* e . t THÉ CANADIAN CHAMPION PORTESOF EAETH U Tise poetry ef earthis î neyer tieati: The Sumdav Sehool Wises al tise birds are laînt titis tise isot $ns.o Ansd hiel n eoling trees. a voce telîl Lesso Prom ieuge te, hege about bie nete- SUNDAY, MAMR 2 l mewn smeai;__________ _____ Tisu la tise grasseipers - ie labea tise iead THE DRAWIN<3 pIWER 0F In sunmer iusury - ie h assnener CHRIST Wîts iîelihs e esnbrdet Golden Tet-t, If 1 he lilted UP ils lue tram tise earte, tili drat elal men He rets t eiselmeteen same pleai- snto myseif. Jea. 12: 43. anc wecI. Lesen Test. ina. 12: 12-16, 20- Tise POery af arthIs sceasig nese' 32. 3MT NOT ENOUGH Meat and meCS aitornatea are tise met costly fend Itemis, yet. nutrition surveyt ls Smo provinces revealed te natienal iealtis autiseritieu tisat cor iy ailthtie ehldron nurvoyod were gt- tint ample amountu af meat. Oithtie tiser bond vegotaleio. exeept for pe- tatoes, were negleted by aimeat ana hait. Nutrition excprte pint eut titt veletalies. particulacly tise vivld green and yellow oses, ontaîn a varlety ef vitemint and minerais es- eniai b o el rounded îlots, asd, On-olot :s-oné _ioiër eveeni"g, i it ,,5 Tme- Saiday, Apris . AU) 3i. urge parents ta encourage chilses ta Hufcr is iecle hsttee Pince-Jeruselem. est vetetables. there ahills Exposition - 1 . Triempisel Entry _________________ Tihe crickets sont, in wartintl i- ie Jecuaalem, 12: 12-16. reaslag ever, Leingthtie home et His three F R U 1 M Ad uema teaone le dreesineta hall ficenda et Betisni, Jetsustaon came FU NiUR S L ls ta Betispage. At thai point an Hiss The tresuhopiers amont tomte grassy bis. joarisey te Jecualem He sent tee) MODERSN &A ANTQE IJEat ITUItE John Keats ct Ris disciples on o iîyseg erranti ELELCTRIC REFttIOERATOR, El- _________ They were te ied an ess tied ai a cer- ECRI LAMS ELECTRIC STOVE. tini place and lier colt wtSt her. SEW[NG MACHiIsN'E, ETC. Fifty Years Ago Thinge.yeve a otperin ad r g Tise asdecsigoed itave teceeved le- ihem la Hm la sshom ai tiings bs- Siictiosft Taisen frinte tieiteonoftise Cao- iunged. avttisnu thcc espianationtison MR. JAMES LILLYCROP adieu Ciscupsa. Tborsdep, Frbruary "The Lrd halh need etIllettr' Ta sdil by piblic aactiin an 25th, 1897 Malt. 21 3t. Thisas a Oeai triai et SATURDAY. IsARCHtlatt falti,. bet hese dsipes prÔved At 1'-)30 o'ciuek Sharp, aitlise vil- Tise Mito Fluer Mllusii Ouc lisecies taitlal hy diag pecseiy loge ut Kilbicae. tise talaming: Ai' dast o tihree eekhsItie the stat te Master raliiisem lu de t 3-luere Ciestserfield Suite; 1 Wai- st %aet whels are pal in. Maii. 21 6ai roishs lise seîtt'enulnaiCabist;1: iWutaChina Cabinet, A. S. Cisissaim. ActhiarHîbmcc andt est ut dsciiîiesiiit li. 15: 14. giait ors; i DroitLeai Taisle;6 W. . Cankiteof akvll reurnd JIýh>- oun eeryhin jut a JeusWaisei Chairs ils Extensio'l'able W.H.raorîialOhviiereaccd Tsertued e'eryiîig jsi s Jtasand Bfet tatmatcht; nemer ofEnd home Tuecday et'eoîog atler spcn, -1 s',.id il. ss aa ie Leke 9:321) 'tl'aisies: tine aid hcod rarved Cal- lot tma days shoatiisgio the vcii- tin shtih Jes'. eoiered icrusal- iboard; nuosher et elecrieu'Fioor itY of Mitoand lise moeitn. They cc dîna uts irte cut eccumtaoyitngILatoîseand T'lhe iaostsesarai stec qaietecestai hengin hote 0e tsiect'atan eocicndlitRoitckers anti oiddChairs; 1 i ti-tluac wer qute uccssfl, rigin hane he othr %*a ar exct nd itealWar'trahe' Cases: Hall Set; Hall 15 railiits aod threc e s. tailteet ofu Zeclil 9:,9STiis shows l'ree; 1 Stereiat'y: 'relephane Desk, Rev. D. W. Snder ai Milltsn isilotal mnteilit aiostChtîiA1 ondaa'ovee Taw; 1elecri Re- pcetcised et S. Pari aMcihoditt Sbas tatt lied te protîheciesthtiavsae trigeratar (Maylower); Saiiec Ruas; Ohureh, Bramptos est Saoday een aready tilillea. Carpes; I large Rag; 1 elecilc morning and evening. Il."Oe a asid sec Jetas" 23. Slave (Wetinghouase); 2 electrie Ra- Watec Lindsay Jr., oseetfMlton'> Tisere îles probahiy mare thao diose:i elecerie aaiameatie Toaster: l<tteiîen Range; i Vitrca and lie- nrtsuisitin(liereuaeilo ties ord (Edisn: 1calnd wood leit premiise yoaog mes lelitar Martt' tee. hbtt ilP net liieiy tisai they itre; 2 Box Stavs; i Rearuom Suit.?; itoisaon Moday. havingsecrdaltg disfulsgiiatv.O uradDesrs d a Stands: i nietaou i n d epes oiton. eeuiy eeiog lessdependa aac tai- add Bs'd; Beddisa: 'ruiles Sels: 1 Sn- Knox ChariOt prseted a tahbleax Iistocs tei Hies ieun. 3: 15; 6:40: 20:. 'iolit asti Case; 1iCatr and Casi, n the -TuasHall Feday esente.202Ca O. W cs:ectl ' t lond; Buse;no es; uaooks 'receostumsotr\verte desigord pincip- : lie gedh lteta fin ttselSluci;M'r:'; Boks iVsuoit t î' aiiy hbyihrs.'rT. G.Malise an ad t-ii'îtîtand oin t'e.îrd's Sajîper (ltins. varte: Firt' Itanlie thst: . lttre,; psingauprsaten'cd hy J. .A. ('aeh' i ,: 39 :I: 1 (ore 11: 22 9).Al-itaintisoa ttills 'irs itldt's haro. tOeccititt ing atiti 'ndiltîl tr't'itic sman quit (tt Ct; Oshy C('.itg.': Aliîltm ieatial. Suags stere Sang iii'Miss lite tl:'s'c i'. 'tî' reehi stey tf Cilss l:.sstitrt'itîtt la Liocie Stagg. Res. A. Mhlîilland ::sit u siiitîii ec.tst tts.tOttatirct'ilid tt etti1 Mc. Dearon. MseLawrîen"o and T'l'O rs' ,îekss vne'itaPiilipt et i-Iis te ýSChina. 92iiit.'-"tt) e Bennett pia>ed ra piatîo duet. W\V. i, go htauîî't.Ir,,,is ontu strictsiatqtitlstiIofCîttie: .2 I.:îsoMiai Destaril c cci rodere cc ii ert't S.sio il., ort: h, r i nsîî i smîte: sofutite 1 'it. iist tti'i, R*lii"_12 %sin'Itt'it'st"r:. and ite oc,tr'i îýiued it susltet ciof iorslivréil 'uitiiîîtt 'ut"fPt t t i iiîtît 'eîîî;1 t iii ltît f i':5 l:hRe iIai dit bott ité stiti in ;i l:ltla ,. DIED ittt.am:oitTltir reqtteetagges.ltitt o tiai iIé WILSAOCN Iil oîîîîi iii ti , .'h- ,tii tut liii tre t ttTiiiiStcitt îîi.s'ssgt aruais211: i:Mr, i in h'., li'moite atîtiti tr,, -, ait s1-qk ilv of f:f 0iuitiliui'ilSi 7t year. tiIttie.ie titilt eértmiiili"îii,% Niî'iîî'iiîîîîdrîrh-, IOCC;(AN -AiI hr hont' :itt:At" . naîîîî:'d iii Iis etsi g deetli: t Kil: 2 IlN) N Dili' SCil'il" Suan Dugga:s 'itrsitile ,gMl-i1-16i ut sing omigi.îrilialîndIhegs ' S iulrî i h 1r3, 'iii liii: iii ~~~~~ýsý23,2_>I h. 17: 1. 5,. lii. 13: ___________________ i31, 32."iet rrîîsiiiri s:vas a man- EFFICIENT I.TILIZATION ixesisliing iii Cii: isvieas tls l IEie II1A: i - OF FEED 'Iun.4:7-10; Jnua1:3'6)i But O su, ta DISPERS AL S ULr reier'cîd liteeprimarilyi tshé,egloey "it adouaitl iiis e itiatry iodas' eysnd deat. lise glory tisaI mis î1101-STr-tN GRADE MitAit <NuiSO try eser iaeed a mre cete teed sit' ilramîsg la Him thraagis dealis(tel 13: AND i'tlLNtiSTOCXK uaction ihan thai prevolisa et te 1. 1: Phi]. 2: 6-11il ilei 12: 2. i- lîesesi ime. Ttc wastteficient use i III. Th, Poer il tise Cross. 21. 'Teé,îriptitc'ofs of lise ovailaisie sapplies s vil t 1. 2 RED tANGDON the terces of sacpeesent prodaction 1Il se sel aur lîceels aipansue osun Wiii ihi. solti hi'public soaelioai u 1raram," tepu Dr. FN. Maceelsaf'iise'. se siilosetem. btIf il cee1,litsnars.Lotl1,( Con. 1,Ecemose. lise Poltry Depacimen. GOnsio ise3are nultîinga sl sn rmpeelsun stuaidon Ns.21 Hsgiîw:tv ettise Agricatarai Calege. ' i s'ih lirisl iMat. 16: 241),lisen e Four Crners, aboutl4 iles N.E.sf "Conservatio afsapptlies, hutstal heep sac lises 5015 lite elernasî iuelho gsais and conenrates." the Deeloir Amnte mus isises Io serre Christ ]FRIDAY, MARtII thi avoiding lest throagt spiliage. crals. icade. Tise pts la glry le the cross' 31'rw 1 lîsî's.ssidu ml mieeand careiesuhcndisgaofleeds 'rîshissas tepatJess tradand itsîfî1Mîînîîî;12 (t'ttt'.tarcing liteir but eeding tage the maximm le. islthepheseryncePise muslread 2s:irait.élue itMaris. 7 <'aSt tasnsifrttmthelfeedlted." itlteys%%oualdteacrafritsnd rt.isewriliio al]ibtiaig andtdue nltfi[ "Il is a weii esahisted tarctlis il lise gises' tisaIcamnes tram(Cuati.île it'te heu.botNrîci Syîiiss La-i. a flck ivin beter hanavergeseattla elistemane end Calvary. o]i 1:hl697,rel hy W. P. liaitics' ad production iii ase tram 611 ta 75 p-c & ilsa r oButi m stallas' 1i ai-toe'rd alt'sO'te15 hi.rail cent. oetsh leed lac body maintes- %m riBuIlveolw lmt pd fos'Jiebgony nî oece. This reqairement camtes irai lIseemunane and Caieary nue', me demutndedis.sxot tPairadte.Puri,'hred and egg production dependsen ths hah gsîîm hlm ISata giocy iere' siesae liraîm se forlevas tht- A normal condition. Feel ap l e aler. , l ee.,tisese saitme craDtons Itetaîma îîiq sr théced ae e-îeess et misitenance req: i4em2eTir-.'2' nîied IHlstein isî'et'iîrs. Thtisîrti n quaattty and qualiiy. le tiliied isy 1'Rs :1.It is muts suterina, ta etes 'B lesti'desery yeaî. mush te bleds ta produce ette. If tise 1r and iyisg 1r talie w m ci 11wnoaet-iane. Ter'is: Cast. quniyor tlality isle saîlicient (2 Car. 5: 8; Piil. l! 23; 2 Coc. 1: IIiYS. 10 sery rhiaîe baron te ferantenncoy brdorniy e17 Rom. 8: 18. Net oniy mili t e Yans Same. (lae in Mer, anti Apc. bar meiteanreureentd te ore. el tisHlm ereettec. Il me serve Him Botter.hbtule aster and Srtit ussd lslarteiy astcd eted the fSekr om baltaelrtet'ore. the Feliser bCîcan Fale;temlig mcie is a ill o expese."Hiwsel ilbarrer te. te lb set Ala .sy Miliem iii aisebcsuid. A]ceaisahibecttabltond lest. Te bt e spsta e efnI e Sor- a nderlailisaougtstisat bise reet THE FAO.M At the semeiste. te "ie rens til a ryadimatul-ndCed stal barer as? Tise maya le amstead cnaiingl135 acres mr aegtablei n.bhmesppieantifatiici tise Febierwmlii tenue as are or lest, iii tie sîterel lue sale.,eah- vegetehie. A e hmesuppr le rg maniold and, far tise molt part, he- jeel la a recere bid. A modern whsisw nmiSoabbfett'lb.or les. e ue presen b campreismulion Jno. dmeiinghobse mss ecebein 193.8 usedwhee avilale.Alfafa ay,14 21, 24; 17: 22 23; 1 Jne. 3: 2; Co. titis al tirelaiai cqipmesi and clvrlaegrîsand peas. led alere,'.3: di. ce.istra. cie.. amoti alre or in tise leel mixtare, iii teip bise Up ta v. 27 bie gloriaas s el t troaatoal. Shotcipeiin suppy and pertaps eep is leulis baid ccapiel tise mini of Tise tare. 56 ty lI, ils bma 15e aistise prodaction ta e profitable Jets: nom tee a moment tisebhrerrs as taili ln 1937. and lse nc tIhe level." ofediticsitlb eaeeps avec Ris ceonseunua fine harns af Wellingoe Coanty. Tise "te oediticsgraine are aiseaAnd it mou]l tirrel ta lte lepîbe s gao i el e ceaîbdsalos. as eil ta short supply. positîy tecase oft mus atony (cf Malt. 26: 38Lahe maered by an arteelon mli anti the diticaiiescencaanicedinlemor- 22:'441t. Bat lisoagis bis dii net case sîring creeiso. Tiscre le aise a Rond logmwestern train Eat. Yoa cao HI aw aerene momentbfrontHI!, mod ota ittsaedmsedsanderedan. ielp this situation iy uing iocaliy parp ee bsepain etfibis iearb mlgitSTis te one ef tliseteleqlpyci grame graine bu tise maaimum." rompt Hlm ta ccp "Fatisce. ase Meerrms olterel t te public lor sonne "It s vry mpotan, nt oly a Iont ths hUr" H wil nt d 1 lime. Cal and lookIs l oser. Aise "î avryimaiai sc ny aOcm bsInde " emu etdol. came cnd insperi lîtese eoms esre conserve leel by aviîing saste n tedef e ihis very causte iai Hoe tsalc. lseîpieg aoutbisepreserit teel short- caetalaerII ii.2 -) 'em nlremd em î age. bat itlbs goal basiness an yauc Wiaba essoelr ies me ette imne et sele, or appyya le is emer. pari le developitg increasei efficleney issei- tam islGeiseraelliCa- reite.R.1Caiîs ls leedînt pactice. If yos are toisgary tebset îele ear pol!istebai aI Sale HINDLEY AND) ELLIOT'rr ta carry on ils s floch et laina m n,ýe"tiseprayer tisai ascenie Aucilneens isedin liensue a îlt properîy andIram Jeteas' lips le"Febiser. cieriftt B33-2 Phase Erns or Mlon rficienbiy talancei udhnIbie edltlbThy nCame!" Pc eehe nt is oms_________________ lenscrita a and lnsusfficient quat- lelivereece fteum atering ibut the îîy ta produce bie maximum resait. Fabiers giorli tioshtista means His crucfixion. Hase we. as?, tch a A suprame desire frGale glary ht A Near as our Phone CR51 MLE ee msis Hlme ta glarify Hîs ame, - biougis 11mb inslres cracifixion 1r NFE Pound toc poand, slim mrtkcocn- u ______ Creans Separators tains as mach prteis. a litie more curbeiylcate and as mach caiulm, TIIOSE JUImOR WOOD' pispisors, Ires, tise n vitamine an Electrirai Farm Equpment vitunele C as misole musk. Nutritione1 Klndiy piotetrapher: 'Nete ay At Your Door entisarities ai Otawa suagest, th(ee-litie marijut ieep eokisng at tise SEE tore. Ihat, teien tise budget vteen iirdle ln tise cage."se atreiris tawteisaîr m fote sesiole Msoerm Tel: "RUasissist tay attei Roy W. (oodwin famiiy ehirnemils peovîdesanasexcel-Ion te pour etpostare, local lengtis andi lent astd heaicistul subiute le part. ilghitng. or you'lîris your plate."I or Phone ACTON 4MG à TERED CROSSeo> tinued iseip and frlenduhip of the Red Cross. Isoiated fronter consmunities our mon and women back fronstbe need Outpot Hoital and nursing world batiefieids often tell how thse servce-their oniy medcal aid. Crip- Red Cross was tisere to id and coin- pied chilidren'5 isospitals must be fort them-oftentimes to save tiseir nantained and expanded. Mn lives. Now tise Red Cross asks cisose women and chisidren acrosa Canada who exended sucis solid support need thse Biood Transfusion Service during the war years, to iselp keep the tise Red Cross isas started to suppiy. a Red Cross strong la peace. wili you continue to tend your iselp Toduy sisere are ciousands of sirk and to sick and suffering isumanity? Tise disabled veerans who need the con- Red cross work is your work. K.E.MeAudio, Pu-eideit, laitten neh t,,d (retsSociety. Donations to be reeeived ut tgJ éaeadiausStak w Comese .cansd Bn fluai s'et ons ScU PAGE SIX Neyer touch a fallen Wire! Wind, snow and sieat brook cdown electrit wires sometimes in spite of every precaution. Shock or severe burna con resuit from touetssng saeh a wire. Nover touc a o tlion vire. Warn children flot ta go near fotben wires ... but do flot risk o demonstration by trying to move one out of the way. It con be fatalit Remember these three ttings if yo#u discover on electric wire on the groand or dangerously low: 1. Do flot toucis the wire under ony crumstanese. 2. Stoy on guard und keop everyaneaway until Nydro men arrive. 3. Hove your noarest Nydro ctiee notified at once. mu Everythina possibte la donc ta keep Hydra wiees sate lu vour com- contrat. When tisne thinCs ocear, Nydro anka your ca-operation in being carefut and in warning otisers. Dy doing so you may nove o ife.