PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TIUUISEDAY. ItAROIt 200h. 1041 BILlON, ONTARIO Pobited Raer Thrdar Mfteon A.tboet.d as secod là-ia. iiPt Otfice., SUB8C5tPiMOit ATES-$t.aPer. y.ce deace. U.Ittd Siate.. se ddiio..L Siat.eeMit* Bo.th1 otd mamîe .desse. sboold b.enta h., un of .ddre» .O i.eqeoted. ADVERTISNG RATES-O. î PPliic.tios îami as iet 1. eteoc .it. headiti.. Athoottieere cectotw ill b. tte, to .eoid error. The Chmpioniacept advertising l t. oun o.ite muad... tadi. tht it aille-t lcli lhe forim P f! f ccliocs t uiii. cqccd in 1 uitiag ct' the dvet deticc c irned t ithe Clin.pic b...b ofice dciy .iged liethe aîcuetic nid a-l chc- orcections painie no.!ýiri a aetcaerh.,,naci othat cse, if a oeinte ont cd bTh.Cbtop- ion,.it. libiity s.l,iontciecied .uch a proportion f Hlgh and Goieg HWig. 1 The net revenue te the province frein the sale of liquer for tlhe fiscal year just ending will reacli a record $20,800500, Provincial Treasurer Leslie Fro-3t revealod in is budget address. He forecast it will lie even higher during the coming 12 montho when it is expected te reach $27000000. This year's total is $2800500 higher han the pre- viocs year's figure of $24000000 and it iv $6800,500 more than was estimated. In addition te sales bzing op, $800500 was reul- ied fren transfer tees. This <ce is charged whcin a botel holding on authority from <lie Liquor License Boar C hangess cwnrship and is levied on the asis of gllonoge hondted hy <lie outhority-holder. bth tire-ted.cc1 i-h. u 'caie trace cciJieAnother Viewpoint .. dcerti.nect. For tOe pool fcw menths wc busc bad a mont 1. ASLOP DILLS stor intercsting excbonge o ettcers und pupcrs witb a Buies Office . .ManStreet, Miton tember of flite editorial stafof utheOcActon <Engiand) TelcIrccie Nu. Gazete. Wevce enjoycd thcescliange and prticu- ____________________________________ toy as cter received <is week [rom which we quole: __________________________________________y osony ilinsor tocte copies of yor pale hcl1 tconine o visceleitniregulor inier- vais 1t,-,uldli oosay sowt.ieh enoy your edloinooiiîUclîI du nus oiwayu egree wiib E D I TO R IfiL beicidtiso Labourl;oveeoimeni lime, t do cn ýide tht 't las oncmuc fo flcecuntry. 7The Conunanl Responsibility fuel crisis,.not lice <ut outh1e politicai pariy Public commendolion of the Canodion Red Cross sln power, il couici have ocurred just as eusily oiS Socetys cmpagnforfons, ow n rogs fliacth Tra ieormy osso Liberais! The papersI Socityscompignfor ond, 0W O rogoîsh-a creine ccc: nTorono ici O lc anIud Ni-o-York bren mode hy mony of Cacudas eadiog ciizens. In aci it ti:kcflic smmi lic-ue, licol sisce the cosi colui*,Ns-i-s cato osîeit, liese misiSiiOage- their stalements lbcy ait omplissized tOc peocclîme e-s havie ocurrc-d,anod iiliecefore the <ou aims of tlic Society and or individuat responsibiliiy ufthlie guscici si-h. -he lhins u hol 10e gnvers- ment con ici- iiincdctIir arccflice aIluce b olie te conrihote<tO tlirait f our meons. ccicîcc.ic ic-Ici.c:-merc.cys cii-ps Io ýinit coli - At s recent unnoni meeting of the Hamiltolutanpo0 iuictcccid in 1he susih %hm1the frt igiis Ontario, Brancb of tOc Society, the disinguisbcd of siicoiting powier culs cere mositesled, and secondly, invfi%> opinionoart uny cale, ils lolure 15 Canodian sldicr Generot H. G. D. Creror, CM., stfoimthelpeplîne juil cccv seious lh icetcuation CB.. D.S.0., inîerpreted our responsibility tn tOe iicii ut lthe oulupi. I cunnvol rece witli 1he es- dcccý iit inii g cvise fnilice Labour Party Red Criss in o new ligOl . .. tht of Commua- ai dccc;s - i oi-sicubtlf. icirsse il lias naicuicvlic-d 10e y effort. indu.,î'y, cir c-nu I ienic-ily myseI i- t h ie i-o- iWe busc deiite need in Iis country,' said iiccccciil-s-iiccc-vic-ccuî tcic-sil Grocrat Creror, c"for lesemotionot rtnry on guisi licl Y rîc ,Yu cc "%%fiscicci ccciii secs cii freedomc and o lot mort considerulion and dryriop- on Iiciii-c i-o cciicii A, o:li- it -ci ment of the cscoîillreqircmcnîs of o deocrocy i-ii ae oipl~aring cli,,i.ithcblizzahuocrd cf'94, the sense of general communal responvibitity - c cdui-glfa ih-,b is r0. tici-i ib,-is lric sno "In the important contribution 10 bumon welfare faît osi-r ci-ci-C' whicb is the est record of Red Cross. wc baie a iWc foi- tIhat unr frieîîd on the Ecigli-,O newspoprr- practicot demonstration of the essontiols required for wiil nat mind ccci quting frontc his ct..\cbs a democrocy - . . n roui sense of commuiîi vews on the tabsîr Go verinvil f Engtund. Thsy responsibitity.i .mus nol lieccrrectIand we ai-e thereforo gld oitnpuisc Community effort on n national 50010, witb every on ibis vieu.-poiiiiI 0 Oi- r eacders unît. a mancîwii mon and wnmun lending morat und fnanciul support is closer lic ihe situatbon thon cvi-ai-e, chther i <n insure the continuation of o necessury peacetinîn coincides wîlli or isWpoinl iii- 011. Ovis Os getiisg pregram, iv the troc ife blond of the Conudion Rod' It viewpoinl-i sun ieudors ucni thoîr owv conclus- Cross, ions and s ci-s glui tolupus-i his opinion utnng. Your support iv needed . . .nous____________ 1EDITORIAI. NOTES Aginst and For ___ The uar of ideus iv being waged lo-dey more :ý The litile gi-een ihanrock \%us mc ciec firrcety than people i-alize. Mterinistin groups of! on Mondai- and wcîh the advenoî f spring -chedutsd the eiteme igt and extreme teft deihcrotety fr îo-moi-i-icucms foks hope il wnict hoc long unfit divide tbr nationos. If you piece together ollte <le51-c green fields are ugin in esîdence oniveciy side, Iated incidents of ooirest wbether on the Canadiaci___________ or British Priament, in the foclories und rode, cotons, at the docks. in the mining areos, in trunsport Lettirs frontcîc rievds aîîd readers who ure spend and in bousing-thoy foi-m u definite patternofe dis- cog Iis uinIer on th e snny sou lb huvent shai-peicou order. sur ap precia ion of tis Canadian uinIer andmie il On. tactic cf these anti-democrutic forces is 10 ight ho forgisos il a little eocy etesd ftics discredit national leaders ehoin tbey cannot control. c tbonghls s the wicits locv strîcng north-wess. They try te split thet. tront. their friends, their fol- toWrs and their families. Wby? To get rid of: Weisonowcvsecivg ituils i-portso h thl hemn and put in heir places men usho ureo hostile 13 of the Ontario Lcgisluîuro.1Pubhication should heip the Christiun hais tf democratie lite. 10 elininate the accusations of hcing urongly quolcd But uhen thc stibversive elemonts come ufic and perhup-c t.lice nemhors a litll more cautucs ici agaitît moral leadership <bey ai-e dcfcutcd. Tbsy j lci rullsernces, Whisb have li c Of it 10 pint nous. connot heowhereat or bribe men uho put IOe country hcfore their nwn interets-Oefoee power, umbition and reputatien. Tu o notices hase hsen nîuled Iis Wcsk. tn kssuc- In Iis light îhere is no need 10 o u gu 51 any ng Wilh the trsnd of rising peccos, eaîopnyers usd1 cnuntry, any class, any race. We must be for a gi-ct i <d cIle mores, u nl nearly us gi-sut cn positive idea and we must unte al the positive forces iv ci-cssas mosî other tuyments. Thev rs the line in the uortd 10 gel the idea across. Thero witl h-c f ax item on which yocu sc daly uhat yoarnic- payiog oew hopc for a froc demncrutic idcology uhen vis aIt <for. fight upon Iis OuIle lino: (I) To huild and back - _______ moral leadership Which poIs the uholeo0f the nution Toronto Isochees plucsd dveitsi îcmsn.s in tica hetoro any persnnul or grnup interost. (2) To croate ppr î cî hi aeb chrWgsadIs vound family lifo us the huckbhnn of a dynamiec pa e Christian ideology. 3) To erect o nous industrifal pcke h alrc ,teBado dct i strutur whee lborand anaemen wok uite cnssc',d the inulîsi-, uI the Board wsa damunt andl strutur usero1000 on muugoont Oi- ontedy rfuscd 10 gi-un Isalury equesîs îoîlling $183,0titi.c uith a nous spirit for 10e good of ol. (4) To inspis o O ieîIim 10rdei. cihisue nko international unily, nul on eopediency, Ot hy th oc etdfor bakheslyscdus wii pattrn f uitywe avefithom, ad b th ha2-lhsy nccepteit ast Septeîiiee lic ion for o car. froc, fcar-froc, groed-feee spirit WO rimug imb lb- counicits of 1he ntions.- Chesley Esîeprise. The Trend for Powser There siould ho vo difficulty for police acîd court Wc dont sanotOch Mounties o tube oser ailth1e Oficials iv deîeemiing jusl When a prson is guilty police forceà of Canada, as Mayor McGreer 0f Van- if heing inlonîcated uhilo baving -careeand contiol" couver soggestv, dentres tbe Ottawsajoarnal. If of on automobile. The 10w is not vogue, Ilitecrecs Ibat uas donc "there woutd 0e created o huge val- Ihat the cor need nnt ho in motion, if tOc personoici ional police force under the direct conleol tf tOhe control uhen opprebended iv drunh. Att thut iv nec- Dominion Governinent. Like <lic OGPIJ or the Gos- essary iv lu prisu that thecauomobile iv capable of topo, il woutd Oc a mot potent ueapon in the hanîls biog driven. This cleor interpretation should i-- et the administration uhicli lappened o 0e in mose mocli of the uncertaioty fetuan hese cases wlicn power on Parlioment Hill. 1< migbl 0e o dellnite stcp are se important lu public safe<y.-The Windsor Star. .l... t. -Atritte Poinc t.- Disccsing <le saine rend as seen in Ontario, oe niglt add thal ue dont approve of <le Province securing fuît cent-el of att police in <lie province and <lie inove te bave Provincial Police supplant the Municipas Police - especiatty wlien munîcipaities muet tevy in their axes for mainaining e policicîg 'Jforce coder <lie jurisdiction efth<le province. The rend te central control ýby any governinent cao b-2 e verdone and can ake away .nany of <lie hest thingv à in a de.nocracy. Coinpctsorp voing inuy bave ils disadvaotuges as usd1 as ils adsatages, Ideclares thie Edinono journal, but South Ainericat empeience suggests tOut il iiglit otter governints a neus id in bal- ancing budgets. "A dispaîcli recentty trot. Brazil reports <at 1,750,000 qoaified Bracitian voles mnust pay fines et $5 <e $15 for faiing o vote t city etecîloos. Thot odds op te a vource of revenue n <le income tan or liquor profits ctass," HeIp The +~ Red Cross "SALADK T EA Old Company Lehigh OLGA POCAHONTAS - COKE CAVALIER STOKER FOR FREEDOM FROM WORldY INSTAL A Livingstone Stoker OR A LIVINGSTONE OIL BLitNER INSTALLED AND SERVICED PIONEER FEEDS CEMENT - LIME R.,S.ADAMS Poe48................Nights 16 Business Directouy DR. C. IL STEVESONl MD., LM*c.C. Physifan .dISrene Phase 2w - X-Ray Office Houri 8.30-9 arn.; 1-3 7-9 p. Coroner, C.P.R. and OaoI Surgen DR. G. E. SYER Ph.Idelau. and Surgeon Office-James Street Phone No. 38 Office floues: 9 ..; 1-3, 7-8.30 p. Coroner - M.40H. LEGAL DICK & DICK W. 2L DICK, K. <County Crouin Attorney) KENNETII Y. DSCK, B.A. Barriotero, Solicitors Court Homse - Miton Teleptiose 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON Barrfster, ofletor, E. Offie-Next Door Champion Offie. Main Street-Mittos Telepicone 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Barlster, Soicitor, Notary Publie. r Office-In Farmere'Building, Mat1 Street, Milos Teleplione 70 G. HOWARD GEAY, K£. Barrlater, Soliciter, Noue', " 238 Steele Street, Toronto, Out. Phone LYsdhuc.t 8612 -Aise a- NMTON INN by Appointment LEVER & HOSKIN Cbartered Aceeautanta Succeaseca <o JF24KINS &HARDY 1305 Metropoiitan Bldg., 44 Victoria St., Toranto Etc. 0131 DENTAL DR. G.A.KING( DENTAL SURGESON Office is Royal Builing, Miltan Hous-9-5. Evenirsgs liy Appointises X-Ray Service Tetephona -97 DR. F. E. BABCOCK * DENTAL SURGEON Office oser Pri icess Theatre INiglit Appointments ncay lie acrangeti X-Ray Service-fias Extracton Hours 9 te 5 'roiephone 65w NIELSEN-The Chieo<ae fluDi... Tharaplia 33rd Yeac ut Practice Lady Attendant Clseuay OPTICAL H. C. LAIRD, R.O. OPTMEIITIST - OPTIQN Miton-Tliursday Atterneema Md Evenings For Appointnit Picone Marciatd's-54 Eycs Esomiord - Lenses PreuMi4h nNsuOcANCE R. W. FOX Agent for FINRE and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Phase 26U * Miton, Ontario TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIXAN PACIF<C RAILWAY STANDARD TE Coing Eassi7.31 e.., datty; 2.25 p.m., duiiy; .37 p.., daity casapt Sunday. Going West-9.32 a... daity tflag); 6.26 p.., daliy; 12 .47 a.., dalY ex. cept Sunday lOai). SUNDAY Going East-7.31 a.: 2,25 pm.;, .27 pi. Going West-9.32 arn. (fin»; $à& i.m. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Going ffouth-7.30 pi. Coing Nerth-8.0ai. S. A. FAY Phonse 205 PLLIMBING HEATING and TINSMITHING Main St, - Milton, ,ont. /I / 1 1 s --vw4s -1 KABw- IIL.10u2 Im a camu>KIDNET PRETEE*L-aTIX Pmai 1e OWANSOWN CAM E PLOUk L:. . IL QUICK QUAKM @AS LOtîm 990 ZENE"57-- SAUCE 5HUtI mM AW E Sa ~~ loup MARE o . tESIt 0RANCE IURCE îz3e, 'ape PISU CAKES ELENDED JUICE ".. Z 9sae& 29zr 270 PRUNE NECTAR 3t.- 190 ROMANCOV7 E ,P-", 39c CL HA ER *NOWVLARE AMmoNIA-0- se MUAN &PEED COAT - 51c, $1.07 SWIFT'$ -BEX 240 CLEANSERUz O 2 r- 25C -JUICE Tm*0 KLEEN,4 29c ' 'MUFFETS 2- ti17c LOBSTER - .69c PINEAPPLE neU33 MOIES GRAPEFRUIT -27. COFFLOU1 7-- .,.. 1VIRUOaAia lAE BT80 NEW SERTES buncli"MO FreO HEAD 470ETTUCEIL2'f"r 217 220'o Doz 45cRTI PAGE TWO THURSDAY, MARCH 20U% 1047 THE CANADIANCHAMPION