Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Feb 1947, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN CHMPION PAGE1947 ---- FUETHER STUO F Robins ~I e on I I ~jHOSITALIZATION FOR aii end - ~ ~ I reture sQueonalce entfou thtae fol r~'e Mica Jaýne Cooper pent the vreeis SUNDAY MARCH 2nd 1947 corne fourty-foue organized groupa lnaopi end anus Mr and Mrs. Weis of TOrIl11.0 arn -Morning Service. the souniy tisai Halton farrn fok roc- Laws. tnte. 11.15 a.n-Junlor Sucday Scisool. ogcslae the need for aonme forn of Mrs. Douglas Fliken, Area Comcmis- aoc 12.15 pi.m.-Senlor Sunday Schoo. prepaeed Hopialization Services, lmer for Girl Guides ln iis outh- the so Mes. Eva Elniey ni Guelphsripent 0 r Eena achp nd are prepared t10 loin logther t 7.0to-vnlgWrhp ero partof Ontario anas presoent and bot s th ke ndlsler.any.s.BetVariety and Aiso ioae'fr srrove toward betier brats fer our sddressed the girls ni tbe Milton brevia Elsiey. ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lebe hIldon Friduy fiernoon, people. Gie pnNgtbliTusa atpet Mr rn oe pn iew - Moris 71h, i 3 aonis ni etthe Tise Hlton Cunty Federation of .uduOpnNgs sedlbwda o rl Me.eof FruM.n. NJonoLaess Agicutur lisehrefweeponorigwlen o large, enthusiastir audience er" homeol es. . EMr. oandnden'Agriultreaaeleereorevpisrigagthered ta se csarne ni thse work Just Geogetwjt e nM. Caln aî, Ai meeting i 2.30. o public meeting in Milton when M. dons by ibene girls. bn the cnurse ni preen ______________________A. C. avage, of Toronto will bing lier short addreca, che rnentioned thse btb Miss Ruths Walsh of Kichener vi- ST. PAUL'S UNITEDCHE CH furiher Information. need for leaders ln Guidlng and tise waa ied ai the home o! M. and Ms. P. (laraa.~e. edon W. pusa . At tim meeing, if peopesan dealce, need for a Brownle pack bere. pondie W. Conok e the aneek-end. MA, B.D. Ilaispespooed 1ta organize a Moton Sxgrswr noldb h rsec -Couniy Hospiiolizanion and Medical fnrs ere efolied e ie ACre-ase Frlends will bie sory to hiear tisai SUNDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1947 Heoltis Service. ConsnslaToer P.L. o betecfondiCPat- glass. Mes. Dr. R. . Anderaon in i11 ai lber 10.00 a.m--Ctsuecb Scisool. rpa ny. is err.L. o ie Dafndl adT- hean borne. We wish lber a peedy recov- 11.00 asm.-Hly Communion. -forai Bonnie Bee bouisiYoaneard t ery.7.0 p..-Eenig Wrshi. BRS RAS FAILY Cooper and Mary Diiiow. JanetIl- porew ______- Tiurs. Fei. 27 ai 8 pm.-Prepseatoey Anaaii etr oftenwlotP..fthTilunde M -swf Service ad Prayer meeting. sonan elr ftenwhu ..o b rilm de a-na Mon arch3 ai4.3 p.m-Misi ecan weed itter 2, 4-D la inis sel- ilyn F'ay and Noreen Anderson te tinsîn 'Women Better Mon.ars3n4.0pn.Mnos ectiviiy, or lis aiiiîy 10 kilt 00e er Ptrol. In tis eni of a gai 'ruesta. Morris. 4 ni 8.15 p.m. - 'rihc plant and ceave suber odjoinlng plants borsesisue, ail lise girls ln biste stoasi Drivers Than Men Evcsing Au'illury of tbe W.M.S. ussbrmed. Plants ai tise geusa tam- stiiily aitlise leri for tise isinglng titi bld is regutor rmeeing utliy -ansd tisese inctude aisl bar on of tise rolours for tise enrolment According ta a Professer trinstise tise borne oi Mes. George Horsq îey, wvireut, ond rye appear ta0lse ira- w bientrois: place beote lise table ai Insoilite ai Public Sniety. Pennsyl- on Cou5rt Street. Membees arc'.musse ta aimes ifrom, 2, 4-D sprays. the open purt of the so. viala, State Colege, wba resenti y vs- rquaes. i to' birng Afgban >rTis mallbes possible tise illissg of Aller o tai-dsnce isy Peggy Dye, ied Toeonto, *Wrnes, car divers ait _______squares. _______ weeds wicb are atturbed isy 2, 4-D inwho wac drenned in a green coin cos- « smio two delanite clasco&-goadorbd lawaslarbs pstures and in grain turne lsssng flibe o spritety woodland bai mess ail tise way tranor. The ~GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH croir, mithaut iniurissg the grass or J, erv dients, ere peeysni eti saitd profeuuer ls nt a prejudiced wo- Thce Re. GRAY EAEJNS Renota, grain. 2, 4-tD applars tobie flan- El iddlnsYvnean Clpsoan, Jarey ma dierbt aa iralero te SINDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1947 juiaous,1notiseranti. ean C.sn-Gocb. To obtain ibese sars tise P maie specie, and ie bas ail kindsof uiu atesai il teddetlat7%o l records to support is clalras. 8.00 a.m.-Hssly Communion, eegirs altended tai eai7n/ f i Tise Profeuser bod ascertained ti 00 .n- udySho.Joan Jobnnion played a piano colo ccrding ta inarance figures tisa 11.001aa. Hly Communion. IADVERTISEMENTI wiicb mas foitowed by a isiarisun 4 grealesi namber of severe accidensts 7.00 p.mn.-Evenissg Pesper. gane in anistei ail Guldes prearnni par- ia caused by mate mater veiicle div- Tuesdays--Confirmation Clans ai tise A GOSPEL ESSAGE TO YOU ticipated. As tbere mere more lison er. Womnen drivera were i aund ren- Reclsry, 7.20 p.m. fo asst f is slgstacis- iednesalays in Lent-Sertisse 8 pan. THE KINGi VISIT 40 girls tearing arounsi, laugiing and pansible frms ftesih ci-sbeleklng, ear mufin migisi bave bean cals sncb as pssbng la tenders and Ili s a lb interesi we rcad ai aur sonne protection 10 sensitive eaec. beodligis. He claianed tiat wben a MILTON King ansd bas taaily gaang ta Airica Two ofi tbe guides, Jean Anderson mano wrecbs a euelie relly doen a BAPTST CHIJRCH ansd wbst wasderi receptions lbey and Joan Giddinsf, in cotume, toppesi srnaaislssL guas job. No duabi Iis Patoc-G. DMDIAMON are getlissg and tise melcamne tbt iu ta Managua Nicsragua. Colege oticauls tnding aere baed In tise Frmeras Building extessded ta fileranfront tise igisofoci- Wbite foar ils, Joan Jssbnston, on United Stases mtorits--uiques- i -ais. ansithI l ofre ithe iRayal Fan- May C'oaeb. Janeti Elliali and Jaan taonably tbe saine milapp~ly 10 Cas- SIJNDAY, MAIOCH 2nd, 1947 ily su ta sîreud tire spiril ai loto and________________ adian car drivera. 1iioan.m.-ming Wnrsii. Mr. gaad-will amng tise Atracan peuple hI as dsnas'rcd tisai wanon net- Gen ichardson,, o tudent iromanasd the Englasia speaing peuple. EXTENSIVE ce ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - buctchmec c aiscre sil a us Too t 3uptist Ocmary lrasartelîelrtissmd AT T fN stacvuteisrrshrne.a anoe belit reire -ssi atugesrcmsad SAL gosi drivesrs as mes. Tise Proesser 1 il leNuntsayeru. aetbi ii uescesad A C N S L asuofthbeopinion lbat if awomaa lssacs'rycrecsslllesmalluasecllstha seccîses tise samne traininsgin tise' 4usas sm.-EsesngSrric.Mr. Jackblousdanugeras'llt,.stl to sur*asntisaiFARIIll, FARM SVWta, TKAt1T<)c lansdling o a car, sbc naît stock UP ct gl assy 11,,agstss atbeaI Eto1 aSET.FE, 1T sseli against assy man, ansd fta gs 1nataurdals. aI0 pianCaltassephaer e oansaaalaiaune.i'Na.effrit,fui lab, for thsegenccalstrnlticoand road i- meiga rneo r an-dsnîîgals'asealarass aurltusinaalao l f aii'anîsuIia Ci raaaaucliaslaaroat formnation tron. Ho nuggested tisai if' tics.Jasa ist sois'1.laîmus rairqit. S. Nc('IGcL(N_ u.nmessere timid onte radit hl Mihlton BRutiat Cisural ikies gacatiEre ifluo nhaiiss i'ussiiibc 1l., )andisul,t'Con .Naiasa1. ~ îs tbe ftuait aimess. anstly husasds. 1alsu.ureina aunsiasita bstise For-, alaeal s1.) irisis' IlIiand sstu, gîta .:asfi ns souralla , i, 5'îtilesisve5 andi clasanesltisati iuns quite coin- a saira', Quariteasil ugas be flmaisappyaaaîaaland i ra is'ii e fCassa5lel r ile uns mon ta bear oasiaman soy n 8ao, acs athese salarasi'l buisavegsasii A ai tiiIngasui it10 il shot,S nervaus mien I drive my iusband i tises llen 'asne'sa osas 1asoirtheiînarts ofailloîavaiae heasd eslcta itisera. "lelut lvetiO nl Aia.asasl cnuld jump oasthie aindos, but I nt- iafbs-m.Camne assai îey atli inn 2ours,trie aa ila' trainstiscn. Yes, hisgis UtilSES Malahesi Ican astfalunis icelisdeivlng inf' sagood." 1'tua. ansi loi. raisaid por. %alits eeisgreyll1ir nidîl.aîieluand ss'll s, nd wmendrivers gise mre As ALL ARE WELCOME iertatas and frteedsbiîa. Wby? tlid Icte. ressho tise Penn. Stase Caitogo diressine And Ye fshait Enoa tise Trais and tise imageleater, due fiase ai sale; Brandit' states, ai leasitframt o maman ana.Trahli s fat Mal eu Free-Jaa8:32 "rbnreis rasotier Rang, sase Jeî- Cow, due lame ai sale; 1 lied Coan. gela a signal ta indiçate samnetiis.as"At.17: 17). 'Wirb in His tira- due Mar. 20; t Roon Heier. due Mac. going ta bappen, alibougis when it THE C HURCH 0F CHRIST u'îesa so woi b bse 20; t Hereford Cuw, due Apr. 1; dos; imayihave lite tado witb tise OMAGIS andi anlypoptentate. the ing o!1lJersey Cswdeh.tusc Sub i o igni, bit 10Ran an Lod sî Lrds ~ ~-~~ a Con' due Apr 20; t Blacks Houer, due sga.Si sasignal hc aKn n od fLrs i'1.6 n May. The abote arc a gond, dual- more lisa con ho saisi for tiseaverage SCNLIAY, MARCH 2nd, 1947 i5s. He viitesi the aarisi. Dis I lurpute bord. maie driver. Taking ap tise boutle on Sores eaiIL .sm. ansi 7.30 p.r. aaony preparations fore Mss con- FAT CA'VILE ami YOUING CAT- the aide of tbe aomen, tise Professer p.m. ng? No. for tbey nover ashesi lime t0 TLE 13 cbaire ft a Cle. 700-10000 pais iban bistriute 'ahenynaget uosisyEvelngBaiie iud ai cane, neliber desiresi is prenence. lbts.; 1-2 pe. aid Heiiee; 7 last upesef pai gtoiemoman river, heyouet uesilyin-Bbe tuy Uc8M.,erame la Mis swn" ansi ahat aas Caltes. agi ca mndivr." uverl Corne Nom ansi et Us Rasman TO- tbe receptian? Tbey niat iseir raid SHEEP- il chaice Danses Horns il somehlng."getiser Sais Jehsvah-Iuaia1: 18. heaaînsi Hian Hoîn many open- Ewcn witb lambs. Tise Pcofesse made a suggestion _________________PIttS-8 fat Hoga. about 200 Rtb; aisois PENECOTALcdi heir homaes ta Hsm in Hîs grief Il Shoats. about 150 lib.; 10 Shosîs. tisaiImpeessosi as and one tibet hud P2TCgA HOLINESS ansi anarinrus? Tisaeeell ftran Hi, about 100 bis.; 8 Pigs, t weeiss nid; hoe put lto effeci ln Dnlario ansi Can- CHURCH fissthe piintise lament an He walcb- 1 Yorksie Sw; 1 Baae. ada as samisle. He alaird tisai aone XV. IL WOOD, Pler esitise birdc up 1t0 ibele nosansi tise HARNES Iset Breeeiing isarn- wyto incecase afet oslise croiardnla Dder of Services tases sneak ta ibeir sens. Na ing esinew'i1setisank bansi Hamnesu; taestiessilng besycansi gila dclv- IHoisi in I..O.F. Haill) rissaiisui ennon Ossal- G aR an FhRED10 aes. pr ing misie tisey are atiendlag Coleg- evrbogtsc esg fgo- GANadFE-0 u.pr liste or High Scisol. Tiis a a spîrs- SUNDAY, MARCH 2nd. 1947 mili ta His people as Me sud. Me tbld Erban Gain. nîranesi for serd.fronn ni love suspassing ail humant love, a lsi price Halas Seesi Foie, 1945; 50 sd ideal Tisere ace couresclnstise 10.00 a.m.-Sunay Scissai. Hravenly Faibeen lave, af Hic bags Ratadin Pototoos fron ceeu!f- Unitedl fioles micis proside for eigisi 01.00 a.a.-Moenissg Wortsip. yearsîng overetise sînful ansioi men. led soed; 8 fi. Ensilage; 12 fi. Silo; hois beinsi tise mieel, wmus a total 7.00 p. .Evangoiistic. Me. LaIs'Hinvisil mas ao ieef ose. Me mac quantity crons lie cois. of 32 issuesinth ie mater vehisclo. aby. misslonaey ta *ite leper rioeu Mspot. iTmsag ,Cse UMETeaio-o eisse erly Il bas been fond tiai yosgses re- otony in China iii treacis tofl i ot.Hamsag .Cs rco nrbei ceing ibin training la tise Unied Wed.. 8 p.. W.M.S. belli ln the mas rerectesi. Tbe marsao! love andi nom, taily eqaippesi; 1 tnt. Double States mere involvesi le foec raccisi- homne ai Mms.Jamirson. tendegrace fouaino place 1inlise Dise, lt-ploie; 1ilanl. 3-ction upring cl.Thurs. Fris. 27-Great Home Mis- bern of tise masses. The iigiscile iaotb Horroans; 1-3 farroan John Oee enfle.Plow ns excellent condition; 1-2 fue- icceecu la a.l~~~5Bceon ise san Raliy in Toma Mal, Mlton ailishe lansi despisesi Hian ansitise inanenirom Case Plow, an rubier, goosi as Motr veisieeacdet reo se8pm. 1la hioleignorance fromnesi upea Hlm. nom; 1 sCase 10" Homnmer Milt. nean. Inetiele n Otaro, ndunlecs ane Spc-mlspeaker: Roc. R. L. Ren. of' ThsKing mc ceomnedsitmil thoeasc, IMPLEMENTS -1-17 isolis spriîc cocearGion la taisentasimlasate Evungelitie Centre, Toronto. snJusily acculiesi, Innlioi, hetos, oslb Caltiesisse, nese; 1 MMH. 7 fi. greaier rare ansi cammas senaetaon EVERYBODY WELCOME - mocsesi, spt spon and ceasifiesi spon rat Bindereln gondi condition; 1 bt. th atof tise persan bebins tise aRasn cras. t fi. cl Mamer;1 M.H. Hay Robe; mheei, saris accidens are bouasi ta in- CHRISTIAN BROADC S a Message canlinnei nen meerS. 1SpeH.a Sel M. seing tous utin crosse. Tise Ontaro Depariment bas -pedr ..srn ot utv heense n getr aeyon te SNAMR 2d 97Jacks Mauntoin star: t M.H. 2-rom Corn Clivator; gin gesseranft> ih SNDAZ.MARU ssd 1471 MMH. 1-dise Serd Drill; t et Sloop blghmays for saneimte, bt tOn CIPJM - 1000 an radio dlal Sligbs; 2 uets Diamonsi Mreown;1 many mtorisia bave Ignores tise 830 a an -Tearber Roc Carence ruisher laresi Wagon, nen; 1tflit aiMy plean Perbopa tise findings o!lise U. Reén.Rack; 1 Prestos Fertilioce foe M.M. S. roessr il shmemae mte- 1.0 am.ThePepl's huIh PRINCES Drill, nom; 1 Grss S eeder br M. istsinto iamproving ibeir de vng Dil e; ..Lrn tlt cf qualifications ansi to pcdico geaere T U V AT E ier, e, aii; MHNo 9 CreatSnirento- ssfetp ahen in central oof amatr - IEA T R . or; Corn Marker: Stewart Cliîsîsng vebîle. ~ pMcie er i am. no; 1 pmer Km- Fr1 ris 29 Sol, poweI r ; PissaSaoe; 2 owe ur - Fri.,Feb.28; at.,M sels'; oint0SFredag; 2 ogs Br-i Maehol Tissmson GergeTo- Saels; 3IFes WBag1- on;I laTese HEREDITARY DEAFNESS bisas Driii and 1001 attier articles tounsi on "GALLANT BESS" a mli equippesi farcir. -' i EXTRA-I W. C. Woods' Mling Thraugbout is wirbssg fie a(ehnclr Machine. 2 anits. 1 p. id. les, mot- teachor ni the deaf, AlesanderGa ato-HnPke b-o th5uipmp55f.-jie binmBell gave mach iisought oa teCaion"oPeieiMi- nmib1nutsl;5 5aip notional onsequencen ni bqd hansling os ansi Fitinssa. ai hedol-at poiirn bc BllP. Rmitb 'Playing by Es " THE FARM -Aiseo-iuthIesai of te daf-uteproient Whn Bll ewslimandsiplace iberemwill be oftered hogan. is mrk. aany thoogisi tisai _ _SReial No. 8--'Tbe Plsontom 120 vlade fiîlon,50saiceaout deot peope cousi n evere nuanunicate,10tatrclivtoblnpbs ia normai manser mitb tieir tniloar andi Pasturer; modern ailaiesl haro men.Chidre wh coud nt larnMONDAT ansiTOESIIAT 56x86t mus ater iowil ans i huer te tlk, eeaue tey culd et harcorsre; cernent sila 12x.30; nrm blen iotikecssoboyaudnsisac.,..,3iC. - Ircueflanne lies Marrisons insansdrieshed and oihcrout mre sent ta instituiosnwben they s' "ANNA & KING 0F SIAM" bililngs. G ansi ta bo usse of 7 mre about imelve, te ieorss the its nT rrr Star Piture tasoo w ils fcm 'sot. Thsis faim la language, sibat ibey cul cs on- in05an ecepinally ine ilote af cul- manicate-itb ollier deni mtes. "M. M.areis Teojan Horse" ivatin aduil-standth lsenst Anaeeaitratmleiaetasal winspetion. Ample mtor sapply by Asmunarldenn utymib ietradat GY DNO2 wisusaid o sisgerceb, ail nnwly commnictedonl wit oter eafIsydas caliîipci. If yoare ioobîsg mues and selected their matesfinm 150 0 RF,-i.and Set,Marh 7and 8 fe icgondoaai'selhîsuone.'Terns peope witb tbe saine offliction, Tise Davisi Bruce Cirtos CldmeIli ut cci essuie made bssawa on day ot number af cangeniinity deat eilis- a"UIEsEalU" e.BSo Casr ctsaudya men poduced by suris maringe v A mPmusUI SES UI teRSo hteschondyf slorminss. Bell Wrote a pamphlet es srysale ics aao ha slasmi muenies tista sdraf vrirty ai tise "BLUE MONTANA SKIES" icOCo is e i rs afen bumo rac monbein tarnrdansi * -apr riRder o Rn" inga othie seron. Dont miss t auss i ha uemu ol eavie es 1pliocttensi esciy. Roth stock iait] onlrbya tesmin eafcasiildben taoisiesi NmSea o.imhePaton pleansvin escellent conditions. tais ans i lp-rrod. Tise fartthlatibis 1oLunphcineesbmlii Se uhamn i sort. danger bansIeen areoy averird lu In t*g arit evoning. L. MeMilian, Ciecis. part due ta tise mariso! Aleander _________OFFICE___ A. LINN, Aurlîsaseer, Brhm el.EPlsone 485,GClati Groison Boit oa tried iSoeFirakrt Clama SeS- ag lents beo re Mcc, Bruce Mac- ,R.N., tise audience enjoyed s oag. Nervourneca preveated the froan dalng their Seat maris Se- an audience an tiseze tenta mil ta be toison again. ietightfulci cndielilghtlng playiet id tise cosmpfire by tise Second iny mascentresi arosicd tise tels 'S Tison wmusail Guides ceatesi md tise fiee, they sang a fean of ssgcs ibep leorsesiet aide Camp sunsar. triassisc, lnas aise- ,ad flomeresi costume, lnac py dance to the 'Olsi Lampligisi- t betore Tnps, Mes. Robinson ms 'nies itu a gîf i anS ilomersby iCampantes ansi a potiesi plani giron to Mcc. FIches. Bath roc- ld by rsaisng isole flomees toarul nieher wmus smiling facesa s one are raicesi ln peoposlng c e Guides are ail mucis encc-r S ibo tenterant toiso n latisonsby ena ansi frbensis, sose of mhiscn for the fleci urne came of tise ign girls leara ai Guide Meetings. MILTON TAXI (Oippnnic Hoiel Kenncdy) PHONE 360 'rompt - Service - Courteous Ail passengees incuresi A Heaur Service- Mit.. ont lý MARINE BAND The World's Standard for Mouth Organs and British mode Quality JEWS HARPS are now in inited eupply at IR. HABRIS MAIN STREET MILTON, ONT. "Where the Bus Stops" ANNUAL MEETING of the MILTON BRANCH Canadian Red CrossSoit wII baheld Wednesday, March 5th AT 8 O'CLOCK IN THE LEGION HALL PORTRAITURE CHILD STUDIES WEDDIWGS COMMERCIAL Bcbng in yocir films - 24 iour serybe EVESINOS RT APPOINTDEN-T MAIN SERETMILTON Milton Hardware OFFERIS YOU A COMPLETE UINE 0F BABY CHICK SUPPLIES BROODERS Oit - Eleetrir -- Coal JAR FONTS WATER FONTS FEED H-OPPERS DISINFECTANTS eTARRED SHEETING PAPER BROODER STOVE PIPES BROODER THERMOMETEES PHONE 43 Mlt on Hospital (Private) VISITING MOURS 2.30 p.m. la 4.00 p.m. '700 pm. ta 8.30 pan, (Na Chilsrea under 12) RATES IN ADVANCE Semi-Private 8.0 Privale - - .8 PHONE 216 - MILTON A Complte Eye SERVICE At C. GRIMWOOD, Jeweller (ACROSS PROM THE CHAMPION OFFICE) MAIN STREE MILTON PHONE 113 Every Thurac Cali at above addrmuwe phone fer an appobntiamt MMtWOnAV VV-UPTTAPV UWh 1ÇJ47 «J THE CANADIAN CHAMPION

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