PAGE FOUR NEWS of the DISTRICT] Variooms Items Concernlng Coansunitles Nearby Where Many of Our Readers are Interested (IATCITI :E Metakers oth0e Dabville Boy Scout, Girl Guide, Watt Cuk ccd Srowaie iraapc with iheir prctated«d a special service la E.nas Ckýhurch an Sscdsy aiternoan in conneea m ilS Boy Scout-Girl Guide meek. One of the latet estahllnkmect. te TEIURSDAY. FE Attention t Loror Aiehisoooai iheir biaare ,' 0 iicorn-. icts ttr 'Di aîoA IA. IN'iE 35N'TlESý ec Manancd ChuclStreet. 1i hs1jdo-cmun At hehom o Nl., 1Vý ,iold1,a vi,1. li i, .jtaiaitirr-c'l il'iit.'.ll<iiigitoeiîcm Icnom on Wedccoýdoya>fi'iiog lure %%aslolid ;,t J' ut11-'. .1 0.'i',ttao 1,33 liere i.iiii~t'Il,,,, i .ilaii""o. a sociil eo.cigi.iiofilidadbii.tth i, iiir ae A vl co rnfl.'rri nfv ofteuiv. TeIiliilt fte th,,eleu.,iacîcueAiilOiiiiiie, ,'i ct ceolcathe ii.ietatinltas..iot lt tin.'i ie oitiloff ,adilluchailti, il- 111.i l iu.iladIodise ta PMiss Hlcc Hamli Se the adile.. fhn rlrn aë etti i hefolt l--,(k- )tP- St. Jtorph'c Chor'1. M ioahiomll i i î.ll.;aîî.. Or, Iii e,nt aioit !', 11. tin ,iota.,11i- r..,,','t, caetise birde ofMichaltaci aoMillnIlluc tro ftchrhadte sokp o i vr uls at Solocdsy-Ere Preos. h lil i isoli tii trne ssol i'rnt- l,.ît inîlins .. uiri>-a t,,1201 legres' 1______%__ piicihiaevd acu. readod r itove'rrlgaei wmnu.Th ocs os.Ili,ilii.i,.,hise isisoc ming 1tiiatilaî'oldîotak is minuteso In B URLINGTON huss 'ticsoand cart s ih the -lacceicit s oioaut uVier îîaaîtirs fa lPocnd s'sod S ville endlng acg a suc- 'If oival. Lat Wedneaday nigit sos Bas- lilcontr- ioui g 0th7 prcn iness Mnc NicisI at Masonc idge, uis.he ohiilc iOng tise m et NWimeTIFT('SOI s.hen a smhrofMaocs of thisbaIle oietdInhemnie profssin wokedthe egres. . C oreShali ind il rusy la heep him ta A ytisetic ac- of casp sisichis proecla woisd isedecrc. n.,. iad. good as tise eai thicg" la ta ke pro- Virtae s'as ic tise masters chir. duced Sp an Ecgish f 1cm la Mac- Oc Thamsdap rvecing 0001 tise îv- Tise Wscld Day ai Prayer service rchester. Tise formola, perfected bkp mnile seitisali teamo whieh competed wa0 s eld in tise United Cburch berrrM.Fae osan idsteal sn tieschedsied serties ducîcg the onFiduy, Februp y2t citi Mcc. on d ftlcocmmantiy ased La the ma- past esson, were lendeced a baquet Achisî King ic charge. Tise printed u facture of soap. Stringent tests lIse tautb cczîuai aSfair) n tise progras'as tallawed. came ire s'a-baepodthtisneprdtc Lions Club haiI hy tise Boys ad mec taing part ln leodlng tise haeacu10 etap ortnwpron c Girlscommitter o tise Lions' Club. eading. NexI ear the service clisîralIso13 gfnrMosp cd.ot laf On Stsrdap eveico. February 22 Se held la tise Anglica CSrch and 5 qicil s reoer o ak séd tcinn. l at .30, s discussian groap af Ballon M . Fmd Aincworth cas oppoited a________________of ____________ Junior broadcat over CHMÉ, HPamt- Key Womac Mc. Russel King is lte TBOK KEDIoD !ttn. Thase taicg part cere Ma- cetarp. At long 03.30 Dependale rf ton Glbraith, Zimmermann Margaret Tise tisre cisches ai tise Unted tram te Itekiag, Burnlng Irritaton und John Bird, Georgetown; CedrcsCisorcis charge here have brtd thelr af ECZEMA, PSORLASOS. LEC Ul- Harrop, Mittnan d Eissod Jahntcn. ancoal meetingc ccd hcve coîrd i-CES MOR IDAH TW Acton. crases cnkolA kibesipad gv FOOT, and many ther ritati -- glv: orders. DEWSB5JRYS C Paul Cbids 1l Pice Street, trac- lafs for the pat pear. At tise Harn- ZEMA REMEDY ta an ait purpoee lared ic eg whie scigis idigonas SpCharris. Mr. Staley Learmont muanONTMENT that na home nkould Se Water Street iast ceek. Tihep s'as made an eider acd M. Gear Snclar cithaut. Get a 3cr o DEWSBUFsY'S OINTMENT ai Yaur DRUCCIST ta- rougit home Sp n kind celgihui snd Mr. Lloyd May cere made ste'- dcyCethtia qulck. Comfotieg re- Mc. Gach, who reneived a phone ard. At Bethe] Mr. Ale. ncm ilef pas long for. Yeu5 mut he sM- cli as his mther crac awap atrice wac made an eider to take the placOi latl ra moaey retsnded. If 10tla time ofthtie accident. Be wsctiscoothtie lte M. John F. Fard. On OINTMENT pou eeed ASIC FM1 Ishen ta the hospital Sp tise dotai Sandap, Feh. 23 at east the people DEWSBURYS a pour DRUGGOST. and hic mother, for an X-rap, ccd of ticoof our churches cece cnowed lise ieg piaced cn a cast.-Gazette. cn and no services cece heid. KILBRIDE LOWVILLE T'ise service for tise Wold O.p of -STRAW BERRY Prcuter was observe on Frldap t Tise A.Y.P.A. f St. Georgecs Chucch PR rm W TH lis me ofMcc.. R. MnDocaîd. heM tieir meeting attise home ofut. PR FISteT There cece 12 ladiecslreceat. The and Mrs. H. Richurdsona on Tuesdsp meeting s'as led Sp tise W.M.S. vice- eveicg, Frisruorp 25th Mr. Brock preident Mc. E. Hetierngton. Harrs itrodaced the gaect speGerR Those tahlcg prt ere: M. and Mc. and Mc. E. M. Reudisecd, crho IG M. Catwrcight, Mr. D.Smiths Mrc. F. guve Oc iteretlcg taiS on their trip * Iperienen is presing Dovis, Mc. . Haciottir Mccs. M. ta Britiis Columbia. Scspcsotc of $ oait psthegeocrcrmii Howrard, Mrs. W. Bllard. Mrs. E. Iheir trip wree hos'c docog suncb. (0 fccd aracrierries weuh Mcrtisor, Mcs. G. Pegg and Mcc, h WrdsDa fPayrwi Vigere Commercial' Mr.C.Puda sn n sfecie served Sp tise ladiec cf St. Georgea rmr.Inrcsdild ,f C. Fheetnitsang an etteinîvee.Un- eantp maîaritp, tsuî ave, colo s'itis Mca H. R. McDocsid as dts Uîe hcce ais n nd excellentlhprn orcompunit. At tise coe cf tise ted Cisorci ocFidap aftrrnmon l. qoaîiîp are a tc5cvo the # service the reglor msntuly meeticg Mc. Hrry Richsardson and Mcc, adanaîgcs mucp geecers ai use W.M.S s'oc ieid. Ater tise Burdge lCcisy mece ic charge of tise aeaîicî eVgr business period ther vice - preident m ing. A sois mac enderedhpy Commercial G r rs, guve u moctinîteresticg taiS tram a Mr.BueMrah hwdrs These ure ud cantagestknt y; cispter la tise Stodp Book. Tise cli .gicec Sp Rer. . M. Crter.: 1ap cil EXTRA profit. raili cocscscreed bSpaverse contaiO lule Mootsic tnioc -Womecc tn- i nnsdguîc' icg the 'oî'd tolas'. stîllte isld thici moctily meeticg on ~-- Oc Tuesdap eveniag a miscelan- Wedcr.daysteroo otiusts'eeksat vos hos'er s'as Sld in the Comn- tise home ci M r. E. M. Readheud. maitp Hall in ioaor of tise nelp Tise presidet, Mc. Wm. Home prcc- sceos, M. acd Mc. Aina Cosisoa. idrd. Mc. Bruce wscoloiast. Theý Macp useisi ccd ovip gittos'eeguat cpeakerc toc tise meeting crac îrcrved Sp tise happy couple. Muaic Mcr G. Frack Thompcoc of Miltoc.,-ub4. tacrtise dance cao fureished Sp Mr%. LOohcis sr'ved andacsocialioc heur Steitis Miar, Keth Milar, Lorraine pect.tua Brooc5c ccd Jack Coulter, Hugli Tise Farm Forum held s escisce and Marris s'as fiser manager M. Fred dance cn Limetoce Scisol on Mon - Davi cao master f ceremoniet. dop rveicg. Theise -1rincers at Thecrecent cold pl cuthis t higis corda wece iodles, Mc. George Rend- wlcdtsand drifttng scos' sas nt ic- Sbod and, Mrs. Maurce Resdhecdl cmed in this ditrIt Sp the majoitp and Trboc. Pattecoon. Musc was 00- f citizeca. ulird Sp lise Powrell ochiestra. n mucyplpaces tise scos' piied sp -______ ns hisgis nc6 teet. Farmcrc are inding li bard woeh Wiethec voa drive, croi o rride a ta e-open thielctantec, 0asthe sooas isiycie, ose ourtecp, niecineson-I bacha are sa bard acd sooid. cammoa seace caution. A PODCT0F SWIFT sring Compcny, akneiy orgaaied Ic CAMPBELLVILLE' ZIIM RMAN inta. The eampany wlmii che adders ti rhildce's turniture and tops. iai Nirs RýC. enzis ws hstes ta Mr.and rs.Norpremises are in tise aid Mariait aad i the M.. fr th Feruay met- Mcitad Mis Nyomun Hetltering- A morong taoerypbuilding on For-I. Il, .M. ia hieFeboors cîri-taiaodiiegîiviisardovn; Mr. Yth ,031eet, s-brr mch.oarîy l co ing hed on Fiday 2it. Brgicioai and MrsoDorsioWatsoncandtamily sbinguosetahird. Theic misc Iwo actonS. the president, Mc. T. of Neson and Mios Ptricia Bennet piop abouti Oteen peopleeetth3e tact. MePhail opeard tise meeting with OaiofBUrlilntton visied Sucdsy with Members cf tise Oskicite Fire Bri- m chot pacta. Me. James ficyntan read Mr. und Mrs. S. Bennett. gade und of Traalgar Tawnskip Fire the Scipture esoan, which s'as tai- Mc. W. C. Bridgman apent the Brigades No. 1 ced Na. 2, ietd iheir lowed witk praper by tise president. week-end la Paiermo siih M. R. A. second annuaelibacqaet ai tise Pig and Tisera wac a short business period, Smiths. Whisiie Ian, wet of Brante, on afttihics tise prayer fromta the Giad Thes ympatisy othtie commoitp 10 Thorcday eveiag, wec tisey enter- Tidiags wac read Sp Ms. M. Bood. extecded 30 Mr. Wiiaim Boyes ln tise talard memiseris o a Oilie tOWo and Tise rall rau s'as accweced Sp TProp- oa aif is i ie, also 30 M. Wliird Trafalgar townsahi proacrcilo, the OaS- er" for tise test word. Tise atiericg (Ieeclesoic the tocsof oislu tier, ille Wafer and Ligt Commissionî, wsdedirateti Sp Mc. A. T More. h ..fedtermnhyme-adteOkil iies ad At 2.311 lie service toc ther Worid TieWAled lirmaiime-od3eOicieCtîec ad Day of Prayer iegan. Tise leudecrsig t the ihome of Mr. ccd Mca. s. ecord-Siar. ai ece Mc. T. MrPisaii. Mc. Jackson, Frenchs of Buliogion. Tise pridect, G O G T W Mc. Wm. Maison and Mro. Mencica, Mcc. A. Patterson îîceclded. Tise pro- otisero taiing part wccc Mc. McPhe go oiice ioradc pMc lico. Alact, Mr. E. D. Mlooc Mis LGowaciod, a solo isy Mc. F. Hadlep,-- iPialadMc ed Mc.,.<.acotrot ie4 isy Mc. . Campbsell. Ficc. hlirved rîîoord Sp deirclîce Maisoosang aaveryappcaiiiatesolo Mrs. J. H. Galbrcaiths viitrd lier riilidil'oldribhledamagîe t *Sweet Hoor ai Pcayeil " Some, doogiter. Mc. Wm. McKay in S.Hotr'sInn100 t Satocday. t_ iiecds oece preeci fromt Si. Johns Cathaieaand croi' arrivedl twica Tise Ontocio Provinciol Police ar- Angicanuc Ciacc nod ait eclord a Du% id acd Diane on Sunday. n005'is charge ai maintoîcing si c,., socicl cap oiteraerced h> ix o tise Mica Marion lialbisiiisa Hmltniid orîler ic Geoortowns. Tise "Pra- iadeulie ec -ccaitis Mc.Hamitndv iniiela' s'îth î iadioters la the, lais pent tewe-n Ot r n -Id TowncHaou, oiiicially took 0v-r Mcc. J. H. Galbsraith,. on Mocday. l 1wtise arrivai of Clii.I AC7FON 4Mc.s.J.i.dH.albrcaih isitcd Tuesdup .,îJonClars, wco i vli bSeln charge aif svitisMM, and Mc. A. Smiths, Paierma. lise lisee-mns detarisiect Sire j The egu'r metingof Ato av ing torondcand weotisecthece M. FintKommeceie,aofHummer-j The ega'n M meetîccet Act- anca ac cci seorvce in c 31Unted iraI, Nocsoy. i.. pndicg a ira. oeeisc Coscri anMadaycvein' m0 4ischison Sucdsp. ic Georgetownc oltis isaroncle, Mr.j isiet oae. Wiiis Rreve McCutciseac Wr are asoccy 30 leaco Mc. C. Tî'i.ce and Mcc. Wold. M. Kota-j 0aialthtie Cancili-' peect, Mr. EDridgmac o on ties icis îlt. meneje, la tise 26-peo-oid on o h Haese ai tise Wutme Hoacîcg gaie Mc.acd hico Abert Hanter ai- talcn ecineer, in Nocs'ayc corthera- detiLsofottise obigiation and ogre-- 3r dcd tise fanerai o M. Henry moott os'n. Hammerfest. Hioac avti j ment ofthtie mucicipAlityift tise r.Fioliirlit (Georgetownc ot iveri. Ouais 1-y'ai'-ouibottîrc, an activej Sauces iele pravîded. Compirir co' 1 ic and Mc. F. RogecrsifHomil-1 memiser of tie NoiiiicgiaUsder- iraaofthseagreementswece iacnisrd. toc viitiiSdîaîlaitis M. ond Mrigroacd cnrsitiog tic Ilermats phs of thllie bisca -d- il- C. Rogersc duig thirilccputiioiiofNrci'lI.c j A motio as poaser!syConciau- MPI, M. Cida(Iteic il oader the 'tie ushorioi-t Pcaacoatimnc hptisej thiorici te reeecand ciiiisto sig 1aeiisi.ic'arand weisopr ifor aî;rmac'acmvMr. Kommrcie .oS an ogreement aiti tise WotimeaI,erd.% cc reaii.oilug partin re-esaiiisihig tb Hosiog Io eect iîly booses in c A- is'atta.elOaicooiii.v A ve'y happy rvnt oiotucia aaiilia tiiirc" s i ieoiilian îci1iooej raroicg. Febrhcoy 1iPlvsstheîr2511, I-ORNBY cut.,i lc,îiî 4.- "STARLIGHT" t.hîck Starter ta tmade f romn a carefully prrpared formula to amnure cigorous growlh and trong healthy birds. Cet your chieka early. ansd for a btter clarti fed Iheet frenh "*STARLI(Hr' CHICK STARTER Place your ordor now for Pett Mosa while the supply is adequate MWILTON MILLING CO. Phone 50 Limited Milton Ont. COUNTY OF HALTON 1947 -LOCAL COURTS CAISNAR - 1947 l - o Sitn a of Sting _aj ,, . M. y J Seý3 . - 3 eot own - la n c e s 4 Acshin Tu dae 4 6'mtR.lntcn - - ed.yde- s 7 Att Diii.c Cours ODenc . o a..Sandarod Time !2iensand Addrse. ofnIClect-,, B.K.ight. Oftun o2 J-1;- Chaahtas.j C-nty Cuut u i ... 1,e.ionl Moa,iorJ, s cc.01 . 5. M sd , A,.li.fC t .îJo ith-tdCocJury , ,nla, Th An,,'y:Oony îîi.A î; Mt dt.,,lî h Julîn TucdaY ' 755 liee. ay Ordta W. L. DICKL, Milton CirSof the Peace Old Company Lehigh OLGA POCAHONTAS - COKE CAVALIER STOKER FOR FREEDOM PROM WORVY INSTAL A Livingstone Stoker OB A LIVINGSTONE OIL BLAN.ER INSTALLED AND SERVICE» PIONEER FEEDS CEMENT - LIME Re S, ADAMS Phono 48 . . . . . . Nlghta 16 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION ro the subscribera HALTON TELEPHONE CO.. Each subscriber of the Halton Telephone Co. whose ac- ount cs fot in arrears on March 3Ist wilI receive credit on ho April1 billing for the time service was disrupted due to the ie siorse of December 28th. HLO EEIOJ O DANCE This Saturday Night ,«"4 d IN THE TOWN HALIa MILTON -TO THE - DANCING 9-12 - ADMISSON aoc Our Annual Clearance Sale IS STILL ON Tlwre are still maîîv Outstaîodîng Values 'vailable NORRINGTONS CONFECTIONERY LUNCHES GIFT SHOP P>HONE i1i MILTON 4 6 s 7 6 0 3 rs gBRnUAîY 27t5. lad? Classfed .Ad& sihd..nnt aOndonai. he dve, tIIc3SCthO-idi eOOaOerg aMns1 per wr adIton for aehd I FOR SALE - Vagoord seed nets. Appîy W. J. Mork, Miton FOR SALE-Ceotar posts. Appiy Reg. Twioc, Phone 27irl3. FOR SALE - Potatoes for sale. Apply Wm. Bousetîeld, Phone 284r4. FOR SALE - Childa Buggy $5.00 Appiy Mro. C. Bruzier, Robert Street. FOR SALE- 12 Plige, 6 wko. old. Apply Gordon Thompson, Phone 385r4l . FOR SALE - 1 Coumbia cabinet gramophone and records, aise Ok hall rack . Appip, Ait. Barton, Milton. JONES' GREENHOUSES - Cut Dattodis, tulips, naps, cioerarins ccd mixed pan. We deliver. Phone 257J. FOR SALE-Tarced felt, roui, eie.c- trie and 010i booders. ciichen feed- ers, waterers and waier ieaiers. Me- Kim Broc. Hardware. Miton. FOR SALE -Nomiser of range hooces aicioci cn a iso two colonty b ouses. Appiy Wuiisl'er Pooitry Faim, Phone 284r5. FOÎiR SALE-Mocurch roui brooder touve, 500 chicS cize w0, neyer un- pucked $1300. Appiy Ross Hurbottie ilibride, Phone Miltono 380r2. FOR SALE-Coctesi Rouler Canar- les fer saie. Both icgecc acd heun. Aul in prime condition and reauons- ahiy priced. Mcc. C. A. Eisiey, Br., Cumpbetiviiie, Oct. 33-6B JONES' GREENIOOUSES Coi fiowerso0f al l indo. pot plas*% funerai and wedding work done. W. deiver. St PHONE 2673 WANTED WANTED- Veircran and Roglish bride ,coaid lise houoe or opariment îmmrdioteiy. Apply F. . Cuiiahaa, Comphrilville. WANrED - Part time soiromon for mlarg orordicair iir Ioooroccr Comp- tanyIoi o.,ad ervcier Acton acd dis- Iii-. Apiîiy Box i. Champion. WANTED- A barnoîiîth good tramne ut ieaot itrflong for.cebisoding. SIaI 'r. i egth of aftrrc, etc. Aîîiy rs on Rogers. RR. 2, Bramp- Lire Pouiiry oacted. Highet prlces puid. Ccii RUSSELL INGLIS Teiephoce Milton 234r4 6-30 R. R. 1, Camphellfla Dead Bornes and Catte g0orfe pick up. Phone Miton 210. We pay phone charges. GORDON a'OUNG, LTD. 35-52 Phane AD. 3636, Toroato. WANTED- Tenders for painting exiecior of United Church parontage wiii he rereiced untii March 5. Low- rot or a tender noi neeessarily ai- repted. Apply Cecit A. Wood, secret- ary tewcards Board. HELP WANTED - Women, girls lover 16)ad mec wanted for pieklng isooma. Hoars 8 te 5. Transport- tion fromt Milton copplird if cecen- cary. Appip L. E. Kein, Gienspey Farmo Ltd. Phane Milton 154r22. 38-2 LOBT LOST- Haad truck, red witis ruhher wheeis, vicinitp af Palermo and Horchy. Reward i Tom Renrys IGan Station. MISCELLANHOUS WOIY SIJFFEI tise agany of Ehaus- aile Pain, Selatica, Lumbago, weaa Rurmaraps wiii gire you quiek wel- mome relief. Piltetts Drug Store. (IL) (JONTKAOT WOEK Centracts taken gor Soytng and gi- ing manare, gravel, stone, f111 l tractai mark. ELMER CLAIM R. R. 6, MilIs BUSH LOT FOR SALE BY TENDER Ie the mattere otthe Ealate of Robert Joyce, lttie af the Township of En- queslng, ta the Countp o Italien, Farner. deeaed. For the purpoce of the Administrat- ion ci the ubove Eciate, the isader- sigard Adminisrairic herebp ofgees for cle, bp tender, the oiiowing lands and premisen: il) Hardo.ood huch lot, cotalcing 100 arrea. heing the cons creci hnit of Loi No. 14, cn the 2nd Con., Town- ship of Rcqoesicg, County of Haiton. 12) Farmrcontiniing23 acres,hbelng thot purt of the orcterty part of the rosi huit of Lot No. 6. la the 3rd Con., Towncship of Roqoeiag. County of Hstton, iylng on the ment sîde ai the Cocadion Nstiocal Rallwup, on whirh cs ererird o bacc, winidmil acd hec- 5oucr. Au] the tond ic woriochle. There io a good wcii on t5e place, and the hydro passes. This property in iocstedohot 3 milec icom 3h% Toma of Mlton. Au] tenders must Se la wrtting ccd must be detivered te T. A. Hoichin- toc, Borclaler, Milton, Otario, on or hetore t5e 2005 dsp of Masrh. 1947. The highect or acy tecder wcil net crrrcouriiy Se arrepted. For toriher porticlriro, appip 0 e hacdercigced. Mary M. Joyce, Admnitratrix R. R. 5, Milton. Daird ai Miloc. Ililo 103h day of Ferry, 1947. . 28-2