Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Mar 1947, p. 2

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PAGE TWO 1 (~i Lanabian Ollampiau MILTON, ONTARIO Pubiihed Every Thr.d., Ateomn Auttiorited as second do.. tmail, Post Otice Dfflrt«t. Otta.a SUaSCRIPrION RATES-OntOpar ymo te suîmes United Sates S on .dditiona. .Sinrlt cpine.. a.. OIi and n., .ddr..to. .houid b gveto ah..ts ht.g.o aid,.. is e.quettd. ADVERTISING RATES-Ot .ppliietic. and.d. guta 1 J. m h.ditgr.. AthoughteverY Precutiet ,il bctaktne av.uld The Ch-ti.. .-Pt. tdleti-i1in it. roi,,,. otheod,,,tdint 15,6t eli .,t bc lbble fot,. c- in .i.y e, i,,,eipubithrd hwei,.de otI. apeed. i ofi d,,ete.tt à.q.stedaI. ,iting be the adetie nd ttd u-,ed t. th. Chamoton. itttoe.. office duly .igned by th. .d-eti-..d w.lth o t es«,if ny rro o .ttdi. nt ,,cted by The Cam. In ra iablit hal ot eced .,,h ao poton of sc ett. .eh,. G. ARLOF DILLSd., EDITORIAL THE CANADIAN CHAMPION W. H. Stringer, OBE. uf the Provincial Police, wijl i be able 10 direct thte movement of 200 lu 300 police radio cars titroughout aIl parts of aouthern Ontario, Windsor ta Ottawa and as far sorîh as Parry Sound. Thte speed and dependability of thia control will giv2 a neto efficiency 10 loto enfarcement by saving vital secodst tat sre n0w lost in lise telepitone or vehicle communication. The neto system "will bu Frequency Modulation (FM), and ltis planned 10 operate an tbree fre- quencies bettocen 35-44 megacycles. The special mer- il of FM is Ihat il provides lear and dependabîr re- ceptioo thot is atosost entirely free of stotic ood io- lerfereoco which will itelpýta essors thst communic- ation will be miataised aI al l imes even in te centre of a severe electrical storm. The iegenioos use of te three frequencies will permit messages; 10 flow simulîaneously betweeo district stations, bettocen local stations, and betwoes mobile units. Detays in passing important messages witl be reduced greaely in Ibis wsy. Provision will be mode in tbe lature for an iscreasing use of de- vices wbicb will aoîomaîically relay or record mes- sages and 50 reduce te manpower required 10oper- oIe tbe system. 1atteline No. 1 The Need isGreat A.oste catmif.igtisobeing totgnt 10 sever Begnnig Mrch3, heCandia Re CrFstite linkts toicit bind tbe United States and Brilain fnSocielthednilsfirsi m ar wNational eAppea ofoa Tite main inspirers of Ihis campaign, delermine.t $5,000.000 for 1947. Tbis represents te minimum titose wito are also lryitg 10 fasten o malerialistie amount required ta finance a peacelime program in ideoîogy on te world. Conada truc ta te objects of te Red Cross Citarter: Titis is ont sarprising, for te IRa counîries sitare "In lime of Peuce or 'War la carrî on aod assisl in g real spirituaai traditions. In bot a deeply rooîedb- work for te improsemenl af Healt.lte preveniai lien n u mat Ireedo,. spriogs from te same serti1 of Diseuse and te mitigation of suffering.' 0f moral conviction. AItlite moment American-Britisit Tiis peacetime pieu lfor fonds represenîs 10 lite utlecon becte strongesl t hlwark dfetding tite 'i people uf Cunada . u n opporlunily la s'aice ap- moral an d spiritual values agoinsî lite otsweeping preciation in îerms aif dollars anti cents for ooîsîav.l-lioagdîso erlim IlAeic ani rîuî ing service rendereti our lîgitling metnityte Cii.-ire seporated ttenthlie witole conception af Chitiîa adian Red Cross during ithetour years. Now te tý reedom mnis iaoisit from titis cart. Society is îuraiag lu lite nreds af prace andth ie al-i Bot te real ibreat lu dem ocracy con res froiv leviation of itoman sufferiag in Canada. Surpliis t1ithitît.t.ottitout. For dem ocraco is ntIa tier,- toartime funds, under te War Citarities At, car- ssrmi of voIes. ecotomnits or polies. Il is a way o;. marked for and bieng sprat on tour relief, caotitbc lite. Freedomim possible only whien millions of people use fo tiis urpse.ltthikatd lise selflessly for teir commanty ratiter Wiîb lite money la ibe rised in te test trohian setfisitly for temselves. Anti nowadays, wr, te weeks telied Cross pluns la provide id ta scIer- dmcai eprs otiawy le ietr ans . . . more Oulpost Hospilals an te tronliers oi wiicit makes teiirlt o rsurvie ai af freedom po- Canada . . . a free National Blond Transfusion Ser- subie. vice . . . Crippled Ciildret's work . . . a sîrong-.r Enemi es ai demncracy pick upon tese weaktess- junior lied Cross and entend sucit services as Fi r;l es. Il totosvo tititHitler. He knew moîerialism toos Aid, Home Nursing, Swimming Instruction, Nutrit- te maggot in te apple ut lreedom. He used eo- ion and facilities for Distaster Relief, amples of mterialism in American and Britisit lite lunte spirit of Winston Citurciilî's unforgetable in is altempîs ta discredit democracp ta te toarii. toords . Every mon and every mamnan tili bave He slruggled ta separale Americo tram Britain. te chtance ta shtow te fineot qualities of titeir race.' recognizing itot ptrong a btasttn 0f liberty titl and render te iigitest service ta titeir couse."Tiis comiinalion could bce. paper wbolrbearledly recommrnds full communile Tite urgent need is for the peoples of te demne. support 10 lite Canodian lied Cross Societys pIes for racies la aceept and live titeir owfl inspired ideologv. fonds ta ondertake titis imporant peacelimne pro - Titey tili nt tro need ta leur te materialistie id- grama. rologies of race or ciass ru oè. For te ideoiogy of drmocrocy is biggrr titan any seelional power id. Foi-ced Labor? Il belongs ta ail classes and ail races. Ir itelongs 10 ail Same tirer monlts agn. Mr. Herbert Morrison trce peopl e ever ywitere. assured te people of Brituin taIlite socialisî gos\- 1 Ilrahine cat bridge te guols, itici to1-day oppelirI ersmenl wouid sot impose torced laitor osnte nt- 10 be wdenîtg beltween te tationts. Ir iv os onîvers il ion. Alîbougit ta officiai revrrsai of policy bas been os itumoîî uaature an d il m eons citange in ail boîn announced, te prescrt t jdustrial crîsis bas gisen nature. Ir s te ove idca bic enoîîgi to uaite aillt-' rise ta sa many rumors taIlite remarks of Mr. peoples olfte world. Harold Laskiin a receti nesispapi. r article are par- ticularly in errsting. lnettme Tax Adjustmetn Needed Mr. Laskî soys. "\Vi eu ars oplatted dstributionî . lJicil woîrd lrîîolOttawia i dictes ital ireî. of munpower lu ftit e kind ot sociely loward whitisi Go scînaen i s ponidering tire questîioin of climiîîî'î we are movîtg . . .Itis toolisi t to 0realize tatinla îg or uhotitiaîallsl' disdtîg teits îine es spri Ibis realos te dav, of te re and casual mark, 'i ils for labor buse gon e lorever.' Sport lavers. an partie. 'l'lie latine-s ol te icvîis lsv sasuc ulur. tili situtder t is final sttemeal "Il is faas!- la s revenuie bts itesîl mphiîîd icoisei li. ic titt ntertaîameal anti sport sitooltibc llotosa lite tîîsd ea ropotilîlal ioîîîî bsc test aiis i ta draw off otf5mat oito could otitertoîse be doîag itear il. usefal work. -1 If itiîwever. re;idîustîoeiiis are peadîng. tscii Alîbougit ont u memiter utfte goveraiment, M 1110ely tiisug ge.t tai liteman îof medium ieclme t', Lashi bus bren a boostrr of Labor for ma year-, givet issitare if consideroîiîîa. Thte lower îîîcîoî - and be must crrluiuiy bc on close lrrms wilt Partgroup col oaîriasoec- if reliefi ast prar. Itertats ia leaders. Moreover, since is wriling is regardrd as turtiter exe'mption i thier beitaif sitoulti itsmode. authitaoive by Britots. bis would bc a logical pet But te $.iilill II$.400011i aconie- ivbord îot îof ail e- ta oeil te dru ol regimentîd luitor itefore imposing1 lationsitip 1tte art surplus relaîaed aller advoîîciîîg il. cosî of living bas itee providrd for. Eves if Mr. Laskis article is nt goverameat-la- Mr b t k ws ha buies nctv l spired. il offres on insightî Ino socialisî liakitg. itampered ty excessive-lacoitie tas demanis. and taI Freedom of te individul s certaitly aI an endif n phase of te- rcovery program is more imiporlolît t is 10 ibcdragooted by te vIole im witever joli taproduction in abtonance, wticit con resuliiaiy s selected for im. Thte titeatre-leso and sport-Irs 1fnium a i centîve stimuled by te prospectofaI socieîy propoord bith ie triler could Ibm ite otîy ai reasono ble profit return on capital. Bol ilouerds anticlimx.lurîber III empitasize taI te acome otfte salorird anti-clian. - oorier. rorailie $3111111 10$4000 a vear is bord ouItîît A Provinoe-Wide 8 stem ln te report of te ast meeting ai Hal 1111 CauntCouarit o smail item opperrd whitiebstaîrd taI Council gavr permission la intial atn aili-i ibe Coutît itildings in complionce witb a rrqurs I from te Ontario Provincial Police. Titlwas bot part ut o widr provincial syslem. A syslem oftIwo- cap radio communicationofton Ontario Provincial Policretili be in operution ity mid-sommer us a resl of a cosîruel signed by te Hon. Leslie Blacksvrll, rcprrseîîting te Provincial Governmrnl anti by officiais of Canadian Gîneral Eîrcîrie Ca. Lti. Firsî of ils kind in Canada anti ose- of te largeol anti mosl modemn on te continent, te syslrm tilI employ te ltesI eleclronic eqipmeîît anti til cosl almost baîf a million dollars. Titroogit a central castraI station near Aorora anti a netwark of 30 lu 40 local stations, Commiosioner propolrtionîlit l presen t purcitasiog poWLr. ti re ouI toc coasideratioto inte 1947 budget.--Hiolsoille F îresle r. EITIOItIAL NOTMS Il woOi require ont wealber propitet la predîcî o vrry wtrîspriog. Alboi t u te voatobanks make ltolt a errlainly. Thte tirsIt eto days rof Marcit bave given o varîeiy ut wetbrr similar ta Frbrunry atd lterî's some arg- umentls os awietler il bas bren lomit-like or lioni- lite-ia tact, il's bren like bot. Loîresî advoncr tn prices taI will affect evrry bousebald s te neto bref priçes. Bol Iberes no 056 beefiug about Item-il's just port of te cycle af bigiter prices taI srems necesary ta go titroogit. TFIURSDAY, MARCH 6thl, 1947. 6STARLIGHT" Chick Starter la made from a carefully prepared formula to assure vigorous growth and atrong healthy bleds. Gret your chieca early, and for a better atart feed them fresh "STARLIGHT" CHICK STARTER Place your order now for Peat Mus while the supply la adequate MILTON MILLING CO. Phone 50 Limited Milton Ont. BUT DAO PO TATOES (M (lANA U " LE TO OUVEI NAGEorPOTATONGI 'eCICN HADDIEM -31Lc CLEANSER -Tzo Tc RA"Ies10 ca" VROSTY MIX 2 PGE190 C MUSHROMI& I10 VEGETABLE TOU?9 iWALNUTS Lt570 R.T.. - ACK CEse .UlPltâ VAILRLENOODLEtN - Se BTT"L5 140 I1.i. Y lopb ut. Rat., PALMOLEVE U 1)SPECIALI WA.DUNCK S3ul -p. ImsniaFLOUPU - -NT 21Z.TISFLU l 5. m. Z "' aieSAUCE Stt. »C spic.ot $PAN..ab NTR t L Me NAL oa BRAN FLAKES KLG.t 1 I5c QUAKER O SLOPO1 4) BEANS 2-27 (R AI E~ tUIT 0 c1110E5For 2 3 CFLElîli TALKS IFAF I ETTUCE ORANGES Sr ' 220- flac.s' 4c 2 For 29c 2 Btînebes for 23C ORANGES, Sîue 5 252 - Doz 35 Business Directory BMICAL DRL C. K. STEVENSON MD., L.M.C.C. PhytielmandSurgteoan Phone 2w - X-Ray Office Roura 0.30-9 ....; 1-3 7-9 p.m. Coroner, C.P.R. and Gaol Surgeon DR& G. E. SE Phytielan andi Surgeon Office-James Street Pihone No. 38 Ofile. Hoara: O a.m.; 1-3, 7-8.30 p.... Coroner - M.H LUSSAL DICK & DICK W. L DIY4 IL. (County Crown Attorney) IIENNETH Y. enICK .A.& Barrialeru, Soliiors Court Route - Miltn Telephone 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON Bahutoter, Sotiettor. Etc. Office-Neal Door Champion Ofile. Main Street-Milton Telepttone 54 GEORGE E. ELIOTT Baeeiater, Solicttor, Notary Publie Office-In Formera' Building, Main Street, Milton Telephatte 70 G. HOWARD GRAY, ILL Bareiater, solicito,Notary,&&a 238 Seele Street, Toronto, Ont. Phone LYndhuent 8112 -Altoai- bMTON INN by Appoinîment LEVER & HOSKIN Chariereti Ace.utant Riteceotors ta JENRINS & A Asf 10 erpltoronlog. Eig. 9131 DENTAL DR.G. A. KING DENTAL SURtiKON Office fn Royal Building, Miton Bours--. Eveningt ity AppoiGntmn X-flay Service Telephone 197 DIL F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SUJRGEION Office over Princeto Theatre NlgfiI Appointimentmay lhe srra»e X-R0ay Servie-Uas EaleaeItoE Boom 9 O 105S Telephone Ohm NIELSEN-The Cbiropractuw DruogieuThompi 33rd Year of Peleife é Lady Attendant Phione 150W (aPTICAL H. C. LAIRD, B.O. OPTOMEETOSI - OPTICIAZ4 MillonT liursay AIIeentono and Evenluga For Appointmtt Phone Mruehaiids-56 EesExaminrd - Lenae, Prescribed INSURANCE R. W. FOX Agent for 5111E andi AUTOMOBILE ]INSURANCE Phone 26U Milot. Ontario TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANAIJIAN PACIFlC RAILWAY STANDARD TIME Goîsu East-7.30 a.m., daiîy; 2M2 pi.n., daiy; 8.37 p.m., dally exeept Ounday. Gaing WesI 9.32 .m., daily iGagi; 6.26 p.m., daily; 12.47 o.m., daily ex- cept Ootday 10001. 1 UNDAY Coing RosI 7.30 a.nf.; 2,25 p.m.; 9.27 lp.m. Gone West-9032 a.m.. flag); 1.26 p.m. CANAIJIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Golng Oouîi 730l... fluifleNotrii .00 o.m. S. A. FAY Phoe 205 PLUM BING I-EATING anti TINSMITHING Main Si. - Milton, On.I COUNTY 0F HALTON 1947>- -LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR - 1947 Oaki,,tli,. ru-day.T . ....... - 7î a il T,,dy o 6 8 - 6 t No. dAID,iiet ctirCen atIlin ajeh tanda6,rdo JT. tim b M B A2 tott;I.i t. Cm t.il. Ein ThOni, 0n. 4, W . I.d DCCol Mltens and .riiév rn ju- r ...le d ty, P.t

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