ail thingn of interene au womon, enjop The Globe and Mailin abrece omons pages, oe>'yde>'. GM-47-34W THUPMAY,ýMARCH 2Dtl4 1947 tHF CANADIAN CHAMPION

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